HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-01, Page 59 • 1 • 146Y6tabori1st, 1906 Canton Newa-iter;Ord THE 14.014SONS INK incorporated by Act of Patlieenant 1.85,67- gapitd Paid Up Woe° 11 ve Fad $St000,oe VOA:Mere Sale Netters Cardied OV 0011044 Malta on ail pee WS in the DoMinfols, Great Britetilt, 'United Statell and all Foreign, Oountriee bought end sold at beet retes. Memo; Plade to Farmers, Stock Dealer* end Basineee Men at loweet ea,tea 9.0 04 .frieSt 'Worship tetMe, SAVINGSBANK DEPARTMENT-Depoeit's of $1 anti up-. wards receiVed, Interest altovred at high* current rate from date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and added to prinelpal June 80th and`DeCeMber Met, 0, E. DOWDING, , Momper, CLINTON Real Estate Foie Sale WARM- Fon SAIX ON 7TE CON* IIOUSE FOR SAI4E--THE SEVEN -Stanley ,tewnehap•, containing i15 . apees. * mile from. scheol, e mile . from Preeby,terian and, Methodist ogiutlehest and, Peatoffice, 7 miles; ex= " " .HM0.11 ,and 4 miles from, liappea sstation, There ere on the preetteee three barns, 64x40, 70x28,, 50x28) ull in good repair. Comfortable log gtud frame house. 22 Ores le fall FARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF wheat. All fenced, 140 a,cres, Well of lot 7, South Boundoxy, and Wet runderdeained and the rernainiugr 75 : 0 . acres drained by 'township • ditch halt ot lot 8, come 4, Stanley, con- sisting et .102 acres 8 acres bosh, ning. through. Never failing well the remainder seeded down except- • :o.t, Vie hueWith a new 13rantford ing 30 acres. The pla e is well !m- inim:1.pin mill, a.lsoi a never foiling s oed• and drained, and‘ watered by pring back on the farm. 1* acres spring creek. Frame \ barn. This good bearine orelaed. This fano is 4 a firet-claes state Gulteration farm is situated on. the Town Line, n of two miles west of Kippen station. , and is situe,ted its one of the best rain growing sections inthpro' 'Apply on the premises or addliess Will be vg: e Jarnes 0. Parsons, Kippen., Ont. 32 wince. isold cheap awl on ' tetme to stilt the puechaser. For ,----, 'Adore:Brien 'apply cen the roomed. house now" oreopied Jan- es Livermore is offered. for sale. Glood steep *eller, all Finds. of. sea - WI fruit, hard and soft weter. VOW bet m:40 Cheap. Apply - James Livermore.. • - • , . 46 premises ox address' George Cole- pAnn. von SALE OR yo RENT. - man, Hillsgreen P.. 0. 4't Lot 13, con. 16, Gedericb township, consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres cleared, balance • bush. Good barn -FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, 00N. and comfortable house, Well wale 1, Stanley; containing 100 acres, 10 seed by two good running streams. 1•aores of bush, theremainder is well * mile from sahool and 1. ni1efrom loured, underdrained and in a good pestofilde: Will be sold on easy istate ,ot cultivation. 1 acre et or- terms, -Apply to T.' T. 1VierPhY, chard and small .fruit On the pre- 0Iin:tosi. • 35 ' 11, mises is a two story brick ,house with 'slate roof.; a, firstsclass farm house, a barn, size, • 40 es 80 with stone stabling, a cement silo 1430, good driving . house, pig Ten and hen house'. Two never -fail - dug wells. This term is situated 3 ;miles frorri Brumfield, 5 from Clia- *ton and on wod gravel road. Ap- ply on lbw premises or address Albert Nott, 'Olieton P. ‘0. 02 FARMS FOR SALE --ONE AND A quarter miles from ehtirelf, poet- office,sehoofl, and tb,e village of Aeburn. Suitable; for „ grain .. or grass. Lot 27; on the.** on.' West Wawandsh consisting . of 100acres of land, 15 acres Under bush and the beam= 'nearly . i'''.briek house, a •drivin FA EM FOR S , 30 AND part 31, con. 5, Eullett, consistin.g of 117 aores. 15 acres geed hard- wood bush, balance under cultiva- tion. Goed. brick house and frame O barns, Wet watered and fenced. Bearing orchard. a miles from store, pestollice, church and' school. Will be sold oft easy terms as the undersigned intends• going West.- O R J. 1V1iller. Clinton P. 0, 14 TEA MEETING AND BA.ZA A.R.- The Ledioei Aid Society of Wesley church purposes hoiding Supper iu the town hall, ot-.4 the evening. of Thursday, Nov. 1,5th. Ilot supper will be served from 5 to p. Admission 25 cents. eu. intone ting program will be rendered, oonsist- ing elusive' and literary eelect- lots, recitations, ete., chair to be taken at 8 p. we A sale of uselul and fancy articles will be held. in the aeries the afternoon; of the same day. further . • ••• HOI1SE FOR SALE - LARGE . . frame bourse Welliegton street, aileron, • lately occupied by ;F. C. Alleoelt. 7 rooms and pantry, wood- ---sireil;-.goett. stone, hard tarn 2icso,.. . • seft water, Ss. ate ofe land. A: • ()use e4e36 with . a Cement I . lendid chance for -e-perpon wanting Louse underneath, are on Sat a good bouse. Aeply to Mrs. Chid- ' po 'ises. 'Algol lot 28, East • ley or to Mrs.,. Alicock. • 89 'Wewanosh, 2nd con„ directly oppos- • ite said lot .27, containing 100 acres • • .431 land, 15 acres of whit% .are 'bush. • On this lot there is a bank barn 40x60. There •are 4 acres of good 'hearing orchard on the two farms. °Both lots are well fenced and •derdrained. A never failing spring tens across bot1 farms- , P°sP•gssim'•'one-cellar, earn 361(M with cement ' 4 scan be giv,en once. Tenni ths'i, hasoment Jasy terms...ea -J. • As The propricitor Is now past the age . eteese,s • . • , 40 to farmeistspPly. to. Thomas Nide- ' • • . • olson, Auburn P. 0. Ptomp,t reply will be even to all comenunion,t- . • ions.FOE-S,ALE--F:RAME HOUSE AND • • . • lot be Princess street. 11 rooms, herd eand soft Water. Good stable. O Will be sold cheap and on easy O terms. Alm 4 hives of bees and a nunrber hee Dun- . ban. • 36 NOTIOEe-PRIZE WINNERS IsT the Bayfield Sbow may °Maio 'their Prize •reoney he calling at the S% - 'office atm Nov. 2ml, 1906. *--George E. Greenslade,' Secretary , S. Agr•ieultural qoe,iaty: AUCTION SALE OF ,05 HEAD OF cattle, The understgned will sell by public auction at Graherees Stock 'Yards, Clinton, on Thursday, Nov. 13th, thefollowirog Sleek ; 25 steers rising 3 years, average 1100 Bee 1,0 heifers rising 3 years, 4 owe epringers, 4 fat cows, 15 st- eers rising 2 years, 15. heifers ris- ing 2 years, 1 heavy deaft eelding rising 2 years, 1 heaVy draft Ally rising 2 yeare. Terms? 11 months credit on approved joirt notee or 5 per cent. per annum tor A, Smith, Owner and Auctioneer. GIRLS WANTED,. -To' offER AV.] Icnnting reaehines. We have posit - lone for a few srria,rt girls, exper- ience not necessary. Beginners oaid at the rate of 500 per 10 -hour day while learning and put on piece work as soon, as they can earn more. Good operators can earn , $1.50 per ,day. Apply by letteror personally if possible to The Clint- on Knitting Co, Ltd.. • FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- eigneee offers for sale part •of lot 40 on 'the • Bayeeld Road, '1. mile south of Clinton, consisting' of 20 acres. Good frame house with et- WANTED -GOOD RELIABLE LADY to take Orders for our tailor-made coatunate and skirts, Write quickly. Dominion Garment Co., Guelph, Ont. 0 0 46-3* WANTED -CARETAKER FOR SUM,. . mer home in Beyfteld. References required. -Box 440, Bayfield, 0Qat 1 Iklartptica. DouaL.As—sminiiit4—At sxussels,' on October 24th by Rev. A, O. Wisbart, Andrew Douglaa. of Tura - berry townehip to Fame, finale - est detugleter of Mr. Robert 6Lane- ple Brueeels. FOR SALE -A LARGE COOKING Tango coal or wood. Also a.' New O Williams sewing maehine. -- Mrs. O John A. Carter, on D. A. Veriest- er's Fare. • 46* DOMESTIC WANTED WO GEN- eral house work. -Mrs. W. J. Toe- s. . 45 • THE • . . • BERLIN* 41 BUSINESS COLLEGn • . 4 f FARM TO RENT --4.07 15, CON -13, Hellett, 150 acres, lakeen, as the Kelly lathe -Apply. to W. Brydone, Clinton. 0 0 42 • Inas is ijomin No doubt you are already 'think- . ing about it. Oar New Fruits and Peels are in. Theyare beautiful stock. We have stilllefteenueareat 'Snaps in Glassware With priees at the cost of manufacture. :See our win*/ en Saturday Nov. 8rd and you will he sure to buy "THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY" A. D. Beaton, cuNT0N. Thone 111. • Prompt Delleety. Xitohen kCabinets . The Spanish military contingent for 1907 has been fixed it euro hundred thousand men. • APPLES ,WANTED -UNTIL ' NOV.. .10th tire undersigtied Will pa Y ; 20 'cents 0per bag. _foe:geed. paring ap- ; 'Pits delivered: ...,at Clifton or • Sea, forth ev.aporatore.-Town, & 1:see,45 RENT -:THE STORE LATELY O occupied by Mr, Harry Bartliffe.- O W. W. Ferran. 044 DR. OVENS , L0ND0l,0 SPECIAL- . ist of the eye, ear nose and throat will pay his next visit' to Clinton, professionally on; Thtirsday, Sept. 61311, whet. he may be consulted at Holmes' drug store. . kcourt. KITCHEN CABINETS ARE are the gresteet '1'6a -saving fil- tration of t� 2fith century. They ; Make kitchen Work a pleasure. tPeiceer $6.00, $6,50, $11,00. $14.00 Ilieh Back Chairs 40e, 50et 60e. 75e •Erctetesion Tables $5.00, $8.50, $8. $10 arge Stock Low Prices E. ..7tellew 11.L.Y.111 Lieut. Kottovaloff, a Russian, artill. 00 OOtY efficer, Ms boot sentenced to lye itnprieonment et Nod labor •: for havittg bombs iti his poseessioo, se, - Glasses that Fit. • W. succeed beams* Our &Asset give pert. ect sleet. Th� frame sett, cam. o tin b IP. alteb, etre tooniegg throvigh the Bemire of the lens* the, vnsele becoming to this Weever. 44 re A. 3. GRIGG salloiltidd 'Envois* amid Oestiolate CLINICI)N. ONT, How Tobacco la Grown in Elligx County To The News -Record. WALTON-SMITLI-At the Salvation Army .:Baretecke, Winghate, ,on October 24th, by Lieut.404 $11- arp, Lemard Walton to- Stella : Smith, both of Wiegliem. ELIJOTT-KILGOUReeAt Salford, oe Oetobex ,1 -7th, by the Rev. J. R. MeArther, Sinepsoe T. Elliott O to Ile Kilour, both .01 'enter- soll. The groom ie a. ereper of the Editor of the Wingliare Times and is also a former resident - .Births. KENNEDT.--tIe •Clineou on October .290, to Mr. and. 1'4rs. N ;Arnett Kennedy, a daughter. LANE--Itt, Port Arthur on October , to Mr. end Mrs, Ernest Lane ;Nee Miss Matti() Watson . Blythe 0,* sea. Seefottle n. Oetobee 25, toe Mr, awl Mrs. Noble .01411, • *ft • SOU. ' MOFFATT-In. Brussels, ta Oetoher 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Woe 'att, a son. MITNN-Ie Grey, one October • 21st, to Idee. and Mrs .• Robert' Mettle a sett. - RANKIN-In Witeghereo ou*.eseeber 20th, to Mrs, and Mrs.. George Ra- nkin, a daughter. - FREEMAN -le Goderieh on October • • - 1,8th„ to -1)r. and Mre, "'Freeman, 'a, sou. O Wiite for cata.' logue of the school that places more stud- . eats in positions than any i O simila1. school in Western Ontario. All graduates get. poeitions, Enter at any time. N,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,%1%,,,%11N,,,,.., ..0110 fea e Mr. Etnieer 3. otround down eh* way, "I:evee coiuoty Way," a short time age, and 3. beheld so many' things got oi the ordioary that I Concluded the ouly way to tell everybody about it,was through The News -Record. It Is not a splendid habit, tome say, to tell all the community the news, but 1 S4hiMY ehow id iato that meaanindedr tr'rliteedlite, if you have anything good to say, Q l: any useful informe,tieu to impart, -"spit it alit." The:people grow ettift here in all manner ot ways end raise a great veriety of produee and crop from the tiny mustard seed to a mortgage. -13y tho way, mortgage's are a bed crop now, yew few in the county. I intend in this lettet te deal with Ow :tobacco culture end then something else next tram. Revs. Crossley and Ember were here last winter and they dealt with the, to- bacco queetion in a, differeut way. They did a fine work down here, al» O though they were not adverse to flog- ering tobacco money, but that is not the question in Mud. Some think it is not right to •gro.w tobecee. Yts a terrer what some conseieneee en- dure joet the same. A decent man, persenally am aequainted with, told Me upon two, different occasions', 4104 he was not really easy ,in...4;etiecience about it, Was it right to grew and while he la wrestling with the problem, ho is busytaking eff a eve acre crop juSt to while away the doubts, But it is remarkable how Hews go; and what mei will bear for a good roll Of •V's. Ehlt whet has this •to, do with tebaceo culture? WeUit has eenside4ble to do with course, 1 w4l.1 enye haett a good word, Wok up ether medicine but Partin* c'iiitulircce aiussloti:efikr:tuptilYtilogOrinmituoilbawz celict fori-P-reefoiuomeln, 0.)5,0 i.t tcau ra--y trithidoi I and it aceorapiished all You told me in your firet Otter that Patella would ether you want to gib*" It oi! no, . magetimeiefia winidoe, Bouto 4 esti," an,d it has. I "1 am seventy-three years old and can and if so, go° in and if you cannot make a fat hank account, 0 them I am murk- mistaken,. By the way, wbile ease think' of it, when, I came hero fon the. first time 1 was foolish en - by a certain gcnifeinan who made by a ' 'Certain gentlemen who.. Made such a swift run againstII; 'Felber last e1eot1oit 3. did not See the 'tare - co pfuggihgoitt / will try and get at the sebjeet itt land eine() more, I Mild the mod diffieult part •of eny- thing• is getting started, it is the same *dee getting up, ins thee l.Prnt eve' Weli , as 3. waeetaying, there are several things t.ta take into con - Sideration, 'first the lead, thee the seed, then the ita,ndlib.g.Now .f or : the land -The best soil is sandy laird, or gravely land or light loarn-etobacte doe& not seem to d6 well on heavy land. Then in s'aecting seed you have a dozen varieties to select bore, nam-, ely, Burleigh, Seed -leaf, a oneral- Grant, Kerm1eley-13roadleaf, Zimmer 'Spaniel,' etc.. According to ttst • all these kinds wi1I grow as far mirth as IIu.ron county, end if Properly lean. died will'do well, except the flurleigh and it being of o finer textere and requiring a long season to Mat- ure, of course does better. in: tile sou- Deaths. surrn-411 Octellet • • . John Smith, Aged 78 years. . MILLER -Tec Gederich . township ,on October 30th, • Oathatine Cole, le- lict 'of the late James, Miller of Clinton aged 82 • years. 4 HA.NNON1!)--in on, October . 201h, Richard Haiinottes, aged 15 years, adopted son of elt, Scales of the th, con. • STREETS -In Clinton on 0C:usher. ' .26t1, the infant daughter . of ,Mr, • and Mrs... Calvin Streets, ..'aged 6 25th; . Annie McIver, -Wife. 01 Den - mouths. . , • • . MePHAIL-In Goderiche or. Oeteher • add, aged- 6'.5 years, • . FULFORD-In Godetioh on October .. pad,' . Robert Fulford, , aged .. 70 . years and '5 months. WeLENNAN-L.In oderieh on 4.1,1(.1,fier • •23rd, Finlay McLennats; Aged 77 • years end. 3 months. BREWER -In Brussels, ea • Oeteber 22nd; 'Naomi -May •eife • ef .11e. Brewers eged..31 yeas, 5 Months 26 daye.. • FOYe-InNew York, on SeP Writer • , 14th, Catherine,. ,eldeet datightee • of Mr.. and Mes. J. J. Foy, :and neje& . of. Mrs, ..D. Marsh; ,.1etey A•RMSTF(ON„G-In Winglare, on: Oct- ' • township. • . • • .oher 20th„ .Rieliarti, Armstrong, in • his .62nd year. • • CANAVAN,111.- Seiforth on 'October the In the ounties of Esseg., 18,th, Ann Oanasian, relict, of: the Kent this year's crop will he. 'folly • anu late, John CalaVatt, aged.•77 years, HODGSON-In Egmonclville, on Oct,. seem millions of • pounds.' In Queber, ober 21st, , ys yeara and 11 GeoVgn.uzinthe. e Hodgson, olged tobacco also grown and sirange to ,say,- the deniand . is • good sales .' active. After sieleeting theeseeilevhiell: is. of a brown ebbe and as fine as . . ,poWcier, you, beds ° covo A UOTION SALE OF • LIVE STOOK ered with gleowass or faCpry le hottton fog • at tot 22, concession 4, Hnllett, • Tuesday, Nov. Oth, 1906, the follow- Protect it and also .to hasten its go- ing eiTe stock: Pair matched geldings wth-when it cornet up thick i t hes 7 years Old; pair Percheron fillies 3 tife appearance Of -eehbage hI1 1. re . • years old, supposed tobe. in hal; quiees. More care than.: Cabbage, not , • .Pacilig mare 1.2.yi..ars old, supposed • too Mech. sue,' not .too retteh 1Seat or • .gelding.1 year old:. filly one year. old; • .sired• by Kaplan; pacing stallion 2 to be in. foal to Kaplan; sUckingeoit ec.)(1. until grewn• Va. .: size i :or cabbage when yeti Set It oaf. The . years old sired by Kaplan 2.081. dans, sold'oliethocl 'VMS, get down year • Black Fly 2 28;' pacing mare . 4 years' knees , andplant like, cabbage, viz-.; se old. can voila buggy in. 100 with tar each "way buten tobaeM •the die; arnh ne itchssnd ' cotes suppesedtited.beggy: be in. calf,' 1 11- tande • ie abot 21 feet 'aparts • • now e.8,rubber. • • fat coW; 4 steers.rising Sleets old; 2 they have planting niaChine eo'cose:' .. • steers. 'rising 2 years Old; 4Yeerling • strupted ' as to 'plant all tWo• Ineh eee • • eteere;4yearling heifers; heifer rising set out in a day. The naaehine 2' years old; grade' bull 2 years -old; 12 drawn. .by -a team, on the leip °Vet one o'clock sharp. Terms: .$10 and the, axle • is a • barrel • ef water. --the ' 12 spring calves. Sales ceiernences at under cash; over that•12 months &Iva, -sits, before • the barrel while . approved joint. notes; 4 per cent for . L'''- men sit behind 'the •borrelwith a • dash on credit amounts:. jamee Rey- basket of "iela.,nts Supra their:leteee: As • nolde, .proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- the team Proc&id the machine inakes a. trench iflto which. tbe men stick a plant .and as seers • ae the plant touches the earth .an ounce tWo ******************** • of •water is 'ejected into • the , teeth . * , • • • • .whereethe plant is, at;,• the same. time • * • . NOW OPEN . • * • the machine covers Wei roots of •tlfe plant. So you see you plant, waist, Pali Term in the • .* - and corer, as fast as the team g -„es the result of this invention 'le .a. lag- s * CENTRAL -- BUSINES$ * ger •ecerage 'with . less work, • I do not A • coLLECW; ,see whythe machiee. could not ee used to plant .ettything needing set- ting • out. Theo as to. the care sof tobacco while igrowieg-It. reveres hoeing, then after it gets it • certain height the top hart to be nipped ,,oir to prevent going, to seed,i,and elseto catitie.a spreading butt and growth of the leaf. • Alter that it 'las to be "suckered, iiret is, go over every. plant arid, 'at the base of the leaf where it joine the stalk,'"', 'a eatell leak comes out Which; it tett to4grOw * ••* growth. While "suokering" an eye detracts from the large leaf and its ,4444444* -44.4#44-44-404-. must also be kept ogee.. to . observe, whether a. large • green worin, the entrey of lobaceo, is present. in ',. five acre field there is' plenty to do as you will see, erebateo as is en- ernieS-The worm and the W. C. T. U., bat it has its good paints as ,eanibal8 will �t at a Missionary who uses tobacco, :so you see in a way, itis a life roeserver, then perhape. as it is a Nears', it ma,y be elaseed with eandy or tea„ Well, the next thing is the euteine and that is done in September as • a rule It is etteoft at the ground, and 'after Mating a stick about Ave feet long and teeoe-quartees thick and an inch wide is need to heng it upon. A eller is tr..ade in the 'stalk in he etutre, atthe bast cod throegh the stick is thrust, The back will hold about eight plant'. When all 'the field is so far attett,ted toe they draw it into the barn. NoW the barn is worth attention.: - It is not a Mule barn, it is n twee and sits ou stoteee or blotke• leaving space for eir t� get tiedete.theit the barn b full of etudding to •the roof and Stripa hetWeerif SO that the RHO.% 4) Berlin 13usiness College W. D. Euler, Principal. %44-444to*Wiris+-4444014444-00.,. flA000 D. TRUNK Rs'V-s`-.1"" FLOWER, FRUIT,, 1101EY AND , VEGETABLE .§H0y0, TORON- TO, NOV. 6T11 TO idT11. , THE OLD FOLKS. AT ,'HOME. Are Never Without Peru-na in the. Home fer. Catarrhal Diseases. Torn. B. D. YOB% 116 SO TA, 00z, at.rect, WA Minneapolis 11Tinfl.t write's; el wish to congratulate you on your medicine, Peruna. I have been a suf- ferer with catarrh of the stomach for over two years, but eine° I have com- menced to take your remedy I have been etc ad Hy improving unttl:nowl can safely say feel no more of mY old tretthle, ALIO as a 3natter04 • A GOOD WORD FOR PE -RU -NA. *11' . . 411 itall4bat el esee Perlin& 01 0 • flesh ensilder. 1 ai now at work eve4 day, and have gained ten pounds. I took your Peruna accord- ing to directions, and --the result wail mem than X expected. or OAR XtQW breetlie with ease, am4 also my cough is stopped, X had it fat bbr moAthq before teek dewn with Hee. grip. , GAINED 10 LBS.1N 1 WEIGHT. Westminster, Md., writea I ...„„ aI thank you very mph for your a& vice. I can safely say thel•Peruna and O Manalin have saved my tfe. "When 1 wrote to you the first time, , asking your adviee, my condition was •so poor that 1 did not -expect to live through. the winter, but now I am perfectly healthy. I cannot praise your medicine enough surd I recommend it to all over. For all these others." ' ' I give the credit to .T.T. Markland, a well-knewn busi- your excellent medi- nese man of Cincinnati, O., writes from eine, Peruna. I am pleased to reconz- 310t`‘ Woodburn Ave., an follows; mend it to everybody:,_ , delightful Exhibition wider. actg.- piece 'of 0 the Ontario Hoe tieultural Society, to be held at Maisey Hall. The Famous Black Dike 13and will 4:te in attendance. -The ' Grand Trunk Railway System will issue• • tickets from. all stations in Ontario to Tor- onto, Nov'. 71311 end 81311, at single fare, for -rou,nd trip, good rottiening until Nev. 1011t. Call on (. P R, agent. rockery. PRAISE . e FM, - • PE -Re -NA. •• •attend wQrk ;PA Imstiles,a ugsa.” Mrs. Theone fvflickeison, trighani City, Utah, writes: . . O "I wish to thank you for a11 the good Peruna has done me. I am entirely free from the cough which used to'bother me so much every winter. , • O !4Biy kidneys are also in good. condi- tion,. and 10 f eel stronger and better GIVES O PE -RU -NA O CREDIT. • s the tobacco is on, may be laid . ;tee cress betweenF the studding, hung head down, 'hung from the peak to the floor, to dry. To prevent heating • it is so arranged' that the siding of the barrasean be °petted, by 'every second. or third board being on hinges,, to open or dote as need be, .A.fter it isthoroughly dry, say ebout 'Janu- ary the stripping begins , ;hat is, O eaeli' stalk is taken off the Slat and the leaves torn 'off and stalks throsVO in a pile. When you hase • tene oft a god handful of leaves, one other leaf is tied around ilte bamlful • a,f, thc base end cif the leaf, ,thus making a tiny' bundle called "a hand." .When yens have euffieienit "heeds" to make a bundle of from 50 to 80 !lbs., you tie it up good with twine and load onto your sesion and take i to the tobacco factory and 'there obtain froni. 5c to y1.00Tipirtf ylibelaforiit,i.r0e;Icitozrottoing ro ' 2000 lb's, per acre. You may see win e the 'returns are good, the work is plenty. *One thing may be, said ;ma that, is Money can be made out Of light land while- the wo:11,- • osmat,...• tediousis net heavy ' trona tart lb , MAO. It pays better than grain, do- e' toliateo, while' you always have a ready mailiket. -Now Mr. Editor ' think I ita,ve used sufficient space' for this time as we will . lease the malt Photo ifrtiSt 0. Clinton and the tm" With...the load of to - bade° at the factory Od,ctor 'until next letter, when we will step inside and , see what haPpens to it. It lakes a. heap of' worry to work a Ouse of tobacce up for a chew. 00 1 ant intendin,g to take a. trip to Pelee Ieland in a few days and if I see O anything out of the usual or hoer of O anything; reihrarka(ble, X. 'May • tells you of it later on. -• Yours Always, • •0,• ' KiJame ngsville, • Oct. 9th. . .Special Vaudeville Features Intro- , . . • . • , • dueed Between Acts, . The •situation. at Arenas'eferocco,: A nig Continuous Performance continues without Mange; the entire ADMISSION - 15c and 25c population remaining terrified prison- ers of the bandits. ' Reserved Seats qec ' When you needCrock- ' ery it will pay you to O buy from oar stock. Glassware tioneer. . • as Offer ! Now is the time to have your Christmas Photo taken. , 4 ••• Call Early and get our special offer, lasting until the 1st day of .Tan. 1907, * • * • Enter any time, .• Twenty- * • O * 0 teaehers, one hundred and A * twenty Typewriting mach- * * hies, Unexcelled facilities * O * for Assisting graduates to * O * positions. Writh for new * Calender, * O * W; 13., SHAW, Principal, * * • Young & Gerrard 'Sts., * * . . Toronto. * Your stock of Glass- ware has continually to • be replenished. See what we haVe before buying elsewhe' te. Groceries In buying froin us you are sure of getting new, fresh goods at prices that will please you. Your Patronage Respect- fully Solicited. A. J. Holloway J. Roberts (40 et, eet O 4. "High Grade" eTraining le* pays wig that is the ss: ee• ' kind the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ON'A Gives to its studentsRecent geld- euts, Mee taken .positiens at sialaties ftean $50 per mouth to $1000 per en- neme It is a well-known 'feet . that ea school is the beet of its kind In Canada. This rno.ntli is a splendid time to enter. All graduateget positions. The demand is nearly tee. eety tints the snpply. Write to -44y for rnagnifieient catalogue. 44 W. 3, Elltott, .Prittelpel. se. ett Cor . Yonge aid 4 41* Alexander Street& tIt O The Big Fun Show : CLINTON, Monday Evening, Nov. 5th • For one eight only O Barnett Brothers present the funny • 8 act comedy ",Uncle -Dudley •• From Missouri." I Sacrifice of Last Year's " I -JACKETS We had a fem Jackets left from Messrs. McKinnon .St Co's last year's Jackets. We have opened them up and have put them on a table to sell themo every one. Every. Jacket is last year's style, cut no older. We won't carry them over and now is the time to hand them out, Come in and buy a jacket cheap. Black Kersey' Cloth ;Jacket, with velvet collar, raised seams, sewn girdle. biz° 35, was $/, for $8 Plain Black Jacket with velvet collar, lined throughout, size 30, was $10.50 for $3 Mid Grey Jacket, with velvet collar, site 34, WAR $10.75 for $3 Oxford, Grey Jacket, uo collat. site 34, was $10.75, for $3 Plain Black Jacket, lined, size fel, was $4,50, for $2.75 Black Ketsey Cloth, trimmed with silk braid, size 84, wai$5, for $ Plein Black Jackets. sizes 84 and 40, for 85 Plain Black Jacket, size 30, Was $5, for $4 Black Kersey Jackets, neatly trimmed with fancy silk braid, sizes 32, 84, &land ss. was $5, for $4 Black Kersey •Jacket, raided seams, nicely trimmed, size 86, was 2$ . for $0.50 Bleak Cheviot Jacket, size 38, was $8.50. for $0 Black Kersey 'Jacket, no collat, black pannel trimming, ilea 38, was $0, for $0,50 POP4ESTOIVE 0 .SARDINER --Successors to. kicKinhon 00., BLYTH • • 0101100wisetimainier ••,t • t