HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-18, Page 9Clinton News -Reid
150 Carpet
tto sell Saturday
English Manufacture, Nearly all 14 yards long. Will
Inti make splendid Matts and Rugs, Sone very handsome designs that
i! .
Ca Carpet Samples we ever offed.
art are specially suitable for .this urpoae. Far and away the best lot of
T -Tapestry Samples 30c
50 samples of Tapestry Carpet, shades of red. green, blue, etc,,
1 yards long. Qualities that would sell at 50c to 7 iper
I yard, choice per end k
lit Brussels Samples $t•.
50 samples of high grade En liyh Brussels Carpet, handsome
designs, in all the popular colorings, each end la yards long.
Qualities that sell from, $1.00, 1.25 to 1.40 per yarn, choice,pei
Wilton Samples $1.25 '
22 samples English Wilton Carpets, extra fine quality, new
patterns and colorings, each end 14yards .long, sell in the
regular way at $1.50 and 1.75 per yar, choice per end $1.25
,.:Axminster Samples $1.50
25 samples fine English Azniinster , Carpets, large thick pile,:
good colors, new patterns, will make handsome rugs. each end
14 yards long, regular 1.50 to $2 per yard, choice per epd 1.5146 '
Oil Cloth Squares
Save your carpet by putting an Oil Cloth
Square under your stove.. New patterns just in.
All 1, 1i* and 2 yards square.
40C, $1.00 and $1.75
Fine Upholstery Damasks
-. From the Same Agent
We got a lot of fine French Upholstering Damask Samples. If
you have anold chair or two you want to recover, or can do
with an extra cushion or two, you can get the material for
less than half its real. worth. Each end is 25x27 inches, and
there is a splendid assortment of patterns.
ilI, Damask Ends 30c
40 ends Colored Upholstering Damasks, good weight and qual-
ities, green, blue,•red and light shades, sizes 25x27, choice 3 Oc
› Silk Damask ends 50c
35 ends high class French Upholstering Danoask, very fine
quality, splendid lot of.colori.ngs, each ' end 25x27, suitable for•.
chairs or cushions, choice per and 50e.
The Most. Coats
1 The Best Coats
Are Here
More Coats to choose from
I, here than in any .store within
r'. reach of this. Better coats,
t•too, than you are likely to
1 find in most places. Coats
t•from five of the leading lana-
c; dian and German :makers are
<,• on our racks. Garments•that `-
r< 'reflect thein' best and most
f<: fashionable styles. Every coat made from honest
li materials, cut in the rightstyles, made by skilled
t,tailors and marked at prices that maks them extra
1• good value. You will only be doing yourself justice.
i i if you see this stock before you buy a Winter Jacket:
' Tweed Jackets $8.5.0
One of the most popularcoats is the one made from light or
dark grey tweed. ,ft ie cut.with.the loose, fullback, trimmed
with strappings of the same material,and is an exceptionally
stylish garment Special value at. ... •
't Tweed Coats $15
• A dozen or more styles at this popular price. Every one good..
Of the most, not more than two garments alike. Splendid
value at each ..16.00•
}E' Black Coat $8.75
A coat made from algood quality black heaver, loose hack,
full length tourist style. IDressy garment at a moderate price.
Special each 8.75
le, At SO •
Coats made from extrauality black beaver, full loose back,
nicely trimmed with strappiogs and braid, very dressy. special
each , , .. . . .... .12.00
Better Bleck Coats $15,00, $20.00 and $25.00
New Shapes
Againwe have new shapes`
' and trimmings to show you this
week. Some just a little,' newer
and different from what you will.,
. a see in most pleaes`. We arcs mak
irlg a specialty this season of
• ,showing new • oods. each.week
, .
al and the wisdom of this policy is „,howls in millinery . t
b% business that isbeating all records.
It is to your interest to pt'a?e your o,Per as
�':... early in the week as possible, It gives ;us a better
c' chance to get .your Hat out• •on time, and you will
ri ,run no risk .of being disap;ointed if you order before
l` ' Friday... ,,.
.r�•a i •
30c. SOME GOODS AT $1.75 AND
$1.25, WENT FOR 50c AND WE
W, Ji Fair CO.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
-rWe Issue Express Orders. -
Mr. Jas. 'Fair was in London Tues -
Mr. W. Flukcr was in Auburn on
Satrxday.. .
Mrs. J D. Weiss was in Tomato
this week.
Mr. James Steep came home from
Tara for Sunday.
The Misses Mountcastle returned from.
, Toronto. on Monday.
Mrs. R. Irwin and Miss Ripple are
visiting frier -1,6s in Marl` am.
Messrs,. F. R. and H. E. Reagens
were in Torontothis week.
Dr. Beacom and, ke. Harry Beacom
were in •Goderfoh on Tuesday:
Mrs. Coats Sr.,. has returned from a
visit to herdaughter in Cre;sline,
• Ohio...
Hartley Watts of Toronto. is ,home
again on "a visit to his motlicr,Mis.
F, Watts.
.Mr. ' J. T. , Goldthorpe and Col.
Youtigr, Goderich, were on,'.tcwn• on
Monday:'... • '
Mrs. Currie of Victoria B. Ca js the
guest of • her patents, ,.Mr, and Mrs.
J. Miller.'
•Dr. Geoxge Beacom;.-Mt...'_*orest, vis-
ited his parents, . alr. and Mrs: D.
Beacom, thus week. '
Miss, Whitely . left ,on Saturday to;
resume her duties in Cumbedand
stitet :hospital,' Brooklyn, New.
Mr. Arthur Tyndall returned home
Saturday • of last week iiom a
three -months business vi§it co the
West. :
Miss Goodfellow, returned missionary
barn. India, was while ,itis ,town' last
Thursday and Friday the guest of:
Mrs•: •J. W.. Irwin. •
Rev:' Kenneth Beaton of•.Sombra was
xiee guest of his -parents, Mr. and ..
Mrs: A;. D. ' Beaton, for a' couple
•of days last week.
• Mrs. H.• Cook, who was a patient, fit'
the ,hospital for five weeks,.har so
far recovered, as, to be taken to
thij•'. hoane .of her son, Mr, T. H •
•Cook ..
Mr. Thos,, H. Cook spent ;frntn Fri
clay to Monday' with his family, and
is now in St. John, N.::.B recces-
.ins `apples' into cold 'storage for
McIntyre & Bernard, • '
Mr. A. Clucas, section foreman., has
retained from a five : weeks . trip
to filo West;.. He is, not sit • all ' in
love with the West.and thinks that
• a. man who hasp even a• fairly good
job should remain here. •
Mrs: Byron Dresser . of ; Los Angeles.
California is the 'suet. "nf lir:, and
Mrs. H. F. Andrews of town and
other. friends here for a few, weeks.
It is. her •, fir§'t 'visit to the old
home for a full score of years.
Mr. Morris Shea is now wine .clerk
ins the Commercial: He cornea tram
Seaforth. and was. a'.lmembar of the
football team of that town which
played' a draw game with the. Cot-
• inahians from. Britain a few ,nc thi
Mr, Albert' Jackson was -in, town on.
Friday •asci Saturday last ,ina vis-
• at to his• mother, Mrs, David. Jack-
son, who is viy ill. He i'c : rail-
roader and: has . to do with • .tire
tourist trade ---Boston; to: San Fran-
kr, John Croll returned to Gait on
Tilarsdfay evening last, , his visit to
'town lasting a'day.. He was ac-
companied over by one of 'his son-
in-laws, Mr W. Elliott. As ' Mr,
droll has -disposed of his dwelling
here and several members'' of his
family live at 'Galt, . they will" in all
'probability continue to resideahere.
Mr. Fred. T. Jackson went to -day
to Toronto where, he will be the
• guest of his sister, Mrs. Steep, for
a day or so. From the arlaca.rance
, of diose two plunge grips she car-
ried 'eye, ,might safely guess that
they, 'as usual, were :crammed .,• full
w, 'of gold things` for his 11ttlo .naph-
awe who thinir. 'there are no• apples,
*dishes, etc., •,etto., like those 'which
grow in Clinton.
Dr;r^C. '"A. Archer of Warms, Ohio,
and his sisters, Mrs. A. 1). Coe end
Miss, Enema A: Coe of Cleveland,
stsme ,state, 'were in town r iiday
and Saturday last.. The family liv-
sedt•in Clinton in the 'early dnyscbut
it is tory years% since they hof++, and
the •place• has 'since' improved almost
beyond. recognition. Thep livexl' in ••a
house 'which .dtood upon the lire,;gent
site of Wesley. •church. Tho " Dr.
visited many of the lhunts• of kis
boyhood days, including, "Iticklo's
Hole," just east of the London
Road bridge, and a favorite spot for
bathing 4n those early, happy days.
The party left for their resylectis+a
ironies on: Saturday,
October 18th, MOO
New "Harris" Homespun
Tweed Dress_ Goods
•:e • •
Our full range of t ar
ris tiomespirlin 'Tweeds for Fall and minter wear are now in stock.
These goods are famous throughout Canada for their wear and style, and we can say without
doubt there is no better Tweed Dress Goods made. Try a dress length thic year and you will all
ways wear "Harris" tlomesput Tweeds.
Kid and Fabric agents1 ves, andustock is always
Perrins' ed
coti"1"plet in sizes and colors. These gloves are
all guaranteed and we will, replace auy- glove
that does not prove satisfactory. Prices run
from $1.00 to $1.50 in kid, 25c to $1.50 in wool.
Homespun Tweeds.
This year.we are showing a lamer and bet-
ter range of colorings in "Harris' Homespun
Tweeds than ever. These goods have given
our pttione unhoubded satin action in the hast.
ar,d we fully guarantee their colorings, y
come in plata and checks, in light and dark
greys, green. olive, blue and reds, ]lon't fall
to see the display on onr counters, Prices run
from 85c to $L50. We are sole agents for these
Silk Waists. . .
We have just opened up ft new shipment . of
Ladies' Silk Waists. These, are tke newest and
prettiest shown this season.
Priestley Dress Goods.
Priestly Dress Goode are here also in great
range, in blacks, blues, redo, browns, greye,etc.
Every yard stamped and guaranteed. Priest-
ley Dress Goods are widely known, for their
fineness of texture and coloring. Garde de
Soiree, Chode de Ohenes, Roxannes, Melrose,
Wool $atinc, Venetian Broad Cloth, Chiffon
Boz Cloth, Etc.
D. & A. Corsets
The only Corset.
at the price which'
comprises all the
new ideas of fash-
Made of good quality
English Coutee, hag the
new high bust effect,
tapering waist and long
hip. Guaranteed a 11
steel filled, 'trimmed
with lace and ribbon.
white and drab, sizes 18
to 31. This is uur spe-
cial popular priced cor-
set . ,.. .75
Stanfield's Unshrinkable
Underwear for Men
and Women.
•Unshrinkable Underwear is hard to get. . "Stan-
field" will not shrink. We guaranteee every garment
or money refunded. Made in two. qualities, all pure
wool; fine and heavy •weight. We carry the largest
'stock of stamped underwear in the county of Huron
and can fit any man or IN omen large or small, Try
Stanfield this winter and be comfortable.
Men's .Underwear':
PI Q0,
we can fit them all with: 50c,
Drg Goods ,'pint pn
ecoid Dai in
tidies'. Coats
Last Saturday saw the biggest day's : selling " of
Ladies' Coats since the opening of this. store. We
dont claim to have the largest stock ofcoats, but one
thing is certain our styles can't: be beatAn, neither
can'the prices. Every garment in stock today is :en-
tirely new this season; beautifully made and equal
in style, fit and finish to many brands : double in
price. This week ws open several new styles in fancy
tweeds, heavy English Raincoats, and Misses'. plain
and fancy Coats.
:Ladies' Fine Tailored .Coats.
Ladies' Fine Tailored Coats. ip several of the newest Fall. and
.Winter etyles, forty. two to forty-eight inches long, beautifully fie-.
ished and made from the most" stylish cloths for this season. Sines
32 to 42 Inches. at 8.75, 10.00, 12.50, 13.59, 15.00,
17.00, 18,00 to 25.0.0
Ladies' English Showerproof Coats.
Ladies Heavy English Showerproof Cloth, Coats, .in half a doz-
en or snore pretty styles, in : length, 4 and full length.. Thoroughly
showerproof and heavy enough to wear all winter, Absolutely the
best coat in Canada for the money. Colors, Olive, Light and. Dark
Pavan and Grey. All sizes, 32 to 44,,at•the special price of 10.00
Maids' and Childrens' Coats.
Another shipment of Maids' and Cbildren's Coats •just .in,atpop-
ular prices, A.dozen pretty styles in a dozen or more dif%erent •
cloths. Ohildrens' Coats 2,50 to 5.00. Maids' Coats 3.95 to
10.00 each.
First Quality in Furs.. •
The stock qt furs we ai'e showing now is good in• every. In, the
selection we have made is the very best you can buy at this price.
Better values you cannot get and w,8 guarantee every • fair we sell.
Ledies'•AstrachanFur;outs, made from selected skins, fin in-
" ings, perfeet in fit and styli; ' The best coats we ever seen at 'the
, price. 21.00 to 40.00, :"'
Ladies' Vine Quality Astratihan Coats, fine glossy curl. --inches
long, made with large German otter collar, being an exact imitation
of'our'Canadian'mink. Best satin linings. •Special prLe
Sable Ruffs, German Otter Ruffs, Sable Fox -Ruffs, in fact fur
• Ruffs of all kinds from 5.00 to 40.00 eitch.
Newest Styles '1a N iliinery. `�.... t.•
The Millinery,seasott opened here with a rush, and to all persons
who were not, waited on last Saturday we would say that from now
on we will have additional help and • will be prompt on having hats
finished on time. We have opened many new shapes which have
conte direct t.i us from some of the best millinery houses. Among
the prettiest shapes will be found the new Wyandotte, Dngmai,
Belmont, Lake George and Vesta Tilly shapes, in White. Mulirerry,
Navy, nitwit, Brown and Green, Just a few in each kind so no dan-
ger its becoming. cornnton.
With every Bog's Suit
at $3.50 or over , we
give free of . charge, a
pair of Boys' •:Knickers_
made from strong, ser-
viceable tweeds • n rte~
Ever sincethis store , opened we have done a
large business in Boys' Clothing, always striving to
give the boys something better for less money than
:most stores. ' This Boys' Clothing business has in-
every year which shows that` our styles and
prices must be right.We do 't make any ridiculous
claims about this business,but one tiling is certain
yon cannot do -better than bringour bo to this` ,.
yy �
boy's store for his clothing.
Boys' 2 -piece Suits made from strong serviceable •tweeds '
different patterns. Well rnade and lined Norfolk
style, at each.. 1.98 to
.0 0 "
Boys'better qualitytweed and serge Suitsf lots+of diff
patterns, Norfolk style, at each.. ,. , 3.50 to 5.75
Boys' 3•piece Suits, sizes 26 to 33, in tweeds and set gee,
new fall styles .in fine and medium qualities, "Nobby ,
suits equal in appearance to best tailor made clothe�a•at•�
5.44,50 to `$7,.150•.
Suits for the 'Little Chaps •
Nobby stvles in Little Boys' Suits in Norfelks. I3ustei* '
Vestee, Russian and Tailor styles[ • fancy worsteds,1
tweeds and serges. A big stock of them at. ,4 . r
each .t� , $2 to 418
All the New Overcoats are here.
Hundreds of dollars worth of Men's and Boys' Ois rc"ats are ob'
our counters in all the new styles for fall and winter. ^They come.,in
fancy tweeds, worsteds. meltons and beavers -are Made •by one of;
the best makers of men's• clothe in Canada, and for fit ,Are not'sur-
passed by the best custom made clothes. , •
Men's. Overcoats $8.00 to $20.00 '
Boys' Overcoats $3.00 to $I0.00
".G"hildlreiY's Overcoats $5:50 to. ,i359'
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