HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-10-04, Page 54
The cliotos News.Recovi.
Clinton News -Record Blyth.
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not so paid. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the opinion of the publisher. The
date .to which every subseription is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates — Transient adver-
tisements, 10 cents per npnpariel
line for first insertion and 8 .cents
per line for each subsequent insert-
ion. Small advertisements not to
exceed one inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc, in-
serted once for 35 cents and each
subsequent insertion 10 cents.
Communications intended for publica-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by the name
of the writer.
Editor aud Proprietor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cante-
Ion of Goderich Township
Celebrate Their Diamond
Mr. Gardnos of the . firm of Pople-
stow ik Gardner has moved his fame
iiy into the new residence which Mr.
Lux Hill ;:reeted last spring.
Soule of our eitize•ns took in ' the
Whighain Fair on Ftida,y,-
On Sunday afternoon the funeral oil
the only daughter of Illr, Fred Hag-
gitt took pia= from his residanteto
Union oernetery for it -dement Muell
sympathy is felt:for the bereaved on-
es as it is the seeond one that as
been called home recently.
hiiss 'Katie Brown left here on Tue-
sday for Tdeouta o receive treat-
ment of her 'eyeS by a specialist.
Mrs. A. E. 3radevin and. ., family
are removing to Toronto this week. •
Mr. A. H. Plummer has disposed
of his property in this burg to Mr.
Cumming& and intent& moving to
the West shortly.
Mr. John Denholra shipped another
carload of apples to Manitoba last
.Mr. Joseph Bell left here last week.
for Toronto where lie has, gone to
study medicine.
The steam shovel al.o4 Men are
out through with the work in
creek. They have been working •
trogans to get it fintehed bokire
bad weather sets in.• • •
A. gang of men are making prepar-
ationfor erecting the hig water tank
for the C. P. R.
Comparatively few married couples
reach the Golden Wedding period, but
Diamond anniversaries are of rare
occurrence and when one does take
place it is well worthy of being
On Friday last at the hospitable
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cant-
elon of the 7th con. a large number
of relatives assembled to help that
worthy couple celebrate the sixtieth
anniversary of their wedding day.
They are bolth natives of Tipper-
ary, Ireland, but came to Ontario
and the Streetsville dietrict when
quite young. It was at the home of
the bride's parents in Toronto town-
ship that their wedding took place
sixty years ago, the officiat-
Mg clergyman being Rev. Mr.
McGeorge, the groomsman Robert
Miller and the bridesmaid the sister
of the bride. For nine years they
lived on the old homestead there
when Mr. Cantelon sold and they
moved to Goderich township and to
the lot where they heve over since
resided. It has been .the scene • of
pioneering experience, bat by indust-
ry and peneverenee M. Cantelon, he-
wed out` a good home for himself
and family. During all these years
his wife has been a worthy helpmate
and they have these several_ years
been enjoying 'well-earned ease sur-
rounded by an affectionate family.
Six of their seven children were
home for the happy occasion : Mrs.
Beatty Wetter, Ashfield e Mrs. (Rev.)
Cole, Yale, Miele, ‘Villiam, Linda,
eorge and Adam. Mrs. Edwards of
tris, Man.. was ustiable to be pres-
ev. Mr. Cold was prevented
a;tending by the sudden illness
's kither.
Among, the .gtais*Ss were : Mr. and
rs. Robeist Mellwain and Mrs. Wil-
liam Watsoity, Nile; Beatty ,Wcbster,
Ashfield ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cant-
elon and their daughter Gladys, Dav-
id and Harry Cantelon, Mr. and D.
S. Cook, Mils and Mrsi. John Mul-
holland, Mes. George Cantelon and
Miss A. Cook, ClintonMr. and Mrs.
G. B. Hanley, London I; Road ; John
McCartney, :Misses. Minnie awl Tillie
McCar lacy. Mss. Fletcher Mc C ar I ney,
Rev. Mr. and Mes. Swann Mr. and
Mrs. George Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Cantelote. Mr and Mrs,. Peter
Cole, Mse. Emmerson Sr., Fred; Em-
merson, A. McCartney, Mr. and Mrs.
.1434 Currie, Mr. ant; Mrs. Mace Ster-
ling of the township ; Miss Sophia
Hudie and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Can-
telon, 04sderich ; Harvie fludie: Me-
After the company had partaken of
dinner, which consisted of all the
season's delicacies, Rev.: F. Swann
look lite chair and then followed a
:program of improintu addresses and
music, the latter being furnished by
, Mrs. MeIlwain and Miss Gladys Can-
Mr. G. B. Hanley was the carver.
It was the first time he eser acted
in that capacity at a diamond wedd-
ing and he rather expectsit will be
Ins last.
Mr. and Mars. Cantelon are in re-
markable health and spirits fortheir
advanced years and heartily enjoyed
Themselves. In the presence of so
many of their nearest and most in-
timate 1 fiends the burden of years
seemed to roll away. Mr. Cantelon
is in his 87th year while his life
partner is four seore.
Among the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Cantelon of Godesich
who are fifty -.ix years married and
are both hale and hearty. Mr. Cant-
elon is a great Orangeman and since
his tenth year has never missed tak-
ing part on t.he 12th of July cele -
ion as that date rolls around.
Nt,Meorge McCully of stramora is
visiting his mother, Mrs. MveilliY,
and Axther friends.
(it a nunaber around here attells
tied the services OA LondeSboro ott
Sunday night. •
Miss Magi r , 1 is visiting
her sister in, St. Thomas.
Dont forget the anniversary and,
tea -meeting to be held at Comte:ne-
on Oetober 21st and Md. -
ah -
own,.•••=.•.•• .a.a.maP,.
Pori .Aherl.
W. B. Hawkins has returned again
to Huron College at London.
Mrs. • William Trurabley and children
left Monday VS foin her laissbAud it
Rev. Mile,s, Kincardine, ofileiated at
tire harvest hone service held in
the English church on Sunday.
John .Sehoenhals returned • Saturday
from a trip to 'Manitoba and neigh--
Miss Liagie "Richardson leaves • shor-
tly for Husten, Teas..
Viss Evelyn Hayden has• natien' to
be poem' of. She exhibited eight
plantings and pencil tdrawings at the
Goderich Fair and: got seven prizes,
3 firsts and 4 seconds, She is • Only
14 years. of .age. Congratulations Ev-
elyn. •
Mrs. Stewart and children Sunday -
ed -with her mother, Mrs, W. Rich-
and Mrs, John. -Bennetts are
visiting at Chicago with their
1\1tiss':Selloenhals has returned home
after .a long visit with her brothet
here. • •
• - _Thes, . Wilson is the • proud possess-
or of a sou bora on Tuesday last.
William Carey has rentea the Rich-
ardson, property for the corning year.
Northeast Stanley
Mr. W. Glenn has sohl nine pure
bred lieleeeter rani lambs, all he had
to dispose of, to Mr. A. W. Smith
Of Maple Lodge. They are to be sent
to the ranches in Wyoming where
there is a brisk demand for Leicester(
from Ontario for breeding purposes.
Goderich Township
Mr. Chas: Pierce has had 1ot 38 on.
• the 7th rented for several years, but
his lease expires next Marely and he
intends trying Ws luCli in the West.
Mr. Williamson of near Goderich is
new 'doing the plowing on the place
and -it ate= likely he will rent it.
Kippen. .
Mrs. William Ivison retuned home
last week after spending a few days
witht her son-in-law, Relv.• R. H. Bar-
nby .and family in Belmont.. '
Freeborn Johnson went to Toronto
last week to; enter 'upon a, course of
study in the. University. ••
Mr. John Jones returned home last
Wednesday after spending a._ month
with friends in Toronto and IsOndon.
Mr. and Miss .Cowartfof..Eliinville
were visiting their friends, Mrs. Tra-
quair and rattily this .week.• • S
Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. O'Brien - of
Se:wraith visited their friends MrS
and Mrs. Johnston this week.
The pumpkin pie social in•the Met-
hodist church last Friday' 'evening
was .quite a success, all..presSent spen-
ding a very -*awl, tima. pplenditt
addresses by Revs. .Urquhart, Toll
and Harr were given ;while. the music
bY the choir and Mr. Alden. Jones
of London delighted everyone....
• Blake,
The rain which fell last Saturday
caused people to smile with joY, •es -
really thoee fighting swamp • fires.
• Bay.field Fair was well attended
from this locality.'
Miss Mary Drysdale of. Hensall sp-
ent a few days last week renewing
old acquaintances in and around • our
Potato -digging is now the order
of the day,. Rieports of the • :crop,
so far, are favorable. . . .
Children's Day service was obser-
ved in the . Presbyterian church' on
Sunday last. •
A bee hauling gravel te eur .school
was held recently. .The wt1ks now
present a neat appearance..
The apple crop in tilsis -nrigliiiorhood
is away below the average. Farmers
complain of the few on ;he trees
failing off. • ,
The council of • Hay :has...improved.
the. rad to the. east •of the :village •
be having a ditchdug along- tho.
side in order to prevent the Water
which . flowed across every • spying,
from washing away the graVel. A
new cement bridge replaces; the old'
log affair. Mr.. Harry Zapfe had the
contract and made an o. k. job. •
The folldwing is the report of IL
S. S. No. 9, Stanley,..for the month
of September. The names appear in
order, of merit : : • . - •
5th class—Ruth- Keys,.. Viola 'Ectig-
hoffer, Roy Capling.
41h classIsabet-, Manson.; Flossy
Capling, Pearl Zapfe.-
3rd class—Albert Keys,. Gorden
Manson, Mary Douglas.
2nd class Se.-sJakie l3rennerinan,
Mikie. Kennel, John Brennerman.
2nd class Jr.—Wilbert Hall, Pearl:
McBride, Emanuel 'Moyer.
Part 2nd—John A. Meyers . Katie
Oeseh, Sophia Oesclf..
Pala 1st a --Edmund- Erb, Raeliel
Part lst. b—Aaron Oeseh, Lorne
Manson, Allan Oeseh. '• •
Part Ist c—Pearl Meyer, Ada Ken-
nel, Clarence Hall.—G. 'S. Howard,
Teacher. .
\ Important Decision.
case')sf, Listowel High School
vs. the \County of Huron was
at the DivNstort Court by Judge
itt Listowel secently, and is of
interest. It wale an action to
ne the correct &rod of fig -
amount to be aid by a
for pupils from that county
g a High School \in an adja-
unty. The ease wast argued at
a.s a test case to i interpret
ool Act, no case of, the kind
been decided before. The me -
accounting of the Listowel
was sustained and judgment
full for the Claim. Way
le amount payabget is pito: by
ge as follows: lst—rittd the
Aarly cost of maintenante
arm county pupils; 2nd—Put
the amount af the Government
nt as proportioned to such pupils;
Then add to such last mention -
sten the feea payable -by meh pup -
4 ; ith—Then deduet the aum total
these kat two slims from the first
tiotred -Stun ; Then of the bilanee
+h Minty or Huron pays tti
A quiet but fashionable wedding
wais solmenized on Wednesday, el last
week at the residence of the bride's
mother'Mrs. Andreve Young, (soder-
ich Street when hen youngest daugh-
ter, Miss. Bessie was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Keith McLean, • third
eldest1. son of Mr. 1SLY. 'McLean of
the Seatorth Expozitor. The Rev.
F. H. Larkin, Was the officiating cler-
gyman and perfcirmed the ceremony
in the presence of Only the immediate
friends and relatives of the bride
aaeli groom. The bride 'wore • a hand-
some gown of white Brussels net mo-
unted over chiffon and white 'taffeta
silk with a brifal veil aind carried a
beautiful bridal baguet. Both the
bride and groom are very popular
anti their manyfriends will all unite
in' tiangralbulations and best wishes
for their future. harrpinese.. They left
On the afternoon expres& for a' honey-
moon trip to,Boston ead ether parts.
Stanley Township.
The following, is the report of S.
S. No. 4 (south) for the month of
September, being based on attendance
demeanor and general proAcieney :
5th Jr—Edna Stirling, Violet Stev-
ens. .
4th St—Ford Sparks, Margnerite
Campbell, Lucinda Denoiny.
8rd Sr—Lillian Stevens, Georgina
Etue, Clarissa Etue.
3t1 !Jr—Bessie Timer,
Steckle, Rosa Etue.
2nd Sr—Agnes Sreenast,
2nd Ji."—Lavina
Pt 2nd Sre-Merto Steckle,
Orr, Iven• Steekle.
Pt 1st Sr—Bessie Tough,
Steekle, Helen. Tough.
• Pt ist Jr—Richard Etue, Edna Et-
ue, ' Elizabeth Steckle.—J. A. Cane
eron, Teacher.
The following is September report
Of S. S. No. 14, Stanley, Names
are in coder of merit :
.51th—Etta Jarrott, Jean Grassick,
Norman Jones.
44th—M. M. Fisher, Aggie Gemmel',
Herbert Jones,
3rd—Jelin Kehl, Jas, Gemmell, S.
Sen., 2nd—Artheo Jones, Lola Rath -
wall, Allan Fisher.
Jun,,. 2ndAnna,, Hood, Ids, Rath -
well. '
2nd Part—Allie MoMurtrie, Uralic
1st Part—Nelson Hood,
McKay, Anna Fisher. •
The best. spellers in the
spelling matches were :
•5ith—Etta Jarrott
4th-1!,lurra,y Fisher
3rde-John Kehl
2nd Sen—Arthur Jones
2nd Jun—Anna Hood.
The C.P.R. and G.T.R. War
at Goderich..•
Goderich, Sept. 28.—The war , be-
tween the rivet ;railroads continues
merrily, and the prospects appear at
resent as though the recent events
Steckle, Williani
Saw* and care Vrea Om lave*.
inie to the Tree Textile*.
. The Frenehman, with all his pelf*
nests and little niceties, Is aot a good
dresser. 10 is nowhere near the elaas
a thp London man, no can he equal
the Baltimore man who gives thought
to his wardrobe. This, of course, ap.
plies to generalities. Tlaere are ex•
ceptions where the Freaehman la a
model of the tailor's and haberlasheTa
As a rule, however, there are other
things that meaa much more to AIM
than Mere clothes. For Instaacei he
likes to dine. Every Frenchman, la,
the proper sense of the word, dines
in the evening. He prefers highly sea.
Bonedfood, if he can get It and service
Of a corresponding degree of excel-
lence. But dine he must and dine he
Will—if not a good dinner, then a Poor
one. ,lie must have his soup, his fish,
a roast, an entree, some salad, dessert.
and a hit of cheese. 'With this he Ins
wine, the vintage regulated by the
size a Ids bank roll. Ills coffee, la
the sununer time, he will take outside
with a cigarette or cigar, and las en-
joynaent is not complete unless he
hears the strains of au orchestra.
He is not, perhaps, so passioaately
fond of music as the German, but Atli
he likes it and will have it if he can
afford it. He is gay and happy ia the
,eveninge.4 is the Frenchman, a'ad his
cares, whatever they are, he dismisses
tomporarily. He rises late, and he
dines late. Niue o'clock is about the
proper hour for the coffee, after he bas
paid his respects to the varioua
courses. The he is ready for the gay
We, When London is going to bed
Paris is just beginning to warm up.—
Letter 108altimore News.
Review of Reviews.
It has long been- the Mistom both
in this counttry and England todis-
parage the; 'attempts. of Canadians to
proiattee popular magatines. That the
tide has turned is evidenced by the
remarks of the editor of one ef Ire-
land's leading periodicals, •the Irish
Monthly, iyho asserts that there is
in Canada a magazine—The s . Busy
Mauls Magazine—which outdiStanees
anything in the same b,eld. yet • at
*tempt e a in J ngland Jn tha course. QE
fontt eulogy of this magazine he said a
•Pseems. realiee the ideal that
Mr. W. 'V. Stead proposed to him-
self- better than Mr. Stead himself
1Ap: done in. his Review Of ;Reviews.
too,proPosed toreproduce, for
busy people the cream of the world's'
magazines, ; but he is too original
man, he has to Much oF his own,•
to be merely' a reproducer., Every
page is sure to be studded with St-
eadisms. His magazine IS not the
less interesting .or that, .hut it is
tire less able to give with adequate
fullness the best articles of theper-,
iodieals of the previous month. The
Busy Alan's Magazine keeres * mo.re
steadily—that is tint best adverb, and
the possible Suspicion of a pun must
not mak) us • fling ita,side keeps
more steadily to its purpose of re-
prothieing for busy mein and women
the • best articles froni the .current
magaaines 'of the worlds' The form;
too, of the magazine is Much
pleasant, et a ConVenient .:;'ele and
shape, ana the type large and read-
able," •
will result disastrously for the God-
erich and Guelph Railway,. The .4'.
T. R. steam shovel has been work-
ing steadily an the snot where it was
placed after being release& from. the
temporary enclosure which the Gue-
lph. and Goderich placed around, it.
The officials of the former road cla-
im that they are. working on their
own property making pecessiary im-
provements for the, better operation
of the toad. Indident to The carry-
ing out of these iniprovements,
ever, is !the undermining .of the tracks
of the rival railway and possibly the
removal of a portion of the trestle
work upon which the tracks are car-
ried. It is claimed' portion of the
trestle is on Grand Trunk properly,
and, should the steam shovel in mak-
ing the excavation cesne in, contact
with the supports ot the treitle much
damage. to the Guelph and iloderielt
traelt may result. It is- estimated
that should the Grand Trunk Rail-
way eontinue work according to the
present 'plans the .eost to the rival
road of Constructing retaining walls
will be in the neighborhood of 8100,-
000 There is softie talk of a confer-
ence ire Mier to settle the ditterencep
amicably and avoid the IreAvy expenge
1- in whith both roads will be involved
should the struggle continue.
)o tent. to thti,Listowel High Sel
• .
Lizeie Allen, Windsor, On,t„girl,
fainted. on a Detroit street from
lack Of nouoisheitent. •
Sir Fredetack Boseten stated in Lon-
don that he did not, believe there
was any militarism in Canada.
United States forei:e are being dis-
tributed in 'Cuba as a precautionary
Measure. •
The assassin et -General Kozlov was
executed :at St. Petersburg.
• Saved Baby' S Life.
There are thousands of Mothers
throughout Canada Who have no hes-
itation in saying that the good
health enjoyed by their little. Mies is
entirely -doe to the ltutielons use ci
Baby's Owns Tablets. And there are
many mothers who do not hesitate
to say that at Critical periods the
Tabldts have saved a ;11albyrs life. Mrs
Wm. Fortin, St. Genestieve, Que.,
says •"I feel sure that Baby's Own
Tablets sa,ved my baby's life. When
I first; began giving them • to him he
was so badly constipated that the
bowels could only be moved by in-
jections, and he suffered terribly
After the first -day I saw a marked
change, and in less -than a week 'the
trouble was entirely removed, andhe
Iia s since enjoyed the best of health."
You can get Ifaby`s Own Tablets
from your druggist or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr- Williams"
Mediate Vo., 13rockville, Ont. •
121 TWO 000D •
.c] Two good Fansily pap-
• ers are The 'Weekly' Sun
Et and The News -Record. s.
kaet enjoys a large circule
g atima but in.order to in- E3
s crease it Still: further. Iffe i1•
g win give them .both the hal-
• ailee of this year and
* wholt. or 1-907 for only'..10
:Si 7 This is 'great •big.
• valu.e. tcyr the inoneT
A Debt Of Gratitude That Thin Coun-
try Owen to Spain.
During the summer Of 1773 Captain
John Lee of Marblehead, cruising wi-
der a *COMOOSS1011 frem congress, hay-
ing taken and sent home five •veluable
prizes, entered the port of Bilbao in
Spain. The captains of two of his
prizes and a pert of their crews were
on board. These officers immediately
Protested against their capture and had
Captain Lee arrested on a charge of
Mracy. The hied authorities sent the
documeets la the easeto Madrid, to
gather With. the comtnemion granted
by this new and unknown power.
In the decision of the Spainisti main -
Miry depended 'not *lane the fate of
Captain Lee, but whether seine of the
1110.st iniPortant ports in Europe shoeld
be opened or Closed to American -.crui-
sers and privateers. The hagliab rain.
biter' in Spain brought all his influence •
-to beer .against Cantain Lee. At• this
Moment the Declaration of the Fourth
of July reached Madrid. The complaint
against Captain Lee : wee dismiased,
'supplies for his ship and aid in repair.
Ing it were furnithed, and public dee-•
%ration was made that in Spanisb. parte
the Pew flag .of America was as free
and as welcome aswas the tie* of Nag-
. Sipes, like Frame, alfm.helped the
'United States with 1,000,006 francs
wadi with emeees or Military stores.
Effective' darlys until 'October 31st,
inclusive cheap. one-way Colonist rat-
es will he 'ie. effect • from 01 stat-
ions .in Ontario to all pointS on the
line of the Great Northern Ry. in
the States of Montana., Idaho, Ore
son and Washington 'also Vancouver;
Victoria,. Nelson, Roseland, ead oth-
er points, in Brilaish Columbia'.
Full partieutars on. application to
H . E. Watkins, General Eastern Cans
'adian Agent, f0 King' St. East, Tor-
Stratford Old boys hope to, have
permanent clubrooms in Detroit.
A fine .tasty dish for breakfast, din -
tier or supper --open the NM MIA It's
WAY' to serve,
A 1
4. • The News -Records subsc-
• ription list is getting big.
• ger, but in Order to make
• the growthstill more rap-
• id we will Scud it to any
,4C. address for the balance of 4
4 1906 and the whole of 1207 4,
• for only One Dollar. 4.
• • 15 MONTHS
• The sooner you take ad -
4, vantage of this offer the
• Moro you .gelt ter your mon-
• ier.
4> •
have your ttalmq
4 now.
For Thin,
Poor Blood
Tim can trust a medicine
tested 60 years! Sixty years
'Of experience, think of that,.
Experience with Ayer's Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
parills; the strongest Sarsapa-
rilla; the Sarsaparilla thedoc-
tors endorse for this blood,
weal aerves,geseral debility.
Int *nu thin mad nihameadan eana•Pd•
• Ha bra wink it tan Dow ho lawata nal Ow
haneenteaa•Upsted. Par Os basaimesiblloro.
man, won Maga* tanellwettwollown ot
Pithwands tainne the
tridaldaklY rellPea441413.710=Difsellell.
Auction Sale Register
Saturday, Oclober 6t11, at 1 p. m.,
at lois 18, con, 3, L. 'It. Se, Tucker -
smith, J. mile north of .1dppen, farm
stock and ,,implements.—T. N. Forsy-
the; *op., Thos. Brown, apt.
'Friday, October 12th at coo. 2,
Tuckersmith, 11 miles east of Kip.
pen, farm stock and implements. —
George T. McKay, Mop., Themes
Brown, auet.
Wednesday, October lith at eon. 3,
Stanley, 14 miles north of Kippen,
farm stock and implements. — Peter
Fisher, prop., Thos. Brown, muck.
Tnesday„OctOber 18th, lot 32,
con. Goderkh township' 4 farm stoek
and impleintatts.44. J Curry, pro)).
Thos. Brown, auct.
I Night
are now being formed in
Special penmanship clas-
1 ses every evening from
7 to 9 o'clock.* Cell or
write for particidars.
•:••:••:••:• •:••:• *4.4,04
During July we had fifty times as
many Cella for office help as We had
graduates going out oat during Aug-
ust we had sixty-seven, times a‘i
many. This is the seltool that la
constantly "going ahead" and not
"standing still'or "backing tip."
Write for beantiful eatalogue. tsroW
is the time to enter.
4. W4. Elliott.,,Priticipal:.4.
rvol. • tfoi:.• Young and, ' eV
44, Aloander Streettl. 4. ;