HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 4Clinton tiewtsollecord t. Octobcr Clinton News cord CLINTON es ONT. Terles o eubscriptime-41 per year 4.4VaeCe. 41.50 may be chared if eet so peid. No paper discontinued Until all arrears :ere pe.•id, unless at •Th� Opinion Of the publielier. The date ,te whichevery subscriptieu la Paid is. denoted op, the label. • 'Advertising atee Tratieeent adver. tiseleeirts, 10 Cents. per • nenpariel lixw for fist iusertion, and 3 vents.. Per line. for ea.ela subsequent iusert. Ion, SWAB -AdVertiSementei. p.Ot to: exce.ed one inch, such as "Lost," "StraYed," or "Stolen," etc, in- serted once tor 35 • cents and each sabeeteteet inseetion 10 cents. Communications, inteeded ter publioae tion must, as ii, guarantee rd good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. • - W. J. MITCHELL,. - • Editor and Propriiitor. Londeshoro. 11:eiss Lennie Cunniugliasu of 13e1gra.- ve,' a former teacher of S. No. 5, spent Thanksgiving Day with het friend, Miss Xoddse. Mr. Campbell sf Goaseseh bee, tile en a situation at the roller The Londeshoro Threshenou.tilt, pas- sed through ...the village this. weele It has haxi a most successfel tunso far anc . has in the neighborhood' of twenty barns to the811.3,qt.. Mr. A. F. -Johns attended the mee- ting of .the East Huron Teachers' Association held in Wingham last week. Miss I. Young of Brantford • svas home for the .holidays last week. Miss M. Agnew of Winghasit sisited her friend, Miss L. Brigham, last week. • Messrs. Pugh and Robertsoe, who formerly taught .here, called on thlir respective friends last week. Mrs.* .MacCellum of Kingston spent a few. days with her son last Week, Miss C. E. Huston, spent 'rhankss givSng day with relatives at Pine eelaitives at Pine M MMM MMAIMii? River. Mr. Norman Murch spent his holt- day,s at his home in Stratford. Mrs. Templeton of Kincardine as- sistedwith the progranr•at thee fowl soppier-. by singing 'a. number of . solos which were much appreciated. While here she was the guest of leer aunt, Mrs. J. Tamblyn. ° Miss . A. Lawrence returned to Lea- mingten on Friday *last. • The fowl supper ie -the . Methodist church on Thursday last was • Most successful. . The Thanksgiving service, held.. in the Presbyterian, church was not seer:7 wellattended, there being thily Some Itliffrty-five pareorits incturling, speakers present.. • • The annual Meeting Of the • local branch of the Bible Society wait held in Knox Church .o.n Friday e'venieg - las t. A quiet .wodding took place here. on Thursday evening when. Miss Margaret Watson became the wife of Mr. F. Richards. Both are well arid fa,visie ably known. and we joia lute t,ongra- tulations with tlfose o.f their . many friends. • • - (Intended for last issue.) . Rev. Mr. Currie spent a few days at his home this week. Worlemen are bu,sy laying cement floors in the. stables at the parson- age. The appearaece, of Knox' shurch is also being improved by- a. Coat.. ol• paint. - Messrs. Morrell • i.S.• Holmes.' ins t'alled a new system -of gash:Aims, lighting this week. • • • - R. J. Martin was welcomed • back from the West by bis ina,ny friends hero on Thursday of lastv Wilfrid Criss; of London visited- his home he on Saturday. .• . Porter's Hill: Miss Ruby Potter retu'rried • home Monday evening aftersvendineThank- sgiving holidays with frieauls in Mit- chell. . Miss Milne spent Thanksgiving with her friends in Ethel. Mr. James Young of the 1st con. has started as an appseatiee with Mr. 0. W. Potter to learn the bit- , aohsmitle. , Miss Annie McPhail is helm again alter a. few weeks in Seafort.h . es ale- ing on Mrs. Turnbull. Miss Edith Vanderburgh. spent is few days recently at het .auat'e, Mrs. W. Westoe's. • Mite and Mes. Fred. Morgan.- and children. and Mt. and IVIrs. John Yea and family visited. friends and relat- iere around, Porter'e Hill. recensly. Mrs. Bunten, 'returned •horne Satur- day after spending a 'week with fri- ends la ,Goderich. 1Vithe Edith Holdsworth spent a few . days last week at IVIrese 0. W. Pot- ter s. Mr. and Mrs. 'Willis Bell and Mrs. sr. Bell of She 1st coo. -spent a Week lately at Milton with friendS. Stanley Township Miss Gertrude Dawson from Elmira, O spent Thanksgiving with her parents; Mi.aavti Mrs. Geo. DOws.on of Goalless Lite. IVfisie Sarah Beacom of Getlerich :township is Visiting telatiVes in this dicirdty. • . • • Mr. Nathan Peck of reineitilviII6 accompanied by lVfre. johin IVicKiriley Sr. of Seafetth called on relative& oe„ Goshen Lie on Monday of this Mr. and 1Virq W. L. Xeys of Baby- lon Line tetutited home' last week after' ependind the pest thsee vise00 with friends adsti reratiVes fn Mani. tetra and Minnelseita. ' • ' Mrs. Martin., trete N.Vie teehurelr 4 the guest or Mrs. Mary Jane, Clnirea of Gaelleti Lille at pressia. 'VMS. Wei. CIatke of Babylon f4ine Bed her daughter, IVtiss Florence, spen6 ThanitegiVing With the forniee's daughtet, Mrs. (Rev.) Millet a Cole inth. Constance Mrs. II. Proctor of New Liskeaed spent a few days Alisiting friends here. Hee mother returned with her on Monday last. Mrs. John Millson .of OrflItai *call a few days last week visitine her Sister, Mrs. Charlotte Millsoa. Mrs. Ferguson and sons of War- wiek spent Thanksgiving tiolideys •the guests of her sisters, Mrs. Jewitt .and Mrs. W. Button. •- '1V11s0 MacIntyre of St. Thomas is the guest of hee .friend„ .Mrs. J. D. Hinebley. afrie Geo. Wheatley Sr. is veey, low at present with elight hopes for her reeovery. . Mr. 'dowsed Snell and sister of Cli- nton spent Sunday with (heir •coteein, Mrs. D. Tudor. . Mr. Robert -Clark now - Weart a • broa0 smile Why-? (lease it is a little girl.. . • Mr.. and Mrs. .B. Crawford a Loa.; desboro spent Sunday with the la•te ler's eistee. Mrs. Geo'. Riley. ' Miss Alma Jewittereturned on Sate Imlay Ober spending, a few • weeks the guest of her cousin at Werwiele The anniversery pervicee held here oni Sistelay were very successful • Mr:, Albert Greenlaw„- of Sarnia, the feels one eolored singer, sang- at tee three services - and' on .. Monday night. At the fowl supper he was encored svery time. Mr. Hoare of 'Cl•inton gave sev- exn4 selectione °a the gramophone, Miss Ada Beattie from%earth re!, cited twe very nem selections, ea- aressest were given by Rev. Me, Leeks le of .Londesibora, Rev. Mr.. .Carswell of. MeKillop, Rev, A. K. Dias of Searortle Rev. J, J. Cuirele Of Walt- on and our qwn pester, Rev. Mr, Currie. The preeeedsi..amouttted to $145. . • St, Helens ((Intended for last isSise..) • Mrs.. Daucey and Miss M.. are visiting at Mee.. R. R. Miller's. O Mr. James •Peadon resumed home from tee West a few days; 'ago,. Mr, Geo, Asquith from Minnesota is visiting bis father, 0 Mr. :Asquith of the village at present. Communion. servives were held. • in Calvin chili:eh last Sabbath, Rev. D. S. McKerrol of temisnow conducted O the praise/rat-0y eetvice on Friday. Mr. Wm. • J. Todd has returned from: a pleasant visit to. the Soo .and oth- er places, . •On September the • 25,t1s, thti wire of lien. WoCals, .of su Son. 'Mies :S. J. • StephenSoe of Stanley has returned honie after visaing fri- ends around here last week, • Mr... John Webster and son Willie .returned Verne' Iasi week from their W1 ls to the Old Country. * LOOK ATTHE- LABEL. •* The attention of subscri- * •biers is directed te We label. * -on their copy of The News= edi * Record. 0 00. . * * It. tells the tale. If they * * are in 'arrears it is there * * set forth . in black end sts * whites- • . 0* * If not paid up-to-date, or es.„. * better ,still in Advance; se * why not have it -so? ▪ Thai's how we wonld * O it, Don't you think yoe `* weand yourself? . Wingham. At an. early hour on Wednesday of • fast week the residence of Mr. 'and Mrs, Roderus was astir with an event of interest the Marriage of their eld- est daughter, , Miss Sophia; . to Mr. Joint Crandall, aisle of Wingless -a. The ceremony was perforined by T. S. Boyle in the reptory at e o'clock .The beide was ha;nesionaely attire.in blue la,diee'• cloth, with hat ta math, and was attetuded by her sister, Miss Ada of London, while Mr; Ryan of the Bank of I-lareilton staff, assisted the groom. After the ceremony and congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Cran- dall left by early train on th;sIr weds ding tour. A beautiful array of •prei erste atteSted to the esteem in which the young 'couple ere held. May, Weir future be happyand prosPerens is the with ot their many frieadsO'i theit return they will reside in Wingham. If there is anything like a heavy Poll in,' the forthcoming eleetiousfor members' of the educational advisery council, something over MOO votes Will be recorded. Competittion is keen and the outlook for a heavy vote. is good, in every branch. There are in all some 8,2,00 public sehoel .teachers in the Province. Of theses 3,00(0 Wet teinporary certificates - but the re- maining 5,300will each be staled to . four votes. No teacher is allowed to cast more than one Note tor arty caudidate. Thete are twenty candid. ates for the public school represent- ation, ineluding one lady, and -they hail from all partsof tile proviece. Robert J. McGee a Morris 'passed away on Wednesday in his 27th year. Deceased bad a severe ,pice.” some 'months ago, after which It is thought he never fully regaineily his strength. He was; in Witighan afeiv days before, his death, but beatne worse rapidly. Robert was a• steady, industrious young man, and, • leing the eldest son will daturally sed in the biotite. Ile was, a, enetnber of the Methediat ehureh and Epworth League. • Neve was received he to ieit last week Of the eleath at' trativiy, Wedneedeay, OVtOber 10th,, of Jean Stetitaii refetot the little John •Diek- . sere. *hot:woe, for many years Town Treaseteer here Mrs. Dickson Was fof 'Wally yearsa resident 0,'„ .slioilty— effete': the ,ilea of her • hUsbaral she Went `to • 'ttext. ney, where she lived will! lie neph- ew, Mr. R. Jackson. fltei" had been ill ouly, , about two -wk, and O WS .7 years and 10 months. rethaina were ibterred h NVOEsitle Wintery at Harttrey. Nippon. Miss Joule 111013eath has eeterned from a Pleasant trip to Detroit. aud Mrs. Jas. Ross an:1 Mr: McGregot have moved t Xr. Itose's now farm in Hay. His old neighbors axe sorry t Ilis late farm will be occupied by his brother, Wile Item of MeKillop, he haviug bought . it. It is also a. matter -of regret, that Me. Dania Grassick and family have also left ter their new beam in. Hen- sall. Mr„ Gressick was one .of the pioneers of this township, having liv- ed•osser forty years en bie 10,rm irere4 and leavee with the respect and hers - or of .all who knew him. II1S son, James will now occupy the tamest. :cad. In order 'to run the fatan sac- cesehillY, he, very wisely; tom: uato O himself an able helpmate in the per- son of Miss Johnston of Guderich :township.. .We take pleasure in web - :coining her to the neighborhood and lope the . young couple may enkieY ,a long and prosperoeselife. The 'Stanley Branch Sabbath Sch- ool of widclf Mr. Grassick leassup- eriuteadent closed, I•ast Sunday after a successful summer's worle On. Tue- sday evening a public) meeting Was held t.vhen the business of the seitool for ties year was wound up. sciorth. Miss J. McBrides house -on West William street, occupied by Mr. S. SOMBES, was slightly damaged by fire recently. Mrs. Somers, wifo was at home in the back of the house, noti- ced the smoke issuing thrthigh the front window .and oi in,vestigating found that the fire had started i the sitting room and must have been smouldering for some. tinse as a large couch was cempletely' destroyed, also the woodwork, carpet and other art:- icIes. Ho vv the Irre started is A my- stery but it is thought that a cinder mnst have blown down the s:elinniey and ignited the couch. The house and contents were inis.ured in' the Mutual. Mr. T. T. Simpson, who bas 0011-: dueted a livery business here fur the past . year, has disposed of it to Mr. Carbert of Tees:watet, win) takes Possession in a' few • days. Wo.inisler &Maid' that Mr. Sinipsoru received $1,200 lot the business. O The . new °act .for the eleetione of county. cou,ncils net will be in force at • • the January municipal eledions. Under it. a reeve Will -be • elected for the town council and of the . comity council as well: Lit Municipalities ha- ving 1000 names. on. the voters' list' two reeves . will be. eleetede • and. O 2000 names. . On thle' list calls•lor three. seesses,... .3000 names or .more OallS for fetus reeves. In towpShips end the number. of local egyithn.: ci.11ors rto• . be elected will • be seduced. by the number. •of reeves Ito be chos- en, • hut this aeduation does not .apply to- towns, • SO that the town council in Seafo,rtlf for 1901 will &insist .. of Mayor,..IbeeVe and Six counc•illorsi ght members. instead .of Seven, as at preseet. To my Customers of.Clinton and Vicinity My big nine -day sale as advertised,. is completed, yet we are selling some lines at same as the big sale prices, lines of Suits and Overcoats, Remember, you had the benefit, but it enabled me to pay a large share of my honest debts' My motto has always been 100 cts. on the $. No matter what others say to the contrary,, • my goods were nearly all new,scarcely a year out of the factory, but in this day of combines a man has got to pay up or 'bust." We are not doing a credit busi- ness as credit is the figurative under whose block others have fallen and perished—some ox the m,ost brilliant business men who have measured. yard -sticks with fate, Hoping you will still continue to buy. goods from me as profits are low. Now don't act like some men. on Sabbath day, looking like the poet Long- fellow, in their self-made wealth, and by Wednesday night get as small as Tom Thum. Hoping the rush to Clinton. will continue, Yours for mutual benefit, A. R. SMITH Lack of Energy A COMMON TROUBLE. AMONG GROWING BOYS—A NEW BLOOD SUPPLY IS NEEDED—DR, WIL- LIAMS' PINK PILLS AC MAL - LY MAKE NEVZ_BLOOD, There Are thousands of young, men just approaching manhood wio have no energy, who tire seut at the•leaSt eseertion, and who feel by the time they have done their dee's work as though 'the day was a week long, in oome of 'theee cases there is a fur- ther sign of warning in tile pimples es :disfiguring eaup•tions, which break • out on the face. These are certain. signs•• that the hlood Is eut 01 order, and unless it is promptly en - tided, a complete breakdown., or per O haps consumption mak be the result. O All these young men should tate Dr. Pink Pills. ,l'hese pills ac- tually make rich; reds bled, (dear the skin or elinples and 'eruetions, ' and bringhealth, strength and i'eterg,y. Here is a bit of proof: Adolphe . land, St. Jerome, Que., is a )Cling man cif 19 years who says -. "For more . than a year I suffered from gene eral weakness; and:I gradually 'grew. so weak .that I was foreed to. than - don •iny work 4 a .clerle* My sie.pe,-. tite faitecb rnee I had oceasionll vio- lent headaches, ane --.1 begun to suffisr ftore 1Thdge,stionb. . I wr failing so, raniiilly • that I . began to fear • that corieumption, was fastening •i [Self *up- on .• me.. Our family . (,locter . fecal ea me, but I elid, not gain under. • Ilia case.. r. Was in a • very' discouraged State :Wheir a friend. frem 0Montisea,". -came to see me. • He .s'res.glY advis- edinieto. try. . Dr. Williates' Piels i did so. and. inside f -Three weeks. I began , to feel 'better, .ap- Petite•began to improve and I sees:- ccl to. have a feeling of newstint age, I eoritiatied 'the 'pills • unlit I taken ten boxes and -I mil now cu. joying the .beet of health I ever* hati. My cere sUrprised. Many •of- my fri• ends who began. to regard 'Me asin-• curable, '.and strongty advise letti young • :men who are wei1e. to, feeeer my • examPle. and gi ve.11. iam - Pint Pills,. a. Lair. trial." . . There is no mystery aliPiit the curefi Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills seam. These pills actually ireke ' rich, red blood, whieli, • braces midateengthens every. organ and 'every- nerve .• in the body, That lei why • these p,fls cure' all. common ailments like" anaetnia, rheumatism, indiges tion, acu re; ea; • t. dance, headaelles and Pack - aches and the special ailments af Women and grow.ng girls. You can get these pills from •any *dealer in. 'medicine or from *The Dr. Williams' lVfedieine .Co., Brocrville, Out.,. at 50 cents, a beer or six -boxes for .72.30. :A 'Credit To Canada •• 1,:ews.1)0..pers in, the United States. .with. a rci'rculation of fifty to a hund- red tilip.usana Copies. make a. great deal of tielee about it, but when one considers tlia.t right • here M Canada We have a weekly paper wi'th oyer 1,50,000 per week, represeitting per- haVs 750;000. readers, Canadians have good reeeon to boast of i.. The paper referred to is the Family Her ald and • 'Weekly Star of : Montreal, and it •deserves its. success, :.fut it is the greatest' dollar's* wartis in Am- erica. Every eniterprising farmer in Canada reads it and few home will he found without it. Their premium pitture entitled "A tug of Wat" wh- ich is given free to every subscriber is so vastly superior to the. ordinary newspaper prenduins, ;that one. wend - es how it can be include& withesuch a paper. at so small a figure. No wonder the Family Herald '4'nd Week. iy 'Star is gaining, in circulation. • Kingsbridge. On Sunday, the 14th inst.., the first O anniversary of the dedieatioa of St. Joseph's elturch Was; celebrated by Bishop MdEvay, 'D. D.:, Lord Bishop 010 the •diocese of, London, asaisted by Father Hanlon. 0 of Clinton, Father Isaueeedeass of St. Augustine, and Father OcCormick, the officiating pri- est ef this parish. Hie Lordship's presence here was aitOU holding er- firmation service in the Morning at St. Augustine. During his visi. he blessed two •now side altars, Ole don- ated by Morgan Dalton, and the oth- er by Mrs. Thomas Hussey, also a beautiful "Pieta" given) by Rev. Father lIuseey. The large. ehurch was. comfortably filled and the con- gregation lietened with :apt attent- ion to a. .very interesting discourse which occupied one hour and twenty ,minotes in the delivery, relasine to the Bishop's recent visit' to llome, where ite had an audience with Ilis TIolihess, the Pope in tile Va.tiesin. As leeturee his Lordship's ability is very goat and his deliveey is pleat and pleasing. His graphie description of St. Peter's church, with if; mag- nificent dome, the Sistine Chapel con- taining the lemons pairitings b IViich. a:81 Angelo, and the immense propor- then of that wonder -renowned churl% will be long be remeanbeted by all those wile bad the good foistane to be preset to hear him. The musical part of life aereice was healthfully rendered :.1)y the well -trainee Choir of the church., .atid The, well-known Nrnin, "Lead, Nitully Light," •• sittitten by Cardinal ewnn,WO much enjoyed bran prpeertie " CLARWS POP,It AND BEANS, The best food to work or play or, Always mdy--alwaya appreciated-. 'always tatty. Plain 01." with Chili or Tomato Sante. 5c . and Olile tins, Zurich. Joseph G. Oesch of the BronSon • • . Line is one in a tlioUsarid• When 1 it comes tO barn raising; At kr. Jacob Loehler's teasing be seramblel onto the patine plate and with sledge dr- ove the timbers down, anseethed as unconcerned as if he wag working, O on0 the ground. The whole gazitering marvelled at his nerve and sure-foot- edness. The Zurich Flax Cwnpaxiyo gathered in the balance of their rotted 0 flax on Tuesday, and they extiect to start soutching in a few days. They were lucky hi securing most of the flax before the now storm 01 last week. Some of the neighboring flaef had as Amok as sixty acres eut at the time and as it was rSady for lifting the value of it •decreased ma- terially during the vot weather. Those who left here Tuesday for the luitber camps near South River, Ont., are W. Bender, J. Wurm, J4 Bow, Alberfb Zettel, Julitas Thiel, touts lifildebrandt, Fred Simon, D. Geo - Mate, J: Bedard, N. Steyer raid Mr. Stetter, . They will work for the Tur- ner Lumber Co., and expect to re. main Mettle eamps three dr leer name tbs. A gentleman, visited Exeter one O day' last week itt the intereste of the canal whieb is to be built from 'Gr. and Bend te Port Stanley on Lake retie Ito Was after members to join a syndicate for the purpose 01 locat- ing the 'route Of the eanat. Ile said the cabal Wan to be about ilfty /Ales 80 feet deep and from 150 to 200 feet wide and will be A luckless canal running ebos io London an St. Thomas. lie emphatically stated that Mr. Orintipe. is in no way con. boded with the teidertaising. • Morris Township. We are sorry to hear that Rev. Robt, Maunders, of TheodoreiN. W. ' has been ill with fever, buil; pleas - est to report that he 'is, now on a fair way to complete restoration. There was a very large attendance at the funeral of the late Wm. James Johnston, est Liee, Sunday efter- noon. He was so widely known and. reepected and held affiliation with two strong fraternal Orders that the people attended from fir. and near., Mr. Roesche and G, Andrews, ae- cempanied by the Misses, Petblea, all of Atwood, were visitors at the ho-nuo of Mrs, ,Blaundere. The, first mention- ed is foremen of the Cement Works at A.twood and 1V1r. Andrews idle chemist. The gentlemen, are old fri- ends of Rev, Joe E. Maivadors, who O beearao acquainted in 1Vlichigaii.. Albert' L. Cole, 6th Line, Morris, Who took up . a course in inathanie.al drawing' with mathematics irons the International Correspondenee - School, Seranton; Penn., left for Nowark,New Jersey, Monday morning where be has O taken a possition as mechanical draft- sman with the Wo5t04131eCtrie CO., q that place.. De.. F. Lamblie and bride of Mitirand 'ch.,' were visiting' with the faintly Of: James Bantam, and other old .frie ends for a few. days • list week. Dr. Larebie bias taken a pesitiori. on. ,the steel of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, 'Toronto, of which he ke•aa Ilene OE graduate and ineclalist,. We aro: sorry: to hear that ape) Week, son- Of Donald Black ..of Algo- ma'formerly of Morris, died at 13at- tielord, Sask , on October 31.1i. Ty.• phoid fever was the cause. He was 23 years of age and had ihrended to locate there • as he • bad ialeM . up. land. • '0 O• • • • Owing to :the remoVal. of tiss Jan- et IIood • froth Sunshine o Illy 61 a reearrangeeneet of work was( necessaryt its trhe.Methositst...cleirch -Wh6re Mjss Hoeil so faithfully 'and capably filled the' poeitionof thoir /ceder .and San - day School 'Seperietendent. Site is succeeded • by. ,I-larry Alaibay, evhool teacher who has had considerable ,training along the lino • of h,s0 new orrice. • For that Dandruff . O Th..c is one thing that will O cure it —Ayer's Hair 'Vigor. It. is a regular scaln,medicine. It quietly destroys the germs , which cause this disease. .the unhealthy scaip becomes healthy. The dandruff disap-.. pears had to :disappear. A healthy scalp means a greatdeal to you—healthy hair, no dan- druff,nopimples,no entothms. patritriou at a tastiarataL; iirimult a. Alm ea. L.I.E., 2g,... p SANAPAIMAti ers Pasit menu - it _ yak lommora...1•••••*•11**anagimmi......m. .0111".1"1060011410100040~0140.041Aait O Night Classes are now being.torn* - * ... . the CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE O Sped*, pOnittatuthip clamO . Bei; Ovaryo, everting !rein / to 0 clock« Gail or , *write for particulars. GEO.SPOTTONI PRINCIPAL 0000000000 00100. GREAT SHOE E3ARGA1N AT WM. TAYLOR & SON' in order to wake room for our Immense Fall & Winter Stock, APIAIVIAWAAA 004a•Vt WE HavE decided to clear out at lees than Oast several linos of miecel- - laneous goodie Look at the following prices, then come and bee the goods fee yourself: ; Ladies' Tan Oxfords, regular price $1.40 for 7910c +os Ladies' Tan Oxfords, regular mice $1.00 for $l5 Boys' School Boots, regular price $1,50 to $1.75, for 99c y Boys' Plow Boots, regular price 00c for 49c y Youths' School Boots, regular price *LOD to 8L25 for 75c " Mena' Plow Boots, sizes 0 8;7 only, regular price $1 Br V1,25 for Oeic i Misses' Pebble Laced Boots, regular price $1.40 and $1.50 for cellic Misses' Pebble Buttoned Boots, regular price $1,40 to $1.50 for lAgee Childs' Laced &Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 0 & 10, worth $1.35 for 75e Childs' Laced te Buttoned Boots. sizes 4 to 7, worth $1.10 for Tiiie Child' Strap Slippers, sizes 8,9 eel°, worth $1 for half -Price ohlY eac Men's Tan Boots at half priCe. YOU should see therns$5,00 for $2.80 Thia is not a Bankrupt Stock but nearly all this season's goods and they are less than the manufacturers' price but we have no room for tirem. . Our Fall Goods are nearly all in and if you want to see the finest assort- ment of Footwear at the lowest prices ever shown in Clinton, come to tre*" THE OLD RELIABLE `41gf WM, TAYLOR & SON • 0< 0 0 0 0 0 < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 j, B. HOOVER. NELSON' BALL This is 0 the Cheapest Spot In linron fox"- Furniture And we mean to keep ,it so 'for we are after both your good Will and your dol- lars. Our Prices tell the tale O Let's show you our etook and quote you the money -saving figures at which you can buy it. HOO OVER BALL Undertaking promptly attended to by night or. day Night and.Sundny calls answered at residence of eithei of the -principals. If, 0,0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 MG) qx>o<xxx>c> 0 0 0 0 0 0 .STOVE <X> 0000 0 It will soon be heating time aiain. So it is not t a bit too early to begin thinking about the new stoVe.you:must have this.fall. • We have already put onr 611 lines on the floor, We will be glad to have you Come in and look,thein ever., In•B.ase 'Burners. We have the Old reliable Radiant Heine, .Famous; . , . . Garlattd. and Prize. In Coal Heaters Belle Oak, Dandy, Acme Jewel and Hot Blast •In Ranges the eelebrated Happy Thought, Pandora,• Penn Esther, Corona and Canada Steel Range. They are all good ones. Prices according to size, style and finish HARLAND. 'BROS. M'OVES . AND . HARDWARE seessesestessesiesesit BE PUNCTUAL ••,,,,AAAAA,~"A•liwoulk" 1 IT PAYS to be punctual. It pays in 11* business and in, social engagements as wen, but punctuality ,is only possible when you carry a Watch that keeps cor- rect time. That's the kind we sell. Let's show you them and quote you our prices. ; And if you need anything in Rings, Brooches, Etc.„ you make no Mis., • take in buying here. JEWELER, a COUNTER; MINTON aesteteelowatAPhetWeet#1100410.1§0.*Altate*WeetAAAAAMOVVAAdetalWasii