HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-11, Page 3i Oc . H
The C
New Silks
At a Bargain
75 Cent Qualities
42 Cents the Yard
Here is another Silk bargain for Saturday. One that is
made possible only by our being able to buy in two store lots. Brand
new Silks at a figure that is just about the half price mark. Hun-
dreds of yards of them to sell, Not a yard has been in the store two
weeks. On sale Saturday morning for the first time.
Hundreds of yards Shot Taffeta Silks, mostly dark shades,
color combinations of red, green, blue, brown, etc„
suitable for full dress waists, underskirtsor linings. A
clearing lot we got at a bargain, and now pass it along
to you the same way. Regular 75c, and sold all over at
that price, choice of the lot, commencing Saturday, at
per yard
New Coats
There is a coat stock
here to—day that you will
not find the equal of with-
in many miles of Clinton.
There are more coats, bet-
ter coats, coats that have
more style, coats that are
better value than you will
find in any store here-
abouts. This is a strong
statement, but the gar-
ments are here to back it
up. The best styles of five
of the leading Canadian
and german makers are
on our racks, and enough
of them to give you the
widest choice you will get
anywhere near here; Of
the most of them, no two
garments alike.
More new coats come in this week. Latest styles
i i tweeds and black cloths that are well .worth your
seeing if you have any coat buying to do. These
are a few of them
At $8 and 8.50
Coats made from grey plaid tweeds, cut in the popular
full tourist style, velvet collar, trimmed with strap-
pings of cloth and velvet. Very dressy, special, each 8.50
$8.00 and iJ t�
Handsome Tweed Coats, cut in the full length Tourist
style, plaid cloths nicely trimmed with velvets and 11 00
strappings of the cloth, extra good value at each . l!
Very Handsome. Tweed Coats
15, 18 and $20
At $9.00
Ladies' Coats made from good quality black beaver, •full
loose hack, nothing skimpy at all about them, trimmed
with strappings of the same materials tailor made,
stylish coat at a popular price, each
At $12.5®
Coats made from extra quality black beaver, rich finish,
tourist style, full loose back, trimmed with velvet and 12.50
strappings, special value, each • .. L
Better Black Coats
15, 20 and $25
The Sample Underwear
We have had a big sale this ' week of our
Sample Underwear,Waist s and Dressing Sacques.
It is no wonder for the prices are at least one-
quarter to one-third less than they would be if
it was not samples we were selling. Theis were
hundreds to sell when we started, and that
auantity cannot be sold in a day or two, so there
is a good assortment left.
Girrrns, Drawers, Corset Covers ,
Waists, Dressing. Jackets
House Gowns
The samples of one of the best Canadian
manufacturers. All in good condition, clearing
at prices as low as you could buy at the factory
if you were buying in lots of a dozen or more of
a kind.
An Up -to -Date
Millinery Depart.xnent
This Millinery Depar=tment is up-to-date, Every
few days there is a shipment of bright, fresh, attrac-
tive Millinery opened up and ready for our t; us•
tourers. There is nothing new in Millineryshown
its large centres that does not quickly find way
here. This week you will find shapes and trimmings
which were not here°a week ago. Coyne and See
them whether you want to buy or not.
c L1Nrtiiv Only
The Goods
in our North window
Must Go
They include pieces as high as
$1.50 and on Saturday youmay
have yo'r choice for 50c, ott Monday
your choice for 46c and on Tuesday
42c. On Wednesday the prico will
be 4c less and continue 4G less each
day until all are sold., If you dont
see what you want one day at, the
price you want it come the next day
and it wi11 be four cents less if
someone else don't gest it 'tcfore you.
It is an auction sale upside down.
Will you see it to -day 1
W. D. Fair Co.
Often the . Cheapest, Always the Hest
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
—We Issue Express Orders.—
�... -mosMITI....... -'
Mir. John Croll, Galt, is in town:.ta-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mutch visited fri-
ends at Auburn on Sunday.
Harry Fitzsimmons and Charlie Tw-.
tche1l atttetlded the Dungannon Fair
last Friday,
Mlrs. R. A. Bell and Je.an and Willie
;.returned on Sunday, from a visit to
friends in Goderich.
Hugh Grigg and W. .K. 'Gibson of
Molsons Bank visited Hensall and
Exeter on Sunday.
111.7s, S. Crich attended the W. C. T.
U. convention in I-Ieiisall .our .Mon-
day and Tuesday of this week..
Capt. Tiller . and Lieut. llerrindon ••
of the S. A. local corps are , in
Toronto attending an officers' coun-
cil and will be away a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson . Si. re-
turned last Friday from a visit of
several weeks tofriends in thc.state
of Obio,
1liias Nora Reynolds' of Addison, New
York state, is the guest of her.
cousin, Mrs, • James Flynn, and, ' of
her uncle; Mr. James •Rcynoldsi
Hullett. •
Rev. Father Ilanlon was Balled to
London on Tuesday by . the • illness
of his brother,, Mr. .Thos. Hanlon
6f that e1ty, who is threatened. with
• typhoid, fever.
Mr. John Cunningiram° returned hoano
Monday from ai visit) of three
.weeks to relatives in various Micli-•
igan• cities. • H•e looks as if he had
.thoroughly enjoyed. himself.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rumball return•
to their home in Elmira .this. week
,and will. • be accompanied by Mr.
James • Walker , Sr.,, who will make
his home .with . them for some, 'cimc.
Mh. Harry Marsh arrived from De-
troit last week and will. visit : for
ten daysor so •at his wife's par-
ental home, Mit and .Mrs; George
Davis, and at the old • home•steail
near Aiburn.-
Mr. and ,Mrs. R. J. .fluff. visited . at
the homes of Mr, Andrew Arnhem,
• and Mr. Benson ..Cox of Colborne
on Monday. Thirty-five years ' ago
• Mr.' Cluff .made his first acquaint-
ance, 'with the sideroads and con-
cessions of that township and thou=
glu there have been maa'y changes
since then, he recognized many of
the, bid landmarks. ...
Miss Lillian. Agnew, teacher in the
Stratfotd Business College, has
been ill for .the past week with
what • hays developed into. typhoid
fever. She has been making her
bonne, with her sister, ,Irs.. HIarry
Clark, where she is receiving every
care and attention.. Miss Bernice Ag-
ne?w went to Stratford on, Satfur
day to help Wait on her and on
Tuesday Mrs. Agnew joined "them.
The many friends of the. family will
be sorry to hear of Miss Agnew's
illness and the interruption of her.
work at the College where she was
succeeding so well:
Thomas Straughan, who had hia
leg broken several weeks ago; is. do-
ing .nicely.
Mhos. G. ;lsquith is recovcr'ing from
a severe illness. Miss Winnie Rowson,
was sick several days last; week. Miss
5.. Pierce, Miss L. I3Iair and Mrs,
Thomas Anderson are under the doct-
or's care.
Rev: Mr, Malcom of Chicago' occup-
ied:' the .pulpit of Knox church last
Sunday evening and delivered an ex-
cellent sermon,
Anniversary services will be held" in
'the Methodist church on Sunday next.
Services will be hold in the •, morning,
afternoon and evening. The preacher
will be Rev; Pr. Kerr of Clinton.
I3aVlist pr'ayer meeting was held at
1VIr. John Rai thhy's last 'Tuesday
Mr. George 1 oungblut wears a
broad smile, it is a girl ;his time ;
congt'at.lat•ions (+ en rgr
Quite a number from here took in
Dungannon Fair lac,t Vriday and re-
port a good time.
The Auburn evapoo.atot Is running,
again and .apples are in, ;great le-
Mr, 1). f=:, Munroe was a judge r,i
but ter at Dungannon
The carpenters are ;c ueeted' any
.Muter at the new C. I'. It. station
It is repotted that t.hv., work of
putting a new floor in, the brie' e will
ltt� eointatenced in about two week's
time and during the time the work
beim; drttti''traffic will not ba did
.layed anon; than half an. hour.