HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-07, Page 7DO. 1,. 1906 Who Needs 'A Watch.? How much do you wish to pay? Come here for a dollar Watch or a higher -priced one, We are Watch spe- cialists, It is a branch of our business that we think, just about the most im- portant of any. For years we have studied watch values from one end to the other -and you can safely trust to our experf- ence IIELLY Ak T THE CLINTON NEW EI A Writ for Damages. 'Births, Marriages, 'Maths The Landon Free rean of Friday 1 _.. ._ ______ _BORN • : I MiKiNNON.-•In (7Tin on, contained the following Item : 1,� Deo; lad, to, -Mz, -S "A writ has been issued by John J. and Mrs. Charles McKinnon, a daughter. ilUiUt,OWS.•-In SeatorLb N Reid, of Toronto, against Annie Per- ; . on hrtaay, ov. «3rd ' kin, of London. for $10,000and dams_ gzhe I thIioKLE• -e wife of n Seafa th, onsNov. 2241111,to Mr.and � far alleged libel and slander. TT writ does not give the particulars of i Kra. Wm. Biotite, a daughter. the o IS('." , DTJNOAN.-In Brussels, on Nov, 21tb, to Mr. The Free Press of Saturday can- and Mrs W. E. Duncan, a daughter. t4liue i the following; : CEIISUOLM.-In Leeburn, on Nov. 23rd, the wife of Mr, John Chisholm, of a daughter. "It was announced in yesterday's GQLDTHOi;I?E -In (:olbourne ora sunaaY" edition that Joan J. Reid, of Toronto, Nov. 95th, to Mr. and Mrs.A.J. Goitlthorpe.a son` had entered anaction for $10,000 for libel and slander• against Annie Per- on.' er- 11tARliIFD kin, of this city. It is stated in the xl B1lUTT Nta>;r1pi>,-At the residence of cl city dreckary that Mias Perkin is h , the bride's sister, Hokne,ville, on December 5th, laundress at the London Asylum. In ' by Rev. F. Swann, Alfred Tebbutt. of Goderich cannec t,ion with the case the following Township, to bliss Cassie McLeod. 5 letter was received this morning n by bride, Clin o on Deo. th by Rev. Mr. of the Free Press.: 'Clinton people only Mr.W. Robb, to Mrs, Morrish, both of Clinton. suit, as Miss Perkin hope that he Inay proceed with the i ELLIOTT-41IBSON.--At Uxbridge, on Dec. will have no 5th, by Rev.' Mr. Campbell, Mr. T. G. Elliott, of trouble in clearing herself if she calls i Stanley, to Mrs, Gibson, sister of • urs, Junor. witnesses from here.' The writer also Otinton. _ alleges that the writ is the result of a to sg R cC Olin hT . - On Nov. by 16th, eat St. charge of seduction which was laid McRae. Michael robin, to Sarah J. Corbett against Reid on January 18, 1003,. at of Dunlop, Colborne. l3eafarth. MOQUE-COUGHLrN^At St. Peter's church, In connection with the a ,Ov'e, Miss south of Centralia, on Nov. 21st, by Rev. Er,For- in who. is a nurse at London Asy ester. Dr. P. J. McCue 1 Mrd ito ntto iiis7s An, Perkin, 11um, carne here to collect evidence for � oficentirm 3aer of Rei. n 1 her defence, and returned with a de- i Mr iDitha.-FLA'XBARD,-At the home o f termination to fight the case. She rho brine's parents, by Rev. E. t3huel)ce.on �vod- never resided here, as some may sup- nesday, Nov. 2eth, Miss Elisabeth, daughter of pose,' though the similarity of her �geritaiifoi' August to Michael Meid- name to that of former residents led BED ARD-1IFRQ-Atli. O. church, Drysdale people to think she had, f on Nov, 97th, i,v nev.Fr,Loiselle. Ross Josephine Miss Horton of Tuckersmith goes to Moro, to fir, Edward Bedard. all of the Bauble' the Drysdale Public School as teacher Line. for 1907. ALLEN Fr ETCHER - At home of the -._____,� ----- bridesyarenty Exeter. on Nov -`38, by rho Rev... Sleighs For Sa y H. Going, Mr. Thos. Allan. of Usborne, to Miss C Hester Edna, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs • Wm. Fletcher, One pair of light Bob -Sleighs. in go -d re- HUNTER-HAWKINSo,-At the residence of I pair, for sale. SHARP BROS, Clinton the bride's parents, on Nov. 28th, by the leer, E. A. Fear, Mr. George W. Hunter, to Miss Olive Edna, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Hawkins,of' 1 Berkshire Boar for service. the 6th con of Usborne. LIED i Tboro-bred Berkshire Boer fon.: service.- Prize winner at London Fair. Terme $1 HUNTERIn Hunett, at' time of service, with privilege of return- ingif nece"sary. J'S SNELL, Hallet# SCOTT, W°a Coll otor on SteduedaY; Dee - ember 5th, Benjamin Hueter, aged 77 years. S + -in puckers Jeweler and Optician. I far Eyes Tested Free 'l. 1. 8. hoover. Tp Tax. Notice THURSDAYDEC 6 ANDREWS, Township The undersigned will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on , for the collection of Taxes, GEO. HIDES anti SHIEEPSKIINS • VVANTED 1. �I will pity the highest price for .hides Sud Sheepskins; delivered' at my Hide House t in Clinton. Nor? 30-3m O. S.DOAN, Nelson Bali FURNITU For the next five months you will spendthe most of your time inthe house. We have FURNITURE, FOR'' USE. FURNITURE FOR .COMFORT, FURNITURE FOR ADORNMENT. Brighten your abode and make the home cheerful, The greater the vclunle the lower the price. . HOOVER & BALL, FUR ITUR TAM eLINT@N, ONT. -In mith; on Nov.- 27th,,Bobt.- A. Scott, aged 52 years and months. • 7)UNOAN.-in Brussels; on Nov 24th, the in- fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W- E. Unman. nEYwOOD.-In'Exeter, on Nov,''26th, Betsy Knight, beloved wife of Jno. A. Heywood. aged 77 years, 9 mouths. - 11fALLOT.-In Exeter, on Nov. 28th, Fanny' beloved wife of John blallot, in her 59th year: • Sale Re ,seer. Extensive . and u reserved sale of farm stock and impl ments, on •lot 14, Huron road, Hul ett 21-2 miles east of 'Clinton, on Mo day, Dec. 10. J. Purvis. Aunt, Oliver Mills, Prop.: i On Tue. d y, s a Dec lth; at 1 p,m., at Dick's Stock yalyds,Seaforth,140 choice 'sheep and lambs, also :a number of horses and cattle, . P. A. O'Sullivan, 'Thos. Brown,: Auctioneer, An' increase of over three•nuarters of a million in the customs receipts for November as compared with the same - month last year indicates that the.tide •of prosperity.has• no idea.of ebbing.. • Clinton Market Report. corrected: every Thursday afternoon Wheat. .... 070 -to 070 Oats.. 0 34 to 0 80 Barley o;, - .0 45 to 0.50 Peas .. 0 75 .to 0 77• E.Rs ....... O 22 to"0.22 }.utter ▪ 0 20 to 0 20 flogs (1 30: t3 (3 10 ' Wool (washed) 0 27 to 0 27 •-Wool (unwashed)..._'0 18 to 0 15 Chickens, dry,pioked, lb .0. 06 to 0 10 -MIAs, per ib, • 0 08 to 0 10 Geese 0 OS to 0 00 Ladies b Watches Our special I o Watch. for Ladies is a Gold Filled Case handsomely. engraved, containing a ,stem -wind, Jeweled Lever Movement; highly,. finished, and guaranteed an accur- ate time keeper. ,• . We have others ranging. in price from $12 to $40. Our special $15 and $25 Ladies Watefes are very pop• ular A. J.. Grigg Jeweller and Optician Gold Rings • • A Ring makes an acceptable gift to either a Lady or Gentleman, . .. We pay special attention to this line, and carry one of the largest • and: choicest collections of thetn to be found in a town of this'size Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, .Opals and Turquoises, in all . the most approved styles, The values run. from 75c for •tt BABY'S' RING to $50,00 for' A DIAMOND GRINGS S S(GNN�l1t7. . • including engraving, froin $4,00 to. $8.00 .' pentlenen's -Watches Our Special $13 Oold Filled 2, 0 year case i Contains a high grade stem wind Lever Movement, We have them in three different sites. Others at $15, :*25 and ti30. We have a special Stem - Wind Nickle-CaseWatch at $5, which is the best value we ever had in stock, Boy's W and fis. at $1 $1.25 - 4. A. J. Grigg .Jeweller and. Optician A. J. Grigg'` . Issued of Marriage Licenses Gond llled Chains. For beauty, good wear, and long usefulness, they ,match the best of solid :gold chains, In fact they are better than solid en cote of alloy ld in one. tgivesar to thetheilinks added strength and durability Our colletion of these Chains is • very large. 33y seeing them we are sure that you will form ix) attachment for one. - Iavilan0 .Limoges. China Famous the world over. - le• the queen among ;French - Table chinas. • Itis exquisitely thin, but remarkably firm, .. - Perfect texture and it fine, hard glaze give ita peerless bril- liance. iit-liance. Our Ilhse pattern is an exelu- s'aye design which we carry in stock. Yon . call. buy a single piece or a complete set. . •We also have a large stock of Fancy China in many different designs siiitahle for . presents. It • •w•ill.he a•.pleaenre•to.show yon Mir stock.. • . A. J. Grigg Issuer of Marriage Liccnse r, A. J Grigg,. Jeweler - and Optician Silverware • 7FTBEN DAIS M0RE And Xmas will be here. Only Fifteen business days and Xmas will be over, which means only fifteen days more to do your Xmas sho p pping , This y ear we have made a special effort to place a dainty a of Xmas presents on our counters, in the very latest y rang novelties in, Men's and Women's wear. - We are showing the newest and daintiest range of Ladies' Silk Waists in the County of Huron, Ladies' Silk Collars, in Dres- den, Mosack and colored. Silk, in all the - newest shades and designs. We carry •the best, from ?C up. Ladies' Lace Collars, Batten- burg• and Swiss, very dainty . and smart, in cream, white and ecro, from 59e up. - Ladies' Silk Belts, - in black, white and shot silk, also silk Scotch plaids and patent leather, from 2,5e up to $2.00 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, in Swiss and pure linen, fancy edges of lace and plain hem -stitched, from 5c up to .Pail Picture Handkerchiefs, for children, 3 for 5e Ladies' Parasols, in mercerized top, silk and wool, and "pure: silk, with 'dill the newest ` styles in handles, from. $11.00 up. -to $3.00 Perrin Kid Gloves, in . all the leading -shades, guaranteed, all sizes, from 1.00 up to $1.50 Ladies' leather hand and wrist bags, ill all the newest and up-to- date styles, from 50C up to $3,00. Table Linen and Napkins to match, side board, five o'clock tea and tray cloths, - Infant's. Bootees, Hoods, Valls and woollen Shawls, Hose and Bear -skin Jackets, from the cheap- est up to the best. Ladies' - fur Ruffs, Stoles, Caperines and Jackets, We carry a full range of all the leading novel- ties and every ;one guaranteed, M en's silk. Ties, in all the very, newest novelties, celorings and styles, four-in-hand, puff 'and ascott- styles, from Z5c up. Men's Gloves and Mitts, fur -' lined, sill: lined and fleece, lined, in, mocha and kid, al sizes, from 50c ..up. Men's fancy Shirts, soft and stiff fronts, in all the popular stripes and checks, all (' yes, from 50C up to 1.tiO I Men's Caps, in all the newest and up-to-date styles, in cloth and corduroy, fur lined, etc., from 58e up to $1,50 Men's fancy Braces, boxed separately, fancy webbs and leather ends, from 25e up. to 75C Men's. fancy Vests, . in spots and checks, `well lined and made, all sizes. from $1.541 up ,to $2.50 Men's. Handkerchiefs,. in lawn and pure linen, mercerized,. • etc.,. with fancy border, from 10e, up to 25e . Silk Handkerchiefs from 5Oc up. . Boy's Sweaters, in stripes and plain colors, all sizes, from 50c up to $1.25 . Boy's .Tooks`and Mufflers; in ' all the popular colors, from 25c up, to. $1.00 L a. rofe��o��- Pex�.,�ber aor will always be popular Acr -presents. • Itis arttotic and useful When you buy8ilverware yeti want the best and . most ser- viceable your money can buy. You are assured of. getting that kind here. We can sell you Solid Silver, or the best plated ware, which ' looks like sterling, and wears almost as well. Come in and see our well as- sorted stock. Yon will find the prices right A J. Grigg Jeweller and Optician CanaIa's Hair . tong tvILh III: AT St. Msi.arys, 'Windier Hotel, : Thursday, Dec. 6th, Sealurth, '' ommercial Friday, Dec.•7th ' (Clinton, Normen(iie Hotel, Saturday, Dec. Sth: with the ni'st: •di•splay cf Hait C■Dods ever. seen in A:Mei ica -For ladies, the seine tt. i,tjstOrma.tian and full transformation; the all-over I'onip itnd the •paitecl• .1%1174' ont.p Sivitehes from $? to $3(l; Waves front $5 to $15: }g d v frorri $15 to $2.5; Pomps frotn r $6,50 to ehristmas is Gifts 1: Before making your choice, do riot' fail to see our stock. Vt e: have `procured a nice : line of Fancy China,: Toys, Fancy Collars, embroid eyed : and lace -edged Handkerchiefs, . Silk • Handkerchiefs; Way Mufflers, `arid staples of l 11 kinds. o ...• yourself. only 'if satisfied. ' Call and. see for yo Buy fid • -• we want your trade. . lines �. 0 Sorrell .� . •�.: ea-ciovpring. , . Wigs from' $30 . y;20 Gants" 1'uitpees from i"p23 tit .$i'►0: S� ig,; to $70.eO. ,Call and bring your Friends to see us, or mail orders; PRO'FESSOYR REM BER, : • • * r Toronto, Ont: ..we n;7 12-9 1 onge Sit.;wic Ygr ILondesboro, Teacher Wanted 'For 4 4 N . (1 Tnclteesmilh (Brendfoot's i; i+s•i uerrifica*e, Minimum salary of t.4(10 1 r.r.�,...,.. ***** '**** ** ** *** Teacher Warped ' �� Ivor S S Ne. 5, Hallett, : holdingsecond l 1Y7ala or f,u1s. e: k'tiiurv` h"O. ;tnn1ioNau na. t t4 Ioa(i.jne, pir9onal pre erre ! 2eoe,YF ?"."4". .�././. me; nes, d op v. neon on S+,n�;x•. I>ee, 8th'l up. ui noon .on• vee, Stn. R. GARTER �. �e� (''hristmas. Gifts and you until.•wanted. ()lir selection is larger than ever before, y s �. sistinI, o a e pp �Q� . Ebony goods of all kinds. .Brushes, Mirrors, Manicure. Sets, • •i � � M'iliLary Brushes, Cloth Brnshcs, etc, ) a; Leather travelling Sets, Glove and Handkcr hief Cases, fr�1 Razors, and Razor Strops / ` , In srii k& 's supplies we have the larges •assot''tment or pipes f %�� ever otl'ered here, inclndinee Meerschaums, G Be:B, D., B.B.B l.naush pipes.' 'imported Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos, cigar aLnd eigaret . - 1 % % hinders. -� Call and see what we have.-- J E. HOVEV, Clinton I jam•%%� t\\•� \� -- " • c. ' Why not choose your Christmas gifts no, letus keep then, `i-- furf ail th • hest perfumes, both in hulk and in fancy • JAAS Al ef.iYeN. tie;: Box 103''nntortit • • i hecteter), Londesbore Men Stylish uits. $5.00 $7.00 $9.00 S(rits slack: -from good do ml',8,tic tw( eds,sewn with linen thread shr•'un.ken throughout, sizes 36 to 44. . Melt's Suits, in stylish tweeds of fancy )mixes, in checks, stripes, over- pllticl yh.es 36 to 44, for §7. Men's Suits,- in up. to -date . styles, in heavy or light .weights, dark ,or light shades made from the new novelties 1,1ti tweeds, sizes 36 to 44,$9 Don't forget our Clothing i.5 shrunken and sewn with linen thread. POPLESTONE & - GARDI ER. SiiCdesSotS to i}t'Y .ichor tt Co., IUy'th patl,ag,e r,voovvooPosiovvvvv1/4,4"0%eAAAN . FOR : 30 DAYS We are bound to clear out our Grocery stook . inside of 30 days, and will give special bargains in all lines. Don't wait until the time • is nearly out, 'but come now, and. getyour choice. of first-class Groceries at bottom prices. • .Men's plain Jabbers, regular 850, fol ..,...,.7ri4t . lloy's plain ubbers, regulite 10c, for ........00e Youth's -plain Rubbers, regular SSC, for..... 50c Women's plain ,rubbers, t'egulair 0l)c, for ..,.50e 21.1de'n's Box Calf Eels, regular $2.75, fqr.:$1,89 A special litre of Woolen's l)ongolla Bala, regular ,;2.0),•for $1.50 • tripe M0tketGledhill Ire .a Cil t t, ---siICC1?SSORs TO 0, A, BALLARI) .. AAA