The Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-18, Page 344,
C • •
October 18th 1906
OM. disease of thinness in,
gehildren is serotula; in:adults,
te9nsureption.. BOth have poor
Ibleod; both need more fat..
'These diseases, thrive on lean- ,
.Tness.. • rat is the best, means of
,overookning: them; god liver oil
•Thalcesithe best and healthiest
lat. WO
la 09 traeleat elind .most effective,
qf cod liver oil, liere's a
ina7tilml order of things that
Ishowewliy Scott's Emulsion is
;of -se much value in all cam) 01
tsercittla and e011191.1111ptI011. More'
tat, inOte Nve*ht, InOrt3 1100114
rnent, that's why,
st& Send fol. free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Che,mists
Toronto. Ont.
linc.en4$1.00 u u st u Aildrusslati'
Ikea ;
Fanners' Poultry
4' We woad all year Poultry. alive
• or dressed. mad will pay the '
Y'oult poultry .may be delivered at
Clinton, buyer J. A. Foal.
Buyers wanted 8.1 Soatorth, Blyth,
;Goderioh and Hensel'.
-London, Ont. -
Going October 17th and 18th, re -
%turning until Monday, October 22nd.
Etetween all stations in Canada,
also to Detroit and Port Huron,
• Suspension Bridge and ,Buffalo,
',GOING OCT. 9th TO NOV. 6th.
To all points in Temagami on T. &
N. 0. Ry.,
To points Mattawa, to tort Arthur
To Sault Ste. Male & Port Arthur
via Northern Nay. Co,
To Georgian Bay and Lake Super-
ior pointe via 'N. N. Co.,
To points in Quebec.
0.21-0ING OCT. 25th TO NOV. 6th
To Penetang, Midland% Lakefield, all
. points Severn to North Bay, M.,
gyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to
to Haliburton.
All points Madawaska to Depot
; Harbor'.
MI points. On Muskolia, Lakes, Lake
of Bays, Meganatewan River.;
All tickets got returning
until DeCeinber 8th.
For 'tickets and fail infornia,tion
,call on
F. R. Hodgens, Town Ag:
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
J. D.McDonald, Diutrict Passenge
agent, Toronto, Ont.
Effective dailys until October 31st,
inclusive :cheap one-way Colonist rat-
es will be in effect from All stet-.
ions in Ontario to all points on the
line of 'the Great Northern Ry. in
the States ,of Montana, tdaho, Ore-
gon, and Washington, also Vancouver,
Victoria, Nelson, Rossland, and oth-'
er points in Btitisb Columbia.
Full particelaes ott ° applieatibn to
H. E. Watkins, General Eastern Can-
adian Agent, 10 King St. East, Tor-
:Relieves Itching .
Heals the Skin.
THE difficulty egf ;stopping • 'the
dreadful itching,:burning sen-
sations, and of healingabe raw and
irritated skin, is what as made
• etzemai salt rheum .and 'running
sores seem impossible toteure. But
there Isa cure for everyone'..whO will
' persist in the use of Dr. tChases
There is scarcely a neighortaeoti in
this country wheee Dr. Chase'siOttit;
art has not produeedsoutererharke
• a le cures, and for this respell We
rehuest you to asle'ybar• neiglithofe
about it.
By its antiseptic influences 13r.
" Chas e' s Oint nt e. n t thialeatlablY
cleanses the sore WI which/it:4.4w
plied, then soothesthei,itritathen
and heals the eltift.,
scores of Wayal-villetesletrl thereis
itching skin ot• a sore thateeftateatel
. heal •,,60 cents a box, at all dealere,
-or •EdinanSon, Bated akt•ccha, -Tot"
*Few Hint* op& the Etiquette of leele
tee Writing.
There 1 oue little etIqUette of letter
writing whict many wernen who ought
to hnow better are forever transgress -
lug. Ttls fs the use ot "Mrs." in the
A. married woman ought never to
sign hereelf other than "Mary Cattier -
wood Pitcoe." This Is imperative if
She is 'Writing to an aequaintance, If
It is a hueiness letter or to one who
would not know her position and mar-
ried title, she writes under this signa-
ture "Mrs. William Pitcoe" in parea.
Tble Is a slInnle enough rule, but the
illimber of ladies who appear to think
they must perpetually inform even the
best informed of their married state Is
truly astounding.
One woman bad a little shock the
other day on reeelving a letter from A
social acquaintance whom she admired
hugely at a distanee. It was a very
nice letter, but It was signed "Mrs.
Willianlyitcoe" an(I save ite recipient
alltatinbt chill of alsitipaintmellt.
Numbers of women 40 It.
4.190 daily nilsguided unhurried la-
dies blezon "Miss" before their nittne/
when signing letters to acquaintanda
The only use of "Miss" in a signature
Is In brackets before the name in Writ-
lng to a_ stranger who will need to
know -bow to adder& his reply.
These are little things, but they
mark' the mistress of the gentle art or
letter Writing by their omission or
commIsaida, ,•e- .
4f,k; Kue ikestectors.
Excellent knee Iiiiiitectors for chil-
dren Inay he, m-ade o Wengen's stock-.
Ings that are worn iu the feet and of
practieally tio further use. Olt off the
tweak part ef the stocking a piece
about eight inehee long. Hem the tell
and button and run In elastic bands
and yeti. NOR have it serviceable pre -
teeter far'fitotlEingertand drairea.
We offer One Huockedi. kellars Re-
ward for any case Of gataerh that
cannot be oured by 11tilit's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY .1:: Co.,'
Toledo, 0.
We, tire unidereigmed, ha,ve known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe hint perfectly ' honorable in
all business transactions and finan-
cially able to carry out any obligat;
ions made by his firm.
, Welding, Kinnan .5z, Marvin; :
Wholesae Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, aetling directly upon, the blood
and mucous Surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free, Price 7.5e per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. •
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
stdpation, •. ,
Wellington Hicks was killed at De's -
&onto by falling down an ..elevattor;
shalt,. . .
Mothersneed have nohesitancy 4n
...punkt/Oleg tgidiviNthaniberlain'g.
gh Remedy to their little (mai', as
it contains' absolutely nothing injur-
ious: ThisreniedY is. not only per-
fectly safe to give small children,- but
is a medicin‘of. great Worth. 'and
merit. It has a world wide reputat-
ion for. its cures of coughs, eolds and
croup and can. always be relied upon.
Fa,: sale by W. A. R. Holthes, Clin
ton, Ont.
Clietos. Plews..11tecorof
The Way Boys or Girls Can liebitrit
Them In Cloth.
There conies a time when every bee
or girl has some cherished book he or
sbe would like to preserve, but cannot
do so very well because the cover is of
paPer. If the book lent a good cicala
binding it coulll be easily saved, but
with only a paper cover it is a hard
matter to keep it from coining to
pieces If °much handled.
It Is very easy to make a good, stiff
cloth binding by the means of glue,
cardboard, cheesecloth or natislin-and
a little Ingenuity, karst get the exact
size of the book. Then procure a
pasteboard box and Out from It two
covers one-quarter inch larger all
around than the edges of the book, ex -
puNpArlIVO Wit OOVEI'd,
• cept at .the bad?, ;where they should
he even, • Now cut a otte-elghtli Inch
strip -ON each of the hack edges of -the
cover and then 'ay the covers on the
piece ,Of Cloth, each one-eighth Inch
away from the space equal to the thick-
ness of the volume; whIelt Is shoWIN by
dotted films, Fig. I,. • . •
• Cut the cloth around the coVeeee kale
Ing one and one;half inch
Paste the. cloth to the covers itt this
• position and then turn thein over the
margin, widen is also pasted down
smoothly. Cut a third piece of -card-
board the same size as the back of the
volume. Paste this to the. cloth, ..and
when all parts are thoroughly.. dry glue
the . back of.•the volume firmly to the
pasteboard back, as shown in Fig. 2.
If the paper Cover of the book still,
remains you can cut it out neatly and
paste -it on the front Side of the bind- •
ink, as Shown, and the same eau be
done with the paper title back, both
• parts being removed of course before
' the pasting is done. Thus if pick
out a color of cloth that Is -harmonious
with.the Ceder and design Of. the paper
• cover you will .have quite as attractive
looking a volume as you could bity 'for
double the Motley yours cost. . •
. .
, . . . .
Siam the Stripes and the 'lied.
" White and Hine. .
The nathe of Mrs. Betsy .Ross is so
intimately aaioelatied With our motional
flag that the •bellef that she designed it
bas become gommou. " It :seems to • be
.true, howeverctitat she made the first
oneever floated. Briefly stated • -the -
facts are as follows: Washington was
. called ta . Philadelphia •from York in
-.bine, 1776, to advise witk congress en
the 'state of' affairs, and during that vis-
it • he' was requested to make sugges-
tIons as to the design for a flag. Accom-
Mr. Dunean Graham was fatally. in-
jured by failing from a' SeariClid
, .
Mrs, wlistova soethini ;Syrup hag
been used by. Millieins of iilothers for
-their children While tddthing If dis-
turbed by night and broken of your
rest by a sick Child. suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth Send
at once and get a hate of -"Mrs.
WildlOW'S Soothing Syrup" for, child-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
Little sufferer. iinnlediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake'
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-•
kite the Stomach and BoWels, cures
%tad Otilfe, deficits the Gums, reduces
Infledeanatielk add gives time and en-
ergy fa the whole syatem. "Mrs.
Winslow.geatiiing Syrup'' for child-
ren teethieg 'preit'iblit, to the taste
and is the pidWiption of one of the
oldest and best fidritale ,pliYsidians and
nurses in the UnMd' .Statee: Price
25 cents a bottle. nidlby alt dreg,:
gists throughout the Aft& Ne. Stirg
and ask for "Mrs. Winsiotita'
mg Syrup." •
Tee racist or -.mew.
Zangwill, the noted writer,' bad pi°
experience which convinced himythat
in deciding what eonstitutear eat great
nese a good deal depends upony the
point of view. At avpolitical meeting
he fell‘into conversation with a man
Who keese all the epeakera and pointed
them out es they' sat on the platform, •
°there," be said, "SRO Sena* Lodge."
"What!" exclaimed Mr. Zang,will.:"Do
you mean Henry Cabot Lodge, the lit-
erary titan -the great historian?" l'No,
pir-eel" replied the other with 'idietinct
tOiitenipt; "That's Henry Cabot Lodge,
'United States senator Amu the great
•.state of Massachusetts."
llinsseeesestrY. ' •
"XitsW, Tonality," said the,' beet ,
mother, giving him final thatritetions,,
"you must remember how to behave
at the party. If you're asked to have
semething and you want it yeti must
say (Yes,thank if ate) don't
. watt It you must sar-
"You beedn't bother abditt..ilint imrt
Of it, Ma," interrupted Tornmy,
The! Maneuvering lifetnantst. •
"The maneuvering tnainiea" Is lithe,'
tically extinct. The • naidern daughter ,;
as alt .ainiost tree' hand in managing
ber IVO trateactIons. The mere love
marriage, which was ett disturbing a
tlibuglit to the mother Oe .evelt -twenty
leafs- ago, fa Mabee heifet erierAtav ,
fair 1 those altered circUluataneett,
.4*Zikthe',,Lentlint• graVille. • „
nettled by Colonel. George. Ross .and
IRobert a, committee:of eon-
'gtess, Washington -celled on Mrs. Betsy
IReap' and asked 'her to make a flag
• from a drawingthat they Showed her.
The ilraWingIna ajoagh • one, aud
WashInk. gtoat 'Ur% 'flee* gut eitiOS,
Ireillitild ft, One Of lier•Stidgestions was
that the: Still* ilteitld be iii,e pointed
the original drawing:
peilit4. et theY,W.pre in
instead a six
• e 'leg tiles
congress, i •
was adoPstyead bI'
*ate tlien riPed iilid maicr
!zed the thirteen eolonlei;. As to itte
veleta red, and white, it is: likely, that
Prey were Used because the army • flag
:tioner. ...„. ..
• had:been' red a_1Id the snitv.y fl,,a,:vii„,..*:..;e;
• The blue field with IvIiite 'stars repre
sented the sky, with a hew egnstella-
. " 4 g ; .,;,,,..i • • I
Via friiiMbetted Toad. "4,1..,
'Yee have all heard Medea about Hee"
. toad§ that were leadel imbedded fir-
roelifi; *here, it was.' pkiet; they might
have beep for years.- 1§glittriiiiitssay
that these stories are eithetntylba or
. exaggerations, for the toads Wei& not
m .
. poSSibly exist for an indefinite :pine"
iltider such ceeiditions. They. haVe*:
hoWever; 'considered the storiete of fief-
' &dent. Interest to werrant'thent ifi test -
lug their truth. It is said, for example,
that a French naturalist imbedded a
L toad iii plaster of parte and found it.
: allied:, at the end of twenty-eight
no:sixths'. 'cire' all dislike to 'healof such
'eXpel6ititente with • living , things, for
they Are: titit Witheat an eleineet of
•eraelfy,•blit the eattee of .sclenee some-
times teliftirce that they should be
Made. ' •
•. Wh'inti IV ittf ,leli, -
There lives a, perfect elilittetircnt upon the .
mantel shelf; ,,
It talks and talks the liMilhg'daY,. thatigh
only to itself.
When not a soul is in tbe eobtit•oo .tes,
• often feline', "
"rwill tittle tattle ever On in One' Unetas-
ing round. ,
'You'd think 'twould be centent to' keep
appoinanoeta et. its awn;
You'd think It Might leave other felk and
their concerns ;1.1071e;
But, no, it hurries one to ecliodt;-to bed -
It even dares .
To interfereWith grown up folle•iii ail At
... tteir afralrel
• .a; eoppels0
it4.0"7116.44.7g.1:4'V. A.1 ileVnt149 riIt
4040,104*.mow 4w7"1, rk,"?:7,,_ms,14°
to414/4 „ Pi.477ANOV.OMY .04tit")1
:7111.1""td040"" StP=M1P°11131V *IIP'63..q/ aSa°111°3143:---'4°D
'Ora lcd 9---;oi • 'o125 Aii" 11003 lJ*lp4.
; t N(rtz"!tu qtia441 4110 44 *NI 4011 PI
4.4.0 ,ta questeseo 'Tprsasin
APPPth 151‘14,;-'310140j,.11'mann" ars ',sent
Bilirli Poi___!_amont fit, jLtt,t,,E,.* t
strisviosta ti's .41g3g,S.
Mutocrat Master af England's High Coo
(gal Circles and Begin. NOW to
Dictate Terme Therein,
11, B. Marriott Watson, the Englieh
author, wrttea: Plutocracy spells snob-
bery always. The elass which has es-
tablished itself on, top always will re-
ceive deferenee front the class witieh
is atruggling up to gain admiesion to
those ranks. There is no hope of ad.
tnisation to them without money, and
bence plutocracy means enobbery. As
we are the most plutocratic nation In
Europe, we are also the Most snobbish,
If one w1s13e4 te be amiable one might
Plead that the snob is by way of being
all Idealist. He reveres a social statue
which he does not possess. In corn-
7?5risoa with certain other failings char-
aoterlstic of other nations than ours
our national weakness may be (maid.,
ered venlal. Snmabishnees is not crime.
But, on the other hand. It is ime of
the most 'offensive propertlea to the
euperacial eye of the observer of 80.,
OW lite. "TOMMY," Said Byron of
MGM; "dearlY loves a lord." Tour snob
dearly.loves a lord. But that is a de-•
tail In his character, for he has a per, -
feet soeial code by which he directs his
life, Be has been in existence se long
now that be has ,organized himself. Re
has becotne almost respectable by rea-
son. of his antiquity. And MS opinions
and ideals have obtained currency in
all classes of the community. They
have tainted the 'once indepe,ndent and
autocratic views ne. the aristocracy..
Howeyer stupid the aristocracy might
be, it at Weal developed ne own ideals
tta Tiabits in toffner aa'ys, to -day it
has accepted.the traditions of the snob.
. To the snob (arid through him te the
English social world generally) It is es-
sential to have gone to a .public school.
One recalls Du Maurier'e. picture of Sir
Gorgius Midas regretting he had not
had the advantages of Eton to the duke,
and his grace in turn regretting that
he had. The public school has been
taken over by the snob. In the famous
Victorian days there were pursuits de,.
finitely barred to 'gentlemen," who
must either enter army or navy or be-
come barrister 'or parson or doctor if in
•Jvant of a profession, But changing
timea iv' hanged all that, although
the snob still' tali Ins preferences. These
'Professions are the."safest"; they eon -
trey respectability. " •
.The snob remains with tid
ta1n• altered characteristics. Once. he
aspired to reach an aristocracy which
was by no means „founded on wealth,
and his aim was thus.not wholly ig•:.
noble: But the 'Wealth of the middle
class has Contaminated society, and the'
old ideals bete been eiteplanteteby the
new ideal of money. Pltifeeracy reign/
supreme and unashamed in tendon so-
ciety, and the snob no longermerely
loves a lord; he loves a, wealthy mthn
If one is to judge by the papers, Lon-
don society is made up of Americans
and continentals. Occasionally English
names appear, but the cosnaopolitan
element bulks largest in importance.
The cosmopolitanism of society only
became possible by reason of the "snob.
Re 'pushes his may In, and the social
circles which once would have been
shut against him open to. receive him
warmly. The, plutocrat is master Of
the situation and is beginning to dic-
tate terms.
It is he now (or she) who breeds in-
dependent opinions and starts new fash-
ions grid generally imposes his (or her)
will on society. •
Four -Legged Recruits For 'Red Cross
• . Service:In England.
The value of, aMbulance doge in: time
0! War was demonstrated it the annual
inspection of the Royal Army Medical
•'Carps' (volunteers), by Col. Sloggetti in
Hyde Park,: Three dogs tra1n. for the
purpose by Major Richardson, of For-
larshire, Were put through a. variety
a. .experimental: work :in finding
:"wounded" soldiers,- and the trials prov-
ed most effective. . , . ... .
The animals • rtin . about with loud
bells on their. neck, and protected from
being • fired on by wearing a. saddle
with, n large Geneva red cross. They
prOceed ' in ealeenee at the stretcher-
bearers - and en ellOoevering a patient
•.sit down to "tnOtrle" or watch hint till.
the ambulance; arrives, Dogs trained
• by MOM- R.tanardson were extensively
used, by the. Russians in the :War in
,Manchttria4 and they were'. pronounced
.,:o be priftioulaily upefel.•
The • eikellent •ambuitattre ..Instincts
of the deb, was e...,,r I/teat-interest to a
large crowd; who keenly regarded .
every detail ef . •their. : moVenteiltS:
Major Richardson, was•wartnly congrat-
ulated an the ,suecess of the exhibition: .
Two of the men. of , the corps feinted
oh, arriving in the park after their
kotig march mut . headquarters In
Gie.,1 11,14 0#41, ekthaa to ale medi-
cally . attended 'Ili thelereetirades.
. , . -,. _ • . --4....
, • "finer Sholtiirin H9hiiihkedjOia•
'. One , of the peculiarities of. the East
Indian temperament Meet' difficult for
It1 .•esterner to comPrehend ie his
veneration for certain • atilniiilfi, eiften.
eXtended -to those the Most dangerotia
' .Moet of the IlithIpos and Malays..rneek-
ly accept the tiger as an evil -arab°
endured aneefo tine mood have lifted
It, with• tei•Fol. and rever-
ence,i inte.. a. sort at malignaot deity,
whit/I'll-psi' iinit.nt.,ay be pacified, ‘. You
can be shOwn to-dfOrest, shgl_nes
' znd saintly tombs .wheee the.. tied
e'eatee nightly to keep pious guard; and
5,teA., on_.y hoki in any Hindoo village
of Syiell.„(6, Whom the cruel beasts are
as WAN* ,i2ne" of the difacultiei
Which /..4;4ki.i.,1:i' &leers hire eneountered
in certaisi pvv,eir 0.1 ,frista in their at -i
iernevis to frafj dif fife cattle lifting or
man-eating figliR Of Seme dangerously
Infested neigipbdittimp pi. to -have sport
with them, Is' the OthOgition Of the peo-
ple to their destructid;r4;4RitieSt Inger;
soll's "Lite of MammgliO'
w..........1 , . .
. •ratscsna- nensno rier nnear.',..I;
. "Don't you 'know, dear," said
wife Meetly, "that it is wrong to WO
behind a Demon's beek?" .
- }le Was trying to button' her waist
atthe time, and really there seemed
to be provocation for his remarks.
itt Ilia court of his own conscience
fla aemity man Is acouitted.-Juvenal.
Ale Afarieloste Wrung's..
*OliaaffIvhe carried love of money
,to' Ineredible extreme was. Lady
ailirgaret jartlinef glister of 'the first
Duke of taueenebtaiy, Although her
hosband was a rich man, Lady Mar-
garet' weilld• actually carry foot pas-
sengers Abross the little Meer Annan
for a • halfpeany, and whenever there
wttea fair -or Market day she WoUld
sit on thiebtinks ef tbe.. draftee all day
long Waiting for customere. She uste
ally Wore regs'to save her plotbes; but
on the rare'oetabione When she visited
anywhere She packed UP a. few decent
virulent/ 'whic1 . slie slipped on before.
entering :the house, exchanging them
4,0gehegAlety•oliet;ivellert letehtgae-Lote
tion ()been."'
. • . .6
Outdoor Life
often has its disadvantages.
Insect Bites, Braises,
Wrenches, Neuralgia, hes-,
men* Rheumatism, Sdatics.
All these yield instantly to
Hirst's Pain
. •
A family remedy that has
held its place for over thirty
years. 25c. at all dealers.
Try Iiirst's Little Liver
puts for all forms of htimor,
eruption of the skin. sk
yotir dealer or send us
25e. direct. A handsome
souvenir card free,
THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited
Hamilton, Ont.
. • n
Tusks by the Acre Exhibited at itie
Uig itsrf.d.104 ocka.
One of the sights of Londou is the
great ivora floor at the London „docks,
where ,previousato .and during the pe
rlodliar sales ivory may be seen liter-
al», IV the acrpj, for the tusks are laid
eat In lots on the floor of -.One of the
great warehouses for inspection by
Ip -
tending purchasers. For weeks prevl-
Ws to the actual sale the special staff
of the ivory department has been busy
preparing the various consignments .
and arranging them according to •the
sizes and quality and classing them
into. the various gradese each Of which
has some particular use for whieh it Is
especially adapted.
There is practically no waste in' the
manufacturing of articlesfrom ivory, .
Tho smallest chip is not thrown away;
but carefully preserved to be utilized
for some purpose. Even the shavings
from the turning down of a billiard
ball have a market value for Use in in-
laid work. Consequently 'the lots in an
ivory sale ,by nomeans consist of
tusks and -sections of tusks alone, but
include the residue from many previous:
•sales. . Buyers purchase the partieuler
class that' they require for their' own
individual industry and etibieogently
return what in most other materials
Would hawaste to be resold to WU 111.1-
factivers of 4 different class of goods:.
Though there Is "no waste," oddly
enough the most. important considera-
tion, from a buyer's point of view', is
"how much waste" will a. certain lot
produce lathe course of transfortning.
it into his Own particular line. Thus.'
a. lot that would be dear to One *Mid'
be a gift to another, and: Nice- Verge.
The .most valuable class of .ivory is
that suitable for making billiard balla.
To ebnforna to the requirements the
tusk must be perfectly 'sound and
solid, without the slightesit tustiicion
.efat crack Or flawa atuVnaoreover,•. they
must .measure MO a. trifle more taap,
tbe .cegulatien size ar
they will cutto waste, troin etheanautlia
facturerst point
al • of it consigament of "nnwericed ole-.
phint Jur _Aim abroad the first Prep-
riiisgon or the saleloariconsists of a
ttifirovtiLsjOiiiing . of the; iptes.lor or
• 4.filLeXhrt9S thetuat.:thla as done
attached. to. long.
sticks. The exact7.-41---
fie• thereby reveiled, Mid in: addition
cteek's and ilawa 'that Cannot be ob-
served on theexterior are at thsses
eiosed. SouodOeSS is the One thing
that sways, every class of buyer; flaws
'mean waste; - waste Means resale at a
'diver figure per pOuell. • •
*They Started the ' first :foreign Infs-
.:AMMO floeletY iit the country. •
-They atatted• the ilrst •home mission.
aryeUe..-ty 'id the Wintry, •
They Sffittati the. Meet affective city •
missionarY Societe. lit the eountry. •
lfiey started the greatest Christian.
aleople'd movement of this couia-
• a other country. .4 4iaaaa
Tito• .gfrittediAr tirst college in the
eountrY., • . •
• The' tiltaited theVZst theologica/
serabaitrY in the ceunt • •
titaraed the Brae. t4l1tik7eril Elated-
paaer fit the'country• ,
They published the that bym 'bon't
in the cOuntrY.•
They started' be town meeting.41W
initiative and referendum. -
They started tlia' Mat temperance so-
eiety in the countrY.
they have given &America the three
aieatest evangelists'i has eVer had,
• , s •
• eatweei Ciente.
Pitt ilitb a bowl One •pint seked
oatmeal died add to it half d teligifoon-
ful of salt teal tbe yolk, ok‘• Ma egg MIX
and add half ts. eupfutiekele ofbailing
water and milk, ',a'', diipftit Of' Whole
wheat or white &kyr and
teaspoonful of bakiiig gstiftder:•• Beat
Well for two niinufea" atidhadd te
white of the egg. Bake hi' irehsekt
gelh Dalai for half an hodariii" a4. liott
The Maple Springs cheese factofir
was blown up with dynamite place&
under the TiOor with intent;
Hon, II R. EinmersOn initials to
MI for tenders Thr the tonstruction
0.4 a canal between Holland Luang
aff Newmariteg.-
John IL Moran has accepte4 the
Dentotratie nomination for. Oovernor
nf Massnebusetts. •
The Wire Who Is Her litlebined's
Cesare*, Hoe Little to Veer.
Uarriage isn't a set of rules. It Is a
tondition of life made by the charactere
of the two people who enter into It.
There are homes that seem of a deadly
dulinesS, fit to drive any man abroad.
There are women whose daily conver-
sation consists of flotilla"' but coin -
plaint about servants and bousekeepiiig
and nerves and' tbe press of engage-
ments and dleappolnting dressmakers,
complaints of lack of money or cone
plaiuts of the strain of stewing with
It, 2.'here are women who are too ab-
sorbed. itt their children to consider the
children's fathers, women who have no
knowledge of their busbands' business
lives beyond the fact that those hus-
bands forget the commissions given
them In the morning and are too tired
in the evening to want to go out any-
where, a scathing fact which somehow
militates against a man. And there are
women, a, larger class perhaps than all
of these, good, unselfish, loving, who
lack disastrously in some fine quality
of humor, of appreciation, of Wendt!-
The Wife who Is her husband's COM -
Vide has little to fear. It Is one of the
greatest factors in keeping libn alwaYa
hers, that of being friends with him,
1.11 1?eing truly interested in all be does
and plans and wishes for and having
the comrade sense of humor that can
always laugh at his jokes and make
merry by the way instead of talCill0
account of everytbing with terrible
seriousness, If yeti Ma ignite openly
with him at his fancy for another and
even tease him a little about it, the
fancy leiet likely over to amount to
very much. ;What Is forbidden Is, we
knew, always more tempting. Efany
find many a situation has been saved
because a wife was so true a friend
to her husband that she persistently
refused to regard it seriously. -Mary
Stewart Cutting in Harper's Bazar.
st se Slade of It Choetoe liox fainted
on Three tean.
Every who has to do oeilving
should have a sewing table or steed of
eome kind, and no woman who has
learned the advantage of order in sew-
ing appliances will be without one. A:
very interesting and really artistic one
is the work stand shown in the illus-
tration. It is nothing more or less than
a cheese box set on -three.legs, With the ,
'ltd turned upside down for a tray. The
•box. and rests are painted in dark
greete.: with enamel.. finish.'. Cretonne'
in A gay, bright eglored patteriiin. Isi,filitsteedd
Such a stand is really verydainty.
and attractive in 'appearance but nat-
!Many is More ,suitable for .a bedroom.
or Sitting roonithaa for e.more formal
epartnient.-Pbiladelpitht .Nerth Meer.
Ican• t
. .
Good Cheer,
. • The restorative Porter of good. cheee
la far greater:thin Medicine; and men -
jet elepreesion. Is the true pbysician's
Tit • aoest. enemy. t.isthf ablenet4oefr aek
fat, Mamentalatltnde is responr-
ytaQor0W '
`put together. If a iaff:g cargt &die
trot her feelings or the ;exterior mani-
festations of. tbeni her usefulness is
turned into aiseleesness 34anythini
useless in a siekroom is positively
hermfuta The Jest has .an Important
part to play in the sickreora ,aii d cern-
: •edy for .1rritability. Don't teli long
storlee, don't talk about seine "Other
persereo trials and don't think Up mis-
erable. posibilitles, The keynote to,
successful' ritlesfiag le order, observa-
tion and obedience; these qualities
iothed 'with .want of whichis
the . base of neatly eveoy sin' which a
'nurse may comMit-make for ,the ideal
' sickroom attendant • • • •
.Establiihed 1879
Whooping Couth, Croup, Bronchitis
Coath, Grip, Asthma. Diphtheria
crowene is a boon to ,Astlimatico
Paes it notsem., mete effective to lesatiic in a,
remedy to cure usease.of the breathipg organs
than to take the remedy into the atomact;
It corn because the air rendered ;strongly anti.
septic IS carniest.over the diseased surface with
every breath, givang prolonged and constnt treat.
meta. It is invaluable to mothers ands small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief front coughs or In-
flanted conditions of th
Sold by druggists.
1,4214ING, Mum CO„
Limited, Agents, *me-
scal, Canada. P7
0 0 0
G.. 00000000
09 15 CENTS
<) The small sum 01 15 cen-
9 ts . will pay s, subsetiptiop,
• end
• TheN19e0w-
6sanRecd o focioti
; e,viostt
▪ wi°
• o•thrleWf:oelikIs 6)1°Y:I pni gas Pha
erliberalweiety Ile
: Family Iderald and
9 Weekly Star
• Weekly Mall
O Empire . Su
O Weekly Globe
9 News-Recoxd subscribers
9 can secure the Farming
Ka World to lead of 1907 for,
I:netee'h. cahe the
9 includes a sabscriptioti t�
9 The News -Record.
9-' • W. J, MITCHELL,
9 •
• News -Record, Clinton, Ont.
TO END OF 1906,
25c 9
85c 9
9 •
0-0 0 0 00 0 0
0 00 0 0 0 0 0
C3 g
CI Two good Family pap- M
0 ors are The Weekly Sun. B
N and The ' News -Record. (@
Each enjoys a large circul-
• ation hat itt order ' to in- gj
El crease it still furthete we Eg
E will give them •both the hal-
• anee of this year and ane
El whole • of 1901 for only a@
M: $1.75, This is great big (3
0 value for the money.
00 SOO®. 00 000®0
•. ,
It is 'estimated ,that a thousand .
. .
tons' of grapes were ruined -by frost
in Niagara, district.. • •
Mr. John MeSweyn,• police Magi's -
trate of Victoria county, died rather
staideuly at BohcaygeOn.
• • • .
• Asleep, and offootive remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of premien%
Lobel" titeoisolrouitdzhriiiinsttgwopt:Iritotplemrrtlittereatro, tAaileoPn.74370041001:141.24,:'4012,7 "
' momenta an white. -
Frau Liebreich, a wealthy resident of
Mlinich,' is convinced, that 'girls who ,
wear white dresses get•married sooner
than girls who wear all eartkt of eelors.
r leecaud-""'ethiol:rw1181""te tv. bo-'tin't);rgallinnoignega
1. ;riendik...t,he gienthets of athichainder,
take to wear here whltefor 'ail inipo•
taut and ceremonial functions. In her •
adaress to the flint Memhere et the.,
gulict gime twenty fare hairdo of
hiettu tiebreich 18 fepeeted to •
have wild; "I loved thy husband be-
fore he loved me, and he returned my
• affection only when he saw me acct.
dentally la a wbite dressing gown.
White is a symbol of pure love and
thus appeals to Vie better half of the
male treation. The plainest girl dress-
• ed in white will conquer hearts more
dre4 en,006.• • Alli*001114 r
rapidly than. a beauty who stoops to
the meretricious attractions of a hum
\•••''''•••-`,Ni`•:'•...,'-',?4,TWIMFtrefic,.=.",1-*•!.0a.:':,;.e•-•., -=:-..";• • ' "*r`h...,•"•4;`,:. --" '
, .
11 id ate the pried you pay for a range which makes it
dittiVer ahpensive, but the fuel it consumes after you get it.
aiis;6111' gtly a range which costs $5 to $7 less than a
pleiatioTtei ai it burns a ton, or only half a ton of coal more
ea a pia whIlit do your gain? Nothing, bet you actually
mariae,; bileides putting up with all the inconveniences,
traabIes and atiettl work whieh are a eerteiPty with apoor range,
" Pandoteitii;itAlt4psd with In* anytiel-savinde:ut
whioh an:, not found on any dilreltiMeln Hot.air flues are con,
:::::st,, that all the heat froni the fittebex travels
:andee: every pot -hole and around the ()fen i•Vioe--1
every atom of hoot ieused, and only the Imola) goes' t'eplthe
Sold by all entetprieing dealers. Booklet free.. •
•)! .O*'L-'. ,
••• •
Lonaon, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg,
ValidoUVer, St. Jobe, N. 3.
Tr -
.4 4,0:: ,iC!;!.. 11441•:414