HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-30, Page 2Welifweiwwwwwwtoww To Our Readers Thereaere many things hap. .pen in k-,- itUtelf-weeTot 'pablie-In.... terest, hut whteh newspapers never get bold of, &web, the 111- etance,aofamily re-unieme, farm sales, weddings, ancklents, runt Reins of a. similar nature', Sant of these newspapers may get, but there are others that do not get into print. Now, if •parties tuterested would send these to nee we would be glad at all time& tig publish them Write out lut accouot of them, and sign your name. Never mind if the iten. is not well written. Put in the. fats, and we,will fix it up.. The SWIM will not be published, hut I is required as an evidence that . the itetn is gennine. You eonld • put a lot of items on a post -card. - Try it. WVeraleilVeiVeiVe&WtealageNkoWsto -• - The New Era is published every Friday at the New ERA Printing House, Isaac STREET . . . . OLINTONe Terms of subscription—$l per year in advance; $1.50 may be charged if J t so paid. No paper discontinued, until all areears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, .Tbe date to which every subscription is paid is de., noted on the label. .Advertising rate. —Transient adver- . tisernents, 10 cents per nonparel. line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Stead advertisements not to exceed one inch such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stelen," etc, inserted once for 35 cents, or ; one monthfor$1.Conimunica.tions intended for publication most, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the neme of the writer. To insure publication in current sun copy of advertisernents should be sent in early. Contract rates — The folleWingtable . shows our rates for -specified perieds aod space, 1 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 yr. Omo, 3re0lerio a Column 40 00 26 00. 15 00 6 00 a /Column 25 00 1500. 800 251) -ate? OCTCISR. 1906 Coluurn 18 00 10 00 5 50 . 2 00 . 1 Inch 600 '13 50 200 1 20 ' LIABILITIES • - ROST. HOLIVES, ' Editor and Proprietor- Capital Stock paid up . $3,942,710•00' • 'Reserve Pend and Undivided Profits 1,335,8.17.22 $5,278;057.'1" lam CLINTON ROW BR& he -Sovereign Bank of Canada Office of the 2nd Viee.Presiderit, and Oenera101anager. To the Shareholders, tIONTREALy 10t11 110VeMber, 1006. THE SOVERRIGN BANK OrCzuL We have pleasure in enclosing herewith statement of the Bank's position as at the clo,se of the fiscal half-year, ending alst October, together with comparative statistics for the past five years. The figures require no special explanation, and we feel sure the progress and stability which (hey indicate will ' afford: the proprietors and friends of tile Bank complete satisfaction. The Bank's Ameriean. and Foreign business has. now attained considerable importance: Our connections abroad, as well as our facilities at home, enable us to handle British, Continental and American transactions entrnSted to us on a favorable basis, and the results so far have been satisfactory to all concerned. Our principal business is, of course, confined to Canada, and is concentrated in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, .which long expe'rienee has proven to be the safest territory in the Dominion for the conduct/6f a general and commercial banking business. In these tvvo provinces the Bank has 55 branches and 22 sub -offices, the latter being managed from central points, and in some instances open only two or three days a week. We have not yet opened any branches in the North-West, as compe- tition there seems to be unusually keen, but with the undoubted progress which tile cOttntry is making, these conditions will probably right themselves later on, and in the meantime we have very satisfactory banking arrangenrents for the concluct of our business throughout that territory. • The capital of the Bank ,($4,000,000) will be fully paid up in a few months, and it is a source of great satisfaction to know that our shareholders number nearly 1,200 and include some of the most. powerful financial people in the world. The Sovereign Bank is at present the eighth largest chartered bank in Canada in peirit of capital. Zts assets amount to $25,343,4014 a large part of NI; lliC11 are " a.nd the continued growth of depesite testifies to the popularity of the institution throughout the country. The Note Circulation shows an advance of EIU, over last year, and both the Circulation and Deposits have increased materially since thee.preeent statement wag complied• , The past half-year is the best the Bank has ever had, anti we have every reason to think that the Current half-year will be at least as good. Yortr obedient servant, D. M. STEWART,Genera/ Afanver. Half -Yearly. Statement . Notes of the Bank in eirculation ;• , 2,800;675,00 The glifiten ow Eria- .:1D'eelp%siit:R;atee49;tenr '1 bb 15,578919,70. CLINTON, ONT NOV- SQ 1906• Other laabilities , . •• 1,635,249,1r • A'SSETS' The Ottawa correspondent of the • Geld Pud Silver Coin on band. . Toro)* Star so,s “Altbough Sir •14‘1•!,ninicni-Gov'frient Note l on hand I 121 .447 no • • $20,343,401- 12 'Wilfrid Lauderis most amcloils te iO- tain the services of his colleague, Hon.. Chas. S. Hyman, in theCabinet,130ard, it is extremely doubtful whether the lattev's physical condition.. will.thalee. it wise for him to take up agairflor some time to conte the responsibilities incident to the management of a, busy' department. In other words, itis finest ion, whether hisves ig n at on as . . . member for London . will tot intya lo be IJIlowed by his retirement feem the Cabinet as well. If this Gaverennent were AWMIllt; COpy the eyiampleof its predecesgns in office,. it eonld, forth- -with appoint air. Hyman to the Sen- • ate and continue him as a mentlier of T Rance the Administration, thus saying him ' , the trouble of another bye -election in . „ • , Neke mid Chemies. of other Benks 1;155,304.09 T31.1:711Zrrt.pa. Bankers . . . 1,101,101.ov Cash Assets • $3,916,842.57 Cash Deposited with. Dominion Go: . verninent for Security of Note • Circulation ••, Provincial 0,Mi5lment Arid other • eeuritfes . . . . .• . 1 Ca:11 and Short Loans Secured b3r ' Bends, etc. . . . , . • 4 comineteial .LoanS, • (less re.l'ate of •• interest) . • . .14 • 'Bank Premises Real 1P,gate Safes . Other Assets . . - A0,000.00. ,612,831 .16 ,(114,01)7.00- $10,92-3,740:73 • es, -s• • 0,-10 . - 473,837:57 • , o 319 42 15 119 660 39 ••$"0,348,401 D. M. 8TEW A,R.T,,General Manager - f >etc- her 1002 1903 -1904 1905 1006 COMparative StatiStiCS LIAlaiLITIES . Capital Paid-up ,1,300,000 '1,800,000 1,610,478 3.942,710. Re• serve Sovereign Pond end- )4.nk. Notes undirlded • ?costs t!Pa lion • • $. 240,000 $. 759,995, 362,888 1,237,650 420,373 •.1,284,840 523,461 1,55(1,790 .1,335,847 .2,850,675 ASSETS Deposits $1,681,730 4,309,43" 7,11)6;741 10,134,209. - J5,578,920 -r 3tst Clew- 'ber • 11)02 1903 1904 1900 1904 Cash on hand 'at Bankers* $ • 383,097 622,774 1;214,822 1,4111,399 . 3,91(1,842 ' plods; ' Debentures, . etc, $ .4:10,363 , 713,397 672,634 '..701,153 1,61'4,831 Loans at Call ' $1,630,190 1,747,342' 1-,179,540 1,566,144 :4,614.,067 •coon -117@V. Loans •and Discounts $1,3a8,469 • 4,074,048 7,1)14,193 6,578,850 14,640,510 alst Octo. bet; • . • . Total Assets' 190.2 •$3,955,203 1903 7,209,920 1904 10,201,904 1900 13,818,988 • 1.996 20,$43,401 Excess of Assets oVer to, the Public $1,413,479' • 1,062,8:1S 1,720,373 2,133,939 5,978;557 Branches and Sub -offices • xo. . • ' SharebolderS • '17- 28 42 78 . . 757 819 854 1004 , 1195 N.B.—This-Sank co tune/wed business tat XVtay, i9O2, M. STF,11 ART, • General tuonager. • London, but there is no probability of the precedent set by the lateeGovern- . enent in the case of Sir -John -Carling being copied in . the preeentinstance•. J- -reparations will be made witheut de. lay for the bye•eleetam in London; but no writ ean 1. iseued Mail Ily-.." man's resignati j tele been submitted •; to the Speaker in the 'met:vibe-1 form,' and this may take untie 0;0i, %%IGO to the feet of his being -hi the Southern-. States. The letter that r I, M's Speaker Thursday lacked • the neves- very witnesses. - The annexation of. Canada,' tenta- tively, and the establishment. of reciii- "focal trade relations, with a removal. -of all tariff duties with the British:1)07 •. noinicn, specifically, is the tit-111)0st.. of • an organization to ho • known as the British • Association ot whieh. was perfected at Chicago last .Th The•recent speceli by .1. J. Bill .on Reciprocal Relatione with Citeuat" was responsible OM the fornuttimr of the. organization. - • , . • • . Within a week two vacanciee have been made in the Senate by the deata• of Senators Vidal and Kerr. •Seriatim Vtdal was a Conservative and Senetor Kerr a Liberal, and both were. men of high principle and clean lives; The Liberals won two seats in Mon- -free], for the Deminiori Ifonse, On Thursday. In ono 01 the= Mr. Boar- ....Ewa's candidate was snowed under e Ask our OwnDocto If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral tor your , severe cough or bronchial trhubles then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he iOlsay; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. mi lis're used Ayet's nberrY Pectoral ler hard coldb; bsd caught, and innuenta, hag gen: grti greMAMiea,tg t11, the throat And lung troub;orea...ers 0. &tame Alban*, Oregon. Made 1E4, &tree Wig:1711c itnia. P. feettakPAattee: ers54* VrnOR. tIldip-thet7howals.0 rt7:wittt-Ottekaf Avoeto PM at badtittta, Jtalt COO, Mgr. Clinton Branch GREAT DISTRESS IN HER II A arninr, Canadian , 'r HROAT' • Net an 1u-ref:amnion 'experience was. that of Mee 11, S. Wilniot Sholer, 1.) . . . . N. S. . . , h . quick sore was found• "Catittrhozone. Notice this statement: f.`t have been a most ,drendlut. sofferer • from bronchial eiouble and catarrh. On . damp • days I -,..worild 'hawk ;outer; ffer *great distress. 111 my threat. f used ad kinds Of 'Meissen.4.., but didn't get permanent relief till' I used Catarrhozone, • ft bast strengthened my throat, cured my ; lougheand made me entirely ; Girls Deafness Cannot be Cure Butt tto newspapers he've diselosed by local a,pplicatiopir as they cannot the existence of a systematieed plan •reaeli the diseased portion of the ear 1 for lueing Canadian. girls to American rhceirehis oely one way.t9,eurisT• deafness an t at is constitutiona renkdies. • . , 'cities' by attractive advertisements and Deafness is eaueed. by an inflamed con - I The ghee secured are helpless in the tachion. Tube:. When this 'tithe. is in g o e hands of the ph:steers,' and are inadet.o flamed; you have a rumbling sound or • live lives of lininorality. The danger imperfect hearing,atel'when. it is exalt,- . of stud) tralbc is abundant wit t f e it est po.ssible publicity to unlese the tube ean he taken out and offere' oT employinent ;It good wages. &thin of the mucous linin f 1 !., 'Refuse Substit it tes for the -one reliable.' bronchial and throitticare. All dealers Catarrhozone in -25c and $1 sieese SO P 1 o ..We will give One Hundred'. Dollars L an or. ely oloSed. Deathless as Ihn.result and ween ng. Oireasionany an adver-, this to restored to its normal: condi. • . *Often t for it young holy of attractive • i *1., .,11l h,. be deetruyed forever; • appeararice to act as lady's maid -ere nine citees out of ten are caused by Ca-' conipa,mon is in reality. a port of this desplcable.plot, 'though it be innocent. ly circulated by new e s (hat'd tarrh, winch is pattsed by an inflamed condition of the mittens. surfaces. • • not sns -mot its net ' Hon. 0' S. 11 (11,11) .Minister 'of Poi!- . . elio Works, has „been ordered south hy Iiis docter because- of a perious-break down in his health. Before goi ng,- Mr. •liyman resigned his seat in the Com- inon.e. tiYinan has been a proniiS nent fignre the erolitiral life of Wee. tean Ontario for. Mitny yeare, 188l, when but thirty years of age; he was -Mayor of. London; and 'tit, the sante tinin bad kotiee ehevge of. the.big tan- neriee and warehotiSe at his then. Jn 1897 he unsuccesefully eon tested Lon. don toe the Commons.. In MI he heat Sie john Carling, but was cheated out of tlie seat . hy a judicial ruling' In . . I900 • y r 6an was etected to the' House, and again in lie ;10111.ed the Government without • portfolio he February, IRA and teok charge of the Pule 1Vorke • Denartment: in Mr, Sutherlanire• Mete -1100 On the death of that gentlemanyatr. Hyman becatim Minister of Public WorkS, Speaking of the •cesignation satte Hymen, .member of the Holier! is 8 ent l'or, and the injured are being. riven every. care. The accident was tie to overcrowding. The timbers of t e. for any case of Deafness, (caused by I A gvea(er some?. of danger is in the Oatareb)thatcannot bocurd by Halls ;women of good address and. irreproacht Catarrh Cum Send for Circulars free, .able appearance who travel through . eia J. CHENEY &Co., Toledo, O. . the villages, to Jane and. small cities of 'Sold by. Druggists, 75o. • . Canada, employing girls.' of ta,00d ap- Take Hall's Varnily. Pills for constip- • pearance for alleged positions that ace ation. r. resented as honorable ;Intl well ree considevable suecess their Ilettni6Ps ceiteethee bie nrx,est dn a nnarge Maga ea Falls or Buffalo, •according to tie buyer of • wapstoad, alt (mpted to ,..appoi tt tt n en t, and the. people who carry cannel t suicide. in the St . -Clair coonly mit the .01ot. distribute them to various Jae. He . . -hitched . his stispendees to -a • ntruierated, 'Bleat: women eneet with . .Werk. The girls employed 41'(` ruet.ut Itt of dtmt7ikenness,..alartio Kerwhi. (!a) - • Atnericein cities. bar of his•cell, slipped a loop over his • neck and N(41.8 nearly choked, tvhen a , IE CAUSEOP SORE Ii'1,111`,T. • fellow -prisoner raised an ;tier • ,s•ittutne th earefully, and you'll 14 Mwtt‘ cut bim doom "1.. .,.i..-. prolathl .find. corns. W h ether hard I'm 'alive," said Kerwin. Ile paid a sat, „bleeding, apply potoitoes corn. fine and left for his Canadian home,. Fxtractoc, pitinless, it's sure,. and • • , above allipiick to act. •Insist on only "Pe tiinin's.' • ' • • While ail iiheii(ln Sale 'was in pro., . gress in the bank barn on Eli Ilarnunfie fatal, neat. Coma:end, Thursday after- /mon. the. floor suddenly gaveway, precipitating" probably one hundred men and boys into the stables and pees heueatlw D. Hicks' was so eeri- misly injured his life is despaired of. , Harry .8ints \NILS IldS0 dangerously hint, Very few among those in the men at the Woe escaped injury of oine Sort. Doctors were weedily eredited With saying "By this net we lutVe the Coneetvatives in a deep hole, unless Mr Foster doe.s the same he barn timer gave way beneath the thing on (iceonn t of the revelittions fore the inglistnee commIssion, involtee ing his repotittion as a. triistee, We ; e'er)ett „is seseion, it Will be scandal for sup, ndal to the finish," wavy strain put Imo», them and with 1, mete:king sound $ank to the stables reline, carrying Its weight, of hitherto reiglit with lt. One horse was killed, lie animal Wall 111C moperty of the netioneer, and ViPas stabled bettenth he floor that WINO way. When the om bIt in, ale horse WAS struck by hoboes itnd so badly hurt that it died 'wetly afteewatel. The marvel is that heve were no faletlitiee. The order - (mate Man Were thrown together in mass 00 the floors of the ;gables and ens , • • beneath. 1(316l a number had In view of the tneetine of Dn otnuon t and Provincial premiers to consider the readjustment, of provioeial Immo. t darks, if may hof intereet to give the 1 areas 841111150 miles of 'the eeveral . provinees asi note eotintittittel ; . . s' b Itritieh . Columbia' 172,030 .' : ril .. , Albeete • 25:3.065 -) Saskatehe.wast ...., .,... —250,119 1 ' • ' Marlitelat . Ontarto• .. ... ...... ,. 83 1 2 ve 2.(714), 32 7( : * etteebee.......,.,.............351,873 New Brunewiek. , ...... 27,085 ' t" Nova Seritia ,,,,.. 21,428 • It Prinee Edward. Ishtml.. 2,1311 - . I?ittiteto, Manitoba and Sitskatchee iiit it \Vint ' if °nem broken, while all were severely. taken up. • .4.. — • Piles quickly: and positively mired ith Dr. Shoop'e Magic Ointment. nuole for Piles ;Ilene -And it does le work sorely and with satisfaction. chine', painful, protruding or blind pilee dierippenr like magic by its use. Large, Nickel Capped glass ,istrs, 50 conts, sold and recommendd eby W. housewives think it 'cheaper to buy than to bake„ That is because their baking isn't successful every time. Their failures run the cost up. Get Royal Household Flour and tfAloW directions' ; The result will be light, whole- some bread or pastry every rime. P You pay a few cents more fOr Royal H ousehold hut those few cents buy certainty and•pu'rity. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Hour MOSCO., Ltd. zss Montreal. -1 -- • • , y '807-1600 FOR SALE or TO RENT. PROFESSIONAL - For Sale. A, Two -Storey buileing in the old brick block oecmpied by Itioh. )3aker: JOHN KoGARVA, Clinton, Horse and Iluggy tor Sale.. Govl quiet drivine borse, with hernese and budge'. AEPIY at the tf NEW ERA OFFICE, Store lo Rent. The store in the Victoria Block, so long occupied by the unciersigned, is offered to rent, It has been papered and peinted thrOughout, and is firat-class order.. T, JACKSON, Sr, Cottage tor Sale. The cottage on Orarge St. adjoining the property of eubeeriber is offered for sale on reasonable. terms. W. C. SEARLE. Aloe a couple of good brick stores. House for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his house and three -quarter -of -an -acre of land on Mary St. Feuit trees, good hard and eoft water 0180 etAbi6. Will be etld on rcasonabl tennis CEO. DAVIS. House and Lot tor Sale, For sale, the otunfortable frxime 'house on the earner of Rattenbury and Raglan Sts., at present occupied by M. Goo, Ririe. For pattionlais apply to W.e61.. DOHERTY, Cantor), House for Sale The large cottage on Queen street, be- looging to the estate a the late E. Holmes is offered for sale. The lot is one.balf aore, with bearing fruit trees, bard and EsoifitAweotrieric.e. A. bargain. Apply at NEW House lor Sale. Two Storey rough oast house on Huron to t,i eight rooms, kitchen and woodebed, ki aril and soft water, large cellar with cement floor. Good lawn and shade trees. 1 acre lot, goodresidentat locality. Apply to 11. E. RORKE, Mary.St. House for Sale. A econfoitable -frame house on St., containing 3 bedrooine, Bitting room, pan- ' tiy woodshed, gOod oetlar, hard and soft water. One-quarter sore lot. Will be sold chesp. Apply at NEW ERA ()facie, •or. pdl$ HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton, House for Sale.. • • For Sale or to Rent Lot 15, Con, Ilullett, (150 sores) ai offered for Bah) or for rent. Poeeeesion to be giyen at the close of the current" year. For particulars apply to W. BR I'DONE, Clinton, Farms tor Sale 'About 850 morels dret.olass land, eituated on the 4th and 5th ocinciceeione of Ilollett, MILK% ETC, are offered for sale. This le the finest pas. ori1NTON itisroRY OVEATTIE (8itereeser $0, Mr Jae Scott BABRISTER,SOLICITOE* Sto. •°UNTO Offiee-111ett /31ock,forlinerly occupied . by Mr tioott. MONET TO VEND W, -OUTDONA BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY true lend, without exception, iu title neighberiaood. For partienlars enquire in the first plaoe by J'ont1 Rassvonn, Box 586. London, Cliotre Land Mr sale. -- • Sebsoriber afters for eale the 20 acres on the 13aydeld Maid, Goderzeb. Tp., at pre* sent oocupied by him, and known as the Plewes farm. Good frame house, atone cellar, barn 30x70, with cement wall 9 feet highRood bearing orchard, plenty of water, JAMES Clinton. Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for eale his farm of 103 wires, being lot 31, 3rdesen, H. R. S. Took- ersmith, All cleaned and ' uoder oultivet. ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 alarm in grass Frame honse, bank barn, hay barn, and othet oatbuirdings. Bearing orchard, Goo water. Schoolhouse on the prernieee. 6 miles to Seaf nth ; less than 5 to Clinton, g let WHITea. si ( MICH, Clinker. Farnt for Sale. Subeciribee offers for sale hie farm 100 acres, being lot 24, Con, 2nde Stanley, All cleared but 10 acres. Brick house, bank barn 40x80, cement elle, 14x30; one acre of orcarard and small fruits. 2 oever. ling wells. Drivinghouse pig pen, hen house. Five miles from Clinton and three from Lrucefield, on good gravel roads, , A.LBERT NOTT, • Clinton P: 0. •-• Choice Farm tor Sale Subscriber offers for sale his splendid farm of 96 sores on the Rae. Line be' . north part of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hallett Good brick house„barn mid all necessary Iburn P.0, outbuildings; 85 mores bash; farm well wa- tend and in good condition. 2 miles from Auburn, and one mile from the proposed C.P.R. station. JOHN SPRUNG; An. —6— Large frame house on' Wellington St., (llinton, lately occupied by F, C. Alloock. 7 rooms, and pantrieseand woodshed, good steoe 1e4 acre of hood, harcl and soft water, A, splendid cliai4oce for a eereon westing a good house, Apoly to . P MRS ALLCOOK, Clinton, or Mrs. Chid - ley% larvae St. e • Farm Mi Sale. huiedred and thirteefive acres, sitto ated on Bayfield Road, Goderict Tp., three- quarterreof-a-raile from Clinton. Soil in . exCelient condition, heaing been all under grass for five yeere; splendid grain or grass Honey . RIDOUT ees HALE CONVEYANCERS CONXISSIONEPS, Real lEstate andInsuranoo Agent Alone). to bali 0,113, UAL, Ye.11,•• ;TORN III/aOrm Med.ikami. • Drs . Gunn &COMB. lir. 'W. Gunn, L. It. C. 1`.* L. It. C. 5., Mtn - Dr, J. Nisbet kunit, lti. it, (LS. E. C. P., Lowden, °Sloe -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calla front door of °ince or residence, liattenbtul , Street, DR. J. We SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SUDGEON Asetriaheur ete., °Mee and residence Oa tario St., opposite D1411812 church, formerly ess envied lasz, Dr, Appleton. Clinton Oct, DR. 0. To-1000%0IV physkaan, surgeon, Icto, syeeial attention given to diseases ef the Eye, Bar, Throat ant/Nose. Moe and 'Residence - Albert 8treet,2 itioct‘e North of Itaitenintry a W. Nanning Smith, • PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE—Main Street, Beydeld, formerl• y occupied by Dr. Pallister; ' DR. P. AXON DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Specialist lit Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of the HoyaleCollege of Dental. Sur- geons of Ontario. • Honor graduate of -university of Toronto Den - tat Dopartuient. Gradnate.,of Chicago College of Dental Surgery' Chicago. . . Will visit /Wield. every monde -v. DB. II. FOI1/14E11, , DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S etore. • Speoial care taken to make denta tre meat as painless as poeeibie. W vi 1 Auburn (may Moneay. Alli.Seellane011S0 TAMES CAllakl3E1,1,.. . •• SSUES ibAtt,NLAlf4 LioNNNElli , witnesses reouired and, well arained. acres 'hardwood bush and excellent orchard. One barn, 5274, with stone stabling for 12 bottles and 35 cattle; one barn, atal54, with silo and stabling for 17 cattle. Large imple- ment hou.se and pig pen; power and pump- ing windmills; large frame house; two gocd wells and canning water at rfJar of farm Apply to M113.. ALEX, Al ; EN; Clinton , or T.,qt Onn:•. , 2, Stanley. Good !louse for Sale.* • Subecriber offers for eale hie large • and Farm tor -Sale; comfortable frame house on Albert Street '0. • The /rouse has e i f r • • ary tamily.• Good cellar* hard and soft water on the lot; three-quarters of -an acre eery convert enoe o ord,n- of land; bearing fruit trete, also good Clinton, Mob 3.0th stable. Will be sold on reaponable, __torsos. A. W uagN, 11011IS for Sale The commodious and welbsitnated house known as 4:Lakeview" Mein avenue in theooriv.reonwi ena cosi. Ga no dd eirai e he 8. palchi ae placeIty,we I also: av eray- -to a boarding •honse, Red 10 at prertent doing a grod business in this line. . 'Large lot ands number of fruit trees. Possession ,6an be given lst of Jan, next. Amity itt premise% or by 'letter to MRS, E. gz. DOWELL, Lakeview; Goderloh. •paures or ouejt e rest is oearly all seeded to graes, On the 50 acmes there are amen buddinge • and 2 sores of good orchard, on the 100 aures there are, a good -bank barn, a driving shed and a frame house, a never- failnig creek rune through the farm. The Loudon Boron and Bruce Railway runs through the farm. It is a mile from Braeetield ard miles from Clinton, Noy10 JOHN ate -QUEEN, Brncefield. • Proprietor offers for lisle his farm on the aitland.Con, Goeerich Township, Lots 77 and 78, riruated 11.2 miles trete village of Holmese.las clierch and school. The f • *; acres of choice Tana, a good frame house, and bank barn, 5 acres of orchard and 30 mires of good maple hesitated. The farm Is traversed by a run- ning brook, This farm will be ecld in a block or la parts. Apply to ALEX B.A.COTIR, Farm for Sale. The farm of 150 acres, beieg Lot 19, and south half of Lot 20 in Stanley township, on the London Road, There are about 5 • POultry. Plant to, Rem • . • The Poultry :pleat ..at Holmes:vale •is offered to rent.• House, stable, poultry:. boase, feeding pen, incubator hawse, . cold storage and ide bowie, incubators, brooders, and fowling oratee,- all in first elites( 'condi. tion, F. C. EL.FORD. ate, Ann de Bellevue, Qin*. , Residence tor Sale, • In the Yillage tiolmesville. Aug, T. C. Pickard Offers for sale her two storey brick house, which has slate roof, cellar ball eize of house, furnace,' head and sat water in house. . One-half mere of, tvitb plum trees, ()berry trees, berry bushes, ete„ stable on premises. Alsa six quarter acre lets near house. Price $1000, Apply to IV. PICKED, Holmeeilile, or MRS. T. 0. PICKAfteD, Public Library, Lender..." - -- - Wanted, 02100 good loos' sale inan ler Clinton • and Di etrict t o represent Cenadieir Greatest Nurseries.. •"Largost list Of New Specialitie9 Oyer offered in Fruit and Ornamental stook, Permanent situation for the right men, ort liberal tomes Aoply at once for Spring soling seam, • STONE & WELLINGTON, 5iNov16• Toronto, Ontario. • Meeting 01 the Huron_ County Council. Tho eouneil of the County of Einem win meet in comical °herniate, in the Town cf Godorich,at 3 o'clock p.in, on the first i Tuesday n December next, MI aceounte to come before the cOuricil must be plaoed with the Clerk bolero first day' of meeting. Dated Nov, 20, 06 W, LANE, ,volomminmemomonommemorwor tan° • A practical and musical Xmas Girt for the libme is. - 14 It I NTZMAN. P1110 1, eratiR W. EvartS', • A gent, • • • elintOrt* •ettlit, I ...401001611i0101t010.1011110111110000mask 50 YEA.RS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ' • COPYRIGHTS Anyone serugng It sketeltand description nun? quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Contrannicit. tiousstueuroontidontiat. Patents- t (Lon t rou tin oilbrAilutnt'cittiutV46111(1c61,40.LI-r'elotteecytse sent free., otrietit agency g te •-speriat notice without charge in the /0 • Scientific Jiniericano Altandsommyillestrated weekly. idirsest_elr. : relation of any Silent illa 'Perin% *a a year; lour months, v. 80 12 byre: newseeatere. M Nn Ne I ditc00. a I a steettashiligter.,1,„74. SS tBroadway# New ifild Surprising How Christmas Steals us on a Person. • .,....6.*..••••••• 'There'll • be roust turkey, Om puddings and Santa, Claus, al- inOst before we know it. And there'll be Christina eakee a plenty; eve know that, by the amount of people, We know that by the amount of • Peels Raisins end Currants We are 411ing. See :oar ad. On Pane 1. Now, wouldn't it bo n, good idea for you to buy every single thing you need for Christmes HERE, Theiryou'll be sure of getting the Ingheet quelity of everything at the lowest price. 0••••••.dlowtasirionewirrimliarom.••••••,*•*•••••4.6•4•00 W. T. O'NEIL, THE HUB GROCER. • • private funds to loan at 414 per cent and pp - wards •W. klitYDONE. ' . GEORGE ELLIOTT, CLINTON, ONT., Licensed •Auctioneer, ' Farm sides a Specialty.: :TERMS' REASONABLE. Orders left at the NEW ;ERAiwiti be protoptly attended to, •THOMAS GUNDR • Live stock and general Auctioneer; GODERIOH3. ONT. Farm stook sales a specialty, Orders left at N EV7 ERA office, clinton,_promptly attended to. Ternas reasonable. Faimers' sale notes 'discounted, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED fl . B. Rumba% Clinton L P. TISDALL BANKER, 4DIdiNtlebete y 4.11N11.` yrivste funds to loan on mortgagee at •best current vanes Genital Banking Mimo er snot 0104 _ ;nterost allowed on Sale notes bought G. D. Alen:Tort MoTaggart MeTaggart Brosi 1371NKERS ALBERT. ST, CLINTON eeiteral Banking ikasinisi transacted .NOTES' DiSCOUNT;ED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on depoeits, The MeKillop 1Viuttial Fire Insurance eo. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured. OFOICERS, 1. 13. McLean, President, Xippen; Thos Eraser,. Vice-pres., Brucefield; 'rhos. ,E Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforthl PlItECToes. Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John Watt, Harlock; G, Dale Clinton; M. Chesney, Seaftnth; J. Dale, Seech- •woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben. newels, trodhagen, Each Director is inspector of lossestin his own locality. • a0BNTS, Robt. Smithy Harlock; Ed, Hinchtey Seaforth; Jams , Cumming,Etortondo vale; W. Yeo, Holinesville Wanted. -7,--- 1 A relieble resident agent for Clinton and vicinity for Vali' and -Winter' Monthri, tO sell Fruit Tree% Smell Pettit linshee, Ornamental Treee, Flowering Shetibe, ate. All enppliee furnished free. Terms liber- al. We coneider tbie Agency one of the best on our list and good money can be made out of it. Agents n Hi have over SOD acres oreholee tiloelb to drat* ellen. EA cep thing we skip bi gitilt11111(PC4. Apply tor Alit peroctuare, In writing or pereon, to. PELHAM NURSBUY CO., Geoderham Sanding, Toronto, Ont. ?reit dirliTHEELMitit *" Philadelphia Nolh 1. Ostir • Alitiehi6. MI OWN** !Nita/we:0: els* Woo iiitt#441 to* IltilwdAtr r 4, Ls. rell b,won se Nuts , illingooko Mike, 11461104 Tirlost46# ityirraioltt Atikataillfs, oi.blision. k esig.4444700*Zerritaltadt6htilitU:tirtMliti=