HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-01, Page 4T'W"-e7
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Clinton, News -Record
%MON est ON
'brine of. toubscripblen-$1,*per year in
00000 $1.50 May he cbaXged fl
not ito Paid. NO Miner glieeenftinued
instil all Ureter* are Paid, unless
the OPinielt uto publisher. 'rue
date ;to 'which every subScription isi
paL ie denOted on. the label.
AdVerthsing rates --.. Tranelent pelVer-
tiesiMentS, 10 cente per nonpariel
line for first ineertion arid 8 Tents
per line !Or each Subsequent insert-
ion. Small advertiseMente not to
exceed one inch, such all "..Oat,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," eta, • in-
serted once for 85 cents and each
subetentent A41004104 30 Ce1114.
•Communications intended for publica-
• tion, must, ae guarantee of good
faith, be e.ccompanied by the name
of the Writer.
Editer and Proprietor,
Hullett Tovvaship,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Mason' Sr.
bait, returived• from a drivingtrip to
Brussels., Walkerton and IViildina,y,
trhcelast place visiting Lis sister, Mrs
• Dustow, We .have ••a good deal of
eGeeeit about our roads in Huron,
Mit, Mr, Mason' says that up iVlildinay
Way they are' Net AS Pad if not a
• little bit 'better. " '
• -
The Man* friends oil. IneQueen wlU
he pleased to learn that be is on the
Mrs. WiIon Cook,hae returned home
from a visit torelatives in Zairian.
Rev. Me. amel Mrs- Abedoneld of
Winglisan have returned from a visit
to the 014 804 *tad lasi4week called On
Brucelleld friends.
There was a ellipaient of live bogs
irom Wit; station last Thursday, also a
quantity of hay.
Robbie Hotheni has returned bonne
after visiting friends: on the Goshen
Line for about a fortnight,
Mr, Dan Gimmick has moved to lien -
sail to live, and hie son, who Was re-
eerrtly merried to a young lady of God-
erich township, willstake eharge of the -
Mrs, Fothering ie not wellat preeent
• though not beriouelyfil.
Mrs. 3. Kaiser visited at her brother-
in-law's in Clinton this week. Miss
Kaiser Of llensall is livening house
'during her absence.
tetri80 ••,Wincisterm swept oil&
this distribt on Saturday night and
played havoc with fences and telegr-
aph poles.
The weather so 'fax has been un-
favorable to farmers who find it, dif-
ficult .to make ileadway with their
plotthing. 'However We hope or
Weelge Of hefter days,
.The •annual meetin.g of the „ 131a1ie
Spciety was• held lash Thutsday
evening when a large crowd .turned
out to hear the lecture given. by Rev.
W. E. Hassard, the Field-Seecetary of
the Bible Society. All .preSent .were
delighted with , tangle -lantern views
illustratieg all depertments of• We'
work of the •compositors and distil-
butors of the "Sacred, Word."
McKillop Township.
A couple of weddings aro inr
Ile near future. "
Alfred Ievint left for Lendon cn
Monday where he will probably stay
for some time. • •
A number of those who- have -far -
nips are engaged lifting them.. •
A little sore of Thomas 'Leming
bas been ill for some • ;without. signs
of. improvements..
A riumber of the school teaeherS
have been re-engaged in 1),IcKi1lop.. •
Mrs. Milker, who was is rec.ov7
Miss Alice Dundas, who -was 1:n am.
extended visit to Bcriten, has retur.
ned home.
P. J. Johnston and his bride hose
returned from' their. wedding Ade.
Charlie Riley has arrived hale from
the West for the winter. •
The Canadian Order of Foresters' of
Constance intend ,holding an cyeter
supper fn abOut two weeks. .
Quarterly meeting will be held • at
Londesboro on Sunday next at 10'
o'clock and at Constance at; 2.30 o'-
clock p. m. The Quarterly • Bowid
meeting will be held at Lornitisbere
on, the Moilday following at 0.30:
• "That excellent, indep:endent pap:.
er " is the manner in which the Wing-
•- ham Advance characterizes 'The Week-
• ly Sun. The chexacterization. is juet.'
The Sun has no Nentis in .dealing
' -with political. queetione. It hews . 10
the line, utterly regardlesS as- to when
the chips may fall . on. Sea that The
• Weekly Sun, the one paper • that
• fights the former's battles, IS in yoin.-
Rome during - the co -ming year. •
• Godetich •
Goderich, Oct. 27. -Something ent-
irely new was the express *shipment
this morning •of thirty •harrele ch lake'
perch to Buffalo, making over WO
tons and a half of these fish. Fishe
ing for perch hals net been carried
on here hitherte, to ' any extent, and
.was commenced as an experiment. It
has • certainly proven secoessful, , nee
J. R. Bruce, wile has been lifting
the nets, found, his boat incapable of
handling the catch, and had to pro-
cure a tug. It is reported' feat the
Buffalo Fish Company are sending up
a tug to take care of airy fur; ben
heavy shipments. •
Easily prepared with Clark's • Pure
Canned. Meate in the house. Get
Clark't if you want the best. •
• London Road.
Mr. Wm. Statibury had the misfor-
tune to have a horse killed by the
.Avorkraae'e train ,one morning last
week. Sometime during the night it
had broken out and succeeded in get-
ting over the ineffective guards.
Mr, II, Hamilton of the West End
,lost a horee fl4ruRaWay.
The 'social held in TOrner's church
'Was a seccess, The program was ren-
dered by local talent assisted by Miss
'C. Shipley of Clinton.
Me. William Archer has given up the
'Walsh farm, one mile South of town,
and Mr. Walsh has deeided to sell
rather than rent As this is a choice
property he should find a ready pine
Two of Mr. Craljes sons are borne
froin Liotlinfrieter, , Where the,
have taken hettiesteade.
Them ars lots of *green tomatom be
tale everyvelneee now, arid plenty ot
• Mrs. Kyle, pear Hillsgreen, has been
visiting her" daughter, Mrs. Fred TOW -
William Broodfoot has rented S.
lVfackenzie's house on the farm for the
winter 'eoliths.
Ten cents will pay a subscription to
thollews-Record to the end of 1906.
While Mr. Robert 'Watson, sr., int
shingling his kitchen one day last
week, he slipped and fell to the iround•
He lit Llpen his feet, but was so badly
shaken up that the doctor had to be
called in, but he is now on the rneinl.
Wedding bells will be ringing on
Wednesday of this week when John
Aikenhead and MissMaggie Martin will
he united in the holy bonds of matri-
• Kippen.•
(Teo late kr last issue...)
Miss Maggie McClymont of London
spent the holidays under the parental
roof. Her many friends were glad to
see her.
Mesdames MeOlyinont, Ricker and
McKenzie. and Miss McKenzie visited
various friends in Wingharn during
the Thanksgiving vacation,
• Mrs. Johnston and child visited
friends in Aehfield and W. Wavvanesh
Tait Week. . •
Miss Farley Potter of Zion, Ill., is
-Visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
• Mrs. lvison. She reports that each
owner is in absolute possession of his
property. that work in tnefeetories is
• :plentiful and everything iseequite pros
Miss Mabel Whiteman after spend-
the summer with-. her brother Al-
fred in Ohicago, • has returned home
looking as though the "Windy City'
agreed with her.
• Mr. MeMurtrie Of Port Huron isbere
visiting his brother Alex. It • is over
forty, years sioce he. left here first, a
young man.
Mr. John Jones 18 spending .e week
with his daughter, Mrs. Johne ef Elim-
ville. , •
Mr. John Murdoch, jr. has returned
frena Alberta Where he spent a busy
and profitable two month•s.
. Mr, Robert Dayman has also re
turned after visiting two months with
bis brother near Whitewood, Sask.
Mr. John Farquhar, motherorel sis
ter, left this week for their farni in Es-
seic i3nring the last three years whife
living here they have made many
friends. They have rented their farm
to Me. Alfred Furry whn has also rente
ed the Crawford farm on the London
The many friends of Mr. Alex. Mc -
Beath are pleased to hear that he is re-
coveringafter his recent relapse.
• Dr. ,Allen„ who will soon leave as a
medical missionary to the' Chinese in
the province Of Sz Chuen, China, gave
a very interesting address in the Meth-
odist chusch last Sunday. He is sent
out as a, representative of • the Exeter
district which engages to raise $800 for
his support.
The line new store being bnilt by
Balfour & Caldwell, is progressing
slowly but surely toward completion,
It will be a great improvement to our
Dr: Ferguson has renkd thei regd.-
dence of Mrs. R. Pedersen on South
Richmond St. His family are !limping
here this week.
G. 0. Petty has purchase Miss Eva
Warring's residence and the two and
one holf lots adjoining. As thie is his
second purchase within a -few weeks
our reeve evidently believes that Hen -
sail has a great future.
As Tom Farquhisr of the Parr Line
was driving his team attached to a.
wagon in the swamp, on Thursdayeone
of the horses kicked up and Tom was
thrown out df the rig right behind the
heels Of the other horse, The wheels
passed along his leg and amnia hie
shoulder crushing the latter badly.
He bad ptsieence of mind enough to
turd his head aside or the wheel
Would halo passed over it and in all
probability haVe crushed the life out
of hini, As ft Is heis badly hurt, but
he is Improving nicely and We hope
the genial Tom soon be hinatielf
Sheppard Knapp, lead of the Arra
of Monad Knapp A& Company, lir-
niture dealerd, died at his home in
NeW York to -day.
Milton, M. Price, ex-tlnited States
ecinetier agent at Xeres. De La
Prontera, Spain, (lieu in I ad:3.
Mr. Welter C. Goode left lad week
to visit his relatives In Bowreanville
before leaving for the West. The mern.
bora of the musioal society prevented
him with a tine leather suit case.
Mille. Etta Barry spent Thanksgiving
Day in Toronto the guest of net, con.
tbe Misses Bothwell.
Mr% Barry Bothwell has spent the
past season at Seattle, the guest of her
brother, MN Oliver VanEvery.
Me. anallfra Alphonse Renaud have
removed from Keays street to the
house on Newgate street formerly oc-
minted by Mrs. i Daniels,
Me. Thomas Billott has retrieved to
thi new house an Newgate street own-
ed by Rev. Mr. Nott,
Mr, Wilmer Smith had plate glass
placed in the windows of his art store
last week, Prism glass put at the head
of the sash,
Mos key Natio anel hex friends Kw
Lenin were up Imo Leaden Mid 40.4
the guests of Mini. Ellen Sellows.
Mr. Joseph Kidd was called away to
Chicago to attend the tattered of his
sister, •Mrs. McKeown, who died --
tit Oct. Mr. Kidd WO returned to
1110, goo*
townKra Walter C. Breit& is spending al
few weeks at her home, Mr. Brongh
lopent Thanksgiving week bare with
her. He is at Port linrWell engaged
at their lumber in engineering vvorlg.
Anniversary stervicee were celebrated.
at Zion church on Sundavllast in honor
of the reopening, the church having
been decorated and repaired in a most
satisfactory manner.
We regret lvery much to learn that
Miss Mary Beaton], twin sister of the
late Elizabeth Beacom, is ill with ty-
phoid fever,
Some of our citizens have had a very
•good crop of walnuts this season. The
shell's much harder than those of the
imported walnuts, but they have just
as fine a taste. •
Hodgens Brothers are terribly (Heap-
pointed to find that their new tore
will not be ready for occupation for
some time yet. The contractors take
more buildings than they are able to
•finish at any given time, hence delay.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindsay (nee Miss
Myrtle Johnston) formerly of town, are
now residents of Winnipeg. We hope
MrfjndsaY will meet with success
The Menesetung Canoe Club is desir
ous of letting the public knew that al-
though the regetta season is over, the
members can be found any evening at
their club room, et the sign of the
-"Crossed Paddles," the Metiesetung
coat of arms.
Mr. Cull has lad a new verandah
built before his store on Kingston Sb. •
Mr. George Drennan, while in town
attending court last week, was the
guest.of his sister, Mrs. Daye Sproul.
Mr. Davison is having a verandah
built before his new residence on Elgin
averme. •
Mrs. Horace J. Eforton told us of see-
ing a puff bah on the farm of her bro-
ther, the late Wm. 'vet* which was
15 inches thick, 5 feet in circumference
and weighed 15 poupds.
Johnnie Doyle, who drives F.Dean's
grocery wagon, turned his horse too
quickly, upsetting' the . wegon, . and
causing both driver awl hem to fall.
The hbrse in some way struck Johnnie
on the leg, cutting it badly. Medical
assistance was soon on bend; and sev,
eral Stitches closed up the- wound. The
.drivers of bakers' and butchers' carts
as well as grocery wagons will Please
make a note of this accident Johnnie
isigetting on ell right. •
A. very fair-sized :but most apprecia-
ti've audience attended the organ •rel
'Cita! at Knox church on Thursday ev-
ening last, given by Albert D, Jordan,
London, assisted,by Miss Lillian Fow-
ler, inezzo soprano, of that city.
Mr. J. Grant MacGregor and Mrs.
MecGregor will occupy the furnished
residence of Mr, Tigers for the winter.
Mrs.l'igert will spend some weeks
on the Pacific•coast this season.
Mrs. Berford has returned from an
extended visit to , her - daughter. Mrs:
Will Green, Detroit. , •
. • .
'Mr. Andrew Lynn i has made up 1418
wmiansdh; to spInd the "inter in Spokane,
Captain,Oraigie's residence is won-
derfelly improved' by having the roof
of.the addition raised.
Rey. Mr.Hector, the "Black Knight'
and his accomplished daughter Mist
Geraldine Hector. assisted by • 'her
mother, gave great satisfaction to th e
audience at both his Meetings here.
Miss Vera Wiggins, who has been
ill in Torceito for some months, spent
a week recently at .herold home here,
Miss Florence Fraservisited her sis-
ter Jean in Toronto a few days ago;
Mr. George.Stiveri of Guelph spent
Sunday in town as the guest of his
sister, Mrs. Robt. Kerr.
Major Beck was tendered a compli-
Mentary banquet one evening last
week and presented with an address,'
•a gold headed cane,. and a purse Of gold,
The major having accepted a govern.
ment position in Toronto is taking up
his residence in that city, hence the
dinner andthe caning, The genial
"Joe" andhis worthy helpmate wiff be
much misssed in this part of West
Huron, but we wish theme. happy and
prosperous future.
Mise Annie McDonald, who spent her
vacation here With her parente, retueW
ea to her duties as trained nurse at 1)e-1
Mr, Roberts, o; P R, engineer, will
speed the coming Season at elm
Brydge's furniehed residence on East
We were sorry en learn of the indis-
pitsItion of Captain Craigie,
The Misses Miami, Foster and Beide
?aline, we keen, are 111 tvrth tyPheld
Mire Winnle Reid, who has been Ote
gueti at Brantford Of her cousin, Sirs.
011ver•Ithytuts, and her mother, Mrs.
James Bald, veho las bean the guest
of Bayntild relatives, have returned to
their home on South street,
On Saturdaythe empluyees of the
WesiArn Canada Mills presented
Wiltiatn McNevin, on his leaving for
St. Oatharines, with a handsome mar'
bis clock and a handsome chair to Mrs.
geNevin (nee Miss Stokes). •
• We are sorry to learn that Mr, las,
Clark's condition Is most serione.
Mrs. Alehouse Parent, little' daugh-
ter Gladys Camille and baby Alehouse
of Detroit are the guests of Mrs. Par-
ent's sister, Mrs, Renaud, •
On Tuesday evening of last week a
surprise party was handsomely enter,
tabled by •Miss May Cornell, at her
home and was gotten up in honor of
Miss WinnieReld's return from Brant.
Mr. W. U. Ball has been indieposed
for the past couple of weeks.
Dr. 3.1.. Turnbull is spending some
time at the New York Hospitals,
William S. Johnston hits returned
from St. Boniface where be was en-
gaged in the erection of a mill. He is
now millwright at the•obig mill" here.
A. E. Allin, who has been preaching
in the Yorkton District, spent Thanks-
giving with his sisters, the Misses Allin
here, and will leave at an sally date to
attend Victoria University, Toronto.
The funeral of the lete Finlay Mc,
Lennan took place on Thursday after-
noon to the family burial plot at Kin -
tail. Rev. J. A. Anderson and Rev. A.
Miller of Lochalsh officiated at the resi-
dence, and Rev. A. Miller donducted
the service at the cemetery, The pall-
bearers were, Colonel ,Young, WilUMn
Lane, James L. Grant, Donald Boyd,
Alex. Boyd and -3.11. Robertson.
"Before Tar_ dutsistor Lem.
taking Pr. Willianlie Pink Pills
looked more UM a eorpse than a live
gLr," says Mrs. George A. Myles of
outh woodslse, Ont. "Bar blood
seemed as thoughit, had all tamed, to
water. Then she began to have bad
upells wigs her heart. At the least ex.
citeromt her heart would beat so rapid-
ly m to almost entother her. She grew
very thin. had no appetite, and what
little food she did eat did not seem to
nourish. her. She was treated by one
of tbe best doctors in this part of the
mining, yet she was daily growing
worse and her heart got so bad, that we
were afraid *he would die. She eisfee
hilt verv little, and would frequently
awake with a start and sometimes
would jump right up in bed. These
starts would always bring on a bad
spell and leave her weak and mhaustto
ed. -We had. almost given up all hope
of hr ever beim; well again, when we
decided to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
After taking' a couple of boxes she be-
gan to sleep well at night and color be-
gan to return to her lips: From that on
she kept right on gaining, and after
takfing eighe boxes of the pills she WWI
again in good health. She is now fif-
teen years of age, the picture of good
health, and since beginning the pills
has gained about forty pounds in
weight, Only those who saw her when
ill can appreciate the marvellous
change Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have
brought about in her condition. I be-
lieve that had it not been for the pills
she would be in her grave to -day, and
it is with feelings of great gratitude
that I write you in the hope that it
may benefit some other sufferer,"
And Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can do
just as much:for every weak, ailing,
piere-faced young woman who is slip-
ping from anaemia into a deadly de-
cline. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually
make new blood. In that way they
strike straight at the root of all com-
mon diseases like anaeuaia, headaches
and backacheseheart palpitation, indi-
gestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and
secret ailments and irregularities of
girls and women. Sold by all dealers
In medicine or by mail at 50cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Death has deprived Mr. W. J. Mor-
row of a brother who lived in Brant-
ford, hut was well known at the Nile.
Erysipelas was the cause of his death.
Mr. Morrow's father and mother died
recently within a few 'months of eech
• Miss Helen Attrill has gone toPlatts-
vine, Missouri, to spend the winter.
Mr. Ed. Attrill will spend the winter:
in Los Angeles, Cal.; where his sister
Mrs. William Robson .of Whitby is
the guest of her brother, Mr. George
McMillan ot Bayfield Koad. . .
Miss Nellie Graham visited her Sister/
Miss Florence Graham, teacher,
The funeral of the late Robert Fut-
ford took place on 'Wednesday of last
week. .The members of Court GOderich
G. 0. F. attended in a body, the deceas-
ed having heen a member of that order,
There were ineny floral tributes. Mr:
Fulford was long a resident- ef this
town and Wee much esteemed.
The funeral of the late Aeinie McIver,
beloved wife of Donald McPhail, took
place.: on Saturday. Rev; James .A.
Anderson afficiated at: the house and
grave. The pallbearers were Joseph
ahd Morman McPhail, two sons,of the
deceased lady; her brother CePt. D.
IVICIver and his soreNarman Stephen
Liingridge, sorein-law; and Neil Mc-
Iver Jr., nephew. . Among the floral
tributes on the casket were beautiful
Wreaths from Mts. John MacDonald,
Mrsand the Missals Wiggins, and Mrs.'
Margaret Smith. A. large number of
our sea -faring citizens and mill employ-
ees Attended the funeral. The relativ-
es from a distance who attended the.
funeral were the sisters of Mr. Mc -
Plait, Mrs. Donald Murray of South-
ampton tied Mrs. Neil MacDonald of
Lucknow, and Capt. Dan McIver, Tor-
ontii, brother of the late Dies. McPhail.
The late Annie McIver Was born in
Cape 1heten and carne with her: par-
ents to Goderich in 1854. She was
married to Donald' McPhail on 295h
'March, 1864, by the late Rey. Dr. Ure.
To Mr. and Mrs. McPhail were bore
twelve children, 10 boys and two girls.
Those who Survive their bekeed moth-
er are Alexander, Donald, joseph,•Nor-
man and Johnnie; the two first named
being away at too great a dietaispe to
reach home for the funeral. Mrs. S.
Langridge oftown is the only surviv.
ing daughter. Mrs, blePhall was a
true Scotcliwoman, a faithful Member
of Knox church, it good mother and a
kind, cheery neighbor. She will be
greatly missed by her bereaved hus-
band and
• The Misses MCNair have returned
from their visit .with Dr., and Mrs.
Turnbull.at "Burnside" Farm;
Miss Jennie Nairn of the post office
deft spent her vacation at 'retrofits,
the guest a Mrs. Itobion.
Baby's -Friend
Happiness Is a sign of health in ba.
hies. Nearly all their troubles vanish
when they digest food well and are
free froen teething pains. Baby's Own
Tablet* twinge hapninets to,bablee by
curing stomach troubles, constipation,
feveristimite, diarrhoea and teething
troehles. There's a textile in every dose
and the mother has* isolemit guarantee
that this medicine centaine no opiate or
harmful drag; Mrs, Janie. JeWere,'
Beaver Harbor, N. S., sari "I have
given my Lusby paws Own Tablets as
occasion required since she WAS a day
old. They have, always helped her,
and now at a year and a half old she lel
*flue healthy. child. I think every mo -
Sher shorild always keep these Tablets
on hand." You Oen get Illby's Own
Tablets from any uiedicine dealer or by
mall at 25 cents a box by writing the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,Brockville.
Laugh and the World Laughs
with You 15 an old and true saying, and
if you want to realize a proof of it, just
pay a visit and see Barnett Brothers'
latest farce comedy "Uncle Dudley
from Missouri," on Monday evening,
No'. 5th, in, the Town Hall, Clinton.
You may not find all the World there,
but you will find as emany as can be ac-
commodated, and you will certainly
find all laughing with Yoe, for "Uncle,
Dudley from Missouri" is' 'one of the
greatest mirth.provoking eomedy pre-
ductions now before the politic. The
performance iaboun,ds in the atest
catchy music, bright specialties and
ludicrous situations, all of which oreate
fun from start tiyflnish.
Port .Aihert:
.Miss Blanch Oliver, who has been
• cOnflned.to her room, is improving.
J. H. Grin ton and wife left on .Theirs -i.
dry for Nebraska:
OliverHenry has again been engaged
to teach in the school here for 1907,
The heavy raln of late has completely tied up the fall ploughing and a lot
remains to be done. Some in this neigh-
borhood only started, which'will make
Iota of work in the spring'.
A. concert andsupper will be held in
the Englifh church on Nov. Othwhen
a good program will be put forth by
outside talent.
John Frit zley was a:gait:out trapping
and secured several good Um:4es dine
ingthe past week lend repo& ti that
there are going to be lots of 'them.
par= Osy, a yrtma11jwei1 known
in :France and FIngaand, committed
suicide yesterday by shooting lamself
with a rifle.
Hammer blows, steadily gy-
pped, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat andlungs
undl the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry PeCtOrat
stops the conglang, and .heals
thc torn membranes.
say etas hy.eo.bu5llen& midi. kbarrio
medmoratzt.Vi3==iimai Lalpoosig
but. T.
sott masugangg.
0 so 111101.
niniousisof, constipation risard NW"
%mummy, %WM 111111•111W WWI Farill1-1111 'WNW"
• Night
are now being formed in
Special penmanship chte..
sits every evening from
7 to 9 o'clock. Call or
write tor particulars*
tore Overflowing
With, FallFurnitur
Parlor Furniture in sets and odd pieces ; Ball
Furniture in oak and ash; Bedroom Furni-
ture in •oak, ash and mahogany Dining
Room Furniture in oak, ash and am, Kitch-
en Furniture in anything\you want.
Couches. Mattresses, Iron and Brass Beds, Beekent,
Easy Chaim, Desire, Parlor Ciibinete, Rattau Goode
Pictures, Paper Reeks, Book Caees, Curtain Poles,
Loolging Glasses. IN rA,oT WE HAV,E
Everything Belonging to a Furnittire Store
Bring your pictures b.ere to be framed
Undertaking promptly attended to by night or day
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence
of either of the principals. lip
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 )
0000 •0 0000000000000e'<00W00000000,00e0.
,In order to make mord for our Immense
all Winter Stoe
eV/AolAa OVYWartotAaarvt
WE nAvE dedIded to eleaP 011t at less than Cost several lines or miscet4
larieous goods, Look at the following prices, then come end see
the goods for yourself :
Ladies? Tan Oxfords, regular price $1.40 for 99e
Ladies' Tan Oxfords, regular price $1.00 for $1.25
Boys' School Boots, regular price $1.50 to $1,75 for 99e
Boys' Plow Boots, regular price 90c for 49c
Youths' School Boots, regular price $1,00 to $1.25 for 75c
Mena' Picky Boots, sizes 6 & 7 only, regular price 41 Sr $1.25 for 85c
Misses' Pebble Laced Boots, regular price $1.40 and $1.50 for 990
Misses' Pebble Buttoned Boots, regular price $1.40 to $1.60 for 99c '
Childs' Laced,& Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 9 So 10, worth $1.35 for 75Q
Childs' Laced Rs Buttoned Boots, sizes 4 to 7, worth $1.10 for 75e
Childs' Strap Slippers, sizes 8,9 & 10, worth $1 for half-price only 150c
Man's Tan Bouts at half price. You should see them,$5.00 for 41250
This is not a Bankrupt Stock but nearly all this season's goods and
they are less than the manufacturers' price but we have no room for
Our Fall Goods are nearly all in and if you want to see the finest assort-
ment of Footwear at the lowest prices ever shown in Clinton., oOthe to
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. It will soon be heating titne again. Soit is not
a bit too early to begin thinking about the new
stove you must have this tall.
1. 4:4 4.
• We have already put our fuji lines on the floor. We will ba glad t
to have•you ceroe in and leak them over.
n Base Burners
We have the old reliable Radiant Home, Famous,
Garland and Prize.
n Coal Heaters
Belle Oak, bandy, Acme Jewel and Hot iamb
n Ranges.
the celebrated Happy Thought, Pandora, Penn Esther,
Corona and Canada Steel Range. :
They . are all good ones. Prices
according to size, style and finish
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT PAYS to be punotual. pas' in -
business and in social engagements as.
well, but punctuality is only possible
when you carry. a Viratoh that keeps cor-
-rect time. That's the 'kind we sell. Let's
show you them and quote you our prices.
And if you need anythingin Rings,
Brooches, Etc., you make no oils.
take In buying here.
W. 4.:.013UNTER,