HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-07, Page 4--"""www1•11110111111101Wir
The Mineral Springs oil St.
flatbarines Preston and
Mount Clemens
dee feneees, will! not wend a few (lariat •one of
Shed volute? AU eituasee on .tbe et• T tot
4CQWpdjo seood. retes reasoealee.
Ontario Prov, Winter Fair
$.t.20 Guelph and Return:
obits aoodeoine Deo. Sal ta ieth inclealse,
to return well Dee. legs ramie gooier
or °temp. leaves Toroeto dome atis
" Secure tickets at G.T,R. l'own °Mete
and avoid debt), at depot.
F. IL liODOENS, Town Agent.
The thinton New Eva
CLINTON, ONT„ DEC. 7, 1900
The succession dues received by the
Ontario Government have passed the
million dollar mark. What anguish
it must cause the Government to "rob
the widows and orphans" in this way,
for that is what Mr. Whitney said it
did -when he was in opposition.
A year ago students of the Ontario
Agricultural College carried off the
,prize for combined judging at the ln-
teruational Live &oak show in Chic -
'ago. On Saturday last they did the
same thing again, beating the best
State experts. Canadiaus are whirlers
every time.
A bye -election for the Local House
was held in East Hamilton on Tuesday,
mused by the death of the late repre-
sentative. The riding has a large Con-
s irvative majority, but the Labor can-
didate beat the straight Conservative
by a majority of 839, very much to the
surprise of the Conservatives._ The
Liberals did not put a candidate in the
field, but it is likely they quietly sup --
ported the successful candidate. .
It is an open secret - that Mr Hugh
Spackman, of Exeter, Warden, is after
the noraination in South Huron for
the Dominion House. We don't pre-
tend to know the attitude of the Con-
servatives towards Mr Gunn., the pre-
sent representative, but we would as-
sume that he will again be up for
nomination. Both Mr Spackmaii and
Mr Gunn are popular'nieneuid shrewd
politicians, but we believe that if the
Liberals would settle their pet sonal
grievances, a man could be selected
who would defeat either of them at.
the next election.
eteesee, steepoo.... • ere.* ee.e. *
I Church Chimes.
Mist; McNaughton will sing nTine
'Holy City" at the evening service' next
The b tzear next Taesiley is being
looked forward to with anticipation,
and will likely proye an interesting
The Junior League will held aji en-
tertaininent this Friday evening.
- Rev. Mr. Jolliffe will be one of the
speakers at Winglnini Methodist
oymeea Annie -asset ey .on Monday.
Rev. J. G. Brown, 13. A., of Turobto,
Secretary of the Baptist Foreign Nits
sion Board, will be at the Base Line
Baptist church 'on Tuesday evening,
Decall, to give an address on mission
work to India,
The meeting ot the Young Women's
Guilt] has been postponed from the bah
of December '.x) the Iith, Mr. Stewait
will address the meeting. • •
.Rev E. R.- Fitch, has coreeplete
ed his first year as pastor of the Wing -
ham Baptist Church and a very.. sue-
cessful year it hes been for the church,
The membership has been ir creased
and much good work has been done.
We regret to learn that Rev. J. IL
Oliver, pastor of the Central Methodist
Church in Sarnie, has taken ill of
typhoid fever. Rev. Win, McDonegle •
.of Stratford, has been asked to etipply
the pulpit during Mr. Oliver's illness,
Tne friends of the Rev E A Shaw,
formerly of the Hayfield Circuit will
he pleased to learn that as a meek of
esteem end appreciation, be was re-
cently presented with a bendsome gold •
chain and locket, and Mrs Shaw with
a handsome hand bag by the people of
the Leons uircuit. The affair was a
complete and pleasant surprise.
Re -opening or S. A. liarrads.
A large crowd g t h ered at the -
vetion Army Halt on Thursday even-
ing, to tette in the re -opening setvice.
His Worship, Mayor Hoover, eccupied
the chair, and A cordiel welcome was
extended to staff Captain Ilay, Avila
was here fm the occaeion.
After 'Capt. Tiller introduced the
chairman, His Worship the Aleyer
proceeded with the program. Captain
Latnli, or Goderich, was called on to
give out, the opening song, after ivhich
}Lev. Air. Kerr invoked God's blessing'
upon the meeting.
The Mayor, in his opening remarks,
congratulated the officera and soldiers
on the splendid impeovements made to
the building. He said our present offi-
cers were not only capable .of pretieh.
ing.the Gospel. hut were able to wen
thew !ovule to any kind of woik, ven
to the driving of nails in the latenelight
without. bitting their fingers. (Laugh-
ter.) He said he was glad to have the
privilege of weheiming storCantele
flay to the town of (llinton, teed As-
sured him that the people of the town
were wholly in symnathy With the
Army. He thought it would he
to meet. together oftener to beai. their
views and to extend their sympathies
to each other.
Staff Oapt. Gay, on lining to reply.'
Wes greeted with an affectionate we!.
come. in which Mrs. Hay slineed.
1, should have the beet ; he believed
whole.hearted service. It Wee pleae
Ito see the energy which the officer*
had put forth ; ht believed in holy
t aiu-
bition, and was himself praying for
the success of the Army.
eit. ?jr, Ivisigee said he believed that
all Salyationist$ from the Gene
down, were anxious to push forw
the work of God, and thought it wo
do everybody good to loin in the op
Lair eerviees with the Army ; he pra
1 that God's richest blessing might r
upon the A.r
The band rendered. an excellent pro-
gram. The hall was crowded, the fin-
ancial rftults of the meeting were en-
couraging, and ailtogei her the re -open-
ing of the barracks was a great success.
Personal IV otos
olt those 114,114 relatives or bleu
visiting in town or genie aw*
flouts as of the tact seer) weeks, w
ral woeid announce Utz% tbo New gas
en. Uld Mr W. Cioats, Registrar, was down
yed here for a day or two last week,
est Miss Helen Ginnie, daughter of Rev
O. R. Ginnie, went to .roronto on
. Town Council
The regular meeting was held on
Monday. A letter wee received from
the Canadian Vire Engine Co., Lon-
don. (in answer to an enquiry by the
Clerk), stating that the repairs to the
engine would be completed in afew clays
The nominations for IVIayor, Reeve,
Couucillens and School Trustees Nvill
he held at the town hall or, Monday,
Dee; 31st, from the hours of 7.80 to 8430
p.m, The act now requires the apt-
pointmeut of a poll clerk, as well as a
deputyreturning officer, for the hold -
tog of ntunicipal elections, and the fel-
lowiug polling -places, deputy return-
ing officer:, and evil clerks were tip -
pointed ;--
'St, Andrew's Ward Town Hell, N,
Robson, Deputy It. O.;13. Sayille, poll
St, jamest-The Evapnrator ; T,
Johnston, D.R.O. ; Jas. Shepherd, poet
John's-Rumball Matatifs
shop ; 0 Helyar, D.R.O.; J. Irelan
's shop ; S. JA
poll clerk.
St. George's -Leslie. n-
s, . R. 0 ; J., Cuningname, piM1
The Council dwided. to pay the de
(Wes $3 foe thole services, and the po
clerks $2.
The Finance Committee recom ni en
P(1 -payment of a number of account
Tile receipts for the month were
follows.; Town settles, $15,40 ; static)
nedesi $7,25 ; hall rent, $80 ; shop ren
$8 : cemetery, sale of lot, $0
$158,7j; livery license, 11130; sale
broken sidewatk blocks,- $2.
A. T. Cooper asked pertnisSion. to to.
dress the Council, and celled the -a
tention of the members to two clause
of the Liquor Act, one of which pre
vides that under Certain condition
fines that are imposed ander the Ac
go to the municipality ; that is, if th
prosecations are ma,cle by the local po
ce officers ; whereas, under existin
ircumstances, the prosecutioos bein
nade, by the .1.110e0sce.Inspector, th
fines all to the government, find th
own loees just; so much. The .othe
lause of the Act., reed by Mr, Coope
vas that requiring local police officee
o seeto the enforcement of, the Ac
the sameas any other Act), lay infoe
iation aen
nd force prosecutions n hen
ver »ecessary. ' He asked ,the Aleyot
it was the ititention of the Counci
o haee this' dense enforced.
The Alayur thought tbe losa of fines
as offset ny the larger amount of the
cense fee that rhe I owns now receive.
O. reference to "(teal Officere enforcing
he A.ct, admitted that the statutes
'ere very plain. and required the at-
entio 11 et the local officers. • (inc teas -
le probably, wilt -they had not acted
efore• w118 because -Mr. Paisley,. the
cl i nspector, eesiding in the town, the
etzeer was evidently left to 111111.
Cooncillor Paisley said he had always
elieved the local officers, not only
ere but e sewnere ehOuld assist in en-
raing..the ..A.ct, but theynevei bad:
se aid these provisions
t he At. were new. to him, and whilebelieved • they shouldbe enforded,
thought that perhaps it would have
en better .te have . left it for an in.
ming Connell. •
A. motion, moved by Coun. Paislev.
d seconded.. by Coun. 1Niltse, that
et local officers should render all
I1 assistance in enforcing .the
t, was carried- •••• ..•
. 11
DASILW.0030. FAICLY A14111087
litIltD OUT. .
Five Dzkrstsn EtonT .Weexe-
Dissesess: mum POISw;ED WELL
• , . •
The deaitrof Jew)) W. •Winkenived-
•er occurred at Victoria H.oSpital Lone
ore. fin Monday meening, and the cir-
cumstances attending his taking off )
make a story of heartrendiris.s, sadne I
and point a moral of vital interest. .
The story tells of a •fathily of eigh
.reduced inside Of eight weeks by th
poeeoned watecof a contemn:46d we
to a broken.heatted mether and tw
Something lesq thap tee° month
ago, Edward Winkenweder, Who n
to that time was living in 'Chicago
came•home in, delicate health to hi
father's fern) near DaShwood. 11
greditelly failed, aud his illness devel
oped into typhoid fever. The bes
medicat attendence was. procured, his
11 tranied nurse. • and, the other mem
here of 'the family labored incessand
to eftee his life.' All efforts were it
vein, however, end the young ma,
died. • Inside of (me , weeks'after
•fi rst death font other 'members of th
family were taken sicle with the sin
.melady, and one ht one, at short in
tete els, the two .testers, Lovinteand
:se el i nda, and the father, a man o
magnificent physigee, also named storey
Jacob, who died on Alooday, wa
taken to Victoria Themital, as the do
;rioted family, even with the assistane
of two .nurses who have been in- at
tendanee nearly eight \creeks, were lit
terlY fireside to give him proper care
The cattae of the deadly outbreak has
beef) uninistekeable traced to water
need. for dr:nking purposes which was
pi) fitted by the &composting' /Mies of
dead frogs.
The s tri eke a mother of the
family bearing up bravely, although
Or strain of hoe terrible bereavement
le visibly telling upon her. Two broth-
ers, Arthur, who is on his. feet again
af t et, a ha with thc, dreadful disease,
and lienieinin, of Napierville, are
with them mother the sole remaining
The father, Sohn Wittkonweder, wns
an old settler, having he farm
near th sh wood for forty years He
Wits over six feet in height, of athletic
!mild, and had never known a day's
eleknees in his Otte
Mr Benjeenin Winkenweder, wile is
arranging for the removal of his
itrotherei licitly to their home, has no
(X)11) t", ivhattmtr, re eirding the
Rev J. Greene was called to Owen
Sound last Friday, on business con-
nected with the Frost Estate,
The Misses Richardson, of Stanley
Township, visited their cousin, Miss
Richardson of town, this week.
Mr James Robertson,. who has been
woeking in this viclutty during the
past summer, returned to his hoine in
Ireland, this week, being ticketed. br
F, R. Hadgens.
Mr .Ed. Jenkins, son of Mr Thomas
Jenkins, Unroll road, who came isotne
from Toronto University few Weeks
ago owing to illness, went back on
Monday, and wilt now try to make up
for last time.
Rev Mr Holmes, who has been . un --
der 'medical treatment for some time,
is now with his family - here, baying
improved very much In. health. What
be will do in the future is uot yet de-
Carman flail,who is 'employed bithe
Sovereign Bank, 'mita eouple of his
fingers rather severely on Mon -lay af-
ternoon. Re was helping to move an
Iran bar in the new building when he
got his. fingers nipped.
Mr. "NVeston, who has bten here for
couple of weeks in the interest et
the Canadian Order of Foreeters, left
here on Monday, after adding 28 new
members. This gives the Society a
..inembership of over 200.
Messrs Sas, Goldthorpe and J. Me -
Ewan, of Got:Ulrich,. were in town on
Sa:nrday.• Acoustomed. to the usual
qinet Appearance of the county town,
they, said it was quite a relief to come.
to a place that bed sonurlife. in
Mr. ThomaSParquhar,of HillsGreen,
brother ef Mrs. J, W, Moore,: who met
with a very sericies accident about six.,
weeks ago, which confined him to bed,
Was in town on Meeday ; while' he is
recovered front theeffectt. of: the acci-•
•dert, he is still unable to works-.
Ur Oliver Joheston returned- from
his trip • west on Saturday. He •says
the people there are suffering front twe
things -lack of cars afid leek of fuel,
Owing to the leek of cars grain cannot
bffseld and shippedreand the -conse-
quence is- many settlers have . note
Means meet. their liabilities: The
lack of Nei is a very -serious affair, and
• he does not think thediftenity be
entirely met all winter,: , b;very .town
and -almost evere. 'farmer wentsluel,
and the searcity is' ete great that
farmers are eel/Melted in emme:in-
stancessto'bure Up gramtries and
stebles. •• • •
• ..Edneational• Notes..
Dec.• 7, 1905
County Clippings. •
Ov•••• PR.*
East Huron Conservatives meet in
couvention at Brussels on Dec. 27th.
Wm Love, Oth con., Grey_, has dis-
posed of his 70 a.cre farm to lora° 0111,
of this locality, far the sum of $4,600,
, George Carter. a fawner, was cho
e o death Wedeesday afternoen b
a piece of meat at Pitman's note
Frank O'Brine, Ohiselhurst, was
k.icliSd an the face by horse he was
twitting. His nose was broken SO that
two pieces had to be taken, out,
The car of cattle shipped to the Old
Country by Reeve Sloan, of 13lyth.
some weeks ago, netted him hack 1200
• more than his best Canadian offer.
The death occurred Tuesday, Nov,
20, of a resident of Exeter in the per•
son ofBetsy Knight4,7beloved wife of
John A. Heywood, aged 77 years and
0 months.
Death last week removed another
of Exeter's weildtnown reeidents, in
tile person of Mrs Fanny Mallot, wife
of Mr John Mallot, who died at her
home, Wednesda,y.
We regret to learn that 1Vir John
Strong, of Tuckersmith, who was sent
from here to the London Asylum,
some weeks ago, ie not improving as
his friends could wish.
Smith Bros., who have been con-
ducting a general` store business in
Exeter North, for a few months, as-
signed to the London and Western
• itaisut.sts Company of London on FrillitY
Mr A, Q. Bolder wbo for several
•years operated the creamery at Ease -
ter, last weekelisposed of the business
to Mr John H. Scott, of Ingersoll, who
also purchased the piggery west of the
G. T. R. depot,
The railway workmen a few days
ago unearthed a eomplete whiskey
making outfit buried in the swamp in
the south met corner .of Grey. The
machineey had evidently bee u buried,
there foe twenty years.
. George Habkirk, of MeRillop, near
town, recently received word of the
death of his brother, William), whieli
occurred at Neepawa, Manitoba, about
the first of this month. He was 73
yeitrs of age, and resided in this county
nearly all his life, until he removed to
Manitoba several years ago.
DRATHS-Mr. Donald Murchison,One
of the pioneers of Ashflekl township,
died on Thursday at the a,ge of eighty-
three years. The funeral took place
at Eingshridge on Tuesday.
HInttlen TAX RATise--For a number
y of years Lucknow has enjoyed a level
ratp of taxation of 22 mills, This year,
A quiet wedding took place at the
Settforth Preebyterian manse OD Wed-
nesday °vetting when Mr Alexander
Lowery and Miss Sneie Fraser, both.
Seaforth, were united in the hob,
bonds of marriage, Rev E. H. Larkin
peetortued the ceremony. Mr and Mrs
Lo xry will reside in their home in
Egniond vine, .
On -Friday evening, on behalf of the
itizens of the town, the Huron foot -
all teeth,. and the ,Beaver laerosse
lub, a committee Waited upon Alr H.
1. "Jackson, at his home iv, Egnioncl-
ille, and ptesented him with •a volu-
ble gold watch; suitably engx:aved;
nd a, tastefully bound address in re-
ognitioa of the long and valna,ble ser -
ices, both as player and manager, he
s. had rendered to , manly Sports and
There' are 88 Rural SchooleBoetds in 1 A
the Inspeetorate of East' Huron,
. e nuninium sidelines • fixed by act •
of Parliament for the PriOcipalts of.,
these schools are ai follows ; boar&
Must pay it salary of 6500 ; 40 sale ry
of $450 ; 10-a salavy of $100 and. 3 ft.
salary.ot $850, The average in ininimu
salaey is $451,20 'neve will also he'.5'
assistant teachers. The airmim set-
ary for an assistant , Of course -
the average for these will be. :pit
Some. sdhool boarde wili pay inere
than the inininium salaries. • .
The written examination 'foe. thied
.elass professional certificate will tiegin
on Tuesday, December lithe:end will
eonttnue for three days, .The,teachinge
will begin on Friday, .• 141h, and. con-
tinue to Tuesday, Dee. '18th, '.Alessre
&ebb and Baird willeireside while. the
candidates arnwriting, The examina-
tion in teaching, reading and
board Work will be conducted hyltle.sags
noble end Catheron. • The Board of ex-
anriiners will' nieetat S'eitforth on•Dec..
24th, to-aword certifientes, ere. • .
The Board- isciemposed of fn'spectors
Robhand Tone, and.Prineipals Camers •
On and Moffat. '• •
It; is curreotty reported that. there
will be. one More term 'of' the Model
Schools. . • •
• • — •
JanaeS.Canieron has been engaged
to teach S. S. No. 3, Hay, At it, eatery
. e
' Miss Mabel Bailie will •teach in the.
ss Peespealty school after eateer Year's,
, the salary is '$450e . ,
se . Miss Helen Drysdale has been .se-
e cured as teacher for S. No. 0, God-
ly erich tewnship, for the year• 1907.
o IL C. Pugh has .been re engaged' to
teeth in the stone school house, Morris
.for UM. The salery will be $500.1
11 Robertson MeLearo of Seafortli„ has
. heed eegaged as teaeher in the. Lumley
school Ustiorne for next year at a
e sa azy of 5,40.
-• S. S. No. 5, "Colborne, Aivx
t Lerthan, at present attending Goder_
o ich Model School, . has been engaged
- for next year at wsolery $400,
Mr • Stalker, 'Of • •Luelsnow Public
.School, who bad been .eugeged for
Adburn sttliodl, hes consented te re-
tnain with Lucknow nntil midsommer.
o 'Miss Clara Augustine, of Goderich,
- has been engaged as teacher; in sellout
section No 1, Colborne, for next year;
f Missfirawforchthe retiring. teitobee, in-
. tends to resume her studies. •
s Miss Miry MeArter, who has been
teaching ut Sodom for the past year,
e has resigned and leaves at the end. of
- the present year, she having been ori-
- gaged. to teach in 5.8. NO. -I, 11,otris,
fee the year 1907;
Mr Long has been re-engag,ed as
principal of Dungiumon etntool, for
1007, and Miss Cora Robert's will take
chaege of the tr, room, Alias Robineon
having decided to engage with the
tensteeenf U 8. .8 ; .No.; 17, Ashfield
and Wawatiosh.
Rev. ,T, 1V. Robinson is Itis fourth
year no pastor of Dungannon Methn-
dist church, and in anticipation of 11 iff
Veill0 VAL the official board has extend-
ed an invitation to Rev. W. A. Smith,
of the Ashfield circuit, to become a
pastor of this eirciiit after the Mt of
July next. It is understood that Mr
Sillith has :temente(' the invitation le
jeet th the rating of the static) g
co niniit tee,
Rev.!. NV, Graham, pastor of the
First Methodist Church, of London
s been offered the position of assist
t secretary to Rev. John Potte, gen-
al secretary of the Educational finel-
y e ethodiet einirch,
Graham states that he prefers to re-
main in the ministry, and has so in-
formed the Edurat tonal Society. How.
ever, the position still remains :men
for him if he care.m to aecept it. Mr.
Graham is a native of Clinton, born
white his father Writs pastor of the old
Ilattenhury St. church.
. •
IU ha
medical treatment given f;is deceased an
celative% ;mid believes the ettending er
physician did ail that wan hittnatil
'it -
)'0,71)l0 to save their Ike's. Ile also
entre in the hfaluist termsof the close
tention and kindness aecorded his
other by the physicians and ntnees
*1. ictoria, Hospital, and slate. his be -
that nowhere are facilities or the
etl men of the sick superior to those
Rev. Mr. Kerr. extended the'congrat • lie
ttlatinns .of the people of the town to tte
the Army. He believed that God of
ames in Seafoeth. . •
A. rumor is current that the pre-
ent pastor of the .Ltitheran Church
intends leaving before Ion Ther
ems to be a feeling among the monis
hers, that the services. shou'd ba
rough t up•to-date'' by having' the •
. Sunday evening; serviees the
lish langetage, 11, little trim% Cana-
dian sinrit infused. • Old Country. i
methods are nut of pitied and the Eng.
Usti language. will, sooner of later, •
have to , be . recognized and at least
partially adopted all ..tierman
•chtirches in Canada - Zurich Herald.
Fire .at Preston -destroyed:the ciu
barns,. With. a lot. of -valtiable.rolTing
Stock. Loses $75,000; • .
Hon. O. S.'llyinan is reported to he
seriously ill, and to have lostover fifty
pounds in weight, . ••
Mr. Matthew Jonee, of BrAntford •
ropned.his.puroe in it hotel .When be.
reco.v.ered it ftgain$8,800 was- tntssing.
• elehil D. •Rockefeller,. of Cleveland;
has agreed to donate '$00 000 to. Mc -
Ma ter University, Toronto, under cer-
tain:conditions. •
• -A resolution asking:Ring Edward to
call a rneetingepf the European powers
„to stop the Atrocities in the Congo was
• Adel -aid at ti: tneetieg in Massey Hall.
•A story cones from Hacking -ham'
8ask ,that a farmer and a Jewish 0111)-
bi quarreled over it deg. and the fer-
nier pursned the latter, lessooed him,
• palled him 001 01 his eig and broke bis
e fermer isnow in jail at Re -
North Fredericksburg school trustees,
advertised for a teacher, stating they
did not inteed to obey • the Govern-
mentregidations. They were prompt- j
ly informed that theywould be held.
Personally liable for illegal expendi-
tures, and the certificate .(11 iiny eeach-
ert' e. I
P e minimum ,
salary wo it be sespended.
wing to an inereasing expenditure for
education, sidewalks,etc. the rate has
been materially increaSed: The colleet-
or finds the citizens taking a very lively ,
interest in municipal affairs, and he is
putting in a strentious time explaining
the blessings of tire protective syetem,
magnificent sidewalks, well -lighted
etreets, and educational advantages.
The application of the new assessment
act still further varies the rates, and it
is a safe wager that the compensation
allowed the collector will be fully
earned this year, •
Elston Burobiel of South Harwich is
missing, under circumstanees that
give rise to suspicion of foul play..
Earl Grey, in an address before the
Toronto Canadian ciub, said what this
country wanted. NN'a$ an abundance of
cheap labor, to help develop the res-
ources of the country, ahor that neith-
er Canadians flOr Englishmen cared to
do. Then capital would flowinto this
country, and the high-priced Canadian
worker would get lots to do. He re-
ferred to tibinese, Japanese, Indian
labor, eitc,
it pay to advertise ? Because the up-
to-date 20th century fernier reeds the
local paper. He wants to know what
his nelglabors are doing, what is hap-
pening in the world around him, and
be wants to study the advertisements
and find out where to buy goods. He
doesn't Say natal abOnt it perhaps,
when he goes to the store to do his
1 trading, but just let e merchant adver-
tise a special bargain,a,nd see if the up-
toda-te farmer doesn't find it out and
take advantage. It is also true that
.the up-to-date farmer is the merchant's
best customer, New Era ads. always
brbag results,
We do not bola ourselves responsible for
any opinions eolpressed under this head-
; fruffett Municipal Matters .
To the M),aoof the ,Ifelo Ero
• DEAR Sin„, -As the time is drawing
rietsr for 'municipal elections, there will
probably he sorne new aspirants for
• the office of Couneillor, and rumor has
, it that •NS rn. Moon contest the
Reeveship ; we understand that James
Snell's friends also wish him to run.
Both are thoroughly acquainted with
the Infsiness of the township, and have •
alwaysdischerged their duties, when
in the Council, to the best of satisfac-
tion. Let the honors pass; round.•
New Adverttsenient8.
tens; keep $7, resurn $33,
to P'0 llox .
, •
A 11;onte and Care.
• Any at ed roati or Woman who desires
home and care,. can learn ol aam on Betel-
ing at• NEW 'ERA.
. Wanted.
• J. B. RIEVIBAI.L, Clinton,
To learn thte
eTelenhonin, anplYte
ppr ntiee Wanted:
• Wanted, boy to learn tbe blachamithing.
.• O. W. POTTER, Porter's Hiel.
• Taxes, •
Ratepayerswill please take noVoe that
after Der. 14th, five per cent will be added
to all taxes remaCnine
Clelleotor, Clinton.
• One-quarter sera let,
Honoe. tor Sale. •
The frame house on Rattenhary S', went,
belonging to the Irite Mrs. 'Young, is offered
fpr sale, wittstruit i
trees. hard and soft water. - Apply at once .
to NEW ERA Office, or bv letter to
JAMES YOUNG, Seaforth.
Londesboro Butter Co
_. ---- ,,
The Annual Aleeting of the Londesboro
Bintet and Cheese Altinef. Co., will beheld
in the Township Hall. on Pridey, To. 14.
19 0,•Direotore meet all e.m. Shareholders
^k 1 30, and Petrone at 2 00 p m.
Sea, •. President,
Londesboro, 156. 4th. Jai,
SO much to buy, so little bought, so many
things to think about and the days ili ting
by. Fifteen shopping days left. Every-
body will be at it soon, then you'll have to fight
for what you want, t.nd take what you can get.
You ear avoid all disappointment, by shopping
now—corning early in the day.
Bags and
• Purses.
In our window we display.
samples of the newest de-
• signs in Purses and Bags.
The Chatelaines are largely
used, and we have a very
servicitble Bag at
• $1.00, $1.25 and $1,50
Better ones up to $6.00 and chleaper ones as low as 215o & 50e
Christmas Calendars and Cards.
The largest essortment we have ever shown, and also the
prettiest. At 250 vie have a large selection of Calendars, lust
as good as formerly sold far 50c and 76e.
Note Paper
• and
The covers are artistic and
beautiful, and the quality of
Paper and Envelopes are of
the beet, Our leader is
• large bpi, to. sell for 2;5e.
• Also a, line With a tasty.
:Hay design on the cove's '
• at the same Orice. es-seNs
• Very .choice •boxes at .50; 75c,. $t.00 and
• How About the Christmas Papers and
Magazines. •.
Order early—Christmas Globe now on .sale at 50c.
Chri$tnlaS magazines on hand anti subscriptions. received for al's
the leadiug magazines and papers, Any clubbing list
0••••.•*•••••••mlas duplicated and premiums secured.
Santa. ClauS revels in
nice Chinaware, and
saYs we have the best
he has seen.
Take a look throne' this
departmetit if you are in a
quandry as to what ea get •
for a lady, fier the ladieS
•love nice China. • • .
Rich- Cut Glass !also
is a specialty with us.
Children's sleighs and sleds
foe the boys and. girls. 'A sled
• at 30c or •ite 'high es $1,00.
Sleighs 50e to.$1.15e. Ohildren's
Cutters $4.1.4 to el'7.5o -
. .
• Santa Claus' letter box new.
read 'for the boys and girls s
Send on your letters, and we
will see that they aye delivered
• •
to old San ta•
erts 11001( sitwe
_ L NT 0 N----
-.ere eoneinetoe.
Tommy paueed a enoment In the
work of deneilition.
"This • is • angel cake, all right," he
said.• .
. ."Itow .do You know?'" asked jobinty,
"I've found a feather in it."-Olitea-
go Tribline.
1 Japan's chrysanthemum fiag laprob.,.
ably the oldest nafional banner In ex-
Istence. That of Denmark is the old- ,
est among European nations.
! Friendships are, not uneoMmen be.
Westaiel and Rat.
n og and have been.
Ther6 are about 1435 itihabited British known. between a dogand a -wolf, but-
• •
the Mutual attitude of the weasel and
Scotland_ claims ever '
rat Invariably war -war •that
waged to the death.
(100013100/004,04141 essoseipoie 2 Al :-"h"
None too soon now to be making your purchases.
We.have a =,;-.ocid assortMent of useful and lasting,
presents. Nothing more appropriate than -the fob..
Oterviiig.Cases in sets •
scissors in Cases .
Carpet. Sweepers
Pocket Cutlery -
Coll Bells
Nickle Plated Tea Pnta
Niekle Plated Or ffee Pots
_Sickle Plated Crudity Trays
Nickle Plated Tett Trays
Nickle Plated Tea Kettles all .slece
Spoons and Porke•
C'hltthep'5 sets. G tan te
Children's Sets. Knife, Fork' and
•'Spool" • •
Soule Beentifel LAmps in both
Teapet Ineging and Parlor •
Sta tide
See our Austrian Elite Ware
And if you want to go a little better', we would re-
commend.a HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE or .a
There is always a little extra polishing up to be
done before the Christmas home coming. Ithing you need will be found in this store—Hard-
I:very- g
ware, Aluminum PaintrVarnish Stain, Enamels, ot
Silver Polish, Stove Polish, Shoe Polish, Odorless•
• Stove Pipe Varnish, &c 1
144,41411000.4110 00.4000010.10.411141
FQr the Holiday and
Christmas Trade
• WE HAVE Millar VOI1 V14 •
The 'newest designs in gold and gold-filled
Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets, Lockets, Scarf Pins,
Cuff Links, Pearl Jewelry of all descriptions.
Elgin, Waltham and Hamilton Watches, in
all the newest fashionable sizes, at a popular price.
Swiss Chatelaine Watches in best designs.
Our stock of Silverware is rnost complete.
A fine assortment of Pearl -handled Knives
and Folks, hi cases. Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas,
in isbundance. The largest range of Jap.pottery
and china. Call early. while the selection is good,
• All goods sold by me will be engraved
• .free -of charge.
• •