HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-21, Page 7"Fr "71r. •THE.: HOSPITAL FOR I tr et SICK CUIDEU f • ror it Ceres for Every Sivit 01,Shild iu Ontario whose Parents nnot Afford to Pity ter Treatment. - 90. The Hoepital !or Sick Children, College .street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and •motuere of Ontario for fund's to natim•ain the thou:emit sick children that it nurses within its walls every year. The Hospital hr not a local hist -ion tion -but Provin- cial. The sick child froin any piace in Ontario Who can't afford to pay has the same fi privileges as the -.. Add living in Tor. RA -PP e.w ITN MICR 01110 ki (5 t Mated DOLL tree. The Hospital had last year in its beds .and cots 81'W patients-- 331 of these were front 231 places outside of Toronto. The ,epat is 1.37 cts. per pa- tient per . day ts t 'r e 133 • lit. tle ones s „a day in the Hog- • tit pivot. Since :oun- Ail a t on the II 'spited has treated 12,120 childivn. About 8,1100 of th-e were unable to pay anti were treated free. SEW PICTURE ROOKS, JUST ARRIVED." SEII% HREAKI-AST. Your money can put gel de n on the door 0 f the Hospital. -- 'nervy. ve r y• body's drilla] may be the Friend i n N e e (1 t o So 'nobody's child. Your dollar may be a door of hope to somebody's child. The Hospital pays -out dividends of health end happiness to suf• feting childhood on every dollar that Is paid y Oionds of. • little children, If ,vsitt know of any child in your neighborhood who is sick or crippled or club feet rent's s n Ifos. TWO ("LOB MOOT CASES, IN PLASTER . pital. See -a ../41.csidi he done for club -foot chi'. &on. There were 36 like cases last 'year :and hundreds in 31 years. REPORTC AFTER send et -attributions to J. Ross : Rolt..rtson. (..iltairman, or to Douglas Dn son, See. -Treas , of the Hospital- for 'Sick Children. Colietzis Street, Toronto. Tnere are Intin:r tratitiftnnw,..,,eceeu with holly--otie, that 11 is unlucky 0 bring it Imo the house before Cifilst- mas eve. There are two kinds of holly, the prickly and nouprickly, and aceord- Ing as the 'bolly which is brought In for the Christmas decoration Is smooth or rough the wife or tee husband will be master. A bunch of holly with ber- ries must be broken from holly which ,luts been used in church decoration and f it ept until the next Christmas to pro - !led from lightning and insure'a lucky t!rear. 1, • Artificial Snow. • White cotton slightly .smeared with 1 mucilage and sprinkled -with common salt or dlamobil dust will make the best wintry effect. For store window' or table decoration inirrors make good water imitation with small sized dicks Iplaced on them. The effect er new fallen snow can be produced by taking the branches and dipping.in gum am- ! bic water and then sprinkling With Sour: Snowball effect can be produced by taking toy balls and covering with -met.. lton wool. -Bee Hire. 1••••••• 'ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Livar Pills. Must Bore Signature of See Par -Shull° Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy lo tako as svtgiro •17-ri-----.,rrenFOR HEABACNE. wutivio FOR DIZZINESS. ITTLE FON BILIOUSNESS. VER.. FOR TORPIO.LIVER •LLS' . . PIFOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION jut, o MORK WOK HEADA0115. TAWD4Era TORTURED FEET,. 'rho lainnexota Itepreoentritivela Earls _Recollection* or -Chyle:twos, - • "Ealy Christmas recollections a associated in my mind always," an .Etepresentative James A. TaWney 1,1inuesota, °witUi the picture of a gre and beautiful church lighted in eve part with wax candies -thousands wax tapers -a surpliced choir and t strains of a wonderful' organ; th picture against the •background of cold, black morning before sunup, frozen rutty roads, of 11. bleak not wind, a breakfast of ginger cooltit and a pair of stiff crumpled boot which made every step of a three mi trudge through the darkness a twiug of exquisite pain. was nine years old. My broth Was twelve, and with superior strengt and determination he overruled my d sire, due to the boots, to turn back fo home, The trouble arose from the fae that we had tallowed the boots tb night before, and the tallow had .harc ened. It was necessary to suffer nut the warmth of the foot melted the ta low aad made the boots less torture some. SO we plodded on. "It was our first Christmas festivity We lived on farm two miles fro Bonneouvillo, In Adams county, Pa and brother had conceived the Idea o going to mass at: the Catholic churel three miles distant. For this purpos we had risen before 3 o'cliick in th morning, had quietly abstracted som cakes from the jar in the cellar, and; a I have described, painfully I trudge( to the town and the big church. "It seemed big to the nine-year-oic boy, and it seemed gorgeous in Its 11 lumination.Wax candles I never hai heard of, and so many I never dream ed existed. We edged in with tht crowd and.' steed at the rear of the church, and my boy eyes drank In a scene Which never has •been nor Koh ably will be korgotten. It • was Won derfel, spectacular, dramatic to Me and that picture punctuates the vista of past Christmas days like a striking work of art In a gallery of vaguely re- - membered pictures."-Xittsburg, Press. • To have bentaittlit perfect, pink, vel. vet like lips, epply at 'bed time a light; rooting o . f Dr, Shoop's Green Salve. Then, next niothing notice, (au:Tinily the effect: Dry, cracked, or . colorless ss mean foverihitness,'end are as tvell ill n ppeari 0J7.1)1, -Shoop's (lecen Salve is )oft-, erentny, betsbng t- .I11(41t. (het tptiek 137 vorreet • any • skin Newish or aliment. Get a free trial hex JIt our slot e and he conyincecl 23c. bold ItY IV. S. it, Holii,es. YHE. ART OF GIVINU, Christman 'Pre:Rents! a soweet n .•nindleg Serious Study. • Giving. Christmas gifts is almost •-a science. It is certainly 'a study for one - who really Wislies.to olve neck not dis- tress and embarrass. ,No one te!ntore helpless than the...Woman Win) 'reeeiyeN! an utterly useless And undesirable:gift. She is 'feisty forced into. falselloodeuid Is ' obliged- to express gratitude which she does.uot feel. ' The wonieu bas a.green parlor end receives bine rug, or the AVOMan who has n Wee: dining :tooth' and .re- eetves a -set of doilies embrh iedered -Wit . purple violets, or the woman with. a sallow complexioq who Is Oren a,cle117 ••ctite pink eititsvl, ,1:4 •actually made. .te sin against truth, , She feels, if .she -is e of e naturally grateful :nt tender .dis7 Position,' that she .inukt; eXpress thanks vvhich •she. does not feel., Then, 'ten ,ehances to one, if it is net a • Struggle for ber not to pose' along these:. useless gifts nekt Chriattents'ned vollie herself in a;inesh ilec.eit- she . . 'goes abate: .1 (Trifled lest . by mi- . foreseen', -chance the- first: giver siniuld. ViScover' the gifejn' the hands -or, the.. second..reCipient., . Often people arc so deluged by• Use, less gifts thitr inethory falls them con; • cerning the givers. Snell mistakes ate likely to oceur, •and belly and. abSurd, .but no loss lasting,'-feetis are the .cou- , sequence,Philedelpilie Press. ' • . , 1.17.A Y 1-3171-tl‘T.,•170 'To ES Stop .using .1.eid Corn Salves, . nee' .T.).111 nem's Painless. ENtractor :it costs a' little wore, but it's Mr „the bekt, • •rse only ''P.iltrisin's"-2:ie at all ticitiets. • • Slice. the,•ba von very ilitn and shave' off the rind, lay the slices in. a Pan, cheering with (Tacked lee. A fter fifteen ininiltssilft- but And broil on oini on the ice initil:chilled :Mil broil on the the '1144", 111(0 small iiieseh With' a silver knife, Mix W11.11 ql. soft boiled or Si,ram tiled ('1 :2111(1 serve on tonsi.- This Mall- IIPP. .01! cirokieg .inieon yonsume 11101'l' .tinii 11.1:111 1111i. OritillarY way and a 111.11e more 1iseible esrhaps, Itut the deliciogNness. of it r(;mirtl' the I•a- ebor 51)0111. .. Little aches never . grow to he hig ones it„.they tire promptly 1l'114111-'(1Peery Ihty is P.ti nkill yr. A. good thing 40 remember in i•AIPSPaSini Of (11;11010Pa, (1101e12/1.."1111)PbtIN 11011'III P0111. 'plaints tintr, (301110 wit ft slimmer.. • . .. Bessemer 'Steel.. • The 80 Caned bv.,•:elner procoN of making steel, len,jectintr, alr. blasts ittto molten iron was diseovere(1,11 rtit by an ..inierlettu named. and knowg as 111:4 air process. After the .irtm workers 1111(1seen it done they w still ouhl not belleVe it. -Some crank will be , burning ice nest thing.," they said; Soled of • his cusionteee When _they heard :thole see it IviKelly that they !wanted their iron made either hi the rer gulawey, 11101 ted by any 1101r- fangled lied. or riot at all. • When the fi:!st. blast was so strong that it melte:1 the iron 1110 sifee:int!ws roared with iangleer. at what calhel "Xelly'ts tireworks" , mut laughed f -t! ten years id his "fol.ly." When licsss. met' Introit:wed his livery:N.1o' the. Brit. ish listumakers they,. 11)),isnirch il wit In ugh or at the "erazy ]1.l1 ehma 11" 811(1 ‘00111(1 not anew the "silly idea" 'to be mentioned 111 their' records. 'rile steel rap il roties1.1 m d o eileilenly de - **Il 'sit! 1111131-1 (1C Null - Slinger ;Mid the . railroad directors When It wrot rie p:oseil to them. • lint utter one road hail tried it the etted pinthl not lie01) 111) lvit 11 1110 , 1.16T ,100T 4INTON. NEW. Exa, it WOMAN'S ORD 1L eLIESPI IS Thoosoodo wuto to Mrs. Perkfinet. ig en. Mass., and Receive Viduable Advice Abe. /1* 'WY e4OfideOtig1 and 'rec. 0, • Themi eon be no more terriW.e • lo a delieete, sensitive, • than to be obliged to answer verta • questions in regaed to her priviee Ills: even when those question,. are fed„,,i by her .fainily physician,. tuo away ter,- 47kee4(' '4Z• !ft • DeficH Atalbwidi 4'79 • - . • - , • • continue to suffer rather thee to submit . to examinotions which so niany physt- Timis propuse in °Nies to intelligently treat the,disease and this is the reason why so natay ,physicialle .to cure k1,I11;119 . his' isalt..). the reason why thouSatuls untie, thousands Of- etheen are corre- eponding eith Mrs. 111 1L1111113, daughter- in-law Of 1.rdia E. Piekitam, at Lynn,. Mass: 1,.t 110V can .eorifide .eVery detail of thoir Wines, and from . 11wr great keew.lc!lecAdleallic(1 from years o1. e:e-perietive hi trOating friattle ills. :Mrs.. Pinkhain can advise sick women more wisely than the lova! ellysician. Read how Mrs. 1 inkhant llclpecl Delle, Emerentienee• Mentrcuil, of ..114 • Latourelle t., •Quebre, ! Dear Mrs,. Pink ham:— •`I suffered ibr eigli t tomtits with what tile . . doetors called prol ..iis, lel deli caused great Teakness all tivi:r taiy systent,. -with thint spells. 1 Ite.ot growii,g. weaker and weaker, L tried -several mediallics which 'they •claimelf.wehld (sire thy troleee, but tl.:,tildiNvi:eiintifitl IP 111A,t hOne lit n Mit trial ram's Vegetable. 1 'ompottini, aid this helms t me so iLi2itly ,that 1 could hardly believe iny L•.•,•,m1 Porttine. gladly have paid e.2.).13 f ‘1' -that tITIttle/ttle, tOT Tile on tliP 11 '21 (0 health, and five bottles.e its,(1. me. I am limit grateful fur toy splendid, robust. intdith and Shall certainly mei surnen(1. the Vista:dile (si)1:- poutat.in io ving terms to an niy frieud4. and aequaintrincus, for it is (.1 ",er.ving of all the prluRe J.(111)ve it." • Mountains of proof establish Om fact that no medicine hi the world eenala Lydia E. Pnikleno's .tithic* "en - pound for restoring•wouleti'.s health. , . • . /romance or alipenteicare, By the Teetotts miStietoe WitS held sacred to laldur,' the sun god,the son of Freya, the Scandinavian Venus.. .Lit .lialdur all that 'Was beautiful, elo- quentwise and 1 • • . . gout n as honthed, and he was. the Spirit- of activity, or • joy and of light • Predicting. his own .apprOaching death, his mother, Freya, exacted;au oath from animals, planets and, minerals not to injure him.. The. • mistletoe ainong the plants had been- fetgotten. When' this was discoveted by the fi•reacherout 110 (101 the bllnd god of 'nett:a, strength, lie took a 'wand of it, atich- heleg -directed 'haw to anti . it, the thistietoe pierced- Haldur th'rough the • heart, athl 1ie fell dead to the- greund-s-Boston -Traveler. • Pall and the Mistletoe p smt., Ise WIVE liAltelsge. •at ELL, Mist. LI Diens' Chang. Ibelieve I will," said. Polly Adams to a ridiculous china doll that sat on the Chinliley staring fixedly before her. It was nearly midnight, and the bouse fWas still. The Christmas tree stood ail Secorated' and with the gifts hung 'Open It lo the library, back or 1110 par- lor, and Polly had been sitting beside rthe fire in her.pteity yellow eidoetlewn ,pajanuts, Pajamas were a eel th:It season among ail her girl friends, and 'sr oily always, as she said, "kept right 'along with the procession," - Polly was tired, for .she had been busy all that day. They were not Heil, and so ranch ot the runnites devolved sapou Polly, and the three boss NV tome from school; and they hue two visitors to remain till .b4ny ):ffu"s. One of them was Archie -it is .eneueh to Call him just "Archle.". So, white' !Polly braided the heavymass of deb brown hair into one, long loose plait. ;the- glanced at the mistletoe And trien- at $ho sphitilltke face of the Chlinele doll as she saw:. "Now, Mrs. Li Hung. Chang, wli-tt shall do? Amble loves me. I knew it from a dozeu-yes, /1 111011S/1/1a "FRUIT6A-TIVES" differ from any other remedy in the world. They cure, absolutely, Stomach, Liver Kidney, Bowel and Skin Troubles. Because none of the usual remedies have given'you relief, is no reason why you should not give "Fruit-a-tives" a good, honest trial. Fresh fruit acts directly on the three great eliminating. organs—Bowels, Kidneys and Skin. But fruit contains only a minute quantity of the medicinal principles and in order to receive any marked benefit from fruit, one would be compelled to eat more than Could be assimilated by the system. Fruit-a-tives" contain all the curative virtues of fruit in a wonderfully concentrated form.' tnakink “Prnit-a-tives,”! the juices of apples, oranges,! figs arid prunes are conibined- and, by a wonderful discovery of a famous physician, a chemical change takes place in the juices, by which the medicinal action is Many tinaea increased, Then tonics are added, and the whole cotnpressedinto tablets,, "Fruit-a-tiv' " contain no Calomel—no Cascara—no Senna—no Morphine. -- no violent purgatives—only fruit juices and tonics. "Fruit -a -lives" act directly on the )3oweIs, Kidneys and Skin -strengthening thein-e-ancl arousing them to vigorous action. • With the Kidneys healthy -the Bowels moving regularly every day -the active -and the pores of the skin doing their full share towards ridding the system of waste -there can be no disease, • "Fruit-a-tives' meets health for every Member of the family. 50c..a box --6 boxes for $2...so. Sent to any address on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A.TIVES LlivuTE6, orrAwA. , 103 Caterrh of the ;nose . and throat i-houlcl at leastit a d. you to ask us fox: a' free triel box of Dr. -Shoop's Catarrh . 4.01 ing yproves merit as a eel, :totted test -and Dr. Shoop, to prove this', '.earnestly desires that We la yon tmtke that test.This creaniy snow-white, healing balno, soothes the tilrotwand• nostrils and •quickly piiri- 48 it foul or feyerish 'breath. 'Call and. inVestigate. • Sold and , reootetriende,d R..ilottries. • The Preffeti ati.eient limes' had a (Meer svity of i -losing a trade for land.' When es: title ',vas :to . be . formally . eransferred _the pirrties'te the transag- t len !net presenee of tweivemen and 1 wove boys, an oe whom were wititeesoe: 10 the ',3 10 means adopt- . to. • make the • boys remember the . event- Was unique. Ellett :of tijem liad. .1tist .enria 4ssilled ttet11 be Squealed like 21. !!'s: .1111(1 then received a sonnel 'thrash- i•.:g., The :„Itepres.sion . made. by 'r this !eynlintert Was Strong .and lasting, you 111:1Y- ":11.re, niel. the boYS-never vet whit:1 tlii"v wittleSee(1.. . . Of conrse frou pay your Thorley:. But yon get pier hey'S mirth; Poe What does,nitiney meati to you ! ' When Rocky Mountain -Ten's Ask vote! Druggist. ' , [(instil.? : sons.e."ilsriat :sista gOntotionot. Thr !put! n 1 101114 ven below- Mity be 01 340113(' value to• those who lIke..to 4r:- co:I.:pithy. rh .41 nuts gift whit an ap- propriate sent intent: AVIth a calendar, "Wilk. it on piny 1101,1rt. 11011 every ilitY is the . 1 ned 21' dip yea 1.:'! 101111 "An ant 11101141 ti) trust;" •with at .1m11. or "svf, (mist go lege( 11- . ete" 'with' a • irtir of gloVes, "We're a Pills if ever...there, was otie."- CURE Dyspepsia, BOW, Pimples, Headaches, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Balt Rheum* grysipelas, • Serotitla,, ' !!.. and all troubles ariging from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. Mrs. A, tethanguet of Bellyduif, Ont., writes " I hellos° I would havo been in my grave long ago had it but bt.cu llurdortk Blood Bit- ters. I was run desen to roach an extent that could scarce. ly MOTO OHIO the home. vra suhic. t to severe IteediseiteA, Ittektultest and ditul- nes.-t; 11.01.0 'de wit& Wald, and I unable to do my housework. Alter itsit,:r (Aso s of 11, tt. / found thr health fatly )('I0L(1 I wined:, sec:wet:elm it to aft U1(11 awl worn out woruce." lig' \TRAPPED THE SHIIINICING LITTIM , FIGTII1E IN ITS VOLDS. things, but he is so shy and till:id. ;Minnie Blake is eugaged, Midge would. I be if only -Archie bad the. Courage of chipmunk," she hastily added as I. she thought of her 'bare feet au(1 pcis 811)10 miee. if I! could hitte;this relstiethe to the chandelier . tonight ',In the exeifenient of :seeing 'oar girth I could extanage--I know. 1 could -to get hint under•it beside me, 'and the boys would do the rest, and theit:sweti, tee .ien would be ,broken: -I Will if you . . • say-so. Why .d.o,n't you speak?"' . Saying this, the 'dainty -little beauty stampecl ber foot,. 11011' In its slipper, which' jarred the room ever (so. sliettly, arid the doll- did nod its head:. 'Polly -laughed,. heir startled, but with new. .ceerage. She took Moritz -lit light in , one band arid the bunch. Of mistletoe in Ike 'other; iVitla gi•Oplili lig wireS, and stele..! dowirstaire 'to the librarY door and on into, the Parlor, net noticing that the library dOor shut to, With 'the sprteg leek. . ..; , • ' fitcl not ietictken any member of: the fondle; so. she• did •-ni:4 switch on the lights,. ;lies -owe tiny !light but madellie darkness It WM; fearsome down here alone in the ^dark,: Slr• she hurried *and pushed the side table Oyer. into :the, middle- xi? thetoom under the chandelier, With the mistletoe on it, . and: then brought delicate, loug iegged, gold paInted'ehair, on which she climbed timidly, iistenihg :all the while for asound.. '.! • 'The chandelier Was high. arid Polly not tall, so do her best, standing en her tiptoes, She -could not reach the fixture. .".1 must got tip ow the table," she said to herself, "and Limp° ebt fall and .breek .my.neek-and rouse the house." 3ust as this very .eoui•ageons little' ena idea 'stepped to the table with ,one ' foot, while no:other was still -resting on the inseetire eIntir,',.there wa8. the sound Ot. a latchkey in the front door find..tbert a blast of Wintry wind and two -voices !In the hall. They were thoser-of her oldest and most =bear- able brother Fred, and the ,other voice belonged to A:reIlle Steadman. It wad too intuit fol. Polly. It Would be trsvful f Fred discovered her. . , • . • Slie tried to. Step donna from her In - (nitre perch, but the treachermis erne-. mentel clurir tilted, end Pelly came down uddenly, striking her "head agathat 110..tabie. Site was tio(i frightened to eel the hurt, for the noise was great' hough to startle Fred into saying: , "What's that? Burglare, I'll bet Conte on, Arch." • . 1 ; Saying that, Fred botindecl forward ntl SWitehed On the light and, Seizing heavy cane front the hi:greet:, sprang nto the parlor. But Polly had =nag- • d to get on her feet and scamper to le library door, cli•opping one of her Iipptlas she -went 'and leaving the amp Ind her; but, try ftS she might, ; he eould not open the library- door, • ncl stood there pulling With a strength ern' of desperation, while Fred said: . "Burglar's! Here's the light. They're. fter the gifts on the tree, Collie onl" • I'Vith his cane swinging like an ; dint (dub, It,t;ea sprang Into the library, t ,w1ille Archie, with his umbrella, fol. !owed, and both advanced Upon the burglars. They could bear the rattling of the doorknob, Mid Fred Shouted: VONI.'0.13/10091.10dize,1 7'he owit Enighil& Jemedy .7,` T0110111111(1 Invigorate:Olio whin( tie:Tone western, inalt60 litre mood in old vols. Capes - eae Dtb116, Mcitted awl IT'osse, Dea 00witincy, kieXicallreiikw li:actvaionailipert the lenly With »warn', glow- tentotrhatet,nnaMicta of! Abp., Ereemos• int?: vitaXt imikeg f flePV(ts 1,trong, 1 s 11 11 /1 41 11 ."You may as well give up: You're caught!" ' And then the library'v.-ris also flooded with. tight, which was reflected- from *a thousand gilded ornaments on the tree, . and by the illurnination • Fred and: • Archie saw a miherable little figure in yellow pajen3as, huddled up -like .a cold. duckling, with One hare foot. and vitb its:head down, he coruet: of the door frame fiR thmigletrying to hide, ' • From her baby cloys Polly !malted a qneer Of•-hoppiug. from. one feet to, the other without inoving from .1.ter plaCe *heti freghtened .or atigry. Now one -slipeered little foot atul 'ono; pink bare °ire -kept ylis the familiar hopping morement Fred looked. at; the culprit - a, moment 411/1 !ben sprang f orWn id and,. stsznig one shoulder -and the long braidef hair; terned.her areund to the light white ,the. iniserablo .girl covered • • eltteirjafiaucte ..Fred *laugh- . I'll.• -be jiggered. it ..isn't • Po113•1" . • ' -',Archie.,,selil 'nothing a tel trylirg - to. pretend' that.he.Siitl. -trot 'either :My - thing „at..all Srliv the •lelirs through the :Ind Men' , lie said hotly: ' - ¶'Ftsel,, I am '.asItioned.et- •you.''A'ou ,are slot treatiug 3.•otir sister right at. all, , Ilere, Pol-4 mean Miss Adams." coil- . -firmed he,. at the, Same time jerking -the big market cover' .tiore . the old Dish10(10(1 - squere piano, '10. the instant de- striretion of - stwo plaster ornaments, • Itere, .:\fisirol-Adams:" • • . Saying this. With -a ale. he. Wrapped the shrinking little 11,g:ire...le 1131 benefieent f Olds:While ber 'heartless .. • no at ma .0n the omelet 1.11 corivul- sions et. laughter. Site sobbed Out: fotgot-somethinge-and that is Why"-- "Ali. bosh! Yon Wanted: to ileo iffop.A31:0(.11111:6! hod' put a preSent on the tree. • "Oh, Fred: don't!" she (Pied, while- , tett I'S trickled dosvu her bands. _ • "Mr. Adams; I ceisider yetis treat -- comet • of your sister very harsh -very: .4,1•'::110IIe11,. I SUPPose: ehn catt't he'll) be Ing a little fool," Fred • laughing, still. ' • . • . '.Sir,, another stich remark .concern- • Eng thla • cingalr, your sister -under — the, eircumstanceS ' Will sever our friendship. Pial-Aliss Polly,' I, have your present here. I was going to • give it te you tomorrow, but smite' the present eirctlinstrtnees I shrill tisk if you wIll iteeept it Pew end here, 'as. With 11 'YOB 'will protecter.". • • 'With a malevolent look • at Peed, • Archie fumbled in all his pockets until he fonmi srxtall 'box. Then Ile reach- ed for one of Polly's wet little hands: Amble looked very imposing to „Polly,-, and little by little her sobs 00114104, and by the time he had opened the box she •cotild see through her dimmed eyes that he had a superb solitaii•e ring for 1 her -one to make the heart of any girl proud, and one in keeping With his wealth, So she e-ven smiled. it little •as Archie, with one last look .01 defiance at Fred, placed the sparkling ring on the proper fibger and then folded her in his arms. proudly end vVith leek of ineffable happinesti, 'though Polly did look something like a noble mutes. • • BOLE'S PREPARATION OF VallasmOsmarvam/... Friar's Cough 'IV,i,alsa One of the ,goed, old-fashioned things. that. ha.s never been improved' upon. . • • ;: . -Infallible for cottglis,.colds, bronchial. and lung troublet. • • 'It is 1.1.1e- largest and hest feittedy for conglis • and colds. Prepared, reconimendecl and •guaranteed by the largeat..wholesale drug house' in the -world, ,•If. your, •druggist doee tot it, let :us ,know. • NATIONAL DRUG Limited . • zo LONDON, Ont. • raoziocunerialamssa must of necessity be lasting in order. to, successfully weather., the storins of bunieess ' TheIksitAST CITY BustNESS & ',SHORTHAND 'COLLEGE trains young man and young women ta take minor positions which .eventually lead to positions of responsibility and trust, The foundation is .secure.'.' Our students go up, not dawn. We are unable to supPly the demand for our students. *Why 136 - cause business men recognize the Superior training they receive. Write for 011 r busincs and • shorthand. booklet ; free. Schaol-terni Septenaber 11 11. 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Soro tit roat, ulcers ott the tongue or la the mouth, hair failing ot, aching -prsius,Iteltluess of the skin soma or blotches on the body eyes red m and sart, dys• peptic stomach sexual wealmess-indicatiotia of the sereendary stage. Don't rtfia your systole meth thoold fogy treattlient-mercnry and potash--wIaiClj.klnly MP. PrOSSOS tile symptoms for a time Only to break oat again When happy in dottieglm life. Don't' let quackS exiio ei,nieat ott you. Our New Methed Treatment is gitarauteed to dare you. Oer guarantees are baAbd by batik bonds, that the diseaqe will never return. Thouean patients have been alreadY cured by our New Method Veit for over 20 yore, No names used without Writteecoesent. Mr, Z. A. C. writee: "Your remedies havedone 010 :no, than Hot Springs and all the doctors and ittedlchtes 1 bit • vionsly tried. I have hot kit any of those paintser ee ulcers or blotched for over 01,011 yearn mid the outwardnY2, of the ,loatlitiisoine disease have entirely disappeared. has grown in hilly 111441111 4111(1 3 am married and haPPY." CONSULTATION rase. BOOKS FREC WRITFOR OURS P011(110102 ORRAtitiENT., cuss. QUARANTEO0 00 80 PAY, 25 Mitt IN Os ' Drs. Kennedy Ke I48 eillatusir 1111TREBT. DE'r1tt01116 ifilleaKINIMMOMiffersiget s.