HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 81
Real Coad
There is'one "Best" Underwear Mill in. Can,
ada, one that makes more Underwear because it
makes better Underwear than any other mill in the
,country, That mill made the Underwear that is
here to -day. Every garment from the lowest to the:
highest is conscientiously made from clean, pure
yarns, and is properly shaped. It is as near perfect
in fit as skilled operators can get it, and can be de --
Tended on in every way to give satisl'aetory, wear.
r '
Fall and winter stocks are all in. Greater var-
iety or better values were never on our counters.
At .25c
"" Ladies' Ribbed. Vests, winter weight, properly shaped, high
neck, buttonedfront, softfinish. drawer, to match, per gar- .
went ........ .ea„ •.11 at!Se
At 50c
L$dies'. Ribbed' Vesta, part wool, soft finish, • properly shaped,
will fit comfortably, non -shrinkable, will give excellent wear,
drawers to match,all sizes per garment..... ; , .... 50e
At ?5c •
Ladies' Ribbed Vestl, not quite all wool, fine soft finish, nicely
shaped garments that give excellent wear. each............ 75c
At $1
Ladies' extra fine Ribbed Woolen Vests, very soft and com-
fordable, little cotton woven in with the wool just enough to
'keep it from shrinking. One of the best selling vests we have
ever carried, will Wear well, ..pll.sizes, drawers to match, per
garment , St
at Moderate ,
Better Millinery than
that we show this sea-
son has. never been in
our show room. The
hats are reproductions
of the best and most
popular New York
styles. they have et yle
• .0- peals to particUlar pee,
ple. 13y aur system of weekly prders we keep in
close touch with'the markets, and as quickly as any-
thing new appears you will find it represented in our
show room.
We are busy. very busy, but not too busy to fill
orders promptly when .promiSed If you . can order
early in the. week, • we will gu'ara.itee delivery on
New This Week
Felt shapes in blacks and colors
New fancy trimmings
Birds and fancy feathers
The Carpet Sainples
The sale of, Carpet Samples will eo-atinue all
week. ' We had hundreds of them to sell when we
started. By far the finest lot we have ever shown. -
The discarded samples of the Canadian agent.of one °
of the largestiEnglish mills. Splendid designs. Just .'
the thing for rugs..,
Tapestri samples 50c
Brussels sampler $1.00
Axminster. Samples $1.50
.Wilton samples $1.25
Nearly all of them 1i• yards long
The 42c Shot Silk
The Shot Silkb we are selling at 42c are
worth every cent of 75c a yard. We got a clear-
ing lot at a bargain. Now it is yonr turn. Suit-
able for waists, dresses or underskirts, will give
splendid. wear, good weight and width. All
dark/colors, worth at least 75c, while this lot
42c the Yard
- The Newest
Wles in Coats
The new styles in Fall and Winter Coats are
here. Five of the leading Canadian and Gelman
makers have their best styles represented in our stock.
There is nothing skimp about the.assortment either*.
for Ihere''are dozens and dozens to select from, All ,.
are well.niade; material's ire good, prices are moder—
ate. No such coat stocks any where hereabout.
A Beautiful
Tha Cl ntc4 N*irt1 d
October 25th, 1906
May be seen at our store, It is given
with the Weekly Mall anditEmpire. If
you let ue have reit Order now tO
cOmMence at Once and end January
let, 1908, All for One Dollar.
It's 14 months subscription
It's a good weekly paper
- It's a fine picture
Often the Cheapest, .Always the Best
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
—We Issue Express Orders:,
Min Mei,' Mitchell sperit the holi-
days with Blyth f deeds.
Mrs, Thos. Kyle and. hen son. Willie
ere visiting triencle Westfiell.
Mr. Joe Cadmore visited Buffalo
and Niagara Palls the past week -
Miss haera Biggart, Niagara Falls.,
was in town a few days • of the
' past Week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fair, Mrs. (Dr..)
Campbell, Detroit,. .and Mr, Rafael,
'Montreal, took a driving -Jim thr-
ough Colborne the fee:apart cf the
Mr. Alex. Sloman, who has beea en-
gaged 'with 1)/r;, • J. W. Hill of the
Ban Line the past season, Las 7:e -
turned tO town and taken employ -
!Mr. D. B. Grarst went to Toronto
. to give evidence in the investigation
now going on into the . rascality
practised by the 1.4beral '"Machinn"
'in ondon and West. Huron, 'elect -
Miss Ethel Bartlett, London, was the
guest of her uncle, Mr. W. H. Hell-
yer, the past week.
Robert Ninains, New York City, is
the guest of Clinton relatives.
Mrs; Dobson (nee Miss Maud Kaine)
• left on Tureday ls,st for hey home in
Vancouver. after spending the suin-
liner with her sisters,the Misses Keine
of town'
Rev. Father Hanlon was in London on
Monday shifting his brother, who
still continues ill..
Mr, Frank Watson. who was fortsome
months clerk in J. W. Irwin's groc-
ery store, hirt lies lately been employ-
ed in a wholesale establishment in
London; has taken his. old position
withMr. Irwin.
Mrs. &flick of Teeswater, who was in
Gederieli on" Thanksgiving Day • at-'
tending. the wedding of her Son of
Denvee, Col., to Miss Satah Harris,
' was the' guest of-Mrs:It, J. Cluff en
'Mr. W. MeTagkart, Toronto, Was the
guest of his mother On Thanksgiving
Miss Blanche Shepherd, Hyde Park,:
Were home for the holiday. .
"Mr. H; Rafael, broker, Montreal. who
'years. came up last week to visit.Mr.
Ile left for borne on Monday.•
Will Rattenbury, Mr:Aeons Bank, Lon: -
dm), was home fpr Thanksgiving.
Mr. W. K. Gibson of the Molsous Bank
spent irons Wednesday td Monday
evening irr Hamilton and Tercinte.
Mrs: (Dr.) COmpbell, Detroit, wae the
guest df her Panther, Mrs. Fair, se.,
from Satturday,to Monday evening.
. -Miss Essie Fluker has returned frau
Lucknow, owing to the illness of her
Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser and Miss
Elliott, Bayfield, were in. Clinton on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones returned horne
on Monday after having been the
guest of their daughter, Mrs. P,
Hay; Hamilton, for several days, ;
The ranting held in the town half
on Monday evening in the interests, of
the Bible Society was very largely at-
tended. The illustrated address by
Rev. W. C. hassard was interesting
and threw new light upon. the opera-
tions of the society,
The following members of the A. Ct.
U. W. attended a meeting of the order
in Seaforth on Tuesday night : It. J.
dresses were delivered by Grand Soli-
citor Lawrence Toronto, J. Tortance.
Clinton, W. 11. Kerr,: Bruseels, and
others, The visitors were afterwards
tendered a banquet.
Altar ,Mpritip Of intense suffeiring
from cancer of the sternach, Mr. John
Shobbrook passed away on Thanks-
giving evening He Was born in DO.
onshire, England, 07 years ago' zbfit
came to t1143 country at an early • age.
For several' years he lived on the 1.1th
concession Hallett, and fourteen yeers
ago he bought and settled upon a 'Pro-
perty north of town. He was an hon-
est and upright man, much respected
in the community. The funeral took
place Saturday, the pallbearers being
his two brothers, Jaines and Thomas
Shobbrook, and Afode nephews. The
eerviceri seere conducted by Rev. W;
Kerr, OA deceased having been a
staunch member. of the Ontario tared
ehurch, Mr. Shobbrook is survived by
his wife, three sons and one daughter.
Our full range of "Harris" Homespun Tweeds for Fall and Winter wear are now in stock.
These goods. are.famous throughout Canada for their wear and style, and we can say without
doubt there is no better Tweed Dress,Goods made. Try a dress length thiq year and y04 will al-
Wtays wear "Harris" Homespun Tweeds,
111414411.01• .
We are sole agents for Perrins' Celebrated
Kid and Fabric Gloves and our stock is always
complet in sizes and Colbrs. These gloves are
all guaranteed and we will replace auy glove
that does not prove satisfactory. Prices run
Homespun. Tweeds.
This year we are showing at larger nod bet.
ter range of colorings in ',Barris" tbilome,opun
Tweeds than ever, These goodst,have gjvon
011r patrons unbounded satiefactioe ic the _sleet
and we fully guarantee their colorm pr. They
come in plain and checks, in light and dark
greys, green, olive, blue and redo. Don't fail
to see the display on our counters, Prices run -
from 85c to $1,50, We are dole agents for these
Silk Waists.
, We have jest opened up a new shipment of
lesdies' Silk Waists. Then are the newest and
Prettiest shown. this season.
Priestieg Dress Goods. •
Priestly Drees Goods are.here glen in great
range, in blacks, blues, reds, browns, greyetetc.
Every yard stamped and guaranteed. Priest-
ley Dress Goods are widely known for their
fineness of texture and coloring. Corde de
Soiree, Chode de (Menet, Roxannes, Melrose,
Wool Satin.% Venetian Broed• Cloth, Chiffon
Box Cloth, Etc.
The cad) Corset
tkt the price which
comprises all the
new ideas of fash-
, Made of good quality
English floutee, has the
new high bust effect,
tapering waist and long
steel filled, trimmed
With lace and ibbOrl.
white and drab, sizes 18
to 81. This is our sPe"
cial popular priced cor-
• Mg and SMALl.
tve can At then': witir
Stanfier ds Unshrinkable
Underwear for Men
and Women
Unshrinkable Underwear is hard to get. "Stan-
field': will not ebrink. We guaranteee every earment
dr money refunded. Made in. two qualities, all- pure
wool, fine and heavy weight. We carry the Iftest
stock of stamped imderwear in the county of `13.nron
and can fit any man or •a omen large or small, Try
Stanfield this winter and be comforfable.
Women's Underwear ;
ry Goods, Clinton
a aincoa s
LSST week we were fortunate enougn in securing the best bargains in Ladies' Heavy Fall Raincoats that :
has ever entared this store. From a manufacturer otbigh grade Raincoats we secured over thrse hun-
dred dollars' worth .of these Raincoatg at less than the cost -of manufactuq. They are made from extra
heavy cloth, suitable to wear all winter, They come in three or four new styles mostly all full length. We will
: • guarantee you cannot buy one of.these coats in any other store less than $10.00 or $12.00 each. Come and . se.
1 cure yotir size for when these are gone we cannot get any more at any Price.' „
Raincoats $6.50
Twenty-five or more Ladies' En-
o glish Cravenette Raincoats, made
r from, extra heavy weight •cloth,
Suitable Asir wearing all
ivintei'•,, three or four pretty'
styles mostly all full length, SplenL•
• didly made and finished, mostly
0, all olive eolor. Sold everywhere
a t $10° a n d $l2. 6
morning your choice
Along with the Raincoats we place o n;
sale a genuine bargain from each department
in the store. lt will pay you to attend.
English Flannelette, /0
500 veva, Unkllish Flannplette, 30 Mello wide
The balance. 200 yard?, will be reserved till
the afternoon to give out customers feona the
couotry thence t share in this bargain.
35c Casiunere HoSe 250
20 dozen *Ladies' . Black Ribbed Cashmere
Hoge. sizes Sit to 10. A splendid wearing
stocking et 35c. Saturday special.. .25
Black Dresi Skirts' $3795
One dozen Black Dress Skirts, made
strapping's, and trimmed with silk and
buttons. Also half a dozen pretty tweed
9kirts in a couple of new stylea Beet fit-
ting skirts to be had. Special ' 3 95
Pancg Taffeta Silks, 69c
50 yards only, fancy Taffeta Silks, shaded ef-
fects with small cheek; sold in waist lenghts
only. Regular price 85c per yard. Satur-
Dress.Goods Remnants
25 ends of Dress Goods, plain 'cloths and fan
cy tweeds. All new goods, bot ends left
from the spring trade. Marked at ABOUT
40c Taffeta Ribbons 100
800 yards shaded Taffeta Ribbon, 4 to 5 ins,
wide, in half a dozen different color% regu-
lar price 25e to 40c. Saturday, yd.. .19
Extra Speaial
25 pair Nottingham Lece Curtains, 3i
yards long, 50 ins. wide, Made with Col -
hen edges in choice of three pretty
fleral patterns. Extra good value , e7
at $1.25. Special Saturday, pair...
New arrivals in Millino
erg and Ladle& Coats.
More:new shapes in our Millinery depart-
mentjnat opened this week in colore of black
brown, green and navy. Every week sees
sometl3ing new in our show moue; as we are
constently on the lookout for new creations
in the millinery world.
The newest Fall and and Winter COtati are
here in a splendid selection of the season's
nevent cloths, This week we opened some
VerY notery garmente of which we only have
one or two of a kind. You csn rest assured
that any• coat bought here is the very newest