HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-01, Page 2The caticin lisw4neOrd,
Douglas Stook
Will Increase ro4rProfits
You cad make a` pail of the
best stock food on the market
for 75 cents.
It good for everything, on
the farm, It saves your neigh-
bor money. ffwili save you
I Pall for 75 Cents.
We make the bent for you
Alphenen Verville, the Wor14. P
or rixisormouvo, declares that If the
Government plaves candidate in the
field in $t. Mary's n will oppose
their 04;1(114% to the bitter end.
Phut. B..
We Keep Only Post Office
The Best, Drug Stem.
This school is recognized .4e
tbe one oi the best COM-
nveteial schools in Amer- • #
ica. You can safely judge -#.*,
a school by the. ap,plicat-
ions it received. This term *
we received apelicationet Nsi
fromfirms in six large Am- *
trican cities and from far ale
more towns and cities; of W. .
Canada ineluding • Saskae
tem', Sask. on the West 4E.
and charlottetowit, I'. E. I. 514 •
an the East. Our reputait-
ion means much lor out
graduates. Write for • our .*
catalogue, .
Ellictt JedlIcLachlaia,
^ :10
You can't cure catarrh by dosing
the stomach. 'Mc diseases $s In the
throat, nese and brOnoldal tubes. In -
bate Oaterrbonooe to the spot where
the disease really is, --41 clears away
fOU l secretions, stops disooarges at
once,• purifies and heals the pastagee,
liejteally anpitelates every Una of
eatarrh. Nothing else is so direct
and certain as Vateerhozone." , Re -
Oita gueeenteed, Two sizes, 2ec • and
1.,•00 at all dealers,.
The Best Coal in the market
the L. & W. Scranton Coal for which
14 am sole agent. I also have in stoel4
Solt and Cannel Coal. An order is
respectfully solicited and will receive
prompt attention. All our coal is
screened before being sent out to our
customers. Office opposite the G. T.
R. station or orders may be left at
the store of Harland Bros. 'who are
authorised to receive payment of ac-
Phone 52.
Massei -Harris
I have been appointed agent
for the M4ssey-Harris Coen -
pasty in this district and will
keep on hand a complete list
of supplies in my store oppose,
ite the Molsons Bank.
r am also • continuing tile
flour, feed and seed grain bus-
iness and respectfully solicit a
a coritinuance of your patron-
J. A. Ford.
I am again on the
; market for apples
; and will pay the
; highest market price
Z for both fall andwin-
ter varieties -
See one of my repro -
I seritatives or myself
before selling.
$5.000 ify,ot
person who prove. tha
Sunlight Soap cmatains any
injurious chemical,* or any
form of adulteratIon.
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anYthing.
Best for all household pur-
poses, Sunlight Soap's super-
iority is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Conunon soaps destroy
the painted or varnished.
surfaces of woodwork and
. take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest linen
or lice, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
tions). .
Tone money refunded by the dealer
front whom you bey Sunlight Soap if you
find any cause for complaint.
5C: fog=itins C.
Eareerethera Leaked. Tonnes
•. the Libeeale area said te be having
°difficulty it ecuring an aeceptable
candidate hi St. Ann'sDivision, Mon-
J. Lnwis THOM A. eh
'2. •
Civil Engineer, Arehiteet,iet
(late Dominion Department " ?unite
Maks.) -
Conatilting Engineer for Mun..
lapel and County Work, El-
ectric Railroads, Sewerage and
Waterworks SySteins, Wharvcs-,.
Bridges and Re -enforced ton -
Phone 22() LON)O 14 if,
What it \yenta is the soot/line e t-
tentien, of Putnarne Corn Extraceor,
velfieh lifts out the very root and
branch in short order. No. pain, no
after effect, just clean. wholeseate cure
.T1te City' Council alt Edthentoe hes
passed a resolution decliting to Con-
sidter-the preposal to grant es, street
me...fret:talk to a petvate corpotat-
Frees= B. talljbot of .London, Out.,
ex -County Engineer, and, MA of the
beet khOWIl me m Middlesex,
dead;' after an illness ;exam pneumonia
that wee comparatively brief,
Stomach feels like an infernal mac-
hine and you want relief mighty senck,
Netting does the worh half so .soon
as Poison's Nervfitne. Why it kills
the pain instantly. U yottr bottle is
empty. get Another to -day. Nerviline
keeps the doctor bill smoll because
It cures little ills before they • row
big. Nothing for indigestion, heart-
•buirn and cramps like Polson•cs Net-
viline. Large bottles for 25c.
As soon as the : obit& is dohe mim-
ing apply Charnberlein's• Salve. Wipe
it off with a soft clop before
the child to nurse. Many tialned
nurses use this ewith the ?hest tosuit.
Price 25c per boor. For sale by W. S.
A. Holmes, Clinton, Ont.
The badly decomposed body of Dun-
can McPhee,- former residing near
Alsfeldt, Ont., who has been iaissing
'from bonne for two weeks, has been
found e in e hush may Aytoe.
Duncan Graham, 'carpenter, who has
been lingering in the, Guelph General,
Hospital for nearly two weeks , *from
injuries to his spine by falling from
a is dead.
And yet because they live lese st-
renuously, women neglect the early
evidences elf failing vigor. The wise
woman will nee permit het char= to
be robbed by ifl health. When she
feels appetite .failling, nerves. getting
oni edge,, CO*1011 fadding, siee tales Fer-
rol/one. How it shirpees the appet-
ite ! How quickly rich blood le av-
ailable' to restore color to the cheeks,
buoyancy to the step. 13ether try
Eerrozone. tea like a new
being, with new vigor and alley to
eoefort life's difficulties. You are sure
to Mese the day you commeecocl Fer-
eozoee. Sol* everywnere in Gee box-
• by total applications, as hey ean-
not reach the diseased portions of
the• ear. There is only one way to
cure deafness, and. that is by con-
stitutional rerneeilieS. Deafness is
Caused by an inflamed �owlftionr of
'the mucous linittg of . the Euetachian
Tam . When this tube is inflamed you
have e rambling sound or eiteerfect
hearing, and wheat it is entirely clos-
ed, .Deafriess is the result, and unless
title inflammation coat' be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, heariog will be destroye
forever; -Mite cases. oult of ten at
caused by Catarrh, which is, w.thing
but an inflamed condibions of the mut-
us surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollati
for any cede of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that tamest be timid by
Hears Catarrh Cure. Send ler cir-
culere free.
P. J. CHENEY it Co., Toledo, 0
Sold by Druggists, 750.
'Take tiaivs Family Pills for Cent
J. Stevenson
Mr. Harvey Graham; Assietant Gene
enal Manager of the Neta Scotia
Steel & Coal Company, is undergoing
medical treatment at the General
1-lospital in •1VIonstrisal. • ,
• liovi Error* Occur
An exchange has this to say about
a, dtMenIty which every noWspaper
has. .to .coniond with. The staff of a
NeleeeParer; **his with endleett trenble.4
in the hot.telf4Pt• to decipher maauscri.-
.0 sent to the *Mee for publication.
POMO* vIrlifing for plthlication shoo -
id see that all Myer nalneso PaTtr"
lenlarly, axe, spelled out. Advertiavors.
WO :will consult their own interest
by writing Plainly and earefully pun•
ctuating their. copy, Like all .0,1mM
pt*lisivers we are oonstantly annoyed
and .soinetimes led into arror by the
orxelessue,ss with which eoromunicait..
ion% advcrtiseanents „and martinge
nettiees are .written, With Ortiinare
Weeds bred writing does not Matter
lunch AS their identity cao, almost al-
ways be established by ,thewords
teed precede and follow thorn, but
.proper names and Awes have3O to
ephaie no COPON.Ett 'and it is with
them that. mistakes moat frequently
gel) 'into print. If writers to the press
would he More eareful, printers and..
•Pnbilshors would escape a gooddeal
of worry, .aed . errors- would!. to lower
than they are now.
. .
Mr. E. G. Case, a mail earriee of
Carsten Center, Conn., who has been
in 'the U. S. Service for 'about sixt-
een years, saYar "We have tiled
many' cough medicines for croup, but
.01rember1airs's Cough Remedy iskink
of all atect one 'to be relied epons eve-
ry 'tithe. We also find it the .best
remedy for coughs, and colds, • giving
certain results and leaving no bad
elects," *Pon sale by W. S. 11. Hol -
tree, Clinton, Ont.
General Otter enspeetedethe Duffekie
Rifles at Brantford last evening, 061.
Carneron was in command., end the
-regiment: metered nearly four nuud-
red in streneth.
Every Home Needs Zam.liuk
'ia every home eutta, bruises, 'scalds
and similav injuries are satire to occur,
mespocialewshortooe there
blabs!, eczema,
ringWOrflio, UltlerS and
other skitnibseises ewer, ,
For these you need a balm which
is pure, herhal, free from mineral
compoued, free from animal fat, ant,
iseptic able to stop' bleeding ami wie
leh shOuld heal, .
Zam-Bult meets all these require -
modes. Why not prove Its merits.
Rea& title :-
Mrs. Angus, of Fenelon Falls, seys.
-"In 40 year' of housekeeping 1 have
never met with such au exoefient sal-
e as Zarn-Buk."
Mrs Everett Brown, of Markham,
(Ont.), says :-"•Zam-Buk cured, eome,
bad bruises on my knee, I also find
it excellent for chapped hands.
Mrs, Lizzie Gilinour, of Kingston,
says :-"I bad an ulcerated leg,which
became so had that I could net wear
a bot. The feat , and ankle were
swollen to nearly double •Lbeir ordin-
ary sire, and the pain was tetrible.
The ulcers seread in a ring reuse)
the limb. Doctor's. treatment brought
Aorellef, and at .one time it was
thought only amputation could end
the agony I sitiffereil. Zam-rink • was
brought to my notice, and .1 bought'
a few boles. Each box gave • me
more ease and healed. the ulcers. 'To-
drty I em quite curl, the limb i8.
sound, and whereas. before' I could
eat• stand, now I can go iap and:down
stops with ease. I .owes it all to
Zaan-Bitke" .
Zaan-Buk 'also cures eczema, cold
sores, ringworm,. Stiff joints, badleg,
spire nipples, .boils, ebseesses, blohd
poison, poisoited wounds, etc. Used
as an ernbrocatior„, it cures rheumat-
ism and sciatica: and rubbed well in-
to the chest ents. Inv tettubles,colds,
etc. For all .pereeee to whiert a
hoitsphold bairn is; put Zam-13uk will
be. found . unequalled. All druggists
sell at 50e a box, .or: ditecirfrom• the
Zarn-Bnk Co. menreceiPt cf
6 bore a for $2.50. •.
Theme is not the lea,st danger iit
•giving Charnberlaita!s Cough Remedy
to small, children as it contains no'
opium or other 'harmful drug. It has
an established . reputation Of more
than thirty years as the most, sue,
eessful .medicine in use for cods, cr-
oup and whooping cough. It `iiiwe'Ve
cures and ispleasant to take. chad-
rem like it. For sele by W. S. it
Holmes, Clinton; Ont. •
Hon , Wm ; tempi eman , Minis ter of
Inland Revenue,has, authotited nft:o-
ther rcduction in the price of No. 1
methylated spirits from 90 o 80
cents per gallon.
Half a Pint of bot watei faleol ball
an hour before breakfast Will usually
keep the bowels replete. Harsii cath-
artics should be avoided. When a
purgative is needed, take Chamber -
MAW& Stomach end Liver Tablets
They are mild and gentle irk' their ac-
tion,. For sale by W. 5, ,e. Holmes,
•Clinton, Ont.
• Donald Sutherland, a Zore pioneer
is dead, aged 7.8 pate. Deceased lo-
cated in West Zorra when a young
man, atd retired` from fanning eight
years. ago,
No distinsetiot is nia,de ea to the
kind of Piles that Dr. Leoultarat's
Ifern-Roid Ores. •
...444` rialtos Internal, External, Ble-
cclesfg,, Blind; itching, Suppurating,
ets., atie siznplc rtaines;o1 the Ilifferent
stfateS •through Which every e.tse will
Pang if it ooneinute lone. enoagle
Piles ilrc'.(ause.d h e4gestion or
siogiathinkt blood in thn lower bow:.
and it takes an Internal temedy
to rettam.. the cause.
teenba,rks IVem-Rold le n tab.
let taken internally.
It is a permanent elh"i) and no case
of Piles has ever lideit found it failed
te Cure. Money heck if it does.
A guarantee with every package.
Rico $1:00 ab any, druggist's or the
Wilson4yle .Litnited, 'Niagara
Falls, Ott.
A • bobeding hoese in ..Iiiirmingliactin
Ala,, was destroyed by fire between
2 and3 orelock 'this moenhig.. From
le to 14 Jives wcre• foet.
Mr: J. M. Ceurtnee, C. ?ii' G, Who
retiree fermi the peblic tervice of
the Denhieden at dilie 'Kea of this mon-
the Will he banisineted by his, brother
deputies at the Rideau Club ie
ta'Wa next Tuesday eventing ,
T. Marshall estrom,who ha.; been
ikeumanaging dirsintor of • the Monarch
Life Instrranee Company at Winnipeg
since its inception, has resigned. He
rill allow the company' tite right tei
uso hirs copyrighted insurance plans.
An travellers, and those ea -
gaged in outdoor work, shoR14
&larva have a bottle of
at hand. It is the 111014
powerful liniment manufac-
tured and gives instant relief
in casts of lifteRdies. Bribes
and Sprains. It also cures.,
strains, itheamelsm, Nearaigia
and all kindred troubles;
at all dealers.
TrY ifirits UftIt User PIUS
for indigestion and dyspepsia.
Ask your 'dealer or send us
25e. direct. A handsome
souvenir card free.
THE F. F. DAUXY co.. umited
Hamilton. Ont. ler
Russia's Protected Treasury
Wauati Looted by Terrorists.
Wm Root find* Way Out ot
40Psnaso*U. S. DiffistiltY•
Sixth Artiolo of tho Federal C,onstItu«
0001 to Is' invoketi--TrIkatise Como
Uncisr Clam of ofitiprome 1,,aw of the
Land'-eStates Rights th ,Reestive
Revere* Glow filmes Civil War -.-A
ittemontoui, thoission. '
New Yorks Oct. 29,--Wariltinstoss
viceto The Tribune point out that for
the Ann time in the history Ot the VillA
ted States; the teeth artiele el the CM"
entation is to be invokedrte compel
authorities within It. MOO80 r0.
spect the provisione of a treaty, and
the doctrine of states' eighth setinni
destined to receive the severeot blow
it hoe experienced eine, the civil wet
. Previous administrations have re-
mained Widen in the face of local
action. Welt bits seriounly eimharree.
tied the nation in ite relations with
foreign Powers, and oetrager within
Ie boundaries of the otates bave gone
unpuniehed by the *federal Genera-
te** because of the belief that the
Federal Government was without juris-
It has remained for Klihn Root, the
Pheeent Secretary of state, to ft*,,
elate the principle that the constitte
Gen °tease 'United States affordrs ample
=Ahern,- to coretiel oharerranee by a
state of the.proyistone of an 'sterna-
,Two Born-. Thrown and Hiehweernee
• Get $193,000 Fran Government Wag-
on In the Centre of St. Petersburg
About Noon on Saturday - Daring
Explbit Results In Wounds For By-
standers-Preparina For Stolypin.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 29. -The revolu-
tionary terrorists achieved Sattird'AY
In the heart of st. Petersburg an as-
tounding victory over the Governanent's
protected treaSury. The some was be-
hind the Hagan Cathedral OD the street
leading to the Catherine) easy.
'12re dating robbery was committed
• at about noon by which a number of
terrorist highwaymen got • away with
$193,000 from's wagon whish was con-
veying the eaSh from the. Custom Da-
partnient to the State Treasury. •
• Two. Bombs Thrown.
Two bombs were thrown in quIelt
•snocession at the vehicle as It was
Passing close to a branch of'the treas-
ury, after which a rush was made at.
•the Wagon by a number of armed men
who, after exebanging a hot fire with
the gendarmes escorting it, managed to
secure the booty and fled across h small
eootbridge over the Bkaterinsk Cana,
• leaving five of their number in the
bands of the pollee. •
Many bystanders sustained slight in-
juries as a resnit of the explosions• .
Pieparieg For Stelypirt.
One et those captured was a boy
named White, who, when interviewed
at the hospital, said: "We got the mon-
ey; we are preparing. for Stolypin."
' The' aet Was unquestionably one of
revolutionary terrorism and not .00Tri-
man iieettery. "
Once you were robust, bright and
haPpy. To -day you are dull, worried,
failing in vitality and appearance.
Just when youshould be at your
•beet you're played out and beed a
cleansing, 'bracing tonie. • Your: blood.
will soon leaden, your vivecions spirth
Will soon return, you'll be Yourself
again if you refulate the system with
Dr. Hamilton's, Pills. A truly wene
derful medicine, It Seanthee • out dis-
ease, pesitively delves away lioaiiehe,
weariness, and lack of vital force.
Give yourself a chancel. Use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills and .ws.tOh the re -
spit. Sold everyWherdin 250 boxes,
• Tho Mounted Polies have stopped
work for the semen ort. the Edmore.
toe -Yukon trail, twenty mike wagt
of Fort Graham, 13, C. The Mere and
horses will winter at Graham, and
reseme operations early in the spring.
There is no other mediSne ir anti -
featured that has received so mucb
raise • end so any 'OXIIreSsieaS of
gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is effective, and' mt rapt
relief follows its use. Grateful • par-
ents everywhere do not hesitate in
teatify to -its , merits for the kook
of others. .It is a, certain cure for
croup and Will prevent. the 4. ttack if.
given at' the first a,preaiatte ,of the
disease. It is especially adaptld to
cliThir611 b -s" is 113,4424112 'to 'fake
and edtlitglin nothing InjUrious. Mr.
PI A. Humphreys, a well known reed -
dolt and clear, in the stoe4 of Mr. E.
Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony, lit, nth
Africa, says': .‘,11 have useet Chamlyer-
laitb's Cough Remedy to ward off
croup and colds in my family.
found it to be very satisfactory and
It gives me pleasure ‘te reco,rumend
1'oi.4 sato by W. S. R. Holmes,
Clinton, Ont.
timid treaty.
Article 6 of the constitution of the
"%Ids cosetitetioa and tbe,ISWO
the United States, whielt shall be m*de
In pursuance thereof, and all treaties
made, Or which shall be blade, finder
thle aufisority Of the United States,
shall be the supreme law of the land;
and the Judges in every state shall be
belied thereby, anything in the.coneti-
tattoo or laws of any state to the
contrary, notwithstanding."
Confident that Secretary of State
Root is correct in his belief that there
le full authority under the constitelt.1011,
the administration will promptly en-
deavor to put a etrap to those diserbni.
natione. against Japanese citizens
'which local authorities ' within the
State of California have been and are
practising in violation of ;article 1 of
the treaty of 1894; between the JalMin"
elle Empire and the TJoited• States Of
Jape Won't BoycOtt.
Triltio, Oct. 28. -The course of ac
Lion purauedrhy the United Staten, with
the view of protecting thetreaty rights
of Japanese has been somewhat effec-
tive In soothing the feelings ' of the
Javanese people, injured bythe San
'Illeancieco school incident, and it is
eltog.ether unlikely, and there is yi$ nti
sign whatever, that the Japanese will
initiate the Chinese in boycotting
American goods.
• .
Tragedy ,on. the Quebec Escilanade
• - Has Been Acting Strangely, •
Qiiebet, Oct. 29. -Saturday morning
ar' min named George, Leeouteur shot
and instantly, killed his wife on the
Biplaeade. here. . •
The pair, , it seems, weee sitting on
One of the benches' facing St Louie
street, near the Garrison Club, when
Lecouteur suddenly drew his reviewer
and fired, the •bullet entering -his wife's
left cheek and passing through the
brain, causing Instant death.- '
,NO eauere 15 assigned for, this dread-
ful act, brit, it is said, by Lecoutenr's
friends that he has been acting
Strangely of late, and it Is thought he
was mentally deranged. • .
• Lecouteur was immediately arrested
and lodged In central police headquar-
ters. The hodYof his victine, a lade'
of about ..60 • years 0! age, was re-
moved to the morg-tre, where areinquest
Wilt be held. •
Lecontenr be a min about .65 years
old, and Is the father of Donald Le-
couteur, who was killed in the Trans-
vaal atter the Boutb
---Ecierna, Eruptions, Pimples -are surely cured
-the most intense suffering at once relieved-eby.
Olotinefit-the safe and speedy remedy.
"1 war Itouhled with Bartz Piles." writer on
Man whose addren we furnish aft rapes!,
"I used all the 4eflves and remedies I errer heard of:
Then I rued Mira Oinitnetd-,arrd obiained mart
relie vans i than all She other$, 1 rearnionend l to
4UajkdwIh thts complain!?
50c.each box -6 for $2,50. Used with Mus
13load Tonic and Tablets means a quicker eine.
At ding4tores-or from The Chemins' Co. of
Canide Limited. Hamiltou-Toronto,
Ed. Sandy* of Chatham, Who Made a
Reputation in. New York.
Ott. 29,-VVOid has rbeert
ireceivoithof the death tir New York
ef Ea, Asanttys, the popular Mileamilie
virster. and a well-known Chatnton Old
tor, 131the1n William Sandys was 'born
in this city In 1880, theeson ef the late
Von, Archdeacon Eiandpi.
lie nsceived a private education and
became etlYtor et The Canadian tee4orie-
men and Journalist to the Cane.dian
?anima. itailwas. Mr. Satidin,avntsoved
to New York to becomt.editor of out -
big end special'optiter for other euble-
Ile was the author of "TYpiend Genie
Birds,' "Trapper ./ini," "Sportsman
Joe" and other sporting sketches and
ocean Whet* POO, I% R.
London, Oct. 29.-(C, A. R) -The
Grand Trunk Is about to place erderti
here for several large cargo
tetitter boats for 'service on tbo At.
laatio and Pieta*.
lits WW1 aid pommel*
cure, -Ile sure to Woo
Nora boa **grim:M*000f
aro iprklay rollevaa by csawsiato,
mat eider arty. .pa
P� tosaboulals of irosiOtibto arm
send for ow Saoh as Catarrh. No. 4,
Hood Co.. lomat. Nos.
Netrefoundlaati Will Appeal to O.
..C4rionias in lirltslri-th 8Fight.
at. 19031's Mt, Oct 29.-1410101100*
Lephature will i y111
Minoan. to. °madder the Ateeeteeit
lisberiee 41cDlty Thie b noutr airo
months Price to the lima liar of a&
The Legislature will enact mamma
anserang. the 'eehtnial authority in
tosalter that the imiaarial Cabinet
will find it dillieult to veto them.
•It WS Ono- appeal to Canada, Ano-
• n's)* and South Africa to support the
colony in Mutating 'upon its power te
lefdelate respecting its own people.
It is held that the guidon vivendi
violates this Rower.
Established r879 .
Whooping tough. Croup, iltofichit
_ b
• •
Oresolene Is a boon to AsthmatiCs
Does it not teem more effective to'breathe M a •
remcciy to cure disease of the breathing organs
Limn to take the remedy' into the stomach ?
It turos because the air rendered eremite anti-
septic is carried.over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of accpsumptive
tendency find immediatc re'
relief from coughs or in. so 13
named conditions of the • '
Sold by druggists. '
. Send postaifor booklet.
Imamuto, MILES CO.,
ti.in:.ed, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 307
Burning Ship Abandoned in Mid -Ocean
•• -Frenchman Wrecked.
Cape Town, Oct 29. --The British
'steamer Haversharn Grange, from New
York, Sept. 23, was abandoned on fire
Oct 24. The passengers arid . crew
were all saved and landed here by the
steamer IVIattatus. The •HaVershaan
.Grange was bound for Australia, and
was owned by the Dreptre Transport
Co., a British cenetern. '
Wrecked In Fog.
Port Mahon, Island of Minorca, Oct.'
39'. -The French atearner Isaac Pereira
went on the rocks north of the Island
of ,MIreores. In a dense fog Saturday..
Her passengers and crew, numbering
'12 persons, were •Ireeed -with difileulty.• ,
The steamer is a complete wrebk,
Indian Wise Taranto Marathon
Rates iss Good Time
• Toronto, Oct. 29.-frharnas Longboat.
a $1111-agrooded Indian' Of the ette 'Na-
tions, won' the lake shore 16-mtle road
gage en Saturday afternoon in the ex-
eellent tine or 1 hour 31 Inimrtes
• seconds. This is almost ten miles an
hour, and the road was ankle-deep in
anud. W. B. Goideboro, Toronto Central
Y. M, C. A., was secend in 1.33 2-5, and
Wm. Lel3arre, Ilaniiiton, St. Patrick .
third en 1.84 54.
•Stxty-two started, 64 turned and 52
Insurgent Negroes Said to Be Causing.
• Trouble Around Cienfereerie. •
•Ifeevana, Oat. 29. -The ,.Aaneriean.
Military commander at. Cienfuegos • re -
Ports that there are many rurnore
there to the effect that serioes trouble
betieeen the political parties is com-
a). band of termer insurgerit negroes Of
bad repute passed through Soledad to-
waiS yesterday. A :eight dis-
turbance :took plate. • • •
Sone) alarm is reported from Pal -
*mire, owing to reports that armed
blaake are concentrating.1-Ame
auttroeitree dee -6;i,, =‘, 3t isitewf.
Federal Prosecutions Now.
New York, Oct. 29.-A Washington
despatch to The Reread says that MI
very high authority it is announced
that Attorney -General Moody Will 'With-
in a month being proceedings against
prominent members of the Standard
Oil Co. under the terms of the Sher-
man-AnteTruat Law, which pepvides
penalties of fine and tinptisonment for
its violations,.
The Weakness
of Old Age
A S the years go by the blood gets
• tbin, watery and impure, and
fails to supply the nourishment.
required to keep vitality at hign,
Ater mark. Cir.ctliculation getsba
an nervous system s
Besides t e
the weaknessan dizziness, there
are feelings of numbness which tell
of the approach of paralysis and
Judging from the experience ot
the thousands of old people Who
have tested Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,,
it seems to be exactly suited to
overcome •these conditions, conse
quent on old age..
• *Unlike ordinary medicines, Dr.•
Chase's Nerve Pood is entirely
restorative in action, and cures by
forming new, firm flesh and tiesue,
and building . up the system. • .00
cents a. box,e`at. all dealers.
Farmers' Poultry
We want all your Poultry. alive
or dressed, and will pay .the
Your poultry may be delivered •at
Clinton, buyer J. A. Fed,
• Buyers wanted at Seeforth, Blyth,
Goderieh and Henson. . •
. -London, Ont.-
A Boston schoolboy was
weak and sickly.
His arms were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
• The physician who had attended
, the family for thirty years prescribed
co'' Emulsion.
To feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a