HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-04, Page 7Nevve.Recard
eleedleeteeeelleeeleseeeleeefelestereWeiek elletesestrareletteepswesesteltelesbeee esek
ingoeporated bY Aett ot Parliament 1858,
Capital Paid Up Loomoo Reserve Vend $3t000too
Farmers' Sale News Cashed or C011eeted. plaits .on all po-
inti in the pominiog, Great Britain, 'United States and all
Fereige.. Otneltries bouglst and 6014'4 'bent rate. AdVaeleee •
Medeto Pertnere, Ste& Dealern and BUsineal. Men at lowest.
rate$ andon Most favorable -terreele
SAVINGS BANK DE RTMENT—DcposU oY 1, and up -
wads received. Ipterostallowed' at bigheet .cereerit rates
teem, date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and added to
principal June 30th and:Deeember 310, -
C. E. DOWDING, . *Mager,. CLINTON •
:Real Estate For Sale
, Staaley, containing 100 acres, 10
:acres of bush, the remainder is well
fenced, underdrained and in a good
state ot cultivation. 1 acre of or-
chard and small fruit. On the pre-
mises is a two story brick house
'with slate reef, a first-class farm
vhouse, a barn, size, 40
sx 39 with stone stabling, a cement
silo 14x30, good driving house, pig
teem and hen house. Two never -fee-
ling wells. This farm is situated 3
miles from Brucefield, 5 from Clin-
'ton and on mod gravel road. Ap-
ply on ths premises or address
:Albert Not Clinton P. 0. 02
▪ • lot on Princess street. 11 rooms,
}hard and soft water. Good stable.
'Will be sold cheap and on easy
eferins. Also 4 hives of lees and a
.nem•ber et bee boxes.—William Dun-
quarter miles from churclf, post -
office, sclaooa, and the village of
. Attioulea. Suitable for grain or
r vase. Lot 27, on the•end con. West
• Wawaaosh consisting of 100 acres
• of lead, 15 acres under bush and
-.the bialanoe nearly all grass. A
ebrick 'house, a bane barn 52160, a
elriving house 24x36 witha cement
ip hoose underneath, are on sai
premeset. 'Aloe lot 28, East
Wewanosh, 2nd con., 'directly oppos-
• ilia slid lot 27, containing 100 acres
la,nti, e5 acres of wheel} are (bush.
- Oa 'this lot there is a bank barn
• e0x60. Teere are 4 acres of good
•bearing orchard on the two farms.
Both lots are well leveed and, un-
- derdraaned. A. never failing spring
reins so.ss both. farms. Posseision
ven .at one. Terms easy.
tor is now past the age
eply to Thomas Nieh-
0. Prompt reply
-*lean, • Auburn
will be given to Irlietpernmotrigea
toes! • "
FARee TO RENT—LOT 15, CON. 13,
gualett, 150 acres, known as the
Kell ,feriee—Apply to W. • Brydene,
Clie -a.42
. .,•
of lot 7, South Boundary, and Web
half of lot 3, con. 4, Staeley, con-
sisting of 102 aces, 8 acres bush,
the remainder aeeded down except-
ing 30 acres. The place is well fen-
eed and 'drained, anal watered by
spring creek, Frame barn. This
farm is situated on the Town Line,
twt) miles west of Meilen stetion.
Apply on the premises or addeess•
James C. Parsons, Kippen, Ont. 32
Lot 13, con, le, Goderic'h townsleip,,
consisting of 80 acres, 65 aeres
cleared, baeenee bustle .Good, barn
and comfortable house. Well wat-
ered by two good peeing streams.
er mile from sebool and 1 Mile trout
poseoffiee. Will 'be sold on easy
terms.—Apply th T. T, Murphy,
Clinton. • •• 35 if
part 31, eon. 5, Hullett, consisting
of 117 times. 15 acres good hard-
wood bush; balance under cultiva-
tion. Good briek house 'end frame
barns. Well watered and fenced.
Bearing orchard. 11 miles from
stote; postoffice, church and school.
Will be sold on easy terms as the
undersigned intends going West.—
R. J. Miller, Clinton P0. 14
frame house' on • Welliegton street,
Clinton, lately eccepied by F. Ce
Ailcock. 7 rooms and pantre,.w.00d-
seed, good stone cellar-, hard, and
soft water, e. acre of land. seese-
lendid chance for a..person •wanting
a good house. • Aprey to .3frs: Chid -
ley or to Mee. Allcock. 39
•sign:ed. (Seers for sale part of Jot
40 on the Baybld Rcied,• - mild
south of. Clinton, consisting of 20
acres. Goad frame house with st-
one cellar, been 36x70 With cement
basement. Easy terms. — J. A:
Smith. 40
Your Friend
- would like to haue
Photo of You
likites. We take tee kind you
bosh will else. The style de-
pends upon: your selection. We
-wilt see that you get the
best, well posed and finished.
-*sneer I will be prepared to
go into the country every.
Wednesday and take pictures
of outside groups, dwellings,
'bazar:, animals, etc. Outside
-views on postcards a special-
ty. During my absence talc
gallery will be kept open by
my assistant.
--Coil and see us.- •
j. Roberts
rPhoto Artist ,- • Clinton
Big Value
For Health. Economy and Beauey—
ltugs kre the faeorite floor covering.
"We show several patterns in each of
the following sizes :--
• Union'RUR8
-Mee 3x$,•$4,53. axe. $0,50
Wool Rugs,
size 3:3, $5,50, ter4, 50
Tiapestry Rugs '
-size 3x3, $8,50. 3e4, $l0.50
lireisele Rugs
aize 3x3., te1e.00. 3e4, fi1s.50
size 32c3. $15,00., 3, $21:00,
.3'. E. Chellew
BLriTH t—:
John Kenyon aged eixteet, was ac-
• ,. cidently shot and fetalle weteided
, e • by a coamenion *Idle Milting neer
IVItettlete - e' e see, . • • '
• • •
eel from the, prerrdses of the under-
signed at •lot le, Bayfield . Reads
Stanley,a them year ele red steer.
Was dehoreed but one eerie eas• :gr-
own crooked; . Inforx'na.tion lealdieg -
to its: a:mei-icy • will be suitably res
wardee:—Allrert .Roblerteon, Verna:
• 3e
eese gee' seeleess;4e-t---'
,• . .,-.
Glasses that 746,
We succeed biscause '
our glasses giv• per�
fect sight.
the frame sets com-
ortablr. arch ere,
looking through the
centre of the Renee
the whole becoming d
to the wearer. , ,..., 1
A. ...tit' -
amid Optician
**For choice gtoceries-
-always fresh, try tied-
-see or. yourself es -
A D. Beaton,
Nide Ili. .4' ItPrOlattlIAtf
4 4
The undersigned has receive:I in-
structions from Mr. James Rey-
nolds to sell by public auction at.
• Lot 22, Con. 4, Hullett, ot Satur-
day, October 13th, to following
live etock : Pair matched geldings,
7 years old, pair pereleeron fillies,
3 year> old, supposed to he in. ,foal,
gelditeg e year old, filly 1 year
paving mare 12 years old seppesed
' to • be in 'foal to Kaplan, sucking'
colt, sired .by Kaplan, pe.eieg stal-
lion a years old, siree by Kaplan
2.08, dam .• Black Fly 2.23, pacing
mare 4 year old,cen pull a buggy
-in 2.50 with harness and rabtberetired
buggy, 11 milk •cows, supposed r• to
:be in 'calf; 5 fat owe, 6 steers
rising a years ole, 2 steers rising
a Years olei, 4 yearling steers,. 4 year-
ling heifer-, heifer risin 2 years
old, 4 yearling steers, 4 yeari-
legeheirees, • heifer :rising a years
old, grade bull 2 years -old, 12
spring- calves. Sale commences -at
one o'clock sharp. Terme : All
sums of ten dollites and 'unsidecaser
• over that amount twelve mouths
credit will be given on approved
joiat notes. 4 per cent. discount
allowed for cash in lieu of' note.
Jas. eReynoScls, Proprietor, Tees.
Brown, Auctioneer,
and Implements. The undersigned
has received beetructione from Mr.
M. J. Curri•e to sell a . pale c aeic-
ten at lel, 32, con. 5, Goderich
Tp., on Tuesday, October 16th, the
fallowing; Horses—general purpose
mare 6 yearsold, driving mare 5
setae& old, driving colt, sucking colt.
Uettle-7 milch cows suppased to be
ie cell, 5. ereers 2 years old, a
heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year
old, 3 heifers 1 year old, 4 calves.
Sheep -7 ewes. Implements—Frost
& Wood binder nearle new, Frost
& Wood mower neatly new, !com-
bined Massey -Harris drill nearly
• new, Bain wagon nearly .new,
bobsleighs . nearly new, . Rumball
buggy nearly new, cutter nearly.
•irew, fanning mill, cream separator,
Sharpless aearly rives, hay fork rope
and .pellees, set of diamond' har-
rows needy • new, Verity plow,
leang,aroo plow, wagon scales 2000
lbs, Noisy ohurn and other articles
too numerous to mention. • Sale at
1 o.'clock; sharp. Terme :. All seine
• • andlunder emelt ;. an. over that
amount 12 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notee. 6 per cent. discount on cred-
it' amounts. W. j. Currie, •propries
ter, 'Brown; Auctionaii. ." •
• and Teepluments. Thte -undersigned
• will sell by ,Peblic auetioneh,t
Bayfiehe Rene, ,Geeerieh •Tpe 1 milo
poeth of Cli-nton on Thursday, Oct.
eleth et, 1 . o'clock p. m.- sharp, the
Herses—filly voars sired
•ey Breve “Roy, fitly 2 :years sired
• Siberian,,gelding 2 years sired
by Electeie B., editing 2 years' sir-
ed by eleord Hisren, 2 working. hor-
se, 01Iy •Z years sired by Hackney,
mare, -1 years stipposedto be'
• foal, 2. 'spring foals sired by. Brave
Boy. 'C'ete1e-5,-* cows supposed to be
in calf; -• 15stock steers averaging
• 1,100 . pollees, •steers 1 'year, 4
heifer 1 year, 4 heifers. 2 years,. 5
their ettood• some two brood
sow due . due to . pig in Noe -
ember, 35 pigs .6 -weeks. • A eurnbce.
�f hens. lenplementseebinder, ..mow-
er, sulkey Plow,, 2 wagons, set ;tru-
ces, , set sleigeet cutter,. 2 :buggies
• nearly new; . Porkes ape' num-
erous other erlicles. Terele.: • All
'sans ot $5, and •runcliere cash, on
• over :thee. eteount..12 months' credit
on appreeed joint noires. 3 pee..eent:
..Ckiktptint fot cash on credit arpoun-
ree, The farm wee else be elected
for sale en day Of sale. J. . A.
S rill eh and 0.• Elliott, . Auctioneers,
&mete, Oiener. •
SOURS—GeDLEY—At the resi-
lience of the bride's parents, on
September 20th, by Rev. Mr.
Anderson, Mr. David Somers to
Eine, second daughter of mr. and!
Mrs. S. IL Gidley, all of Blyth,
Hat, Seek, •on September 20th, I
. Di'. J. A. Rollins of • Raymond,
Alberta, to Nellie, deughter ol
Mr. ated Mrs. Wm. Davidson of
LortUbn, bold) formerly Exeter.
XeLEAN—YOUNG—Ire Seger el, on
September 20th, by the iter. F.
Larkin, Keith MeLeati 'to Besse
• sie, youngest daughter of Mese A .„
BISSETT—DUNCAN-1i Winaipeg,013.
Septentber 25th, Fred Bissect of
• Macoune Sask., formerly ot Exet-
er, .to Miss 1. 1. Duncan ot
Stroud, Ont.
KE yEs—le Neseville, Tenn., on
October lit„ to Mr. and. leers.
J. J. Keyes, fonmerly of Stanley
• township, Ont., a daughtee.
KAUFMAN—In Cliaton on Septemb-
er 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Kaufman, a -daugetter.
SANDERS—In Exeter, on September
20th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
• Sanders, a son.
NORTHCOTT—In Exeter, on Sept-
'• ember 24th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Northcott, a son,
FORGTE—In Wingliam, on. Seel:ember
lath, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fer-
gie, a son.
TALBOT—In Seaforth, on September
25•th, to Mr. and Mrs. W,. L.
Talbot, a daughter,
KERR—In McKillop, on September
23d, the wife of Mr. John L.
Kerr; a son,
SANDERSON—In Dungannou, on
• Sentembee 24th, go Mr. and Mrs.
• Percy Sanderson, a iSaughter.
FORD—In Wingiman, on September
else, to Mr. end Mrs. (Dr.) 'ord,
• a, son, still bore.
ICENNEDY—In Winehaen, on Sept-
• ember .22n:d, to Me. and Mrs,
• Arch. Kennedy, a daughter.
BALLARD—In Clieton oa September
• 30th, George B, Ballard, aged 31
years', 5 months and .13 days.
leOU•ATTe-.en London on September
30th, Leucite., daughter of Mr.
• Robt. • Rouatt, formerly- of Bay-
• field, aged 20 years and 9 mon-
DAVIS—In Blyth, on Septetuber 23re
Willem James, eteatit son of We
James Davis. •• '
• DECHER--At the. Bairylou Line, 'Hay,.
• on 'September eeth; Johp Decher• ,
Sr., aged .74 •years,
MELICK—At the Bronson Line, •14ay,
on September 31st, the child of
Mr. end Mrs. A. Melick, aged 1
month and 21 days. •. :
RUMIVIEL—In Zatriee, on September
• 25th, Mrs. Rummel, aged 82 years
end le day. •
HARTMA/se-.At the 1 ith cons, Hay,
• on September 260, Mrs.. Simon
•• Hartman, aged 74 years. .
SMITH—At E etre,' on September
• 24th, John Smith, formerly f.
• T. R. •baggageman at 'Wingham, fn
his OBI year: •
WALTOIses-In Warren., /lends, on
• September, • 15th, Mese Fenwick
forrnerly of Beigreve; .ag-
;ed 74 years. • - .
• MILLER—In Seafor th, ,om September
: 230, Richard Johne Henry, only
died of Mr. and Mrs. '. W. H.
Miller, • aged . e months and ten
BEACOM—Ili ..docierielY, �tt. •Sepeeteb-
'a :lath, Elizabeth .enn, deegbter
of• Jehn Beecom. •
• Irnpleurients • and . Household Furnit,
tire: Mr. Charles Pierce: wilt' *11
e. be 'public av.ction at •Lot e8., Con.
".i, Godcrich township,. on Felber,.
• "October 1.9ile. commencing et • one
o'clock sheep,' the follo•Wing .Peer
of good useful working horses, defy-
ing poney,. 4. niece cowS, 2' calves,'
3 s•teers two years'‘ old east, fat
cove, 20 turkeys, ifl• hem., Massey.:
Hearts binder, Frost & ,Wood: mow-
er• and...pea harvester, niew disc har-
row, set of earrowe, 'single plow,,
Verity 24uirew plow, 'Frost •&
• Woodegang plow, fanning mill, rol-
• ler, seed, drill; • set of good heevy
• harness, ed. of .plow harness, 2
set of single). hat:nese, buggy, aew
cutter, 2 wagons, set of new bob-
sleighs; sugar kettle, forks, shovels,
Chains and other articles, including
a quantity, of household furniture.
• Everything • meet be sold as • Mr.
• Pierce .is, :gi eine up farming. Terms:
All sums of $10 and. 'elder, ease ;
on over teat • ailment 11 months
'credit will be •given' on farniehieg
• approved joint •notes, A discount
at the rate of 6 per 'cent'. allowed
.for ease on credit amounts. Char-
• les • Pierre, Proprieter, Thomas
Getiery, Auctioneer, •
+ Whne, you want a .,ity
+ Daily or Weeelypaper the
.4. cheapest way to *secure it
+ is by clubbing -with The
ee News -Record, You save
-+ by' this mote; time, trouts-
+ le' anis expense. •Let us
+ know what you went and.
+ we will get it tor you.
4. Will be pleased to do 30.
+ We have clObbing arrange-
+ manes with all the letteling
+ weeklice and dailies.
• + +
tlie late. Dr, Hamiltoit will be sole
' privately at the Ftor e net Ilooecr
& Ball's from two till five e.' re,
each day; till furthee net-We—E. 0.
Hamilton. • •
• breath, has :'deckled' to
Clintion for. the Winter and *111 be
• pleased to meet her -customers nt
• }ler rooms.. over TwitchelPs shoe
store. • •
rain lambs for sale.—C, B. Middle-
ton, Bayileiti Line, Cr'oderich town-
- :ship, 'Clinton ? 0 40-.3
Write for catalogue of the
school that places more stud-
ents in positions than any
similar school in Western
Ontario, All graduates get
Enter at any time,
Berlin Business College
• W. D. Euler, Principal.
•44.4..4144.4 444444444
ist of the eye, ear nose end throat
'will pay his next visit to Clinton,
grofessionally on Thtirsday, Sept.
Ole, when he may be consulted at
Holmes" drug store.
The horse and cattle sheda of ,the
East Kent Toter Assoeiatiens at
Thamesville, were damaged by fire
end four vatuabie horses destroyed.
Peterboro' ratepayers defeated two
by -lass to ale tee Peterbaeo Steel
Rolling Mills' Comtpany and the Rap-.
111110100iP,Cemeene, by ,tlfe purehasittg,
Mee g. A. SKimnalegs.
Mr. Carfroe Dunlop leas purchased
Mr. W. C. Goodies drug beteiness.
Oa Saturday afternoon the bell of
$at. Geoege'e rang eut anst everyone
thought that a wedding must be tak-
ing place,
efr. George Crabb spent nis vaca-
tion here last weele the gue.st of hia
mottos Mrs, p. Crabb. .
Miss Frank elecrecken ef Brussels
is the guest of •lier grandparents.
. Mrs. Heale, wile was so erea,t, an.
Invalid from rheurnetism last year
walked up the Fair.
On Sunday a. ne at Victoria street
church the pastor being 'Omit, the
pastimes wife &wended the preaching
desk atel preached a, fine sermon to
wives, matters and elder eietersetale
iteg her tar from Proverbs,. —rho
vertuoug wemari is a crown to tier
husband." • Mrs. Gralreie delighted all
who heard her.
A reception was given to itev. Mr.
and Mrs-. G. N. Hazen in the parlors
of the churce on their return ' from
there vacation.
Ou. Wednesday evening our citizens
were all soy to learn that the an-
gel of death had entered the home of
Mr, John Beacom andcarried away
his. deed; slaughter Elizabeth A. •who
although young acted as housekeeper
for the family since the death of her
mother a fe'w eare ago.. Beeides
her father she leaves to mourn her
losefour Meters, •Mary, Peace*, Maud
and Sarah, and one brother George.
Miss Beacom lied to nurse a eister
who was ill .for .some tithe and later
feel ill herself of typhoid fever which
developed pleuro -pneumonia whem het
medical attendance feared that no
earthly. skill could bring ber through
the attack. She was notably atten-
tive: to hr home dettes, laving and
kind, always ready •to do wearbeeer
fell to 'her 'lot. Her father too met
with 'an aceident While her eis ter was
ill,which in no little way • made he•r.
d.uticis -hareser. •The prettywhite doe
ket was covered with fleral -•emblems
an Many casket beepets; among
which were a large wreath .)f er,oses
lillie of •the valley and ferns with
white - ribber], attached on which the
wore "sister": in lettees of gold' was
prted. •A casket baguet• of .piair.
and :white roses, from the yOurigla-
dies' Sunday School class, beautiful
sickle •Qf white thees, tribute of North
street church; lovely Wreathof roses
Mlles et the Valleyand fern from the
G:osierieli Fire Briga•de,.- and an each -
or of white roses, lillies of the valley
and fern fecna her aunt Mrs. • George
Williams, _and. a beautiful star. -Irene
her • aune Mrs. Howse, • The relatives
from e distance Were Mrs: eteineon
•of Elora, and 'Mrs, J. D. Brown • ' of
the same place, sleeeasefes aunt. Rev.
G.. N. Hazen., officiated ,a,t • the 'house
- • et tee grave, assisted; by Rev—Mr.
C meat. The pallbeeters .were Mes-
.siet Ar Our Whitley, Ar dere Altkifi,
Reedy Belcher, Leo. De' •Petulry.: Huell
Polly and Willie Watters,
sletele144444+444"teleleleleleelesiee' t settee
seesse: emessesseesesessee iesseieee,,,„,e,s4eee4e,e:weeeeesee,,,,,,,„,,„e
With all contractor Tromanhatiser's
anxiety about having ,c'a'reful Work
men engaged. on • building elevators
he met with an. aceident on. Monday
that Might !toe's). cost him -the toes •�f
his heed. While a heavy piece of
.buildlite material was,
being .hoisted
to the top of the, elevator Mr. Tros
maneauser being there stood- looking
clown and *ever itoticed that his right
•heed got caught. in the descending
pully and but for the intervention- of
Providonce, elefeteacl of ' getting, hie
'heed pretty - s* -611 -Oilseed he reigete
hav lest • it. Mr.' Shaw who has
charge of the hoist says lie &meet
tell What caused • 'him to stop the
werk as I ever:heard Mr, • Teatime-,
hauserecallieg •On him •to do so. As
it ie 'les Middle epger .15 broken at
the middle jointe the nails of three
fiegers torn ofl and fingers a 114 thumb
badly. lacerated. . • •
Murray Bros are having good.. leek
with thele new -purchase the 'tug tv-
elyn. After lifting her aces, which
• 11a1 beeft set oft this port, to go to
South hay, she set them again and
oh Menciay, 23rd September: ;he zee
theit, againand on !Ming Ode ve
she *de e'etvarded by finding e catch
of. 12(le ;pounds of fish.. They have
remained /fere: •
On Wedeeeday we were laformed
of the dealth of the late • Margaret:
McCarthy, •!‘tliet of the late Patrick
Herlitieye at the residence of her dam-
ghtee Mrs,. Mare, Sarnies Tunnel See -
time. • Her daughters Mas/demes
Guire and Aluirheed accompanied the
reelable' of their beloved mother . to
the residence of her brother, Mr.- Pat-
rick McCarthy, where . she and Ifer
family emitted for many year. The
casket was covered with lovely floral
evreakhe among them, a sickle, tribute
• of Mrs. Charlie Symonds, w easket bee
(Nee of while flowers Mrs. Alex.
• Straiten and casket 'baguet white
asters, Mrs. W. eleCreate re,• The
funeral took place on' Friday a, in. to
St •Peters cheese Where a- requiem
,higb 'mass was Celebrated by Rev.
MacRae, • the thole in attendandce
who sang ."Neaxer• My God, To Theo"
as the easke/t was being' borne out of
the church. The pallbearers. wets all
olee friends of the family of tee de-
ceased lady and were Messrs. Martin
Cummings, Owen McEvoy, William
Tight, •Michael O'Rielly, Dennis Ne-
ville and Patrick Ford. • Rev, Father
'McRae officiated at the It. C. cern&
tory at Colborne. The late Maegar-
et McCarthy was born in Limeriek,
Ireland, and when a little girl came
out with her father and the rest of
the/family after 'the death of his wife.
She, was married in Godesich about
42 years ago to Mr. Haxilhee (also
of Limerick) by the late Rev. Feeler
Schneider. Since the death of her
husband Mrs. Herilhey lived with her
family at the rtsidence of her broth-
er. Three sone and three daughters,
John, Patrick and James, who reside
here, and Mrs. Muirhead (Mary) of
Point, Edwaxd ; Ales. McGuire (Eliza-
beth) Detroit; and Mrs. Mara(Marg-
atet) of Sarnia Tunnel Stat;ote The
lake • Mrs. Harlibek Was 0, devdted
Catholic and much devotee to her
family and brother; a kind neighbor
,lanst,,„4, most industrious • woman. Re-
quieeeet i pace.
Atr,fi. James Catling, who hes lived
on $t. Joseph's Island for several
peers., has returned to Goderieh for
the winter wilieh see will spend with
Iter •daughter, Mrs. Theme Poetic-
lie spite of the disagreeeteat be-
tween the 0. Is, R. and the 0. T. R
about the ownership .of some land
near the elevator, the iron for the
bridge on Herten: Hill toad is placed
M position Gangs of men a.Ve work.
Ing away On either side of itand
near the disputed*. land the Maitland
'bridge is still ,going ahead. The
fifth span is being put in pesitioa.
The eleGillieray Mission Baled will
be addreesed next Sunday by Miss
Goodfellow, a returned misi,iionary.
Mr, J, Uro Stewart has returned
to the McCormick Theologicel Semi-
nary in Chicago.
Mr. John: Cox who earnq twine to
etiteagtho.ie mother, has returned to
About 12;30 fire broke oat in the
eogine room at the fuenitthes factory
bet fortunately it was discoliered ea-
rly and, nine hundred boilers they
think will e,over the loss. The ere
men deserve praise foe their •quick.
The Misses Naftel of Toren -to, for-
mer of town; intend spending the
winter at the furnished home on West
street of Miss Jennie MoDonale,
Rev. A. C. Crews has been' re-elec-
ted general euperineendent. of Suuday
Schools and lepworte, Leagues. Rev,
Mr. Crews has often preached here
and .his piereetswore among the pio-
neers of this town.- • !
The Fair •had a large a,tteucteance on
Thursday last
A splendid program was . et s
the combined concert in Knox ehurch
on Monday • evening of last weee. J.
E, Jordeee was assisted by Roy Ad-
ams, organiat of the Methodist amen
a.nd Mies Olive &hales:, contralto
soloist, Toronto.
Mr. • John 'Currie rrived home last
week after' some months etely juWin-
nipeg. He will atitend Trinity Coll-
ege Termite. •. .
Mrs-. Workman ot Seratford,thirtl.
daughter of the lata.Sheriff • Moder.:
well of that city, avent a . eouple. of
Weeks in town. Mrs. Workman was
born here, her father at that time
being a mercimet ote the -equare, and,'
for many years later.
Mise Craw of tee Manse, Sellelene
wasthe guest last week of her • cote
Miss Mary .Merris• , : •
elreelsysin and family' or Pori Huron
now • reside in the cottage on Light -
hoose street lately occupied by Mrs..
G. J. , Shaw of Bee •elevator stale,
Herb IVIeLean, druggist, New. York;
is •on- ri. vieit to tire perenta.1 rots •
deuce,. •
Mr; Robeet MeLeate has beautified
'hi:). place. so greatly that ' Herb will
'thiek that he is on an estate outside
New Yore 614'. • .
. Mr. and Mrs, George • Bissett cif the
postoffice. spent • Sunday in • Clinton,
guests .of the,ie friends, elre and Mee.
Daec Coble
• Mr. and Mre. R. - Mutiroe and efr.
aed Mrs.. W.isitesinimone• . of •Clinton
• else 'spent Sund•ay •with :friends M
.town. . •
• Mr. • Wee Mrs. D. J. •. Curry and liet-
. son' Arthur spent Sunday in: Cline
ton ;With - •
• Mr. and •Mrs. Noble -.Smith were in
tclive laet eveek. •••. .
Mr. Weree•n elelsarlienedier Chicago,
• is holidaying With hie • uncle aed nerve
.elr. and .1%1re. Peter, Mc:Fare:Mee • :
31r. Daniel Ferguson is' tetiring
freriehis positionas clerk IDS the -Sear:-
keit • which, he ..leve. so. -terig fettefully
retained, and also his Manegemeet of
the • weigh steles: at. the'.siateen. •.
W, BurroWs and- Sons Shipped in
the:. tailed 'work ie Se-ptember7,500
beshele of °eta to Tilsoneurg Mills.
Aire. • James' Briesa lies :I:derived
• from her visit to Woodstock, lookirig
much .improved tn. health. .
Brodie et. Hotel ethderieh left
foe .Detroit this weele. • • . .
At Kio:v. Church' the service for
"dekko -es Day" • was held en, the
aftettioale • The motto for: the .occase
ion •wa.S. • "Jesus Our .Seviore'
E. Toel was leadees through • the
eeeteises anti . Role :Mr. Anderson gave
therti an address. Messrs. Saun-
ders •erld Powerie •assisted eome you-
ng ladies ia theohoir while the del-
esrea 'sang. Miss Rose MeNevin kee
edied diploma and. bible for her
proficiency in calleechiste and -general
atteadance... in the :eeening Rev. Jas..
• :Anderson gave • fine. powerful *ser-
mon ..to the young Men who made • a
:very good tarn out. His text was
from EPhreleee, "Put on the -whole
.arnior 'of dedee in • .
sett's, Kennedy eel ilex daughters
Kate and • Dorothy were visiting. Mrs.
It. A. Bell, Clinton', on Sunday. Miss
ie. Kennedy has, taken a, position, as
dining i ic-oloi•mat:0:iir14." rat . the Hotel Nor-
The funeral. • or little Miss Matioe
Thompson, OM years of age, took
place 'at theresidente of ler parents
Mr., and 'John Thompson . on: Friday
afternoon lase. Her little.• hand 'held
eley •bo•quet of Mlles of : :the valley
and :het pretty white caseet was cov-
ered with &ell tributes, wreaths
front her aunts Mrs. R. Postiewhatte
and Miss • Ateitews, a• little bequet
from her' sister Isrnae; ..crescetee of
white totes and ferns from her aunt
Mrs. .1. M. 13e11, Ilderton, and casket
:bonnets from Mes. Robe. 'McLean,
Mrs. J. W. 1301 and little Stewart
• Aldrous, Rev. W. TI. Geaham offici-
aeV alt e fese•revidenee andl oemotery.
The little pallbearers were Masters
Johnnie FelkO, John Vrooman, flax
old Newcombe and Walter Theme:Ion.
Tile Wexfot& came ort Frielay and
was' Unloaded at the big, mill.
• Devia Butler was convicted at Ayl-
mer. on the charAe of keeping a elise
orderly house at les licensed hetet in
The Greed Trunk has ordered firty-
flee : new engines .of Um 'Richmond
compound .consolidaltion type, • to be
kullt in Montreal.
JaiilleS F. Ridden of Chatham WaV
found dead, with a gunshot rotted le
rdditt *iota; **AI "lida
gone.. to shoot ducks.