HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-18, Page 1CLINTON, ONTARIO, T111.71tSDAY, ocropER 18th, 19015 The News-Recokd to any address until the end. of 1906 for 15 cents ipriolpoloriosy...4.0"14441•,. 4.4•06444444010. = 141,kt at..e.lei. i 4 Jo the .Yiellgar Watch It is right in every respect. Right in Workmanship. *gilt in price. Right in time. Right e2,07 time. dice curate& adjusted. Fitted in either gold, silver or nickel cases. Let us sell you a watch, your old watch taken in part pay. W. X. Yielkor, jewelter and Watch Aepalrer PifitireerrePlitiVisrisomuistvit4444444wiat loot+ rorsoNINo. • • THE LOO.A.14 1VI'ARKE1'. Some evilly-dispoeed person; the 'Ali- , Wheel, 6Se to 700 er viey poisoned a beagle heolid'oweed Oats • 320 to 330 by N. Joe. Rattlentery. This is the Peae 72e to 74e • wooed beagle he has it le this way Baxley e2c to 44c . IP the Pest Year and he naturally Butter • 20c Mete very indignant about it Ond Eggs Ilea Oars a reward fcrr 511011 ovideae0 as Live Hogs $.6.40. will lead to the eoevietion of the poisoners. l)r. W. Holloway lose a Wriel• -SING AT LiONDESBORO. • . valuable serail.," recently in elm Urge The -male quartette a the ()Atari° Ivey, ' '. Street (torch choir bas been ogaged $80 CONTRIBUTED, 10 eine at . the tea -meeting wifich taltes place. in. Londeshoro on, Thankv The thankofferebe neeeeing a the giving night. The miarteete is a W. F. M. S. of Willis' church. wee popular .ie; you beer it once, you held last Teureday peel:dog The Lade will bear it again and again,. It eon - lee" Guild joined in and sonic mem- SiOtO of : 'W. J. Harland, 1st tenor, bore of other Congregations were al- Lee Weir, '2ne Moor ;193, J. Gibbings, so present, the attendanoe haingt ler- 1 est bass ; R. A. Dawes, 2ad base. ge. efr,s•. R. Irwin preeldeci. dThedrees fee- H'E GOES TO ROCKLYN. turei of the evening was. an ar , from Miss ' Goodfellow, • who lately ti Mr. J. Houston,ls 'engagement as returned 'rem the Mission field in principal of thCollegiate Institute 'nese and halving A personal knowlede does not terminate e urea November, g� of the needs of that greet work, but at Ms reques•t the lroard,en, Moo, her address was entertaining and in- 'day released him, he baying accepted struotive, During the •evening Soles the principalship ol the Redden ' 'were rendeeed by Kiss Katie Scott High School. His Work here, there- asul Miss Annie MeCorvie. The offer- fore, terniinates. tibia week. Rocklyn mg amounted to $80. ' . has' a population, of about 2000 and is situated oh a etub, line of the G. DEATH. OF RICHARD CUDMORE. T, R, 22 miles from, Ottawa. On SunId4 evening last IVIr. Tetelierd ' euemeee Aodoad tee great majority. ON SIOSPEN,DED SEN. TENCE, Last suninver he suffered from poison An Englishman named I-Iarry hob - ivy from which he did not fully re- -. i Who, 1 . , m en, the , ., cover ane in his .wea,kened. collation helot of eteasing in very had beg_ an attack of eyeentery carried 'Pint liege, Was tried bef , e P, M. And - off. He was born oil ,Yotige street, ;roes eel Friday le e Be ' eleaeed Toronto, sixty-three year ego about forty years Sirice the c onairld g ' l y, I. ie i a on, too reach 'e-3' whisky, 'expressed scIrrove, so ,was mo cd to Tuekerernith. For he past let go On suspended .seneeeeeBut if seventeen yeas Mr: Cralrobre eas, been he appears before the samebeak ag- e, resident, of Clinton. He as tWlec ain on the same clfa.rge its to 'goal married. By his Arst marriage three he'll .go, eo be is •nolt llitely ito . thus sone were born, Jobe, Gelk and ?LW' tranegrehe • ite'Clinton any mere. rence, and to his •second union there . . • . . was one soli., Alex. Th..fune...Ital rook' WESLEY• CHURCH,: place en Tuesday. afternoon, the set- • ' • : . . . vieeresr. . being : emildected . by Rey, IVIr. ' Next Sentay will witness• teazles - K . -giving and rally eervices. in 'Wesley • eh,urelb S, S. In the raornfeg the rre.S- BIBLE SOCIETY iirtlE'ef NG'S. • , toe wileepeak principally to the one- ' .• dren, taking'for his subject "Lamps." The Rev, ee. E. Hassard is ,:epteno and ita the evening to young , people ed to be in Clinton on' Sund4y and me -LOOM to be "The folertaith and'its Monday next. The reverene gentle- streams' The, S. S. choir will hate mans is -the Field Secretary of the Charge of the singing throughout the Bible Soelety and at a meeting et day, under ' tire ' leadership of elr, the -.local branch - on Monday evening sihinv it was arranged • to give :him an. On, -7":---'..' , Rev. Mr.. Andeeson. of Blete,occupe portunito te reath an many• a3 llns' ledthe pulpit lase Sunday, IMv....Me. *le of our • 'citizens. On Sunday ' joliffe taking hiswork in Myth. l• ... -, morning Mr.' elezzard will take- the • : • . . • ' -Orawetes in. Wiflis clubreli, at 2.30 p.m, NEW WEEKLY PAPER. • , ' • • • Ibis Understood that i fieW•lweekly paper. .tee be called 'The Comfier shortly to be issued 'in Torento, Mr. W. H. Moore, who is corineeted •witli the Mackenzie • 4 Mann interests' in Ile uroh, the mernberS will net be . able ' to hear him in ehat Church. oe. "Sure the Steeet Ritilviay. Coinpatiy, the to1 deer, but on konid.ay evening, in tile 'Canadian isT°rtbern old James Bay eown hole- at '8 e. m, - they • end ell nvenaiitulerieee,sianittO, Atter:be j..inkte.receteeedpeirns' ,oirthhoe lir other's interested eane have the. prieie ' ego of haring the, Field , Secre•tary in bcaasiva,rini; emloa'sgaelyz iit' eid.eztii flajed.finwmitbher Thoei, w- en illustrated ederess tm, the • work ii. ,;lantern .siides will be' ehown and ...a lieattni13 N'r•:''Pneiler '1‘.rin .lesign• °his of tee Bible SO4ety. . Atioue seventy Yearg, 1•Iiiik he ed4e'r,•of thq IleVi 'intb- col-dial enVelation .is eXtended to eve- i>te'Oeitt position to take. °IiArge ot 1: fee will be eharged, bet .a.. olive:: col-.,. The Courier, which, it is said, will '. •ryone to, be •tpecient.::. No admission be: conducted along national lines. .It tomay. be eix weeks or two 'months! be, leotien will be take,n . at the. tiolef,- the proceeds of whiCli will ,form, part' tof Clinton's .coneribuitiorr to thee Bible Society's werk, •• • . , . • DEATH OF MRS, McKkir. 1 CLINTON C. I; WeNS ..AGAIN. : The first match. in . -the fall lIough Cup . series wa.s played tni the park funeral of his another Who died rath- 11644.44•44444.44•1444.44.1444•441, 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 • Smart Suits and Overcoats We are making Suits and Overcoats to order that are smart and dressy. Better work is being put on .them and better linings used than has ever been turned out of a tailor shop in Clinton. Our big western business which demands, and is satisfied only with the best, puts us on par with the city shops, and the work going out of this store to -day is as good in every detail as any that come from the best shops in the large cities. The largest collection of high class Suitings and Overcoatings ia Western Ontario is here for you to select from. A collection that is made possible onlv by the very large business we are doing to -day in the North-West. Overcoats to Order I.Suits to Order nia, $20, $25 and $20 Tweeds Worsteds ' $15, $18, $20 and $25 et $18, $20, $22.50 and $28 4 Serges Blacks $15, $1.3, $20 and $22 $18, $20, $25 and $28 4 • The Watch Club The Watch Club ie growing every week. Bring your boy in' and show him the NTatcheet • Examiee ehem carefriley yourself. You will see that they are no toy or plaything, but 'good substantiel. watches. Teey are good enough for any boy to own. .They will keep good time, too. Members of the club ket it watch jft they by hoes' clothing to the amount, lit$1Q.00 before Deceeest net. , Boy' Overdceits.... .... • . $4.60 $6.50 • 4$43:54, iris, 4145 Bo' Suits , Sweaters, Unleeweer, Searle; Caps: • . • • More of them to ehooie from here than* any other ;store ie Huron Comity. IMRE impoRrens .4. as as -will'addresseehe Senday sehoel of St. Peelle ehurcit'and.' Om 'evening. he wilt preach:en 'Ontario St. ceirch. Owing to, services easpecial nal- - tire, previously. fieed, or. Wesley. ch - fore the first issue makes,' eppear- ance. Mr. D. Ross McKay of Tho.News-Re.- cord • staff was in Teeswater last we oh the sad mission, of attending the. CLIly .7;0114 ONZ Small -Sums -Saved —sygtematically give you the means to enjoy and own many things thought only possible to the rich. A vacation abroad; a home; a motor -car; a college education or anything else you wish for tan be yours if you save the dimes and dollars. $1.00 opens an ascount and interest is paid 4 times a year in • Ile Sovereign Bank of Canada CLINTON and 131Z11/CE:PMLD on Saturday. ,The challengers for the Cup were NM team fromeaforth Collegiate Institute. It was the ale,- hteemetli 'time teams from the two Conegiates hasf battled for supremacy and, the long list of victories for Seafonth has been at lest wiped out. The present eirampions' have now in- flicted nine sueeessive defeats on. their • persistent opponents. The Soeorth team was accompanied by quite a number of suppostere a.aid wore the Hurons,' jerseys•, 'but they did.. not blring along 'the proper ;playing Ability, and were, defeated by the dedisive sc- ore ;of 3 goals to 0. There were a good many ch.ang.es in the champion' team but it seems as thoueir players come au& players- go but the Haugh Cup leant goes 0111' forever: Wien the playifig listi crane to, lye examined. it was Mend that one of -the Seaforth 'etain Thad not been registered which eibeantre that he had not attended. the ;Collegiate a Week before:tie' °tame. Iloweeer., he was allowed to play under protest., Clinton Won *the •tcess and elected to kick down the Ev,ery `Player `Sunmed• right in.to • the game Mid the result was' never ' in, 'doubt. 'Within a le* Minute's' Clinton Ilieetteeotecl the first goal Afeer the prettiest combination of tie day, evenly Viirery player On the. forward line handling the hall. Thee fellow - eel' a., long delay, a Seaforthl hali-ba,ek having 4,renelred hie leg. However, `flie '8eliorth principal managed to get him fixed up! though in hisefforts he indidied quite a gash in, big own hand. Refore hallitime Clinton; bad scored. two more goals while their goal -keeper newer touched the ball. the • second half Sea,forth dropped t,heir injured player and Clinton play- ed a man short to ellen p. . Tho home ljoain were content to hold their advantage and the game ended with- out further 'scoring. The referee Mr. D. D..Wilsoti of Wingliam handled the game in first class style. 'Pho, Clinton team was itS. f01101V14 : CkaJ,14. Da.dour Rath's, C. Copp, C. Hall Halves, R. •MeXcitv,ie, C. 7.ric1tinnon 001%0100W COOditiOti. NO1.0011'$ escape (Capt..), L. Mantling teen death was nothing short of Right wing, W. Manning, W. Mc- niracidous and had, he not struck the • Queen wire, which broke Ids fall, he would Centre, J. Rumba!' I have been ,picked up from the pave - Left Wince D. Grassiok, McLean, mem a dead an. er seddenly at her late home . in Culross' township on Friday, October 5th. Deceased was in her 52nd year, the cause of death being, paralysis, brought on by in acute attack of dysentery and cenvulsione, Her- niaid- ere name was Fanny Rossi, she. being a daughter of the Iwto David Ross of Langside. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place. f 0 Tees - water cemetery on, Monday, October 8th. Servites were conducted et the henie by Revs, Donald ' Tait, Tees - meter", and Chas. Rutherford', Dun- gannon. 'A familg of five boys • and five gills •survive her,her 1.usband haying fdied in March 'last. NELSON'S NARROW, ESCAPE, Albert Nelsen, eon of W.. J. son of °Hilton; narrowly escaped dea- th Saturday evenieg,in elle of the meet peculeee.aooidents. thee eVerhape paned/ in London, . Ncleono wee had beien employed incopere•bitts ix merry - go -retold eh moot of the fell fairs, went ell), on Saturday afternoon to vieet,les employer; who 'Otte on • the fourth floor, over Lewsou'd Shoe steed. on Dundee itreet. 0n maceing • Mr, and; IVOrt. Deno:hues roorne; Nelson nonieeda sole: standing. near the wipe dow whish faced the street and star. ted for it. He missed 'the lounge, however, and instead he went through a large pane of glass headOret. So quickly did the whole thing happen,. Mr. and Mrs. Donahue did not have time to seize Nelson, and presient him front falling. When be' renthe4 the second; story his body etruek agates t a heavy 'telephone wiz* arid broke it, and then fell to the pate -await, Nelson, wa& then talon to the Victoria, Hospital, Where ie was ford that he had sustained a tact,: toe of the left leg, three fractured ribs and a severe shaking W.). He will recover. Those who were wit- nesses of the accident immediately rushed up, expecting to find a dead man, but were astonished to see the MAR 'Sit up an leek Around for a second and then fall over in an un TBE BLACK KNIGHT, • Rev. J. H. Heeler, the black • Knight, who will be accompanied by his wife and daughter, will be in town. on Thursday and Friday of next week and address Temperance meet rags. The Black Knight is laboring wilier the dieeetion of the Dominion NOT TRUE. The report ciatzulated by the Novo Era that meanhers of the loeal Cour; of Independant Forestems are leaving the Order is creditedwith being mai- ielous, ' The members are indignaut that such a report should be sent boardeast and the financial serattary has ealled en The News' -Record, to say that there have been no recent 'withdrawals an.d no iotimations what- ever of any. J. J. IVIcCAUGHEY sErLs OUT. Mr, J. J. McCaughey, after being argeged in, the liviery business for two mooths, has sold aut. He paid chin attention to it and from a enancial standpoint he did well, both in vol- ume of trade and in, the increase in the selling over tire buying price, hot the 'hours were too long, hence, his retirement; The,. purchasers are SinlOrr NfaCkon,Zie of treeefielti and W. J. IlleBerney of East Wawariese, /who took possession' yesterday, PULL VTUR APPLES'. • Mr. D. Cantelon, now haseighty menj in his employ as buyers and packers of applee. The greater number aro in lemon, but his opezetioneextene ever several counties, As Usual, Mr. Cane talon is rustling the business end to. expedite matters still fur the: be wishee through The News -Record to intimate to the fa:rimers that advan- tage should. be taken elties, fine •weather to get the apples picked and under shelter, • A DUSINESS CHANGE.: Mr. Coesigney, who has condueted a 'semidry business here for tee past' couple of year'& or so, hest disposed Of it to Mr. William Moore, olio took Peesession ore Moneay morning. Mr. Coneigeey remains a week et. so* te initiate his successor into the huein- ese, but his • familyleft on Monday fot Seafeeth where they •expect 'to 'Melte :their, home in future. :Me Con- eigneY will engage in clothes. cleaning 'and pressing there. He does good work. The faintly have meter friends' here Whowere sorry to see then lea; - LITTLE LOCALS. ' Mr. learre Wileop has 'Awed back. to Wingha.ni again, • The • Motleli tee . visited' the. Go& rich students oh Friday evening last. Frank 1,•Andiews of town' los a • squash :Which weighe 141 more' than tban the own& himself, Who ca.ir beat this '? • lefole giving elr, J., W.. •Irwir's etyleee light machine it,s outwit over- hauling the* other day , JoeyoBraod- field ventured too neer with .a -lip-M- ed candle whenthereewes an ex- plosion strong metier to . byte his ,fate. • • TIIE, NEW 'STAFF: . The new staff for the Collegiate has. now been, engaged and is as fol- lows: - Principal and Science Master • A. P. Gundry • • $1401) Olaseies .C. Mc ninon • el0Q0 Moderns .amf.' Ehgliele Miss ' Melton elm) • Mathematics, Miss Delmege $800 Commercial, Miss Walorwoeth $700 All friends of the school are plea- d to know that Mr. MoKiimon has consented to re-engagereent for he is a capable ante suceessful tea.cher-Failure io hie department is very rare, . in- deed. El101a1:34.1€1:301:33.10419lefele.46 •TITEtt IS . * .. -Nit:e STANDING STILL. ei The Nemo:Record ,re- .M4 • • *,qieiteilly mood u oe the . 4E. town council and tyoard of ; Wade. the ergent• need Ihpre. ist in seeking for new in * dustries, ' . . • ' is getting it rare eel • liege feetory, Seaforth a :14(.. ehee fettory,..Exceor a can- ME • * 'fling factory, and .Goetrich e; 4E iL prepared to offer an lie-• tmense bonus' to a Yankee * * concern to locale in. that * town; ?V The industries we have )1( are soli& bat wo need/ more Xi of them and in. -Wesel grow- '114 ing times another factory * ME or two should not be diffi- dull, to secure. , In matters like this it )44, .?.* depends very much on the 'Ai )4( 'efforta of a public-spirited 44, N4, council and board of trade, )14, but we are not aware that * either of those bodies has ?...$4, )1; done any work along that * line lately) • .)4( )4( This Is not a.s it should 34( )1E be and we hope for hater Wi ME things in, the near future. ;').K• 4r; * There is no standing still. *. eaIeeesee4e$O$ Whole Number 144s BAPTsIST CHURCH. Rev. Me. Magee left On Wet10,141a3r ororaing for Peterboro to attend tie annual convention of the 13aptist Churches of Ontario and' Quebec, It is expected that 300. delegates Will be present. .4 Om Sunday Inerning Rev, Dr. Stew- art of Willis church wiU preach in this church, he having kindly con - salted to take the service, in the ab- sence of the peel/or. There will no evening *service. • AnnivenSar); services either. on. the etir or the llth of Novernbee Person's!. Mr, Hervey MeBrielowas in Gecierieli on Sunday, • Mr. George McLentian is visiting friends. in Sault SM. Marie. Mr. W,• Nevem went to Toronto on Monday to attend a bolters' ton- venatAon„ Mrs. R. J. Maedonald, Tore/Ike:1' le ,• the gliese of her welter, Mrs. Fele eir. and Mrs. Alleurt-eleBrien of Heft- • ed"' visited, Clinton, friends onteue, day. Mr:, W., Cilii,M)mieexpectel to Thanksgiving with his son fn NESS • Louise „Westenburgh of near'ent" hell is tile :guest of Mee , Chas: Cook. Miss Florence .Gerrekt will spend a few days with relstives 'mar Lon- ..desboro thin .Weeke Mr. J. G. Weecid: will be the guest of his brother, .11,6v., Dr. Medd of Forest , dh Thursday. Mr. and Mr's, 'W. Jones are 't.pCiering a, , few dtlys „With. their (laughter, Mrs; P. L. Hay of elateittone Mr. Herb' Ategander hes been oft auto •a few deys of the past weer owing ' to e slieht atta,ck of blood eniron- ine. Mee. P. B. Deering Of 'Winnipeg who is the guest of MM. Fiteeinnnons, visited , Dasbwood :Mends a few •(!ays, of the past week. Miss Nesbitt of the 'hospital staff al nurses is. attemding at the betide el Rev. Father Stro.eder el -Lunch, • .Who.. has , been seriously . Mr. Arthur Cook was from Saturday. to' Mondaywith his family, hut is again in, the Strtsville district purchasing apples "for the •Niagara •Mr. COMCKinnon goes. to Toronto on Thets'day. to. play with the aforth • football team against the 'nestles •af that city in the foureteam .com- petition. :for 'tee trophy presented by "The ,People!s • Paper" of .Lon West on a Orip but is expected home 'den, Eng., at whose exPense the soon. Corinthian football team,. which Miss Mary Piteous visite, eer bro- recently toured this provinee,. was thee Robert and her sister tee past New Actvertisements. Coet The Best s-Flodeens New Jackete-ePoplestone es Getieer a Apples Wanted -Town 44 Case House for Sale -W. Walker* Vietorious-Dr, Sonche . Strayed ---John Scruton .... Domestic Wanted -Mrs. Tozer.....,..„5 COon Coat for Sale -A. R. Smithoe Alietion Sake -G. " Homespun Tweeds -Tozer eel Browa...8 150 Car;Pet SamPlel-liodg,ens. Bros...a A Reeord Day-Neweombeee..,.. .. . .. g Records Broken -W. ,D. Fair ST, JOSEPH'S CHURCH. Confirmation .service WM be held in St, Joseph's church. at 10.3d a.m. next. Sunday Mien bis, lordship the Bishop of London vein adininisrer the sateramene ef coofinmetton, • Brucefield. Mr. and Mts. John Dennison retur- ued home flare tWest last week and, Mewl' 'eneeyable time,' 'Tee. eSkiler and' t Miss Maggie OttiAocliedreeo.„e3 Hensall ent Satur- Rev. Mr, Slaw of Egenondville pre- aehedi the Presbyterian pulpit on Sonda,y evening. • Mr, A. Kellar.,Of the: Clinton found- ry staff vesited his father-in-law, Mr, Prinfe, on Sunday. • , Mr. Rpbect Young returned home last • wee% from, the West, looking, well, . Mrs. D. Rouatt • and Anse M, Mtio; (inch attended a; Teniperance meeting in Hensel' lett week. . Quite •number of 'live hogs were silipped from Brucefield station' lest week Mr, L. . Eberhart; who went • out etereehiee thie fail, intends to 6e, his blacksmith shop again shortly. Mr.. John Johneten Bannockburn Um. returned home irom Mitch Da- • 'tete and doCe net appear to think very favorably of that country, 'Mr. Alex. McBeath has se recover- ed as to •ber up anidoemeid agate. 'Mr. •Thos. Colwell- of the 2rtd con. Tuelteremith/Wbe, had his Oe. jIrred Mee a year ago, has gone to Lontien to have an. operation peeler.; med, It is feared that the eye wiLl have to be eerhov.ea a,s it Is begin- ning to affect the settee enc. : Mew. T. Simpsen has been visiting with Miss". C. Parsons' of near Kills - peen who hes been keeping .house foe her brother. James, who went sent out. week. • • • • • Huilett Townibip. Mr. E. L.Farnham of ConStanee has assigned.: for the benefit ex . his creeiters. Ile is not in good health end his tajken. this sftep • to • relieve himself of business anxiety. Blake. We are sone' to report the illness of Mrs. Neilson, Sr., who is confined to the house with typhoid fever. We wish her speedy recovery: ' Mr. and take, :G.. :S. Howitieeetilled bn friene!.-e in Hensel' on Saturday ' Mr: Miler, see of oor M; P. P. of 'South Huron, paid our vis - tit last Monday collectine the User - awe money. t' Inspector Tom intends payine our sehool a Visit on Tuesday from 9 a. in. to 12 and would' be, pleased to nreet with One and all of the rate- payers ' of the seethe; in :eider to 'throw some light on the great per- plexing gees -tem qf ,ftre (ley l!Phe t New School • Act,' . , Tho seduce; and unexpected. . snow sterfli of last ,week qeice a.chan, .go -in the weather. 'Merle efor .the safety of their .,rootdopsehich ;were s1il1 in the...geoittedoetieh. ;lame 'age 'Vas Ctlebeeehicuttetrees malty of twhith' are tot.allY, evened. The . morn- ing landscape Was truly, pictliteeque. From' *lit to :ben, inches el eau) iST fell ton a 'level arid* this 'mantle of the "'be:edifier* enabled many ' "shake Off tbcir apples instead of having, to resort to hand-pullieg. ••,. Mr. Geo. Douglas had Aireeasful ,barn • raising 'on Tuesday afteraeoreMr. Douglas now has a larger barn than the one lost be fire lately, but it will be mane, time before he has everyth- ing as snug' as he had. Drysdale Mr. Wm. J. Howard and' sister Sarah visited friends at Grand tend on Sunday !ask. Ain atilt Mrs. Richard :Ellititt of IlaY6014 visite`ti Ntif gib home Mr. floward Th ej atorm, of last week saved many farmers the trouble of pruning their fruit trees., Potatoeligging and roon-pulling aro now in full blast. We hope the Wee - that continues fine to enable framers to 'get their ploughing done. • Mr. Mark Drysdale has now the tonfract of running Ilia 14Injestys mai: between Drysdale and Kippen until the old reliable, Mr, iroward, Is able to resume his duties. Mark makes a good inail man as' he is a lolly good fellow and takes to I& neVr duties in 'A 1 style. P .*•,* '` Mr. George Swareois in. charge of •the station here .owing to Mr. Prime being laidup with an ettaelt of •iii2 fiammattien and tinder the earF.,. of Dr. Gunn of Clinton.. The News -Record will be sai to any address until the end of, 1906 or 10 cents. • • Auburn. •. Miss Maggie Small. of Toronto is renewing old acquaintances around Auburn and Carlow. • • We are pleiteee. 'to hear eliat the infant deetehiterf. oft Mr.' C. • peddle is reeovering from aeeevere elem. We regret to learn • of the +teeth Of . the Want son of Mr. J: Naegle and our sympal5hy pee oiut to the sor- rowing Par.entis and family. . 'The e anniversary: services In the Methodiet chuech last Sundae' • were quite a success. Rev. Mr.: Kerr •• of Clinton preached three exceileet eer- • Tiie oerponters. are .1reee • iwyrkicg ai the station, • • Mr. Oienplien arab sister A Wes tfield? visited at the Ellett Wo9:0.d..,13,s0 he :show storm last Weelc 'ilia a „ ,great deal of dair:age teethe oreitiode around h.i;re. .•• , Mr. endi Mrs. Geo, Anderson visited at the • ;latterls 'patents here last • >Sunday. , . • Stanley 71`ownship: . Mr. James Steeri and bride recently visi•tell -the litterri'llete.r, Mei,. O. Veilliarrisen, Fort Elie. Mr, R. J. Richardson B. A. lett on. Tuesday of last week for Winnipeg o to take the lectureshifof philoSoplie and theology iir ltia,ni e College. Miss S. Brownettre ine toned en "Mon- day loot from her -Welt 'With friends it the Salta. ' Mr, R. J. Richardson has eeeured the services 6i, mt. 4,......a.astin of, Varna'in hie absenee. ' Thje drawing power cif. the. Canadian Wes ti is illustrated in the case el Mr. 'Thos. McOlymon; „vat* for zooid' years has been living in the city of Natchez, in the stated Mississippi, but who has mdaveil 4* Filroonton, Alberta, several hundred mites, north of the Canadian bora:Waxy. rtorn the Southern States to lite eapitol &,f; the new province • of Alberta is n . king jump, but Mr. Ateelymont likes his now location well and is glad to again be , living under the Union Jack. He is a brother of Mr. James Meclyment of the Pau Line. ..,....,--.............-,............--.. Interestiag budgets of news front moral of our correetroideats have attired is too late Ittr *ere 13swe,