HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-14, Page 3Dec. 14, 1906 if CIE Y LON TEA WILL CURB YOU OF YOUR INDIFFERENCE. The Canadian public has had for many years such bad tea foisted upon them that it is no wonder 'hey are indifferent about tea. All we ask is that you give "SALADA" a 'dal. You will realize in a minute its good- ness and all-round deliciousness, Lead PaelEets Only. 25e. 30e, 440e, 50e, and460eperipound. Grocers. `wassomommoiss.. • 11/0/6/4,11/1hoW11~111,11.114114 The New Era has een able to make an extraordinary good ar- rangement I w 1 nounee a big newspaper bargain. The new arrangement now en- ables us to send the NewEra and Weekly Globe for $1.30 and to new subscribers the rest of the year will be given free. The Weekly globe in its much im- proved form with its illustrated # supplement, is one of the very 41 best weekly papers published in Canada. It contains all the news of importance, and is a good farmer's paper. With this low rate—two papers for almost the price of one—we hope to largely increase our subscription list.Re- member the rate is only $1.30 for the New Era and Weekly Globe for one year and tri new subscrib- ers both papers will be sent to January 1st, 1907 at this low price. Send in your orders early. Every prepaid subscription to the New Era also carries with it a subscription to the Montreal Herald, Newspaper Bargain io'N•11110%elkelleleellehelMiteBollelb. News Notes It is said that 10,000 Doukhobors are coming to Canada, to work on the G, T. Pacific. A collision occurred between street ears in Montreal, and half a dozen per- sons were seriously injured, one fatally Montreal is to have a new $2,000,000 cotton rnill. That does not look like indicatitig that the Liberal tariff is "inadequate." The swing bridge at Thorold was blown around and swept away, the en- gine house. The canal was 'blocked or some hours in consequence. Granville H. Haight, the deFeated Liberal candidate for least Elgin, was served with a cross -petition last week on behalf of David Marshall, M. P. The Ontario Government will bring in a redistribution bill next session, which will give Toronto eight mem- bers instead of four and Hamilton an- other member, it is said. Of course you pay your money, But you get your money's worth, For what does money ineau to you When Rocky.Mountain Mountain Tea's on Ask your Druggist. [earth ? In response to a request for funds for the Muiranemorial, Toronto, J. n. Tom, school inspector of Goderieh, has written the committee that he thinks the Dominion or Provincial Govern- ment should provide the neceesary means for such a memorial. Piles get quick relief from Dr.Shoops Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Piles, and it works with. cer- tainty and satisfacticm. Itching, pain- ful,protruding or bliad Piles disaspear Sokd by W. S. R. Holmes. • Jelin Charlton is one of the men who are mentioned for a Senate vac- ancy. Mr Charlton is a veteran Lib-. eral, who deserves well cif his party and who would make a capable and useful Senator, if the choice fell upon hini. Floods the body with warm, glow- ing vitality, tnakes the nerves strong, .quiekens circulation, restores natural vigor, inakes you fell like one, born again. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Pea. 35 cents. Ask your Druggist. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puniest weakest specimen of man or, woman- hood strongand healthy. 35. -cents. Ask your Druggist. An interesting case was decided by Mr. Justice Chute at Chatham last week. The right to the river bed of the Thames near Kenbridge was dis- puted, and Mr. Justice Clute held that as the river was non -navigable, the plaintiff, whose lands went to its edge, owned as far as the centre of the stream. like magic by its use. Try it an see. ABSOL TE SE URITY. .Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature 'of $ee Pec-Slrelle Wrapper Below. mow leaf' mesa auras easy itt Ulm as Mean) HEADACIM. FOR DIZZINESS. illill1140USNESt4 FOR TODPID‘LIVER. TOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIM, FOlt THE COMPLEXION arta I °VJZJJ Pot41;vereterHAVLU ""' ONE 5101< HEADACHE. CAREERS 1., rt, E The New Era is published every Friday at the NEW ERi Printing House, MAC STREET . . • . OLINTON. Ternas of subscription --$1 per year in advance •, $1.50 may be char eel if n t se paid. No paper discontinued until alt areears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, The date to which every subscription is paid is de- noted on the label. Advertising rate. —Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per neriparel. line for fixst Insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," etc, inserted once for 35 cents, or one month for $1. Communications intended for publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. . To insure publication in current sue copy of advertisements should be sent in early. 7 Contract rates — The followingtable shows our rates for specified periods and space, 1 yr. 6mo. Smo. lmo 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 e Column 40 00 25 00 ' 15 00 000 e Column 25 00 1500 800 250 k Column 18 00 10 00 550 200 1 Inch 000 350 200 120 ROBT. HOLMES! Editor and Proprietor YOUTH'S VITALITY SAPPED AWAY. Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretful. You would like this boy or girl to be more robust, more energetic and vivacious. The "something" that is wrong is simply this. Stomach and bowels need attention. Constipation and indigestion must be relieved, new life and vigor . are required in the blood, slight assistance is needed for the kidneys and liver. Nothing is. so effective as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They put new life into young folks as well as the old ones. Every child should use this medicine ' regularly because its benefits are not to be had in any other way.' 25c at all dealers. . Elmer ,Vroornan, a telegraph opera- tor at Dorchester who was arrested last month on a charge of attempting to seduce the young daughter of Sta- tion -master Cousins, pleaded guilty, end was fined'$2.50 or thrde months in jail. He paid the fine. Henri Sansregret, the Montreal mct- orman who was in charge of ehe street cite which ran dowe and killed John Morrison, a wealthy but eccentric Scotchman, last summer, was found' guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to six months in jail. • i With his feet caught in an itateriock- ing switeh, and knowing it was a case oflosing life or feet, Geo Hubbard, of Geneva, 0.„ threw himself LS far from the rails as he could, and watched a train pass over his feet. He shouted, hut was net seen or heard in the dark. He may recover. • e o ompete. With °mann. Two forces are at Work which Ought' greatly to assist in the movement to secure the packing of nothing but good' fruit in Ontario. One is the determin- ation of the merchants and citizens generally of the Prairie Provinces to • enforce the Fruit Marks Act and. the other is the corimetetion of the British. Colembise,fruit grower. The Nor -West Farmer records i case: *hero a mer- chant at Carberry, Maeitoba, refused delivery of a carload of Ontario ap- ples, wired the fruit inspeetor, who, when he arrived, branded the whole car as falsely marked.. The fruit was sold for a much lower,:figure than or- iginally arranged for, and this loss as well as the cost of enforcing the law had to be borne bythe packer. This Is one of the lessons' the Chia of .the • Fruit Department, Mr. A. McNeill, is trying to teach. The other lesson that "the Columbiana 11 got ye if ye don't watch out," is. emphasized by The Vernon News whieh represents the interests of the Okanagan Valley, This bright, well-ptinted journal does not read Ontario growers a sermon for their wickedness, but it contains What Is more dangerous, namely, tWei or three columns of interesting reading concerning the development of small fruit, poultry and truelt farms in the Valley. These fanners appears to be doing eimeedingly'veell, and what with a reedy local sale of vegetables and eggs at 75 cents per dozen this is not. surprising. All of them are planteng but orchards ancleyhen these come into bearing' the competition which Ontario growers experience west of Winnipeg will be keener. rentien Women's Larger reset • Are British worneres feet growing larger? The fact that the boot and Shoe manufacturers of Leicester and Nerthampton, who are now catering for the footwear fashions of next spring and 'summate, are offering sizes up to eights, 'wertild seem to ShOw a tendency In that direction. With what withering seem a blush- ing British maiden would have looked at a shop assistant who dared to sug- gest "e's" to her a few years ago! But one Lelee.gter manufacturer now says, "We have found lately a special de- mand for girls' boots in 7's and Ws." Another Leicester frtetory has had to throW away all its old Ittats for ehil. dren, In response to loud cornplainta from buyers, "in the North particular- ly," and to make the standards of next year's fitting for children somewhat eaSier. BVers the nursery and ehildreti's wear attributes the "ehatige in part to the effeet of the recent sandal orase in expanding Ming feet, , Manufacture* are new offering tat next year's fashions latter heels and broader rotincled toes; "'the extreme Painted toe" they deolate wth ono int- ot*d. 40 doomed.'" '‘) TU 01NTON NEW ERA, Prison Labor _ ••••••,,F1 (reroute Mail) Mr Studholme, the new member for East Hamilton, has expressed his in- tention to introduce a. Prison Lahor Bill in the conning session of the Leg- islature, He proposes to limit the in- dustrial production of convicts to the results of hand labor aud to such articles as are needed in the other public institutions of the province. 'We believe the majority of people will assent to Mr. Studholuae's propoeition that free workingmen ought'not to be exposed to disturbingcompetition tram men who have forfeited their liberty by violations of the law. When he conies to the framing of his bill* however, we think he will leave a, little more latitude than he now appears to contemplate, He recognizes, that there must be prison labor, for it would be monstrous to keep even felons in a state of abeolute idleness, or in the little better state of object- less physical inertion. There must, be occupation for their minds and hands. To provide that occupation improved machinery. is not necessary. The purely manual arts are still numerous and important, and a, prisoner who has received a training in one of them will be able to make an honest at it when he receives his libertY. But it is extremely doubtful if the denia,nd of the other pablic institutions of the province will suffice to take up the whole output of even the restricted hard labor of the prisoners. It mime almost necessary to provide a some- what wider margin, especially if Mr. Studholme's truly sensible and bene- volent idea of devoting some of the proceeds of prison labor to the sup- port of dependents of the convicts is adopted. That idea is the more wel- come to this paper because it has been repeatedly advanced in cur editorial columns. Often the harshest effect of the law comes, not upon the guilty undergoing sentence, but upon the innocent whose sole support the pris- oner was. We recall a, case adduced in this connection before. A. Toronto Junction man, well up in years, who had lived a life of industry. and apparent respectability, was convicted of a, seri- ous crime, for which he was sentenced to a term in the penitentiary. His wife, who was about of his own age, WAS left unprovided for. The poor woman felt the disgrace keenly, and shunned her neighbors. One cold winter morning she was found dead beside her fireless steve, and the ver- dict of the coroner's jury was that she 'died of starvation. Not a„. penny had .the solitary woman mith which eo buy food for herself.. She had committed no crime, had broken no law, yet in effect the death penalty was pro- nounced on her for the transgression of her husband. He, the crimtnal,. was housed, fed and warmed, but the inno- cent worietn was left to perish. Had this man's work as a prison laborer been sold and the proceeds sent to his wife, she would not have died of star- vation. ' OUTOF SORTS Peopfewot Realty Sick 'Tire Often Most in 1111.o_d ofare The people who actually are /noel, in need of kind words and niedical treat- inent are not those who are really sick, but just "opt of sorts." The .old-time energy, force, strength and happy spirits are lacking ; the physical and mental, powers are ling - ging ; there is poor appetite, and they cannot get the good out of the food they eat. In nine:cases out of teu, this results directly from a Weakened stom- ach, :Intl no other treatment equals .1,1i -o -iia to restore strength and health. . When the nerves and muscles are weak, 'if there is sleeplessness, irrita- bility, and .,pecks befove the :eyes, when tea headaches and there is adult. P•" in the back,, and. there is any . dis- tress and heaviness in the stomach, .dizziness. end Sometime's nausea, the . use of leito-nit stomach tablets for e few days .will make a world of nn— prevenient, and. continued use for a reasonabletincie will restore perfect ' • belitilhtehs.e ta' b t s are not mere digestiieg they absolutely strengthen all the or - go nsiof digestion, so that there is good appetite,' perfeot digestion and strong nerves. when they are used. We absolutely agree that your money will be x efunded should you bay a,50 cent box of .Mecena stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi -O -iia is sold by druggists everywhere, or %vitt be sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cente Write today for a free sample pack- age,. Mao give us your symptoms, and one of the best known stomach specia- lists will give your case his careful and personal attention without charge. The R. T. 13ooth Company. Buffalo, • SelloOlbOyn Not pit foe Football • • • . • . . (Indianapolis Newsy • It is' admitted by all . experts. that football ig a, man's game, and that it is eXtremelyeperilous when engaged in by mere boye. Practically All the deaths and serious injuries. this .year • have been anion,g school players. The •garne is safe only When played by carefully trained teatns composed cif matured players. The. great 'college teams are watched deer 'with the . ut- most care and • oo one is allowed. to play who is not known to be fit Whenever it is shown that a man is not fit he is taken out. Manifestly such cafe can not be exercised in the case of the splice:A players, Many Women Stiffer • UNTOLD AGONY FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. • Item often they think it is from so -celled "remade Disease." There Is less female trouble than they think. WOIneh /suffer from baokaahe, sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, and a dragging -down feeling In the loins, So do men, and they do hot have "female tronble." Why, then, blame all your trouble to Fenude Disease? With healthy kidneys, few women will ever have "female disorders," The kidneys aro BO closely connected with all the internal organs, that When the kidneys go wrong, everything goes wtonte. Much distress would be wed it vronsen would only fake DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS M Mated Intervale Pried 60 cents perboieet thtee homes for $138, ell desiote or sent &root oil receipt of inks. Ms Dam Ifidttey P111 oo..Toront.. one WELL KNOWN IN JARVIS, ONT. lialdimand County Councillor tells .; how Psyching cured his Lung Troubles , 1111,1,101,11•1•1110 r contracted a series Of colds from tha Changing weather, says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident oflarvis, Ont., and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, "and gradually* my lungs. became affected. I tried medicine and doctors prescribed for me, but got I no relief. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use Psychine. With two months' treatment I regained my health. To -day 1 am as sound as a bell, and give all the credit to psychine." There is a proof of what Psychine does, It net only cures Colds and kills the germs of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and consumption, but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general health all over the body. You will never have Consump- tion if you use SYCHIN (Pronounced Sl -keen) ) 50c. Per Bottle Largor eines SI and 102—all druggists. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto, COBALT ORE el-IIPIVIENTS. For Last Nine Months Records Show $1,000,000 Exported. The details of shipments forming the output of the silvericobalt mines of the Cobalt region have just been is - .sued by the bureau of *mines for the nine months ending Sept 30 last. • The cobalt, nickel and areenic con- tents of the shipment: are to some ex- te'xit estimated, since the purchasers of ore in lama eases pay nothing rot these constituents,. and no assays for them . are made. • The fact 'remains, however, that or. the nine menthe there has been. ship- ped • 2,542,827 ounces of silvet; worth 44,609,554, and in October 1,120 tons edditional ore has been shipped. 'Averaging the•eiriee of this 1,120 tons at the same • rate as for the 2,305 tons eliipped.in the preceding nine months itwould come to close on $800,000, or, say; tietotel of $2,400,000 in ronnd fig- ufis .for the tin months of :1906. The :figure,. la the Cobalt Shipthents . are as follows: , . , . , ' • • • • Quantity. Value; .0re mined, tons... . 3,198. .Ore shipped, 'tons • 2;305 .Silver in. 01.0 ship- . peci, ouneee • —2,542,827 $1,609.,554 Cobalt in ure' ship- , • ped tons . . 138 •110,400 Niekel: in ore ehij)- • • ped, tons . 69 16,50 Arsenic.ip ore ship- . , • ped, tons ... • 691 13,83e • Total 'for eine . menthe.. $1,750,344 • output 'of other metalliferous mines and. works: in Ontario, in .addie time to the Cobalt • table,. , inchides eh ieelly the niekel lied copper from Sudbury and the iron oed of the 'Helen: Mines. This is eeekoned over .again. in the niiinofactured :date asepig eren and Steel: These 'items are, of couese.. irrereaeed by eniperted mateeiale. • , Tim retvirn, fertile nine:months end- ing- $ept, foliews e • • "Quantity., Value; 'cloia, Ounces 2,015 S. 24;377 ounces ..; . • 2,542,827 ,609,e54. Cobalt., tons • 138 110,400, Nickel, tons .... .• 8,037 y.2,856,233 • 3,900 • 600,000 ▪ 93,150 • 117,466 1 .. 208,094, • 3,194,206 .. 123,207 ' 3,059,070 ., 300 , 4,500 . 691 • 13,830 'Copper, tens Iron ore, tons Pig iron, toes ... Steel, tons ... Zinc, tons . . Arsenic, tons .. These figures shim a considerable ad- vance over those for the same period' of 1005,.aed indicate that 'the produc- tion fot 1906 will be much the largest of Any year in the history of metal- liferous mining in Ontario, Guelph's Success. . Guelph has joined the list of cities which are handling sukeesfully their municipal utilitiee. Three years ago the local street 'railway was on the' market, then an unprofitable concern, but believed to haye a future, The citizens voted‘to puiehase it, not With the expectation that it would soon pay, but with the view of. regaining contiol of their streets and of the en- trances to the city by radial railways. Yet Aid. Ryan, treasurer of the Street Railvety Commission has turned over to the City Council a cheque for $4,860, which represents 4 1-2 per cent. upon the money inyeeted by the city. All charges have been paid and $5,000 spent during the year in maThtenance and Improvement of the roadbed and rolling stock, both of which are in bete ter bonditionethan ever before. Selecting Men to Be Shot. .Apparently the, cheerfuland versa' tile editor of The Ilaileyburian °Weds not so much to the quantity as to the quality of the deaths in the deer sea- son and he proposes rules to remedy this. He writes .---"We are nearing the time when 111013 are shot, instead cf 1. deer. If we could only pick out the particular men, we would hail this season with delight, but, unfortunate- ly, there seems to be an indiserimi- natenese about the °shooting when men are in season; or rather, we eliould say deer, that prevente the sure and eet- tain annihilation of an objectionable relative who stands in the wa4y -of a comfortable coMpetency, We would 'suggest an amendment to the present game laws, to the effect that no 'Man with expectations should be allowed to Inlet deer with thi3 eepected." • To Remove Grease StiliOril. Turpentine will retnove grease stains. Blotting paper ehotild be pliteed neigh the spot to be cleaned, then tur- pentine is applied and a second piece of blotting paper Is laid on and the whole well pressed with something hard. The fat Is dissolved, then ab- sorbed by the paper. 1110 stain aisep. peering. If you fear the nutterfal is too 0elicate for the turpentine treutroent, cover the spot with rrench ehalk for twelve hours. Shake o, anG 0 the stein is still visible press with A warm Iron between blotting titipen • Dominion _Draught lioroe_Breed- ers' Society Wound rip. This society, which wet organized and its headquarters established in Goderich over twenty years ago, de, Med at a special meeting in Clinton last January, to wind up their affairs and cease business. A comxnittee was appointed to supervise the compilation and printing of the fourth and closing volume of the Stud Book, and having prepared their report, a general meet- ing of the Society was held intim coun- cil chamber, Clinton, last Friday. It was shown that 35 meinte.s wee in good standing, and the printing of the above volume was almost completed. The Secretary was instructed to in - chide in the volume a report of the winding -up proceedings, showing the Society had gone out of business, ancl he and the President were instructed to report and forward to the Provin- Wel Secretary's department all books and papers, as provided in the Act un- der which the Society was incorpora- ted. The funds remaAning after the liabilities are paid, will be distributed arnong the members. For a long time the Society did a large business, but of late years the changes in the railway transportation regulations and the nationalization of the stock records for pure bred stock only, have operated to reduce the ap- plications for registry, though meny breeders still breed crosses of Clyde and Shire horses, which are the aril - trials this book was established to reg- ister. The fourth volume will be mailed to members when printed. King Edward, as an exhibitor, cap- tured a first priie when his shire stal- lion Pram Victor,at the International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago, won from Lord Rothschild's stallion, Girton Charmer. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the 19,st few years was supposed to be , incurable. For a great many years Doctors pro- nounced it a local disease, and prescrib- ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has 4proved catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constit- utional treatment.Hall's Oatarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & (p„ Toledo, Ohio., is the only constitution- al cure on the market. It is taken in- ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea -spoonful. It acts directly on the blood hnd mucous surfaces of the sys- tem. They offer One Hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testirnonialg. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. .Hon. G. W. Ross has been appointed ire. the Senate: . The Postal Departmentwill shortly introduce a postal express system for the delivery of ,parcels. gesiummanumnonagnommuinn "Don't Use Too Much" Have you notie markable dubbing next year, The Clinton New E Montreal Herald :fet $1.00 The'Clinton New Er Montreal Herald an Toronto 1 Weekly $1.30 This is the best �l offer ever made, and take your choice o The papers will 1?, any address in Ciailad United States for the stated. The sooner renewa made, the sooner. you sz papers Mentioned. I. HOL • New. Era, Clinton. Fancy Furniture.. We wish our friends to lenqw that our sto testing of Bedroom Sete, mattress, • wire spri and airs, weheYe extra good values in parlc carry a large stook of carpets. carpet squares a mills produce Call and see the goods. . ; J. -H. enELLEw. FURNITURE and (POTTED IN CANADA) Be parefel not to use too • great proportion of Armour, -7Beel Extraq hen making Beef. Tea, ..Soups,* or Gravies. ' Tod, mueli .does not improve your dishes: just add one-quarter thequantity you would'of other, ?Ct. racts -and Fluid .Beefs, because Armour's has'ionr times the strength. of most' of thein: Write for. Free Booklet " CULIN, AR" WRINIeuis:" • ,sx ARMOUR LIMITED' Torento CANADIAN'FACTORT-7T FRONT STREET EAST . . " gussmemmarerammotravaatm --Goy Wanted it Once. Good — wages frOnt NEW ERR Western Farm Lands. I hane for sale a few sections of choice feral land In Southern Alberta. They oc- cupy the best wheat section and will near- ly donble in value next spring. .Full par-. Cedars, W, R. KLOPHEL, 202 Major Si; Toronto Wanted. At once, good local sidemen for Clinton and District to represent Canada's Greatest Nurseriee, Largest list of New Specialities ever offerecl in Fruit and Ornamental stook. Permanent situation for the right man, on liberal term. Aeply at once for Spring soiling season, , STONE & WELLINGTON, 5iNoy16 • Toronto, Ontario. • JAS. :PORD —DEALER IN— Flour and Feed AGIeNT IFOR Masseysnarris Machinery. JAS, A. FORD, Seed Merchant. emmareat. 11111111111111111111111111111 11 Piano A practical and musical Xmas Gift for the home iS a H E I NTZ MAN Piano Prank W. Evans, Agent, Minton. ont. utters , We nianufacture all our -CU SLEIGHS, d guarantee bot and workmanship _ktepairing promptly attende IZumball.& McM Huron Street:,'Cliiiton For the Holida Christmas Til WE RAVE wnwr OU. g1 The newest designsin .gold a Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets„Lock Cuff Links,' Pea.r1 Jewelry of all deset . Elgin, Waltham and Hamilton all the newest fashionable 'sizes, at a Swiss Chatelaine Watches in hest de dur stock of Silverware is most. A fine assortment of Pearl -hal . and Forks, in cases. Ladies! and Gent in abundance. The largest range 01 and. china.' Call early, while the select All goods sold by me will be free of charge. W. R. Cour JEWELER and OPTICIA ‘t i.e. Christmas Gifts. s, Why tots chOose your Christmas gifts now an 'A for you until wanted? Our selection is larger than 3 siding of all the best perfumes, both in bulk and it Ibony goods of all kinds. Brushes, Mirrors, Manicure Sots, Militaty Brushes, Clot Leather Travelling Set,•Olove and Ito Rotors, and RAM' Strops. In smoker's supplies we have the large ever offered here, including Meerschaum's, pipes. Imported Domestic Cigars and Tobaci. bolder& Srawa..,44 --Cali and see what we have, 0 • 3. E HOVEY