HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-28, Page 8i•.
Wli'en the doors close Monday
night they close on the biggest years
business in the history of this. store,
For this we owe our thanks to the
many customers who helped us attain
this end, and extend to one and all
our heartiest wishes for a prosperous
and Happy New Year.
Bargain Days
in Miltinery
We take the last two .business
days of 1906 and, make them' Bar-
gain Days in the Millinery De-
partment. These will . be Bargain
Days in the best and. truest' sense
of these much -abused words..:1rVliss
Reynolds leaves for• her : holidays
soon after.the New Year and we
must have,
WORTH "of . winter. Mil-.,
finery sold before, she' leaves. These
prices should
� , at
Any Trimmed ., •
Every trimmed Hat on our. tables, no
matter what its former price, goes 0n@1
at:. our choice for* FCQo:.
sale Saturday morning Y
Shapes, 25C
About dozen new felt shapes left in.
stock, black and colors, all are' good styles
and they are the last few of this season's
stock. Original prices were $1.25 to. $:.00,
Saturday morning you can take your 25C
choice for
Birds and Wings, ' 25C
There are about two dozen -birds and wings
left, all are good and this season's styles,
original prices were ri0c to $2.00. 'No
matter what they sold.for, you take your
choice for '
Ostrich Feathers, $ 1.25
Six only extra , tine . Black Ostrich
feathers. thick and close curl, 15 inches
long:: rich, deep. Week, regular S'2.50,tf a5
choice Saturday •.-. G•
Girls Fancy Cloth.
School Caps
Assorted sizes and shapes, last few 15C
we have left, regular 50c, choice Saturday
In the interest of their amain ees, �'�!"�"�"�'�"",�"'"^�"�'«�'"�"�i,"�"H�""�"
The Gixu on die r Ern I Hodgerls Bros. will close their Oiotli• '�►
Ing More during the winter months
()LIMN', ONT., DEC •`'•K.. 1900
Asti ` old .
o001a GEESE, -Mrs John Young,
I l Fitz
at (1•o'clock every evening except Sat-
urday. rims is a trove thea public
should appreciate by doing their shop- ' " "4" "4" "'` '+4 +4+
ping ear y. Thornton Mustard, of town, has been
11�UNICIPAL-Norninatious for all engaged as teacher at Port Albert.
the municipal positions in Clinton, and ( The mother of Mrs. John Houston
School Trustees as well, ' 111 be held died last week in Qsgoode township.
of Goderich Son, last
dehvexec to 1 i in the 7.,own. Hall on Monday evening
romans & last week,'2. geese, a next, from 7.30 to S.:i0. The elections,
which she received the sunt of t of aitch are necessary, will he held on
That's the'.inti if poultry it pars to
ass •r c Jan, 7th.
EXAMINERS -Among the exauri- I
seh Joliat
rs appointed under the Provincial
Advisory Council of Education are J.
E. Torn, Goderich, one of the district
examiners, and Prot, Chant, Toronto,
as.ane of the Science exatniners, The
' latter is a brother of 11.. B. (eluant, of
Clinton. .
L. 0 L. -., Murphy L. O. L 110 will
hold a degree meeting an Wednesday,
January 2nd, 1907, 'Meeting will upon
at 8 p.lxi in their hall over N)olson's
' Bank. Several candidates will he ad- I pleasing and profitable character, and the year. We have een
ranted to Royal arch degree. lixethten the tree was well filled with remain. good many days this year.
from other pritnatt•ylodges aare cordially trances for both old and young. All The annual meeting of the h'inton
invited to he invited to be in atttend-
ante, •
The annual meeting of the McKillo
Insurance Co.. will be held at Seaforth
on Jan. 18th.
Premier Walter Scott, of Regina,
has given u c� se oo who has relatives here,.'is 111 with
Rockland, which he recently took pneuY tomo,
charge as he found it did not agree I d M f a onto,teturned on Where he has been
with ham there, and has atec•epted the I detained by illness.
Principalshipof Sinitiryill High. School
ratty at night time, with the electrle
for next year. 1 The Sovereign Bank looks very
A JOLLY. 'TIME. -'Pkat the Salva- light; refieeted on its signs,.
tion Army Christmas enter•taininent3 The employees of the Organ L+"aetory
are papular, was shown on Christmas and the Foundry had both Monday
night, when their annual event tools, •
place, The barracks were well tilled, andTuesday as holidays.
the entertainment being of a last Saturday was. the shortest Gina
DEATH, -The friends of .Me. Josiah
Irwict will sympathize with him in the
death of his daughter, which or•curred
on Sunder, after about seven itronths'
illness, from consumption. - She was
in het• 17th. rear, a yaatng lady highly
esteemed, arid la the third nteinher of
the faniiay- to die within_ a compere -
Itively-slturt time. .
I+I+ICI+;itS, 1,0.1'' -•The following °Meets were elected at
1 Thursday night's Meeting of the We -
1 pendent Order of Finn estets: - W.
M'a'ker, C R. W: -J. Cook, J C.. J. 3,
.. S. ; G+ G. Humble, J.
B. ;*II.
1 Pennabaker, Rec. Sec. ; .1 W. Irwin,.
Fin. Sec. ; h'.fiall,'ft•eas.: Court Dep-
uty, 0. Crich ; Dr. Shaw, Physician. '..
1 The .Clinton Business College: which .
has made 'narked progress since it
- started, will re -open on January 2nd,
Owing • to. the illness of. • her mother,
15i'- McNee lista been compelled to re -
themselves immensely.
THE RINK --rhe enterprising rain-
ngera. Messrs.')avis a Mitchell, have
installed ineinide:teoiltl(i•c:andle-power'
lights, in place of the a"arc'' fights
heretaifore used, which step is greaitly ( .We have received a great many ver -
_appreciated by the patrons. Addition- bei and: written compliments about
al light, and-other'improveinents, will the last issue of the Nun,- gun.. They.
he be added, for the convenience of are all appreeiated.
Horticultural . Society will be a in
the Council Chamber on. Jan. 9th.
The County Board of Examiners
met at Seaforth yesterday -Thursday
-to deal with the Modelite exams.
Hockey enth niaiste... ,'the Organ be-
longing to Mr. Nelson's merry-go-
round equipment, furnishes music at
the Rink.
TRANS I'�I:Ii COiNCi.L.ril.,i. --The
The scholars of the Collegiate recent-
ly sent a suit case to Mr. John. Hous-
ton, late head master, as.a mark of
their appreciation of hind.
John Dayment, who has been super -
selected to arrive at the ! intending the construction of station
price to be paid for the Normal rile, I houses on one branch of the C. P. R.,
•1 td cl their labors on i hu.s9ay. is home for the wt
coni r e • ' • inter.
.Mayor Hoover represented` M rCooper,- • A resident of Detroit thinks so much
and Mr Paisley •represented Mr Lewis. of Canadian roast beef that he actually
The price agreed upon was a percetlt- had a large roast expressed to him
Age on invoice prices of the furnish- from here, in time for Christmas. •
ings. liquor &c , and nutted Mr Lewis 1 The necessity of havingmusic at the
58011, fur which .lie received a cheque.. SkatingRink has been et bythe use
Mr -Cooper has a number i of prospectipe of the erry go -round organ ; it is a
lessees in view, sand in ilio niel . gi a good substitdte for something better.
is conducting the house *himself, git - g g
ins the very best service possible . Miss .Evelyn Turner, daughter of
+'ATRICAL.-Tate lay "Damon Mrs. Turner . of town, who has been
les c. a THl' p teaching at Maple Creek, Alberta, has
sign,. and the Commercial Department. and Pythias," which is soon tet he pre- .Veen engaged for tvetaskiwin.schooL
will he under the personal direction of senteci'in the Town Hall by local tal- ngaget Hooper, sof town, who
Principal Spottou, • assisted by . his ' •ent, was written about the year 1820 Mr,
brother, A. H. S'pottan.:Miss. Dever, 1
r�of.titn Bos•etdaiys. Tt wasrtilst prof to Wm. Rive se of Thamees Road,sold
Us -
timed in •1821 at the Cogent Garden borne, who takes possession March 1st. -
theatre, Maexeady, a famous English, . Louis.Foster; of Zurich, has sold his
actor, taking the part of. Damon. Mr. pretty team of greys.to W.
Forrest ,ptoduced it in America in 1840
Pao. 28,' 1114,
May that which was unpleasant •
and unprofitable during 1904
disappear with the old year. andI
may good fortune, good healthi,
and substhntial profit be your:-
companions for 1907
D. Falir o.The DIY.
Often the Cheapest. -- Always. the Jilasit,,, ?�
who has given. such - general satisfac.
tion, will again have- charge of the
Stenographic Department. • , .
TIME TO (GET BUSY. -The 'Cana- a
dian Northern 'Railway has fled withandw
:it as here that Mrs.. Abbot estate- price,realized was near the five bun
the Railway Department at Ottawt I lishecl het i•e}lutation as (ealanthe. rel dollar mark. •
•the outline plans •for the proposed ex- .I Since then it hasbeen staged- many Tlie Sherlock Manning • Organ
tension of its road in Western Ontario.. times by.the leading itnglish and Ain -.1
L' enticing -.presented each of its married
employees with a turkey.on'Saturday,
J. Elliott,, liveryman, of town. The
One of its propositions i5. to run at line • erican.actors...
from Waterloo to Goderich, but the ,', I while lia single xnen reserved a hand-
intervening points are not mentioned. CHRISTMAS.N011 - Tradesmen , s it necktie apiece. -
However; the roadgwould neeessarily. of all sorts say thatChristrr.as business; cine J. necktie
Mpie enell,. of Windsor..
anti it1 is to the Board of d tTrade. or . fors complain, an t.
hseleighing o was sas• � organizer for- the : W'podmen of the
aup , World,:and•well knuwn here,' in the
Town; Oourncil to. at once get in touch goad as any the
a; likely to have this t C. P. 11. weed( at heuoia had both
with the Northern • system, and see: year, while the clear noir was a stimu- j feet several frozen,
that it passes through this town. No •Itis to buyers. Postmaster Scrott,with y T.
t'i'ne should be lost: • the assistance cd his daughter, 11T'i:ss W. L. Mair, son .of 1..C; 'Mair, of
• Pickett, and Mr, A'S alkinshaw,cer'taiin• , Goderich township, who has just
ACCIDENTS -Ms Joseph Colcloug h. Is -labored lard and long
gtray trail, I. pasgotsed his -degree, rme hag ical.gone to anon an
of the Kase line..was leading an aiiiriiatl the forwarding 'presents
by a rope, on Friday, tt-hen it. 1-mlted If roto the time the office opened in the i to takea hospital course.
'around the corner. of a barn' catching; morning, until:neatrly 10 at night,thei'e I - J. •c. Callander of tiartney, 'Man.. a
the little finger of his right hand be= w:as 1101et 111): ;Ai the snails were • later l ebeen elected a member hew of ingha of the towme of n.
tween .the • mope and. corner of the . 1.?arce1' of all kinds and sires Yvt re con--
i barn, and cutting it so badly tliiit the, trnu•alh• coming iu or going mitt, ancl;it conned at that place. Clinton boys
doctor had to.;unputate-it...... liss musth,avt l d
W.itts, book-keeper for the ,i t'kson'
Manufacturing (o., closed the dons- sit
the safe on her little 'finger one day
last el. cutting the same and'cans .
leen with is sigh. of relief vi11'clinrb into. public positions.
• when the work of the busy ay pre- r lsa�ae .7: Mansell, ; of Brockville, sic-
otee:.ptcttyueir•lythesauaen rush
.v anted at the express off T.. Cinistts ; creeds D• B. Jones, resigned, as clerk of
(few wits aril ideal ones.•. not being too, .the e first st di ,isioncl court nof LL gids. having
i n� a , eldest daughter
titer.• •,i11i+:. Spiry
said .tete comfort, chief ileter �ast re: andsing Mansell.
worked. at • the 'Organ .factory some
Clint, cidest. dung bier of Mr 1I. ii, sl :rtin f,arti�iii,lie'gatheringsitvere in I voiles aLgo.
Ohant;. met with a peculiar accident. 'while .v m tvtier'1w tvn 1. lti" lilac
1 itis nt toter family
Maud i<Icl`TaughtCrnieaves town
' ay' ntornan7. befr',re :she was e.vidcnce .o t _ than nt tomorrow for Lethbridge, .and will be:
on Friday' . e Opportunity lortunity . to. mike. th. at
di51 c t every' 11 o her>'..1ohn, o1
n'.atrnin she. ata 1 i in anted by her'Ur t
out of keel. I i ,.. acro. Y
I o t 3 r'. tiros:" P
1.pNr a \Matic C li istX S.t; nle at_ (Jai ary.'he drops the laat-
.WEnnt rx.--A. very' pr cit * -wed....ter part of her pante and substitutes
• ding took place on WednesdaLy,•aa.t; Wei J.acksori foil it.
residence .of Mr DuncanlleKw.en, ! wile: has been'eixi-
•wheni.his.clari' hter. • Miss Mary Lr, •be,, Mr. 13allingall,, .
!; to -eel on the G. T, II., : has taken a
caeine the Bride- of .iia•.. T.icrtel Paaisley:; . p Y ,
unrttrally at 12 o'clock the.bt ide 'en:.I position at the :Stewart: farm, B n Ui
P 3
tared the parlor. on the ern► of her ler. He is a ca ital more. like bine
father, the young couple taking their only wish a thousand
place under a handsome arch.of ever would come to this county. .
•green and .belly. •The ceremony was 1
performed ' Uy;'itev, Dr. Stewart, the . One of our, . subscribers appreciates
wedding march . being played by Nils • the Nsw EUA. so much and has such
Johan Innes, cousin of the bride.: The abiding faith in.it that he has paid his
bride' was° very , prettily..clressed in subscription to the end of 1909. 'We
white silk voile, .with chiffon and ape I tlo not expect :a11 our subscribers. to
pliiiue trimmings,' and . carrier a bou-•1 show so much faith as this One, but if
greet of. white chrysanthemums: the they. will all pay. to the end of 1907 .we:
. onisserinintent wore being a handsome will not Complain. • .
pearl c esrent.: the, gift of the groom. cousin of
P x of: 131 rtlt, a.
Jas. Dt,dds
• �air•a:d t
Ja y
.,• ' � all repaired After iningioom, lie N• Mrs. A. 7. Iiirlloway, town, will leave:
the dining served.
Thiara `av dainty os- • fo ' Toi,•onto in January, where he Itas
101St lysis served. 'The sit„ navyy cos.; roodposition with Gordon'
'tuxiie of . the. bride was a, blue secured at g, p
suit, grey coat, and think furs:: The: Mackay & Co., wholesale .dry goods.,
resents received were, both nutueraus Mr. Dodds is well known to the public.
'and costly, which testify to the high •Ls a tnoat wot ,hy y a o
esteem •til which the young couple are, nine years with McKinnon & Co., of
held.; one in particular.. seas• a cheque- Blyth, and One! year %. with Poplestone
for :1;1000,fromthe father of the groom.: i. & O'ardine i.
The harpy pair ' left on the 1.20 train, illi 7I l : Tiotigens is mentioned. as
'amid showers of rice and confetti,•
ed her jaw, and the, eirvires of a ei>+'-
for were necessary to repl.ace;'it.
IN THE `VES.C, Newton..' t'iich,
formerly of:town, but no.sv iliviiig at,
Heward, Sask., writes under date a.if,
Dec 1i3,;as fellows -dye are getting
the Nis ERA. regularly and could not
do without it, for it always has some-
' thing in'about the old familiar people
and places that'we used to 'frequent a
few years ago, I have been very •suc-
cessfnl since coming 'crest, 1 have the
Post Office, and. a Real Estate Rust-
. ness, which keeps iue' busy all the time
and Father and 1 are farming veryex-
tensively; we have almost :i00 :acnes'
ready for crop in' the spring, and we
bad 2500 bushels of wheat'thi.• year
and about 10,000 of oats and sono, bar-
ley, and' if all i,,•.well next year tvxt.
ought to have between .5Ui0) and UUUU
'biish'.lsof wheat tate way it has yield-
ed since we carne up three year ago,
Cantelon, iviur has represented the
firrn'of'•Cantelon Bros. for the. past,.
sixteen years, in. th:�• territory radia-
ting 'between
adia-ting'between Clinton And ..)3ayfield,
and Clinton. Auburn and Dungannon,
is voluntarily g;ivinn up lois position,
`tor , ri:possible candidate for the Groderieh
to accept that o€ Western sense. elites I otidon Detroit, and other paints. On Council r, If Bert can spare the time
•tive for the wholesale than of 11I icliher- their return they* will Alike ' tip their .to g�o into rennicipatl affairs he • will
make an excellent representative, Ilse,
is one of the clearest headed business.
men in•Ontario: progressive,energetic;
of sterling integrity:,' and one - whose
-word is ae good as gold:- 1•ie's a young
WANTED -•,-Dried Apples•and Poultry 1 man of whom Clinton -his birthplace
--Bighest priees .Haid.' GANTEi.O N 1 -has reb.son to be proud.
BitOS., Clinton
son; Glasgow & Co,, ellamilton..' rhe residence on Princess street.
latter:ean)e to. Mr, Cantelotr entirely • - _.. ...
unsolicited, at a salary. that could., W'!
hardly be resisted: ane is a tribute to .001� Notices.' his ability as atrade hustler. During;
-the time `Shorty.. ' has been on the
road he has travelled 70,000 xrtiles. col-
lected thousands • of. dollars' worth of
eggs and poultry,. trade the acquaint- .
...if 4
once of every farineraaudfarmer sWife
in the entire district, and retained ti
good -will and esteem of everyone with
whomhe has done business. His
friends here will be glad to know that
he does.' not purpose moving from
town, but will still make Clinton his
home. That he will succeed in his
new sphere as \sell ashy did in his old,
is a foregone conchusion, and means a
great deal,
Seaforth Expositor thus refers to a
gentleman well known in this vicinity
lie being the father of Mr H. Wiltsie
-Mr Adin Wiltse, of the West End,
Tuckerstnith, was in town on Monday
dto� The c'xgp��nsito-third . yearly
Wiltse moved from near Brockville to
his farm in Tuckersmith, nearly
✓thirty-six years ago, and he still resid-
eson it and works it. He is 75. years
of age, but still h r nd hearty, and
he says he intends '' remain on the
term as long as lie ea as he is .not in
any person's way there, : , d he always
feels better when both body and mind
are employed. In this Mr Wiltse is
wise. We think many farmers .make
a mistake when they sell their farms
and go to reside in a town or village.
They drop out all at once of active life
and assume new conditions and sur-
roundings and have little that is con-
genial to occupy either body or mind,
while they are too old to take kindly
to new ways and an entire' different
mode of lie to what they have been
so long accustomed, But they dc) not
find out their mistake until it is too
late to remedy it, If they can not
make more than a bare livingon the
faun they are wise who sticto it,
We hope our worthy old friend may
comfy rrts of hiis fine�ru al home, and
We wish a Happy
New Year to all
our customers.
wiplob,44). low* ii#tivio,
O '
Al. Good
New Year's
Would'be "I will.. buy my Clothing :for.
1�Q 9 7 at:H ut en's largest Clothing Store'.
g ..:.
It is a resolutionsoluresolutionthat if carried ted OUtwill
assure you ofbeing beta correct and stylish
in dress throughout the year, and make
your s saving bank account larger, as
big store sells only • well, for thisg clothes . Y
that are stylish and correct in every de-
tail that goes to make clothing that is
g and . through, that will
goad throughg .•.
keep its shape and appearance,
that will
better than ordinary'makes, a
wear .battnd
sells it at prices that are a saving to
buyers. Put us to test next . year and
seeaif We are nest' right.
• C'ommencing.Wednesday, • Jan 2, for.
the winter months, this store will close
at 6 p.m. except on Saturday. '
CGIMTON��� r OTY�>�: