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Clinton liews-Record
October Ilth, 1906
Clinton News -Record
gditer and PrOprietor.
Stanley Tawnship.
Glad to report that Mr. Richard
Pee1 »of Seater -tie who was taken
sad:dimly ill last Thursday Punning,
is much 'better.
Stanley was well represented at
tife Ba.yfield Fair last Wedeesday.
is Lizzie Browned, who was
under tiro 4.1octor's care last week,
le improving, we are glad, to say.
Mr. anslo Mrs. Robert. IVIeUsten of
Watford have sheen renewing fiesesaints
ances, around here .
Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey of
Stretford were the guest o of M.
J. W. Reid and Mrs. W. Raithwell
last week. They also attensled the
Fair at Bayfield on Wednesday.
Miss. Susie Browned, who has been
visiting friends at the Sault, haS
returned hotne.
Mrs. D. IL IVIeNaughtees received
the sad news of her sister's death,
•whot was ill with the fever in Moose -
Mr. Willie Monteith of, Stratford
spent a few tSays with friends here
last week,
Mr. William Reid was in Ooderich
a few days attending the assizes.
Goderich Township
:Yr. W. Elliott has jut completed
the founIdation for, the barn whit%
Mr. C. B.. Middleton intends building
next summer. It is 50x80 and 10
feet itigh and is a good, piece of mas-
The. barn of 'Wes Chas. MeGregor of
the 6th con., together with all its
contents was destroyedby fire dur.
kg the storm on Monday night. • The
fire was caused by lightning which
also killed a horse (in ,the bending. at
the time. There was an insurance
which will not nearly meet• the loss
as • the .whole of Mr. MeGreg,or's crop
has been burned.
• Blyth. •
On TuesdaY afternoon the funeral
took place of the beloved wife of ,our
' much esteemed and respected- towns-
man, Mr. James A. Anderson. The
....remains were taken from her ,late
residence to the •Union cemetery for
-'•initlerment followedeby a large cortege:
of sorrowing relatives and friends.
. .The bereaved bus:kind and .family haye•
. the entire sympathy of the commun-
ity.. . • • .
....Quite a number of our citizens at-
tended the •pan Fairs at Brussels
• ;and Dungannon on Friday. . •• •
The • carpenters are -about • through
with the C, P. R. station.
Saseament of . the Lord's Supper
• was .a•dmintster.ed in St. And Ws ch-
urph last Sunday morning. ..
.M.r. A. Plummer, having dist:.
'Posed of hisproperty in this . burg.
intends leaving with his family for
the West on Fsiclay. • s.'
• Mrs. A. E. Beadwin Ang, y
. left Vete on. Wednesday for their new
. home in Toronto.' •, • .."
. . .
Mr. Cornell's.; Babb, • •, jeweler . of
Teeswater, was here on Sunday • to
see his sister, Miss- Agnes, Babb,,Who
is seriously • •• •
A insist enjoyable afternoon , and
evening was spentby the; 0:biters:en,:
grandchildren and .a.: few old .friends
at the Nome •of. 1V1r. and Mrs, Robt.
.Johnston on .SePternbee . 24th,• when
they celebratedry
the anniversa. of
their .fiftieth wedding day. • - •
• Mr. ad Mrs. Johnston were Mar-
ried September 24th, .1856, by the Rev
Mr. Campbiell, Methodist minister them
•' stationed at Clinton,..- Their s• wedding
trip was taken „ from the home of
Mrs. Johnston's father, Mr., .Brotirn,.
to Clinton anh back to the. • little
bark covered log cabin in the bush
in a lumber wagon,. With tbe • Mud
• axle -tree deep. 'Their pathway'. throu-
gh life, -however, did not tont:Mite •as
• soft and teeny aro ilse hard and rag-
ged roads over which they Italie pas-
sed during these fifty years. Thou&
the way was eornetimes rough, they •
have enjoyed, nsuch Of life's. •'genial.
. sunshine ant& if • we • we,r6 to • judge
• them by thn health antd strength.they
•still enjoy,we must say' they 'have
stood tIM:jolting
Mrs.- Johnston's bridesmaid, bet
youngest sister, though still living,
• was not, able to be presents The fol-
lowing friends tof theirchildhood were
• present to e,xliend their heartiest
gifeetings, namely, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs
Morrison of MeKillop, and Mrs, Mill-
er of Clinton,, . who were also present
at their •wedding, and Mr, johnston,
a brother, 'and; his wife of Clinton.
Probably' the most unicpue thing in
connection With this golden wedditig
is the fact that net a break' has yet
been made in the family and all the
.elaldreli were present, oee-Mrs. Blac-
kbrough-ha,ving, oorne all the way
'from Montana. The others. are Nath-
aniel ot Hffilett ; Joseph, Mrs. W. J.
Parks, RObert, and Mrs. W. Farrow,
of East Wa,wanosh .; Mrs. Chas. Arm-
strong, of Shelburne ; Mrs.. Bro•wn of
IVIorris, and Wm. of Blyth,
A very dainty repast was spread on
the lawn, when their pastor, Re:V.' S.
Anderson, and Wife had the pleasure
,of taking tea with Mee. and Mrs.
Johnston on the old homemade table
from whieb, fifty years, ago they par -
01 theit wedding breakfast. A
delightful. lerogram wee rendered by
the childrenand grandchildren during
the evening, and the presents were
most substantial.
• Goderich.
Mrs. Robert Synionds of Brantford
is the guest d 11417
Mrs. W. Logan leaves Inc her home
at Buffalo this week after speeding
the summer with her parents, • Mr.
and Mrs. A. Kirkbride.
Pertehet; Were 58 eerets iritaket
on Saturday.
thi, Sunday the rottniversary services
held in the Methodist church were a
great success.. No mistake was made
hL inviting the Rey. J. F. Fisher
to preaeh for us. The congregatilm
'was SO large that the gallery had
to he used. Mr. Fisher save two
grand sermons and it was such a
pleasure to shahs, hands with, the rev-
erend gentleman and his wife. The
total proceeds were $140, which will
he applied to meet the indebtedness'
tin the commodious sheit and leave a
small Weave on hand after all ex-
penses are ;net.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were the
guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley while
Mr. II. Elford was in the , village
Mr. James Lobb of Brantford is
the, guest ot his sister, Mrs, G. Hol-
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay and. daughter
of Goderich spent Sunday around here.
Miss Merton of Seafortli is tire gu-
est of Mrs. L. Tebbett. '
The many friends of Mr. Thomas
Potter will be sorry to heas, that
lie is very low. All are wishing for'
his speedy recovery.
Miss Ida, Holmes was the .guest of
Miss Susie .Acheson. •
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and son,
Mrs, holdsworth and Mrs, AVMs Pick -
arid have all returned home again,
Miss Lillie McCartney of .Goderich
was the guest of her mother one day
last Week,
Miss Jennie Rudd . Was the guest of
her aunt., Miss Ford. •
Miss M. Martin is the guest of her
sister, Igss. Lewis Tebbutt.
The bread contest la connection with
the W's • L will take place n Tues-
day next. The rules .governing the
contest are as. follows lst-None
but members of' ehe Woman's Instit-
ute may dorepetete. 2nd -Bread must
be one day' old. :IN --The personS se-
curing the prizes must be willing
to give a' full explanation of the
methods used in themaking of their
bread. 4th -That ,ali broad shown
• (whether taking a prize ov not) will
'become tile tiroperty of (the Institute.
5th" --•All wishing to •eompetete must
Ave theirshread at Mrs, .Mulhollands
by 10.30 o'clock Tuesday .morning.
The first prise to be given will he a
Bread -maker worth $2.25; second... -
A year's , subscription to the •La.dies'
Horne Journal. Thire-A double boil -
tie... Miring' the session 'a paper will
be given, on. "How to stakes case of
of the hands, head and face." .
The W. M. S. intend !folding their
annual quiltins•bthe same daar as the
Instittita andsthe • .two societies will
dine together at the church,
'Phe .following . is a, report of • the
pupils, S. .lsro. 8 foe the -Month
•af Septereber baSed.• on regularity,
•good deportinent and.'proficieecy ..*
5th -Clarice Bedard;s Clifford Mc-
Cartney), Myrtle TreWarthas .Claretice
Potter, John Sturdy.- • . •
-.Sr, 4th-Retta. Ross., Emmeline
holland, Frank'
• Jr. 4t1i-Loine Jervis, Percy Mut-L-
id:Om.- Lizzie Bedard, Charlie La,vis,
Harter Cantelon.. •
Sr. 80 -Albert. Proctor.
3rd -Jessie Roes, Lorne Mc-
•Cartney Norman Hollstsci Stirling
DerePsey, Ernest ..Ifuller; Ella .Colel-
osigh.: • • •
'Sr. 2nd -Annie Ross, . Ernest- itac-•
Cartney, Joseph, Palmer, Delbert.
Lottie Lavis) Teenie•Mareniss
Pt. '2nd -Frank jenisins, Clarence
Co•nnells., Carl Mak, }Jerold • Levis
Elva, Proctor,' Clifford Reiland.
• Sr, PtS•let-'verna Jervis, Prootor
Palmer, Stewart • .
Ji IL isle -Roy Muireings; • Leslie
'Jervifer Leslie Huller, :Clifford .Proct-
or, Milton Rolland. • " • .
• •Ntneber on roll .40, , average' '33.
• -41.. w. Trewarthas Teacher •
• Leadhur)...•
Mr.and Mrs: Eingan or the State of
..Pennsylvania, returned to their . home
after .a • pleasant' TWO WeekS'visit
with* friends in the locality: •. •
. Miss. Annie' Lovett of• :Iaremerhili
called on Lea.dbury friends last week,
• Mrs. Scott, and son of Minnesota
are spending a • few weeks .with the
former's . parents, WI • and Mrs. Ful-
•: Mrs. M. • Sterling and Miss S. 'Rid -
ie of Godeekh township visited under.
the parental roof lase 'week. •
Quite.:a number 'froth around here
took hi Brussels Fair. • ' •
Mr.. and 11See. Bray of Gray . Were
visiting . hinds in this locality.
Mr. Chris. .Whitte has been risen -
gaged to teach in Leadbury school
for 1007. This will be his twe1!th
:year . Which speaks well for. him. . •
• On Monday afternoon October* 1st,
a very happy event tookniece, at the
rectory, Brussels 'when Miss Maggie
Fulton and Mr. John Ballow were
united • in the holy bonds of matris
many by Rey. II. M. :stng Ford,
The bride wore a beeoming dress of
navy blue silk. The happy touple
reside on the groom's farm at bead -
bury. •Congratulations are. extended.
. Mrs. John Bulger is on he sick
fist at. present. We wish her a speedy
recovery.. •
Miss Elfile. Ilodgins of Luean roturi
ed, to her home after a pleasant vigil
with friends here.
William lvers of West Wa
wanosh Killed in the
eon Monday evening during the se -
Gent Wm, Ivers of West Wawanosh.
was driving along the hack road to
the Nile 1170111 Goderich. The road is
considered • dangerous, ,atid it is sup-
posed his Waggon wheels ran MI the
road on to Um slope and the tilt
carried Isis load from gm Waggon,
taking him with it and burying him.
His load' was 1,100 feet e
chained to a rack • in which he had
The accident is supposed to have tak-
taken hogs to Goderiell that day
en • place( between 10 and p.
'but it was not known till early Tue-
sday morning, when the team attach-
ed Lo the waggon was found a • mile
away and deeeasetre body under the
Mr. R. J. Draper returned -on Sat-
urthty from .Stratford where he had
been attending the funeral of his
tatiter, the late Thomas Draper, who
had reached the good old age of 89
years.- The deceaeoct was a native ot
Tipperary, Ireland, but came to Can-
ada and Perth (*may in 1841 and.
settled near Stratford where lie lived
the remainder of his life. Ile was
thus oae of the early settlers of that
district and to Iris lot fell his share
of tile hardships of pioneering. Twen-
ty-four years ago his • wife preceded
him into the ,spdrit world, He had a-
etroug constitation, and to the last
he had, noailment except those weak-
nessea which come with extreme old
age. He, is survived by thefollowing
of his children Joseph on the 'homes-
tead, where deceased always lived, and
died; Dr. James of Lowell, Mieh
Mrs. James Seott, Stratford; 1VIrs.
D. McFsivass, Mao, ; iVUnnietratrred
nurse at St Catharines, an.4 R. j..
ot this vicinity. Mr. Diaper was a
tife-long member of the Church of
England • and the beautiful burial
service of that church: was -read alter
his remains at the funeral which
thole place to the Stratford cemetery
.on Thursday last,
A Native of Clinton Married
At Grimsby
we• reproduce the following from
the Hamilten Spectator, ilie bride
being a native of Clinton, a. niece
of Mr, W. Grigg and cousin of Mr.
A. J. Grigg
'A very styliSh and pretty wedding
took place et Rods Chapel church,
North Grimsby, on Wednesday, Sept.
26, at three o'clock, when Miss Bea-
trice E. Grigg, eldest daughter of Mrs
J. Grigg, was united hi, marriage to
Ward -Dillabough, of South Pas:Wale,
' T•he ceremony was condeeted by Rev
C. A. Cavers, former pastor of .the
bride,, now of the, • Methodist church,
Millgrove. •
The church altar was deeorated with`
troany beautiful palms and eat flowers.
.The 'brae entered the church leaning
on the arm of her brother, William,
to the strains of Mendelsslion's Wed..
ding March, rendered by 5/liss Graee
Philips of :Grimsby, and .was • hand-
somely attOred ,in a dress of erribroid-
bred -lace, and wore :a . full bridal veil
caught up Witt a spray of lilies' of the
valley. Her only ornament was a
gait chain awl locket, the gift orthe
groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Bertha
G. Grigg, sislter of the bride, . was
dressed in a,. beautiful white organdie
trimmed with valencientnea. lace • :and
carried . e„,beetquett sof • pink reses' and
carnations. The'..groom was...ably. :as-
sisted. . by. his .....brother, Clark
bough • of Toronto,- and • little Miss
Eugene. Emmett, niece of the gratin,.
daintily 'attired in White, teade •
very. pretty . ring -bearer. :The ushers
• •
Isere Grant • Dillebough, of Toronto,.
.bro.tlier ofthe groom, and . •C.
Hooper, of. Lockport, N. Y., cousin .
of the bride. • • .•
After the cute -horsy the bridal patty '
• and guests, inumbering about Jolty,.
five, were ,conveyed to the .1tome of
the bride's mother, where q113 • recept-
ion and dinner was. helde. : •
Guestwere present fron1 Toronto,
Stratford, Hamilton,Lockport; 'St.
Catharines and Grimsby.. •••
..The groom's present to.'the . bride
consisted of . a gold locket' ant chain,
tothe' e.brideSmair? a beautiful gold.
creacent with • floorsiteslis " Set with
pearls,and a pair of geld cuff , links,
t,o etite groomsman. • • • .•• • .
The -wedding. gifts Were magnificent, •
a . large quantity of silver. and chisa.
beingespecially. eoliceable, »bowie&
the 'esteent in which the:young eiouple
ate ,• • • .•
Mr.' and Mrs, Dillabough left amid
showees 01 .eciptfetti and good- wishes
,on the evening • train for . Buffalo,
• Loclimr t , • N. Y., • and ' other • • places
of * interest) :and upon :their return
they will -reside in South *Parkdale,
'Poroti.to, •
Seaforth. •
Tito annual thanksgiving tea given
by the Ladies Aid .of the Methodist
church will take place on the: even-
ing of Thanksgiving Day.- A good
program .of musie, etc., bas been
prepared Jos the occasion and • a
pleaeant sand profitable lime is as-
s tired, • •
. On Thursday Aire. Murray • received
word of lite seeious ilLness. er her.
daughter, Mrs. James Grey, • who
resides sat Elgin, Manitoba, and "On
Sunday evening received anther mes-
eage co.neeying the and. news that
she had- passed •away. 'The' deceasid
wasnot of a, very strong eonetitutL.
ton. and had been in poor health for
some time. She is survived by her
husband, Mr. James Grey •' Lo • whom
she was Married previous to going.
out Waft,., also het mother and sister
at home here aed a brother in Brett-
. .
Mrs. (Dr.) layneh and. daughter El-
sie, left,' last week for Toronto, wh-
ere they will setend a few wo.elie is.-
iting with relatives, previous . to go-
ing West, Where they intend to 10.
cake. Members ef Mts. Lynch's fam-
ily are new liVing in the West, a
son at Winnipeg end another i» man-
ager . of a bank at Pincher Creek,
and a daughter resides in Edmienton.
Mr. George Smithere, who des, been
in the empley of Mr. o. D. Wilson
at the Egg Emporium for the past
thirty Years, has severed his eceinett.
ion • with tlw firm end has taken e.',
position with Mr. TI. Edge. ••
Mrs, Harry Beattie. of Clinto.n was
here the 'latter part .of the week sta-
ying with her parents, Mi. and Mien
John Turner Sr.
Miss Leila, BM and MissJennie
Forties have .goee to Hamilton.
where they will attend the Selioot
of Pedagogy in that city.
Order the Illustrated Buffalo. Ex -
precis ttelivered In you every week.
The sale of The Express is increas-
ing right along, so give your order
at once or you may be utableto
seeure a copy if you rkelay--W. D.
Fair, Agent, at Clinton.
Stocktaking Sale—stupendous Bargains
Every article must be sold regardless of cost. 3 days only
Friday, Saturday & Monday, Oct. 12, 13 & 15
This is an opportunity to clothe your entire family, at less than cost of the
marerial used to mannfacture the goods. If you miss the greatest money -say-
ing opportunity of your life, blame yoerself, not us, It would be impossible to
quote prices here on every article, but a•low we give you an idea of how we
almest give away merchandise at this Great tialle,
Men's Suits for.. • . $5 50 Handkerchiefs for .
Mao's $15and $18 Suits for.. -.31.08 Men's Suspenders 1.0c
Men's vercoatir, worth $18 for. .11,98 Men's 15c Collars lc
Men's Overcolts, worth $10 for. ..,.I1.98 Men's 00e Working Shirts for -39c
Men's Pants, worth 1,25 to 2,00 for 79c Men's White Laundered Shirts
Boys' Suits for • 1.09 worth 75e, Cr ... - . ............350
28e Cotton Goods for ., - • " • ...I& Men's $1 and $2 Stiff Hats for 15c
Flannelette worth 10e. for . Sc and Oe Men's Claps for....8e ' .Ties for 9e
We simply plunged in our knife and cut both ways. the original cost o
goods is a secondary consideration with us. We put on a price that must move
the goods -and do tt quick for we only have three days to slaughter a new
etock of tnerehandise,
This great Sale ovens Friday, Oct, 12, at 8 &am; positively closes Monday
night, Oct. 15111, We employ extra salespeople, and can wait on, everybody.
Come early or the very article you want may he sold.
Remember the place
R. SMITH Albert Street
estrNo Money Refunded or Goods Exchanged During this Sale.
Annual Meeting of East
Huron Teachers
The re,gular annual meeting of the
East Huron Teachers' Associaltion
will be held in the Wingham Public
school on Friday and Satuirel.ay, Oct-
ober 1291bh and 20th. The first session
on. Friday a. m. A program will
be rendered Friday evening. David J.
Goggins M. A., of Toronto, will give
an: address and Wingham talent, as-
sisted by Norman Mureh of Clinton,
will furnish vocal and inatrumental
music. Following is the program for
Friday and Saturdays session, :-Op-
ening exercises ; appoiating commit-
tees; President's as'sdress, David Robb
B. A.; Our Poets, John T. Stoma-
; Reading, David J. Goggin, M.
A.•; The New Course in Georetry,
J. G. Workman, B. A.; Our Object
as Teachers, Miss M•ary Padfield ;
Public School Science; J. A. Taylor,
B. A.; Cempositioli, David, J. Gog-
gin, M.. A. ; Definiteness, 'Accuracy
and Simplicity in Teaching, •W. g.
Lough;.Treasurer's report; election
of officers. Inspector • D. Robb *of
Brussels is President, and JOIM
lcy, Principal of Blyth Public school,
is Secretary.
. '
"A r.ral op WAR."
. • • ..
The above is the title of one of the
most . pleasing piatures. we have ever
.seen. It is.. a beautiful 'gravure, 22x29
inches, . by the celebrated artist, . Fred
•Morgan, awl has been selected by the
publishers; of the Family Herald and
Weekly Stet , or Montreal. as their.
'premium for Subscribers this seasoe.
:The -picture is vastly superior to any-
-Wing ,evez; offered by that weelelssand
that is saying a 'good . deal.. The
Family Herald's subscription. list is.
inereaeing, rapidly, and no wonder,
• When one, consider» the immense valise
tlite subscribers receives for one dollar.
.That ,the Family Herald. is go1ng to
have another .big year goee .without .
•saynig,arvclit is a question, af their
big modetn plant.. will . be able to .ac-
contmodate thesrush ofnew su.bserib-.
ers. they are sure to have. Any • of
our readers .who.. Wait a. big dol1art4
wo•Altshould not overlook the Fam-
ily Herald and 'Weekly Star this • fall.
EverY yearly, subscriber receives. th� •
piettireS "A -.Tsig of War." " •
. • 'Makes New 'Blood
• .
• Making new blood. That is just
what Dr. 'Williams's Pink eills• aro
always doingaetually., making new
blood. This: new :blood strengthens
every organ in the body, and strikes
straight at the- 60ot of .anaeraia,and
the common ailments.. of.' life' whkh
have t'iteir • origin in • poor, *oak
watery -blood.- Mrs. A. II. Seeley, of
Ont„ tells what Dr.
Pirrk Pills did 'for her four -
teem year 'old .sister; Miss e Annie
Sager, • af ter other treatment had,
failed: She says : "For same 'years
Annie . had not been well. • She would
take spells of dizziness and head-
aches that would last for several
days, and her whole body would be-
come dry and 'hot • as though she was
14.truitig up with fever. Her Mips
would .swell until near . the• bursting
point, and then whenthe fever would
leave her the outer stein of the lips
would peel oft. ' She doctored with
two. (Different doctors, but they did
not succeed in curing her, and. . the
trouble Seemed gradually to be grow-
ing worse. Then we began giving
her Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills and un-
derthis: treatment she has recovered
her heath. The headaches, and •
ziness have gone ; her color is • int- •
proved ; her appetite better, earl she
has• had no further attacks, of the
fever which baffled the 'doctors. We
are greatly pleased wielt whab De,
Williams' Pink Pills have lone -tor
her and recommend them to ther
It was the rich red blood Dr. Wil-
liams.' • Pink Pills aietually make
which cured Miss Sager. That • is
why these pills euro all common ail-
ments like . anaemia, and debility,
headakhes• and backachetp, indiges-
tion, rheumatism, neuralgia, St.
Thus dance and ,4.14 special ailments
that • prey (ni. the health and Mimi -
nem of girls and women of all ages,
Get the genuine Dr. Pink
Pills for Pale People, 'with the full
name on the *rapper around melt
box. Sold by all medicine dealers or
by maii at 50 cents a box • Or MX
boxes :for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil-
liam' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
— — „
• Constance'
Master Charlie Millsart os at pros-
erDt sick with inflammation..
Mr, and Mrs. .Chapman aed child-
ren of British Columbia ara. at pres-
ent the guests of -.Mrs, Snell and oth-
It is expected that Rai% Mr. Stead-
man of Bayfield will preach hese next
Sabbath artiernoon.
Quite a number from around here
attended' Brussels Fair.
McKillop Township.
The ROSS, farm on the 81th Line fia»
been puxchased by Thomas Broom.
The place eontains 150 acres and the
price paid was $7,500.
Miss Lizzie Lawrence Vas resigned
her position as teacher. and 'intends
entering Toronto Unliversity,
Mrs. Hendersori, who his been vis.
iting friends in the West; for some
• weeks, has returned home. '
Robert Brotherston, who was over
froth Dakota on a visit, has leli. tro
visit a daughter down in the New.
England state.
• The little girl of John ;Jannis died
on Thureday •last, We. extend our
•sympathy'. •
r •
The late rains ehave .been a great
help to -thos,e . who want ,to get plow.'
gluing done. ' •
Clark's. Pork and Beans, is an ideal
food for obi a,ndyoung;-builds brain,
bone and ntusele. 5c and 10c tins,
Auction Sale Register •
Saturday, October 0111, at 1 p, m.,
at los 18, •con. 3; L. R". S., Tucker -
smith, 1 mile north of Kippers, farm
stock and implenients.-T. N. Forsy-
the, prop.; Thos. Brown, auet.
Friday, October • nth :at con. 2,
Tuekeremith, 11-, miles east of Kip.
pen, farm stock Mud implements. 7.
GeOrge McKay, Pcope Thomas
Brown, aucts •. •
'Wednesday, October llth at con. 3;
Stanley, . miles north ot Kipperi;
'farm stock . end iinplementS. 'Peter
Fisher, prop., Thos. Brown, a,uet.
•''Ixesclay, • October 16th,. lot 32;
con. 5, Goderich township,, farm Stock
and implemeritS.-W. .J: Curry, prop.,
,Thos, Brown., auct
y Hair is
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
hair -food you can buy. For
60 years it has been doing
just what We claim it will do.
• It will not dissppoint you.
“ My heir wog to Issrsory short. Rut attor
Wog ArstdialtotrVirei: short tont? war,
t4Theirasss a sollsoillt result tonob• beingi
rrfthestanzeibiej."—Km8. J. IL
AilUMW= C. A.rer C,•.. Lerr. lbw.
.• f sAassnaiLLI.
ersrmy sta0191.
are now being formed in
Special penmanship clas.
ses every evening from
7 to 9 o'clock. Call or
write for particulars.
0-000s“, c.>%•<>e,,
in order to make room for our Immense
Fall. 01 Winter -Mod
911 E ire.va decided to clear out at lees than Cost several linee of miseel-
laneous goods. Look at the following prices; then come andsee
the goods for yourself:
Ladies' Tan Oxfords, regular price $1,49 for soon
•• Ladies' Tan Oxford, regular price $1.90 for $4.28
.f.: Bays' School Boots, regular price $1.50 to $1,75 for 990
t Boys' Plow Boots, regular price 90c for glac
y Youths' School Boots, regular price $1.00 to $1.2'5 for 713e
• Mens' Plow Boot*, sizes 0 & 7 only, regular price $1 Se $1.25 for 65c
Misses' Pebble Laced Boots, regular price $1,40 and $1.50 for 09e
Misses' Pebble Buttoned Boots, regular price $1.40 to $1.50 for 99c .
Childs' Laced & Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 9 & 10, worth $L35 for. 700
• Childs' Laced & Buttoned Boots, sizes 4 to 74. worth $1.10 for 75e
. Strap Slippers, sizes 8,9 & 10, worth $1 for half-price only 50e,
Men's 'Tan Boots at half pace. You should see them,$5.00 for S2,80,
This is net a Bankrupt Stook but nearly all this season's goods and
they.are less than the manufacturers' price but we have no room for
Our Fall Goods are nearly all in and if you want to see the finest assort.
merit of Footwear at the lowest prices ever shown in Clinton, come to
irss, THE OLD RELIABLE °.:41.
0 0
NELSON B.g.1;11.
This is the Cheapest Spot in
Huron for Furniture
And we rnean to keep it so for we are
both your good will and your dol-
Our Prices tell the tale
Let's show you our etock and quote you
the money -saving figures at .which you
can. buy. it.
Undertaking pro ptly attended to by night or• day
Night and Sunday 'calls answered at residence
. .
of eit4r of the principals.
0 0 0 ,t), 0 0 ',Cy" - 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 c
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0•
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 s
le le. t:»1»,:••:••:. 4••:441 •
The fall is here and many things require ' to be done before the +
winter sets in. A good,time now, y
Nothing. Like Being F'repared._ .
We are ready for Fall Business and can accommodate vou if it be t
a Heating Stove, a Cooking Range, or a Furnace. Call and -make your X .
selection, We have a large stock of all the leading lines :
Pandora ,Dandy • MRcalidaarli; ear:Mous •."4:t
Hap y Thought Belle Oak
Corona ACM e -Jewel Empire Garland
Penn Father and Glen Oak Buck:Prize :te
Canada Steel Range Telephone et.
A good time now to have your roofs made Rain'and".STOrof.
• ••
We have Roofing Paint for old roofs and the Rubber Roofing for Is
new roofs. -The BEST in the market.
A few squares Brick Pettern Metal Siding at cost *
1 Second-hand Platform Scale, weighs 400 pounds, only $4.
A big stock (of Graniteware and aluminum ware. eee
Just received a new up-to-date stock of all kinds of Lamps. • 7
Alurninum Oil Heaters. Just the thing for the chilly mornings et:
and evenings. ' •
, • +
4: •
n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S, 0 0 0 0 ••
If you need anything that is to be found in
an up-to-date Jewelry Store. The reason is
plain. Our watches are reliable time -keepers,
and our rings, brooches, etc., are just as we
guarantee them. You make no mistake n
buying here either from tue standpoint:of qual"
ity or price.
4 .