HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-21, Page 6•
Appetite comes with eating
and each square of crisp de-
iciousness seems but to make
xoom for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Socias
are different from any other
cracker. Nothing heavy or
doughy about them but so light
and crisp that they are trans-
parent. Mooney's biscuits will
be a regular dish on your table
if you will try them.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
Ysd11e'. Santa Clans Wan Only John-
ny Smith's Papa,
The lose of part of Santa Claus' dis-
-guise at a Christmas Sunday school en
tertainment and the consequent dis-
covery that "be was only a man after
all" caused one little girl at least
.acute distress.
Santa Claus was one of the cheiishrl
tideals of Sadie's childhood, and Sadie .
:,=parted with her ideals reluctantly. She
-was sure she heard the reindeers scaiu-
,per over the roof every Christmas eve,
;and the Pact that even 'the gas logs
were a pretty tight fit for the chimney
did not dispel the illusion that somehow
Santa Claus, despite his corpulence,
managed to slip through the tint s'.it.
with his pack and leave presents on
tree and in stocking,
o when she saw on the Sunday
ool platform his hoary head and
beard, fur trimmed coat, fat stnmaell
and short legs—and, above all, his Back.
—she greeted the familiar figure with
enthusiastic applause. ljnfortunately
for Sadie's peace of mind, ;however, the
hoary hair and beard became entangled
in the branches of the Christmas -tree'
when Santa Claus bevan to hang up the.
contents of his pack, and. when he
withdrew his head, sans hirsute adorn-
ment, he revealed the familiar features
of a promineut churchman. ?Thew the
assemblage was startled by a e'.t anl:.te
'Vail that suddenly rent the fir.
"Oh," sobbed Sadie. "there sin t 0(4'
Santa Claus! IIe's only Tobnu;, t tntth'.;
papa!"—New York Press.
where the Carlow** .Angel S'init..
• Suffering .chetdren.
In one of the (lent n hospitals of ou
country is observed +.a custom quite
accordance with the beautiful sent!
ment the Germans weave about
Christmas belongs to the cYzildren-
everybody knows that ---but it belous:-
to them in a deeper, more beautifte
sense than "every°botly" knows, On,
is reminded of it, however, if be twit
nesscs such a sceue as le portrayed in
this hospital ou Christmas e1•t. ()ue of
the nurses dresses in a long, soft flow
ing robe of white, bearing' in her hate:;
a fir bough covered ,with snow The
suow Is. cotton .sprinkled with diaiuou 1
dust. This Is the Christmas angel.
The children ;lee told of the gent..'
visitor and wait in their little era;
When darkness is outside they hear the
strains of sweet music iu the dlstanec.
The nurses are slui;iug Christmas car
ois, and the soululs come through ort, •
doers. Then the Christmas aurid
comes. She goes to each little „tee.
bending over each little i'orm to Hee,
to the whispered secrets JJ: u h • n
.tells her what he waste ou elide -tie., •
day. Then, with a tender word. :,o•
passes out, and to the suili:,i ot tee t .
ois they all fall asleep—those who
slip away front pain.
When the day detevits all the children
are taken Into the kindergarten. Some
are carrled,.some arerolled, and sone,
can walk.. Sure enough, each fel].;
there what••he asks for -drums and:
dolls and trumpets anal books, . On.,u
long, low table Is a plate for eneh.one,
filled with candies and queer little Cor -
man cakes. On one wall is a tableau of
the Nativity made of small wax, figures,
and a painting on the wallcompletes
the perspective •of trills and shepherd,
and the guiding star,; Hanging from
the wall in the.center of the ward is a
large hoop covered'w!th laurel. At hi-
tervals around it are set lighted can-
--dies. It is suspended front the ceiling
by ,four wide ribbons.
In the fever ward, where the con-
;taglous diseases are cared for, the little
patients of course cannot leave, but
they have their Christmas too. • Two
large, fine spruce trees stand in each
end of the ward, brilliantly Illuminat-
ed`by tiny, many colored electric lights.
—Philadelphia North American
tside het inside a, well,
he•frmincntle et a ted'.
times loaded w ith
•p the wheels. •of .
to act in time.
the bowels.
the blood and
es and lay the
d health,.
ng vim and
for today •
In ninny catarrh snuffs, 'cocaine is
the largely used' ingredient '; in conse-
quence the
onse-quencethe drug habit may be formed.
To be really cured of catarrh, to do so
quickly, safely, and pleasantly, doctors
say Catarrhozone is superior to. any•
- other remedy... It heals sore places,
stops discharge; prevents hawking,;
spitting and had•breath-does this by
first destroying the cause 'of the ois-
ease.., Catarrhozoile is no experiment,
it is a tried and proven cure . that is
e•uaranteed,'for bronchial, thioat,.nose
and lune catarrh. Two sizes. 25: and
Cbrietm.a.v n
the Caribbean
"'r F I can't he at my owe house."
remarked a naval officer, "r'd
rather spend the holiday sea -
.sen on a cruiser or g lab at
down in the Caribbean than !a the
greatest city of the laud. Fun?, WIty,
you don't know what fun is until you
come to a celebration like the musical
comedy given by the crew of a pro-
tected cruiser off Santo Domingo on
Christmas night four years ago..
"The surgeon wrote the words, and
there was a sailor, a regular genius at
music, who got up the finest score you
ever heard.. Why, he'd have, made a
hit writing music for operas ou Broad:
way if he Initial died of tropical fever.
That comedy—but I guess you'd call
it an extravaganza more likely—was the
funniest show I, ever saw. Maybe it
'wouldn't have seemed so to you, but to
us it was all that could be desired by
the most critical."
"But how did you get a stage or
scenery or costumes or makeup?" ask-
ed the landsman.
"Oh, that wasall easy," he replied..
"As soon as the men told the captain
of their plan he gave. them the free
use of the quarter deck, which was
cleared for dramatic action: :Then the
boys builta platform—as good a stage
as you ever saw—and chairs or benches
were placed In rows until there were
seats' for everybody, from •tbe com-
mandingofficer down to the cook's
"Curtain? Of course we had a cur-
tain. It was'hmait1e of old sailcloth, and
a • series of ropes and pulleys•-made..it
rise and fall as smoothly. as the one in
the i!Jetropolitan Opera House. 'Then,
51.0'1 at•a]l dealers.
erne Cartetma3 Oharirk.'
Last Christmas, says the Des Moines
Register, clad in richt raiment, Mrs.
Arthur Hyde, the.handsome'wife of .a
Des . Moines millionaire, faced a bitter
wind from noon until 5 o'clock in the
afternoon holding in her hand the regu-
lation Salvation Army: turkey contribu-
tion box,:• . which she took from the.
.hands of Captain Mary Taylor, after
telling the latter to return`to the bar-
racks, eat her dinnerand remain "in
doors until sent for. Attracted thither
by the strange spectacle, money or alt
denominations was, dropped In the box,
and .when Captain Taylor came' to 're-
sume her work at 5 o'clock; besides a
well filled contribution box she receiv-
ed a large roll of bills from,.. Mr`s.
Hyde's own pocketbook. •
shness. and
been ailing
%YE A IC Eon aualnT werrtert
there arcithat get no'rc'
TIREDTREDfresh:uent from sleep -
Tile/ wake' in the morn -
WOMEN ing and fact tireder than.
when they went tee bed,
They' have a r'izzy sensatioa•in the head,
the heart palpitates; they, are irritable. '
and nervous, weak and worn, .out,and
the lightest household duties during the .
day seem to be a drag audit, burdeam,.
are the very, remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore
them the blessings of good health,
They give sound, restful sleep., tone up
the nerves, strengthen thee, heart, and
make rich blood, Mrs. (.. Me1)ont.ld,
Portage la Prairie, Man., writes: " I was
troubled with shortness of breath, palpi-
tation of the heart and weak spells: I
got four boxes of Milburn's: Heart and
erve Pills, andafter taking them I was
completely cured. .
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes
for $1.25, alt dealers or the The T: Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont...
'1'cnaftlle.,s, t -• ten '..you ua wad a
Stunner. The flounces- and . lace and
ribbons he • wore would have tilled• a
trunk. The ouiy trouble about hint"
was his voice, biat we. grew . used .to
that before the enol of ttie • first act;
what itlucked in feminine tlt+licaaey it
atoned for •in quality. Ile gave as all
the popular songs of a year before in a
rich lector and :l(1li l et fe composed
for t1ie occasion, mostly hits At the of -
!i sr ; ttwho tool: goefi naturedly all the
jeees at. their (eepeese. Theme was ,a.
f:ti -p-lo to -.flit -Piave.
retitlered by arciorches-
tra of twenty niece4. hail been .a.nnthoe
so potent.
e cause
s. Advp-
ond izi,
s and
is the•
of the
ge 'at
on will,
er the
e' are
If you are caught.in the wet, gget.
sore throat, 'neuralgia or muscular•
ppain, •don't wait for Worse troubles.
Begin -prompt treatment with Poison's
Nerviline. It drives away all triuee.of.
cold, eases rheumatism, netiraigia and
pain, saves.yoii from a layUi) in'. bed.
Na 25c purchase' can ` hying 'more
comfort than a bottle of Yolsou s Ner-
viltne.; ii;'s the olea:nest str'ongiest.. Ifni-.
ment made,. • Sold every where in large
250 bottles;
,tranl„ely Wrought Repaxon.
A joyful Christmas; celebration in the
home of Adolph Uebhardtof Lincoln
Neb.., over . the return pf a long to t
brother was brought about•through the
medium of a moving, 1picture. e .bilii-
mber, .tion. Adolph was watching the enter
wings tainment one nlglit when he was struck
u six, by the strange fuiuiliarity of one of the
es, figures.. lie returned a second and a
o its third night before Ile' was able. to recogl
ltuire tiize the features, uud then he startled
eves- the spectators by. shouting, "It is
in as George; It Is George:" It was learned
'read that George was an actor in a New
°57:!°!• pork theater. Telegrams passed, and '
eclat George arrived In Llucoln on Christ
tthat •
mss may They .had not seen, each oth-
er for nearly ten year's.
17.409' lr t
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H AT' IA/ CHR 1st Mn5BE v;.,' !Trip LIT. ME
on each side of the
cloth was uSed to colleted rile. erees•
cry, the -carpeuters built . 0 WA: 41
frames. find OTFe' were 00,y(!rea Lr.
SOME ''stretehert: teat, on which tee
paintere..put• beautiful trees 'iota
and whatever else was neceeeary
-were electric. I milbs, shadea from, tile
"The CO;stUnted and makeup reeelrect
41° 41000404! 00104 4040 IC°
our baby thin, weak, fretful?
oti%s Etrustrion is Cod Liver 00
ypophosphites prepared so that it is
itgested by little folks.
sequently the baby that is fed on
d little fellow full of health and vigor.
eittuocts.Tsi 600. AND $1.00,
. gaiments ashore several weeks, ahead
of aline, but all the innaller accessories
were made aboard ship. The false
beards were cohatialeted Of strands of
rope, which were eareftilly picked out
and then shaped tip by a fellow Who
had a talent for that sort of work. Of
the same material he WOVe elaborate
wigs. tuna eork did the work of
darkening eyebroWS, and face paints
were Mixed In the io'c'sle—probably
front Ordinary house paints, tor I guess
the sailor* weren't particular about
their coMpleziens.
"The 'feeding Woman' Waft a smooth
oheeked kilted% and he :Inks 04111.4 tgt
...ant/Pet for re al probity:Won Theie
these • were. ecrimientented•. 'by some
Tor all the cash theY 'needed. The extra •
, end drums and stringed Pieces
'were Secim.4 at a port we visit0
week: previonsiy, and. the. players.lutd
anee of those ,whe bad. te.remain near
the fo'c'sle, eVery night 'since ; their
"Ale at Was 41 „fide .shovei . There we
were, a lonesome lbt, of devik who
hadn't had a loolc in on. a :good time
for six. months This diVersion we en-
joYed like •.sch.00lhoya Who had been
cooped between briek :walls troM Sep-
-timber .to Cliristm,as holidays., After'
quete, :the ofdeere the wardroom
and the' senors; Witte fo'c'sle, and by
the next Warning every man of ,us Olt
he had spent a real Caistmas as
Christmas a
V 11 m.
ON tinis fa tt ot'4Uln, where the weather
3lnd the children are always at play,
Choy never have neat 'little stockings, to wets,
8o they run ateut barefoot all day,
Rid when it le Christmas and Santa •Clain I
Be Almost goee:•out.of .his nand
73e he .searchesle vain for some stockings to
When 'there artist any stochinge totdnd;
Othe Island, at vim, by the tropical.sea.
•• Inhere people live right out.etti.doore1
Obey sleepier the -shade or the cocoanut
Bnd.cooh on the end covered photos.
Stet when It is Christmas and Santa appear!
Plc's sorry he made them a tall,
for how can he .slide down the chimneys, fey
IUhende.there artnctany chimneys at.aite
It cannot be too, clearly stated, for the staiiem eat iaibeyoud 'O
laaliflaatioa o eo,it' tUu len, that linty ,r silted the Iliusktoltar •F'l'ee)
t ,.. r ;�• :. In Iso
5 .11f•.l, has 1l!'
n .tn lel cwtdf4so nEdl aPP
Hospital, for Cu z le , g
been, rot•u ed adui scion, 1:Realise of his or tier poverty.
:Mori„, pt rhall-tt. lr;,tz.n. any other ellarityr in Canada., tito-
is:,depply. Pnh:,.trilant the contributions, ofrt lt)Canadiani)publlit:
for its maintenance.
of trees,
' Chu mango and banyan and date,
So the shildren of 'rum oat the Trutt that thee 7
please •
FInci enjoy it, ire needless tot Oak. .
But -when. poor old Santa comes every year
lie struggles in vain to keep calm,.
for rowan and candles took. awfully queer •
If Ism the Island of TutreVere to iive. •
Che children rd merrily teach ; •
jid build 'cm all chenneys, and thine
would give
F nice pair of etoehings to, each. •
Tull:led send out .a shipload. of Christmas
'addressed to the chitdran by neme,
Yeut, teen you woida see what a time Theta ,
Men Chi:lamas and anta Claus came.
Heart Strength
Heart Strength, or Wart liVealtness, means Rave
Strength, or Nerve Wealtness—nothing more. Pos.
itively, not one weak heart in a Inaidred ie in it,
self, actually diseased. It is almost always a
hidden tiny little nerve that really is an at fault.
This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Neive
....simply needs, and must have, more power, more
stability, inore controlling, more soveraing
strencth. Without that the Ileert must continue
to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also lave
these wane controlling nerves,
TWA clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr.
Shooies Restorative has in the past done so much
forrealc and ailing Hearts. Dr. flhoon iirst Sought
ins heart distress. Dr, Shooies Itestorative—this
popular preseriptlon—is alone directed ex these
weak and wasting nerve centers, It builds:
it strengthens; It offers real, genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Marta., strong di -
'them as needed...with,
Dr. Shoop's
The Christina:aide eelebrates the.'
ifirth . festive! of our Lord. T40 In-
ilaitight hi the laetory of the• world.
hirth has exelted 'the poetry; the:
IoNsic .and the are of the centuries. It
has changed all seciai cushion's end te-
ligiette • rituals. It has ..given a new
glork to Unman -life .and neW. trend.
to eternitY, Thie' 'is. the ,time When all.
bitternes6 should be forgotten, all fain....
Ily feuds reeonelled and all- life
fled. God grant that the, day _natty:
sPeedily come. when. the song of ther;
. Angels ,celebrating. the birth' 'of the:
. Christ may find its fitlfilltneut through.:
"Glory to 'God, in the li*fiest and. on;
earth peace, good Will toward Men.",
.Dr. Robert. Stuart Macarthur, Faefor,
• Canglit Stunts on the. Streets
A Santa,. Glans from the Salvatiom
Army was ringing hat bell beside lets.
iron pot in.Fourteeuth street, says. the,
New York ,Mall and Expeess, whene
suddenly, a little girl broke•away 'from
her mother in the passing throng ande
rushing. up to the pseudo Santa, grab.'
bed 'him by his gown and began rapid»
IY to,. tell her wants.. First she .gavet
him her full naine and address, with
many injunctions not to forget. Then
she rattled, off a list of things oho
wanted, regardlees of the attempts 'of.
her mother to. Induce her to come
away and not bother Santa. The lit-
tle glri was persistent, the crowd gath-,
ered around to hear her little itiVoette
_ton, and for awhile she blocked traf13.e
on, that side of the street.
Fri irate philanthropy ha'S erected the buildiags, proViding
accommodationito-day for Ds. patients, and which the:trustees
are prepared to•extend, if circumstances warrant iti• to too heds,.
These bettS,:are for those in any pot of etnada.p.withiut
means; .who ) are; suffering ;from this .j.errible disease...in.-) the
There no) large entibeirment,. some‘pubRejnstitu-
tions, the interest of whica will go • ,It) ;long; way. tfa ) par the
of rried kat imam,. nursing, olerical and loinestie staff, besidts the
.26- .years.mil age, ivith'
niret.vostateces are ne,,i'..rstEcin that
Avarni;),„xzniaoureri, Our.
wheel we ,wish to Bead ;to, the Mus-
to„dgi to wail. adimi'ision for
gonzeibutions may be;sent; to SIR' WPL. R. MERERITIL, Kt., Chief
' 5441,024 Street„.
01 usirti.;, for the cOnStolliCtii011 CA' ii., Landingl'i-a:
iug to a plan anti spec. ridation to be seen at the 1,
Inent.of Public Works, Ottawa,: ' 1,';
Tenders will moth a oonsiderea unless nikig on, ;
antual signatures of tentlerezs.
the muted fern: sneidicd, and Argned with -the :
abIe to tile order oil the Honorable the MI:lista:1
of Public Works, 1 n. sec thousand five hogiredlf , . 4.
0121' stOCk of high art Pianos of lam;
Tea ebeeue will teterfeesed it the natty lender."). ease
lug decline tbe euntreet erten to complete, the. designs, ,and containing fines!
A'S:into' Clans Party.
At the once popular "donkey. party°
no longer holds forth for novelty, here
Is something ne1V—a Santa clans party.
Take an old sheet and paint or draw on
It a Santa Claus. Have a number of
red caps cut from inept= weight water
color paper and distributed among thet
guests. Taking turns, let each One bo
blindfolded and, Walking toward the'
sheet, try to place 4he cap on Santa's
head. The person succeeding is the
winner•and receives the prize of a toy
Santa Claus. The two who also come'
the nearest might be given prizes of
relndeers,—Bee Hive.
Christmas Via the South,.
In the smith Christmas is celebrated
as we observe Fourth of Zuly. The
presents may be of the most Mew.
pensive character, but there will be a
botmtiful supply of firecrackers, tort*,
does mid roman candles, not forfgettial
the tin horn, which begins to toot on
Christmas eve and continues till mid-
night of Dee. 25. The ery of "Christ -
MSS glftl"` resounds, and never once
aoes one hear "Merry Chrlstiritut,"•:-.
if "taken at the sneeze stage" Pre
ventics—a toothsome earidy Tablet—
will surely arid quickly cheek an ap-
proaching cold', or Lagrippe. When
you first catch cold—or feel it coming
on—take Dr. Shoop's PreVent106, and
the prompt effect will certainly sur-
prise and please you, Preventies :MVO.
ly supply the proverbial "an ounce of
prevention." Sold in 6eand hulto4
by W. S. Iti liolines,
Ikea 'e
•Departnieni.,of Public Works,
out utbority from tht... Denartment. s:11 not be
TbiannvqiCleent building 'and giownats Is the
Seed Merchant, - 1..111111491‘ei,
Ciumula'n Greatest fichoel of Emblem,
this spkndid equipment of pending and :moil ads
costing' nearly ($30,000) Thirty Thousand I/oilers.
couplet/with cheap board. and the raying of
your railway fere ; all of these combined with
its snot success in placing its graduates in good
nositiens, Places its advantages so far above its
eonteunxiraries, that ikdoes not gay the student
to go elsewhere, and d raW in g sttalents from
Newfoundland on thc.east to British, Columbia,
on.the west. The 13nVialli figeakingiNerld is our
400 students placca in good nosittons last year.
t6D6tescrotother is ono (A the best moans in wIlich
tt von eannot come to Chatham, seal went to
we can train you. et yourhotne in tbese brancht.e.
through am" CPCHBEIS EY MAID. Our magnifi.
cent eittalOgue will -tell you all about thean
gue V'. tells abont the training at 01:5110
ham. Catalogue E.. tells about ,t118 fionto
Courses, Write for the one YOU Want, Meatioll*
ing this paper, adtirosaingy
D. McLachlan Si eo.,.
At once, gooa !mat seleenten for Clinton
find District to represent Canada El Greatest
Nurseries. Largest list et NelkSpeeialities
ever offered in Emit and Ornamental stook,
Permanent situation for the right man, on
liberal terms, A.,iply at once for Spring
Sefore placing yomrorders for
your season's supply of 009A, geh
our prices. The yew, best goods
carried in stock and sold at dm
Orders may be left:at Davis
Mt. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.
A practical; and
lusical Xmas Gift for
ale home is a
E, Wri MAN Piano
Prank W. EitalIS,
enit Otto Onto