HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-28, Page 3Deo. 28, 1906 • ITo weals end Allies Women. tbere is at least oatt • TRANSFORMED BIG STEAMER' iN•• Troy to belre But with diet way, two trena eatbot must be combined. One islocal, one is orisons. TO A 1-1L/OE, STEEL. EamsL, timal, but both are important, both essential. I/er. Shoop's Night Cu' is the Loan. Pa SheeP's Restorative. the amatitutienet. THE CLINTON. NEW ERA. Rheumatism 111 ,,,etn. oneanurcn the amount expended I)) those who attempteal uusuceessiul- • .• .. . . • • . lv to .salvage the ve8.861 by the use ._ .,....._„Rats-Vv-Strengt11-------- t ma -was .. spent, and if -the. salvage is i half the• value of the vessel, whieh is i the law, the prize ' ts worth nearly 1, $50.000 to 'those- Who risked - their eapital in an untried scheme. Mr. King a Torentonian. . •rtw eimadien Institute at Toronto Iva, 1O1't111111tO (q1011411 to arrange that , nlebeet O.. Kling, the •Toronto engineer, 1 who with lust partner. W. 0. Wother- tepoottof New York, floated the steam- ! or Bavarian from. Wye Ih,ek, on the -St. laiwremai. Nene the guest of. the Institute ou Saturday evenine. Dee. ea l Mt. Kiog Ina( a papet on the tiiiis el saving -the 'big vessel. Mr. King is a son. of Mr.- R. W.. King of 5i3 Markham street, Toronto, and father and son have an office .ht thin eity. I : at NS Wellington street west. nutlet 1 I le title Robert W. • King & Cu, alai:, Novel Scheme of Two 13rieht `feting ' Theformer-In. Sbothessitebt tare-isit topical Engineers W h WI Will Revolution- seeeve neetorative IS wbony ;m immix/ tree ize M ethods of Saving Wrecked ment. The Restorative rertehes throughout the Veesels-Pumped Sunken Q an ad i an VitriLustM :,,31eltionagat4ifunTer pi an nerve. Ship Full of Comp teased Air -Tri- The "Night Cure", as its name imtolles, does its • ea mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses ant) raucous niembreue suppoeitore remedy, whiloDr. work Wale you sleep. It soothes sore and intim.- umph of King and Wotherepoon, ' Of the floating of the suffice., Cana- dian steamer liavat.inti, 't liv New York Herald had tlw f, a lew itt : , To turn a 12,001etott steams:tip tutu a huge steel bubble by pumping her full of compressed air, and float her off rocke on which elle lifel bean int. • • •i paled for mons than a :), ear. is a feet. etvaich Ilas jUs1 Inset) neet•inpli,slicti hy.. itske young engiueer.•. 1 After neen dam one huielred end fifty thousand dollars had beat ex. petaled by eXpt rt 33.3 Ockers in utestaa cese:ful attentpte te \viten title eretet piece of marine erc.litteteure frotki the peep of a pinnacle reek. these yeene . men applied the pi1.1104de employed in building tuonele under wider, and -: within three months after begineing , operatieets had the satisfaction of ece••• fug the 'great ship float from her biael. ' age to a eafe harbor. I'When Bavarian Want Ashere, With a full passenger liAt and valu- able cargo, the Bavarian of i he :Royal •• 'Mail steamship line, ran on n'ye Rook, -the St. Lawrence Ri ;ea 38 mile:i a'',Sroni Quebec, on the night of Nov.. 3, .:11905. The pilot insisted that one of the •....4tr0y lights which marked the elian- .".:'.:ttel had gopg. put, and this had caused 414ni. to ,g6 out of his course and leave •' ' ieae'r hard and feet, with eeveral arta rocks piereiug her bottom amid- ships. . 1 Many of the Bavarian's. eonspart- Ments filled with watee, end when .•the ship settled down on the. rocks • her engines were forced up' eo that the inner .funnel showed 18 inches above the rim of the Outeide nne. The • ship's bottom platee were badly torn, and wheel the wreckers • made an ex- amination it was declared that the. floating of the vessel would be a most difficult job. • Various Plans Failed. • After the company owning the Ba - varier' had worked 'for. several weeks 1 i to get the vessel off- she was turned . •Tneee was a feelme, among -the ee.• . , os-er to the London Lloyds, and the that the • attempt 1(3 -11;.-it- tlli.. -. t:',:'''.:• 'underwriters set to work to save their would be a failure tutd :there. -was MU ntone.y, All the old methods for rais- that. if. the vessel- could, . be- nuele-•-te .ing vessels. were employed. Pontoons float by pumping lee. full 'ef ::th.. ,..1„‘e hened alongside at low tide failed would turn turtle as-. socii as slw _1:et Er.:pty. oil barrels stowed in the holds off into deep' Water,' ipreved useless - when the tide rose to . These fears •were. t11-1,..11ell Mul •eQ11.. L•aifre the -vessel from her 'rocky -berth. ' fidence took -its pia ee when .N1 r..--ilaker.,_• Cleine 1.1111 under lier bow and stern eompresser engint.;er.. 1,1ettglit eit..hotiril• . nd at ta cited to winches on lioard . a • yelloW (105(1 It Was .0: well-bred • 11 ..,, 01 03 lighters never budged the .-Iteit,..Stl: Irish. t( 1) •flie• Ne -e,'• •Torlt ip when the attempt was nutde to "sand. hits"' renemiberecl that , after.• 1 wing her in this rtole cradle. At a series (if 3131-13 1'. in. the . tunnel - .t 1st the underwriters gave it up. 3111(1 .' werk. on which they 'oiled been.engag-, latetneed that they would reeeiVo ed e ..yellest dog...appeared...ffite ..day (Is"; from any who believed they Could -mid. hint: nbout. the..entranee.to• the . ... vet: the ship. • . discbarges, While the liestoreteve, eases nervous exeitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, huilds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewecl strength, vigor, and energy. Tow Dr. Shoon'S Iletitorative-'rablets or Liquid -as a general tonie to the system. For positive local help, use as well I of old wrecking niethods. Only gape. r Shoop's • IP II tlp 0 ill 0 ut. ill . . The Father -So yOu think you eau I 1111 re suppmst myidaughter Jia.e Snitioiri-lisrei g quite stun can, „s t, .e. ou iv le n SI • us out. The Father -I'll help you out all right, all rigitt: Whereupon the W. S. R.-HOLMES. suitor dashed madly down the front steps with the father a close second In the race,-Clevelsind Plain. Dealer. • warks of the vessel, thea set about getting his Crew. He had a eno.e. ae„ grteintance with the • go 11(15. - "seed hog," that remarkable class •of ne atitoee ability- to work under grome1. or under water • in • tui_ attnoepherie pressure several times greater than normal has excited the algal:et. of those who read about •them. • Engages "Sand Hog" Crew. . Mr; Wotherspoon collected hie erew with great expedi•tien, manes. td tlte "sand hogs" • and mechanies being en- gaged actuallY as they emne off .shift •from. the different tunnels ' Neve York, Within two deys.these mon. tate tl•,- er with thirty more hired la eaneda. and the air -compressing plant. • were taken by tugs _from Qiie bee . to steamship, _It -took .but .a few heers to Set up' the machinery. 'on deek etel the men who had been .breegla ftfea New York looked the -Bever-inn owl.. One' of these .men -wee Rienard 'rev - don, a tunnel worker, who was. tnown through the. roof of the Beet River - tunnel by, the air. pressere and \vie; , finaily anpeared on the. Settivea't•I' 1..1 river savimmitig for- tile- Ale:nest eh. hick:es. -"Frine that day there . was. Young Men Plan Effort. never. 3111. ileeident. The ....Adyent, of day Inst Jeme there came to :dr. ilalsae'S yellote deg ,Ntelet bailed Yollt 'a young man, Robert 0. as a masent end the .11101 went' to a, a reeident of North Tonawanda.- .Werk with: a. will.. Who, after getting his degree in • . . 1-loies Are -Patched-Up. • . engineerine nt Univereite, 1.11 Ili'. _3 eeninertirieuts. \vere 1 !Jontreal..P.Q., had (lune mood work i...11010. 13,3:A0.1'10,y. air -tight. -1133 possible A !Iis • profession, wits ambitious 11. 1t('13 ft•er ...hatch w.as rtlin;ed by plat- te at -coned is It eon) etit lug new . He 111,. 13314 ‚33 t.. siutpl;,v . laid .under 4: (11 on u friend, W 11111110- W. .Voth- senithiuge.ste"that when the: • eoten, a young engineer with •was . loyed on the. 33 ot'l tut:rioting Rivor. Icing • Nilot-lier,noon of a foraler •W!3 l i iroide to Nev- Yerk, eki: it they examined the 'euiS.soti. wini; ot %lie Pike street bridge. • . Vr. Wotherspoott remembered that o lend had asked hitt" • 'on stink in the riy.er for the par - p• • • ei building ile.ide it the foundri- • ta• for e pier diffe evil: from itiouta bottom. He recalled. that 1:11,4.Lf remarked that he believed (-mild he expelled frinti a wreck in the satiot way that it waS fOrettd to -,t - • • ,Nir..Kine told. hisfriend that lie was cionvi 30011 that - Bavarian could 11; floated by using compressed • air t,) l'oree the w titer from- her itold, ' Tile two young engineers .41i,‘•eirssed • the mailer and Mr. imng persuaded. Mr. Wtitlierspoon to take a party to • v1,91 the ship. 'This was chino June. - 27. 10 the party At ore $everal divers, • nun NVotherepoon, who is ex - 131 this. /33311'131e WhIsIti 110e13 elong his ()eat diving suit. After IIa ae.a. ful examination of the e hip it fans doeieled that the Bavarian eould • be floated hy mentie of the compreesed... '- air method. and 3310 young engineers • 'made tip their mitid- to 'bid for the eir• preseure was applied. the -covers (eeld• be held in nieee. • 'Air leeks- were: pieced on the rompertineate• 'which I1'(3 filled • teitli• -.end. the, .'`sand : lelee" felt Ike much •ei halite .fie ii• .they Were itt: lo -i .tunifele. As -the aie >13(1 (1 in . the Water• : ratticlly ..taceded,'' and tile • work -Inca . ere eble sto,p •the with...tetra' • leeeee pintine. • . J1U111'. McLenn fa. Mre. McLean. had ct,..110 alicuirt.1. ieNV days before tile final tolielle,- were put un. the work. • It liad .ri.iantied to float the yesst4 Whieh day it wee .eatwenel there a ould he a nor- mally high put 'instead a storm' came on tehich eaueed a very low tide, the..floatiog tilt! .sliip had to be. tioetponed, . • , Men Seized by . Fear. It was during. this: Wait that the • • . A Miatalte. • The chairmail teld me at the ine.etIng that was out of order." "Well, wasn't he right?" "No. saw a. doetor on the way home, and he told me that 1 was never In better shape in zny life." • A .Dinerenee. Guest (going over the picture gallery "and halting before a portrait) -And is • this the old Master? - Servant! -No, sir. Sure,.that's the auld inissus.-London .tlagazine, • PAY,,MORE AND al -ET TIIE BEsT A cheap flesh'burning Corti remedy is, never satisfactory, • The best Is Putnam's Painless Coen . Extractor, costs but a quarter, and is guaranteed to curethoroughly. • Use only Put - Rack the Joints Prevents Sleep. UNCILECICED--It Shikes :the lieart and Kills its Yietilva warri) --1=11 :It origleates in the wood • and de. velops most, quicklv in the system of pe -sons who. are mill dowo and litelt- mg in vitality. The only specific of ALL`rforms ot Rheumatism 18 Perrozone, awhich 114 perfect solvent tor urie acid and a splendid stimulant, for the ,kidneys and liver, • tt' Nn remedy is se sueeessfril as Per- rozime, it 13418 never failed to male, because it attaeas the cause of the die. ease in the blood. It neutralizes the uric acid poisons, quickens the sing. gish circulation, and relieves the sys- tem of all irritating ;natter, t.L.-.11• -..t,4 Every distressing symptom is cured, swollen muscles and aching joints ;ire relieved of their pain. The disease will not return if once cured by Fer- rozane, which does its work thorough- ly. Its eures are - •• Unlike other treatments, Ferrozone does not depress the heart or deader; the nerves. It rebuilds the system, promotes better health, establishes gond appetite, sound sleep and 'free- dom from weakening pains and aches. 'rhe perfection 'of all rheumatic re. niedies if found in Illerrozone. It is ip tablet form easy to take, cenvehient to carry, trunteeteed to cure, atul costs only 50e per box, or six boxes for 52.50 at all druggists ; don't fail to test Ferrozone. .IROC.itt../ et, , • It is a mistake to Wear cottoa in the ears at tiny .time, ae it deadens the hearing and predisposes one -to earache and cold: • 13unions are dile to the pressur.,138.1 irritation to whrell the jeitit heet subjected. With pallenee it 1.e brought to. its eintiti•iil N.V.ear • very soft,. comfortable „shoe. For a het Water Timinette 1 el a .311i1 .11' easier way tient -wringing clutlis hot ‚33.31100 10 to foal the ehith te ill: as • Mitred size, put it Anti) steanit;r .plaee over boiliug welter.. For a broke the beet, treanmen an •imniediate implientien of tot 1:33'.13.' tatiens; after . thaf litwel. gar 'mitt hot water, or aleithol, tied ter,. put on With a bantlav "tad Ofiee moistened: • • • . • For teuder,,tteidng feet there „is mail - lug .better'• than a ,strotie.: solution ce.'. borie acid. _Ifter bathing •ss it'll • t dust the feet weil with ptiwttered tal- cum. to which a little heen added.. • ' • , . `salvage of the veesel. ' Had to Raise Money. . ' They soon learned, however. that the eontract lind already bc1.11. 111VB 111- . ed to Capt. I.e„lip cd Iiiii.:.-•ton. who had deterntined to make another at- tempt td float the vessel .1,y the Old ethe'ds. Mesi-i-. Woilli,•-1,,,,e1 and id their plans below Cant. 1),e.c., ,e; whn %Tar, at flee st eieleee33e•11 Credulous, and tinnily e:.••iir-d-i,lio. ; Be agreed to join \ad) 'llo. ,3;i1,. -,,'i., - In tile salvage of lie L.1•:.:11....1,ip„ iwhich. as she lay. was '-.i0 Lite,t to be worth a1 .01113.000. 1 Canadians, Interested. It is one thing for a young /min. whatever his eapaliiiii.i.- ire, be, to advance n theory tli, t-,1; yirg 100 of which win eost inuel; e•oney, 0 el 3111- ,11301' to 1,,.i.surpi,.. c41:I11111 1,, :1,111:11108 L the 11(q.l.j'rq1rY 011:.11. M''31''. W1)11)1!1.- Sp0011 and King leii.-ta.,1 31.;- beftte , , they suneceded in rai-inii the ihnhoy 0 bring their enterpriee te a ...neese.... a • f ul conclusion. Fhet they heft tn ob- tain the approval of mon of• in the Reielltilie awl thinueiol world, Arnottg Ow Car tat lion 4- M Ito twouttit, interr..sted were (ler 11..,mer pf the Canadian 'Nettie find • Thomas .T. Dritrinnond of Veiling:I. Capt, l,eelie had plivel,a. i•11 a pleat' ' end this was .1 hy tions of compres,,ed ma. ty. Mr.Wotherspoott, elm en, io gyp.. clup•ve_pf the.% 3,1•1: up to the led- strain on the mere'e 'nerves was most apparent. SoMe. Of the sand hogs and stile. Italians who bad. been hired to • take coal out pf theblinkers began tonitninut.. They reminded eachoth- er that there .was seven fathoms of water Off the rock on, all sides, and • . ZtIillieeds.the body with Warm, glow - rnakesitheenerves strong. quiekens circulation., 'restores natural vigor, .malees.•,You -fell like' one been again. Iifillistat'S Eocky. •ISIOuntitin leifia: 35 cents.. ',Aekeionr, ,DritggiSte • . • . • - ' • • • • . •euelileaner tioettx.. • As a rule - shrink linen :end. entton got (is': heforn. inaking theth up,. They .ari*Jpate ("out Siderable labor: M. having : iron •• the 'material beffire it can be ettt out, mai- often it ends id theeierneenta beiug made without .Shrinitnig,.. which is hound to result 'disastrously:. If, the Cotton Or Iinen, whichever it may 1.)!i, is left in the original,folds and laid for a 'few hours in a bathtub partly filled • \\lilt water, then the water carefully seueezed,..:, Mit; wrung, -OUt hung... en a line to dry, it. will not be neces.' eery to iron ,Tlie. inaterial should be frequently turned, so that .all • parti il*,v . A PA1TFINAL 011it1CfSM, 51.e nears, 'living's comment au Ws • Non,t. . . 13, Irving, son, of Sir ,lienry was'not educated primarily fer the stage. Studying for the professiou of barrister, while he. was still•in college • he took part lu amateur theatricals. An. amusing story told of one of Ids .earlier interpretations of the difficult role of Ilatulet. Ou this particular and early occaSioa, however, Sir Ifeury was "out iu front," and after the- per. form:nice Several,. Including, his son, crowded about him fer expressiou' of opini,m. • . . . "What do you think of .Sinith as Po.: lentils?"3 asked hue. . "God, very geoti,"."murtntred Sir Henry in his lintel; kindly way. "And Miss Blank as Ophella?". "Good, ,very. good," agaiu 'murmured Sir Ilenrys "And slenes as the king?" • "Good; very goed," repeated • Sir 4Ieu14. • • • "And Thomas, as Horatio.?" • very geed:" 'came tile answer. .So tho Catire fetst 'wee gone through • with the exeeption of the ptinelpal: charactee. and eaeli recelYed the sante . preciiie; neat erlileben, •.•-good, ;.VerY • good." Then. there ,WaS. a Slight pause,'' an awkward panse, atter which the son, Who' had been 3., 313131,, eagerlY and auXfousfy fOr his fatheeS opinion about his • acting,: managed. to : pluck etp . enotigh coterage to etammen. 'Jan, fa- . ther-What did you thiak of.• the root :of 'Maoist?" ". • • " Sir' Dears; loeked blemity 'hiS Sun' ' and then re m rite, dryly, "AM 'you sure that you. want to be an aetor, lily son?" MME. DONALQA. 111,•••••ml.lnlOi.0011k Fecte----Abomt--the-- Singe-r-te Discovery and Early Training. - Mrs. Mendota de filola of Montreal writee this of 1+.4me. Donaida, the Catitttitan dentied. "At a rehearsal of a Zionist entese -teinment, the musie of whish. I haft undertaken ter superintend, I heard P.auline Lightstone for the-liret time singing in a chorus, and in the timlbre her voice inunedietely recognized the materiel from -which great ;Angers are made. In the cOtirse of a few ;lays I took her to bliss Lichtensteht, who tried her voice, and at once coincided with ray opinion. Through the influ- ence of Mr. Peterson, to whorn repre- sentations were made. by Miss Lichten- stein and myself,. the boardofgovern- ors of Malrill Wass inducedato 'receive the young girl att ft free partial student ta the Voyal Victoria College> this be- ing the first time ouch a. concession had been grained. After studying there with. Mies Lichteeetein little more than a ;year, Mrs. Seralein took Paul - hie to New York, where she was heard by Salignae. Dufriche and others, who, pronouncing the. same judgment as I had, advised her to lose time. to go at owe to Parise and -sttidy for grand 011er31, -033 Itereretura from New • York eite ciente at once to tell nte all about the twitter. and I wet), remember her (excitement, alternating with deepair, When she considered how impossible it would be for any member of her family to find the means for her long sojourn in Paris.. However, I Assured her she need not worry --that would obtaixt the wherewithal to eeita and. keep her ' there Until she was ready to make her debut.. In a very few hones I was aYle to Interest sume pi Mentrealrg "Well Inuown philanthropists in her ease, and in possession .4 ,„Fliffi.09,41,11,aid.5 to cove0. ite,I_Milfrements for the tirst year, and iubeermentlY Lord Strath.- eeent was induced to undertake the bulk' ief the expense. For three yeaki she studied in Paris under Davernoy, W110 ,IttVtl.' her her eatire. inseructioo free, . • e • "At last the time .arrived when Pans line L•ightstoue 1V11114 ready . eom- teepee her career, and she Adopted the state. name. of 'Mandela recognition oi the Royal Vietoria t'ollege -and its generous .founder. It was at this time that 1 ettv:‘ her it let -ter to ray life-long .frienth Hope Temple, asking her .to. in. dtwo her .hitSlettel; Andre Messuger, 'tele 'of the•coeductors of the RoYal•Ita-, 1111 n. opera at .t'ovent • Garden, • and neulager of the S.Vndioate, to hear...Don... tilde; and . if he. theught .well. of her \'-eiee,to give 1)er an engagement. Mee.. teteer tweed ilea and after 00810 1313'. ihor eurrespOt1,1011VO 1111 iiVt. 0110- Of my dearest. anibitions for . her , wag. realized., Don:Lida'. obtained n. three .years' engaginirent ' at CeVent Garden in her. first SeaSott.' . "With sunlis pheitemenal sae eat mile ties • i wee' an- easy • matt ea tor.. the. • young ft4tirtiot 10 fan''- etilekly- to gelif • her plave. antungSt the feremuet ere :of the time, end teeday she bids., 'fair to elted.ltietre upon the Dominion - of • Canada."' ' MAN AND NIONEY-. The-•Chunge -.That 0;teit With !•tit!2;,...„telthisitiott.:,01( ' ' Tf.W transferuiling power 'Of. money' •"the mentenit it gete ants>. •a inate.s •sessien . is • one ot... t tinsels ed u*s- • teries Of the universe. ,Oil course: we know that the •polson .01 avavice and greed'is In the eintraetee" mal aet 311 *the .mente'y; but, It Is Uneortnnate that the poeeeseloin of 'money seems to, de- Velop, to brieg ottla'soine tbe Worst •huntau (mantic, qualities wine') never develop 'iu poverty or slow. tb,einselves under ordinary circumstances: . , . Before. we got .posseSSIen' of: money' we feel sure' that -we will not alletv jt to Warp awl twist our ideals, We are going to shoW-the world tome. Use of 'atones-. • We are going to help every. hotly. 'We are going to. help etruggling. nierit assist.'peor:heYs and girls to get an. edutettion•and to get a start hi the world, We are going -to be helpful and Useful 113 'the .largest possible way: Ilut. it is a etrattge, trelt In human Ot course you tney your •money, '. But you get your money's: worth,' For whet does money mean to you. . - When 'Rocky', Mountaia. Teit's on • Ask %out, Draggiet. ' . [earth I' that if the ship should tura • turtle . .. . • . • • . as eoon as: She floated off it wouhl be ... ." „ .., nattire that; no matter, how Womble or a C -I >4 ' 1 ' 1 , if I n ' • pretty seriont.4 fer all on hoard. • It was in this ernergency that.the -presence • of Mrs. MeLean -on -board proved fortunate; The -Weather . had . been Very incIene„rd. 31:11:31 it 1130. been euffgested that :perhaps it • would be. better for her fuel Judge McLean to go ashore 'before 'flotation. 13ut Mrs. MeTeotti refueed to leave the Ba- varian until ell0. wee tied to her• pier in (attebee. Site ttent tafente tlie fright- . cited Men awl reeseortel them by her. .eoutpretire. Is -Q414,1 by those who - nere flee is • that many ei the work - 311(311 heve inalottlefelly nititina ied and gone ashi• 30 if they had not been faltioned to ehow the .white'•fea- ther 'when. a :woman remetined on the ship. • She Floats Clear.. . . Titan!' W1113 a gale •1)1reeilig on is,i0v, 10, 1111,1 there was inclictit•ion of 1133 moisuelly 'high tide. Owing to the bad weather the tugs which had been lying nioneAde had dropped deWi, the river to a more eonifortable horbor. Ao. the tide rose tho air coma pressers. were ect •to •work, and the full power Of the plant used in fora- ine Mr • into the hold of the ship. Suddenly there Ives a movement of the gtent bilk., mid /Art elie lifted herself from her reeky bed a cheer- went up from those nn board: • Five. minutes later the Payaririti Wful in possession of her own again and. • • floated elear of Wye Rock in tO feet of water. After the first few minutes all apprehension. that the vessel might turn over or that the air pressure • would not helsi the water book was- . dispelled. The Bavarian floated on an almost eyen keel. Soon 1116 tugs -were around her and the ship was , &tie Register., • • lanu.1.101....... * On riday, 1)ec. 28, .at 1 in., tin lot „ e'on, 7, Morris, extensive auction sale of farm stock anti impletnente. . Evans Bros„ Props.; T. Brown, anct. Farm of 100 mites, part of lots 1748, . eon. 8, Hallett, at the Graham House, Qiinten,on Deo, 20. DsDiokineon, auet, 'atm -eters tn tle'scrihe the won. derfid storms of dust ihnt °New . 111 Xasligaria., near the foot of. the. Mien. Tem monntaips. The dust in the air 14 sometimes so dense that complete thittlo. ness prevails. ,Oetmetotially rain faits (Writ* such. a stortUf hitt the reIndrope evaporate.during their desteniti via the dust carrie(1 with °them falls: in lumps. Entire loveste of poplar•trees are buried lit duet hilloelee forty- feet, high. These deposits 'of, dust are afterward me\ ea on ity the 2Wind, but ihetrees that have. been hurled Ole, even after their 'dim. .1:dement, , taken in tow for Quebec. There she Estimates of the ost of putting the 1 lies now beached in Wolf's Clove Bavarian in a safe place show that the plans originated by- Mr. King and 'earried to such a triumphant concha, son by 'bit Wothersimon leAS Suffered Terrible Agony FROM PMN ACROSS • HIS' KIDNEYS. Do A ws MON! EV P'ILLS otiRED FM% Peed the words of praise, M. M. A. McInnis, Marion "Bridge, N.S,, has for rioan'e Ifidney Pats. (Ile writes us): "'or the peat three years X have quarto(' terrible agony from pain across toy kidneys. I was to bad X could not stoop 03 henti. 10031130140(1 and had several doctors oval tee, but could get no relief. On tho advice of a friend. I matured a box of your valuebio, life-giving remedy (I)oates nidney Pills), and to my rarpriso and delight, 31 Immediately got better. In my opinion Domes Itidney rills have ;to eguel for anylortri of kidney trouble." lenient Xidney ors fie cents pc box or thrto boxes for 81.28. Can he procured at ell dealers 'or will be moiled direct on receipt of I price by •rho Mau Malley Pill Coe Toronto, Ota, ' not imeept 5 eptirious substitute but be earn aid got ..Domzes." demo( Intl •eit Mu • mu ( mni in o - able people may 'bewhiloppor'just as 'Seen its the .average man gets more than ithafellews 11e 110g111:4 to..tlotainee.r . over them and' to use tiro •very wealth Which he was so anxIous to get to en- able Mtn to help his fellow Men to oppress. and keep. them ch3me-1.-0, 8. Mardeh 111 $uevess 'Magazine. Not 3111.11 Proserirtion„ On a family druggist's preseriptlon Ale is an oft repeated atreeerteteei bearing hurniker 87,111. The t or the twentieth ventury remise "thielpo. Ticketorii theatriel Inman a. duo sigma Take this afternoon. Ine ." • • • Obviously it is an order on the 11.1.11'te • gist written by a reputable phyeicinit for two theater tickets, and the 'in- tents, mother anti daugliter, are en- abled to take needed treatment at a -'matinee while .the busy hosband and • father remains at work. The reason for the seheme as told the druggist by tho doctor was the absolute legal of mother and daughter for recreation, and As the druggist has a theater ticket office It *wee readily nand setts- • factorlip arranged: OGS ••••••-•••••••.--e—• G-6 I..,rigs•wanted, at. Stapleton • S'aW APply.to the • . • Foreman, o11 the premises What ilreathing Amounts To. In each respiration an average adult inhales °tie pita of air. A. man respire exteen to twelity tittles a minute, and a young child about twenty-five 314 thirty -live times, While in a standing posture the number of respirations 14 greater than when lying down. •A tutui takes only thIrteenhreaths of alr to the ralnute while reclining, JPhe superficial surface of the lungs is 200 squar yards. The amount et air inspired b3+, an lidult in twenty-four hours Is aboUl 10,000 quarts. The least amount of WA heeded by an adult in one hour le 385 miarts. The heart sends through tint lenge 5,000 gallons a blood dally. COAL Little dropsOf Water Preezing.on tbe walk, Makes the man who stops thereon Indulge in naughty talk: . • Many freeaing tunrninge; • 1(1 1IIY chills -beware. ' • ' just let us fill your 10133 (33(1',, • -And then you need not:swear. SCIIALST(9N COAL • TILE BEST TO, BE HAD. -• J. A. HAMILTON, *COAL DEALER The LalRIAOUR School Telegraphy, . . Acia•Gteileral Trainin,l, for . Raiiviray Service, The new rnethodbt instruction adopted!. by this school het proved a great stwee8s, PupiLs graduate hi the"shortest:possiblo tim therefore at thd least expense. • • _ Employment. provided et Mee 79Write for a free painphlet whioh wifl gIVe full information. Sehool room in Gordon Block, opnosite Poi; Mee, the. most deAire,ble locat,ion In the eity laspeAion of classes atiWorit cordially Milted ROBBIIV LAMOUR; StitatfOrd: Ont District Stitterlh- 1,41.110,(fr. • for.'merly PrilICil)ht a' ar tenient • .1). h 064/7. or the Holiday and NOW 'Years Trade WE HAVE WORT YOU Wm The newest designs in. gold and gold-filled Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets, Lockets, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Pearl Jewelry of all descriptions. Elgin, W4Itham and Hamilton Watches, in all the newest fashionable sizes, at a popular price. Swiss Chatelaine Watches in best designs. • Our stock of Silverware is most complete. A fine assortment of Pearl -handled Knives and Forks, in cases, Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, in abundance. The largest range of Jap 'pottery and china. Call early, while the selection is good All goods sold. by rm will be engraved free of charge. JEWELeR and OPTICIAN. , ti CO A.:11a Before placing your orders foe • your season's siipply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stead( and sold at the lowestipossible price. Orders may be lefCat Davis St Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, at Electric Light Plant', aassumaartatoloasorasaaaamiaomaraatautiammunima Furniture jor Presents 41151r"r• Anti-ei noting your wants, we have laid in a, large stock of Fancy Rockers, Couches, Morris (hails Music Cabinets, Tea Tables, Desks, Wall Poeleets, Pictures, Easels, etc: it usient, thisTRLIMENTS.-Besides Pianos arta Oegane, we have Violins, Accordeonte Mouth Organs, Autoharps, Strings, flews and Sheet Music. Buy your presents here, and save money. J. ll.,eiRELLEw. BLyTH. FURNITURE. and UNDERTAKING. *42...-.....z...Awkori...*•..tmaisminaigininpeemaseewszemans2===„....^4'...00+"""*-4"Z.........,'"1":‘•• • 6 co New 3 ears.Gifts- . • lkN . • wwhy not "choose your Chiasttnas..gifts 1101V, and:lett-NI:pep theni 0., ±03 1)031 until wanted?' Our soleCtiOn li, larger taftn eyer before, con. Wstin K. of elithe best perfumes, both in bulk anp133' icy pl- h - l•holly- needs ot all kinds Brushes, Mirrors; Manicure Sets, $11i • .. . ,Milif.ary'artfshes, Cloth Broshes,'etc, of., :ever 0114,11(1 here, incInding Meerschitutits,•ale 13. De 13.13.13.Engiish / a, 1 IS Leather Travelling Sets, Wove and Han,dkerchief Cases, ' smokee's sepplies tve have the larges.-as.sortnient ea' . pipes f: • • . -Razors, and Razor Strops , . • . . . . InI% ,,, i 1 holders: . •• • --Call and. eee what we have. -e-- . pipes. Imported Domestic; Cigars mod rob:woes, cigar and cigaret. • "".: .1.6 1 .8.• J.. E, -HOVEY, Clinton.. . . g i :1F -Em.„,...,........, ...... le ...or-. 40.,,,s/•,,ter.wor ••11ei,4131, it'etStele New Years Greetings, , For 'many years we have been, saying "Merry Christmas" ' .• •• • • • to you, se here it is aoa:in. ... . : • - ... ... - Yon. Will want Ron'te nice•artiele te ina,1;6 sonieone else neer eta' lIero is the p1 1(4 We 13 1.3.0 fi, e'atod Sup.oly of 1iatedsfor2e:.01iitia. Lathase Iltuidkerelliers, (loiter)., Gloves.. Mitts, Wool Clonds arid Squares, Work Baskets,. Ilitrulker-, ehief,and Movie I3oXes, etc. Then; we have not :forgetten Oranges,. LeniOns, • Ott -tidy, .Nuts, Pigs, Dates, etcasPlease.conie early.. rappOrktini, LO1lkleSb0007 pe3,....1.2,i031. , ::%;;;;;Onsuerszielnengsgaer7 Itt. Fitzsimons 4it Son. We are still in the But- chering business, and are in a position to fill all or- ders for seasonable meets, int:usted to on: tve, Our new business sand is in the p ombe Block, .1., Fitzsimons 86 Son MU 76 Clinton ams. Cutters.;,.Sleighs We manufacture all our CUTTERS and SLEIGHS, and guarantee- both Material , and. workmanship • Itepairifig promptly attended. to .Rtunball & MeMath's, Huron. Street., Clinton.. Clinton Sash Door9' and, Blind.Factory, The,Town ofClinton is on the eve: of a "bona," If you contemplate baflthn g, lot us give you our estimation; ete. E...Witeafignarters tor all kinispl S. S. COOPE Clinton ••••••••••,.....•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••‘ •••••,./ 53 htt; . .4141 .4 .14 I • •-•-• 4 4'. 4** • ONE Lest week we told you we had Owner, To, and Toilet: :lets, and Fancy Onion on the way from the potters in England. 'We low heve them in stock. They are up.to.date in shape itna neW decorations. Cheaper UM °Ver. COI 33113.1 SOO thet11. TEAS! TEAS I TEAS Black, Green and Japans, from 10e np.01113 poeial. Mixed. 25c Tea is extra value, • REDIMITII'S SUGARS. Special cut price in 100 lb. bans. We handle only the best in Tomatoea, Corti, Peas and Salmon, Every can guaranteed. j.W.IRWIN. OASH PAID IPOR EGGS AND BUT/ Ai It flk 144 444 **44 14 14 .44444 14.44$4 1 411 $1 i44 The Clinton New Era and the Montreal 1 Weekly Herald to Ian. lst '08, for $1.00