HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-25, Page 1/ , CLINTON, ONTARIO: ThItIRSDAY, OCTOBER 2stbf 1906 The Thy's-Record to any *tut:teems until the end of 1906 for 10 cents -eue,7-e-e • -,.... 7 -•-e.- .-w",,e!,---.-:"..--"...--lefe..e7-e--,-e-.. ".--- - [ • . , the isotelh(ar TOatek „ •.14*`11gfitin vigil roped; Right in ivOrktnatIShip. ; *of in rice. Right In. time. • 14g.ht esPer, time. 'Ac-, corate0,adioste4 Fitted in either gold, silver or niche( , „, Caies.' Let as sell you a watch, YOUP okl watch. taken in part PaY, t jeweller and Itrateh Repairer akrrelirr4r4OMPISHriPerrreelkirreerriretti*4 _ • It.if44001401.0144.11101,111•1114411. fettallillfaetilea4141161/1/81111. • • a ' isesimeliemmumm A lioine of the us 10 Suits ' 18 HUMil arge,t and best equipped ex- clbsIve en's es-one---of-thTlaYge-st and 1. in estern'Ontario. It is also the home of the. best $10 Suit for men sold in Canada t� -day. A suit thai, has made this men's store famous for miles around Clinton. There' may be $10 suits as good, but there are not many. There are none better, that we are sure of. We are prouder than ever of Viese $10 Suits for Fall: .They ha,,,e so much style,- so much all round merit, are so genuinely good through and through that they are bringing this big men's store more and more nustomers right along. If you want a good suit for little money, you can get none better than this famous $10 suit. - Panc-g Wool Tweed's 4. 400 All cut in the latest and most popular styles, lined throughout with first•class linings, well and carefully made, perfect in fit, -style and finish. Plain Black'Serges Plain ,Navg Serges • • • The Watch Club Our Boys' Watch Club is. growing more popn- lar as boys and their parents get acquainted with the watch that each membet will get if he buys - $10 worth of clothing before New Year's, It coifs nothing to join the club. The watches come in a handsome nickel case and keep accurate time. Just the kind of watch that every boy is glad to have: Let your boy join the Vttatch Club and he will get a watch without it cOscing him a cent, andyou will buy his clothing from the pest and biggest stock in the County of Huron. The Styles we know are right The Values we know -are unequaled O ..,,fenS nmect MIPORTENO •Cf.; roin ONZ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, • AtiliVereaey servicee will be held* the Onteerio Street chwele neet S44 - day, the, pr,eaoher o tbe. day to be lIft. W. H. Kea,' brother .4 the pose liar and .publisher of the Braeseli 'PoSit. On Monday evening e hot dinner will be oarveii la Um, lecture toOla 'after which there will be a' 10047 •and meetioal program to which .botit loeal .aerd oateide taleet will, contrIbete. Everything petards, to both pleeteant and profitable time. .) TIPANKSGIVING SUPPERS,. Quite a member of our citizens' et- •*ided the Thanksgiving suppees give ersM Londesboro. and Steaforth last Thursday evening and . team* eon- '• tenatted liberally to the make4•m, of betb, programa 'At Seatorth Rev. r. Jolliffe gave an address and Miss 'Mahe' Doherty a couple ot exceedhag- ly Vell-reedered elocutionary select- ions, while at Londesboro the Onta-r- to• street quartette so weir pleased the audience that they were ealled on nearly a dozen. times, A UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT. • The event of our theatrical season will undoubtedly be the engagement o the (lily liirolthers Ministrels who *pair in the town hall on Tuesday evening of next week. It has charm, -Variety, haenor, ekeitementt, music to, please the ear and novel tieetile of- fsets to dazzle the' eye. It in esents the old time plantation melodies, up- to-date aaaehatic specialties, and - superb orchestral music, • all blended hermonanialy into an evening's enter- tainment ' that never holds a dull moment. • • • THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 68o to 70e Oats 33e • • Peas .70c to 72c Barley 400 to 45c . Butter 20c tggs 20c Live Hogs $6.00. • It has, been stated. that the, high • price of eggs is partly due to the farmers storing their supplies for a hig.her Market later in the'Seasoa. • - •• More butter is now coming in and it. is expected that.prices. willsoon be soenevehat loww.• . . • . DEA.TII. OF JOHN . KYLE. . A %telegram was received by' , Cant- etioe-.Bros. pa Saturday aaerising: th- emof the sudden. death of • theia brother-in-law' Mr. Jebel 'kyle- of Brandon., Men.. Heart failure was the cause. Mr. Kyle farmed in Hullott • for ,seeeral years and subselpently en- gaged in the grocery business in Sea - forth, moving to: Brand:on; eighteen years age. He was about sixty vers of age. He is survived by his wile (nee 1VIaty Cantelon) and a grown-up faanily. The old 'friends. here -extend eympathy 'to the bereaved ones. • THE S. 'RALLY, • . . . • •The S. S..rally services. in Wesley church last Sunday were :largely •at - heeded:. The music throughout the day wasfurnished by the akar of, the 'ecto61 which, under efficient lead- erehip, has attained to a high de- threc of perfection. The addressesof the) pastor were most suitable for the occasion and were getentively lig toted. -to by • the scholaes and the • large n.u.mber present of more mature years. Miss Elder of Blyth also gave an eddeess at the afternoon sessiee wh- fell much. Pleased -all whet heard it. DIED 'AWAY FROM' teomE. e Saving Habit Many know how to earn -but few have -the knacI of saving. Small slims systematically saved lay the ILA foundation (4 future wealth, and affluence. Deposits of $1 .00 and upwards received; and interest paid 4 times a year it • The Sovereign Bank of Canada • • _ • which assists yot Millionaires km" slue* CLINTON and BRUCEi-3IJELD On: Wednesday' of last week MrS. R., Cole,formerly of'Hullette :eine Up Irom London, with her grand -child, delight:et of Dirs. W. -Weir, nine 'weties. old to visit her daughter, Mrs, Gee. rge Jackson of the London Road, a mile see:tit of town. The next, . day. 'the little One became ill and cm Fri- day pasted. away. The funeral took ,..plaeo &motley afternoon to thenetier cemetery on con, 10, Hallett, where other membere- of the faviily were in- terred years' ago. Rev. Dr. Stelvart canduceed service at the home. and Rev. Mr. Leckie a,t the eeneetery. . •THE • BISHOP WAS PRESET.7. • There wase4a, crowded 'eorigregatien in St. Joseph's church ore Sueday a. m. when his lordship Bishop ;vIebvay administeted the rile of confirmation • to thirty candidates whole he • after - Wards add:teased. His lordship is an irepressive speaker and was .istened to with the •eloses:t attention - all ' present. He was assisted ie the service. by Father Ranieri, Aild by 'attarer Stanley of London. . After service the Bishop and Fathers Han- • lon and Stanley drove td Blyth wh- ere the rite of confirmation wee also administered, when they returned to Clinton for vespers at which Father Stanley was the preacher. • 130IL TI1E nnIEIG w Arum. Dr. Shaev, the medical health, °teen has sounded the alarm in regard to thee use of wen water. "It al.OsId all he boiled before beteg used for • thinking pueppses," he said to The NeWs-RecOrd on. Tueaday. "I have tewtedO 100 samples and nearly all I found to be impure and this le the dattse of the several eaSOS of typh- oid fever we now have in teem The lo og dry spell fellowed by the re- cent heevy rains leas caused this, bad state of affairs. Some a the- deep • well's are about ae, bad aa the Others °Wing to a five -Melt drill Iteetree been Wed and a four -Melt pipe which al - levee surface water to lind ite way down." THE BLACK KNIGHT. • The Blacle Kuhght is la town end 'WI -4/0 Will addles a meeting to he held WesleY chetech and te-morrow 'evening lie will bei the Oatitrio' street church. He is an 49.quent sp. eaker and no doabt will be %toted to by large audienees• at beth these meetings, • THE CIDER MILL. . Andrewe Bros. hive again opened up. %heir cider mill, much to. ,the eat- •isfaction of those Whet wish their eurp.les otock of apples • transformed into cider or apple batter. This mill has now bnim °pastel= for twelve SueeesSiVe mastitis', but mr, $, J. Andrews has himself be in the bee, irtees since 1847. They tOrn. cut • Mgt tertiele so are overtexett with orders during the season. BAPTIST CHURCH. Anniverea,ry services w11 be held on SundaY, November .41h. Rev, I.R, FSteh B. et. of WingbaM will preaed at 11 a, me aact 7 p. is a very briglit preacher and those who hear him are sure to be great- ly pleased. The.'congregateen are ask - ng a free-will offering toIneet the obligati:ex of the church for the pits- ent ye.ar. , Next Sunday morning the • pastor Rev, Mr. Magee will spi3air oit "Im- pressions, from the Coevention." •LTTI„Jt' LpoAL,s, • Beigadier Sharp, London,eill sp. ealc in the S. A. barrack e to -night. ale 8. A. barracks pee !mine re- novalted inside and out, The improVe- merleo. include shingling. A memorial windew in St. Paul's 'church has been btoleen by children who play on the grounds.. . Mr. Luke Lawson, who OPerates a rip saw at the organ factory, had a piece taken off his thumb last Sat hxday, The attention of holders of Hort- icultural dertific4tes is celled to the fact that 'they: must be presented for redemption • hot liter than Nov. • ember 1st: '• Mr. Jae: Manna, foremen at the feeedry, has rented the house yecat- ed by Md.:, Ballard and' intends next week.maiing his family frO item • Stratford. . . On, Tuesday the W. Ctio,per Cat 'pxe-: senbed .The News Record with ae as- sortment of picture • postcards con- taining colored views of our t....vets• ' and • public buildings. These cards weir made in Germany ezil their ashas becorne spite a fed. • Muehrooms are plentiful this teas:oil • and several of our ettitens . have had • greet Success in • gathering them. Particulaely has this been the case with •Aleesrs. Rattenbury anti Doan who .have gatheredthe edible fungus .ao often that there isnodanger of them miataking ie for toadstool: -Personal.' : .jnanector Robb _was in Min m ..on 'Tuesday. ' Mr. J. E. Cantelen, is duca.shaoting at Port Rowan. 1Vi.r. Frank Wilson came up frimi St• ; TheinaS for Thanhsgiving. 0 • • Will: Rattenbery, Molsorisf Bank, London, was home for Thanksgiving.' Miss Stella Swann, Stratford, has been viseting at her tome .on the •1,8th • • Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kemp, Stratford, were 'guests at Mr. S. Kemp's on Thanksgiving Day. ••• Mee' •W- J. -Ford of Smilth's bakery; • Stretheay, spent Thanksgiving Day athis home in. town. •• Mrs. W. podswonth visited at • Mr. George Swann's of hear Lucknow ew.da-ys.of the at Week. • Mr; Bernard Knaeff of alt. 'Paul, Minnesota; -was the guest of his • olatek dsfrweiend,. . Mr: Lappinle, the p Mrs. George IVIcEveen and Ilea .geand- . son, Bari Arscat, Loneon, were, visiting at Mt. 11. P. andrevesa the past Week. Mrs'. 'I'. B. Cowan and her daughter, Thelma, of Eagle • Grove, .Iowa, • are visiting her sister, Mrs: James Fihneeahtleyend her brother, Arr. W • ui. I3errace Agnew has returned iron* • Stretford where she . hag been a, • fortnight helping to ease her sis- ter, Lillian, who has had typhoid fever. Miss °late Beatorn, after 14avi1ig been for a month the guest of her aunt, • Mrs. Thos.. Beacom, • left Friday •for Toronto, en mete for her home in Henderson, North Carolina. Mite Lillian Agnew, many friends will .1)6 pleased to learn, is stateily im- proving. Her mother, Mrs-. Agnew, ist still in. Stratferd, with her and will remain till her daughter is etervaleseent. • Mr. J. Houston, Ieft on Friday to alter upon. Ms new duties as head master of the Collegiate Institute Rocklye. The eatery is $1100. Mr. Houston was. for Mem years conneeted.' with the C. 1. here, and he leave(' with the best wish& a our citizens, The family will id tilt probability remain here utttil next atge; Mrs. A. .T. Morrish and their Iltbbo daughter Bessie spent, Thure-a day and Friday lest with relatives at Whitby. They returned to Tor- onto OM Saturday and Mrs. Mor- • Ash and Bessie remained itt the city until Monday, but. Mr. Meerish earne home that afternoon, in oed- tO be on hand for the brisk trade the big clothing store :A Ilodgene 13ros. always do on at. urtlay evenings. lit Wb,ole Number 1446 PerilOaki Dr. Awn litrolc of Thanksglifing eheer at hie old home in Brant- Mr:tjehnT-hurs4C;yook, s was TOri)1113 Messes. J. Maedenald and A. Muir- TTeeehttlf:y.eete. Clinto.0 Ott -guest of Mrs. J.. W. Moore last, Miseliteetriee PraeitoW'Of London was Mr. Freak Sit:Mean, Louden), visited hie parente,etud Other MeMbers , a. the family•in town from Wedeesdity ta Monday. • Mts. Henry Bra. of Detroit returned tgefelkle's vhiqineite vilutlihic'llerdbraOth:r r.1 Mra.`* A, E. Lappine, • Mies Ada L..Beatty, Senforth's best ringeleeution,l,sAt, Jafl jiheindw.sellsletcorryt,h and 'Papa and the Boy" at the Onto ario street church jubilee inane:: .1 next Monday evening.„• Mr, John{ 8, Rosa was in Torouto on Thursday eleiting hit. mother-in-law, Mrs. C. J. ;Smith who recently: • had her hip broken, and also suffer. ed other severe injuries. Mrs. eth is now recovering as rapidly. as could • be expected.. I Mr. Gerege Coleman of the Parr Laut Stanley, Was in • to.wn yes•terday. He •owr.s a farm of .175 acre e in what is acknowledged to be one of the hest grain grqw.ingr sectioes in the province and relies big eirOPS I • every yea.r, but he has decided to eetire learn farming and w ill dis- • pose of the place, • VI. Crooke `alteel Miele Teeeio spent the helidays ritb Atwood frt. •eucle. Mrs. Hewett of Braatferd spent Thanksgiving holidays with• hr Mrs. liemeei. IVIrs. Kitty of •Toreuto wits the guest of Mrs„ Brown w„sUnday, Miss Auetie Swann Was the gitest O f her 0 pareats • daring the aolidave. • :Mr. William Snead of the Wiest, formerly of this neighborhood, Is the ••gwest of Iris Mre, Hellotes, efter ansabseace of. 81 years', He looks as it the western, countey agreed with 1!1111, • Mrs. Telehett is visitiag M•ye, Fee , of Exeter, , erre, Makin,s of Woodetexdr ha e been, visitiug Ms brother, Mr. T. Potter, who. has beenvery low 5or some time but his many triode are pleeeed to 'Hear that he tie now recovering though slowly. „ Death has visited our ',village and taken away another of our old ea, - tiers in the person of Mrs. Joseph Proctor after et -very lome.illuesie She suffered intensely*feorn inflammatory rheumatism•and for a long time was unable to walk., The Members of her family did all M their power to ease the pain which she bag with Christian reeignation. Bet • it was God's will and on Thuesday.evening last He called, her lArme. The largely attended funeral 'took 'place on Sat- urday to the cemetery at Ooderich, Rey. Mr. Rhodes b1 .Teeswabx con- ducted the serviees. The pallbearers were six nephews of the deceased. The bereaved- fandly have the stetmt- Tile bereaved, family 'have the sylepat- • The °Meer& of. the Epworth League are as follows :• President; Miss Kathleen Swana • int Vico, miss T. MeCartner, ' 21nd, IVIrs. Lewis Tobbutt • - 4rd Viee, 'Ness $. Acheson • 4th.iee; Mr W, Yeo Sec.-Treas., Mist Carrie Wal.e.us ' • Organist, Miss B. Tebbutt • Choir leader, •Miss • E.Holds aortae The League will meet at 7.30 from. this Mit. 'There will be a geed ,pro- grarn. for •next IVIondaY evening. There was quite an exciting time In Woman's Instatut.e circles en • the daY or the bread contest, The:e was a splendid' showing of breadawl the prizes were careied oft asfuilpws, 1st, Mrs. Jos. JerVie 214, Mrs. Lewis Tebbuter 3rd, Mrs. Thee. , Macdonald. . TheLejednes were Mrs. F. Swann, Mrs. Watts and Mrs •W. Marquis. Mrs. IC Jenkins and Mr; Watts • at- tended a district meeting in Gooer- ich on 'the 17th to, ,elect. se. -treas- urer in place of Mrs. Colin Cemplret Who has reSigned. MrS. Watts has been givea the position, • • i • Mr: Charles Tebbatt .,Vas beme from his school near Exeter for the: holidays. • . Hullett Township. • ,0 Mr. George • Hesk is very low at preser, being partly 'peralyzee. • Ho is with hie son-in-law, Mr. John Denby. No hopes 'are entertained for his eeeovery. • Mr. J. T. Rogerson returnedfrom the West on Saturday - Miss A. Tyerman of Seaforth • is visiting hee sieter, Alm-. James Fair - service. , • ••The assignmeet Of Mr. Farnham has oaesed great surprise. in the, ye:laity. We have it on good •authority that after the secured debts are paid that the. balance Will net pay teni • cents 'en. the elollar, • • • !IL Nelson Sanders, IS working in :Seaforth at present. •attae.it of typhoid fever. I ' '.% „ Mr. ThOS. Cole is zuffering fice.n ae, •. • Auburn. - . ' . . On, Sunday afternoon in the, Base. Line Baptist church the pastor; Rete Mr. '1VIegee, wiii speak on "IMpres.S- ions from, -the Convention." • •• Miss 'Webb of Seaforth and Miss Brogden of Londesboro were the gnats of Mrs. Riddell last week. Rev. W. McLean, •of Blyth oceunied Knox (Attach a'pulpit last .Sunday, Mr. Sir.ela being called eway to the *funeral of bis Aunt in Arthur. • Our teachers, Mr.. Rogers' and Miss Sclater speet Thanksgiving, at their respective homes• . - • ',. - 11reisS, Annie CO -upland spent a 'few days With Miss .0ertie Asquith. • Messes. W. T. Riddell anti • C. E, Asquith spent Thanksgiving in ' Tor - Our Rifle -Club went to Winghaen and competed in the county match, and although they didn't ;teemed in cantering the Cup they *re only defeated, by a few points. • Ceorge • Youngblut took first place at the 5f10 - yard range.• * *' Mr. Sem. Rowed 'was intour villa,ge •this week. • Mr. A. Asquith attended a baneuet in Goderich in honer er Major :leek• . Although the weather was not very favorable for our Thanksgiving' con - cat it was a decided success. The proeeede amounted to (a er forty, eee. Rev. J. L. Small preached an ex- cellent Thanksgiving sermon in the Methodist church On Thursday fore- eoon. • On Thanksgiving evening a „towed waS given in Knox church. Among those who assisted in the well.ren.d- ered program were Miss Cottees of Hamiltog, •Mise Cousland if Watford,. Miss E. Macdonald and Rev. J. L, Small, Auburn., . end, Rey.. 0, L. Steal, a brother oft the pastor, • Miss Erma, Symington is recovering ftom her recent illness. • The News-Reneed will be salt to any address for the balance of 1906 for ten cents. If you are not now a subscriber, try it. +++++4.+++++4.4.++++++4. . A GOOD 0. • REPRESENTATIVE, 4. 4. 11,111r. A. IX. Musgrove, Prineipa.1 . of the Wingliam 4. reline school, is a, eandi.. 4. date far the • Advisory 4. °button. •+ Ile is an experienced tea- 4, cher, a man a sound judg- •ment, publio spirited and a i** fine epeaker. .e. In short, he would make 4* an excellent representative 44 of the Publie teaelfe ers tina should be eotdially 4. supported by the profees- ion throfighottt the pro- 4. in0. 4. 4. Xi441,4A4414444/44444":":4444440 .13rueefield • Me. Marriott - of 'Hillsgreoteeot . a job on a 'G. T: R. sedition near Shar- pie, and ineteele reovhig ea that peat • wort. • , • . Mr. tend; Mrs: Forrest have bee'i vis- iting in 'East Willianie neer lectedoif. • Quite a. number of the boys went to the woods on ThuradaY last with rites' and shot guns, There) wee gr- eat • popping aff day, but, we have not heard that much genie was bro- ught home. George. arid Wilsee Turner of Tor- onto were guests over Thatricsgiving of their mother. • Mk. J. Snider intends moving ineo. Mrs. Deibl's house next week. • Mr, J; Mcelery, who is. atpresent living: in Mr, . McIntosh's coetage, will next week move into the • home to be vaceted by Mr. J, • • • Nes% 0. Tyner returned henie on • Monday from a week's, visit' t..; her sieter, Met. Feank Scott of London township.; • Miss Petrie attended the teachers' oonvention held in, Wieghain cm Fri- day and Saturday latt. 4 • Inspector Redb paid, his( first official to der new school on Tuesday and found everything a. k. • Mr. Thos. Biggins has talten.pOso- ession of the village store and • is now Catering to the public wants in • Ms line. 1VIr. and Mrs'. BnaWnlee have nerved on :to the Walla.ce fawn en the 71)h eon. of Ilullett which they have rented. AlexSI h t at (Ili • oma as re ure e o re ton -and steered employment on the Greed Trunk: Miss 011iei 11111 spent part of last week in Lopdesboro and Mtge `Lelia Whitely returned with her to remain a few days:. A meeting of the L. O. L. 028 will , be held next IVIenday evening to decide time celebreting er not the amilvereary of the Gttnpowder Note • Mr, and Mr. Thos. lIa,rdy spent Sunday last with Mrs. Pernpleell neat the Nile. • • Mr. R. J. IVIIIIer of Citation intends moving on to lithe W. J. Melltiee farm on the Oth coo, of 1-ittIle,tt. The truetees have purchased mote trav goals for the new school. • Mi. and lvrrs. J. S. Miter visited at Mr. V.' Drown's, Londesboro, Stmday. Mr. Ohas.Lovett has returned trona the West, •Me stay being nAtiAh Shorter khan usual owing to Mrs. • Lovett's illness. which, we are sorry Ito hear, is somewhat serious,. We hope, however, to have a much more cheerful report fox next week. ra New Adverttsenwetc, Ciotktea-Poplestonc4Qar4iutr pCirs Sale-.Mro. Carter , O FAMOUS. P10 Suitea-lieeligene Brose.„.11.' Stock invigorator -W- S;R:Ifolmes a I •'no Punctual-W..R. 'Stove- TiMe-ifarland• Caretaker Wanbed-Rox 440 Day-keltif Coal licarbers,for,,Sale-Dr. Thompsp451. To My. CustoMers-.A*. R. Staith.H.4' . Civil, EugineePaJ. Lowto Crockery -4..4e Holloway„ ..... For Sale -Jas. Livermore Wanted-eDominion, Garment Cole.....atit At -Less, Than °oet--Neweoeebets Good Underwear-IIoclgene Beautiful Pieturee-W. D, Fair , BaYtkel e A) sciaat Under the anenieei of the Ladies' 'ma ot St. :Aatirew's .;.Murch) will bo held in the basement 'of the 'church on Friday eveningNov-. :Md. R: Robinson • of Seafeeth spent Thanksgiving in the Village. T•he wardens of Trinity church ate •hateing much inec4ed, repairs done to the ehureit this week. Mr. o-oorga •Kirig,Who has been in 'tile West during the harvest, return.- IrGita Torenta le the; guest of his aunt), Mrs. P. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver .Bheects and , child of BraaafOrd and Mrs .• lakyncis ancl, daughter, RhYnas Of Goder" spent Suruday ia the eillage. with cis. Mr. and IVIrs. Charles Stewart .of London, spent Tuesday in the eillage. • Mrs: mtatay of PDXt Y'ranit.' is vis- iting her son, Mr. Fred Baker., . Miss Edith Falconer, who seeat the past ' few weeks melee the " eaetrutal roof, refit -teed to Orotrorich. oa Mon- day. • • Mr, and Mrs! T. King end. fentily, spoilt Sunday at Godevich, • IVIeeses., IVIurcloolc Reis and, John. Pelloels.left last weelciOr, port,nank to engage in ea.- 1. • • • 0• • Dr.' Brown of London was the gu- est of .Mr. and Mrs John. Whiddon a fewdays the Pest week. , Mise Ida Brownlee of .Londoe spent Thanksgieieg with friends ri ate yil- lae ' mt. H., Turner, wive has been ht the West the past few. montha, re- *. • tined home test veeek, • • ' The Ladies' Aidof the Methodist church • lield their 'rnentlity meetieg at the home, of Mrs. Cleaveeof the SaUb le JAnie on Wednesday afteeactort ",,et • Ws week. The Oranigemen, will give an. At Home an oyster supper in the, tevn hail an °the , evening of Nov. etlr, • Mr Thos. Stinson Wa'S.111 Lenion this weak on business'. 0, • • Messes-% Peter and.. Robert Douglas of• Blake Were in„the ville,ge on. Mora erey. . , The isa,erament of tbe lamerre 'Slip- per) will be desponsed in St. •Androw's &melon:ex% Sunday at the morningservlco e" • :.:The,wleite Fah has ,cltere niecIr dam:, age,: to -the potatot • atouild• hayfield this :summer. • • . ••• • • . Dr . dune has • Cut' a, pipe :" termer ti.eittitt amt, Rob-. • • as doing welI • • • • • • • • • • 13hieefie1d. Miss" tnia, McIntosh went Thanks- giving with Clinton, friettde. • . - MSS Maud 'Wilson has gone On a inonth's visit to GUelph. ' Mr. Andrew Beattie and little eon epent the holidays with Ids sister, Mrs. Woe cott, Mrs.. Thos. SimpsOn was, visiting in St. Thomas last -week. Mie Chao. Sewers Of London Medi - 0.11 college spent 1u olidays" at • The Bible Soeiejty Medi:leg .was _held the Methodist .olittrob. hero on Wed- needay evving. •, • Mr. Prime, our genial station • ag- 'ent, .are • pleased to say, hat so • far recovered from' his, recent sev- ere illness as to he able to reserne his duties' a,t the steltion. • Mr. Peame has. moved into Mr Alex., Mustard's heave. ' IIVIiss Real Rouatt, 'who has beea vetty ill, has so far recovered as to be able to be out . Miss Lily 1VIe0owan has relented from Visiting London friends. Me. and Mrs, Jack Beattie of Wat- ford spent a few Mays. Met week here. Mr. A.. Andrews of Leaden visited at the home of Mr. Jas.. Macdonald this week. • lVfise Jeseie Grainger of Clinton, og- led, on friends here MoodaY, • Me. S. 1V1eXenzie M Oli.nton, spent Monday evening in our burg, • Miss Mary Dodman 111104 retUttnitit to her home in St. .41r>sepb,. The many friends of Mr. J. P. Buschlin of. the Savereiga Bank aro sorry that he has been teatee'fateed to IVIount Albert,. The vaeatcy has been filled by W. C. Parley from Tees - Water, . Oudniore from •lleneall has charge of the stalked hero this week. Mr. Alex. Mustard slitpued thee& earl:ea:cis of lumber fro* ilteteefield: station last .week. Quite a edantity of OresSed •hay Itets be ehippect front, here lately. The many friends' of W. Mex. Me. Beath regret •to heat that he has taken -Sit relapse and * again con- fined, to bed. Mr. J. Snider went en Saturday to tendon where he wile has been. visiting her mothea, lirs, Taylor. They taunted honte co. Monday. Mr. Prod. Deinfort, 'lobo Worked for Mr. William Ross, *as gone. to Pontiac,