HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-21, Page 8TIM CLINTON NEW ERA.
Dec. 21, 1906.
The. glintou NeW
• _
Read our Ad.
Jon the outside
-page of cover.
'The store will be ()pea Thurs.
day, Friday, Saturday and
Monday Evenings
50Mit 501)K
. • DISMISSED. e- The charge laid
, against W. R. Rand, for non-support
• of his wife, tried before Judge 11110yle
Last weele, was dismissed, the .Judge,
tt, is said, taking the ground -theteas
..hey had never lived. together since
• their marriage, (over six months) he
was •net ;
herty-Jacobs dispersion. sale Of thoro'
bred Shorthorme will take place berel On Tuesday Coroner Thompson held
Ian inquest into the death of the child
that Miss Elva Potts, (daughter of Mr. resides with Mr. and. Mrs, W. Smith,
G. Potts,) and Miss Mabel Cantelon, oclerich township. The a
child. _ ws
have rented Mr. Jackson's store in the born on Nov, 14th anddied on the 1(kh,
Victoria BIQA, and after the Nev being beefed ori the premises. without
'leer will open out a Millinerrand a doctor's certifieate.. Certain rumors
Fancy Goods store. Both have had gave rise to a suspicion that the child's
death was not dee to natural .causes,
hence the action of the Crown in re -
crating the inquest to be held. The
Council Chamber, where the inquest
waa held, WAS filled with persons who
evidently thought there Might • be
some developments.
A jary was empanelled, Consisting of
the following pereone : IL T. Rance,
foreman ; O. C. Rance', M. D. MeTag-
gait, W. Wheatley, J. Ford, R. Grah-
am, .r. Hunter, el, Saville.. R, Welsh,
W. P So:welding, C. E. DOWding, C.
Wall IS, T. Cottle.
The evidence of Dr. McAsh, who
was preeent at the confinement, was
to the elfect that the child appeared
to he it healthy, • well-developed one.
The evidence of 1V1iss Perdue, and that
of Mr, and Mrs. Smith, witeectetheeere
fect time the child Scaq weakly, its
birt•it being premature. The jury Were
an hu
or ren eening conclusion, and ren-
dered the followirig verdict :
That, the infant cern° to its death by
cause or causes unknown; that there
was no evidence to ' indicate that the
death was due to any but zutturid
Mr. W. Brydone conducted the wee
for the Crown,
rOWII COUlleti
Onteletiel5t1tt -
A NEW FIRM, We Understand of Miss Minnie Pexelue (or Smith, who
experience in the millinery .
Ilarvey, of Brant avenue Methodist
church, Brantford, was a victim of the
ice -covered sidewalks on Friday night,
when he slipped aral broke his left erne
just below the shoulder. The mishap
was a very painful one, and will Inca-
paciate him for a time. Mr. Harvey is
an old Howick bay. •
VER.- The Maisons and Sovereign
bank branches here are to be highly
commended in their efforts to reduce
the amount. of American silver in cir-
culation in this community, The
Molson's Bank has ever since continu-
ed sending ib away' at their own ex-
pense andsince last May the amount
sent out has exceeded $1500.. The
Sovereign Bank have also sent out, a
considerable amounts
SOME POULTRY. -Messes Cante-
lon Bros, shepped on Saturday' laet,
car• containing about 11,000. lbs of
potiltry, including about 800 turkeys,
The best average on turkeys purchased
by thie firm was a lot received from
Mrs jos Colclough, llth . con, Goder.
ich toWnship, 41 birds, 'averaging
about 131 lbs, The price paid for this
lot was $71,37, The eext best atter
age ever° lots received from eV J
lay andAdam Centelon, Gocleeich Tp,
CLINTON. The: London levee Press
of Tuesday contained the following.
"A citieen who is well informed on
railroad Matters stated yesterday that
at the next session of the Ontario Leg-
islature the Central Ontario Railevay
will seek•permission to construct a line
from Wiartme to London. Surveying
parties have, it is stated, been at work,
and:the piens are being drawn for the
new roach which will pass through
Clinten." '
A COMING EVENT. -Invitation
are out for the marriage of Miss Mary
• et. Mclewan, •eldest daughter of Me and,
Mrs Duncan B. McEwen, Rattenbury
Street west, to Lionel 0. Paisley, eld-
met son of Mr W. J. Paisley. The
- event takes place on the 20th. Both
are well-known, popular young people,
send will have the best wishes Of their
• homy friends for their future happi-
hees. They will reside on Princess •
• 'St.
PROGRESSING. -A few day's since
'Mr Thos Cottle made a. friendly visit
ee Mr H. Foster, at Brampton, form -
lily of Clinton, and was shown by hint
ehrough the Williams Shoe Factorte
en which Mr Foster is interestdde . The
.iersiness• of the factoey for • 1905 • was
;$50,000 more than for 1904, and at the
gime Mr Cettle was there, the indica-
aloes wee that the business for 1900
would show the same • inceease over
Percy A. Malcomson, .of Walkerton,
* -4s in luck, having been . appointed.
Deputy Judge of &nee, . Judge Kiehl
having been granted four month's ad-
taitional leave of absence.. Mr Mie-
ezemson was born in Clinton, being, a
een of the late S. Malcomsora and he
practised law up to about A. year eget,
when he moved to Walkerton. He is
eo be congratulated-- on :his,. adviince-
anent. . . . .
. • •
many friends here of Rev IL M. Men-
. ming. now of Peterhpro, Will regret to.
f earn that he lia.s been Compelled to
• gO•e up the active Work of the ministry
40 wing to. a beak .down of his system:
lie • has recently been engaged en -
special services, which were eppareeta
ily too much for his strength; his mode
eat adviser says .it may •be :some
months before,he Will be able to re-
sume his work. •
THE POST OFFICE -For the•• next
1 p w days Postmestet• Scott -enable. as-
esista.nt, Miss Pickett, are likely to be
"rushed to death" looking afree .
Christmas parcels. The public cane
eomewhat lighten. their burdens by •
meeting 'tercels as Tench as possible in
feffetemeniner, as there is almost always
%rush in the afternoons under Melees
a any conditions. - And it will bees well
a .eeloemenaber that en - Christie -as .DAy,'
'he wieket will be open only the. itseate•
reoliday hopes, The lobbywill be open
Irom '7.30 a. ni. to 0 le in.•
HE TAXES. - Collector Wheatley
was kept pretty busy on Friday, writ -
ng out tax receipts and counting the
, money paid therefore. The takeeoll
. for ,thie • year represents over .$17,200.
1 On Fridayelir. Wheatley took in about
eeti000, makiag a total of $10,500 hecol-
' el:ghee to the evenieg of that,. day.
eteome people tendered their taxes next
elay,assurritng that the .extra ecerite on
athe dollar would not be eollected, .and
..ewere eomewhat surprised when told.
, hhat the Collector hadbo. power, hut to.
eollect the extra amount. • Mr Wheett
tee- has been tax collector for 18 years,
and no one could have more faithfully
performed the duties c f this office*. , • .
A NASTY ('RACK. -Mr Geo Hot-
iand, of Goderich township, -hes been.
earrying a very bad bIack.eye for 'epv-
, wee days, and while. .everyone knows:
that he is a most inoffensive and teem,
able citizen.not given to anything that
would peoduee Adiscolored optic, he
has been compelled to. answer • a. good
snany quest ions aboutit. He :was' .tle-
' veving a load of het at the stable of
- W. ettiheety. wlien the binding
e slipped. and _ gave him • a eeack
voss the face that made - him see
oh. Mr Doherty -kindly • toek .hini
:0 his house and had. the eye dressed.
rtunatelye with care, his face •will
all right in fi few days. ' . .
. .. .
Thie is the. .time of year for renewing
suescriptions. it is the thne when ni
publieher, by the help of his subscrib-
ere, le able to pay his always accumu-
lating debts, And squerehimeelf for
another year. It is a time of censider-
able Anxiety to • newspa,per. men, be.
causeon.thepromptness of patrons de, .
:pee& to 'some extent theie tusiness in-"' .. • . . •
tegrity... Many of the Now lette's •sole. The-. Modelites who lutve ". been. at-
tending At Clinton- eet through, 'raid
left for their homes this week.- This.
maybe the last meelor teriee or it may
not, •as - All. depends: Oen. . the • pew.
Northel &hoots being ready • for use
next year. The followieg is • the, list
of Modelites•whe have eecored schools'
for neet year, thee is' Seely •• ahoiie half
thee:Jodie -closet lett of the remainder
eight are. too:young to teach :- • •
The statutory meeting of •• CPU nen.
Was bele on Satarday 'night. Orders
were issued in the Treesurer for the
grant•to the Public- School Board, cif
3500; Collegiate Board, of *100; and
to the Public Library Board, of $150.
• Bros. store on MOnday night.
.._ The Clerk was instructed to adver-
tise for sale for taxes all non-resident -Rev. J, W.-. Gralnien, of London, has
lands that can be legally sold, . s -• ' . been appointed Associate Secretary at
A number of persons were greeted' Edebation for the Methodist Church
rebates: • on .deg taxes, emproperly of Canada,. He is a son of the leteRev
assessed. - James Graham, and was boin here '' ...
The 'Council passed a by-law pro-
hibiting spitting on the sidewalks, the Miss Jessie Coupland, daughter of • Presentation'
Rev le Coo iland late of Auburn has .
chief clause of which • is. as follows..:- I ' - ' • -.
secured a - school • neer Watfotel at •
.No peeeon shall s.pit on ' the sidewalk On Thursdey evening' last Mr. R. J.
which plecelfer.fethet is now station -
any public -street, Avenue, p.ublic • ClufVentertamed the menibers of St.
"equare or place, or in, the passageway, . '
_eel at $4e0.• eels is first school. Paul's church choir, together with
stair wayeor entraiice to any builditig People do not usually . build stables I ()thee chetah -members and their wives.
which the publec resort, .oe in Any pub- J. W. Irwin has e comfortable Otte to !services of Wee Maud MeNatighton,.
heal. During
weed by the petite: in the toton, Or
plive, withinthe Toem of Clinton to in wintee, but Mr Thos Johnston
one erected for him lest week, and Mr 1 taken of ttre neeve• ening • advantagetereeegiiz a Ni/lEal:
licicenveyance within the ...town, replace the one eurned a . few. weeks i and ehowas made the -recipient of a,
.. ,--. et -ea..- - - - ago. . .• ' , .1' mission clock . frenn the members 'of
. - . The. Ittodeiites . The play, • "Damon.. and 'Pythias," ; Ueda -rev.- end from tbe: church • she
which has been in eehearsal the, .past eeceived'a entree tea tray, a creeen and.
seveeeemonthe will be .pue.oii in the . sugar .service, and - it case of pearl -
Town Hell during the - lest .-. week of . handled knives.- • together with the fole,
January. The date and -full particulars lotvirig address t .
will be published later:: , ,- - ... • "
-Deetn: Mise. MeNauoireoN.--; We,
Lest -week Jobe • McLean,' of • Dim- representing the congregation and the
gennen brought to .0lintota. 100 -boxes ehme of St. Ititeehchurch, Clinton, de-
f evapotated.apples, the load weighed sire:to offer , our- sincerest congeatula-
very nearly thx•ee tons, , Geo- POwell- 1 tic t
, , ins o yon on youeappreeching maxe
of Blyth,_ was the buyer- of this toed, eriege ; and to express at -the eame time •
and it cost him just $357.25.. • .. - . • ' c One deep, regret at • the loss We are-
ele P. 13, Lewis, Prepeletor et . tee ! about to by your removal frone
:HOW. Normandie, '.begs to etepounce i put...midst; Only. on.thoprineiplethat
that he•yeilfbepleased to peyeill.legith i•it ie.mbre -lelessed te give than to 're -
mate 'eecteints if Masented . to him on 1 ceive can • We view the futere.with.
Fraley and -Saturday or this .• Week, . as equanimity.. To lose. you is .updOribt-
he hes soia•out ttie above hotel. • .- .. 11
le iy to sustain •e loss.. But selfishness
. . . _
: cannot rale . in such Oases., and there -
The ?Total. Meeting ofthe W-oman's', fora it iethat we are confronted with
enstitote will belield at the home. of 1 conflicting ern.otions.. One the one
Mie Fe W. Watts, . on 'Thursday the hand wesincerely desire. year greatest -
271.h illW at 2.30 p. in. leire,WA:174se.7:111
give Ateport of the Minuet convention, happiness. and on the other hand we
are f :ice to face with. the feet that we
which was beide"), Guelph lest • I- ... , Would .gladly. have .y.0 with es we,
therefore wish • to impress 'upon you".
- ' • • • • • .
Lit and• Mrs. Thompson are • eepect-
how leech We.. Shall -133199 you. Your• :
tog an nedition. of nearly thirty per- •
unfailing good nature, • your 'willing- t
emus to; their tioutehold for .leeereeenae.. :
aceseen WW1 y • gee:neon to. do all int.
There eve not very meny who -will en- your. pewee to • elleitse, voile- ability, ...
tertain a !meter needier thee thiS dur- '''•
ing the holiday. -. "
yuedheter just got.. mesically end - otherwlece te 'afford
pleesere to others, -taken from us, Will
moved inte that handeoine big house •
.leave it Void that will be indeed difficelt -
in tithe. • .-- •
4, I 4.
tLoca,1 Notes"' Personal N'tes
40. 04. Vhcee having relativeg or filen
would announce it in tbe Nit& itZe•
Miss Powe'l has taken a position in 4+
the 'eelephone office,
•W' L' Nair' son '111°8 Mail', aavid Forrester jr. has returned.
zogini,%taterreateg kaw.
lett, was successful in his exams at the feone the west. ' •
Ontario College of Physicians. ,
Mr. Gibson, of the Molsoxes Bank Mrs Logan, of Saginaw, is visiting;
staff, has been transferred, to London, her Taber, Mrs Glilchrist, t
and ie succeeded by Mr. Kearns, Luck- her and Mrs Andrew. Gunn, andl
family, of Toronto, are the guests of,
Dr reunn
• Messrs Thos. Cottle, II, Gould, and '
Saville had the pleasure of serving Me P. Ker, who has been building,
Bus Majesty as Jurors at Goderich lase stations along ot the branches of the
week. 0. P: R. is home,
• The Goderich Signal issued a very
creditable Cheistmas number. This
has become fixed habit with the
Mr Noble Holland, of the Huron
Road, who has been laid up for the
past six weeks with pneumonia, has
fully recovered, „
• Dr Shear and family have got coin-
fortebly settled in his new home on
Rattenbury Street. Nay they live
long to enjoy IL
Mate Cooper assumes possession of
the Normandie this morning. Be has
several would-be purchasers in ,yiew,
but no deal has yet been cloeed *
The present council will hold its last
• meeting on the evening of Monday,
Jan, 7th, and all outstanding accounts
should be rendered. before that time. -
Mr nine Dowson, of Stanley,brother
of Mrs -R. Graham, underwent an
operation in the hospital here • last
week, ancl is doing as well as can be
George Irving, of Chicago, made a
short visit la,st week to his parents,.
Mis and Mrs John Irving, ,
Miss Waterworth, of the Collegiate
Staff; went to Ridgetown on Tuesday,
to attend the wedding of her brother,
Iern;Dayis, son of Mr S. Davis, who •
is manager of a hardware store at•
Swan River. Man., is home for Christ -
mass ••
Miss -Edna, Cooper, of Victoria Uni-
versity, and Miss 011ie Cooper, of To-
ronto Normal School, are home for the
Mr and Mrs John 'Rice and son,
Lloyd, will spend the Xmas holiday in
Galt, the guests of Mr and Mrs T. A.
Mr Thos Hasting_s, Dominion Gov-
ernment Building Inspector was, here
on Wednesday, on his way to lespect
Wingham Post Office.
Mr Eli eVIcLa,ughlin and wife. of
expected. . Saskatoon, are visiting friends here
and will remain for about six weeks.
Some one who was eyidently deter- Mr *Laughlin has great faith, in the
mined to have goose for bis Christmas future otSaskatoon.
dinner, made provision thevefor by
taking one from the front of Cantelon Mrs Dresser, of Los Angeles, who
• has beerevisiting friends here, left on
Monday for Sabin, Minn., where her
father and mother reside, Mr and Mrs
Walter Cook, the latter not being
very well. ,
scribers have, renewed, ' to next year.
We will be pleased if hundreds more
will do soduieng the next few days.
• • •
HOCKEY. -The .following is the
• double scheclele of group No. 0, inter-
mediate 0.11. A.:- • ,
• •• Dec. 27e-Seefor1.li at Clinton •
Jan. leeOlintonett. Goderiph
Jan. e-Goderieh.at Clinton
• Jan; 4-Seaforth. et Godetich •.
Jan.'8-Giedeeich at Seaforth• .
Jan. i1-Seaforth at Clinton e
, l• Jan. 15e -Clinton at•Seaforth.
•'Jan, 18 -Godericb At Clinton• •
Jen; 2e Clinton at Seaforth
• Jan. 25e-Seaforth at Goderich , •
'San; 28 - Godetieh at Seaterth •
• •Feb.. 1 - Clinton et Goderich• ,
Itaferees-Crooks, Clinteri; . J. Mc --
Kenzie, Seaforth; A. McIvor, Goderich
I e!OWN 'FINANCES. -Tee statutory
finandial 'statement, of the town is ae.
follows •:-Receipte from Dee. le, 1905.
to Dee.eilst, 1005 : -8430.2.25 ; expend-
itures, 50850,22. • lexpendituees from
Jan let.1000' to Dec 15, 1feeft-s$2303e.05,
thie amount includes all the eardinny
expenditure of the to wnhogether with
• ipterest on debentures,. °enmity Tate'
.grants to schools, and. the • $0090 loau
to the Knitting rectory. The rer
• • ce ipts: for • the -sante ' period wei!e
$39058.10, •-whibli itielude it balance on
hand • of .511847.21, - debenteree • sold
$6241.11 ; and receipts front,' various
I MED Je; PANAMA.e-W.ore was re.:
etei ved here recently: ot • the death • at
P. name, of Ni Davie Patton,- at one
tit e in business hen* and prior to
that reeve of Goderith township. It
will be remembered. titat Mr Patton
committed to London, from God-
' eerich on the ground of temporary
tnental aberration, After his recov-
er 51 and release, through the interven-
tion of friends, he went to Panama,
where he inid been before, mid where
lite had financial interests. . leis death
lccurrecl about two months ago,
abougb word was . only recently ret
`teeived of the event. Some members
,of hie family live at Seattle. He was
a cousin ef Mr W. J. Patton, of God-
„erich township, and woe at one time it
of.considerable personal influence.
ery sorry to record the death of Ross
Tilliarns, son of Dr Williams, of
n ale., formerly of Clinton, which
ed n a Cleveland hospital, from
Mar menigites,. on Wednesday
'teak. Sotne time ago healed a
ttack of typhoid fever, which
lased to have .decreasecl his
.01 recovery. • Ile was horn
t 30 years ago, and was a
nising young man, having
risible position in. a' whole,
ery house in. Cleveland,
years. His sister Miss
E. DORTL.of town, both
..hing in Cleveland,
ng hie entire ill-
s also with him
ody was taken
ent. The old
-Mise L. Aesley;.lemeer Winghani
"• Berns, ()article,. .... • 400
• " . Gowan, GrancleHend.... . .; . . • 400
" Campbell, • Flarlock '• 500
" .eleGregore •Peinbeoke .... • ,t• 350
". Robb, .. • .. . : . 400
• ".• Scrimgeour, .12 terieop W . , 450
" Stewart, Poet leranlee- .
.1C1r. 11. Badonr, Doyer Smith.. 425
M •Eberhardt. Rainy Bever- 4(11)
• " Fraser, NO, 5 Grey. ' e • • • 450
▪ • Forrest, No 11- Aslifieltl' • • Tel
" Fowler, No TeleKilloot ..... 4e5
• 4. Geassick„ No 7 l'nion • W 100
" Itee-nolds, Rainy River 450
.Love, No 11 :Memo ... .. .150
e Gardner, No le Bence •1:50
Jlunicipnl metters, are beginning. to
moire, bat there does not appear to be
moth 'd efiniteness • ip • ao y of t he re e
m 8.11d it 'may he that nom illation
eley will shov veryfew a catal eandi, .
elates, in the'toealities • me atoned "11.
is stud"' that • Robe Elliott. will oppose:
• We ask you to make your
Holiday purchases at our store
feeling satisfied that we can
serve you profitably and other-
wise to your advantage.
We think our stoclE. should
suggest a suitable gift for any
Will you see it..
The -W. D. Pair Co)
• Oftc1/ the: Cheapest.. - Always the Best.
otlierssources. The assets of the town Reevel1fiddleton in (toderich townenip;•
are 5120,311.31, While the liabeeties itee. 'that. W Lemon t will oppose tieveveM c-
$77,343.54. • • '•• 'Dever/id ,in Stanley; that, Jamas Snell
•• •• will rehease tteeve Mcelillati in lIntlett;
• CHRISTMAe EXPRESS • MAT- that. B' J. G ibbitige will oppose, David
'TERS.-eThe- Express Office ihoine 0 Cantelon for the Reeeeship tlinton,•
and that. }Leh iltse vill se ceeed Mayor
Hoover. .These ere not given as facts
but as' coeretie renege . • •
the Maces where,. at this seasoaeof the
year,: . the: .members- Of the ettiff are.
kept more • than busy, and aieeoftee
subject to inconvenience, Mach • of
which could be • avoided it .the•peblic
were a little more thoughtful. -As so • .. DOlierte FhettO1eyeeN0ee...S..
many people are sendieg.Chiestniest liesiheatent the leaetery is 'peel, er,
paedele.- 'thee should.facilitAte the does eemiee in tame emelt, alt parte te
work of the Expeess Office by sending
them early..' Don't leave them ontil
few minutes' before train thne, and
then expect them to call for peecels
many of which, being small, could ea5.
ily be sent to the office early, :inch thus
save annoyance. • Pin eople can help :t
vriety ofe Ways if they will meet be
thoughtful of :the. interests And: work
of others as well as theniselyes. • . •
Mr, T. Jackson, • Ire • eeas reeponsible
u. the carrYing out of a splendid mit
tertaiuthent Trieedity evening laet,
at the 1101150et,Ilefuge, when a Jowl.
or eighteen people drove to this place
and put in a peograrn of instrumental
and vocal music that inol e MIA de-
lighted the inmates'
of. this place and
from reports we have heard, thelives
of these people were not onitr made
happier, but likely to be prolonged.
One of the most-, pleasing features was
the viat, at the same ti 010, of Sante
Maw; with a big load Of presents' for
everybody there ; .for the men-pipee,
tobacco, lints and caps ; and for the
women great ninny 011.10105 5(1011 824
would lee appreciated ; and. besides, a
melt -fined bag of candies, nuts, raisins,
oranges and 001(414.M
. anager French
arid Mrs. Simpson were peofuse in
their thanks to this merry party of
Clieton musicians, and otily hoped. an
other visit would soon r occuagain.
A FINE BARN. -A distinguished
party. visited the hares of It. & J.
nansford last Monday. The stables
have lately beee entirely renovated.
The old system of feeding in pens con-
tainirig six or eight steers, Duelling
loose has been done itevay with. Con-
erete'flocies on the most approved plan,
stalls; running east and west the whole
length, form ample aecommodation
for tying up 125 head. But the great
featore is the feed and litter earrier
system, 11112.110 by the Metallic Shingle
Co. of Preston, These carriers run on
a steel track; something in the style
of a barn door on rollers. They can
be lovveree and" raised hy hand with
ease, and are self -emptying ; there are
000 feet of tratk in these stable% and
they have provea to be great labor.
savers. Mr. McMurray, the farni fore. 800,5121 of Thos, Jackson Jr., met with
raari,is justly proud of both the stable a painful accident at the Pa.stime Club
and ts contents, which well repay a, Ori NednesdaY evening. He was
visit, We learn it is the Intention to s xinging on le horizmital bar when it
shortly :101010 the nucleus of a herd of broke, and he Was throsen On 1118 face.
Pollee Angus cattle. Tuck, One of his teeth was broken, his face
ersinith has alivays claimed to be the severely bruised. and cut, and for a
banner township of the county, and short time he was uneo cions. Ile
& Bansforclappearto be determieed was taken home, and rreigpilietns
to do their share in maintaining its to state that he Will
good fame, day or tivo.
the, wield, Reeve iiy a shipment of 12
organsevas nettle to Genoa, Italy, and
large•Chnieh Organ to' Cape Town,
South Afrien.• • pering% the next few
in on t b s )1i laChnyWiIl he e-ery busy,
fltliug ordere, celipeitilly for the- foreign
trade, a very large order having vee
eently hien received from the Engtisli
representative. • •
• Mr Olnekson, of' Termite, late with
• Gerhard Iteintzeien, has folued the
1)11002.41staff. The ont„pithof this
department hos been •'materiallyha
ereased• and the, demand for Doherty
• Pianos 'le in ereasieg daily . ••
,to fie. We wish you God-epped.
2tlr. McCaughey. left 131y th •trust tlett .ini yo tee new home. ente life
011 eloneate, aesu poseession. of, . every MO:pipet and.. happiness will at -
the bas trent- 'eemleyou. • and If. .the accompettying
ed lieeheitee cue •Mii it SL to nixtelcs , 'of: one leap -.and • esteem. will.
ititzeinieriee•Whetivi.1 I raid it i•eriventeite • serveln after. years to remind you:of -
for' e•lale..- jas-. .tre the sainee Mut wishes' peeeenting
• lies gene io-Blythealeo; ane 'will assist them . thyoe . will . indeed he feltilleda
in the Mann eement .ef the'hotel.., ••• • Signeclene - behalf of . the congeegtitieri
• Laet week Mr J. P. Tisdall. went to
Toronto to visit.his brether, who. was,
ill. 'Word came baek that hie •Tfsclall
himself WaS AlSOAAken illeind will he
detitineden the eity•for• a fete days. ln
theeneluttiriie efr D. L. elatoliereon,
town clerk, is looking- after ' his hind -
nese, Me- Tisdall is, expected home in
ii, lewd:173S. • ''•• • . in, from her embarrassment she teet-
.01tireneeelmilestoneson of Aer T. De ingler. aoknowledged the kindness off
• •
slohnstore whaleft A couple of months • lier•felerels. .
ago to .visit his aunt, et 'Wayne. Micha . . --.• __,.._...
with the hope that it would impeove , • •, . • . '• .
his health, has Twee .peeaching there. . • . Local. Notiees... ..
and. willnotretirrn for Christmas. ' as • , • . •
anticipased. Thie will beetle fireethne WANTED -Dried Apples , end Ponierv
in 23 years 'that' any member of Mr -Highest prices paid, .. OANTELON
. ,Tolinstoeilieferailythati been ayetty front • Ble,08., Clinton ; • • :.•
'ionic at Chieetmae •
apd choir, 0..R, (-luxe% Rector. '
• •'IL T. 1Losen, Rec.'s eVard. •
T. D. Jonicarrox, People "
• S. G. PLUMMER, Lay Del..
RANSFORU, Lay Doles.
s R. M. Bee'reav, Organist
WQ.Putemes,ex-Ohoie D.
• Mine tifeNaughton was taken cone,
pletely by surprise, and after recover-
Fe. Hodeteits andallthe male
mete:betaof the staff here, were at
Goeerielien ,Mondity nig1i, eseisting
-1e, the eeinoval of the steeleof Hedgeit
tiros. Letheenew • .store, .antere
nrisiug,firtu has new the largest*. etor
in the -comity.. and with t he- 'larger
• Old Santa Claus will make hie ap.
pc arance at the :Toy clepaetmeet of
Cooper's Boole. Store, Red:1,y afternoon
as 4 ceelook • ••
W. W. NIMENS will have a ehnfee-
s Opening on Frieey, eftern,00n and
'eeening, when the 13tore will be open to
the public, to see the fine aiiiortment of.
faeilities' teteeessed they are in a pose- (Christmas goods before they are disposed
ilium' county SF:big:Show tion ii mish then Inisi)iese. in the 1 o Bveryeody welcome, .
.A. eery large and en thnsiatetir meet- county town more than ever.
*44 •
inc.' was held in Clin ton, on Tuesday, • 1""'
Iteete/thiteltAte/1104/0 41011Altie
le,7c 18, for the 'poeticise of electing of-
firers, antes, and, gettentl Ouse
ness. It was &ceded, with 'Much apt.
•planse, that the show be held yearly,
about the fleet week in .A.peil
The following off -leers were elected -
President, James Silent -lace-Pres., (4
Hoare; See, Dr Shaw; Mat-Secret:ivy
and Treasurer, jaines Veit. Directors.
1' MOMI1IUI1,lInhlCttl JCoanolly, Gods -
rich Township; A Innee, Stanley; ,T
McFarlane, Stanley; Geo Dale and A
Elcoat, T21cke12mith;'32n0 McDearniid
Lucknow; James 'Evans, MeKillop;
Andw Yoling; Colborne; Peter Scott,
Brussels: R MeLeen, Goderich; Ilarry
Smith. Exeter; It Grab:mm.1D Cante-
lon, jas 'Weise, Jamee Pord,WWheat-
ley,•Clinton. • • •
It WAS decided' to hold the next • fair
on the first Thursday in April, and
give $500 in prizes,
total assets received by the assignee i)1.
this estate amounted to 0,647. 'rho*
legal expellees, disbursements, inclod
ing advertising and assignee's fee alla
preferred claims, Were 5337.56, Leav-
ing 1300,14 to distribute among the
creditors. The ordinary liabilities as
tiled amounted to$2,182.51. The estate
will therefore pay 00 eents on the dollar.
A. NASTY PALL -Stewart Jack.
• e----e-eAT,
If you are undecided: as to what you will remember your friends
with, in the way cg a Christmas gift,
. and come and see our immense stock,. We have a great many
• lines that would be suitable.• •
. What could be more acceptable than a nice pair of Patent
or Kid Boots, or it Pelt -lined Boot, a pair of Overshoe or Slip• ,
oekey Boots, Gaire, Leggings, a Suite Case, or a,
YOU shoeld 'see our English Velvet Felt Slippers, special
for the Christmas trade, a very suitable gift for your lady friend.
You will have no difficulty in mading a selection here. Oue as
• sortinenkis good and our prices are very reasonable,
• Wishing t6 our patrons and friends
4144 44%
e place toselect
Presents for Men
and Boys
Iiire's a list, any my& of which he Men or.
Boys will be sure to like. You're safe.. in.
coming to the Men's favoritestore for their
. . . .
holiday gifts,and this ,is THE Men's Store.
of the town. Ws full now of Holiday Qifts,,
and you can't very well nuke' a mistake se-
tecting from. its bIg stocks. Here's 'a list of
good things..
Tie.riBS mid Clair lInttOns
Rou4e Coats •
' Comfortable and' dressybig as- • .A.leig assortment, at,25e, & 00e
• sortment, at $4,5O $10 .
SU/eaters for Men • Always aCceptale,. $1 $ 3.50
Nolehtt styles, at $1.00 $1.50 Mid $5
• $2,50 $3.0,0 . •
Sweaters ..for .Boys.
Sur e to please the averaee hoy
50e • $1.00 $1.50 $2.00
Leather. Collar Ilexes
• Soniethlng new, undressed leath-
er, ereen• or tan, silk lined,
'Collars -a good present
Ali shapes, 1 dozen for :MAO
1 dozen better quality $.1.1.00
One thing it man never has toe
leheY of. The best stock in.the
county is .here. 25e, 500 75c
Silk Neck Scarfs
Very stylish and always accept-
able; 75c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00
cb, •
Knitted Neck Scarfs ,
50e avid 75c T
Men's Moves
Vowneer English make, unlined,
$1,00 $1.50 $2
leowne's English make, silk lined,
$1.50 and $1.75
'Powne's Englieh make, Inc lined,
$1.75 $2,50 $3.50 $4.50
Moni'8 Sweaters
• Greet vetiety a $1 '$1.50 $2'
and $3
Fur Caps
Muskrat, Gorman Otter,
Fur -.lined Overcoats
t'Nothing better for a man
$50 $00 $75 $85
Fur Coats
• just the thing for a, maxi whorl
' driving $18 $20 $25 to $00
Like the ties, no nian has too
many. Mercerized sateen, fancy
• boder, 2 for 25c
Extra cpiality mercerized Hand-
kerchiefs, golored borders, 3 for.
50e ,
Pare Linen Initialed Ha,ndker-
chiefs, 25c
lieni-stitched Handkerehiefs,pure
linen, 15t 20c 25c 30e
Silk Handkerchiefs, initial, 25c.
lkclkerchiefs,plain and fan-
cy, 500 75e and $1.00
Plain Cashmere Sox
Fancy Silk embroidered, black,
greys, etc., per pr25o