HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 3Mum': Be
Without It,
Muscular Cramps,
Neuralgia, Back Ache,
Mils in Side and Limbs
are cured instantly by
Hirst's Pain
The most powerful
liniment made,
25c. at all dealers,
LTry ilirst's Little Liver
Pills for sick headache apd
dizziness. Ask your dealer
or send us 25c, direct.. A
handsome water color
sketch free,
THE F. F. DALLEY CO,, Limited
Hamilton, Ont.
. • .,
'October 23th 19 )6
Mao* .Recorot
The season's first cold
may be slight—may yield
to early treatment, but the
net cold will hangon
longer; it will be more
troublesome, too. TJ n
.necessary to take chances
I'm that secOnd one. Scott's
.Emulsion is a preventive
AS well as a cure. Take
•Vhen colds abound and
tyoull have no cold. Take it
i•When the cold is contracted
;and it checks inflamma-
tion, heals the membranes
of the throat and lungs
and drivesthe cord out.
I P Send for free sample.
' SCOTT & DOWSE, Chemists
Toronto, Ont.
1/0c. awl 41.00 Mt druggist*
Farmers' Poultry
We want all your Poultry, alive
or dressed, and will pay. the
Your poultry may be delivered at
Clinton, buyer J. A. Ford.
Buyers wanted at Seeforth, Blyth,
,Goderioh and Hensel'. •
—London, Ont.—
rief(Alli4W„ ;44.‘Y.,
:417-'0ING OCT. 9th TO NOV. 9th.
To all points in Teina,ganii on. T. &
N. O. Ry.,
To points "%lett t thur
,Yo Sitilt Ste Marie &Tort Arthur
• Nor rn Nay, Co ,
To G-0 gaze Bay and Lake Super-
. lot points via'N. N. Co.,
To points in Quebec. . •
;TOING OCT. Dffth TO NOV. 6 th
To Penetang, Midiamr, Lakefield,
points Severn to North Bay, Ar-
gyle to Coboconk,. Lindsay to
• to Haliburton:
All points •Madawask D epot
All points on MuskokAa, Lakes; Lake
of Bays, 1VIeganetewan River: ,
•-.All • tickets good. returning
until December 8th.
For 'tickets •and full inforthation
•-oall on
F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent.
A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent.
.T. D.McDonald,. District Passenge
agent, Toronto, Ont.
Effective clangs until October. 31st,
inclusive cheap one-way Colonist rat-
. es will be in effect from 1 stat-
ions in Ontario to all points On the
, line of the Great Northern. Ry.
the States of Mentana, tda,ho, Ores
gon,• and Washington, also Vancouver,
Vietoria, Nelson', Rossiand, and obit-,
• •er points in British Columbia,.
Full particulars on application to
'IL E. Watkins, General Eastern Can -
dim Agent, 10 King St. East, Tor-
, onto.
The premises of Proweil Hardware
:Ce)mpany, Birmingham, Ala., •burned
far six hours and caused: loss ••of
:,:abeut $300,000.
Farmer United States Senator, T,
D. Walker, of rayettville, Ark., Was
kilted by falling down a stairway.
Hie Was 76 years old;
'Bleeding Piles:
• Alm Arthur .;4epine, school
„tia teacher, Granite Hill, Mus-
Icolca, Ont., writes t---" Vor two
years I suffered frombleeding piles,
and lost each day about half a cup
of blood. I underwent an operat-
• ion In the Ottawa General Hospital
and for about two months I was
' • betmr, but my old trouble returned,
• and again I lost muchblood. One
my doctors told me lt would
have to undergo another operation,
' but I would not consent.
"My fathet•who is proprietor of
the Richilleu Hotel, Ottawa, adVised
• the t� use Dr, Chase's Ointment, and -
two boxes cured me. I did not
• lose any blood after beginning this
treatmentand I have oleo, ,reason
to believe that the cure is .tt
rtianent one
Chase's Ointment,•60 cents a
bott, at all dealers, or .Etimanson,
Dates* Co., TorOnt4t#
'Row a Brave Mau 'mot Me "levy* ita
1.4sassIs "wave.
As he is Mx feet two and Is fully Up
to the Adnerican standard of physicai
courage, It Is amusing to bear him tell
about it
"The felks went away on a three
weeks' visit," he relates. "That's an
awful big house of ours, you know,
aad 1 remained there as the sole cus-
todian. it had been burglarized twice
within,my memory, but 1 own tlp right
now that I used to feel a little iumara-
ish when I turned in anywhere fora
"One night it was just after 1 When,
1 clicked of the eleetrie light. The
wind was blowing half a gale, and
even when there Is a dead calm late at
night you can hear all kinds of sounda
and imagine as many more. I had a
miniature howitzer under my pillow,
and I recall that I grabbed the gun
three different times, sat up in bed,
heard my heart 'minding and was
ready to turn loose as soon as I made
up my mind where I ought to shoot.
"By 3 I was in a doze and had
ceased to strain my elm for noises
when there came a %lug' that raised
batb me and my hair. Honest, it was
fife -most litiaing thing 1 ever \sent
against 1 forgot 1 had a gun. 1 roiled
from the off side of the bed -and drep-
-naLto the floor. like a ton otylg iron.
I made as good as It mile in 4-nlinutes
glifs,secon'ill on my hands and knees,
reached the hall, wept downstairs in
three jumps ind .r7. fall, went fo tbe
corner with all sails set, met a police-
man, and together we hurried back.
"Be carriedhis revolver in his hand,
and I seized a WO vase as a weapon
as we passed through the hall. Just as
We reached the top of the stairs there
was that blood curdling 'hing' again.
I dropped the vase into the hall below,
and he dashed into my room, turned
on the light and investigated. What do
you think he found?" ,; t
"A burglar."
"No. I had left ray banjo keyed up
taut, and two of the strings had snap-
ped."—Detroit Free Press,
Spanish Tittles.
Spain has 600,000 titled persons, or
about one in every thirty-eight inhab-
• Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup has
• been used by millions of 'Anthers for
their children while teething If dis-
turbed by nightand broken of your
.rest • by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of 'cutting teeth send
at once and -get a bottle Of "Mfg.
WlIslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren 'teething. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer ° immecilately. Depend
upon it, mothers, these is no mi,stak.'e
about it: It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Polio, iciftens the dmris, reduces
Inflamtnatjorr a1,:d.giVes tone and en-
eiTto" the .whole SN'ten",. 'Mrs.
Winslow s' Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething is pleasant to the tests
and is the prescription of one of the
• oldest and 'mit female Physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a • bottle. Sold by all drug-
eiSts throughout the -world.. Ba•sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's 'Sooth-
ing Syritpl",
A depot :filled with yalmi.bfer
ans,ndise.' Was destroyed by lire, at
Bordeaux', Pyanco, inyolvipg a! lass or
$400,000.. . •
• .
Na, ,it's as ,ba& as evef... • Nothing
reems, to -help. Why not nr•ie the. ap-
to-date ' specific "Catarrhozjacc.'? •••%vh-
ich drives 'out cold: :in OOO day.
In -
bale .Caterrhozone sand you 'will be re-.
Roved in two minutes, Continue . the
treatment and pure is Assured. Meet-
ing, .gerni. destroying , and pleasant,
nothing for 66,1,0s, throat treutil and
Catarrh .coadiares with Ca,tatthosone.
Sold evaywhere, 25c and $1.00., •
• Tite. corner. :31.nrie of the . 11L.N1' Bart-
on Street 1Viethagst Churelt in Ham-
ilton was laid last week. in :iie pres-
ence of a large gathering by Thomas
W. Watkins.
No substitute has ester Gam' devised
that given the. quick, :painlesn' results
of Putnam's • Corn Extractor. Pot
fifty years its succz.ss lias 1 ecu
eqtaiIe-d. For •safety and thMough
cure use, "Putnam's" only,
Fan an toe raptor!
When you see a young man sitting in •
A parlor 'with the ugliest four-yeavold
boy that ever frightened himself In a
xi:direr reambering over' his knees, jerk-
ing his necktie out 'of place, ruffling
his .81114 front, pulling his hair, kick*
• Inglis shins, feeling in all Wel pockets
for coppers, white the unresisting vic-
tim smiles all the time like the Over
ot a comic paper, you may safely say
that the bowling boy has •a Meter who
Is In A &tom not twenty feet away and
that the young MA doesn't eome there
jug for. the fair of playing with her
brother. •
• What Ile Sala. •
"And what did he say ti) My slug.
big?" she asked, "There *ea pathos
in it, don't you think?"
"Yes, indeed," was the reply. "Ile
:teemed, to feel it, too, for he said it
made him think of the plaintive appeal
of a Slade beneath the bars." ' '
"Ilovr lovely Of him!" exelitinted the
SItiger, for how coUld she know that
the referenee was to a pig under a
gatel.-Chicago Post.
, motto. Sm.
Little 13,10.—P1ease, Mrs. Neighbors, '
ma sent me over to borrow 4 DWG
flour, two eggs, a cup of sugar and a ,
pint of milk. •
Ittra. Neighborist-Well, you go back'
Itom and telt your ma to come over in
about att hour and take the calte,....be-
troit Tribune. •
A Toronto Man Tries.
• emptor.s.
Mr. M. \". naloP,
Altanat,•;er 11. he Pus L..
less Brush 3zi
Colborne St., Tor-
onto, is telling hit
friends haw he found
health after years of
illness and pain, ns
says :
"I bairo been a
great av,fferer free'
Dyspepsis Jut:, many
years-. I have been
Mr. M. N. Woe treated by local.
Odors and have taken nearly nil
the, advertised remedies with, only
teniporaxy relief, it any at all, but
since using Anti -Pill 1 eau eat any-
thing the same as when a toy. 1
• have been taking one Anti -Pill at
bedtime for the post three toonIths,
anti And they regulate both stomach
and bowels. My old time yip!: has
returned, so that my spirits are
• buoyant and temper normal. As a
• Vesta of this unhoped for experience
1 am On !duty bound to givio alt cred-
it to 'Otis wonderfUl remedy, Anti -
Euery druggist sells Dr. I mullet -
it's Anti -Pill, or a, sample will be
sent free by The Wilson Fyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
The remedy that cured Mr. Deice
go completely is surely worth a trial
"A Cod and a French Cook can Work
Miracles" The Breast of One
aChIcIien.” lias Been Known to Sat-,
isfy Twelve Hungry Diners.
It has almost passed into a prover')
that many of the dishes served up in
cheap restanrants, where nothing is
• wasted, are, to put it mildly, mysteries.
• lint, on the other hand, most people
Who patronize fashionable and more
• ambitious reatattrants are generally
• content to accept the menu for what it
• is said to be, Thio blind trust is some-
what abused, and the amount of "Pak -
Ing" which goes on today in some of
the' web to do establishmente would
probably surprise those who are no-
hiltiatea taa the higher branches of the'
• culinary art, • •
For Instance, by the addition of veg-
etable juice- just before being dished
up cod cutlets are, at seasons. when
,salmon is very dear, set before cus-
• torners as salmon cutlets arid are,
needless, to say, charged accordingly.:
This deception,' accordingto en ex-
chef, is 'wisely practiced not only in
better Class 'restaurants, ,but. also on.
atnne of the -greet.linerO. •
•• Another poplar trick as practiced
by the restaurateur is to serve a Veal
beet doio up overbight In salted hand.'
ages; , while it skillful.' chef has Very/
little difficulty in • palming offflattish
for •• sole ou epieures4whO pride them-
selves on the soundness of ,their judg-
Mem of cooking. • . ' • • .
On one occasionsoine. time ago a
dinner for seventy-five P.O6ple was-fOr-
demi at a 'well known..fa.shionahie res- •
teurtuit'in the upper part of.New xork.
A large consignment. of: salmon. had
nem previously' ordered, • but, tb the
eonsteraatiou of the chef, the 'dianer•
• hour slowly approached 'and ettli no
--Salmon nyrived, • •
In despair' file ,elfef; • a Prenehnian,
decided to 'take the btill bv the borne
and prcieure•.unotlier Rah to andtity for
:the coVeted salinee. •Accordingly he
ssat to work to if..vn ecid Outlets into salin-;.
_on entlets, and this rapid transforma*,,
• tion Was sima effected.,by au additlets
of vegetable juice. The Waiters, who
naturally were aware Of this whole-
sale deception, were given express or-
ders to report 'any complaints to the
chef at once. 'However, to the intense
, delight! of the chef; all passed' off weft,'
• and on hearing that his subterfuge had
not been detected he gleefully ex*
• claimed, ."Ah, 4 cod and g French Cook
ca.n work.rniraeles," '
• , Greenpeas at certain seasons of the
year are naturally a luxury quite be-•
yond the reach of the mau of avevige
means, while even caterers for firaftlen*
able hotels' themselveS frequently have
• the greatest diffieulty in getting •a suZ-
ficleotly large quantity to meet the de -
Mond. :1-Iciwever, to fake peas does not
offer nnY greet difficulty In tirnes of
stress, and by adding vegetable color-
• ing matter yellowne,trd quite com-
monly served up as green, peas along
with the duck and flaverless new •po-
tatoes, which MoreOften than. not
come from abroad.:
•. Roast Veal served 'with a thick White.
• sauce makes, *says a. well known Chef,'
most satisfactory substitute for the
breast of chicken, and therefore it. does
net come altogether as a surprIee to
1000' that the breast of One chleken.
has bebn known to satiSfy twelVe
h •
hungry diners. •
."The staff take -geed care '41 -the
breast of a chicken," was the ociminent
015 waiter•who was, being for the first
time initiated into the mystery of how
• to - feed 4 doken people Off one chicken..
Perhaps the clevereat "deceptlen prac-
ticed. by •eminent chefs is the art of
manufacturing the lobster patty, So
;dear to the heart of the epicure. This
appetizing dainty would at first sight
seem to defy even the most ingenious
cookery fakir. However, here again
the artful chef hap overconte apparently
lasupera.bledifficulties, and many tooth-
some looking lobster patties are thus
not always quite what they itre said
to be. .
The ,deception is worked in this .way:
A CoMM012 crustacean Is boiled and the
meat carefully chopped off and put into
a mortar, while afterward part of the
Shell Is added. The mixture is theft
Vigorously pounded as fine as possible,
and On the addition of flavoring It
Would taX the powers of the Most
Critical connoisseur to detectany
rerenee between the gastronome MIX-
•ture end the genuine lobster patty.
"The various deceptions I have told
you ,of," remarked a famous 'chef to
the writer, "are naturally not prod.
'reed every day, hitt are only UtillSed
In tinicia tit emergency, and thee°miler-
„ency moments arrive more frealtently
than the trustful customer would like
4,114 he' 'but know.”
• WORK OF THE wiNos.
'staving Kane Outten Teat Harr
Issese mad Sane* essaitaa.
The prevailing winds from a little
west at south have rippled the hetero.
teneous sands Olt Hatteras lust south
of tile Cape, On Shackelford at Ite
southWeSt extremity and on. tinvesonth-
west side of Smith's island. j,Then
Wind ripples, started in eanda exposed
by the removal Ot a strip or forest
next the shore, hat% grown In size to
great sand 'waves, which are adwanc-
ing on forests, fields and homes. AS
the, Stand 'IMO has advaneed it Atte
taken up several teet of the loose soil
tidier which It has passed, undermining
houses, laying bare the meta ot trees
and exposing the bones of the dead in
the eemeteries.
Diurnal windfrom the sea have
piled the sands Into small wandering
dunes and billeeks and even some-
times into sand waves, which are
• marching steadily inward and shoaling
the waters of the sound, Al NEW'S
Head a large betel, constituting a solid
.obstruction, soon had a sand wave
built up a short distance in Its rear
Until the level or its roof vvas readied,
When the wave moved forward and en -
milted the hotel. In the irantediete
neighborhood tWo Cottages suffered a
Similar fate. Here the land gained on
the sound 350 feet in ten yearel.
On the northern end of 'Hatteras is-
land a fishing village had been sire -
'lady buried, while the sand had en-
ely crossed the island at several
'places north of the cape. This inOve-
,p2,ent of tAte sand wns started just aft-
er elle civil Nvar*by the eating of treei
next the shore for ship timber, „and
the section is still known as the Great
woods, though not a stick of timber
stands upon It today. Pamlico scnincl
for two miles from the Hatteras shore
Is growing steadily shallower from the
deposit of blown sand. •
Ou Omith's island a pliets' village• •
has been burled beneath the sand
_wave for a number of years, but this
has been quite recently resurrected,
and its houses are again.occupied. On
• eurfituck, below Caffey's inlet life
saviug station, the sand has advanced
entirely across the land, and one man,
mewing before the advaucing sand, has
at last built his house on. piles in the
Sound. — National Geographic Maga-
zine. `
• Steassaboat MOWN. Mt/n*1016'4'.
• The pay of captains of five of the
'principal' transportation lines In Nevt
york hasher is, by'the month:
Sandy flook line (N. J. Central), aver-
age •, •1163
hong Island sound' bo,ats 190
• 1kfunicipa1 ferry to Staten Wand 160
New Jersey Central ferry • 135
Pennsylvania, •ferry 135
• The captainS on the Sandy Hook and
Sonia iineEt • receive in addition Itheir
meals. The. fates .per annum paid to
engineers of various ferry Tines are as
• follows:
•.Thirty-nlfith street ferry, trooklyn..$1,440
Nilliamsburg ferry 1,325
frenritornslygryarni a railroad 1,1100
cenkrai Raarooa• or New Jersey • 1,440
Muniolpal XeiTy 31,800 and 1,950
On the municipal ferry eight hours .
is the schedule.. On the .other .lines
eight to .twelve hours are required...7
Nautical Gazette , • • '
KIN Whirlwind of Speculation In the
Mining. Regions,
Ill Ism a little party of gold seekers
with a meager ifiutfit of horses and
wagons started for California from the
village of Racine, 'WisIti command
of this* adventurous expedition was a
young man who took with him his wife
and infant daughter. His name was
11 J. 13aldwin and he made a wise
choice in shaking from his restless feet
• the dust of a ramer civilization. He
needed it larger'theater of action tor his
pent-up and surging activities. While
trailing through the inorditains of Utah
the pioneers were attacked by Indians,
who were 'eaten off during a six hour •
• fight la which young 13alciwin killed
their chief. After six months 01 hard-
ship the party.reached Hangtown (later
called Placerville), in Califorpla.
Ilete Baldwin tarried and began
•placer mining. He ,a,pPears to Lifire
heels no More than nu brainitr
shifted argonaut, file'etinge the ups and
downs of mining, luck until the dis-
coVery of the Comstock lode at Virgin-
ia City. Thither he drifted' and discov-
ered that his natural bent was- gam- '
• hilag With the mines that- other naeu
had opened. Amid a whirlwind of
speculatioii he fought. his. Way With
such success that he loomed from the
• smoke .41 a few months ea "Lucky"
• Baldwin, the man 'Who had cleaned up
57,500,000 in the gigantic 'deals in the.
stock of the Ophir mines.
San Francisco • was the Mecca of
• those lucky sons of fortune who. were
rearing it great city by the Goldmi
Gate. As a stock and mining .specula,
'tor "Luck' taldfrin shoite reopen -
dent but he was also a loyal son of
San Francisee. He built hotels and
• theaters and " basineS4 blocks even
while he was amazing. that far from
eonserVative community by madly
freakishextravagances. .. -
in 'a very lucid interval he bought alt
the Spanish grants he could find near
Us Angeles and there' spent a Million
• iti Making this ranch Of his not only a
splendidly productive property, but.al-
so One' di' the most beautiful estates
ever lalctedlt in this -or any other coun-
try. It Wee hie hobby, his pet, and he
•planted, mil& of •avenues with .noble
shade trees and made .w.onderful trop-
ical gardens, surrounding his home by
it paradise of 'vernat bettuty;—Ralph D.
Paine in Outing Magazine. '
Fiber •of Silkworm ipso tares.
Anthorities and popular. worito differ
'greatly in their estimates of the length
of the fiber in the cocoon et the do-
meatic silkworm, Boinbyx mori. Pub. , •
lished statements.; of the length of tide
-fiber could be cited which range all
.the Way from 1,100 feet to 4'1"eu Mr: F. W. datbraith, f (iti.4pli,has
Unsinkable Steamersb ' •
Five steamboats are being built for:
,a Riel shipping company 'which are.
said to be wholly unsinkable.. A:. re.
cent trial of one of the bbats rag car-
ried out in the preseneeof representa-
tiVes of the imperial navy ••and many
shipping • firms.- TIM vessei was fuliy
laden to represent •1200 passengers and
it was assumed, that in consequence of
• a leak caused by Collision the entire
engine room (division in which Water
was pumPed had filled, while a hole
• vvas. made' In the exterior to admit
water freely. The ship accordingly
sank, but when it was full of Water It
.had still about 'a foot of freeboard
above the surface, thus satistying .the
• •
eonditions imposeci. •
A Ten Mile Fog Morn:
. new fog horn signal has been in.
stalled 'in the lighthouse at the Nee -
dies, Isle of Wight. It consiets of reed
trutnpets blown by compressed eir. It
can be heard ten miles. This is a
distinct advance o11 the existing, fog
bell, the warning note from WiliCh does
not penetrate more than three miles. -
When a fog descends the new. aPiat:
• rates can be started Instantaneously •
froin air vessels held in readiness and
tharged at 100 pounds pressure. The
• duration of the blast is five seconds
.every fifteen.
• Cheap Dressing.
The contract system of supply, the
I,ondoh Mail remarks, is being extend-
ed to every branch of the publie's
necessities. A Loudon firm for $100
a year, received in installments, if de-
sired,. will supply one dress snit, one
lounge suit, one morning suit, one flan-
nel suit, One frock Coat suit, two over-
• coats, one winter, one sUinMer.
• Manchester firm supplies other cloth-
ing hosiery,• shirts gloves etc for
.a fixed quarterlyStim, ;
Safe and Warns,
Antiseptic Methods are becoming
popular with. the country barbers Itt
England. .A man dropped into a vil-
lage shop the Other day and was
shaved. Then came a wash by a
sponge whose odor • suggested the
morgue. The victim's face was burned
lIk'flre. "What on earth have you got
on that sponge?" he demanded. "Ab,"
answered the villager proudly, wavin
the oponge In the Mr. "That'll Verbalist
acid. It''s so eater
The Chemists Company
in ssactoistioit of Ontstie GliesoUtt, fottood to
woke putt, sale, thoroughly tellable reinedita
Each remedy it mule from csathdly-selatted
formula, on amity scientific principles.
For skin troubles and humstheirMirsointment
is quick in tate. While( Mira Tablets and Mita
Blood Tonic itrengthes the noses and ciesnite
the Hood. Ointment and Tablets, each 50c,
Blood Took, $1.00. At thuggitt*--or from The
(Ionia' co, a owed*, Limited, Hainiilots-u
Thente, hookfor iliciradonark,
littaa improvement In Albale CoadL.
tions lieVent
The United States government Rents
to have Solved, the culinary problem
muelt more satisfactorily than many
private individuals, both as to clean-
liness and celerity. In the navy, on
board tit° battleship 151Issouri, for in-
stance, the cooked part of an ordinary
meal tor 700 men can be served in
tour minutes, as is demonstrated. every
The first requisite in the preparation
of food on board a wan -of -war Is clean -
limos, and probably none of the Man-
agers of the 'higher class hotelor res.
taurants Is more rigid in this regard
than are those in charge of the general
moos en a battleship such as the Nis-
sourf. Under the old system, says Pay -
mater George P. Dyer, 11. S. N., in the
"Proceedings of the 'United Statee
Naval Institute," the gear was net real-
ly clean. A man of the lower ratings,
too often selected on aecount of his
Inability to do anything else, looked
after these duties. His meager allow-
ance of water served out.from the gal-
ley was hardly, more than lukewarm
after carrying it to his mess and put-
ting a few dishes through it. He had
then to dry Ills gear with a towel
which, being used for all sorts of odd
jobs, cleaning tables and 'What not, the
Most strenuous °Torts of the master at
arms' coulkl not make4fa keep clean. •
In February, 1004, a diaiWitShillg 1134 -
Chine was jnstabed 0u the tilissoliti and
humaut balAda do not now come infEtin:
tad with the dishes duringAprocess
of washing, The solled".'Wririe
meshed wire baskets Is passetI through
tn.?. waters. The first, which isirmt,
111 violent agitation, is roge.s1,1Volii.
with lye soap orother potiPorad that
the grease is Cut frem the ware as it 10:
itionersed. The second water is kept:
heislinkbeat, a_nd in_rtnelps dissolves
1 any iretrialang"dirt, besides heating -tie
I ware so that ville.„11 taltell` '1'1.6 -scrag
Water it quickly dri-eS Itsejf through
evaporitifilit P2' this Means fl-iiretir
is rendered antisealeally clean and. the
use of dish towels is avoided. The.
knives and forks, which will not dry,
thoroughly by themselves, when taken'
from the rnaclaine are wiped with clean,
bailed towels.
4.naong the imperative galley orders
are: • • •
• No stale. food; time all food to be
ready at time for serving out.
No °41:,;91VecutalfarT:th 17ErYreeaution okeg
dishes as cold as possible after coming
from icebox. •
Inspect coffeepots and Mess pans and,
refuse to serve. into any but.!?r.aptjlegy,,
clean ones.
: • • , •
iyhile.d.ta.,:rgekelaimucitlat; anything
• like Orfeatiolt has been reached there
has certainly 'been a striking linproire.,
moat in Mess Conditions during recent'
Itisanittter Carafes: ,e0„."
• Undotibtediy it :WAS the. purpose of
the. invent& of the carafe provide
a;:tessel admitilni of ready eovering..
Buf-hOiV" aw• persoa, in conaLof
either private oepublic- din.ing places
:•avall et this easy- opporturdAy of ex-
cluding dust from the water decanter.:.
It is comparatively rare, even, at the
better appointed Manhattan hostelries,
to find the aqua bottle stoppered,' al-
though the neck he adapted to.accom-
moda.te an ordinary size of tOik. Ii1
• fashionable restaurants use of Witter
• pitchers on tables has :tong been con-
sidered vulgar, Principally from the
Viewpoint of style, but partly. because
*of the idea that they. serve .as dust
awn:collators, yet the carafe goesun-
lidded without attention.—New 'York
Press, .
OP' ALI-, ..()TOERS..PUT ToGlitt-12
. ER. , •
Mr. ThoS, .(1 etirge, .a;:met'Maili at
Mt. Elgin, . Ontario, suys. • • • have
had • the !ccal -agendy , Chamber-
lain S Cougli Remedy caw i • %VS.'S
introduced into 'Canada; and -sell
as much' of it • as l' do of all 0:dler
Lincs.. I Ilm•o on my • shelves...pal' to-
, atIther. Of-Alte many ,dozens . tAilfl un-
der guarantee, I have not had . one
• bc.t.:ie returned.' ean 1,•..irSonaily • re-
commend ' fhis • medicine. as To
used it :myself' and given 11 to:sell
to. my children and always. With. the
best 'results ,fl • For sal e • by N. S. • R.
'finite: a,' Ciii11.011,. Ont.
miles, tven• so good an authortty. as heeff 'Presented by the. congregation of
• the -Encyclopaedia Britannica pliiees it
at 809 yards. Recent. ineastivemen tit
'Made in. the, division of' .entomolaq
Show that with Certain Milatie,$e
:low etiaciona.ratied in the 'Milted kit to:.
• from eggs purchased froni France tii)
fiber varies' In length from S88 to
• .Coenine Evil In India. • '
•The cocaine habit is asthunhlgalitrm-
hig at Delhi. The,oVil
spread to rich and poor, to Ulnae°.
and Mohammedans and'ovell to Women
and children. Between 800 nna Lua0
.vials of poison are sold daily' in Ms.
city, Not a few young men and even
Inds belonging to well to do fainille*
eoneume from four to six vials n day
each. Coolies and persons engaged In
mental professions also- 'MVO not
escaped contagion. Even beggars seem
to prefer -cocaine to food.—Pehat Akii-
bar, Lahore. •
Rstalci4heet 1$79
Whooping Cough, Croup, $ronchith
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
emaciate is a noon to Asthmatics
posit not seem moss effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the'breatiting organa
man to tako the tematly into the stomach
lt.cues because the *is rendered strongly anti.
septic' 0 carried over ibecissased surface with
everyIlsreatb, giving prolonged and constro treat.
ment. invaluable to inothens wait smell
Tlaoseof a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by drulains.
Send postalforboOklet.
Lanstuso, Mit.Es Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 397
00 0 0 C
0000 0
0 000
9 15 CENTS
9 • TO END OF 1906,
• The small sum of 15 cm-
. 9 is Will pay a subscription
• to The News -Record ,,to the
• end of 1906 and for those
9 who also wlah 11, OW daily
• or weekly pp,per we melee
9 the follow/11g liberal Offer
• Family Herat& and;
• Weekly Star • 35e
'0 Weekly Mail and.
• Empire ••i 25c
• Weekly Sun • 35c
• Weekly Globe 35c
9 • News-Recoxd Subscribers
• en t secure the; Farming
▪ World to end of 1p07 for
• 2d nerit4
9 • In each case the above
9 includes a subscription to
* The News -Record.
• 9 News -Record, Clinton, Oat. 9
• •
000 • 00
cIpep ep
TWO 0090
Two ;good ramilY pap -
0 ers are The Weekly Sun.)t
E and •-. The NewsLRecord.
. Each enloys a large eircul-- .it
0 ation but in order to
12. crease it still further weEg ' .
ID will give them -both the El
O ance ofthis year and tee E.
• 151. whole of 1907 for only 0
151 big 51 vSalIu75e‘ forirldtshe insiongerYea. t Eg.
• @CIO looeoc)efac)ecx) ira)
• '
. twine' ssonsmes tient.
A.,sort of wafer made froth a resinous
"juice and Used by the natives tn the
Malay peninsula is the smallest coin
in 'actual .cirouletion. It has a valuer(
of one ten -thousandth of a tent •
•••-..L. • lglepltants. • '•%0
Afrfcaii elephant is.'01 value only
for its ivory, of which a full grown;
animal yields from 52,50 to 5300 worth.
On the other hand, it working Indian
elephant eannot be bought for less than
$2,500 to 33,500, This is becauSe of the
greater intelligence of the Asiatic ani-
mal, which makes him ,valuable as at
servant. •
• TO Clean Eyeglasses!.
• Let* eyeglasses Ile in alcohol for a
few moments, then polish with chamois.
If the glasses are set into gcild _frames,. .
a fine careeas• hair brush will lift ,the .
dust from the edges and make' them.
leek -like new..
Rope Bridges.
In the canyons of the Andes bridges'
from precipice to precipice are made of
rope Cables joined by whither strands
to make a trongh shaped bridge.
Dolma In Goa.,
In the jewel house of the Tower of
London there is a book bound through.:
out In gold, even to the wires of the
gortoll: litreetMethodiSti Church with ,
hinges. Its clasps are ,two. rubies set
a Nibluable,gold watch and an ,;(1,1t•esS.
• aLoRporlitp...e_nde,A.four golden linkg.
• Preach Advice to the Cuts.
You (the czar) de not read your
French history Sullidently. At the
present moment you are behind Louts
•XVI. The dotuna is . clamoring for
a liffirebettU-13arneve-Lameth-Chapeller
eablnot It is mildly Dixie to send for
Necker, and you are still at Calohne.
Cath pp with husband of Marie An-
toinette as Soon as possible. Do More
GO beyond him, It will be the best
and 'surest way not to Make history
repeat itself.—Parle Radical.
Iinatlissitlass and IffessIth.
SittirtiOg handwriting hats inat been
proved to be responsible for the all*
moots of more than 50 per Cent of (Mr
young people, AS both the keel pen
and the slanting writing oriel:nifty
catte from England, we exelabn with
ail our heart, "Let ue keep the pen 'by'
all meting, but fiend be the bed
Inektts it brought itt lte train to the
place Whenee they elline—Antiltetit
.Tourztak. •
Cooks and Bakes
perfectly at
the same time
There is not an-
other range built
• in which the heat
may be regulated
so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the
top at the same time without spoiling one or the
But you can do both equally well at the same
time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted
and is at all times under the simplest most positive
If you do the cooking of your household you
can appreciate exactly what this means.
caaryb Pandora
WarehOutowsi anal factories s
II,011adiCats. Toronto, Montreal,
John *ALI tiamiltoni
Ultistipetio Vricouiroiro
. aiimmiammam
For sale by HARLAND BROS.,