HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-07, Page 2I
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Rona. Iforeans,
Editor and Proprietor
• Dec. 7, 1006
Magnetic Laurier - Residents
(ottaVra Ave Prees)
"The most magneiic man .1 have ever
met" is the tribute paid to tiir
Laurier by Mr. James de CenlaY, a die-
tinguished Australian journalist, who
lute been stuaying tha social and coon -
omit: conditions or the United States,
Illexteo and Canada, Mr. de Corday
luxe met every one of the great men
toaley on the North .A.inerican
continent, and he says that three of
them ale amtmg the five gretest men
In the word. They are President
Diaz, in Mexico; President Roosevelt
and Premier Laurier. Of these, he re-
marked to a Montreal Witness inter-
viewer, . President Roosevelt Is the
greatest, because he has the physical
steengh, • but Sir Wilfrid is far and
away the most magnetic man he has
ever net. "There is no spell -binder in
the United State," he said, "who elm
sway an audience as he can sway it
and even in a private conversation
with Jahn I have felt that same mag
netie influence."
Papers which discuss the ballot -stuf-
fing irregularities talk as if the eame
_ . — • . ,
- thing is possiblein any future election.
The glinton eW Dia =1=0
itt sr okrtt so fatrheas' relates to
CLINTON, ONT., DEO. 7, 1906 that have taken place did so under the
sYstero long in use, that allowed the
bellots to be planted on any kind cif
paper, furnished by the office where
the ballots are printed. Before the el-
ection of 1900 the Government 'vide a
change in the form of the Federal luta
lot used, and also the met. It did
this with the full approvalof the mem-
bers on both sides of the House, and
we do not believe them Was the slight-
est irregularity in that election, so far
the manipulation of ballots was con-
cerned. The 'Jabot paper 18 8' secretly
prepared paper, and is partially printed
under the direction of the Rings Prin-
ter; not even the staff of the Printing
Bureau knowing beforehand the kind
of paper that is to be used. This is
furnished, when necessary, to Return-
ing . Offleers, who simply have the
names of the candidates printed in, and
consecutive numbers printed thereon
with a nthebering machine -not the
same as vault was known as the num-
bered ballot. The quantity of the
paper is limited to every riding, and
cannot be increased except with the
connivance. of the King's Printer,'
which is not in the pliglitest degree
probable, so that an extra supply
9r ballet's for improper use is not pos-
sible ender the Federal Act. It is vir
ttiallYart impossibility to tamper with
the Dominino ballot, •unless an un-
scrupnloue deputy should attempt t�
spoil them in the counting, and the
only way this can .be prevented is by
the watchfulness of scrutineers.
Canada's Continued Prosperity
Bon. W. 5, Fielding brought do /en
ids budget on Thursday, and was en-
abled to again present to the Com"
mons and to the people of Canada, the
otory of another year of buoyant rev-
enues, of abounding surplus, and of
utieteamalod,anrosperity. Casting the
hentiseopiehito thefature, he was able,
w• th.chiteac teristic conservatism which
hecemes eaFinance• Minister in dealing
with the finances ot a nation, to pre-
dict a surplus for the nine months,
which, under the change in the eys-
tem, constitute the fiscal year of 1906-7,
of some $13,000,000 in ordinary revenue
.ceier ordinary expenditure, and, after
meeting capital expenditure incurred
on great !allelic works being carried
en for the developtnent of the Domin-
ion, a net reduction in the nationa
debt at March 31st next of $1,500,000.
It was but natural that Mr.. Fielding
should With excusable pride preface
the introduction of e new tariff with a
modest reference to the phenomenal
growth of the trade of the Dominion
since the Liberal Government assuitted
the reins of power, and. to the feet
that for the ten years which have- beep
completed since. 1896 there has been a
total net surplus oT $7,10,884, and
that in only one year, 1897, had there
been a deficit, and that astuall one. .
Forahe second time it was Mr. Field-
ing's lot to present for the approval of
Parliament and of the people' oaCtin-
ada a full revision of the tariff, and
the Government eimporters are en tittle-
iastic in URALpraise' of the masterly
akill with which the Finance Minister
presented to the }louse the result of
the deliaerations of himself and his
colleagues on the Tariff Commission,
It had been a matter of tenement
aniong business men that the Canadian'
customs tariff in its constriction and
arrangement was feat -telly and won-
derfully made and strongly suggestive
of crazy patchwork. Mr.
presented to the House an ritiaely.
new tariff, eieentifieally framed ande
arranged, Wit h (!ll ttrtiele grouped in
its proper classification, anti -reedit-el
in simple, plain languege, so that the
veriest tyro may understand it.: In
conclusion, Mr, Fisiding. aund cheers
expressed confidence that ale revised
tariff would be an instrument for the
further development of the Dominioe.
There are net many important
changes in the rates of duty, but there
is a new tariff classification, and. a new
feature is the intermediate tariff, gotne-
where between the general tariff and
the British preference, , Mr.
Fielding said the Governmentproposed
to use in negotiating trade arrange-.
ments with other countries. The iron
and steel bounties are eontinued.
The coal miners' strike in Saskatche-
Wan is causing serious hardship .and
,zuffering, and may lead to • Many pr -
Sons freezing to death, if the work now
begun is not hurtled; While • the
struggles went on, people Were ;forced,
to maintain fire b horning
.costing $30 le thousand feet, hay and
staetw.• • Schools' have beenc!oeed,.and
few,- families had any eupply of tuel
ahead. Here is it situation illustrating
the necessity of the exercise ofeover-
eign control of nature's stores in the
interest of the people. Dig coaasional
he the order, and any disobedienee
should be punished. The lives .of ihe•
people are of more importance than
anything dint can be at stake in •the•
q no rrel.
The old cold goes; anew one
quickly ComeS. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking -cold
habit. It strengthens,soothess
heals. Ask your doctor about 16,
hod a terrible'Cold, and nrithingrelifwed
tea 1 toed Ayers cherry recta -et sad It
cough, and eased tv inn or my eddy. it
piumpoy broke, imenlir one., *tooted 111.1
did wonderful work orine."-Fin.J.
To1edo, Ohio,
Mede by.?.
P sett3AlteltiLIA.
ers EirtilioRe
:2110 tttiff q.litfiafloth Aro:"
..1••••. just WM. NM, VIEW' rillignig.
The Windsor Record congratulates
lion. Mi. Hyman on the face that "at
the close 'of the iaeoceedioge at Toren tre
throughnietr the entire maze of crook-
edness revealed in copneeltion with, the'
London 'election"there was tiotitiLtle
of evidence adduced thateould directly
eonuect hint with wrongdoing. It was.
not because effort. enough was not
made, or the 'pt•ocesses ot law strained
enough. . And Mr. Hytnien's efriends
will hope to etie. him . re-elected, by. a -
greater. majoai ty k ha n ever when :he
_recovers his Wonted health,Ana many
Conservatives feel that Way towards
• •
The Y4 • 17 /1g Men's Oheietian. Asseeiaa.
thin is makitg .good progress in the
United States, as Well as in this count
try. At present the putriber of assoe
ciations in the States, is 1808. forte -two
move than in 105; The membership
is 405,79, an increase. of 23,807.. Build-
ings owned snumber 552, against 517
last year. The value of the associa-
tion's real 'property is 834,680,155; in
1905 the -figure Was 83.000.000. lower.
These fignees show that there is an up•
ward tendency among the people, not•
withstonding the continuel drift down-
ward 8f en matey people. • . • ..
There is more catiterh in this section
of the country than all other • diseases
put; together, and until the • lest ..feet
years was supposed to be incurable,'
h'or a 'great many years Doctor's pro-
miunced it a loch! diseaeerendiaresevib-
ed !tidal remedies. and by' 'constantly
failing to cere with local treatment,
pronounced it, incurable. Science has
provea catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore ;requires el)
titioiiol treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by la J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio., is the only constitettion-
al cure nil the merket. It is taken in-
tereally in doees froin 10 drops to a
tea-spoonaul. It acts directly on the
blo,od end tnucous surfaces cif the sys-
tem. They offer One Hundred dollars
fee any case it fails to cure Send for
enculare and testentotoide. Address :
J, CHENEY & 00., Toledo, Ohio.
• aold by Di uggiats, aric.
Take Ma's Family Pille for conetip-
• Silly Regulations
• :
Breeders aria pure • bred cattle in
this coun try due hanchcappcd by the
• unjust anti petty reguletions .existing
over the tratiefer tal stock from Canada,.
to the United States. rhe U. S. buyer
of a registered aniinal here. has to
make affidavit that the animal is foe
fris intestinal breeding use. It aim
easily be see how this operates against
the breeder here. •
The ex h la tot who tnkeit Ifie totaled
to the international at Chicago, and
is fortunate enough to make a sale to
an American. bas to bring the ani-
mal ,back to Canada and reship. Such
inconveniences at& puerile regulations
look' like the leyention of h.truttent8
MOM' than statesinen.
just now them seems to .be some
agitation iteroSS the tines for a free
trade relation with Canada. • If, the
United States really d( sires to get into
closer Vetch, here is ft PAM where A
llttle naseionary work may be done.
A p(Wolfar Case crane before the Tor-
onto Diviiiion ronrt, Where a coloted
mart sued for. damages for not being
allowed on the floor of the Granite
Roller Skating Rink,
Kingston Jail
Interesting List of Prisoners
Iand Historical Sketch or them.
iNivrivais ov JAIL,LESS THAN I
The Montreal Standard in a. recent
issue of that paper, gives tbe followitig
intereeting description of what is
known as Xingston penitentiary: The
Ontario provincial penitentiary is, in
reality. it says, not situated in Xing -
store but is, rather, the chief building
in the quaint little village of Ports-
mouth on Hatcer's Bay.
There are over 450 inmates of the
penitentiary, load lees than twenty are
There was the notorious "Clutch"
Donoghue, whose daring rolaeries of
the 'Adams Express Company, and
Nelson's Bank, marked him as a man
of wow:leen' nerve. aie served vari-
ous terms in different penal institui-
tiorisamt died. the day after his releaee
from the loorel penitentiary.Then there
WAS Charles Bullard, "Piano Charles,"
a "high roller."and a criminal of the
most intelligent and daring type. Af-
ter serving Linens in Kingston twenty
years ago,he event to Spain where be.
mange alarly of rank and wealth.
Later be returned to hie evil veaystand
was sentenced in Franca to a tenni of
banishment; to Devirs Island, since
made up famous by Capt. Dreyfus' ex-
ile. •
Last, but by no means least, of the
old-timers conies "Blinkey" Morgan,
who also made ii sepsational escape 25
years ago, and was later banged for
the murder of Detective Hooltgan in
The tife.terin convicts number about
30, one of whom is a woman, who was
sentenced in Ottawa foe inhuman
treatment or her grandchildren. Pro•
bablythe olclest.con vice in
ithe peniten-
tiary s E. Thickpenny, who was in
1879 sentenced for life,wife murder be-
ing the crime of which he Was convict-
ed. After serving 20 years of his term
this unfortnnate criminal went insane,
and is now 41. raving maniac in the asy-
lum, with tut a Shalt titne to live..
The 40 inmates of the asylum consist
alinost solely of "lifeesa or long term
men. whese minds have collapsed ite a
result of the rigors of prison life, or
consideration of the blank future be-
fore them.
Probably the most interesting in-
mates of the instituticn who are there
for life terms, are the trio of dyne -
miters who, six years ago, made the
audacious attempt to dynamite the
locks ot the Welland canal. Millman,
Nolan and Walsh are the men who are
new pitying to the limit of the law for
this crime, which had it been executed
accoeding ao their plans, would have
meant an inctilcula,ble loss of life and
• Among the short-term men; proba.b-
ly the two more widely known in the
crooks' profession are J. Martin and O.
Smith, sentenced it few years ago in
Ottawa for burglary. They are men
of international notoriety, Merlin be-
ing wanted in Paris, France, for a big
robbery committed there. W. Yates,
the Man suspectecl of the muraer of
the Hantilton policeman 134111.011,
nearing the close ef a three-year teem.
Banweil, the Crown Bank elist ender,
is serving his.foue years hi the papa -
city of clerk in the accountant's office.
A Martineau, the goveenment clerk,
senteeced 111 Ottavien IS a Willing
worker in the steres department. An-
te her bank defaulter, G. Rowley, of
Elgin Loan notoriety, will serve his
twelve year's ae clerk in the account-
ant's office. '
'With the advance Of yeats the Altai
functiops of the body slow down. In
Consequence' the organs- of secretion
suffer, the action'. ot. the hoWels are
lessened,ancl there is no longer healthy
circulation. The . brain is congested.
with blood, giddiness; trembling, and
cold extrentities ate cotinnon. No as-
sistance is so potent as Dr. Hamilton's
Pals • By their direct action on the
stomach, liver and kidpeys they causd.
an immediate change. Mildaree from
•gripe, strengthening and cleansing
the whole systemeno medicine is so
valuable in old age as Dr. Iftinalton's
Pals or Mandrake arid Btittern n t. Try
these Pills, 25e pee box at all dealers.
Taxes, and who pay them
In 1901, according to the returns of
the Ontitrio Bureau of Industry, the
population of the province Wits 2,0703;
970. Of this populatibn 522,830 lived in
the cities, 303,902 in the towns, 121,825
In the villages and 1,008,407 in the
townships. '
The taxes paid were thus bontrila
ute . Cities, $0434.841 ; towns; $20
807;028 ; villages, $601 090 ; townships,
'The taxation per head wee as fol-
lows $12,17 ; towns, 87.00 t
vilteges; 85.43 : townships, $5.27. ,
The average rate of taxation Wait
Cities, 23 Mills.; towns; 24.7 ; villages,
21 2 ; townshis, Ha?. : •
The value,[' property assessed wag :
Citiee, $277,310,331; towns, $117,378,373;
$31,000,223 ; to anships, $180 -
" Fight Ur Local Option.
The Prohibitionists Planning
A 'Vigorous Campaign.
Rev. The Chown SayS 130 is going in- ,
to the local option contest to win, if
victory can be attained by ooncentrab-
ed effort and oi•ganieed work. With
this object•in view, he is blisy going
over the 110 inuniripalities . whith
the fight will take place. 'With thd
exception of live places, all are new
fields, end have while nousee. If the
temperance faction wilts, over 200
plitees•evill he under local option. Dr.
Chown lute fi(43t Able men throughout
the country to educate the people on
the advantege of prohibition.
esa a it.
Relieve the physictel suffeeing of
corns. QUickly done by the reliable
Putruttn's Corn Extractor'. Beware of
acids,-fiesh eating eubstitotes and h-
0 4) "Puthatit's " It's the °tie sure,
and painless cure.
The action of Soap Carinan of St,
Catharines, in giving' the turkey
thieves it severe senteece of 23 trrofitiv,
le commendable. Too netelt of tine
petty pilferage goes on thruout the•
eountry, and many sneak thieves live
entirely by what they can thus secure.
The judge classed tine with Sheep steal-
ing, AS Oiln Of the ineatieet things
known to him. When men Will line
in the community,upott the fruits of
Isorb adventtms, it surely inerite all
the eoraletneation giveh. The plea of
one pritioner for his wife and fanuly
conies with poor grace from sueli re.
Stomach's Importance FOR SALE or
How to"Strenothon It so Thst it
Will Act so It Stoould.
Thestomach to the prioei al organ
concerned in the digestion of food. If
it is weak, inactive or out of Order and
unable to properly ?Spirt the food, the
body will goon be in a state of semi-
Then, too, when the stomach is
wegle, the food is not properly
, '
ed and lies i1 t for b0118, decompos-
ing, fertneuting and forming poison-
, ems gases and ptomaines that are ab-
sorbed into the blood, poisoning the
• syetem lflJ impoverishing the blood.
To enjoy good health, le is absolutta
, ly necessary that the stomach and
digestive organs should be strong, and
no other remedy eqoals in
strengthening and giving tone to the
Whole digestive system.
Belief from the use of Mi -o na is per,
manent and lasting. Use Ati•o-na, for
a few days, and the digestion will be
good, and the appetite keen, and there
Will be no nausea or distress after eat-
ing, no sleeplessness, no nervouguess,
and the headaches, backaches and dis-
turbed heart action that are the direct
result of a weakened stomach will
soon be overcome.
We absolutely agree that your
money will be defunded should you
buy a JO cent box of Mi-o-ne, stomach
tablets and not be satisfied with the
results. Mao-na is sold by druggists
everywhere, or will he sent by Mail
on receipt of price, r.9 cents.
Write today for a free sample pack-
age, aud also give us your symptoms,
and one of the best known stomach
specialists :yin give your case his care-
ful and peraonal attention without
charge. The R. T. Booth Company,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Not Exactly Local
HEAVY BILL OF 60$1. -Last
August a thresher named Wm. New-
ton went through a briage in the town-
ship of ' Normanby, with his traction
engine. The engine was bacIly dam-
aged and Newton himself badly hurt.
He sued the township for $5,000, but
the matter has been settiei without
going to court. Nornianby has to pay
Ne aton $1,125 for his inpries, $50 to
his solicitor, 020 for the repair of the
engine, and all hospital and physicians'
expenses until he has been discharged
front the hospital, which will pot be
for some time yet. Teese traction en-
gines have provided a new.danger to
be guarded against by the township
to rise from his bed because of a par-
alytic stroke which he suffered *some
years ago, Henry Birks, formerly or-
ganist at the Dundas .0e1)1.0e church
London, lay in his bed at the 'Horne for
incurables in that city last Tuesday
night, and heard the „sweet songs and
organ numbers which were played at
the concert given in the Dundas Centre
church. • Mr. Birks was the organist
of the church for some years, and it is
ettid of him by musicians to this day
that he was the most successful choir-
master who ever wits in London. He
left London to go to Montreal, aucepte
ing a position with higher salary, and
afteeresitling there for some years he
,caine baele to London -as a patient at
theIncur:11aq lecnne, .A Man in the
. . •
Prune of life, and with a great futuve
111 ninsic before hinr, .he stricken
down, a helpless • paralytic. He is a
brother of Rev. A. alieBirks, Seaforth.
Leaving aside the abstratet question of
coeval teaching as commonly discussed,
the Ridgetown Dominion makes the
following . suggestions, which alit be
generally concurred in : We believe
that, evevy Friday afternoon from 3.30
to 4 o'clock, the teacher aminot be bet.
ter employed in the service of thepep-
il, 1)010111. 71.446 state, than in giving
talks, inculcating a proper respect for
law, order tend property. The Older
punils should he tainent that anaight is
not right,! and tliat it is unmanly for
the larger boys mid, girls to pick On
and torment in any *ay the smaller
ones ; and all should be tatight to Rey
diie deference te their elders t that
theY should leave the schuoi in an eta
derly manner, mitlike a pack of ani-
mals, giving at least a portion .of the
sidewalk to people 'they chance to
neet. Pupils might also be taught
lettuanees to.birds and animals, weaned
against crossing lawns and bonleviirds,
and a due regard to flower beds. Boys
especially should lie taught reepectIcir
propel ty, Mien though 'unoccupied.
The danger of stone -throwing should
be pointed out. The windows of vie -
cant hoases, it Might be mentioned,
are not proper targets for 'stories or
snowballs, and knives should not be
used in carving names or ,mOneigrams
on fences; gates or sidewalks.
IGoad (pica driving horse, with Images
and bugge. Aeply at the
, For Sale. For Sale or to Rent
er...• yr*
A. Two -Sauey bungling in the Old briC15 Lot 15, Cora. 13, Ha)lett, (15(1 sores) ie
block Occupied by Biel], Baker. offered for elite or for rent. • Posseeeion to
JOlateGARVA, Olintou. be given lit the tame 01 *be current year.
For pertioulare $o IV, 13141'1)01M
Horse and Bum tor Sale.
, Store to Rent.
The attire in the Victoria Bloolt. so long
occupiect by the undersigned, is offered to
rent. It boo ben] papered and, plated
throughout, Wed is in first-class order.
T. 1401ISON, Sr.
Cottage ,tor Sale.
The cottage on Creep St, Adjoining the
property of subscriber is offered for eale on
reasoneble terms. W. 0. SE.A.RLE.
Also a couple of good brick tores.
Hoist for Sale.
' Subscriber offers for sale hie house and
three -quarter -oaten -we, of land on Mary
St, Fruit tree, good hard and eoft water
oleo table, Will be eeld en reasonabl
terms. GEO. DAVIS,
House and Lot.lor Sale.
For sale, the comtortable frarne house
on the corner of Rattenbury. and Raglan
Sts,, at present occupied by Mr, Geo, Foe.
For particulars apply to
. W.t0. DOHERTY, Clinton. .
House for Sale
The large cottage on Wesel) street, be-
. loeging to the estate of the late E. Holmes
is offered for eale. The lot is one-half
eore, with bearing fruit trees, hard end
Bolt water, A bargain. Apply at NEW
ERA office.
House tor Sale.
Two Storey 'roughcast house on Huron
1., eight recipes, kitchen and woodshed.
ard and soft water, large cellar with.
cement floor. Good lawn and shade tree%
a sore lot, goadresidental locality. Applyto
H. E, uouan, Mary St.
House for Sale.
A comfortable frame house on Mill Ste
containing 3 hedrooras, sitting room, pan-
try woodshed, good cellar, hard and soft
water. One-quarter acre lot. Will be sold
cheep. Avail? itt NEW ERA. Office, or
ad1$ 'HENRY TOLLAND, Clinton.
Good House for sale -
On reasonableterrete, the two-story frame
house formerly occupied by Mr Robb, just
off Albert street. House lawell built and
in good condition; acme of land, good or-
ohard, stable, berdand eoft water. Apply
to GEO. LA.D1D, Hohnesville, or New at ra
Office, Clinton. . . Nov.30-tf
House for Sale.
Large fame house on • Wellington Sai
Clinton; lately °coupled be F. C. Allele*. i
7 rooms, andepantries, and woodshed, good
store colletla4 acre of land hard and soft '
Farms tor Sale
About 850 acres Arettaleee lend, situated ,
on the 4t11 and 5th minocasions Of Hallett,
are offered for sale, This ie the finest pas-
ture land, without exception, in this
neigbborbood. For particulars enquire in
the first place by mail, Jam Rational)),
Box OK „Wader).
Choice Land for sale.
Subscriber offers tor este the 20 acres on
the Bayfield Road, eloderich Tp„ at pre
lent moupied by bine, and, known as the
Meares farm, Good frame house, atone
miller, barn 86x70, with Otiliellt wall 9 feet
bigli;good bearing orchard, plenty et water.
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber offers for tale his farm of 103
acres, being lot 81, 3rd con. EL R. ta. Took-
eremith. All cleaned and under cultivat-
ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grass
Frame beam, bank barn, hay barn, and
other otabuildinge. Bearing orehard.
Good wster. Schoolhouse on the promisee.
miles to Seel irth ; less than 5 to
Clinton, g )0,1 esel
a it ORION, Clinton.
Farm tor Sale. .
Subseriber offere for sale his farm of
100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2n6, Stanley,
All °leered but 10 tierce. Brick home,
book born 40x80. cement silo, 1440; one
acne of orchard and small fruits, 2 never -
ling wells. Driving home, pig pea, hen
house. Five miles from Clinton and three
from lancefield, on good gravel roads,
Olinton P. 0.
Choice Faun tor Sale
Subscriber 'offers for sale his eplendid
farm of 96 acres on the Bee: Line, being
noeth part of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hunett
Good brick houee, barn and all necessary
outbuildings; 35 sores basil; farm well wa-
tered and in good condition. 2 miles from
Atiburn, and one mile from the propotied
C. Pelt, station. JOHN SPRUNG, An.
burn P.O.
.Partn for Sale.
h Wrafirt tSUATTilla
41040,easor to /Jr Jas aeon
BAXMIKait, 001.1i3ToR.
• ' 01,1111To,
by Block formerly vocupied
Mr lecott.
PU,13140, BUJ.
Real aerate audtlnietrance Agent
Mone p to loan
0.03. HALE, 3011/f iltOCUT
Ors. Gunn & 011110.
Dr, W, Dann, 1.. D. 0, D. 8.. ups.
Dr, .1. Niallh.,t 4;unit, 111. E. (1,51. Maitland,
L. 11 C. P., Louden,
Ofilee-:•Ontario Street, Clinton, 1040 mai thb,
front door of dace or residence. notteliharl-
A 30( toheur etee onto() and residents Oa
tario St., opposite Knglish church, formerly oa
envied bv Pr, Appleton, Clinton Cult,
Oft. C. W. Tilittalliftia4441,
aurgeon, .
. faecal attention given to diboitirs of nut
Eye, Ear, Throat and Isom).
Mee and Residence.
Albert Street:A Stocks North or itottentrarY
O. W. Nanning Smith, Ill. D., Cat
OFFICE -Main Street, Hayfield, formerly
°tempted by Dr, Pallister:
DR. ka R. AXON
(laweessor to Dr, Holmes.)
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work.
Oracluate of the RoyakCollege of Dental Sur..
goons of Ontario.
Honor graduate of University of TO1'01:0
Id Department,
Gracluate.of Chicago College °Mental Sumer?
Will Vifiit Bayilold every Monday. •
I . •••••••••••• .
Offices over O'NEIL'S etore.
Special care taken to make dents bre
went as panacea 'as possible. W vi i
A.ubarn every Monday.
Two hundred and thirty-five sores, site- . .
atedot rdaylield Road, Goderuak Tp., three,
quarters -of -a -rails from Mutate Soil in • TAMES 0Amillki..i... Li./N.UKt3BOULI,
grass for five years; si.Ifindid grain or grass
excellent. condition, having been all under, ej' .513"It ()1.1..r wittireAssGefrieolCurrNedr4"5
land, well draited.. Five acres hardwood
bueh and excellent et ha d Ons b
52174, with stone stabling for 12 horses
and 35 meth; one bare. sd, 54, with silo
and stabling for 17 cattle. Large imple-
ment hone° and pig pee; power and far:g-
oing windmills; large frame house; two
gocd wells and ronnipg water at rear Of
farm Apply to 1111113, ALEX, at
M3E% EN, Clintcn P,O.., or Lot 28, ChM
2; Stanley. .
' ••' . ,
1 . •
water. A splendid chance for .a aersen
wanting o good •houee. Apply to . .
MRS ALLCOCR, Clinton, or Mrs. Chid-
iey's, liteac Sta. • •
Good Mouse for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his large and
ocinifoitable frame house on Albert Street.'
The house has every convenience for ordea
fay tawny. Good eellar; hard and soft
Water on the Ion three-quarters of -an tune
of land; beering fruit trete, also good
Proprietor offers for sale' his farm on the
Maitland Con. Goeerich Township, Lots
77 and 73, tetuated 1 1-2 mujearromviflage
of Helmeevilie, church and school. The
farm contains 238 acres of choice Pint a
good 'frame home, and bank barn, 5 sores
ot orohard and 30 acres of good maple
.btehland. The farm is traversed by a run-
ning' brook. This farm will be eold in a
block or in parts. Apply to
stable. Will be sold on•reedion'able terras..
• . WILKEN' Faro' for
Clinton yM4:111 30th, 1
. House tor Sale
The commodious and well situated hones
knowg as ';Lakeview" on Elgin avenneein
the lawn of Goderiele. The pleoelas every
convenience, and le especially well located
for a boarding house, and is at present
doing a geed lewdness in this line. Large
lot and a etniaaer of fruit treee. Possession
can be given lst of Jan, next. Apply et
i promisee, or by letter to MR8, E. Mc-
DOWELL, Lakeview, Gealericha p
Poultry Plant to Rent.
The Poultry plant at Holmeeville is
'offered to rent. House, stable, poultry-
A runeevity. train in the Canadian
Northern yards at Winnipeg crashed
into a gang of men !mullet; a ear Two
,were killed ..and 'foot. others 'allured,
h . of whole may die. •
house, feeding pan, incubator house cold
storage and ice house, incnbttors, brooders,
and feeding crates, all in first.cilasscoudi
SieeAtin de Bellevue;
t •Quebec,
IF your. flour doesn't act
. right whoin do you
Mamie?. The grocer? He
didn't 'make it. The tra-
velling salesman told hirri
it was .good and somebody
else told the salesman,
'When you buy
Royal Household Ho r
s• •
your protection comesfroM
1.1.S. We Make it, know itS
goodnese4 and guarantee ,it
to both you and the grocer.
Itis aiwaYs sold under our
name and .trademark, so
you cannot go wrong.
Ask your grocer for Royal
Household' Flour. it's the
key to better living.
Ogilvie flour Mills Co., ltd
"Ogilvie's Ilook for a Cook," on
tainit /se pagiei of excellent recipes,
Solna Sever puhlisheel before. 'Pour
gtoo.v Call tell y011 how toget it PRIM*
The fertile! 150 eores, being Lot 19, and
south half of Lot 20 in Stanley townehip,
on.the London Road, There are about 5
limes of bush.' The met is nearly all seeded
to grass. On the 50 acres there are small
buildings and 2 acres a good orchard, on
the 100 Bores there are, a goodhank barn, a
driving shed tine a frame house, a never -
failing spring creek rune through the farm.
The London Huron and Bruce Railway
runsthrough. the farm. It is a mile frotn
Bracefield acd 5 miles from.Clinton.
Nov10 SOHN Da:QUEEN, Brumfield
Anyone sending 'a Ethel eh and description may
.qufekty ascertain cur opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. COMM11111Ctu
. tionefitrialyeOnildentlal. HANDBOOK mentente
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
' Patents taken tbroluth Munn & Co. receive
oPeciat itotice, wIthotit OM% lathe
. scientific finiericati.
A 'handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eir.
Ciliation of any sPientitio journal. Terms. /1
7087frau. rnontha, V. Sold ttpid; newsdealer.
'MUNN & Co
rtranoti °pipe. 424 X...$4.,Wskiblngtva,I.:,,T;,
30 1 Oroadway, New yerk
It's Surprising
How Christmas Steals
tis on a Person,
• . There'll be roast turkey, plum
- puddings end Santa Chute, al-
most before We know it;
And tbereal be Ohristme
Cakes a plenty; we know that,
by the -amount -of proplee----Wea.
know that ba the amount of
Peels Raisins end Currant§ We
are selling,
See our ad. 011 Page le.
Now, • woUldn't it be a good
idea for you to buy every, single
'thing you med for Christmas,
BERN, Then you'll he sure of
getting the highest quality of
every t hin g At the lowest price.
Private funds.to loan at 4per cent and tip -
'wards W. sitYDOZIE.
Licensed Auctioneer, •
Farm sales. a Specialty. •
Orders left at the NEW ;ERAtevill be,. 'N
-promptly attended to,
Live steak and general Auctioneer
Farm stook sales a specialty. Orders left a*
NEw ERA °Ace, clinton, promptly attimbok
to. Terri's reasonable. Femora' sale nines,
J, B. - Rumball, Clint,on .•
• . •
• •
• •
:Privet° funds to loan on neortgages ea •
beet current mai
General Banking burunet u r inarrsed
Interest allowed on eteposne
Salenotee bought
G. ED. alclaggart • M. D. MeTaggart. •
MeTaggart Bros.
a• General Banking Business
transacted • '
Drafts angled. Interest &limed on
deposits. .
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Perm and Isolated Town Prop*
- •
erty Only insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Kippen- Thee '
Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucedeldei Thos. ,E
Bays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth;
Jas, Connelly, Porter's Hill; •John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafotth; J. Evans, Beech.
vvoont J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben.
newels, lirodhagere
Each Director is inspector of losseqin
his own locality. .
Rabt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, 1.111161e?
Seaforth; James Cumming, t gmoild*
ville; J. W. Veo, Holnnesrille
— -
A reliable resident agent for Chilton and
Vioitlite for Fall and Winter months, to
sill Pita Tree, Small . Fruit Beanie,
Ornamental Trout, alowerigg Shrnbe, eto.
4.11 eupplies hit -nailed ffee. Tents liber-
al. Ws coneider tale ageoey one of the
beat on our net and good money can be
made tint of it. Agents will have ore r GOO
Mires marmite meet( 10 4111111' U11011. CVO ry••
thing we ship 14 guaranteed. APply tor
fall partictilitte, in writing Oi neraori, to
Gooderhom Building, Toronto, Oni,
ii' Prot.0•VflIEELJM.11.iv, *It '
1441161014 ft..% S. ad), GOMM
Aftiele‘. Tkolliwilice froltWasial Is Ai oat illiii .
dati$444ipas Ow Ilpotakill11•04 Pairblir 001•114-14114
VM ? &
11/16111141114/10Min1,11alliligkit 88..i..,mi,.4Iow1a%A*t4tnsr"griegWEetiribt I 114M. 41161ts pioildtsrsL4,7R:4WIAttt14