HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 2Porter's Hill '"Braeside," the hospitable bottle of Mrs. McPhail, was the emit of a happy gathering last Friday after- noon, when a fewold friends 1assem- bled to celebrate the eightieth anniv- emery of the hostess, Mrs. McPhail is a very height and intelligent old lady and looking at her -trim figure and upright c,arriage no one wet/1d suspect that he had reached, the, age of four scare years. After partaking of a beuntiful supper the geests re- paired to the parlor, where the: even- ing was spent .with music ant tale, of other days, atter' which all went home feeling that they had had a de- lightful evening and hoping to meet their venerable hestess at the same time next year. 2 Cflnton Nowitsibcord October - 4t• •••-• Sunlight !aP is heiter +V) other 00aP4 but is best when used in the Sunlight way. , To appreciate the simplicity and ease of w g with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the $oap, roll up each knmerse in the water, and go away. unlight Soap will do its workin thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned wax with boiler and hard rubbing. Buy h and follow WV' directions. %Pier • Linsse Ilir•SharaUrntsd, Teisisto MISS ELOISE Aa SKIMMINGS errespondent. lesesseemerelsommemerem * THE LEADING. . , . if COMMERCIAL SCHOOL itE STRATPORD. ONT. * 'I`his school is recognised * * toeilone of the best Cara- * .4* mercial schools in Amer- * * ice. You can safely judge NE * a school by tbe applicat- * NE ions it received. This term * )4( we received applications 4E * from firms in six large Am- NE NE trican cities and from far NE NE more towns a'..ndcities of 4E )SE Canada including Saskae )1( -)1E toon, Sask. on. the West ;ii, )ti and Charlottetown', P. E. I. * * on the East. Our reputat- * )4( ion means much for ow! + graduates. Write for our * )1( catalogue. 4: * ?K The name:, of theeGraphic"' and the 31; Ellictt &McLachlan, * "Illeetrated London News" are, honsel )1( , principals. * hold weeds wherever. the English ' . ?.K tongue is 'spoken.. But in this eount- ^ ry they cash six dollars a yeArocaolt, a sem that places them among the luxuries in which only a few taa lne dolga: Nave he:Weyer, - Canada has . something that; for' a mere fraction of the cost, will take the place of these hig,h-grade illustrated, petiodi- OUR COAL cals. The first number of the "elan- adian Pintorial" has just- beca isstued and is SQ irt•Kiking in. idea,and so The Best Coal in Market is admirably executed, that the publish - the L. & Vii. Scranton Coal for which ees of The News -Record lonen� time' Ilam sole agent. I also have in steel, in communicatirug , with .the puldithers Solt and Cannel Coal. An order is of the `.1danahian pictorial". at Mont - respectfully solicited and will receive real, and we are glad to .he able ,to prompt attention. All • our coal is announce,. that we have. 'completed at - screened before being sent out to our tanglements by which The NeWs-Re- castor/tees. Office opposite the G. T. cord and this costly 'Canadianlittle- R. station or orders mey be left at trated monthly cask both, be had tor tbe store of Harland Bros. Who are $1,.56 per year: • authorised to receive paymeat of ac- Everybody nisei ' pieturee-specially counts. pictures of live interest. „end. le rea.s ban unfertenate that for .stnee piet- JAMES HAMILTON. lutes Canadians have up till new had. to &Peed on the high-priced putty:he:, Phone 52. 'Lions •froni. Britain and the United States, which contain a large 'pro- lioreion of pictures and other • matter of little or no inteires,t to Oaneelians, Mae! .111111S. But We • are glad to eee that Cana- lla'S' be6a in, this respect is - to .: .o0 ian pictorial" which -is :evidently ge- Meet; Wciethily filial by • the , ''S•slanede. ing . to • excel; if . possible, ihe nigh standard set by such 'publications .as Ailltlat-Elmlo the "Illustrated' London News," the 'Graphic." , "F'ran'k' Leslie,' ' or mirth 'cheeper than. any of theee, for "Collier's." And yet it will he very it has, eta name and facie . yet to I have been- appointed agent make. And though chee,pee, an issue for the 1VJAssey-Harris betre of Ube "Canadian Pictorial ivill con - peaty in this district and Will tain, abouta thousand inches et:' piete keep on hand a ceemilete list , ;tires, some of Ahernfull-page pictures of supplies in my store oppoe- fit for framing, many of them of ' M- ite the Molsons Bank. , tie:emotional inteeest, and none of them am also continuing the hat will be of live ipteees 1.1 to Can- . , flour, feedanclseed grain. bus- , admits It is indeed being edited en -- Mess and respectfully solieit a .• of view, but With a wide age . tirely Prone -the Oieadian point a coetinua,nce of your patron- of ernbracing the greet world ' . . ' • ' wide interests, the metragement hey- . J. A. Ford. eilig: secueed4Conneetions with ithe lead- ing photographers in all foreign route- - tries, the telegraph and cable . being .. . tiefed to 'secure the photographs ee the . -.. ••••••••••••••••••••44•• earliest .inotnent. . At its name sqg- 1 • ' .4,, . i' gest!, t the '''?aniadriait:tpietorial"Will :APPL,EStcof Illit leattlingYfe°atuPrel?; uoref $t'he taiiigaill.dre'Ss' : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • res..••• Our Ottawa Letter Mrs. (Dr. Gardiner of London was ginger Meddaford were pbetographed the guest on Thanksgiving* Day of The floral tribetes were all lift on the Messrs. and Mies Armstrong.caoket and were all photographed. ' Dr. and Mrs. Emote/eon have taken uptheir residence in the house lately occupied by Mr, John Mosely, Mr. Carter of the planing mill is preparing to build a brick residence on• a. part of the Herr estate Web, pur- chased by Mr, Robt. Orr. ten October 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Keene, Brock street, a daughter, Miss Mabel Thurlow le now book. keeper in Wileon's pharmacy.. , Ottawa, October 6th, 19s). The eleetionei of Da.vid Marshall,Con- sereattve, in, East Elgin, is a sertouS disappointment to ithe mmieters froni Ontario, and naturally a great sat,. isfaction to Mr, Borden and his fri- ends. East Elgin has. been a close conete(etency for twenty years. The largest ' majority ever obtained by Mr. Ingram, who was four times el- ected thene, was 178. In 1887 awl 18,82 the constithiency went Liberal. Mr, Ingram's majocity in 1900 was 151. • Airs. j. Taman and children of Blyth were while in town the foots of her parents, Mr. and Mre. Horney. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kneeshaw spent Thanksglvipg Day in London. Mr, Dave Yule late of Detroit is apendlogs, few days in town at the pa- rental resilience. The lovely little daughter. Birdie Irene, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Kneeshavr, died on 14thOctober of meningitis of the brain, aftee a few days illnese. 1Little Birdie,' a* they called her, was ft very bright, healthy child, but God saw fit to take her from this world of care, Shelookecl beauti- ful in her little whlte.casket with' her little hands clasping a spray of white roses. Rev. A. A. Graham officiated. The little' casket was covered with floral tributes'among them a large lovely wreathtribute of the employee of the Engine Werke; wreath of white roses and fern, tribute of the parents; casket bouquet of roses and fern, Mr. and Mrs. Horneya grandparents; casket bouquet of roses, Mr, Charles Doty, and bouquets frem the 1 little- Misses Pennington, and from Mesdames Stod. dart and Aldoue. The pallbearers evere the four brothers of the child's father; Tom. 1.1ex, Harry .and Albert Knee - shave The relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs Taman and children, Blytb, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, London. Miss Armstrong of St. George is the guest of her relatives, Messrs aud Miss DEAFNESS CANNOT BE !WILED by local applicetions, 'they can: - not reach the. diseased portions of the ear. There is only ono way to PICTURES,i1 PICTURES 1.. cure deafness, and that is hy con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is OF catesed. by an inflamed coneftion of the Mucous lining of the lfuetachian Tube. When this .tathe is, inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it N entirely dos- ed, Deafness is the result, met unless the inflammation can be taken out and •this tube restored to its normal vitiation', hearing will be destroye forever ; nine cases °let of ten are emitted be; Catarrh, which is welt:leg bUti inflaened condition of the ;nue- Otis surface.s. We will. give One Hundred Didlies for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured • by Hall's Catarrh Cute. Send fer . cir- culars free. , • F. J. CHENEY & Cp., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. . • Take Hell's Penally Pills for Coil- st,ipation. ONE THOUSAND INCHES PICTURES PER ISSUE. WE SCREEN Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oke and little sou spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Okes sister, Mrs. R. Persons, Mr. Straiten, ex -station master G. T. R., attended divine service at Knox church on Thanksgiving Day, and with Mrs. Straiton attended the •Thanks- giving dinner at Victoria St. church - Mr. Will McCreath is now able to walk out, He took In grippe after his return front St, hi icheel's Hotipital. Mist. NanPy Nairn has returned front - her recent visit -to Detroit. Miss Potter. who has a school near Zvrich, spent Thanksgiying Day in town. • on East' Street lately Owned by Mr. Mr. Keenan has purchased. a cottage Joseph' Goldthorpe. • : John Rioidati, aged 20, and William North Street Methodist church had Goodell., aged ?ea, bqth storteeatte::s of as great a crowd on Monday evening St. Georgei N, B., were drowned in as it had on the opening, with the dif• Mill Lake evirile heating. feience that more than half of it were • ehildren-all anxious to see the lime light viewv, but not so anxious to hear the preacher; whet had to, several times check:those who per/aided in talking. President Williams of the Bible So,: ciety acted very creditably as Chair- man. Revs. Anderson, Hazen, Grahain and VVright all assisted the talented lecturer. • • Mr. apd Mrs. A. J. Paltridge remov. ed to Forest, old home, and spent L. Silverthorne of Raleigh eawn- Thanksgiving eDey with their • Old • see, Hanged himself in his barn, e frienda.. • ' Mr. John Dolialds. on. n rune. s as ship, diseoltraged by financial -revue • ' f B purehased the business belonging to Mr. Paltridge; of which he. has taken .possession; and will occupy the late residence Of • Mr. Paltridge on .Bruce. street,owned by Mr. Jacob Stokes: • While in town, Miss WelwoOd �f Winghani•wasthe guest of her sister, Mrs. Se Tigert. She will leave at an eerie date for the China Mission, field under the auspices of the Metho- dist Women's Missionary Society. • Mr. and Mrs. Strotigh. who left God - emit sorae years ago to reside in Brant- ford, are at their old residence again, corner East and Victoria streets. •-• Mr. Reggie Tye is spending a ',le* weeks at the residence of. his parents, Mail Clerk and MM. W. D. Tye. • Met and Mrs. Everett have removed trope -Elden St to the residence corner Cameron a,nd Raglan Ste, lately occu- pied byMr. and Mes. Halliday. were Mr. WI D. Harris el Philedelphlo teed Mr. W. H. Rebertson o Godeeich. The bride, after tha vereesseny was pet. termed, wee prevented with a Bible by the trustees of the church,her marriage being the first there boleamizecl. The bridal Party left the chuech With their guests while Mr. Jordon played Men- delssohu's wedding march. A very large numberof people attended tte. wedding. At "Glenient" the beautiful new residence of the bride e father, a, most recherche Thankegiving wedding dinner wee prepared for the bridal party and about sixty guests wbo are from Philadelphia, New York, Denver, . Toronto, Hamilton, Stratford, Mitch all, Teeawater and Seaforth. The table* werd decorated withroes and fern. and autumn tioviers. 'Many Thenke giying,speeches were made by the Rev; gentlemen aud other guests. 1 The bridal party left by the Afternoon train for the groonVe old home at Tesetwater where they willependa ehort time be fore hewing for their home In Denver, The funeral of Anne Roney, beleVed wife o,f Signuel Jordan, took' place on Friday. . The pretty pearl colored cas- kettiad /natty floral tributes laid upon it, amoog them a lovely floral anchor from the Woodmen of the World, Mit- chel), and a beautiful pillar from the 1,0e),F, of Mitchell, also a wreath from Mr. Samuel Jordan and a wreath frene Mrs. Robert King; a lovely crete cent from Meesrs. Nerval and Tom Davie, town, and a wreath from Strat- ford friends. The relatives from a tance were Mrs. Dominick Watters, London; Mr and Mrs. Roney, Alma/ "tTillie and Nellie Roney, London, and David Fleming, London. The pallbear- ers were Geo. MeVicar, Barri Stowe. • Willie Yule, U M. Echlin, Willie Die- trich and Harry Worsell, Rev, Mark Turnbull officiated at the house and cemetery. Blech sympathy is tender- ed Mr, Jordan. who with hie bride came' to reside in our town about the firet of the year. Mrs: Jordan had not been veiy well for some time but her sudden death was quite unexPected. Setylee was held in St. Geurge's church on Thanksgiving Day. On Sun- day afternoon Rev, Mr. Buell officiated in St. George. Adjutant Brindley, Detrcit, gave an address in the S. A. barrachs on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Willie yslop and het. sister, Miss Edna Jackion. Clinton, spent: Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Iohn .Bedford.' The Misses McNair spent Thanks- giving Day the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Turnbulhof Burnside Farm, New- ton. The officers of the local U, 0, Bible Society are: preeident, J. H. Millian; secretary, 11, Blair; treesurer W.R. Robertson; committee, IC, Park, W. E. Elliott, Warnock Robinson. . Mrs. S. Knuckle spent Thanksgiving Day in Loudon with her mother, Mrs. Foss. Mr. Dave McVicar has returned from Winnipeg. Ten cents will pay a eubseription to 'The News -Record to any address until the end of 1906, Major Jordan has bed two plate glasses surreptitiously taken from his premises which were valued at $30 each. • "Not an egg in town" was the story told by the merchants on Thanksgiving Eve. Mrs.. Thos. Videan has returned from her visit to her son, Mr. Wilson Videau of Detroit, • • Mrs,. Andrew Everet has moved to the house formerly occupied on Carrier-. on street by Mrs. Catnpbell of Ripley, (nee Miss Martin). Mr. George Crabb of Seaforth spent Thanksgiving Day and Sunday the guest of his mother, Mrs, C. Crabb. Miss MacVicar has returned from a pleasant visit to. her sister, Miss Nellie MacVicar 'of Toronto and to friends in Barrie. ••• , • Miss Pearl Hillier bas returned from her visit to her sister, Mrs, Hunt of Chi - CHAPPED HANDS • Wash youi: hands,. with warm water, etry with a towel and apply Cliamb- . . . erlain's Salve juet before going to bed, and a speedy, cure is certain. This salve is also unequaled for. skin disi3asee For sale by NV: Me- . mos, Clistreen, pet. . , is very thoush Rai .13ILIOUS ATTACK • . QUICKLY CURED A few Weeks!ago I had a bilious attack that was" so severe I Nvr,s not able to go 1,o the office for two days. Failiag to get relief from my phy- sleiaies treatment, I took three • Of Ohamberlaint's Stomach emit Liver Tablets and the next day, I felt like a now mane -H. C. Editee of the • News, Chepin, , S. C. These tab- lets are for sale by W. S: R. Hol- mes, dlintone Ont. • The corner stone of the new Barton Street Methodist Church was lid at Hamilton. by Mr. T. W. Wat,kins. news ; pictures of world-fenuets poofp- CROUP. A reliable 'medicine end . one that WAN . D •. picture:, of Canadian events and yen - Women will' take theit rightful plates., , for •inenedia,te use is Cduentterlain't Mid were, while here, 'the guests of shieulel always, be kept in, the home Rev. Mr. Hassard B,D. and Mrs Has- . • le in which 'series Canadian ee n a'nd I "71.1."'"'"7------ h pictores of fashions and patters, Cough Remedy. It will prevent the Mrs. Hassard's uncle, Mr. Wm. Harris gtback if givon ae soon as tom tit ld beeornee; hoetse, Or even after the ' Mr. Fred Shaver of Ancaster, accom- eer____......m.meesea' :: eS ; pie -tuxes of Canadiert. enterpise, ; I I am again on the ,. oloto of ariitl'alS end photo Icoutt ote croupy cough a.ppea'rs. For sale by Holmes', Clinthn, One panied Rev. and Mrs. Hassaed to God- erieh and was a guest with them at tho residence of Mr. Wm. Harris. , • .• i pictures of children, of .beatttifal th- ings, melees things ; inventioes, , snap 1 2 market for apples i do °Happy or Comieal eliteuttlenrs" or • • -7 Mrs, (De) Hindu., (nee Mary Porter) 2 and will pa y t h e ' •le best. A statute iled at intends to spend the wintet, in Califor- • illeiws event% with money prizes tor of Buens Was Unve for both fall and Will- adian Pictorial" will be worth ' bind- .ap.,welvernontht of tee "Can- Fredericton, N. B., .Litutenant-C over- Dolt Fraser of Nova, Scotia making so the oration.. e • nia where she Will be the guest of her n Harvey, at Long Beach . .. highest market price , vorny, 1 Se one of pay repre- . ed above, , or about 10x1.5 'n ink. Its shape is similar to the publications, already nem- ••••• owan...•••••• • ••••••••••• km, on the 17t11 inst. Miss Kate Hosken left for Toroeto Mr, Arthur Smith was a Berlin vis Iter varieties - - -• - - . - - ,- cents a copy, One Dollar a year, in, In the fleet months of the Russia IN TIME OF PEACE. on the 17th inst. to join her family before sellingi in that cityKate will be . much missed sentatives (n• myself eehes the page. The Priee is Ten 1 1 eluding th i readers, and all who wish can ' ex.. and the early advantage of elosse whoo a e remainder of l 00 • iffree. Japan war we had a striking exam - Wo cant heartily recommend it to our Ple of the necessity foe preparation in St George"s choir and. the , G.Y.P.A. entertaioments, being a fine contralto e ID. GANTEL,ON 1 amine a eopy at our office : iteleed, for any to whom it would be a We will gladly forward subleriptions roofs in . dry weather.V The vittue of Mrs so to speak, "have shingled their preparation has made history and from several weeks soloist. , ttnd Miss Carrick have returned with friends in convenience. We gre rehire 'especial'? given to Us Our greatest men. The Toronto. Mrs, Carrick has two dau- pleased to announce that by pecial individnal as well as the nation thou -u- ghters residing in Port Perry, Ides. s lee be prepared for any eniergeney. dames Hooey and McKnight. and on arrangement we can offer our subsc- ribers , the "Canadian Piptorial" and Are you prepared to auccessfaily cosi- Mrs. Hooey's visit to her mother, and 01Tee News -Record both ,or cue year bat the first cold you talke I A cold sister in Toronto, Mrs, Carrick return / for $.1., 50 cash. The News -Record for one year fil.00 can be cured much more (middy when treated as soon as it has been con- traeted kind liefore it has become • ed with her to Port Perry arid visited both daughtere. Mre, Carrick was LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW The "Canadian Piotorial" . for one Seriously ill some time ago but 'is in VON, YOUR SEASON'S SIJP year MOO, A magnificent 'Mated settled in the system. Chamberlain's good health now. publication conlaining over a .thous- Cowell Remedy N famous for its cur - PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY and' pietures of the most lively ,Inter- es of colds and it Should be lThe Tennis Club gave a dance one pt et ONLY THE VERY BEST GIZA. est to all and tosting Over one thou- band ready for instant Ilse. Per Friday evening at Oddfellows' Hall in DES WHIM WILL BR SOLD sand dollars an. issue -see samples at sale by W. S. R. Holmes, Clinton, honor of two of their fair membert, AT TUE LOWEST 'POSSIBLE this officeOur price to oue subscrila Misses Petersen and Corb. , PRICE ' ere for both pallets only $11.50. . Ottt, . , Master Jack Proudfoot, stenograph- . ORDERS MAY BZ IiSIPT AT ............,.............................-. the pot season for Hotel Godetich, DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARD. Two workmen Wore killed and one . Harry . Cummings, a young farin is now stenographer With Mesers. WARR STORE OR WITH fatally leijured by the collapse of a hard, was .ttecideratly Wiled while out Proudfriot, Hays At Blair. • etote bridge at Whitehaven, Pa. shooting at Metcalfe. At Maitland Cemetery en the 14th Lord Tweedmouth, Pirst Lord of October tvhile the funeral cortege stood the Admiralty, says that ho rtoeut The sentence of death imposed on around the casket. the pallbearers W. a • oteVeZISOil 3 '3 g 1 tyl 1 s navy. ban been commute& c ergyrnan a re atives of the late Itil- ford Gillies of Teeswater. The ushers la el " ceenotnirs will not in"ure the 'British four Russian officers for -urrerultrin water, are moos** It is called lo the soli ter trberciet," and *ere fit, allowed to remain lode or consumptlosis pretty we' to take ffood'sSarsaii Removes morale. Get war tordoosklio tst. maisradlia two iwol kr lama emscrea044 14% ci Hoeg cow.. LoweiMaar, at Douglas Stock Invigorator Will Increase Your Profits aleweseteliet 1 Mrs. E.C. Campion and son Edward of the Sovereign Bank spent Thanks- giving Day with friends in Dettoit. " .11re. R. S. Williems has taken the house lately occupied by Consul Shie- lee. Mrs. and Mist/ •Willianse have re. - turned from a trip to theCciast. Mr. George Watson Was struck be a horse On a crossing on Saturday 'evens'. • ing and sernewhat injured. • Margaret, the three-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. end Mrs, Joseph Murray, died the other day of pneumonia: The funeral took place on Sunday after.: noon from the residence of Mrs. James Aitken. The little pallbearers were Dave and Euslow Aitken, Willie Mur- ray and Freddie Bennet Mr. Stogdill, uncle of the deceased. read the pervige, of The Brethren at house and Maitland Cecmaeptte.ryEdward m !triton has returned from a long stay in Muskoka'. Mr. James! Dickson has given • his Quebec street residence a name, "Bon- nie Croft." - Mrs. Aloander , Inglis spent last Week at Belmont the guest of her daughter, who is teacher of a public .school there. CLINTON. 22 :Golle•••••••••••••••••••41110 You can make a pail of the best stock food on the market for 75 cents. Its good for everything on the farrn. It saves your neigh- bor money. It will save you money. 1 Pail for 75 Cents. We make tlhe best for you EASY to RETAIN HEALTH, Most important of all is proper attention' to the bowels. Avaitl con- stipation, it's the health -killer of teteiay. Harsh, griping melltoine is ruinous -beware of it. Best results follow e truly vegetable terner•V like Dr. Hamilton's Pills of,Mandrahe and Butternut which not may relieve coss tiveness in one night •leet cues the pause of thte,trieuble andeprevents its return.. NO dietless or inconVellit attends tife7 Use . of. De. Hamilton's Pills whiareare world famons for the 'mildneee and effieieney. Sold every- where, 250 per box. ", Miss Bessie Thompson came down from Southamptoh to, attend the Col- legiate Institute, and .is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Bessie spent Thanksgiv. ing at Elimville, the guest of her :tont Mrs..Hern of that village, and returned on Monday. . The funeral of little Edward. Aletier, infant son or Me. and Mrs. Andrew Ev- erett, took place on October lith from from the family residencee Rev. W, 11 - Graham conducting the services. The child had been delicate forsome weeks. On the little white bcasket bunches of autumn flowers were laid by Mrs. S. Warner. the babe's grandmother, and Mrs. Snazel. . The little pallbearers were Masters Roy and Willie Snazel, Johnnie Muir end Danny geGuire. Mrs. Wm, Everett of Vithitechureh at- tendettthe funeral of her little grand: chsild, eh00.1 Inspector Charles Nivens for the Arcola. Men., schools gives great praise to two teachers from our town, Miss Camphell, daughter efex-Post- master Campbell, and Miss 2Skelton, who Went up this season. "Their me- thods are good" he says, "and order and management most satisfactory." One of the prettiest weddings itf the season was celebrated at North Street church. on Thanksgiving Day, at high noon. The church was beautifully dee- orated with flowers and exotic plants for the oecesion. The contracting par- ties were Miss Sarah Harris, daughter of Mr. T. Harris, Godetich, and Mr. Sil- lick of Denver, Col. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, while the organ rolled forth the beautiful attains of Lohengrin's bridal march, was dreseed in a lovely Costume ivory white lace over taffeta, with bri- dal veil and coronet of orange blossome and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses,. The bridesmaid, Miss ,Nellie Freeman Harris, cousin of the bride, was dressed in a pretty tostunte of Brussels net the skirt of which had tucks with valenciennes insertion be- tWeen; black picture hat and carried a shower bouquet of pink roes, The eeremony WAS performed by Rev. 0. Hazen, assisted by Rev. Mr, Dastard of Toronto. The grobtribniari was Dr. Mit- Dunlop. ifre. Glenn ' Sr of Detroit, has came to reside here for some time. Mrs. 2 Jas. Young has returned from Chicago, .Where she Was sceing • heti son James, Who is one of. the en- gineers, on the steamer W.' 14. Orr, Besides seeing other relatives Khe was also the guest of -Mrs, D. Cumming, one One-time resident, for several' days. 2' The late Mrs. 2 Thos. Morrish of Crystal City, WW1-tits/hi, whose (is ath Was mentioned la,st *tele , was the youngest daughter of the late James Jewell' add was 2 married here' , in 1880 to her now bereaved husband Tn het girlhood daYs, as Louisa Jewell, she took part in many of 1.111 • social gatherings of the young people and used to sing in the Bible -Christien church choir at Leeburn. Her hi:other Thomas now lives on the homestead here. WSJ?. Holmes Phra. B. We Keep Only. Post Office The Best. • Drug Store. --RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE -i The new 13ril4sh battleship . Mee& nought has • stood. her gun....test splen- dklly. REGAINED NERVE ' AND VITAL ENERGY. FrOxn W'altosse,P, .0., Que., comes the following • from Mi. Nazaira I3egia• "If anyone ltad told me any remade :could build up my nervous system SO well, I woidd not have believed thean. Before usIng Ferrozone 1. was run down. in :nerve and vital 'energy, and in -very weak health. 1 didhit ge tneugh -sleep at niglie, 2 felt etoerlY the .day' time. Pensozono line' fille me With eneegy anti vim •hicreas t and made a new Mall' me. Hundreds`leelle the fsanie story • --- •weak and j5pji i,eviirything going wrong, tstable eo catch no. They took Ferrozone ansi all was changes/ to health and serenity. Price 50e per • box at all dealers. 15 YOURTROUBLE . • 2INDIGESTION e Them probably you knoW Cm, evils oi distention, fermenta.tion and irrit- ation that accompany digestive trou- bles. Next inaportane is to know how' promptly Nerialine cures. Quick as wink it relieves' bloating and feel- ing of fullitess, puts the entire dis- eetive apparatus in petted) order, ma- ke you feel . fit and: fine ail over. For internal. pain. : polSon's. Nerviline surpasses every known rerriedy, Keep • it .in the house always, it's a sour - Se of comfort in tikh hour of emer- gency. Largo bottlefor 25e at all dealera. • Russia has disbanded the stall f her Manchurian army. SIXTY WEEKS FOR !;175. • Don't put off until to-morrere the, matter of Subseribing for The Youth•'e• Coinpanion. The publishers nfte to' send to every new subsetiber 2fer 947 who at once remits, the embed - Option price, V1.170, all the issues for the), remaining, Welts of 1906 free. These issues will contain, nearly do complete stories, besides the evening: cliaptora .of Hamlin. Gaelanit's Crial, "The Long Trail" -all in addition 1 the 52 issues of 1907. •. Whatevee Our .age, six, sixteen Or sixty, you will find The Coinp mien to be. your paper. Pt 2 touches' . every worthy intermit in. life -every inter- est thlt promotes cheerfuleeee, devel- ops character, enlarges -the understan- ding and instils ideasof true' tiaurie otism: Full illustrated Announcement ot • The Conaparrion :for 1997 will be Sent . to any 'address 2 free with steeple cop- ies of the. paper. • ' New subscribers will receive n gift of 2 The Companion's 2 Fone-Leaf I Iang- Mg Calendar for 1907, litographed is twelve colors and geld. 2• • Subscribers who get new subscript - IOW Will Ckehre n10;210.00 ia cash and many other special awarde. Send for information. , .• THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, . 144 Berkeley Stymie Boston, Mass. 4mimim Victorious Thro Merit oXYDONOR triumphs through merit - for years it has been the life guard of .1:••• • • • •_ • • • • • • mere than a million persons, 'It is the yp1). ' embodiment of thelighest law known to • te''‘ 174" "!.: I human science. In it is concentrated the experience of the greatest scientist of the namenutusavoneww" . age. A labor of love for humanity. No other nonce for health has so many faithfulfriends-none other deserves se many. OXYDONOR instils new life into the system; regener- ates, relnyigoretes itnd vitalizes mei organ into the proper discharge of the function for tallith Nature intended them, Its Use hangs vigorous health with all the physical ectivity that makes life worth tieing. No matter what disease you have this le the only nettiral cure for it: There is no danger, tio pain, no doctor nor medicine in tieing. OXYDONOR. It will last a lifetime and serve the whole flintily. Send today for book No. 53, mailed free. Write us a description of of your Case. Nervous PROSTRATION. HEART ROUBLE. Mr. E. Graham, 62 Robinson Se. Toronto, Ont.. writes Oct. 10, 1905:- "I het ..liy certify that r hate used Oxydonor No. 2 for more than it year for neevout, prostration end •heart trouble. I feel now hilly restored to health, and from eareful observation I have no hesitation in saying that my complete recovery is entirely dug to theapelication of Oxydoner." RHZUMATISM. lr'j°hnnartii'RArtri"°nbitt"writeFehrtarli4tb4lWlr. "Aterseventronth' tegfoxydoirIhaveh:engreatyreIievedita almost entirely cured of thetune tism from which 1 hove suffered for forty years. I pitied ten pounds while using Oxyd0hor. I am seventv.eighb years of age. Would not, be without Oxydonor for any money." Beware of Dangerous and Prultdent Imitationg, The Genuine has the OR. SAMMIE & CO, 304 ST. CATHARINE ST. WEST. MONTREAL name of "Dr. IL Sitnehe &Co., stamped in its metal parte.