HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 5October 5th 1906 The Clint'On' News.Recor THE MOLSONS 13ANK Incorporated by Act Of ParliaMent 1•855. tapitO Paid 14: 80ook000 Reserve Food Sal000loo Farniere' Sale, NOt4$ Cashed or Collected. Matte On Pee in* in the Dominion, Great Britain, 'United Mateo aed au Foreign Countriee bought arid sold fet beet- rate. A.derancee. mad°to Faring/0' atnek Dealera• and Blieinees Men at loweet sates and on. Meet falterable terMs. SAVINGS BANKDEPARTMENTeeDeposite ni $1 Anil up- wards received, Interest allowed 0.t highest current rates from date of deposit, COMPounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th anciDeceMber Met. O. E, DOWDING, Manager, CLINTON 0 0 Real Estate For Sale. MOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT - 5 roomed cottage situated ore uorth side Princess St., Clinton:, lately occupied by Jas. Walker. Herd anne soft water, e• acre leash -Apple to Wm. Walker, , East St., Minn:in. IFARM FOR SALE. LOT •24, CON. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, •-the remainder isswell 'fenced, underdrained and in a good ntate ot cultivation. 1 acre of ors -chard and small fruit. On the pre- mises is a two story brick heuse with slate roof, a first-class -farm ' house, a barn, size, 40 • x 80 with stone stabling, a cement .silo. leen, good driving house, pig wen and hen bouse. Two never -!ail- ing wells. This farm is situated 3 miles from Brucefield, 5 from Clea - ton and on gend gavel road. Ap- ply on the premises or address AlbertNott, Clinton P, Q. 02 • FOE -SALE -FRAME HOUSE AND 'lot on, Princess street. 11 rooms, hard and soft water. Good stable, AVill be sold cheap and on easy %aims. Also 4 hives of bees and a number of bee boxes. -William Dun- can. 139 _FARMS FOR SALE -ONE . AND A .quarter miles from :churcle poste eeffice, whole', and the village of IA.uburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 271 on the,grid core riVe•st Wawanash consisting of 100 acres sof land, 15 acres under bush and rlihe Mance nearly all. grass. A ebrion house, a bark barn 52X6.0.,. a edriting house 24x36 with •a cement .pig 'house underneath, are on sat • ' premises. 'Moo, lot -.28, Eaat -Wayeanosh, 2nd con., directly oppcin- qte. said lot .21, containing 100 acres Se of land, 15 acres of which are bush. 'this lot there is a bank barn :40x 0 There . are 4 acres of good ng chard on. the tw -sloth lots".nre well fen and un- eddramenedtn. never ling spring 'runs aprons tEn arms. PassessiOn ,cart be given at owe. Terms easy: 'The proprieLor is now past the age. farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P, 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communicate ions. --„se FARM TO RENT -LOT 15,. CON. 13, Hullett, 150 acres, known as the .Kelly farm.-Ap,ply to W. Bryelone, Clinton. 42 HOUSE FOR SALE -THE SEVEN ememed house now occupied, ley Jame ' es. Livermore is • offered •S or eane. • • Good stone eellar, all landeof sun all ftuit, b.ard ,and soft water. Will be eolge cheap. Apply. to James Livermore. FARM FOR SALE,-NVEST HALF' of lot n, South Boundary, and West half of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, Gone sisting of 102 acres, 8 .acres bush, the remainder seeded down except- ing 30 acres.. The place is well fen- ced and drained, an waterecl by spring creek. Frame barn. This farm is situated on. the Town Line, two Miles west Of Kippen station. Apply on. the premises or address James C, Parsons; Kipper', Ont. 32 FARM FOR SALE OR ',IQ RENT. - Lot 13, emee16, Goderieti township, consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres cleared, balance bush. Good barn and comfortable house. Well wat- ered by two good running streams. mile trem school and 1 mile fromi Postaffen. Will be sold on easy terms, -Apply to T. T. Murphy, clitQx 1 35 tt FARM FOR SALE: -LOT , 30 AND part 81, con. Si Hullett, consisting of 117 amen. 15 acres • good: hard- • wood bush, baiance under cultiva- tion. Good brick borne and, frame berna. Well watered and fenced. Bearing orchard. miles from store, postoffice, church and pollee'. Will be sold oe eas'y terms es the undersigned intends going West - EI. J. 'Miller. Clinton P. 0. 14 HOUSE FOR SAL t - A • .LARGE franie hotise on Weliingten. Street, • 011*011, lstnlY ..enolenicsi by. IP. C. ....4.20orts and pantry, ss-'ood- s•hed, good stone cell:are hard and sett water,•:1 acre of land. A :sp., lendid chance for a person wanting e good house. Apply to 'Mrs. Chid - ley or 'to 'Mrs:. • Allcock. 39 FARM" FOR SALE -THE • UNDE: signen offers for sale partof hit 40 on the Bayfield Road, I mile, south of Clinton, consisting ot 20 notes. Good frame house with st- eno cellar, barn 3.6x70 with cement. b•asement. Easy terms; - J: • A. • Sinith. • 10 Your Friend would like to haue Photo of You THAT WILL BE TO THEIR . slitting. We take the kind you . both will like. The style de- . penes upon your selection. We will see that you.. get the . • best, well posed and finished. COIVPMENCING 1st of SEP- • tember I Tint' be prepared to . . go into the country every. 1 . Wednesday and take pictures • of outside groups, dwellings,• barns, animals, etc. Outside views on postmen's a special- ty. During my absence the gallery will be :kept open by 4. my assistant, ---,Call and see us. •••, J.,.. Roberts hotp Artist .3- Clinton] Bargains in 'Furniture • 'IT WILL PAY ',YOU 'MO . 'INSPECT • OUR IltIM.1NSE : STOCK BEFORE :BUYING. OUR CONNECTION ONE ' 'LARGESS? . FURNITURE I FACTORMS ' IN CANIMA ENABBES STO GET( OODS enTiLOWER PRICES tmAN OTHER DE- SALEItS. OUR' PRIGES ,11110- VETflit COME IND SEE US AND , *VVE WILL!. SAVE YOU AIONe 1111Y. ' GOODS DELIVERRD Pitnt. ditellew .Glasses that Fit: We succeed. because our gliassesgive per.. feet sight. lov,tablf. each .are he frame sets corn- . looking through -the centre of the tense • the Whole becoming mc2.9. to th;e406.,.e‘iiiraWeti.rer. • •nr:it A. j. GRIGG icientific J escalate (and Optician 4, CLINTON, ONT. Don't 11Vorry . Trying to use up that last sael: of flour you get that won't bake well. Set it aside end get in line with something good. ' -0(1411.48 ROYAL . • • to ! .•••• 110t1ShIlOtli•Altdtlit • , L e not only GOOD but is declared by all WHO Use it tO, bo without ender itt Clintore Canada, or the Coin .tintente ekii• you ROCS In this ‘'....141:id 4hit lieti *eat. TO 'ilOuese 'hole" %W. are pole agents. "TIIE PEOPLE'S GRO(ERY" A D. Beaton, CLINTON. BLYTH lit. Prompt Delivety. FOR SALE -TWO (VAL HEATERS .4 -Art Souvenir and Acine almost ae gemi as new, -Dr. Thome pson. 40 WANTED -000D RELIABLE I,ADY to tette orders for. our tailornnade costumes and skirts. Write quickly. Dominion, Garment Co., Guelph, Ont• WANTED -CARETAKER FOR SUM. mer home in Bayfield. References required. -Box 440, lieyneld„ Ont. 46-2 FOR SALE -A LARGE COOKING range, coal or wood. Also a. New Williams sewing machine. - Mrs. John A. Carter, on D. A, Foerest- er's Farm. 46* DOMESTIC WANTED FOR GENe eral house work. -Mrs, W. J. 'rote er 45. APPLES WANTED-UNT1L NOV. 10th the undersigned will pay 20 cents per bag for 'good paning ap- ples delivered at Clitton or Sea - forth evaporatore.-Town & Ceee.45 DRESSMAKING. - MRS, GAL- braith has •deckled to remain in Clinton for the winter and will be pleased to meet he • euetome,rs her rooms over T shoe store. A FEW PEDIGREED LEICESTER ram Iambs for sale, -C. 13. Middle- ton, Bayfield Line, Goderich town- ship, Clinton P. 0. 43-3 TO RENT -THE STORE LATELY occupied by Mr. Harry Bartliffe,-, W. VV, Ferran. 44 J. LEWIS TI -1•0M A S. Civil Engineer, Architect, eve ( ate DOinipion Department, Public Welksn consulting Engineer fot Mita- -• icipa,1.and Chanty .Wok, El - eerie Railroads, Sewerage and WaterwOrks Systeins, Wharves, 'Bridges and • Re -enforced con- crete, , .F11 ono 2220. LONDO 0 T. FOR 'SALE -LOTS OF GOOD AM - erica"' corn at a. reasonable price.. • 1 to Mee menthe time, if desired. • Pees tee dear to feed, sell peas and buy corn. -We G. Perrin. • • D. OVENS, LONDON,' 8pEcIAI.,- . ist of the eye, ear nose and throat • will pay his next :visit eh Clinton, professionally on. Thursday, Sept • • 6th, when he may be consulted . at • Holines' drug store. - • 'THE 4 BERLIN BUSINESS 4 . .-.COLLO. Write for catalogue of .the school that places more stud- ents' in positions then any eimilitr school in Western •• 18. Ontario. All graduates get IS positions, . • Enter at .any thee. • . Berlin Iltignest College W . 0. Euler, helm's:tali -#4**4**,04$444044414coisanc * • ' ' * • . NOVV OPEN . . * " Fall • Tenn in the * • * • * * CENTRAL. - BUSINESS• * * "COLLEGE,' TORONTO, * * . , * Enter any time. Twenty * * teachers, one hundred and *. • * twenty Typewriting math- * * Ines. Unexcelled * * for assisting gradliates to * * positions. Write for new * • Calender. • • * 1 . ' * W. IL SHAW, Principal, * * en • Young & Gerraed Sts., * Toronto, * 444.33-4-40-40-44-444434"34-. • * "High Grade" Training + + pays said that is the + + kind the famous + To.,RO,NTO.ONT Gives eo it etudiente Recent stud- ente have takin positions at salaries from $50'', per. month to $1000 net' ate noon It, is ellsknown .tact that our school Is ,the beet of its kind in Canada. :Tide month is • a' splendid time to 'enter. AR graduates get poeitions. The demand is nearly tw- enty times the .supply. Write tonia.y for magnifietent catalogue. 4* • + W. J Biltett, + Cor. Yomre end 8:4 Aleirantlet Streeth. + Marriages. IVIOSELY-PARSONS - AA Toronto on, October 8th, by the Itev. All. an. Seager, S. E. si,ily) I'ersons, , of Detroit, to John hioeely, Tore onto, formerly of Goderieh. "COLLINOVVOOD-PROUTY - At the home of the bride'S parents, on Ockiber 1711", by Rev. Blear,Thos, • Collingwood of Exeter to Laura Pansy, eldest dattgliter 41f Samuel Prouty, Sodom. BENNINGTON--ALLAN - In Wrox- ever, on OettSier 10th, at the home of the brides' mother., Sarah Allen to Wendel Bennington, by Rev. Mr. Perrin, DAWSON-PURDON-In Whiteenitssil/ on• October lOth, Wm. Dawson to Nlyetle Purdon. IiENDERSON-PURDON-In White- church, on October 10th, Thomas Henderson to Bella Fenton, COLLINS-..EDGE-4.t Sault Stc. Miehigare on Septemben lgth, by Arclideaeon Lord, Wm. Collins of Bar River to May Edge of Detroit, formerly of Seaforth. CRANDALL-RODERUS-At the rec., tory, Wingharn, o October 17th, by Rev. T. S. Boyle, John Fran- klin Crandall to Sophia it, (tau- ghtee of 1Vir, F. I -I, Roderue, . Winnham. Births. PECKITT-In Clinton on October 19th, to' Mr, and Mrs.. (Ore(' Peeh- itt, a son. .RANDS -In Clinton on October 19t1I, to Mr. amt Mrs. Ja,bez Ramie, a son, STERLING -In Goderich townshipon October' 19th, to M. and Mrs. George Sterling, a daughter. NOTTe-In Huliett, on October llth, tot Mr, and Mrs, John Nott, • a daughter (ntill-born.) WRIGHT-At the home of the Deln tist minister, Goderieh, on October •11-bh, the wife of Rev, H. W. Wright, Of daVighte.r. HUTORINSON-In aforth, on Oct- ober 14th', to Mr. and Mrs, W: Hutchinson, 0, son, KENNEDY, -In Tueleersmith, on Oct- ober 10111, to Mr. and Men .Kennedy, a cleughtex. MelylARTIN-In Henson on October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. McMartin of Barrie, a danghten PROCTOR -In ttoimeeyiiie on Oct- ober 18th, Mrs, JOseplf Prostor, aged 66 'years and 10 itierithn SHOBROOK-In Inullett on Oetebet 18•th, John .Shobroon, aged 07 yeate• • ' WEIRS -On. the Landon Rodd, Tucker - smith, on °teener 190, Lefetta, daughter of . Mrs: .W. Weir •and •grancletlasighter of Mrs+, Ile Cole, • I.Ortdon, aged Q. Weaka.., Seaforth, on October elth, • j, McDonald Dill, aged n years; -and' Flora Margaret ow, aged: ,mouths, son and daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Peter Dili.. MAS0N-11 BIYth,, on October. lith, Percy James lusell, fiecoad ssoneof Mr.. Wm, Mason, aged i; years, • Months. arid' 8 days. • • • . KNEESHASIVeein Generich; on Oco1- et e4th, Birdie 'Irene only (laugh-. ter ei Ernest'. Kneeshaw, aged 1 year a,nd 36 days. . FEAR -At the home of hex son, Rev. e E. A. Fear, Exeter, on: October • 12111, Jane: F. SJ.. Fear, aged 79 „years, 2 months and 5 Says, HEMINGWAY-In Grey, (in Oetober 11th, • Laurel Isabella, infant: daW ghter of W J HemingWay,, aged 2' months and '6 days. • • iVicCrEEeeln 'Morris, on October 10th, Relheit.'..tohe McGee, • in WS' 27th DICKSONe-At •Iliittereye Mae., tin October, 10th, 'jean SteWart, re- lict of the late .,Tohn Dickson, for, merly. treasurer of Winglesene aged . 78s year and 10 months+. • . JOHNSI'ONe-iu Merris, on Oceober nth, :Wee. Janes Johneten, . aged years,' 6 . months and 23 dans., gakyre, aaad bias hoVIS good days. mearni Clint your child. • isthriving and' well; Babyle Tablets brings elf • good days into your child's life:, for. ehey Make little ones Well, and . Seep them wit Mrs. • Joe, Ferland. • St. Tito, des Caps Que says e-•"Sinee hug inn little one BabSen Own Tab- lets etre has been, in splendid. health, is growing plumper , every day, a,nd. has beautiful rosy checker." . 1 hese Tablets cure indigestion,. colic, con- stipations sifniplo feveree teething troubles', and all .the migor ailments of little op -e.. They do riot csintain one particle of the poieohous opiates found in all soothing medicines and most litieed preparations. The Tale • lets nen be given., with, abSaute safety to the babe just bone as, well as the child • of advanced years. Sold by all medieine dealers or Fent by mall at 25 cente, a brie by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • Exeter Death visited the Main :0 teat. par- sonage On Friday last and removed one of its, initatee, Mrs. Jane J. Pears mother of the Rev, 1.1. A. Isear. Ear some years the +deeeasect ha.; made: her home with her son and to. the greeter part ot the time has been in nein' poor health., consequently death earrie ets n reliet to the proloreged etifferee. ttlehouell ,;1'1, Dad been, eon - fined Ito eher 'bed tor reanY months she suffered little pain and haS eaten her meals' regularly. The end came very gliteliiy, she having :eaten her' dinner ihently after twelets enlock and died fess than an hour' Attire aff'etWardS. She had resided in Ek- eter only since July, when Mr. Pear' became., stationed here. Mrs. Peer bore bee', long affliction with MOM-. fan fortitude and passed away in the firm belief of her Sanious'e merit,;. ter reniaine wein taireet by train to f4tratford on Monday morning and there inierre.4 beside, those of her late husband!: She had reached the age of 79 years, g months and 5 days. Goderich Township A kiwi supper wifl begine on Friday eireniag of next week under the .atespices of L. 0. L. No. 181, The supper will be served at Mr. W. Currie% on the 7th. After while there will be a program of vo.eal and in- strumental musie in the °ranee) hell. As usual, there will be a good time, there is no :doubt about then foe what lan nijrirtake it dime well. Blyth.. ; On Thursday evening about 40 of the 'congregation of Teleity church, gathered at the rectory to bid good- bye et A, 11. Plurniner and family before they left bee the Wet. A few' hours were pleesently spent in, whiet an impromptu program. of . singing, selections OR the piano and speeches was rendered and enjoyest by all..iner- ing the evening Staley Buchanan,on behalf of the congregation, read an eppreciative address, aqui Miss Edna Carder 'presented Mr. and Mtn Plum- mer with a sneer tea eervice, while Mese E. 1d. Metcalf presented to Master Frank Plummer a trend gold French erescent scarf pin rPet with pear1s Mr. Plumlner was entirele taken by surprise and quite affected by this expression of friendship. How- ever, in a nicely worded ,ipeech, lie thanked his friends very .eordially for their kindness, and .also expresstd his sonow at severing his connection With Trinity congregation.. He wished it every success and prosperity in the fulture. Frank Metcalf, John, Potter, George Powell, John Hartley and Rev. W. H. Hartley also epoke dur- ing the .evening, all testifying to their admiration of Mr. Plummer as a citizen and a churchman', and wish- ed hem prosperity anel nappluees his new boine. Atter the congregate ion served a very dainty lanch which all present enjoyed. The gethering broke up alter singing altogether "Auld Lang Syne." The following is a copy of the address .1. - To Mr. A: Hs Plummer and Family Dear Friends, -On the eve of your departure ,to ebbe West, we are please ed. to • have this opportunity of all meeting tooth& you,,aad yenning you God speed, Wo are .sortv 10 lOSO trhaTbeeutM seolinrreiwhitlihte, ainadtarTtilidyy that help as you have been. For • many years nave yoti have IMen connected with our congeeiganiort abd, hevetakers an aRtil'e and leading part in eVery menemeni. ,You have beers an efficient Church. Weeden, a liberal eontribeteer to alt °Mach funds., a zeeloue woelsee hi the drift, and at almoet every entertninineet for years pest, both you and 'Frank, by peer help . have dentributed notch to ten sriceo.4s; Mr& Plumiter has been a faithful member of the . and in tiinre. of 'emer- gency has taker). the organ', and has:• also been an 'active niember, of the Wm:Cann In, short as' a faintly, yonr loyalty. to • and self-sacriace for - the church is highly • connnendable, :shall miss you muOi* and see shall long remember 'your heaSty coeoperat- ion. We hopa yoe all will be spared toenjoy'- ina•riY:yinee of happineis 'ant prosperity in your new hone. The bent wishes of our cinigregatioe • go with you,. and we eli trust to • hear et your • success in •the .great Wept. We. ask you- and Mrs. Plummer to aceent thii eilVer 'tea service, and Frank Anis' geld scarf nin, not as . a reward for your labOts for the chur- ch, but as a slight token of our ap- piteelation 'of nem. stnvices. We hope that these': serve as:a iloic bo connect yeti in Memory With yone Many warm friends in Triate • B6Igravo, Was: Thos. Wilkinson IS. at Present visiting leinidfi in Ripley. M•iss Wilson or Miehegan, is visiting Mr. and „Airs. Solar of Beigra,ve. Js McSiSh of Clinton. paid the . village e brief visit one day lest \veljgy rlics'e, Peres! Seandrett, who hae bad an. attack of typhoid fever, is doin itg The Bell Telephone niers 318 nem tvuo installing a telephone it'. Bolgiave,. , " D. KAY hap returned toBelgrava peter •. a doe,ple. 0!Mon'thP, • Rev. A. L udge, of Heneventieki a couple Of dog last' ireek: vs.viAl• farther heft.. • • Crowe of. Dobbinton •epent her Thanksgiving holidaye with her brother, Mr. Wray; ' • ' Quite a number of sheep na.Ye 'oeen worried by dogs of late, •out on Mr. Louittit's ranch, East Wawenoein Wori4 hal" reached Belgra,ve of the death of R. J. Tufts on ()defier 13th, at his edaughter's • in Albariire N.: Y. Me, Tufts owes one of the ihitsf residence.s• in: Belgraye, blob has resided here for some tient. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Fraser and tams fly itaive moved froth BelgraVe to the Ontario Soo, where they hope to hue prove their general conditioa. bane Nicholson of Basswood Lake, Day's Mill, Algoma, visited friends In Selgrave and vicinity last week. It is about tWenty-fiers years ) ince Mr. Nicholsen left, Morrie ttth.at picturesque country. 44444444+++++14+++9+ ABOtIT • + • OLI.TOpiNg. , + • • RATE0, • 40 .It • When : you want a eity , + Daffy er Woolly paper the 4. 4. cheapest way to secure it 4. 4. is by crtibbing with The + , News -Record. You sfiAle + by tide means, tfrne, troub. 4. 4. le and eepensre Let tin + .//: nee* Whet yolk' %vat abdp 4. 4. We Will get it rot yeti. + 44. Will be pl`easett to do to. 4. + We have clubbing arrange. + • tomtitwith' air the reeding 4. 4. Weeklies and dailies'. • 4. +++401444+4÷141414144÷1,441. FQYNPREJPIEP PEAU -NA MRS. ANNA MIUNDEN There min be no doebt about it that the tendency to resort to surgical. opera- tions has been too great in the past and Lha t this harmful tendency is gro*ing less every day, Experience bars demonstrated that Many ailments which seemed p, require surgical operations) in the past are now being cured by the use of harmless rem- ediee. Perim& has klone as much as any SURGICAL 'OPERATIONS A Olbeln other remedy to es- tablish this :very important f act. Thousands ef people have been con- demned to undergo surgical operations. Their physicians have told than that they must either submit to such opera- tionor lose their lives, After this they have resorted te- Peruna and found relief. Other good remedies have acoom- , plished the slime result, but it is safe to assume that no other remedy has ectialed Peruna in its beneficent work. Naar ot the.). alleged incueable de- rangements of the pelvis aredependent .. Ip� atafir4*•••••-•• •r- • There is n2 ewe for these except the' eeinoviel of the catarrh. • .Peyup.,k,Seeiningly works miracles in sale of these cake. The explanation, however, is very simple. Perinea re- moves the catarrh and Nature does the test.1 , % A Suffered Thirteen Years With Pelvic TrOubles, Unable' to rind Relief. ' AN OPERATION ADVOCATED. Pe-ru-na, Taken as a Last Resort, Orings Health and Strength. A NNA MUNDEN, Brinkley, Ark., XL writes: *01 suffered with female troubles for - thirteen years, and tried the hest dims tors in Louisville, ICY., without relict opent thousands of &also at the • Sprihgs. "The doctors desired that 1 have an operation performed to remove my ovaries, which I would not coaseat to. saw An advertisement of your Parana and bought one bottle and be- fore I had taken, it All 1 could get out of bed and walk about. “After taking three bottles I Was 12 well and hearty as ever. el gained in. flesh. Prom lie I in- creased to 186 pounds. ..If it had not becalm, your great and wonderful medicine, I would now be in my grave. "I would advise all women sufferers to try It. oil would not be without it for the world," A WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. 1Virs. Caroline Kramer, Fort Collins, Col., vfrites: tiThe majority of womenwbo are suf- fering • from disordered periods and other troubles, have such strong faith in doctors that they allow them to este periment on them for kidney4 liver, or stomach troubles, Until they become discouraged and tneir merety•is gone. gems wag illy unfortunate experience for nearly two years, when my atten- tion was called to Perizna. hardly dared believe that at last I had found the right medicine, but as I kept on using it And was finally cored I could only thank God and teisn @MA's age. nee, sI have had most satisfying results 131111 gin }V hr you [medicine and bare • oTised eleaeits of vedriel wh were goring with woman's Ms to nee Pieuna and let the doctors alone, and these wheelunse fels , lowed in editor) are better to -day and many are fully restored to healtli..!0 Huron Rifle Lengue'Matelx At. the mateh at Wingbrun on Thurs- day last, of the Huron Rifle League, the fellowing led in the scoring and %Von the prizes • TYRO MATOR--200 yards . . APox , , %% .. 2 5 3 4 .5-7-19 3. Snarling .8-3 3 _2. 2-13 W. Anderson 3 4 4 .4 2-47 ...:500 yards 5 5-1'7 -•. • , SATISFACTORY rmyLil FROM ); 4 Stanley. Townsixip. (Wended for last 'iSK04%).. 111t. Samuel Reid of LueknoW ace companded by US sistee, pont Suite day in ,this . 1Vliss 0. 'R,onnette Godericia paid a flying visitl. to lier home recently. Miss Maggie Clarke of the Goshen Line was last week the guest of het cousin, Mrs., D. Dewar, Saublt Line. • Mr. and Mrs. Will. Wheatley and son, Muter Percy.* of Clinton, were guests. on, Sueclay last at the borne of Mr; JosephRicherdsene • . . g. Crockery VV. Anderson. ,2 4 0 2 4-.12' The first prize Of 33.we'.9 won by Fox, the second of 32 by Sperling, and the third of $1 by Anderson. 0ISEN200 ye rile Freeb urn, R G, Win ghein 5 5 4 5 5--24 Prouce, 0; Poderielx........ 5 4 4 5 5-23 W K, Wingluten 4 5 4 45-42 The first prize of $8 was on by Free - burn, the second of 32 by Prance, and • he third of $1 by Smith. • Youngbli:::Atib7rii7..r..4:14 4 5 5 5-/..4 Elliott, IL Witighatu • • -45554.23 Watson, E R. Goclerioh.... 8 5 5 5 5-23 Smith, W It, Wingharn . 3 5 5 5 5-23 .• The first prize of $8 Youngblun'the second of .and the third of $1. by Smith (tie) 50c each, • The County medal was Wen by F Stalker of Biyth with a score of 47 out T./1g Mt WANTON was won by $2 by Elliott Watson and • ihe shooting 'oven the dintrin rifle ranges'on Thanksgiving Day reshited thus at 200 yards : Gibbings OE Dowdieg ... 13 Hilt ' J Johnson R Welsh,.. D IVIcPherson . Johnstrine rt Downs • .4 2 3 5 3-17 5 5-2.i 5 5 4 4-5-28 5 4'3 5 4-21 53 2' 3 5-1S 22-4 5 . 4-17 . 4 24 5 2-17 3 5 2, 3 4-17 When yciu needCrock- ery it will pay you to buy from (Mir stock. Glassware Your stook of alap-' wareSas continually to be: replenished. See what we have. before buying elsewhere. Groceries In buying from us you Are sure olgetting new, fresh goods at prides that will please you. Your Patronage Respect- - . fully Solielted; A. (I„ 11olloway e Big. CLOTHIERS The buoyant feeling evident in all branches of business appears to be amply juatitled. Every interest of the country is flourish- ing and indications point to not only continued prosperity, but to 'tilt greater development in industrial progress. In view of ' this bright outlook we made liberal preparations for this Autumn Trade. The ranges of Men's and Boys' Suits will be found larger,' the Over- coats more complete than heretofore -especially in higher grades. We are confident -that the seaeon just opening will bring us many New Facts for New Clothing. We are positive our Clothing has no superior. .Everything ineritesble is associated with Our Clothing Don't. Boys' Suits trom $2 to $5 Young Men's Suits from $5 to $0 Men's Suits from $4 to $14 ' Boys' Overeoats from $3 to $5 Young Menni4Svercoats froze' $4 to 50 nten's OverCoate front $5 to $10 Stanfield, reiiniaii, Turnbull and Puritan' Unshrinkable Undsrifrear at popular prices POPLESTONE & GARDINER Successors to McKinnon & DL YT// einininiewokiiiimirimaionliloweivemeet eatimie,