HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-07, Page 3Dee. 7, 1906
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Nursing baby? •
It's •a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for two.
Some form of nourishment that 'will
be easily taken up by mother's system
is needed,
Scoif.ir Erntasion contains the
greatest possible amount of *loutish.
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully,
helped by its use.
• 2'
iteitelv4,1101-111,1110111,011,.* • News Notes
Newspapet Bargain
• Several companies have applied for
make an extraordinary good ar- • to the United States.
rolling log while loading cars at Till -
Globe and we are now able to an- Joseph Oornfoot WAS caught by a
rangernent with the Toronto
flounce big newspaper, bargain.
The new arrangement now en- •
sonburg, and killed.
ables us to send the NewEra and Does it stand to reason that Perry
Weekly Globe for $1.30 and to
new subscribers the rest of the
year will be given, free, The
Weekly Globe in its much un -
'proved form with its illustrated and so dangerous in hot weathei.
supplement, is one of the very Donald Sinclair, a patient at the
best weekly papers published in • I London Asylum, committel suicide by
The following reports are submitted to the Conn_
this aveek, -
To the Warden and Council or the County of Huron:
Geisinasseiers ; The Inspector °tate House of Industry and
of males ....,..............4....* 54
Number of inmates in House on lst December, 1006...,,,,.'..
l'•Turriber .
Number discharged daring the year
Refuge of the County of Buren respectfully presents the follow.
ing asthis report for the year ending 30th November, 1906r
Total number of inmates admitted since opening of House327
Number of inmates on lst of December, 1905 ........... 91
Number admitted for first time duripg year..., . 20
Number re -admitted after absence
Number horn in House during year 0
Number of deaths during the year 14
Number absconded during the year f 4 .0 OO 0000.0 1
The New Era has been able to permits to import Canadian power In
Maris' Painkiller could have held pub-
Ilic confidence for 60 years unless it
really did cure diarrhoea, cholera mor-
bus and all similar troubles so common
Canada. It contains all the news
of importance, and is 'a ,good
$farmer's pdper. With this low
rate—two papers for almost the
price of one —we hope to largely
increase our subscription list.Re-
strangling himself.
The wife of a New England sea cap-
tain stood lashed to the wheel for three
days in the recent Atlantic storm.
One hundred million bottles of Pain -
member the rate is only $1.30 or
killer used since Percy Davis made the
the New Era and Weekly Globe first Billions of stomach-aches and
other aches cured ; what a record in
for one year and to new subserib- 60 years. Have a bottle always handy
ars both papers will be sent to
January 1st, 1907at this low
price. Send in your orders early.
Every prepaid subscription to
the New Era also carries with it,
a subscription to the Montreal
—you will not regret it.
The London Times commends the
proposal for a new postal arrangement
between Canada and Great Britain.
Hon. Alfred Balfour. has challenged
Heald, • A Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman to
anneal to the country on the education
For some time past a movement has
been on foot for the purpose of urging
the Government te guarantee the
bonds, to the extent of a million dol-
lars, of a company which proposes to
establish cold storage depots for the
handling of Canadian perishable fruits.
In the House on Monday, Ron. Mr.
Fisher said the Government did not
propose to adopt the proposal made,
because the company so aided would
become a monopoly. fie believed,
however, the Government would be
able to carry out a plan by which the
creation of cold storage warehouses
would be facilitated.
Flospds the hotly With warm, glow -
1 inquickens
vitality; makes the nerves strong.
gnickens circulation, restores natural
Ivigor, makes you ,fell like one born
again. Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. Ask your Druggist. ..
i To have beautitul, perfec , n,
vel -
like lips, apply at bed time a light
coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve.
' TheAustralian Federal Government
is contemplating the prosecution Of the
Australian branch of the Standard Oil
• : Mr. R. M. Thompson, Town Clerk of
Blenheim, perished froin exposure at
the • Eau, where he went to shoot
ducks.. .• •
We mire not how you, suffered,I not
what failed to mire you, Hollister's
Rooky MountainTea makes the puniest
weakest specimen of man or woman,
hood strong and healthy. 35 cents.
Ask your Druggist.
Then, next morning notice careful:1Y Mesers J.J. Scat, (Conservative)and
the effect. Dry, cracked, or colorless
lips mean feverishness, and are as well
ill appearing. Dr. Shoop's Green
Salve is a soft, creamy,. "healing .oint-
ment, that Will quickly correct 'any
skin blemish or .ailment. Get a free'
trial box at oursetere and be convinced
Large Glass Jars, 25a, Sold by AVS -S. -
R. Holmes. • .
A roburit factory. near- Witten,
Westphalia, exploded on the evening.
Wednessia,y, the 28thaisid was wiped
from the face of the earth., •Many per-
sons were killed, but theexact num-
ber cannot yet be ascertained. People
say it is far above fifty. About 100
persons were won'nded, and already
have been conveyedto hospitals: .A11
the Windows in the •adjacent •towri of
Armen were destroyed by the cotthus-
sion, and many houses Were unroofed.
No house escaped injnry. The inhabi-
tants of the immediate neighborhood
fied, anticipating. anethet explosion in
. the vaults -of the factory,
Allan Stud holme, (Labor,) were nom-
inated in East Hamilten for the Legis-
lature. •
Of course: you pay your money.
But you get your money's worth, '
For what does money mean to you
When Rocky Mountain Tea's .on
Ask your Druggist. [earth ?
President Samuel Spencer; of the
Southern :Railway, and a number of
companions were killed in a train
wreck near Lynchburg, .Va.
• .
Piles get quick relief from Dr.Shoops
Magic Ointment. Reinember made'
alone for Piles, and it, works with cer-
tainty and satisfa,ctien. •Itching, pain-
ful.protruding or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Try it and see.
Sold by W. S. R Holmes.
Number of females
Admitted during the year from several municipalities as follows;
Townships —McKillop, 11 Goderich township, 1 •
Howick, 1; Usborne, 1; flullett. 1; Stephen, 2;
West Wawanosh, I; Ashfield, 1; Tuckersmith, 2;
Towns and Villages - Clinton, 5; Seaforth, 1;
Wingham, 1; Exeter, 1; Goderich, 3.
Nationality of inmates admitted tiering the yetir —Soot -
land 2; Ireland, 3; England, 7; Canada, 8.
Number of days' board of inmates .33454
Number of days' board Keeper's family and help 888
Average ntunber of inmates during the. year.. , , ..... . 91.6
Average number with Keeper's family and help added...". 94,
Total expenditure on House and Farm..., ... . .. . .85'997 49
Add value of provisions and fuel on hand lst Dec., 190ti... 3540 27
.$7537 70
Total expenditure
Deduct permanent improvements and capital account $441003 7961
Produce sold during 1906.. •
Provisions, Produce, new clothing and Wel on hand$20351!1: 00605007
Unexpired insurance..
Received froin paying inmates
lst December, 1906, as per inventory
Other receipts
.... 49M
Amount expended for support of inmates
.Average expense per inmate per day • .11/
Average weekly expenditure per inmate
The expenditure on House and Farm accounts is as follows :
$ 368 96
Capital account
Permanent improvements
Hired help, "house and farm
Stock and Implements
Salaries - Inspector, Keeper,Sand Matron
• Physician's salary and appliances
Repairs to building and furniture
Provisions and clothing
Fuel and light
Books, postage and stationery
Taking inmates to Asylum
Incidental expenses .......... . . .. . ... 96 69
Sundry accounts for farm 130 85
718 75
146 99
2549 21
1145 05
. 20 80
. 17 75
SlinpIst Way to Overcome the
Dangers of this Disagreeable
Catarrh is an inflatnmatI011 of the
mucous membrane of the nose, throat
and lung. s, with many annoying symp-
toms. la this diniate there are few
who do not suffer this disagreeable
disease, often in ft chronic and danger-
ous state.
Fortunately, within the last few
years, a simple and reliable treatment
for catarrhal troubles has been found,
—Hyornei, a combination of healing
and germ -killing balsams, that, when
breathed through the neat pocket in-
haler that eonies with every outfit,
reaches the tiniest cells in the respirat-
ory organs, carrying its healing and
health -giving properties to every part
uhere the catarrhal poison is present.
Used in this way, Hyornei kills all
, catarrhal germs, drives the poison
from the systOin arid heels ell irrita-
tion that may be peesent in the muc-
1 ous membrene. '
If you have the ordinary catarrhal
symptoms, such as offensive breath,
burning pains in the throat, cough,
raising of mucous, difficulty in breath-
ing, sneezing, huskiness, discharge
• fronl the nose, dropping in the throat.
rnes, etc, begin the use of
ilie complete Hyotnei outfit costs
but $1 00, extra bottles, if needed, 50
cents. We do not want anyone's
rnoney unless Hyornel gives relief and
. cure, and we absolutely agree that
money will be refunded unless the
remedy gives satisfaction.
All druggists should be able to sup-
ply you with Ilyomei or we will send •
it by mail on receipt of price, and
every package is sold with the"distinct
understanding that it costs nothing '
unless it cures. Write us toddy for a
synap'tom blank, which we will send
you free, together with treatise on
Catarrh and how to cure it. When
you fill in and return to us the sysi3P-
ton blank, our consulting physician
will give your case the best care and
attention, and write you a letter of
advice without charge. The R. T.
Booth Company, Buffalo, N. Y.. '
-.Papers for about
the. Price of One
-- Total .. .$5997 49 '
• JOHN TORRRNeE, InsPector.
Owing to the Act relating to Houses of Refuge the total
amount transfered to the County during the year on the Order
of the °minty Judge was about .$3300. • •
Of this amount only such part as has been earned during the
year has been . taken into consideration in preparing this report.
Thisansount is $409.00 • • •
It will be seen that the extra, aniount received from this
Source has materially reduced the Expenditure. ' •
Our Indiana Get $250,000.
The Vnited State ;Supreme Qom t
has refused to .ailow the 'Fieneea, onon.-;
daim i'nuga, and Tuscarora Indians
Catarrh of the nose • itnti . threat I - to file a .bill: to rt lain the carrying
should at least lead yoe to ask us for a. Mit of the judgment of the Court ca
free trial box of Dr. Shoop's catarrhs Claims - tee t Lee° i insiaa Indians who
Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit k,ft New York a tvi • settled in, . Oat:1411a
as a real, actual test —and, Dr. Shoop, sonre so esass ae•s shored Trtrtielpate
in t'..1,..'dtritivition of $2,11 9 .7,.(oappro-
priated by tIongresS 'Mat winter to pay
for lonil.4..eeded ,to the Gov, rnment :u
1t',1 hy the NeW York Indiiins. Drida
tlte os....i..lon :tn.. i'i uittlian Indians WV'
. ..
t•toel,v, sotne $250,000,.
to prove taus, earnestly desires tha
we let you make that test.This Greenly
snow-white, healing balm, soothes the
throat and nostrils and quickly puri-
fies a foul or•feverish breath. Oall and
investigate. Sold 'atid recommended.
by W. S. R. Holmes.
A trial of considerable interest was
held at Swift Current. Sask., on Nov.
28th, when the Government of Seek'
atchewan prosecuted. the C. P. R.
Company for setting fire to the prairie
by sparks from an engine near Morse
during October last. The C. H.
questioned the jurisdiction of the
Justices of the Peace, and claimed
that the prairie fire ordinance was
ultra vires. Justices Dodds. and:Mill,
%sea burn who sat on the ease, everrulea
tithrobjection, and finding the C. 1?. R.
guilty, imposed a fine of $200. and
if "taken at the Sneeze stage" Pre-
ve nties a toothsome candy Tablet—
will surely and quickly oheck an ap-
proaching cold or Lagrippe. When
yon first catch cold—or feel it coming.
on --take Dr. Shoop's Preventics, • end
the prompt effect will certainly
prise and please you. Preventics sure-
ly supply the proverbial "an ounce of
prevention ." Sold in oc and 25e boxes
by W. S. R. Holmes,
reavigarme 'Hudson ;say.
1svery newspapi.r from distant points.
In British North America that one picks
uP Shows the development that is go-
ing on in ali parts of Canimlit, a de,
Many Women have velopment that is very largely over.
looked by the pople of other part%
.Kidney Trouble engage,1 on their own section of
and. don't know it. They et-
- tribritelheir ill -health to weak-
ness." Dragging pains in the
hips, laae,kache, nervousness,
tiredness, headaches—are more
often caused by sick kidneys,
If your kidneys are not well,
the other delicate orgatis are
turbed and inflamed, bringit
on the horrors of female weeks
netts and the serious troubles
'Soften attending pregnancy.
lin in
the na
natiol edifice. The St. John's,
Newfoundland, 11P3'1t1e1. in its regular
news columns. has items every
which give Central Cartadlans,*° if one
' t
Cures these eases of " /Imitate
'Weakness" because they cure
the Xidneys, They promptly
zetstore the kidneys to health,
. allay Inflammation, take away
the paints and make the deli-
cate orga4es well and Strong.
doubts, or aro* en receipt ot price,,sec,
• Teti OtArtin CHEMICAL 4.1.0111TED
W1010.00. Mit
Farmstead Skits
The farmer is the independent man.
Who said there was no 'money in
fowl on the farni ?
Life is just what we make it. A blue
person sees everything blue.
Now for the Christmas beef. It will
not hurt to have the animals ready,
' Drink has killed plenty of men, and
ruined nuirly a farm, but it is idleness
that leads to drink. A busy farmer is
seldom drunk.
A man who is noted for haying.quiet
bows on his farm says it is all in the
treatment, as a pig is quick to acknow-
ledge kind treatment.
To John Torrance,- Big ,Inspector of Industrial Farm and Houie
' of Refugefor County of Huron : •
he to submit the fellewing report of °rope grown and mirk
done on Industrial Farm during the year, 1006,
, Hay .. 25 tons Mangolds .. 025 bush.
'Oats . , 290 bush •Tomatoes
Barley ' '‘ Cabbage —150 head.
' Pota,tes . .o310 . Apples ..15 bbls.
' Red RaSpberriet1100 qtsGarden .
t • 25 " 2 acres Sugar Beets $98,41 net
Garden Beets 20 " acre Cot 'Dodder.'
Parsnips... ... . .. . . 15 " Hogs Live Weights518L33
Turnips . 215
We repainted all the outside woodwork on the out -buildings
also on the blthir part of the House.
We erected 63 1/2rode of wire, fence on South side of side road
All of which is most respectfully submitted,
D. FRENCH, Keeper
the Bishop's Reason Why.
The following is an impromptu Ott
late Bishop of London del Vie during
the very rainy church congress in Lon-
don of 1899:
The rain; It raineth every day -
'Upon the just and unjust tellerr
But chiefly. on the lust, because
The unjust takes the just's
The lines caused much amusetnent
to the clerleal gathering mentioned.
• View Possess the Vitality and
Oldish beauty of she Olden
Never before was physical health
and vigor so highly esteemed. and so
eagerly sought for as to-dayr•
. No man finds happiness in a sickly
ft/de, and the Woman who wishes to
enjoy the pleasures of life should.
spare no effort to maintain perfect
Is yout• daurter growing up strong
The man who allows his implement's
to lie outdoors in all sorts ot stornis is
a great waster of his resources. Bus-
iness farming demands . care of every -
"Can yOu tell me Where to get a god
horse for farmwork ?" said farmers
neighbor the's other day'. There is a
In ord.er to Inorease our circulation, we have
made arrangements whereby readers may get cwo
or more papers at little ,more than the cost of one.
We will send
The New Era and Montreal Weeklye egNeiN
Herald, from now to lst Jan. 1908,0 1 w‘Di
The New Era and Montreal Herald si .50
and Weeltly Globe,trom now to 1st _
cot January 1908
The regular cash price of these papers is $1.00
. per year each, so that you are getting a big bargain
at the price quoted, besides getting the balance of
this year absolutely free.
Cash must accompany all subscriptions.
The sooner you subscribe, the longer you get
the papers.
Don't wait till to -morrow. Subscribe to -day.
Those who are already subscribers to the
NEW ERA can also take advantage of this •offer,
by paying STRICTLY IN ADVANCE for ,next year
svish our friends to kribw that our store is filled with new goods., • con
sisting of Bedroom. Sete, mattress, wire springs, sideboards, extension, tables
and chairs, we have extra good values in parlor suits, couches and rockers. We
big demand for good farm•horses, and carry a large stock of carpets, carpet squares and lipoleums, the best that the
the coming season will likely see them mills preduce. Call and see the goods.
Town and eity people often say that
with some reliable farmer for butter FURNITURE :and . UNDERTAKING.
theyworild. gladly; nieke • ,a gontract
and eggs at a, good price, if they could
be assured of the freshness Of the pro-
duct. • - •
" Why some, farmers will leave .their
roads in such ti.sdespicable condition,
. and allow their buildings to be so un-
, handy and ' unprofitable, is a myetery
to many a person," says- 10,811 from
. down east. . - •
A man who would rather go into the
-city and be a serVant for $2 per day,.
when, he might, enjoy the independence
of a country farm, where his talents of
menagement and labor can 'have full
play, has something wrbrig inside hirn,
1Vinter beef clubs, or beef rings, are
organized in various parts of Ontario.
•Oee nian does all the kiling, and ten
members take . twenty- . -pounds each
every two Weeks. Sotne double this
number, with half the quantity each.
Not an easy thing to cure, and a
remedy that makes good, deserves the
,credit. Catarrhozone cured Chas. H.
Webb, of Woodstock,N.B.,who writes
—"For a number of years I was tro,u-
bled with systematic catarrh. It was
a very tenacious form of the disease
and nothing helped. I used Catarrho-
sone and got relief, !Co build up .my
system I used Fetrozone. This com-
bination cao't be beaten. They cured
me." Your ease ma be chronic, but
Catarrhozone will dtive out catarrh
and keep it out. Two sizes, 2.5c and $1
at all dealers, sold under guarantee of
^aware In Murry,
Mrs. Hoyle—There is one thing that
puzzles me.
Mrs. Doyle—What is that?
Mrs, Boyle—I can underSta. nd how,
peOple can marry in haste, but I can't
understand how they can repent at
leisure.—Brooklyn Life.
• •
The oars. *ay.
really got a good sguark
and ruddy ? E as she strength to drink
at our boarding heuse today.
Doutter—Oh, come now—
Hallrurae—leacts .you, see, Starbord
mut I tossed to see who'd take both
our positions, end won—Philadelphia
in greedily all the pleasures that youth
so zealously seeks—or is she. compelled
to use the street car instead of enjoy -
lug the delightful exercise of walking
—does ehe after the ball Arise refresh-
ed and vigorous, or is she exhausted,
indifferent, and perhapq irritable ?
When strength, ancrvigor can be so
easily maintained by rerrozone, when
the glow of health is so quickly
brought to the cheeks and elasticity
In the step, it is plainly a mother's
day to sea Moat Ferrozone is on band,
to assist her daughter back to health.
Upon the wake ot rerrozone coickly
follows a stream of rich, nottrIshing Another Kind.
blood vehieli imparts that nower an
• - a "Bluffer has gone into polities" ,
surplus energy so earnestly desired by „. • .
those in ill -health, Ls ne a gam mixer
Stop and think what this means for °I should say sot You ought to taste
your daughter —certainly a great deal, the cocktails be proparestn—Cleveland
and it can be accomplished by Ferro- snain Dealer.
Every growing girl and young svo-
man derives enormous benefit in many
ways from this nutritive, vitalizing
It is specially suited for young wo-
Men and is a guarantee of health and
regularity as long as it is uSed.
rerrozone is free from alcohol and
perfeotly Safe to use. Peepared in the
forni of a chocolate-ooated tablet and
sold in 59e boxes or six for 02.60, at all
may. us.. that term food or
In the issue just to hand the steam-,
ship St,ird is reported as returned
from the
"Sbe reporte fair weather on Lab-
raear, ana lance leaving here was
right through 'Hodson Bay to the bot-
tom of Jamee Day, where She landed
Stores at Revillor..9 post, and took on
thirty "packages of furs, having good
weather though foggy at times." ?
Apparently she was about tO
again forthwith for ttngava •Bay, but
had been detained by a disagreement
between the crew and scene of the Vt.
fleVrA. The point Is that the Alp was
aown to the southern end Of 3artiesi
flay late inSepternher, and was about
to start again for the southern ena 04
no(v.,.o Bay in 'October. No xosSor
the Western farmers are alws48 took -
big for. the day when they trill filbh0
out Iltelr rqrops by BudSon Bag', When
the loromotive wnistle will:waken the'
echoes In the N'elson Itiver Valley And
when the conductor will shout "'AA
aboara for Churchni; change es-ra
Albany and Moose "Factory."
Farmers Please Eead This.
Poultry, Butter and Eggs are.a good price now, For that reason you should pro-
vide your poultry and stook with some Food assistant. in the Elhatie of prepared food.
Poultry Food. '
We sell Herbageum. Dr. Hess'. Columbian end Dr, Howson's stook foods. We sell
Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea and Columbian
We also sell Libby's Cream Equivalent, for raising calves, Where' milk is scarce. ,
We want a large quantity of Dried Apples next week. Please bring them along.:
'Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Tallow and Lard also wanted:
Emporium, Londesboro, Oct. 31/06.
It is surprising how many farmers
tire totAllV At sea on the ;fudging of
cattle weights: Handling cattle every
year, they ought to be able to size up
an animal's weight. within a few
pounds. The ability comes by-obsers7,
mice and practice.
Without a, moment's warning pain
springs Upon us, At the outset it is in -
Stan t cured by .NErviline. Sinprising
what 15 drops of this -Marvelous medi-
cine will do, •Itls external action is no
less certain than its, Wonderful effect
when taken internally, Of conrSe
Nerviline is powerful, or it couldn't.be
so penetrating. But not irritating or
.caiistie. There are -other pain Dense -
R. Adams.
Clinton. Sash, Door and,
Blind Factory.. -
The Town of Clinton is on the eve of
a "boom." If you contemplate building,
let us give you our estimation, etc.
O'lleadquarters tor all kinds;,ot buildcrs' materials. -EI
S COOPE Clinton
dies; but when you use Nerviline you
see the diffezence„ The .difTerenee is
this others relieve, biit Nerviline
does cure spraine, strains, swellings,
ettraclie,toothaehe,neuralta, lumbago,
faothtll muscular pains. arge bottles
25c at all dea'ers.
Mrs. Gardiner, wife of a Si Iney
townsbipfarmer, was attacked by a
bull, which probably Would have
killed her, only for acollie dog, that
rushed in and kept it busy until Mrs.
Gardiner was rescued. She is in a
critical condition.
shots the Istesulvitianer.
"And cart your wife make bread,
'Can. she, bosti? why, say, she makes
all de dough what comes into de •
Isease."—Yonkers Statesman.
Farm Lands.
'lame for sale is "few amnions of &oleo
farm lend in Southern Alberie. They oo-
ormy the best Wheat section and will near-
ly double in value next spring. Full per -
flatlets, W, 11. KLOPHEL,
202 Major St, Tererito
MM.. •
Yon would rather trust an old l'riend than a stranger, wouldn't
yon? Our Baking Powder. is a, tried and trusted friend in many •
homes, It 'does not pay to experiment with untried doubtful 3
brands when you CAD get ours, made .with Pure Cream Tartar
nd the best English Bicarbonate of Soda, at only 25c a lb,.
If you have not tried it,' we will be pleased to give you
a free sample.
J. E. HOVEY Clinton.
Dispensing Chemist,
Weak Itidneys, surely point to weak kidney
Nerves. The IfIdneys, 1lk the Wart, and the
Stomach, fitul their weakness, not in the organ
itself, but in the nerves that control and guide
and strengthen them. Dr. Shoori's Restorative IS
ieedielne iSCCIdeftflY pre.pared to reah.theso
Controlling !lentos. To doctor the Ridneys alone, '
Is futile, It is a waste of tinio, and of money as'
If your back aches or is weak, if •the urine
Scalds, orts dark and strong, If you have symptoms
of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid.
sty disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorittve a month --
tablets or Lieuld—and see what 13, ean and wM
do for you. Druggist iscommend and soli
Or. Shi'p's
Last week we told you we had Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets,
and Fancy Chino on the way from the potters in England. We
now have them in stock. They aro up-to-date in shape and new
decotations. Cheaper than ever. Call and see them,
131ack, Green and Japans, bona 1.00 up. Our special Mixed
25O Tea is'extra value,
Special cut price in 100 lb. bags. We handle only the best in
Tomatoes, Corn, Peas and Salmon. Every can • guaranteed.