HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-18, Page 22 Canton Km*. a (:1.1 UG TIllindVrin°141"1"ikkthilAill WWII WOW and Sunlight So*p. rinse clean end wipe ApdrY. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and iniUre d* surface. Sunlight Soap dein % freshens and preserves oilcloths and linoleum% Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most 'etIcate fabrics, or to the hands for it contains nothing that can initire either Cknileit 'Or hands. Sunlight. Soap is better than other sb.sp% butis best ;when used in the Sunlight way.(followdirections). w,„.. Buy k andfoliovv &oft .ghprim ditections .110.•• LeVtIVROMERS *AIR% Tort*: esemeseesteeteek.lostetesetetese 4E THE Lr.;ADING . • COMMEROIAL .S.CH.00L STFIATFORD. ONT. '91; • This school .is it:cognised * * to ihe one et the best Com- * * menial schools in, Amer- * * Ica. You can safely judge * )1( a school by the applicat- # ions it received. This term )1( we received ' applitations * from. firms in six large Am- ME . trican cities and froun far * # more towns and cities, of * # Canada including/ Saskae toon, Sask. on the West # * and Charlolitetown, P. E. I. # 3 -IE -on the East. Our rePutat- # ion moans much for Mr * ?SE -graduates. Write fer our 4E, )iE catalogue.. ' • • Ellivitt &IMCiaehlan, * Principals. * * Dungensgsai Miss Daniels hes been, visitine iri- Dfl4 th. Goderfah. Moe Manning and Harold have re- tuxned home from Olindoo. - 'Vim Laura Brydgee at Godeeich hos.' hem a visitor at Thos. Pent-• landiss ' Eddie: Durnio, eon 01 rr. E. Dentin, bee gooe to attend the University at Tomato. mieo Meters% or .0a5kch, is the gueet o her friend, Visa Cora Robe arta, for a few days. Miss Edith, Auguetine, of Goderich spent a. few days at 'the bome t Alex. reirtlaear,s last emir, end Nes. Lott of Wheelie:1u, Were. 'the gireste of Miss Sturdy or a few days lasit week. Oho, Roble/see of Kalatnaeoe, Miclt„ is vieriting his brothers and mather (4 this places • Mise Mary McClure and eisters ot Goderich, were renewing ,,ald acnuain- tames here ,on Fair day. A hoisting enesine fell into the riv, er at the new C. P. R. bride° at Craderich, Eneinonr Jack 'efaddeford • wee" hilled and three other men badly WE SOREEN AN AWFUL COUG1-1 CURED. • "Two yeers Ago oue, lilette girl had a touch of ,piiiiimonta;"'• !Which left her with an awful °petite She had steel's of 'coughing, just like one 'with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well it all. We got a bottle of Chamberlaie's Cough Remedy, which. acted like a charm. She stopped coughing end got. stout and fat," Writes Mrs. Ore Dussard, .13eutraker, Ill. This remedy is for sale by W. S. R. Ilolmes', Clinton, Out. Eight thousa,nd rebels leave _been disbanded in Cuba. . • Earthquake shocks continue In Sic- ily. ' • • A BROA STATEMENT. This announeement is made With- out any qualificaticog. Hem-Roiet is the .one preParatien in the world th- at guarantees it. Dr, Leotelearcit'e Hernettoid will cure anY, case of .piles. It is in the form of a tablet, It is _the coly pile remedy unee in- ternally. It is impossible to cure, an es.tal- Melted case of Piles With ointments, sanisiteeice, injectiees, or outwaro appliances. A guaran:tee is issued with every parelcage •et Dr. Leonherdt's Hem - Rohl, which contain a month's, treat - meet. *Go and talk to your druggist ab- out it. ' The Wililen-Fyle Co.,, Limited, Nia- gara Fails, Ont, 1 • TORMENTS OF TETTER • AND ECZEMA ALLAYED. The intense itching characteeistio of eczema, tetter • and likes. situ diseases is instantly allayed by:Applying Ch- amberlain's Salve and many severe eases bar!. been permanently cured by its use.. For sale by W. S. R. Holmes, Clinton, Ont. • • 'HID amel ',the dekulting Secr'etary • the Railway Telegraphers at Mout- was found guilty of deirauding the brotherhood, out of %,0410. : : • . WOUNDS, BRUISES AND 13UR1IS: By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruisci, burns and like injunies before inflammatien sets they may be healed without maturat- ion and in about one-third the time nAquired by the old treatment. 'mg is the greates,t discovery and triumph of madam, surgery. Chamberlahns• Pain. Balm sets an.this same Prilleilo le. It is an, antieep.trie and when •ap- plred to . such, injuries, causes theca to heal very' quickly,: It also allays the polo and soreeess and prevents any danger of Wood paisonint. Keep a hottle of 'Pain Balm your homo. and pi will save. you time and InoncY not M meet -ion the incolveentence and suffering surer =juries entail. For sale by W. R. Minis, Clinton; Oat. • 1h�Weh's flings MISS ELOISE A. SISIMMINOS Corre*polidents _ a , NM* Wright and her claughter,Mis. We lea= that IOUS Nellie MacLar- Will McLean, have returned from an ea, whose riecideret We Wrote 1a4t. rxtensive 'Iola to vistt her sons M 1 M. weer, has ileOreved euffielenaly tee re - .Mex. Wright of Manitoba and liramove to ffer home. Peter Bissett, her cousin', et Roeser, hir. eoet h'irs. Jobn Halstead drove . • Manitoba. to • Auburn on Sunday last to visit Mr. John Neweouie Met with .do friends, aboilteththaen tayourwzaileasAir?aecoutlee itakaitraiteatiaalyi . great loss on Saturday mooting by fire which demolished his barn and We regmt the- oxmtwee 'the death 4,1 You, pay east to thee outsiders aud hew and anomie were there ,and it ;ern: Allnar):$11TwhictastlieW117.terttliloclhd, egaivreriestilYcoulaacel mouannt' fortwo,t":01,tehrieet Irlier all its coneentse The threshing mac - is .thaught that sparks from the ena.. toOk 14,12;00 on F440 lasr. Meningitis nix months. That' e right S'''whert you ' ine lesnited some iallannnahlt: Mater- a the brain, was the cause of il*Nlith, have a spare dollar epend iteaut of the ial. It is Sad to loge a whole hoe- The little white ca,sket was covered towre Don't ier,agine the local Man Mr, Ain•slio Berrower who is a nett- irl'ng 1:4 white' a" °ink rosos: tre, light, rent, taxes .and eveeything else T3 held but inotorY, a wreath a white flowler.s vide ageuts is that they are always in Patronize. the ' Home hilerchant. Ladies telling .skirt* 'tad, corsete a.re *coining as his a zndsenee an.4 a* great 0, problem to the town paerola elite. as are peddlers and itinerant dealers in small wares. They pay n� taxea, and are late to -day and away tee -morrow, The Kincoodinot Reporter Cie WINO 014 refers, to etas° skirtrand, Corset agents" fp moot 00.0006 as fellows: "There wag a lady Writ cgo in; town last Week Jelin orders for ,,s ..e. ready -mode skirts and she received _ WO IN01117 en quite a dumber. How !mach teXes 40 ilk this covilstry. does she, pay? lieW Much good does October 115tli 1946 --1411r-Tr:nga,'" with beentlful weeatifs, tVio of them Wan*. any money. Ile gee his water, 'Met after it is 'gathered ie. hew of me, Richard Radcliffe, spent butes of the employees of the orgen free. Another thing about the'se out The Best Coal in the Market in the L. . Scranton Coal for. which pint sow agent. I also have in stecli Soft And Cdnnel Coal. ,,An 'order is respectitilly solicited and will receive" prompt attention. All our coal 15 screened before being' sent out to out cuStoiners. • Office opposite- the. G. T. R. station or orders may be lett at the store of Harland Bros. who are authorised to receive payment of ac- counts. • • JA1VIES HAIIILION. - Phone 52. • • usg-11 118 LllC! 31: 1011 1 bava been appointed ageet for ,the 1114stsey-Harris Coln - pane? in this • district and will keep on hand a caniplete list of supplies in my store. oppos- ite the Molsons Bank. r am also coutinuing tie • flour, feed and seed train bus- iness and respectfully solicit a • a continuance. cif your patron - J. A. Ford. The United States Steel Corporat- ion has leated in, oerpettity.the Hill iron ore propertiee at n.65 per ton delivered at the northern lake docks, Fifteen men lost their lives in, a wit Mine explosion at Illossburg, N. M. Three bodies have been recovered. Count' Witte declared 'enaohtetieallY that he would never "undertake tile direction of Russian. finances, • WHEN. WOMEN" SUFFER. Look out for weakness or disea.se. See if there is. riot a sideaehe, head- ache, reatlessness and the ."blues." These wrap -none indicate thae, you need the gentle 'resistance of Dr. Hantileon's • They axe women's greatest relief, prevent functional de- rangements, renew the life of the blood, perifjo and clean the system throughout. No tonte ,so „potent, no results SO ma,rked as follow the use Of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c. per ime at all dealers, • Part 01 the summer at ay , later came up to Goderich and was with "Raomond" in gold letters on hard luek. Have a sielc mother and a guest at "The Aberdeen" leaving a white ribboo, tribute of the per- four Or .0 Ye thildoee to keep. The on, Friday for Detroit, provides to •ents, crescent of white flowers, from OMNI/thy dadge works wondere and going on, to Now York by order et Meedemea Charles Young aed Redfern YoueltaO textra for thergoode toil buv. tier tducicetOeyre.t.here who is a. specialist re4ttainreos, :tatar ceofaitwr::iteriotimowleiri,s. with Say, don't yod think thie hind of bus - d loess is wrong Speed your z onay Me. Peter Young returned ou the Mrs. James Buohatan Jr., atet lovely where you earn it. You will get just borates from Mr. and Mires. 13ezzo, an good valeta. w8tat 17atna' fr°wrlf hspeis esdtayeee°c'eSeealinifvelea°1Mr and Mrs McAuley auct Mr and son at the home of his parents, Mr. Mo. 'Shaw. The. Pallbee.rers were : and Mrs. George Young, "Whiogenev new) and Walter Buchanan Jr. Rev, FarMlnr.'1,1i:alYfiRCuMtlend°gade h'ae rcturOhit lo eerT.heWrmigoledtelottlatcatadentedts at tartheitaiatucdnertte, his latent, here after takirrg a trip to Caltary, for the good 01 his health,. Model students of Clinton, in Tern - A Inneelitable accident occurred on onamee hall on Friday evening. The Friday morning by whoa toe men too oall were ipareptrtorilyasidonecoraTt:flrFstlowpaerrst nit his death and three were injur- ed pretty severely. The n•an were. 01 the evening's eatertainrment was a whifting the derrick, and ;es boom Promenade concert, Miss Brimmieom- swinging art, overturned the eer on be and others furnishing the music, the mall' •end of the new it P R Miss Mina:Walters reeked "13urd,ock^e bridge which spans •the Maitland, near Music Box," Mis Keturah Brown the harbor. The car fell 60 feet, car- gave the solo "Time will, laing the vying the men weth; it into the riv- roses" Mr. Sutherland sang 'Three er. The engineer; Jack Maddleford. for Jack" and "I'm going to Phila- died from his injuOies. 'It Is said that delphia in the morning." Miss Hattie he was a curate of the Engroh ebur- Belcher gave Irish readings+, Mr. W. chewho came out from England. re- cently. The others are Hervey Gill-. Man of Peterboro and. Ed Lynn and Jack Campbell Of town. Gillman wee taken to the Ocoaa, House, euffeeing from an injuryof his spine. The others are married men . are were taken to their honks They too are injured but not seriously. There w as quite a landslide oti •Friday morning, near tbe elevator at the place where the G. T. It. have be battling with the C. P.Re- for ownership. • The banks :lie Mai- tland are averseto being meddled with J. Maddefend took piece on Sunday a verY nice position in the Toronto ,.................../ I AP pt. ES! I WANTED I 1,00.1,,,iiiiw mourn. 1 I gm again ott the market • for amass and will pay t h e highest market price ' 1 . for both faltand win- ... ter vatieties • . - - - Sea -one of my repre-t ISentatires or myself ' befcre.selling. — . O. 'CANTE LON 1 CLINTON. . • , --PURITY-- —ACCURACY— . repare FOR WET AND COLD WEATHER . e . .A. bottle of Tasteless Cod Liver Oil with Malt. and Hypophos- phites, will enable your system ' to withstand any epidemic or disease that May be prevalent. Tire . French Budget Committee ob- jects to proveeding with the • t,ossi*ue... tion of warships under the last • ap•-• propriatiort. . Cabcaxa, Bromide and cleireine breaks up a cold in a few houis, • Nothing better ' We buy the best for you. NEVER SLl'T YOUR BOOTS.. That doeslat cure the earn. jiiSt apply ' the old standby, . Putnam's Corn Extractor. It arts like magic. Kills the pain, care,s the cone, 'does it without barn or soar; • Get -the best—it's Puteani'e." . . • rn :the benne of Bloodgoed II. Cut- ter, the poet; a treasure etbeet was found con:tailing $150,000. Handling the Apple Crop. (Written for The News-Reeord by Prof, Hutt.) s. iness end of the eaterprise, thee ot marketing the crop to the best ad- cluIna jtcyo.mmercial oeeharding, the bus - vantage, seemed only importanee to that el produeteg fruit of the best They may be spared many snare ese, enjoy thein. • • • • ' It. is in this. paxticelar that them • is the greatest ne,ed for improvement at the .present time. There ire hund- reds of apple growers who can, grow first class !ride to every one who Taylor of Clinton gave an/ addeess on can place it on the market when and "Thoughtfulness," Mr. Miner. ef 'Ex- where it will bring the best priue. eter gave an original address, • sir: The growers who make the, zr.ost out Birles re -told OTP. bf his father's stor- •of their apples are thole uno keep les, Mr; Fingland and Mr. Wightenaa in touch, with the best markets, at talked pleasinglY, home and abroad. During the •ship - Mr. Joseph Miller late of town is Pmillagrketsera:olar'tstbes.d:4111andHen Ziteeshs pttihce_ now at Crenbrook, B. C., and his bnother Archie is in Q'Appelle. Miss Minnie MeLenuan of Bra,mlon, Mtn., is the guest of ,her parents. The- inisint children, of Mr. and Mrs. Everett and of Mr. and Mrs: T. Wai- tress were very ill last voeek. East WawanOsh. • < Do.Ravyibramkt mecetuiarch, %IL inboonchienigd oati: the 1st, ootobor. a Mvime; hpfintua5a0.abtatntrneipy obis thwomieoiat,ehor: tke schooner Azov. . tM11.S. Jachson Wightman of 00401,- i0h is spendieg a few weeks with fr,iends around Westfield. ' , . Mr. and Mts. Rebeet Coultes of. nest Wawanosh celebrated their gold- ' en wedding een October 8th, having. been married in Nessaguay, 1.8.56s. .e) Where they resided for live years,. a,fter, which )they moved to•VVawaziosh': to the farm on welch theY MAI side. The celebrationett 'the irterestr. ing event was very cintet, eta was; , only attended by the family, who ,. showed 'showed. thole', biota cesteeiloohr presenting the father and ruotber • with a liair of easy claim, hoping The funeral of the late Engineer • " Mita Jenoia.Prourefoot lee accepted aftenioon. froth, the residente o! Mr. postoffice ttpon, which we,congratulate 'A.. McLeod. The beautiful eaeket was oea.. . oovered with% many floral 'tributes, . ' ldisie Jean Lawson, eldest daughter of .Captaie Mex. Lawson, los accept- ed a' pesition in: Detroit as etenogra- fairs,; a,nel .whait ise going to put the . .basiapp,Ise., istradforeort yrowea betrtser husizies A co in 'both 0' inineediately aftee the service to to- egregational•neeting will be heir% '. ANOTHER GREAT_ DISCOVERY. , A well known , gentlentin in. i3lCk Bay, Ont., Mr. John. Cowan, hes discovered an absolute specific, lot aemiumatisna and writese."T. was af- fected with Sciatica and Rheumatism walk% I contracted' years' ago. The &veep bad. a •great hold •irs-• my blood, and it was hard to make ally impression on it. Reading of Ferro - zone T.' wai convinced of its • merit and it's certainty the best I h'avo ever 'tried. Why it just drove away the rheumatism. Even Otiffened old• sufferers will experience quick results. The reason is that Ferrozone , acts through the blood and therebY des- troys the ca,use .the disease. Price afty cents per box at all dealers.. • • " ' „S.R.; Holmes. Phro: Ws Keep Only . . Pest' Office The Beet. Drug. Store... -41,KLIA13I1JITY — EXPERIENCE-. among them being two lovely wreathe Iran tbe employees of the C. P. R. Bridge Co.; wreath from Mr. Ede of the Canada Foundry Co.; Toronto, brot•h,er-in-law ot, ehe deceased gentle - mac, lovely wreath from :the widow and chil,dren _of the decease d geothe man, wreath. from Jobe Ede, broth- er-inelaw. _Rev; Mr: Clement offiefato ed at 'house and Maitland. cemetery. Tho Pallbearers were all fellow-bnidge 'berildera and were as follows : 'Jame,s Roberts; Archie Pickering; Fred. Croft, Hughte McGovern, Frank Glov- ern and Maurice Prindiville. The 'fun- eral cortege was. one. of ,the largest seen in Goderica fee some years. rhe relatives who atteuded the funer:al were Mr and Mrs:. Ede of Devon, England, wlio come out to Canada with the late. Engineer Madeeford. We learn that Mr's. Drysdale intends oPening WI a boarding house in Chi - • 48 Model studeetts and friefids drove Up from, Clizi.toe. to attend I:he Model "4.t Pomo", given in their Oonor. „ We emagratulate Mrs.. Holland tipon, Whig elected treasurer of the W. C. '!I`. U. Convention held last week at }kneel' and Mrs. E. P. ozi being elected presd.dent. Oreptaim John Ma,cd,onalc't ef the sehooner 'Azof aarived °lathe 91,1 inst. light to tale. en, cargo for AloeVicae of Johnston's ;Harbor, Mr. 'Will Rut - son it engaged with, the: 'e,fatVicat Ca: there. ' Miss Piller of Kingq..oe.left for her home on Wednesday after a :pleasant .• • Frank McDonogh, Jr., has gone to Toronto to pursue Via studies at the University, • Mies Goodfellow returned, Labelers- ary from Japan, gave aldress th the, cher& on Tatedecy afternoon. • , The farrnees in this, section! are busy ee are satisfactory. they hold their raising the sew beets and expect . fruit unless good prices prevail. Oho to ship them bd. Berlin next week, great majority, however, of .hose who have apples to sell •wait for some buyer to come along anct sell for whatever he chooses to Offer, us - Italy from fifty cents to a doll,ar a laaxrel, or a lump sum" for the crop on the trees. The latter plan, is nothing less then gambling in ao- plea, -and In either case .'the .grower seldem gets one-half what his fruit is really • worth, if it were properly handled. • • The remedy for this state' ef 01 - This time :next year we hope so, have a 0: P. R. etation at Carlow, which will be a treat convenience.to,. shippers. • • The p. P. R. steam shovel is "tbout through to Auburn. This week will -; see the grading the shovel has been. doing eonipieted frenne Goderiott to • Auburn,. The ballasting of this part of the road; we understand, iota, be proceeded With right , away. ' 'ThanksgtViag 'Day there wilt be service in the chnitch: at 2.30 &cloak. •••••-- Vie growing sec lont''''s.4:0-41414 cieva repeats: from J. A. trefeaay. • VVinghant. form a 6e -operative assoeia,tioe throe marketing of the f rule. May be ac- .ccnnplielied. ducroocilitiltiotat hof tith,a churtcthe, • ' eeA,probab e es g and ugh • which the greeing, packing and. r,*robo.ble cost 1 a sejteol room' 20x 30 feet at the rear 0! the eherch , . Death came very suddenly to s Wm. James Johninton; Sr., of Morris on Tuesday Oolitic" of last week. Ile. had been in his ingal good. heal- ' th ; htate. bis slipper asusual and walked up the road past Dr. S'haars. • WHEM YOUR BREATHS HURT. . visit with her cousin, Mrs: F. ,T. You know that -trembles List which . Peldbarn. • • ' need quick attentioa. Proper ettiou Carleton Lines of Montana, :U. S.,. consists in a vigorous tabbing af the a, has returned to his hone 'atter chest arid side With Nerviline which a plensan,t visit with hit necle, Mr. During the past year a Dumber of tnese associations have been formed in veeious' parts' of the province anti the prices obtained by some of them Later, as he 'was standing the • for last year's aoples have made the 'woodshed, he was stricken, with par- alysis. A physician was summoned, but a few •ininutte after he arrived; the spark, of •lifeehad fied. Mr. JOhn- ston. was one of the earliest settlefa of 'Mortis., havieg been in: the town- sirikO into the tissues where the pain is seated, and gives relief in a few minutes. No liniment so clean, 'so steong, so powerful, Resel ts get ar- anteed with every bottle of Pelson's Nerviiine. Get it to -day. • • 00AL LEAVE YOUg ORDERS, 140W. YOK YOUR SEASOR'S SDP- kolt or COAL, 'WE CARRY , ONLY THE VERY l3FAT GOA - DSO WHICH.. wir,/,, ita Sohn unt LOWEST POSSIBLE PY,ICE ORDERS MAY BE tEPT AT DAVIS nis *AO =SrOIM OR WPM 'Germany IS said to be striving fo an alliance with 'Italy on a new bas- is, • SICK HEADACHE CURED. Sich 'headache is caused by derange- ment of the etomath and by indigese tibn. Chaniberlaih's Stomach arid Li- ver Tabkts el:tercet these disarders and-effeet a cure. By taking these tablets as scion as the 'rst indi- cations of the 'disease appear the attack may be awarded off. Per sale by W. S. R. Holmes, Clinton* Ont. J. Stevenson • Yvette Guilbert is being sued, for peon:tent for n; $1,200 bosvn, The, Wyatt, against Anteriearti goods has been ridged at itong. Kong, W1,101,1 YOUR, BREATHS HURT. DeafilesS bealtise initially due to Catarrh, is qiiite curable. 1. a thou- sand eases this 'IS :proved absolutely itruo. Sumas inuarrOubly atitends the use ofCatartirt*Watt which hat eilred catarrhal deafness ot sfanding. Penetrating throogh the pastages ot the eat, the 'Soothing va- por of Catartliozont relieves the milatarnation,, destroys the seeds of Catarrh and 'thereby nilows iature tn re-aisSist herself. Try Caitarrho. sone yourself, 25e and SI: SIMS sold by all dealers, S. Andrews. Mr, Robrzt Kerr has been sailing on Captaih Willoughby'Ssteamer all summer, Captain Willoughby rao a-. ohore some time ago, but gat his steamer off all right. Mrs. Will Logan left last week for her home at Buffalo, after Vending the past seasan with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Aloe. Kirkbride, and her daughter, Mrs. Fred Murney. Miss! Maud Farquhar of flillsgreen is On the stet 'of Parsone's Pair. Contractor, Anitalistija finished his work' on Friday and left for.; London ecu Saturday where he has a good deal of 'worb to finiSh for the For- est city. He laid over four miles of dement walk in. Goderich and did it quickly. Mr. Will Pri,trey occupies the new house. on Gloucester Terrace owned and built ;by Mr. Sillibs. 'Mrs, Ostrom and 'family, three, boys and.one gift, of Cl•inttonhave renew- ed to • Goderieh end are tit present the guests of Ivits. Ostrom's sister, Mrs. nenry Tielibotanc, 'a grolwers 'enthusiastic over this methodi of bandiine the crop. At effective coireradive association for this purpose involves the selection of an • honest, wide-awake business manager; and ale ereption of a ceut- she)) • fifty-five years; coming to it oal pavking and storage house at he when it was sett& bush }lard :toil most convenient point for ehipment: and • frugality Made . f or. Mr.' and Mrs. Through such an organization, boxes Johnston a 'comfortable home, and . or barrels cao be puroliakd wholesale they raised a highleLreepeeted•family. to bettex advantage than i hey can Their home' was always epen for be Obtained by *isle individuals ; the ministere• of the Church oi their ete grower can devotee lie whole) attent- eke. Mr. Johnstot had been. reeve 'fon 'to .gathering the crop at. the pro- of the township, and for enany years. Per season, and delivering It in good an active official. in .the Methodist condition •at the central peeking hem - Church. Wherever he was heown, be se ; the a.ss6ciation relieves hini • Of was greatly respected, as a Irian , of all care‘and respon.sibility iz *enadina, etalizug chenfacter. Besides his sorrow. packing and marketing ; andwith ing partnee, he leaves five sons and tbis work in the hands of expert two dau)ghtere, • The sons are --Robert packers, the grade of fruit can be' ,and Hugh in Manitoba, Richard, Wm, ;made vniform,, and the packing . t.in James and . Silas tif Marris• ; the data be done properly, which, in time, ghrJaste,rs ea are—MrsPe.oc, Peacock public Mathersi and inspires corrfidetice in the mirebasing Mrs public. In ehor.t, the co:.operative system of handling the apple crop, .After ast illnees lasting over sever- under prepet managetnent, assures al months., Mr: Jas. Collins passed the consumer Of a better peoduct, away on- Monday evening. Deceased was a native of Scotland, Ind had been a resident of Winieharn for about thir"ty years. He leaves two daught- ers and coe, son. He was fifty-six Years of age. A debt-colleeting agency, which is a part of the regular public postal tticou a mt. PITA sgenst 'An be masa to Iwo out of 25 agii- eations for the position, of (twist and chafe Meter ka Ziett, Presbyter- ian Church, Bra:Word* Ur. Egener was chosen. Mr. Gavin Green returned, bile arid souinct from his Mines at Cobalt oft Pedal last aind *ill spend Thanksgiv. int' Da?- Yee Wife, -Mrs.. Calle • Campbell, ,,Organieer of the WOInanS Dittlinte here ands in wavy 'places,, is, Wo are sorry toe ay leaving town. Mr. CarriOell bits pur. thated, a beautiful .ialtarta ,odetes near the eity ot Windsor. Godetich le lekeibt it. talented Woman, and we regret Vary meeh to parltetttli nat. syetern, is the newest "improvement of the postoffices of Austria,. De- spite the novelty of the oieerprise, the plan has worked admirably, so that thousands Of pounds are collect- ed annually by the postmen tlirough- out the Austrian, Empire. The sys- tem Is veey simple. Suppose a trade. sman in Vienna has, an account due from- a et:etainer in, say, auch a dietant, town as Budapest, which he wishes to pc/fleet. Meth:nee, does net Melee in the lease. Ho enerely sends the bill to the pastoffice 4a thecap- whence it is once traheroitted the positoffice et Budapest, • Therq the postman presents it, to the debt- or, eolieets the eash and. remits it to the Vienna postoffice, whence, it is delivered to the tradesman, by, post- /nen,' In the eVent ef payment being refuted which, of cdorse, sometimes happens, the oreditot is promptly ap- Misled ot the faet, and valuable time is thus fee4itetitly sated, It/r. G. P. McKay has told to Mr. Iftrgh Atetiregor the vacant frame dwelling house On his fain. Mr. Mc. Gregor has had, .the building removed to his OWli farm iihrrintrrins6 Wing it with brick, -Rev. and' Mrs. Craw:tom Crom- arty 'were this -week visiting at the manse with goy. D. Urquhart and other frierele in the village. and realizee to the' grower' 5. • greater Morris Township. . Walter Trines of Moorefield!, was a visitor here during the past week.. Walter Forres.t, 2nef Line, has hien' malting quite, a sweep with his tette • roadster feels. They are a pair of Joseph Clegg will likely r;pent next winter in California as as ,Le" miss the vigere of a northern •wireter: tie has gone South for, several years. Voters' List Court was held :at Blytill on Tuesday .for this, niiii15citaa.1- ity. Judge •Dayle presided. The lib- erate' struck .off 2 axed rut on: 9, There were no appeals from, the con- servatives. Last, week a thlrorlered Leicester' man was purchased by Robert Nichol,. 6th Line, from James Snell, the well, known breeder of Hullett: It took 2nd prize it time Western Fair at• • London,. • _ It is reported that Richarel Mitch- ell, 3rd Line, has dispbsed, of his tidy fifty acre farm, to Joseph Shaw of Grey township the price being $2,800,, We hear Mr. MR4101 may go to the Northwest where he has s sort locale ed, ile. has beena resident ef this f you have visitors at :your home let locality ,for a, good many years and • . The News-Reoord known about • it the old neighbors will' he Sorty"to see, for Orli column. them move aWay. . THE GREAT DRESS GOODS HOUSE The very mention of Dress Goods brings the Big Corner Store • • to your memory, TWO; store has always carried a good reputa- tion for Dress Goods, and sioce taking over Mr. McKinnon's business, the Dress Goods trade has been phenomenal. We handle the celebrated and world renowned Khare,nta Fabrics, made by George Carr & Co, of Bradford. Gretland & Do's Heavy Cloths of Mancheeter and Bradford. 11/otte &Delescluse French Dress,Goods, of Roubaix. France. Dress Goods prices with us range from 25e per yard. to $1.50. Big variety, isn't it? OUR NEW JACKETS This has beau a big season for Jackett. We have been centiptilleit ei tre-purchaie lockets three titne.a, KWh 'have been our big saleai but we hate hash successful in yetilaCing our.big eelfers 144 add* 'frig the very lateht at each buying. . Our very long Black 3 acketat r in exceptional. Our noptilar Black ,10.,b,64 bean aliliWIner. Our !Writ*, SIPA aUket s.s$1O Mahan* it repeater,. and today we are in is jceltld15 te4liecount say ether Black Jacket &demlie the trade di $A "A54111te Iihe* you thw best Black Jacket we ean buy, Colored Jackets in Tweeata, Plain ana Pitney Cloths $8,5O 9, $10. • h- • • tIIJIMA , Soccessore to McKinnon 0o.,10711 ". '1 1