HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-01, Page 8t" SAMPLE • • MANTIFES Far Less Man Makers Prices Once more we have been successful in closing a deal for the sample Mantles of one of the best makers. eing able to buy in two store lotsUas the only thing that made it possible to do it, for Mere were more gar- ments by far than any single store outside the large cities could handle. Elver), garment was made for this sea - Jon's trade, and is right in style, perfect in fit, and mace from good materials. 'There are over 200 in the . lot, and corning in on toe of the regular stock, makes mere Mantles on hand Man we couldpossibty sell unless pricerinducements are extraordinary. We bought 1111115, them kV enough to put this kind otprice on them, and cret77- commencing Saturday, November 3rd We put them on sale:marked at figures that should saw,- bring everAmantle buyer within reach of this store to theisale.1 For: easy buying welarill di'bide the bulk of themlinto two lots, and sive you your choice of any of these nett' coats for $4,90 or $7.50, etereeeeevereeereeeeleveeekeeeee.."..revalei..ee Ladies' Mantles at $4. wevoiereWeee' Ladies.' New Cloth Jackets, mostly tweeds and 'plain cloths, g and full length, in shades of grey and fawn, with or without • velvetcollar. the popular loose back style, garments that if bought in the regular way would sell from $7.50 to $9. , Choice , of this lot, commencing Saterday morningfor. $4.50 • . Sample Mantles at $7.50 Some very handsome gartnents in this lot, fancy check tweeds, nicely trimmed, also a few plain cloths, nearly all the popular loose back styles. just a .few serni-fitting among them. Coats that were made to sell at $9 t�$13 and would have to sell at this price if bought in the regular way. Choice of thelet commenc- ing Saturday for 57.50 We neverisolcl Mantles as good for so. little money, and couldn't do it now if we. hadn't bought theta away below the regular price... • . Every Coat a Sample Every Coatla Bargain A SKIKT Two months agowe planned a,Skirt Sale • for the:beginning 'of November. or last of Onto:- ber. Last week the Skirts came in so we put them on sale with the Coats. There is a clear saving of $1 to $1.50 on every garment All are tailor made by one of the best Makers in the country. Most of them made from good quality fancy tweeds. The hamg`and the fit are faultless? and you will have no fault to find with work– . manship or material. If you want a Coat or Skirt for winter wear, ycu are not likely to get another chance as good . • Skirts at 275 Skirts made from gool quality .fa,ney tweeds, nine shades of grey, also plain navy blue all wool homesputie betli of • them splendid styles, and garments that will stand any Annan t of rough wear. Worth at lest 03.75, for • this special Skirt Sale our price 52-75 , •• Skirts at 3.45 Half a dozen differeut designs in this lot, all feney tweeds. .. in greys, blues, etc, Styles that are perfectly good for fall and whiter wear. • The Skirts are nicely trimmed with strappings, buttons and pleating. We could t3ot'Pefl them for a cent less than $4.60 at the least if we had bought them"' in the regular way. For this sale there are 80 err 40 be sell at your choice ....... - ...... ,....... 53.45 Skirts at 3.90 Them- Skirts are made from good quality all woo/ black cheviot, tut in a good style, trimmed with buttons and pleating. They are worth every cent of $5.00. For the Sale you take your choice of this lot $3..90 • Stack Say 'Skirts 100 The hestleleck Sateen Skirt we have been able to find to sell for a Dnlhu 11111 is here to -day. It is made fromgood 'quality heavy sateen with rich lustrous finish. It is em very full, nicely trimmed with flounoes, extra at . . 1,4 .. * . o'**** *LOW •.• r- lioNton Nows-Record Nove*uber ist, 1904 AIiseautiftil Picture ENTITLED " GRACE " May be seen at our otore. It le given with the Weekly Mail and Empire. If you let ue have your order now to commence et once and end .Ianuary 1st, 1908, All for One Dollar, 'We 14 months subscription It's a good weekly paper It's a fine picture It's a low rate—$1.00 • esereekee W. D. Fair Oct Often the Cheapest, Always the Best Agents Parker's Dye Works, —We Issue Express Orders. -e eissuiressailniere Near ls Miss, Nettie Beacom was the guest of Wingham friends frOin Saturday un- til Monday. Mr.. Lang, 'ledger keeper in. the Soy, ereign Bank, was takee ill this Week and lett yesterday for his home in Newtonville. Miss Ida Cornish bas been re-engaged to teach' in. S. S. Ni. 1, Hullett for ,1907 at a Salary Of 5500, an inecease of pearly $200 ever Iter •'present year's :Wavy, • Rev, W. D. Magee :will fill the pul- • pit of the .Wingh.am baptist dearth. Jiet Sunday. The people'o Wing ham will find Mr. Magee to be a . good preacher an a courteoue gen- .. tlernarne • • - • • Bengali ()beaver :-Roy Bell, the • standby of the Clinton News -Record; • paid the, Observer a flying 'visit on Thursday. Roy is a printer of gre- at promise. He spent Thanksgiving. ' with hie uncle, Albeit :, Dr, McRae; assistant to Dr. " Gunn; is inChicago taking special work at the hospitals and :will be away kW weeks, He is accompeniecity Dr.• Wilson...of...Atwood who on his retarti Will take the preetic‘ of Dr. 1301terian . of Znrioli. Mrs e John Conlees,•fortnerly of • East WawanoSh, who spent the past ewe year* with .her . 'son and daughter in. Vancouver B. C., is visiting, fri- • ..ende in town and district. She purposes spending the winter with her sister in Guelph: • • Rev. Father Hanlon returned on Sat- urday evening from .London where .he had been alteerAngethe : funeral of his: brother,. the late Thomas Hanlon. . T,he. 13mo:ow friends • are • extended- sympathy to 'gis eeverefiie. because al his bereavement. . Mr.: and Mrs. Heavy Joyner end their ' little daughter af Southern Texas came home to DA -terve" golifigi wedding 01 his (Parents. etre Joy- ner is, a • railroader ,and las....Ally teri days lease of absence eo his visit must perforce be brief. Mr. W. J. Blackstone, Airincipal of the Hamlet Public school, Stratford, Occupiedthe pulpit of Wesley eletecli oa Sunday a. m. and evening i an easy :talker, and his : subject well in- hand and gave a practical discourse at each of tete eervices.:, Misses Mini and Claxa,• unier. have. • goneto Clinton where they nave takee positions in the Jackson Clothing .Manufacturing factory. We wish them a pleasant eta,. The former was a teacher in the Metlia- dist Sabbath school and a, member of the church ehoir.--Biussale Post. Rev. W. J. Jolliffe filled ••the pulpit of Waterlob, street Methietist church Stratford, On. Senday last. . the tevereect g 611 irqn e n is a etrartger the London Confeeence, htit his Ire- • ne:tett:on •from, his rfievious, field eit Teterboro, having preceded: hire, th- ere iseirequ,ently a request for his services Irani the churches, ea other • towns." Mr. Clearlie I'f:toyer, • who fee • several • months has' been rePeeseeting Hod- • gene 'Bees. tailoring department in the Weet; hiU return,ed. Ile has 107 ' eigned the position to go into- re- • tail hUSiheS1A at Wetaski win, Al- berta.. With his' knowledge of the tree° and his genial namtner, Char- lie ought Ito, as no dr:iubt will,•eue- °ee• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T, Cluff of Tor- • onto, whose Wedeing took place in that city on Wednesday of last week, have returned home after en - ending the honeymoon es the guest of their cousin, ;Wee Nettie Beacotn of tovve, and friends in Wingha,m and Gocterich. The groom 15 a eun of Mr, Thompson nen, a foriner, regoot or Clinton, Me. William Draper of Goderiehr was in town, TuesilitY aral, asecenpatied by Mr. Thos. Jackson r., eves* • Ioohing • ,about the district fot farm to buy. Mr. Draper was ' for tnatty years a resident of but he retiree' from the farm and • his son went to Toronto, 'Cho lat- ter has now got all he wants of city life and will return to fartri- leg as goon as hia lather can -pre - eerie a suitable place. t'4000110,440 •4to,ilbrAtreilo, Alleglerrileelilieetheettelirievelltellyellivetelleoweeelle Cold 'W ea ther Ready.With Evtry Cold Weather Want*, eeeeesie4gegeeweevereee~ge-e*.lier-entelleelleelteWlbeste,ileelb• •'1•'lle41*,4001~Itellbelevegh•eo,IveeftkAgeeee-se 44*-14-lie...404,4100wAregiorio00/1 IF This store is ready for Old weather requirements for men, women and child- ren and our prices are right too, We buy our -Underwear, Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves and Furs direct from the Manufacturers for cash, and pass them over, our .counters to you at a fair profit. No marking some lines op to what they are worth; every article is marked with a liveable profit on what it cost. The proof of the pudding is in - the eating; come and, see our tigoods and prices. Puritan, Penman's Turnbull's Stanfield's Underweor for Women and Children • Our stock of fhe above celebrated ma,k4s of Underwear is now complete in every detail. Puritan underwear .troM 25e up to $1,00, Penman's, :Women's sizes $1.25, Children's 65c up. Turnbull's, Women's 50c up, Child– drea's 20c up. Stanfield's unshrinkable, Women'ssizes 75c up to $1.25, Hosiery Values • Never Better. Our stock of plain a id ribb- • ed Hose was never more com- plete than now, and our value cant be beat at 25c, 35c, 40c, • 50c and 60c. Woollen Mitts and Cloves. This season we placed an order for .50 dozen Woollen Ghves and Mitts from- the largest manufacturer in Canada, in order to have the best value at 25c on the maiket. They are here now in black, white, grey, brow,, red, sizes 6, 6i, 7, 7i, 8,.at 25c pair. Saturday • Special • . • : • Ten. . dozen- Boys'' Heavy .. Worsted Black Hose, all sizes, regular 252 and 35c values, Saturday 18c. ••• . . •Fur Jackets, • Ruffs and Stoles Never before have we shown a more complete range of Fur 'Jack- ets, Fur huffs and Stoles, in Mink, Sable, Isabella Fox, Stone Martin, • etc ,-than this year.: If you are. contemplating a fur purchase this . season it will pay you well to see our range •-• • 0.....moommirlik • • • Conunander Spain's investigation of the loss of the steamer. Princese In Lake Winnipeg impels 'him to caned thio nuance:to •of Moe Josepn A. 0111 COATS at Newcombe's The WoMen'S Coats yon find at this store are the new-. est.in style and the best fin- ished coats to be found. -We ate not boasting when we say • no Ready,to Wear Department • in Huron County can show a • larger range of .,..zife44 Idadies' FAH and • Winter[Coats, ••firAzg Dress Skirts, •'and Silk Waist's than is shown by this store. As for values, all we ask you to do is to compare prices with ., any other store. For this week we have opened sev- eral styles in Winter Coats of which. we only have one or two of a kind. • Ladies' New Winter Coats made from medium and light grey tweeds, a number of pretty stylds, 40 to 48 inches long, venetian yoke, lined„ perfect fitting garments at $8.75, $10 and $12 • Ladies' New Winter Coats made from fine qual- ity wool tweeth.4, plain and plaid effects, beautifully tailored, stylish loose fitting garments, the very new- est American styles at $13.50, $15, $16.50 to $25 The newest Black Coats in English beaver and Xersey cloth will be found here in several pretty styles, and no better values, to be had at PO, $i3.50 $16,50'and $18 RaIncOatS Agaht--Again we say 'Bain- coats--tnore styles to".•,clionse from than most stores the size of ours. We have, dozens of different styles in full length, three quarter and seven eights, at prices ten per nentcheaper than any other store in these parts, prices $5,. $6.30, $750 and $10 each. • is is a God DRESS GOODS Store • Besides being a good store for, Women's Tt, to -wear GarmeUts, this. is also a we store -for .Dress ' Goods. Our stock being 0i1 new•wg-are.in a position to show you the very latest'weay.6.8 in Diessoods of all kinds. • • . Broadcloths are selling -Well and we can giye you every wanted color in navy, brown, black, green, eardinal, etc., at 85c, $1.25 and.$1.50 Grey Tweeds are selling well, more new patterns opened to -day at 50c. 60c, 83c and $1 yard Tartan Dress Goods and Silks. • Plaid • Dress , Goods are having quite a run both in Canada and the United States We have Dress Goods aad Plaid • Taffeta Silk to match in several of the prettiest colors. Special price 75c Newcombe's IS EQUAL IN STYLE T • 0 Anything to tie found in the Cities at double the price we • Atilt. We hale been told this • Many times hy people who Know so there is no need to go • To the cities when you wait A Stylish Hat. More new Shapes in again this week— In fact all through the season • We are opening new styles at Popular prices. • Underwear.--Turnbuirs Unshrinkable Un- derwear will be found in this store in great variety. All kinds in rine Alt Wool, and Union, in women's and children's stzes, prices 20e to $1,50 garment!' 04 CLINTON', 4