HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-01, Page 3November 1st 1906 8.000 Stoe g's Clothing and to be sold at once .4111004", =is tag ide ale .sur' . rise, but- for severalreasoxa,s we have decided to C�rIV'E •CJS SHE MEN'S STORE _ e nnoun�cement will,. no doubt, cause considerable xa Phave decided. to sell:out The above arequiring all our time and efforts there, we 'On account of the large increase in our dry goods business, and �N��S�EI„�'Y, have always made the claim. that no Clothing Store, large or small, in. Western Ont- ofgoods contained, in tb,e Men's. store. ,We h- ever� dollar's worth o opened we have made it a point to buynot}ang{but the- best, and, now•since we ' . cleaner or newer stock than we, Ever since this store p c,rio, carried a havedecided to giveup the Men'sstoxe, you wll`be ableo buy to a better class of Clothing thaxi was ever sold at sale groes in Clinton. The stock ; - � consists of `ems' svmedium and dhigh g rade Suits,o sShits, Me n's -medum and high classass Overcoats. Bos4veicoats, Men's Trousers al]kinds, Raincoats, Fur. Q4ercoats, hur-lined Overcoats . Smocks, weather CoatsMoleskin Coats,Shirts, Collars, bet., makes of En fish fact thing soldin an up-to-dateClothing Store. �n 3i` o Fats,, . everything This mg Sale starts Thursdaij Nov. willcure ou.r. Winter Olotltiiib in Some cases less than wholesale price.' RBNI MBER--T ere' marked in l plain ' and continues until everything is sold, This be the Chance a the year to se everything at 8 o'clock a�y sin the store and we`guarantee every garment we -sell. This Clothing�Store will be be closed neWednesdaystocbefores isposedsaof.� Ln order that worth of old or will out-of-datee readgood. figures We be ready for business at .8 o'clock :oix.Thursday, November 1st. The sure will be kept open every evening r , $16.50 Suits at $ 1.90: red .Suits• from Men's fine'tailored r fro Scotch 'Tweeds and. English . Worsteds, etc„ in newest fall styles. ' Best Mo- hair linings and in fit equal ,to.,any tailor-made suit. Regular price $15, $16 and .$16.50, Sale' price:..:• •'• $11.90 Men's Black : Melton and Tweed Overcoats in half; a dozen styles, long loose fitting cat first class lining: Our oat to clear at.. ifr:50 One .only Australian Coon Coat, reg- ular price $37.50, for $31,0o Fur Caps all at Cost Persian: Lamb Caps No. 1, regular price $12.00 for.. Persian Lamb Caps No, 2,• regular price $10.00. for. Persian Lamb. Caps No 3, . regullar price $7.50:for. Moscow Beaver Caps, regular price $5 00 -for:.. Nutria Fur Caps; regular $3.50 fis $12.00 Suits, $8.95 Men's n's tweedy worsted. and serge Suits r�e' fall' styles, single and - double " all the . w in g Y double breasted, ' made > with broad Shoulders and -first:' class linings, all. . sizes '36. to 46 The best- . $12.00 suits made, to' go at. ; . $8;95 -_.11$12"00 Overcoats reduced to $9.00' !. All $10.00 Overcoats reduced to $7.50 lamb collar, regular. price . $75:00, sale All:: $8.50 O•vercoats' reduced to $6.50` price .... • •.• $62.00' g. .One only•Black DogGoat, regular One only,, black calf Coat, regular One onlydark red calf coat,. i e�,ular. rice 27.50 sale price...... . , .. $22.00 •• $21:00 p $p farce $25,-z00, . sale price... •... :$2 t'.00 price $25, sale price.... ' ..•••••••NN40.0...••H•1•M*•O••••••NNNrNNHN••N►N••NN•fNl••••••••••••••••••••NNNr••••••••'•• * 4 - • : t $10 Suits $7.50. 'All our best $10 -tweed and .serge suits, in a `dozen or more different pat- ' ' terns, nobby fitting suits M every par- ticular. All our best .$10 suits to go at each. '..`......... ...•.,-, $7..50 . A. few ..cheaper :lines of suits to clear. =One :only English Beaver Cloth Coat No. 1 muskrat lined, . No. 1' Persian $20 Black Melton Overc'ts $1.6.50 $25 Over Coats, $18.75. Men's filo quality Black Melton Overcoats, cut: in the newest fall styles lined with best farmer's satin, silk vel- vet collar, raised seams, our best black coat, re ular rice $20,00 r sale ` price g p $16.50. each One only fur -lined. Coat, German Otter' collar, regular: price . $50.00, sale price $42.00 • $9.00 1•: $7.90.. genuine wool fleece, guaranteed not. to get •'.rough. This • ° � � Twenty dozen Shirts and Drawers, $5;50 years at ? c a garrnent. Commencing Friday morning and until.all. •.. line we have sold for four 5 0 _ CC Bo s' Underwear in fleece, all wool, union, all; ° mai-Iced s $3.5 � will b h ��30C Y Working and Knit Shirts $I.00 heavy knit and duck shirts for 8oc. 75c knit and duck. shirts for' 55c, 50c heavy knit and duck shirts ,40c. Big reductions on Pants. Meas fancy worsted Trousers, made from.best English'cloths, regular price:. $4. 50 to 45.00, to go.at...... $3.50 :I $3.75 pants $2.95. $3.00;pants $2.25 .1 $2.50 -pants $1.95 $2.00 pants $1.60 $1,50 pants $1.25 $.1;25 pants $1,00 Fall and Winter Caps. 20 dozen . Men's and Boys' cloth Caps, in the new golf shape, two dozen ' or more different patterns, regular price 50c each, clearing sale price.... 35c Men's fur -limed winter Caps, regular 75c for 60e. Men's fur -lined winter Caps, regular $1.00 for 85c, Men's fur -lined winter Caps, regular $1.25 for $1.00 • are old` the price.. Wi a enc • at sale prices. • U DE REDTJCTIONS z e 's Unshr nkable in natural wool and heavy rib, plain wool, fleece. . • ' Best Brand., penman - � and Toronto knit, regular $1.25, all sizes to go at M f00 • lined, etc. Penman's unshrinkable g 75c Underwear to go at 55c New Fal English fiats. All our new Fall English Hats, soft and hard,•rtncluding Wakefields, Bat- tersby's Hartley, Woodrows, etc., all. our best $2.50 and $3.50 hats to go at $t.75 Boys' Shirts Your choice of any, boy's shirt in the store for • 4oc, stiff or soft front. All our best $1:00. Underwear to go at 8,0c.. ••••••••N•N••••••N.••N•••••••+••••dN•.w•N.•••••Ni•u•NN•N••••.N••••••0H•••HNN*..•N+•••••N.••i� • YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. ung Meii's Suits in sizes 33 34 35 (long pants) in tweed', serges and worsteds, all reduced as follows: - RAINCOATS. Men's, $10 Waterproof Coats, $7. Men'.s'$7.50 Waterproofs $5 $12 Cravenette .Raincoats $&.75 $10 Cravc•nette.Raincoats $7.50, SUNDRIES 50e Neckwear for .40c 25c Neckwear for 20c 50c Suspenders for .40c ' 25c :Suspenders for 20c 75c Mufflers for 55c*, 50s Mufflers for ,40c.-•-- $1 Cuff Links and Stick Pins *for 750, - " 50c 15c Sleeve Holders for 10c - , 15c Cuff Holders for 10c. • . 25c Rubber Collars for 10.00 suits 7.50 8.00. suits 6,00 9.00 suits 6.75 7.50 suits 5;50 Boys': 3 -piece Suits, . 7,50 Suits to,go' at 5.75: 6.00 Suits to go at 4,75 5.00 Suits to go at 3.75 75c 503 Tooks Shirts, Colored and White 35c • Best 1,50 Shirts for 1.20 . - ' - Best 1.25 Shirts for 1.00, 20c • • Best 1.00 Shirts for 85c Boy's 'Suits at $1.95: Boy's 2 -piece Suits in* Norfolks that sold up to 2.75 . for........ $1.95 Boys' 2 -piece Norfolk Suits, . that sold up to 3,50 'for $2.59 Boys' 2"piece Norfolk . Suits, 3,75 to 5:00 for.. . . . . . $3.00 $300 worth of Sweaters,. 3 only, Men's; finest quality worsted Overcoats, sizes 37, 38, 40, silk linings, beautifully tailored, regular price $25 sale price • • ..: $18.75 • One, only fur -lined coat, . Persian lamb collar, Newfoundland seal lined, regular. price 60.00 sale price $46..50 2 only Saskatchewan Coats, 'rubber lined, regular price 18,00 for $14.50., Smocks, Overalls, Etc., 6.75 Leather Coats;=corduroy linings to gd at, $5, 75 ' 4,75 English Moleskin Coats, cordu- roy finings, to go 'at $3,95. 1.50 lined Moleskin Smocks to ' go at $1.20. All 1.00 Smocks and Overalls to ' go at 85c All.75c. Smocks and Overall's to go at 60c.. Wool Socks 2 pair: for 45c.: boo pair Men's.0ashmere and Heavy Wool and Fine Wool Socks, 20 differ. ent kinds that sold at 25c and. •35c p r pair,. all to go at 2 pair for .. Boys' Overcoats 5.60 Overcoats to go, at 3.95 6.0o Overcoats to go at4, 50 7 5o Overcoats to go at 5.75 5.06Ulsters'to go at 3.50 4.0o Reefers to go at 3. oo : • 3, oo Reefers b go at. - .2.40 a 3.00 Men's Sweaters for 2.25 2.00 Men's Sweaters for 1.50 1,56 Men's Sweaters for 1.15 - • 1:25 Men's Sweaters for 1:00 1 oo Men's Sweaters for 85c .1.25 Boys' Sweaters for 1.00 - 1:00. Boy's Sweaters for 86c 850 Boys' Sweaters for 70e, 75c Boys' Sweaters for 6oc 60 Boys' Sweaters for 50c 50c Boys' Sweaters for 40e • Fowne's, Dent's . and Hall's ,.and... Galbert's .Gloves. This fall we opened hundreds of dol- lars 'worth of new mitts and gloves, which we will put on sale . with other goods at the following prices Fowne's lux -lined gloves, regular 2.5o for 1.-95 ' .' Best wool -lined Mochas, regular " 2,00 .. for 1.50 : Silk lined Moc1-as,\ regular 2..50 for 1,95 Fine wool -lined Mochas, regular 1.50 for 1.25. . VV'ool-lined Mochas and' Lambskin, regular. 1.25 for 1.00 - - Buckekin. Mitts and gloves, horse= hide glo''es, calfskin, mule, in fact .ev• ery kind -of mitt and glove to be had will be found here at less than regular prices, - COLLAS. Your Cholce'of any brand of 2oc Coilars'in a rouge of ever 4o styles at each loc.