HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-12-07, Page 1• • *tab'Mosinee 'aienalsT analatttle, PriliWale/ .The Sovereign Bank of Canada 4:00.4...it by Darteilee ilereiouseet • 111. latLaW CAPIelartielaN *co. 3,ot Orto, bar capitol Paid-up , 1902 $1,173,478 ; 1903 1,300,000 1904 1,300,000 1905 1,610,478 1908 3,942,710 I ?At. Cob on Hand and ber at Bankers 1902 1903 1904 /905 1906 $ 383,097 022,774 1,244:322 1,491,393 3,016,842 ReattVe PIM and •Undiviiin4 Proata • osinevir-iv4c0 In circulative *49,000 ; 759,996 362,248 1,237,664 • 420,373 1.284,840 623,481 1,550,790 1,335,847 2,850075 Bonds, nebeeteres, lama tit eon Ituceat Matta cow , MOHO* , to the Public ' $1,413,4711 1,042, 1,720,373 2,133, 6,278,457 • TOO ofiet.k4 ; 439,303 ;1,830;190 $1,85814$0 ss,ess,xos 718,397 1,747,142 4,074,00 7,201020 672,034 1,170,540 7,014,123 10,201,064 701,158 1,506,144 9,5786O 1$8I8,36$ 1,012,831. 4,04.067 14,640,510 25,30,4ot Savings Deparituunt al all Nikes *"'irort=artp"mittotr 1-1. T. RANCE, Manager, Clinton aliftV Afp'er1btfttitia..1"1.P.mawall.......awa."1""mm The Sovereign Bank of Canada,........ ... . . Winter Term, Clinton Business Colloge ... • . 1 We are still selling. W. T. O'Neil • • If you want a, watch,Grigg 1 Christmas Hints, W. V.IdnOonnell 1 Do it now, W. S. R. Holmes , 1 Get Busy, Cooper's Book store.... ........ 4 Por the Holidays, W. R. Counter • • 4 • Christmas is coming, Harland Bras •• • • .... . 4 Waxes. Geo. Wheatley .. ...... ............,••••., 4 A Home and Care. Nev Era.. ........ . „ , 4 House for sale. J. Young. 7 Girl wanted, J.13. Bunn:ell . . 4 Apprentice wanted. 0. W. Potter . 4 Lost. P. O. Box 45 ..... ...... ...... 4 Londesboro Butter Co..- ..... ...... .•. 4 Ready for Christmas,Newcombeg... . . .41-2 Cutters and Sleighs. Rumball and 111-034S:th., 41-2 Piftee Da Tozer Chrjtt,,as GifM. Morrell 64 Holmes.. . . 5 Christ as Gifts, J E. Hovey 5 For 30 days, Gledhill Bros. wien's Sitlish Suits PoPPlestone . , ... , Ladies watehea, Rings to. A. J. Grigg........... 5 Seasonable Footwear,W. Tayn lorl&So.. - . •8 Ready for Christmas, BOdgen Bros 8 Christrnas at the Big Men'sstore, Rodger( Oros 8 opy for changes of contract adver- tising must positively be in this office by Tuesday evening. The Canadian Northern Railway Company has let or is letting con- tra.cts for over four and a half million dollars' worth of rolling stock. and the contracts will keep several Pada - diem worics busy till next fan. . WINTER TERM OF THE CLINTON . BUSINESS . COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton Business College). Opens JANURAII 220d,' This is the most modern, thor- ough and successful institution of its kind in Ontario. Excellent staff of teachers; unexcelled equipment; large attendance ; actual business school. During Novenaber we had 20 times as many cells from big concerns for Bookkeepers, Stenographeps. and°Te.1- egraphers, as we had gradu- ates to send. Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Om handsome Christmas Catalogue sent free on applicatMu to • GO. SPOTTON. Principal • • Nippen PlOTES.-1S1r and Mrs J. J, O'Brien, of Seawall -I, visited their friends Mr. and Mrs Johnston the past week. Miss Mohring. of Benmiller, is visiting her friend, Mies J. 0, Parsons, Mr Pars sons held a very successful sale the 28th nit ; he was unable to sell his farm but hopes to do eo later or rent, as he intends to go on his homestead in Sask, in the spring.; while in Neap- awa, Man., which. has Local Option, he noticed they had the finest hotel accommodation for the size /of the town in theWest. Miss Dora Maar is away Visiting: hex. brother,. David, station agent at Goldstone. Mr Alex Merieath, who has been Hasp long is getting along nicely now, being able to sit up a little every day. ,Among those who returned from. the West the past week, the following belong to is v1011114', Misses Kettleton from Mao., and Gera° Caldwell fromRegina district • Messrs Sohn Logan and Thos Geminell froin Moose Jaw district, where the latter has large holdings in land, off which he and his sons cut a splendid seven hundred acre crop the past season • and Chas IJinsdale from Southern MOtatobst ; he worked near- ly all the time in North Dakota, where he (awned three dollars a day; he leaves this week for England. and tumor says he may not return alone; we shall be pleased to welcome him and any others he may bring back with him. as we need just such Indust- rious, capable men as he is in this country. . • •Locien Onnoses-On, Sunday after- noon the 2nd inst.. the Rev Ben. R. Spence delivered a magnificent address on Local Option hi the Methodist church .; his arguments were clear, zonciusive and convincing, giving just the information the electors desire. On Friday evening the 7th inst., he . speaks in 13lake Presbyterian chetah and all who have any doubts as to the !advisability of having. Local Option in I Stanley or anywhere else shoind hear .1 him, let* eveeyone go. It is worth it ten mile drive to hear his address ' On Sunday, Dee, 9tb, Mr. A. T. Cooper, f Clinton, will preach Local Option' ernaons in Goshen Methodist church t 10.30 a. m. ; in Blake Presbyterian hurch at 3 p. m., and Salable Line hurch at time of the evening service, thee week night Local Option meet- gs Arranged for with the speakers re as follower-SaubIe Line chum's, uesclay Dec. Ilth, Rev. D. 'Urquhart ; ill's Green Preshyterian church, hursday, Dec. 13th, RevaBrown and avidsonsGrassick's schoolbouse, onday, aIec. 17th, Revs navels° -1 . d Sewers e Goshen Methodist church uesday Dec. 18t1a, Rey, D. Tarquhart.• week night meetings to begirt at 30 p. in. • 0 in aesseasseemeassesaseas iTa 'ITH ;.D M an Al 7. We are Silil ming IOS lbs Reapeth Grennlatid 'Sager for $4.60 equals 22 lin for $1.00 3 Ibs Raisins • 25e New Select Raisins, per lb10e 3 Ibe Cleaned Currants • 25e 13 as for Pigs, per lb 5e 0 Mean. • 25e Lemon and Orange Peels per lb 15e elbs tor • 250 4 ohne Corn . 85e 3 cane Peas 250 3 cans Beans •25e Tbe above are only a feta of the many bargains that are going at onr store W. T. 014E114 THE HUB GR.00Elt If you want a Watch come and see us, See theing ad on page 5, A. J. jewelio and Optician ' altsburn WANTED -1000 Turkeys, Geese, Chickens and alllowuckpasGt. Let our prices before selling. W. T.' 1 SOCIAL. -The social held at the' home of Jrus Raithby on the eyening of Nov. . 23, was a phenomenal success. The 1 house was crowded. After a tempting l supper had been served ba the ladies, I a splendid program was given, prom- ' itiebt in which was Mr. D. Lansing, I with his phonograph ; dialogues, reci- ; tations, etc, made up the rest of the • progrem. Proceeds 1322. I Venn o TAANKS -We, the ander- signed, wiah to extend our hearty thanks to the neighbors, who kindly lent a helping hand in every Mine of need, during the sickness and funeral of our deer mother. who was buried on Nov. alth. Their meaty deeds of kind- 1nes, even the sympathy shown by those who sang at the funeral eervice, are deeply appreciated. May God's blessing rest and abide with them in the future. -Miss H. Tisane AND CHILD- REN, . • [Our regular Auburn copy- came in this week just as we went to press, having been ruiscerried somewhere.] Seaforth tisnams.--Capt. Normen McLeod, former well-known Seaforthite, and o brother of Mese Alex. McLennan, died at Greenwood, B.C., on Sunday. ite Was a contractor; the remains will be brought to Sailor* for interment., .. Alex, McLaren, attorney-at-law, late of Port Huron, and a brother of Mee. George Stewart.: of Seaforth, died on Note 24, aged thirty years. alotEseeOn Saturday evening, at the Methodist parsonage, Mr. George Lowrie and Miss tiertha Fraser were united in marriage, Rev. A. K. Birks ofliciating. Mr. McLean, ofVan Kleek neer Ottawa, has boon engaged to seceeed Miss Kirkwood as classical master at the Collegiate Institute, Bayfleld NOTES. Mt. Steadman cleliv- ered an eloquent sermon to the Fores- ters On Senator last. The new Metho- dist clutch will be fitted for oceupa- tion about Christmas time. Mr. %rot. - sell, of Godcrich, who has bought out the hardware effects of Thos. Will continue the business in Mr. Teb. butt's store on Main street, instead of in Mr. Itouat's store on Olangregor square. C. Falconer and 3. 3peiicer have returned from the West. The Preebyteirlans are now busy with their Christmas entertainment, Miss Arm- strong has returned to her position as orgatiist in preference to nurse train- ing in Detroit hospital. The announce - matt of the wedding of Mr. Janice Howard and Mrs. Margaret MeDool is in eirculation. 1. CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DEOEMBER 7, 1906 Londearboro1 fsciallop the Londe b • )3 t BUTTER 00. -The annual Meeting of Sataa-114a, P. A. O'Sullivan will efolinosty1110 cao ut et, and Cheese Co, I have a large sale of 140 sheep, also has bought the house mullet belong PROPEI1TY BOnatiT. -Mr. Ea. Lie/1 F will tie held in the Towtiship Hall on Some Immo and cattle at Wok' t flEW URSCRIBERS can have The. New Era from- now till the pst Dec.. 904, fer Ten eents. 0118FORIPTION caper rear, in 114P41/411,. 150 When not too odds Nue 8 OonvEmorr,-The convention held . last Thursday was decided =epees. y All the speaker e were present and took their part in the program. ENTERTernaeleivas-Next Wednesday evening a first-class entertainmeut will be given in Nile Methodist °bora). The musical part of the program will be rendered by the choir of North St. Methodist church, Godericb• and Revs Mr. Steadman Bayfleld, Readings will be given iv Miss Ida L. Beattie, of Seaforth, 0,11 Sam Bean, Goderich: Rev, W. B. Graham of Goderieb, Rev, Mr, Currie of liondesboro, and Rev Mr, Steadman are expected to deliver addressee. The Doty Orchestra is also expected to be present Refresh - merits will be ,served in the basement of the church, after the program, Au admissien fee will be efaarged. NOTES,—Rev. M. X. Wilson, Tees - water, spent a few days all1013g Nile friends last 'week, Professor F. Lin- field, of Utah, spent last week with his father, S. Unfired.. Mrs and Thomas Homey are visaing the latter's broth- tehr,e'RwenesersaJtuarsdEviliontitorett:imrnredmfriootint is much pleased with that part of our fair Canada. Some of our Nile friends attended the concert at Blyth alonday evening. Mr and Miss Edgar, of List - owe), have been visiting their sister, Mrs A P. Sheppard. Mrs 8. Gardiner of Bennailler, was among the visitors at the Convention an Thursday. WEDDING -.-On Wecineaday evening a pleaming event took place at Maple Leaf Farm, the home of Ur, Henry Homey, when his only daughter, Mabel, was married to Arnold M. Har- ris, of Farquhar, near Exeter. The officiating clergyman was Rev. .1, C. Reid, Nile, assisted by Rev. M. Wil- son, Teeswater, a former pastor. The bride wore a dainty gown of cream crispine, with trimmings of la,ce and chiffon. Among the numerous gifts to the bride was 'a handsome silver tea service, presented by the officers; and teachers of Nile Sabbath School. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold chain and locket. Mrs. Harris will be friends,rnwitheehhrneri stshe; beets tN. wi ei s, beer hof ae hostcarries oe 1 the estate of the late Renr Yards, Seaforth, no Tuesday, Dec. 11 4?'-gun°g. ANEv11/Cvrrrr qipvliras‘The Ep:011LeaguoMandaeve;bag wits of a speelal interesting .char. aeter., at the close of the Consecration Service Service a number of letters were read from .former members of the Society, which were very naueb appreciated, and, the League would take this opportunity of thanking those whocontributed to the evening's enjoyment VonvsTRus /SuPPrit.- On Thurstley of last week Court SelwoodaNce 87, ala O. held its annual oyster supper for members of the Court and tneir wives a.t the Holmesville House, .A.rnple eareadatiell ao- i provided for the micas sion by Landlord Huller and the sev- enty odd who sat down to the tables, wexipthreeevseedrytthheimu;,eivTehseasni well wpalileaesexo! to attend fine,making it pleasant for those who had to drive some distance Noxgs..-The entertainment in Knox church proved to be 'very good, and there WAR a fair turn gut • a goodly numbee from here went to'Blyth the same tight te hear Harold Jarvis, There was a car Of scrap iron, etc., loaded here this week, Mr. Watson shipped a car of hogs ; price, $0,10. There is a hitch itbRIllt sugar beets being shipped, 110 Cars waling to take them to Berlin some are selling their beets to the iVallaceburie Co., and einne are afraid to do so, I. H. Squire shipped another car of flour this week, Miss Minnie Brurnbley is able to sit up now, and will soon be over tbe fever. Mr. Sampson is doing well. It is said that a poblic entertalument will be held here on New Yeae's night, under the joint auspices of all the fraterisal societies. 'Another correspondent DEATH, -We regret to announce the death of Mr. Ben, Hunter, at the age of 77 years. Mr. Hunter was one of the oldest residents of this neighbor- hood. P.ansoNete-Miss Alice Mountain has had to give up work in the shop for a sh.ort time, owing to sickness. She intends to resume duty again in the ourse of a couple of months, if health permits. • SONS OP ENGLAND. -The merebera of S.O.E. Lodge, Londesboro, 143, held their first oyster supper of the season at the home of Bro. John Cum- ing and his motlier, when it most en- joyable evening was spent. The weather being all that meld be desired, the attendance was /sage, there being about eighty present. young and old. The fore part of the evening was spent, in social chat and games, after which a splendid supper wag served, including oysterseroast turkey, and everything else that was good, and everybody seemed to enjoy that part of the pro- gram most of all. The Brethren all thank Mrs. Cumin heartily for her kindness. It takes tbe English ladies to get up a good supper The occasion was more especially in the nature of it farewell to Bra. James' Owning and his wife, who are about to Daum to their home in the West, after it pleas- ant visit with friends here. After supper a good program was rendered. Bro. Geo, Snell, President of the Lodge, called the gathering to order, wheu several of the brethren made short addresses; Bro. E. Crawford c gave a couple of hunaotous readings i which. made everybody laugh. Bro. 1. James Cloning and wife sang, and also E gave instrumental music,. which' was w much -apereciated, Mter which all v joined in singing God Save the King, c and everybody went away feeling they m had spent a most enjoyable evening. b Gotlerlah AnaCiinNE0,-The MSS of Jasper X. Brindley cause up before Judge Holt on Tuesday, but as the court of appeal had reserved judgment an the stated case a couple of weeks ago it was again adjourned, until Fiebruar'y, SuPPER.-Robt Elliott, the apple shipper, gave an oyster supper Jest, Thursday evening to his men et, the King Edward, after which adjourn - Was made to the Oddtellow's HMI, This has now become en an• nual oceurrence, marking the close of the seasen. COMPANY AFTER $25,000 LOAN -The Kensington laurniture 'Company will extend their plant and donne through- out, employing 103 hands, instead of 45, provided they can obtain a loan of 1.$25,000 from the town, repayable with interest in 20 equal instalments: ()RANGE -The plant of the Goderiah Engine de ilicycle Co, has been purch- ased by the Rogers Mfg. Co., of To- ronto. The new concern, in which Goderich as well as Toronto men are interested, will employ one hundred bands the Oast year. Tbe Goderich factory., in which a few local men held the majority of the stock, WAS started eleven years ago, running far ;several years as the Henderson Bicycle Co. MISSIONARY ADDRESS -Mrs Gordon Wright, of London, addressee last evening- it large audience in North Street alethodist Church; the occasion being the silver anniversary of the auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society. The W. M. S. of North Street Church was organized in Nova ember, 1881, jusbone month after tbe fhrmation of the 'Wonsan's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church in Canada ; it is therefore one of the oldest, if not the oldest of the local branches; The. first president was Mrs. Leach, of Holmesville, and the auxiliary was organized by the late Mrs (Rev.) Dr, John A. Williams, Dr. Williams being pastor of North Street Church at thac time. The present officers are: Mrs. (Rev.) G. N. Hazen ; first vice-peesiden a Mrs Geo Acheson ; second vice-president, Mrs J. H. Col- horne; corresponding secretary, Mrs. P. WS Currie ; treasurer', aim 0, sa. Newton. ' NEW HOSPITAL OPENS. -At four 01.••• lock on Saturday the Alex.andra, Mar, ne and General Roseate,' wee formally ended over by the Daughters of the moire to the trustees. Tile occasiofl. as marked: by the presence of Merry isitors, a short andreesa froin the hairman of the boardesild sPme of the elical gentlemen present, followed y the serving of refreshments. The nal -completion' of the hospital is the ork of the local chapter of the D. O. .,and too tench cannot be said, in raise Of the ladies of the order, who ave for a lonatime been potting forth eir energies in this dhection. To se re the nemesia* funds *as a matter taxing .all thew resonrees, and., the oice of the property was for a lone me a perplexing question. The hes- tal is situated on the corner of South root, and Britannia kosideit is a Mega ilding, formerly it private residence, th fairly roomy grounds surround - g, and with the alterations. that ve been made, is quite an up to -date. stitution. Although the formal ening took, place Saturday, Nurse iffith has had a patient for some e in the Person of Engineer Fred Winans, who was injured on the elph and Goderich Railway.. Much the fon-dame as well as the labor Of tting the placain shape,.. was donat- by friends of the work in Goderich d elsawhere ; one such gift was a y fine range from the Wm. • Buck ve Co.. aarentfords and the other Mrs. D. McDonald, Regent of the O. E. received a check for $50 from Huron Old Bays' Association, of onto. RATH OP MR OLA.RE-JalneS Clerk sed away •here Thursday evening r an illness of ovee a month. He horn in the Orkneys Av. saraen rs ago, and eame to this country h the rest of the fondly, some of in are residents of Goderich today. r sears ago Mr. Clark Married MiaS rue Ball, eldest daughter of H. W. , of Godecieh, who survives him. Clark's first enterprise was in con - ion with the then important fish- ndustry here, and at the time of eeth be was stiil interested hi the inion Fish Co, ism one in Goderich invested as largely' in local menu - wing &incense a.s did Mr. Clark. 892;togetber with Mr.Jits.A.Mclasty a, Millionaire in Detroit, and. • Mr. sSantelem,he took over the Goan - Organ Co., an enterprise evbich then losing money, and placed it good fpoting. Al; the time of Mr k's death be was president of this any, and of the Godeeich engine Bercycle Co., Linaited; and lat.gety ested as well in many other local striee, including the Goderich ber Co., Goderieh Elevator and. sit Co , Western Caned& Fleur and the Deedging Co, He rally was acquainted in a business with practically every . business in the community, and it is only to soy that no man Ives more sr respected and eeteerned. Like thee man of his minima, IVIr.Clark f a retiring nature, and disliked . city, but his position in the corn- ty is one that it will he impossible Goderich Township Scrsoor. RaPoitass-The folhavving is the report of S. S. No. 4 for the month of November, based on attendance, demeanor and diligence. 5th -Brink. Jordan. 4th -Nettie ' 011ie Lobb, Elsie Lobb, Fern Beacom, Mary Smith. Sr 3rd.--Buelah Nesbitt, Vera Lobb. Jr. `ad. -Frank Lobb. Sr. 2nd --May ainclair, Haeold Lowery, Bertie Beacon). Jr. and -Lulu Lobb, Isabel Sificlair, R:elen Nesbitt Pt. 2nca- Everett Lowery. ' J. H. LOWERY, Teacher. Stanley NoTEs. -lamb Diehl has been rattler Poorla lately. Chas. Diehl, of Portage la, Prairie, • is visiting bis native place. Rev. Hy _Diehl and Rev. Louis Diehl, of Bruce. munty, are visiting their • feeler, Jacob Diehn John Moffatt was last week puttingin water pipes and troughs, for panvenience in water- ing his stook. Stamm. RaeonTas-The fciliowing is the Noveinber monthly report of S. S. No.. 14. Stanley, the names are in order of merit :-5th-Etta, Jearott, N. Jones, . Eleanor Hood, Sr. 40- lVfurrae Faber, Jae Jarrett Rena Mc.: Beath. Jr. 4th -John Kehl, Oda Mc - Beath, I. Gemmel', Sr, ard-Rannith Dinsdale, Sarah Rafhwell. Jr. 3rd Arthur Jones, Lola Rathwell. and -Frank Gemmel], Alain rasher, Wal- ter MeBeath. Jr. and -Anna Hood, Ida RathWell. Pt. • and -Wallie Me - Beath, Alex McMurtrie. Pt. 1st -G, E. McKay, N. Hood, Anna Fisher. The best spellers in the monthly spel- ling match are -6th -Etta Jarrott ; Sr, 4th -Rene, 1VIcBeath ; Jr. 41;h -Oda •MoBeath : Sr. 3rd -Hannah Dinsdele ; Jr, .3rd --Lola Bothwell ; Sr. and- • Walter McBeeth. • . Var ANNIVERSA.RY Snavicuts -ReV John nark of Kipperi cirenit preached two excellent seernons in connection with the anniversary services in tbe Metho- dist church here on Sunday. The eloquent, speaker chose for his tet. (morning and evenina) Rev. XX[, 13; from which he deduced 010113r valuable truths ; his unique presentation of the snider:it, Chap:lied tbe large audiences which gathered to listen to one who had been a former pastor. On Mon. day evening:. the annual Fowl Selmer, was setved in the Temperance Hell, from 6 to 8 caclotk. The best culinary skill was employed in the preparation of the abimdance of fowl and provi- sions which cov-ered the tables. After justice had been given to tbe satisfy- ing of the wants of the inner man, all repaired to the town hall, where a special programme of rare literary and musical excellence was presented. Spicy addresses were given by Revs. Davidson of Varna, Steadineta of Bay- field. Kerr of Ohnton and Hart of Hensel', Mrs Oharlestvorth of Zurich, Miss Shipley and Rev Kerr of Clinton, gave literstra selections of a very high order The musical pate Was very choice, consisting. of solos, by Revs Steachnan of Bayfield, Messrs Down end Harland of Clinton, while the tieleetions of the choir, the mixed and male quartettes of the Ontario St. Church Clinton, were of unusual beauty and merit. The prograrrame WAS one of the beet evet• presented to an Studien,* in Varna. The pastor Rev A. 111. Brown occupied the chair. The proceeds were npwards of $1210. eonntnnee Noms.-.1t, la, Rogerson inteodneed the subject at the aEpworth League meeting on Tuesday evening; Rev. Re Currie also gave short andaess, Miss Evelyn P0114114 &salved hones after spending the summer months with friends fla Cleveland, fi 13 th ca of eh ti • .bu wi in bit op Gr tina Ou of pu ed an vet. Sto day D. the Tor pas afte waS yea wit who Fou Min Ball Mr. nect ing his d Dorn ever filen In 1 now Alex eich was on a Clar emrip and in ter Ltitti Tran Mills nate way man right high' any 0 Wag 0 pub"' muni ' to fill Brucefleld NoTEs.---Simon lacKentie, Tucker' smith, had a plowing bee last week ; he will work his farm next year, in- stead of renting it. A large number • of turkeys were sold this week ; some farmers had large floeks ; the buyers were from Clinton, Seaforth and a( mina ttiad Ile per pound was peid for live weight, W. Chapman, who has been ill with tonsillitis, is irapeoving. Geo. Hart has been given the centred; of taking the melte from ale postoffice to the trains, at e salary of $125 per year. David Rouett has returned from Moose Jaw, Assn., where he has been lance hineveet Wm. Wilson lava taken s position in T. Eaton's- store, Toronto. Mrs. Nevin, forrnet•ly of our village, lins lately returned from Da- kete, and is now visitingher daugh- ter, Mee, Geo, Simpson, of Cobocotik. near Peterborough, Miss Jessie Gran- ger, Clinton, is visiting et home. Jahn Reed and family atterided the tilers riage of their cousin, Mies Reid, .Stan- ley, on Wednesday last NoTgs. -Miss Lula, Illiaholland has gone to visit her sister, Mrs F. Draper, in A.yliner. The cottage known as the Palacianes an occupant in Mr. 3, ale- Cartney and family, lately from Manitoba,. At a bee in connection with the Methodist chime!' ; the fence in front was removed, the gates being set back to each side even with the church, which adds; much to its aps pearance and will be a decided im- proveinent, providing the village cows are impounded when they become a nuisance. • WEDDING. -A pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday at Willow Grove Pertal, Huron Road, when Miss Cassie McLeod became the wife of Mr Alfred Tebbutt. At high noon' the bride, leaning on the ern) of her brother, Mr Wm McLeod, entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs Dr. Thompson, of (Minton, the Rev Frank . Sveann performed the ceremoey. The bride was unattended, and carried a boquet of lovely white chrysanthemums, elle was attired in ivorY silk, trirruned with embroidered chiffon, After • tbe cereMoner. a sumptuous dinner Was served. and then the happy couple lett for it trip to Toronto and other points. The bride's going away gown was a beautiful pearl grey silk, a smart coat and a becoming grey velvet hat com- pleted the 'costume. The bride and groom are both well known and high- ly respected; and it host of friends wish them a long and prosperous life together. • ChiteRpa-Mr R. lioltnes tonk the service for Rev Greene in the Metbos dist church on rituality night lase, ana gave a very interesting address ; it was unique in that it left the ordinary line of argument and gave the listeners new thoughts along lines relating to the grandoldtruth of God's creation and man' privilege a.,,na responsibility, showing that God's word under the leading of the Holy Spirit is Man's only sure guide ; Mr Holmes was listened to with rapt attention: On Tuesday evening next, the Rev David, Rogers, President of the London Con- ference, will give a pcipular address en- titled, The Gospel of Health, and Good Cheer' under the auspices of the Ep- worthLeague in the Methodist 'church; a great -treat is in store for those who attend ; adniission sil ver collection at tlie door. It is said that "variety is the spice of life," • and cert4L4nly the members of the Methodist congrega- tion iri Hohnesville have . had the pleasure of listening to a butober of speakers during the last year, besides the pastor no less than twenty differ- ' mit men have occupied the pulpit ; surely there is not mach danger at the people here getting into a rut. LiBRARIAN IS TO VACATE • POSITION. -The following, from the London Ad- vertiser, will be read with interest by MrMcRoberas old friends heee:-After having filled the position of Librarian • at the nubile library for five months, Mr J. H. W. afcRoberte, it is under- stood, is willing to go back to school teaching. Mr McRoberts, it will be remembered, was principal of Grand, avenue School and resignedin June last to accept the post of librarian. He has been faithful in his new duties, and to far as known has given sots - faction, both to the public .and the board. But the duties of librarian keep one io the building from 9 o'e'oca in the inorninguntil 9 CVO& at night, , and in time the occupant becomes a bookavonn and .nothitig else, It is understood ,that Mr Melloberts has been sounding the members of the board of education ;With a view besot- ting back on the teaching staff. He is recognized as a Wendel teachers and the board will only be too glad -to place litre, if it poesible to do so.. There will beat vacancy in King ;street school itt the end of the term, as Prin- cipal Chapman has resigned, and it may be that Mr McRoberts will be appointed to this school if he finally decided toretire from the 'Ovarian - ship. It Wes stated that Principe' 'Kirk, of Aberdeen school, who is known its one of the ;most- effleient teachers in the employ of the board, is suffering front ill-health,'and is likely to oat fn r a period of rest. There is a, possibility that Mr McRoberts might besappointed to this school during Mr Kirk% Absence, if the former is willine tf Mr McRoberts should change his Mind and decide to stay with the lib- ritry board, then it is said that Prin- cipal Campbell, of Byronschool,stinds An eiceellent chance of securing a, po- sition on the local teaching staff; as one of the inale assistants will be ap. pointed to fill afr Chapman's plate, and Mr Oitinpbeil Will be appointed a male assistant, [Since the above Was in type, it is announced that Mr. McRoberts will resign at the end of the year ; ho will Axon likely be appointed to succeed Principal Hirkt of Aberdeen school, London, who Is seriously in, and bes been off duty for some time.t liarlock Ornt POST OPPiars.-The otiople of this vicinity faee the possible logs of their -post office. Ib has been a, very great convenience, and both Mr and Mrs Argent have he most obliging and acconsimodating in the distribution of mail, often et great personal incon- venience. But the health of Mrs. Argent hue been so poor that they are desirous of being relieved of the offiee. There are no other premisee in the via inity that Would answer for a post office, and it is hoped that some eV ratigeMents bier be Made Whereby the Mae° Will rematn. • Blythe NoTaa.- Council matters are begin- ning to bubble,a,ne will hemine warm- er towards the end.of this month. ' PRomnaar Soete-Mr. John Einigh • has disposed of his hotel property and business to Mr. J. J. Mc0a,ughey, of Clinton for the sum of $2000. Mr. McCaughey takes possession on the 17th Of this month. ,Mr. McCaughey, who is a good, experienced hotel -man, will keep the hotel up to its previous high standard of excellence. EPWORTH LEAGUE -The grand eon - cert which was heid in the Methodist church last Monday evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Epworth League, was it grand success on eyery part. Mr. Harold jaryis, 'tenor, of Detroit, gavasoase fine selections, and is not of a grudging nature, always feeling free to entertain his hearers. The Misses Sperling gave • some fine selections, also ,Miss Hohouth. The recitations and readings by Revs. Small and Reid, were appropriate for the occasion. The proceeds amounted • to $105:• • .a............sasesses-a-sas.-. • -----.. Porter's MI • NOTES, -Miss Proudfoot, of Goder- ich, spent Sunday at Clem Newton's. Mrs. James McDonald is visitingher daughters in Detroit. James Harrison wears a smiling fares ; a little baby boy arrived at his home last week, Stew- art McDougall has been laid up with a sore eyes having had it lanced twice, but it is not much better at present. Mr. and -Mrs. Testier and son, of Man - cheater,' visited at MraRutledge's this week. The Chosen Friends are treat- ing themselves to a fowl supper on Thursday evening; Tunkeramith Nome - On Friday evening last Miss Peael Wise entertained the choir of Turner's church, when a most enjoy - ' able time was, spent. Mrs. E. johns spent last week visiting her daughter, Mee. A. Seeley, Miss Carrie Stapler will address the League at Turner's on Sunday evening next, Rev. Mr.Swan, of Holtnesvilla occupied the pulpit of Turners on Sunday, and ga.ve a very interesting and instructive sermon. • eolbOrne At the meeting of the Colborne , township council on Monday a deputise tions appeared headed by J. N. Kernig - lion and Levi Snyder, to • protest against the proposed payment of $85 to Godbrich township in connection with the Holuiesville bridge hill job. The deputation was enforced with 13/ largely -signed petition, and after hear- ing Omit. representations the council deferred action in the matter, ' If Clinton is to haveohockey organ- ization this year, it is thne to "get a MOVe on." Our neighbors are all now atTPEA.CIl racticeiRS' EXAMINATION -The Third Class Professional Examination will be held at the various Model Schools, beginning Tuesday, Dec, llth, at 8,45 a.m., end ending Thursday, Dec. 13th, at 2,30 pan, . S0110014 TRUSTEES. -The Public School Trustees who lathe at the eud of the year by expiring of term are John Shaw sr., St John's ward ; O. 13 Hale, St George's; It. Hodgens, St James. Mr Shaw being away from tnwn, some one Will have to be elected in his place. All the others should be re-elected. 81101? EARLY, - Christmite will mon be here. Thera te not a, greet deal of time left for the phreliage of Christ- mas gifts, anti it is tirile the people were getting ready in this direction. The merchante have sparea neither trouble nor expense in getting together their asettatiliente of articles sinta.ble for gift giving. AS in fcirtner years, the NewEre urges its many readers; to make their selections early, and also early in the day. Those who go first, of eourse, get the pick of the goods. They also see then) to nmeh bettee ad- vatitege than they Would later on. Then, if clerks are to be considerea, arid eonsiderate people Will consider them, early shopping makes it much easier for then, and riaturelly more pleasent for the ciliates:tea Merchants and cletke are ready waiting for the Christmas buyers. Get there before the mush and avoid any trouble, MANICURE SETS in ebony and Sterling Silver TOILET SETS SHA.VING SETS All in genuine leather eaSear beeutifully lined with satin. TRAVELLING COMPANIONS both ladies and gentlemen MIRRORS -Ebony et Reeewooa EBONY GOODS -all kinds PURSISS POCKET BOOKS BILL BOOKS CIGAR OASES PIPES -a fine assortment CIGARS' HAND BAGS -latest styde PERFUMERY -all prices assommommoinesa W. At, McConnell 1Pluh. B. ereseription Druggist C.P.R, Telegraph Agency Naleieianalaseasalitelellailiakielia2" O. II NOWe Most of our goods for the Holi- day trade are here. We suggest that you take a look and pick out what you like. Don't leave your choice till the rush comes. We have something for everybody. Your Obristroite Cooking will be a decided success if you, use PurligBalibigPowdat • • And Our flavoring WS. R.Holmes 1 . Panel'. *1 Manufacturing Ohainist . CLINTON* ONT. - ... _ as,......,,(4 ,mrTkomas G. Kerr, Goderich, left • for. Southern California on the 191b, The employees of the Big Mill present- ed him with a beautiful sait case and a gold watch chain and locket, before . leaving the olclamen. - _____-„--...,......4,...........!..........a...........• • "The memory of' Quality aingers when prices are • forgotten." • • We are prepared as .never before to meet the Christ- • mite trade with the best eel-. • ected New Fruits, • Bandied Peels, Nuts, eta., • Everything in the Line of • •Graceries. • ,• Remember we are never • • uncfersold by anyone. • • Call and see our stock then • you will be competent to judge for yourself. A. D. r•eoton,. The -People's Grocer; • 'Phone 111. elsINTON, • • ONT, esickery dnd Gidssware. • Diluter Sets; . Toilet Sets • ODD PIECES in plain white, Gold edge • line and sprig, ituctblue TUMBLERS, engravea and plain Strong's Baking Powder Tra a tin; none better. We have then1 in 10 and 25e sizes ••• • • CLYDESDALE STOCX FOOD -We are soleagents for it. Menet price paid for Batter and Eggs, • either open or -trade. A.J. HOLLOWAY, .AL:BeRT St.. Telephone 63. rHE Molsons Bank Incorporated:1855 Capital 'Paid uptS3)000,000 Reserve Pand,1$3$000,000 Total Assets $30,000.000 SAVE YOUR DOLLA.ItS by depositinasin our Sayings Bank. It doe ot require alarge amount , beginavithass We pay 3 per Cent terest obiamontastif $1 and upwards. Better ,beght, now-deposinwhat you can 8P. • .-414141 to it Whenever possible,. We will welcome your aceount, large or small. A generaltIlanking: business transacted. OW Ale San ne Cs g DOWDING* htitisiter, mu*