The Clinton New Era, 1906-11-23, Page 108 The Ninon NeW Era FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, IOW, Local. Notices.' WANTED—DRIED APPLES. and POMTRY. Highest prices paitl.—OANTEI40E BROS, . COLE 1 COME, For sale. one A 1 Canadian Re.coonCoat which was nut away for another party, Inft who luuln't the money. The first man who coulee atoms will get this genuine Coon Coat below Wholesale price. A. E. SISIITLL gop1o. FALL WORK.-Fartners ehould not complain that the weather has beeu unsuitable for fall work, for, taking it altogether, this fall has been excep- tionally fine, and if farmers have not got their fall work fairly finished up, It is their own fault. DIED AT HOUSE OF REFUGE, - The death took place at the House of Refuge on Sunday of a former wellknowu resident of Seaforth, in the person of James MeGonnigle, aged Co years. Deceased has been an inmate of the House since L902; he was a Pres- byterian. The body was taken to Sea- fcrth for interment. MORE RAILWAYS,- The Cana- -Wan Northern Railway is applying to Parliament for a charter to build a number uf branches in Ontario, one of which has Goderich for its terminal ,point. The Board of Trade of Clinton -if it is still in existence -should get busy and exert itself to secure the pas- sage of the Canadian Northern through the town. It is usual for a railway, in applying for a charter, to define its proposed route, butso far the propose4 route of the Canadian .Northern has not been defined, beyond the terminal point. . • CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ENLARGED. -Owing to the large at- tendance at the Clinton Business 001- tege. the progressive management have found it necessary to get larger apartraents fitted up. An additional ;teacher Miss Rosa McNee, of London,. -who is a Gold Meealist, arrived in town Saturday and is in charge of the K Stenographic Department. nowing something of this institution andthe thoroughness of its work, we can heartily recommend the Clinton Buse. ness College to those desirous of secur- ing a Commercial or Stenographic education. IN TOO MUCH OF A HURRY. - As the morning train from Goderieh was approaching Holmesville on Tues- day, and before it had stopped, a young lady, with telescope valise, jumped off, and the momentum carried her head over heels down the hill. In the mean- time the train had started up again, and the young- lady, who had gained e he e feet, started after it, and it was stopped for her benefit. She raade a mistake in jumping off, thinking she had reached Clinton, but she took big risks. Some of the passengers who saw her said she could "loop the loop like an acrobat." COST HUI SOME MONEY: - A wedding was consummated in an ad- joining town a few days since, which has an interesting circumstance at- tached to it. The groom it is said was engaged to another estimable young lady taen the one who became his wife. He went to her and offered $100o to be released from his engage- ment. The young lady, knowing that she had the young man in a box, refused to accept the offer, but she said, "you pay me $2000, and fal re- lease you, aud you can go to the dickens." Pay the 52000 he is said to have done, eget the way was clear to his marriage- es_ - ACCIDENTS. -On Friday last Mrs. Bean happened to slip on one of the cold air registers in the town hall, which slipped and allowed her to fall partly through: though not 'badly in- jured, the shock laid her up for a couple of days. Mrs. Cantelon, Princess Street, had the misfortune to fall down Cellar, and sustained a fracture of one arm.. On Tuesday evening a traveller at. the Normandie walked to the sear end the la , Un oc e t e iac door, went out on the trunk platform, and walked off in the darkness, falling a dietetic* of about 12 feet : he was pretty badly shook up. BADE FAREWELL. -To Mr. John A. Cooper, Toronto (son of Mrs'. W. (Jmper, Clinton.) on the occasion of his Fel irement from the editorship of the Canadian Magazine, a pleasant farewell was given last Monday night by the management. in the shape of a dinner at the Queen's Hotel. Dr. Fer- gusonpresident althe company, piel the chair, and Mr. Thos. Mulvey was vice-chairman. Dr. Fergileon paid .a tribute to alr. Cooper for his work as editor of the Canadian Magazine. 'this periodical had not at first a verv. pronasing outlook, hut Mr. Cooper s editorship had made it a live monthly. Mr. tooper maa e an appropriate reply, saying that his way was made smooth hy the conipany, and that Dr. Fergu- son was a good busiriess Mati. Ile had found room in Canada for,a high chies monthly wheal was valuable as a cul- tivator of Canadiali literature. Mr. Cooper said he would always veinember with pleasure his connection with this magrizine. Addresses Were delivered by several others, who expressed their wishes for the Sileeess of the Canadian Cormier, the new weekly, of which, Mr. Cooper will be editor. • COUNTY COUNCIL MATTERS.-• The change in the County Councils Act, making the reeve of a municipal- ity a member of the County Conhcil,. will likely bring_ out a number of can - dictates in the different municipalities. - The Wardenship will go to a Liberal next year, according to the tacit nn- derstancline that has been followed for years, and the aspirants for this posit- ion are said to be J. N. McKenzie, of Aehfield, and 'W. Lamont, of Stanley, both of whom will therefore contest the Reeveship in their respective mum. icipalities. in Godeeich Robt. lticLetth will run for the Reeveship, and in Clin- ton D. Cantelon ; neither of these two has been Wardell, though both have been in the Council for some time, and if elected they will run again next year, the Wardeuship being the ulti• mate prize. In Goderich township Mt. Middleton will likely be elected by ee- elamation. The RAMO may be true of Mr. McMillitn in litillett, though there are rumors of opposition. In Colborne it is toad the. e.ontest will be between Mr. Jewell A,Iroung, and Mr, Hill. In WeetWawanosh between1V1r.11ail the present Reeve, and Mr, MeQuillae, Iti East Wawanosh IVIr, Sohn ht Carrie will be a candidete. In AV inghton Mr. Irwin at mentioned as a likely mulls date. in Morris the peesent Reeve, Mr. Taylor, will be opposed by Mr. Is - bider, In other tot/want* there Will likely be contents, but We have tie def - bite itiforialetion in reepect thereto, THE CLINTON NEW ERA - BLOWN'. OVER - The flag pole the echool WAS recently blown oyer. .secli Church Chimes I I The tern() Wind of Wednesday night i 'It blew out a pane of glees in the (ace Lo cal Notes ........................... of Mr Harry Beattie. The -chimney i on the back kitchen of Wesley par-Itojr,*..*,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .4. 3L, SALVATION ARMY teenage, and the tin roof Of the back eleeTTTT`rTTInarehlreasrint45; The Salvation ArmyBarracks,which shed were also blown off. Mr, Win. Keen, brotherof Mrs. hes been under BOMB rep* s, will be LEPER MISSION .-On Wednesday 'Wesley Shobbrook, died in Toronto reopened by Staff ()apt hilayeen Thurs- lweek. evening next a nondenomast inational day Nov, 2Oth, 0 p. ni. His worehip missionary Meeting will be held in . Ed. Cook has bought the house on Mayor Hoover will occupy • the ohair, Princess street at present occupied by Some of our Reverend Gentlemen will Richard Baker. ' * he Present for the occasion. An ex- cellent program will be given and also John • It Worsell, ot Goderich, fore a social entertainment. A cordial wel- tnerla of eflinton, has opened a branch come iextended to all. A small ad - store at Beylleld. passion. fee will be charged si The old Royal Hotel property has . been converted into an implement WESLEY Storehouse for the use of Jas. A. Ford, Mr. Norman jollitie has assumed the leadership of the choir and will loWe understand that Mr. Reeltie has heeeeharge ee it an Sunday next. taken a position. as traveller for a wholesale drug house, and will still Next Sunday being the aVorld's make Clinton his home, Temperance Sunday. special addresses will be delivered at the Sunday School Miss Hattie Trick, daughter Oilr. bearing on temperance Work. , Levi Trick, Goderich township, and So - het certificate on appeal. sepi4lehYnedid financial success of their tea. one of the Modelites here, has snared anicreeal coofntglitoaftglizi Aaina tStclie- Some People think that good poultry meeting and bazaar; they c took in don't pay, but a chicken, that dressed $210,83, and 026 wasmade at the young RS much as a, fair-sized turkey was re- people's table, a total of $230.83. In cently sold here for $1.00. addition to this, the poring people have A. young man of town was before the more money Yet to conse us. Police Magistrate on Fricley evening, The League meeting on Monday OD a charge of abusing his sister; a fine evening was in charge of the literary of $5 and costs was tiartosed. committee, who had arranged ait The wife of Mr, Levi Wham is in the "Evening with Canadian authors, ' hospital, where she underwent an ope- end those present were treated to a ration, and from the effects of which splendid prograra, it being a success she is recovering as well., as could be from beginning to end. Walter expected. Holmes gave a short paper on Thowp- son-Seton, Roland Pinner gave one o Roberts, Sohn Rumball on Ralph Co note and Carcnen Hall on Drumnson while Mr. Fred Hill veva a short pap mentioning a number of Canaille, who had become famous, and who lo done much for Canadian literttur Readings from their works, and music by Canadian composers, etc., helped to make the program very interesting. A reading by Miss Watterworth, from Drummond's "Habitant", is worthy of special mention, Gertie Chant gave a violin solo, and Miss Flora Cunning- ham a recitation, Misses Ida Walken and Leona Potts sang solos ver effectively. Bread-and-butter an coffee were servecl, the meeting closin with the national anthern. • Ontario St, Church to be addressed by afts Watt, of Guelph, in behalf of the Leper Missient All the other dn for that evening . A co ld!" prayer meetings in town will trewith- rawin behalf of the Leper Mission, will be taken. CANAL SCHEME. - Application Will he Made to Parliament for the incorporation of the St°Joseph Trans- portation Company, with power to construct an eighteen -foot canal from the eastern shore of' Lake Huron, in Huron or Lambton counties. This scheme was before parliament once before, but withdrawn because it was said the charter would be refused. 017PLEYS ARROW. -The fallowing advertisement appears in the Hensall Observer and as a matter of interest We give it a free insertion. Surely some of the "pretty young ladies" of Clinton could fill the bill demanded by the advertiser: -A tall, fair, stylish young man, school teacher, desires correspondence, pretty young lady having sufticient means to start a horne., Object matrimony, Address, Teacher, Box 173, Clinton. LEFT TOWN. -Miss Pearl Cantelon (daughter of Mr D. (Jantelon) who has been one of the very efficient and obliging members of the telephone staff here, has accepted the position of book-keeper in the Telephone Office at Orillia, and left fort:here on Wednes- day. Miss Kaiser also connected with the office for some time, will succeed Miss Caritelon ; and Miss Vtoletta Thompson, takes Miss Kaiser's place. NEW QUARTERS. -The Sovereign Bank will move into its newm preises next week, though the exterier is not all completed yet. A marble pillar, on its way here from Quebec will re- place the colunin of bricks standing at the corner. The premises have been thoroughly oyerhauled, and fitted up expressly for the growing business of this bank., and a more extended de- scription of the building will be given when it is all. completed. !; NOY 2$0 1E4 Messrs. Cluff, Chant; Howe, Tozer and Castles went to Seaforth on Mon- day evening to attend a Masonic meet- ing, at which the District Deputy was present. Dame Rumor says that a wed -ling will shortly take place in which a couple of poputar Clintonians are con- cerned ; the house has been rented for two months. Mr. john Ireland, agent for the Do- minion Life Insurance Co., has paid three claims of '$1000 eaclain the Wen- kenwider fercalY, near Zurich, for deaths that have occurred. We are lorry to learn that Mrs. W. Robinson, of the Huron road, hao been confined to her room for e month past, and there seems to be no prospect of inimediate:recovery. The Salvation Army has recently added to their equipment an acetylene gas lamp, suitableeither for outdoor or indoor use. It was imported from IS THIS TRUE. -There is more England specially for them. truth than poeteyln the following Farmers who have been delayed in item culled from a, city contemporary ; the ihipment of their sugar beets, ow- e farm help fane is still acute. ing to inability to secure cars, are this m The farbmi oys are hi the cities clerk- week rejoicing in the fact that smile Mg for $0 an 010 a week. and the ears have been supplied them. farm girls are typewriting and clerk- ing kr $5 a week and both boys and girls are paying board out of slender salaries while their Mothers and fathers are paying strangin. Wages ers as much A GREAT SUCCESS. • Dig Crowd, (hod Supper and Splendid programme at Fowl Supper in the Town Hall. On TillIAPKI'Vk evening last a fowl Quiver was given in the Town Hall und,er the autipiceS of the ladies of the Wesley Church congregation, and it was agreat success. The attendance was large, and the supper was so de- licious and elaborate as to more than sustaiu the reputation of former years. Perhaps the only thing in connection with the whole affair in which one could imegine room for improvement was in the matter of ammoniating guests at the tea tables. Owing to the large number being allowed in the hall at one tune,witere the supper WaS served, instead of people being seated regularly as they arrived,it wile a eese of who could get she that empty cbair, and some strangers who hesiteted to push themselves forward, had to wait a good while, but in spite of this the supper WO.S a most enjoyable affair for all present. Just when the crowd was largest, the electric lights went onaciwing to as fuse burning out, and althoughit wile re- paired as quickly as possible, the delay of several minutes was einbarassing. After supper an excellent program was rendered in the hall, the audience crowding in as best they could. Some were of the oplision that it would have been better had this part of the pro- gram taken piece in the church or else remove the tables. Be this as it may, the hall was packed to the doors, and n. everybody seemed to have an enjoy - d, able tinie. Rev, air, Jolliffe acted tiA er chairman. The program embraced an es instrumental duet, by Misses Ida and sa Louie -Holmes. recitations by Misses h F. Ounninghame and Pearl dantelon ; solosbyJames Doherty,Stewart Jack- son, Mrs. Currie, Miele Lilly Coates ; duet, Mr Bibles/sand Miss Boles ; sun- flo wer chorons, nine girls ; violin solo. Miss Irene Hoover. Miss Leila Hoover and Miss Clete' Ford wore accompan- ists. A parody on the Ladies' Aid, by Miss Ounningharne. caused consider- able amusement Tbose taking part a lin the progranerne ani well known in g I WWII, and so need no introduction,suf- floe it to say they rendered their num- bers exceedingly well, winning hearty • appleuse. The total proceeds of the bazaax and tee amounted to over 0230. 11 is------- 11110/1,00411,•111111411-111,1111141ehalle• WILLIS CHURCH A patriotic imolai and entertainmet under the auspices of the Guild, wi be held in the lecture rooroomof Will Church, on the evening of Tuesda next. The program will etnbrac solos, quartettes, readings &c. la freshments served, . . The congregations were large at both services last Sunday ; Rev. Dr.' Stewart delivered two excellent ser- mons in his usual thouahtfal' and Hodgens Bros. are running a removs practical manner. The choir was as - al sale in Goderich before going inte sisted by Miss Iheturah Britten, of their new pretniees, and Ed. 8hepherd, Goderich, who rendered a solo at each one of their efficient staff here, is service with her usual impressive style as the boys and gide receive terripoaarilv transferred to Goderieh. '. in excellent voide and perfect enuncia- and boarding?! , . Thelast Meeting of the County Coun. tion, Mies Brown's . singing is much C11, in its 'present form, will be held, appreciated in Clinton. We re sorry Os l DEATH OF MRS. H. SIMPSON,- commencing the first week in Decem- At the last Meeting of the W..F.M.S. aearn of the death of • , o no in e change a the election of officers tor 1007 resulte Mrs. Hugh Sivapsentowho Wed in Eg-' good one, Lada little experience will as followary s ; Honorpresident, lilts mondeille on Saturday at the age of. likely sustain this view. Re Irwin ; president, Mrs. J. W, Irwin 09 years, 6 months and 4 days. Deceits- ; ed bad been ill for about three weeks. A very pretty Birthday,Party was ist vice, Mrs. Wm. Graham and vice Mr. Simpson died fifteen years age. celebrated'on Friday last in tionor of airs. Steveart ; 3rd viee, Mrs. O'N'eil She leaves five sons to mourn her loss. Niles Elsie Cooke, at the home of Ma Secreter, Janet Wilson ; treasurer Wm. of Clinton, John and Crawford and Mrs. Herbert Cooke ; with the Kate cTaggart ; Leaflet' secretary. of Egmondville, Hugh of Moosejaw, rausic, singing and interesting games, Jennie TGunn ; hompson ; organist, Mrs. and Alex. of Selkirk, Manitoba. The everyone had a jolly good time. auditors, Mrs. W. D. Fair, Mrs•Eiecutive , c remains were interred in Eginondville Mrs Milne long a resident of . town. ficers new, annKicommittee-all of- nge Mrs. Duncanson emetery on Monday. - . and . forermly connected' •with the airs. oharehers miners. weeshishaw. , . Queen's Hotel, leaves next week for VISIT THE KNITTING FACTORY Lloyelminister where she takes the --On Tuesday and Wednesday of next management of one of the two hotels week the knitting factory will be open conducted by Mr John 13e11 late of to the public from 7:30 to 0 p, no, in town, , ,. • • Newspaper Bargain The New Era has been able to A make an extraordinary good'aza Globe and we are now able tome- rangement with the Toronto nounce a big newspaper bargain, # The new arrangernent now eta ables us to send the NewEra and Weekly Globe for $1.30 and • to new subscribers the rest of the year Will be given free. The \Veekly Globe in its much im• - proved forni with its illustrated •- supplement. is one of the very cl best eekl ere' libh h d in • , Canada. tt contains all the news ; of importance, and is it good' ; rate -two papers for almost the farmer's paper.. aVith this low STORE—NEW& NO .2.5. Price is important only when all other points have been considered. Quality is one important point. May We have your order now We have an assortment of for the Christmas Globe? It fifty samples Private Greeting promises to be a good, number. Cards, for use at the approach- ing Christmas season, on which, A good time to renew your if you let us have your order weeklynewspaper or maganne. soon, we ;will have your name is NOW. It costs no more and neatly printed, making them re- may prevent confusion and de- fined and "pleasingly exclusive. lay. Our prices are the same as They are moderate in price and ,publishersa fashionable. We trust soon to be favored with the opportunity "Friday the Thirteenth," of having you judge for,youeself, notable literary achievement, by regarding the misname of the Thomas W. Lawson, empmences cards and the merit of the plata in Everybody's Magazine for December. • We issue Express Orders. They are safe, convenient and cheap. The W. D Fair Co., . Often the Cheapest, — Always the Nest. . • • . ONTARIO Sa. . • • . • • . Mes. 13. ;T. Gibbings has the children of the Junior League•ih training upon order tagive the people an °iron, a delightful cantatas which wilhproba • .4 The Leland Hotel at Glenboro, Man., lay be presented about .Christmas. was wrecked by ecetilene gas. •ex- plosion• last Monday night.. One of $• price of one -we hope to largely • increase one subscription liet.Re- member the rate is only $1.3(tfor the•New Era and, Weekly Globe for one year and to newsubscribe ers both papers will he sent ' to January Iste 1907 at • this levet price. Send in .your orders early. - Every prepaid .subscription to the New Ito a also carries with it asubseription to the " Montreal • s Herald, . tunity to inspect the factora, an see for themselves the differenD inthrest- eashastelaetslaala•-•hiteielnaalaaladadt The League temperance ineeting of ing pracesees of the manufacture iof the emplo stociiings, ,. The factory 1', 'equipped yees as b wadlburned y . Mr .i• Menclay evepieg was la ettende large orge with •roodern, up -lo machinery, GeHodgena' son of Mrs etodgens, f and proved -to be yere intetestins. Ad nd those who bave neeer seen stoek- t)f town, was stopping at the hotel at dresses Were given by pk. Shipley and a • .a,• find. y :. the thine, but was not .injuhea. • ' W.SH .Rs olmes. .A. no.sionaryclebat ings made .inthis., much interest iwawill ver n the '-' marvels ee • Alady w o had been 'visiting. ie a- mechanicalekill that turn • but 'such . tives here, got to the station Monday beautiful work as. the Clinton Knitting Co. has become noted for. .' .0bitharjr THE • LATE WALTER EARRa- Themes' journal Thersclity makes the- to owing re erence o e death of the father of Mrs. J. W. Ire ; "One.tof the oldest and best - is.promised .for. nextMonday6.venindg, and svill *donbtlese draw a large , au a morning,.. on her way back home, be- °nee . . . - • . • . • . fore she: disconerecl . that she bad left The people' of this ,vieinity will be her puree and return ticket • at the glad to learn Rev.atr leerr has.secured home of , her brother, which neoeseitate Rev. De. Sutherland, secret iry. of. the ed her remaining ever -until nexttrain. Missionary Society of ,, the Methodist. - Church . for the • Ontario - Street . . .. . . - •• . Missionary ' Anniversary seivicee. x+++.4.44,+e 4,4,„t„,t,,,,1,4,4„,644.7)_•_ .Dr. Sutheriarcl iwas it resident of Otip- a e ¥'5 '5¥ '5'5owe's' ton about heat a centurya o, this -being ÷ s - Persona! No t e e +- his -that ciecuit in the -Me dist mini . sr .. • • se If those having - relatives or friend. 44.... knowST. PAUL'S n residents' ra' the ci+. ty passed ees. Visiking in town 'AM,. going 'awn. 40. The A. Y. P. A. aft Panas.Ohuech away Yesterday afternoon, in I he per- see, noises ne of the 11C -4+ +mull lyeolc. w 3_, would announce it in the Is, Inv EltA, "V'' intend holdine a sale of work, Bazaar. . e son of `Mr. Walter RiTT, On 'NOV. 1St ''''' . . + arid len uent 1 en in St, Paurs School 4444.44,040+4,4, House -on Tuesday, the llta Dec. next, w . :Mies K. MeTaggart Was a Toronto !here will be no fee for admission at .T.ea, illbe served fr,o.m a han.to 8 p.me ..teettor this week. the door. Mei. Shannon is visiting her dangle ti a, Mrs Joy, itt .sayliner. . ' .. BAPTIST CHURCH. 111rs 3.. Wiseman him gone ona' visit The usual eervices will he. held next to relatives at St Mary's, ' • . , Sunday, the pastor preaching morning and -evening ; at the evetinig service - in iss Clara I atithwalte..of Gedelirch, the sninect will be "Lot pitchieg his bas been visiting faends'here, . . . . • . ' tent toward Sodom." This subject is. . Mr 'Dick Winter; Of Seafoithe visit- partipelarly suitable to young people, (el friends in' town oyei Sundita. • • and they axe speeially invited to attend . . Mr. Barr fell upon a fence placed acmes the sidewalk by .eome. boys playing Hallowe'eu pranks, and kactured sev- eral ribs.. •A. few :days afterwar is lie was taken .ill and gradualla grew Worse. Ma. Barr .heisborn in Ifenftew, Scotland, on Sept. 1822, And was therefore in the :aatls year of has age: When he first 1(..ft "bonnie Sealant)." he went to the. United •atti tes He re - hustled to his • native :land,: end Again • went tfr the .States; eat:Ater to Sta Timms in 18.57., • A tailor by tattle, he was employed by the late Itobeet Car.. vie as cuttene with whom .he remained a year and afterwards carried. on 'it merchant tailoring busineye on his own: AMA int, retiring &mitt twen t y - fire years ago.. Ile ivas aii entliniiiiietie Sentehttlan, a goonsinger, and -a lovee of Scotch tamp, and hie' •voice Was heard itt. every Seotch gathering or conceit mail within it few years past. De was a menibee Of the Sons .of 5Noe 1011(1. SAMUEL EVANS. - The Tiverton' aVittchinia ol last, week makes •the following reference to the late Samuel Itlyane, dint village, father of Dr. Evans, of town "There 'oilseed away On Saturday nioriling•, tit his residence here, an ted and highly respected citizen or our village, in the person of aix. Saineel Evans. Until the last few months deceased had liee,n a ma,n of remarkable vigor of body and 111111(1, and the disease which -ter- minated his life was really the first sickness of any • account that had ever befallen him. During the early sum- mer the first eyinptoins. of disease ap- peared, which gradually developed in- to such. it malignant type as to beetle the best nuolietn skill. Up till about - two weeks ago Mr. Evahs wee able daily to be About the house, but A more rapid turreof the disease, with increas- ing pain and inability to take nourish- ment of any kind, soon spent Ins re^ mainina stretorath The last two hours of his life were entit•ely free from pain, however, and he lamed away in peace- ful sleep. Durieg all his suffering he bore it 55 111 great fortitude toil Chris- tian patience; and was never heard to minim or complain, but expressed himself as "Simply waiting for his summons" with ri "sturdy faith on the Rook Christ," Mr. Evans wail also widely known throughout the (lenity, being one of Emcees early pioneers. He was born hs Cavan toWnship, Tam - ham eminty, in June, MN, and nearly &CY years MO he drove from there to the township of 13trent, in thie county, and settled on the 14th concession, on bushfatte, to hew otit a Imam along With the other early Settlers,' - Mies Mabee Bailie, •of Nile, wee last week the gni* of aire Chas Meyer. • Central Methodist Chtiache Stant- Mtvid Cooper; youngest. son of .31rs Job haapar, aataenea eeme the weee font ha's • extended an invitation to on •Wednesdey. • ' . Rev, GS T. Saltou, Ottawa; fermerlyof Cl . Mr. Thos. Oalmn, of Cayuga,. son -he inton. Lew of air. Jahn liven, made a, short visit here on Trmedity. • Misses A ttnic Wright, of .London, and Wr ight,of Coderich, visited friends in town over. - Mai Brighton, who hits beeh visiting around bere Itt iseveral months, re- turned to Tiironto, on Saturday:. • Ilarry Stevens, formely 01 Eartliff's tgken 1 inaithei in St Thomas as assistant baker, for et hich placelee left on, Wednesday morning, airs. Hyslop and alis Enema Bilenett, accotiapaniecl by A friend, spent a, very pleasant evening Thins- • day last, at their eousin's,Miseldorence Fowler. of Seeforith Rev Air Curry, of Walton. .will be married at Galt, next-•weks Rev A. X. Birks, of Meafoeth; living asked to per-, form the ceremony. There's another Methodist Minister io the Goderieh District, wherno doubt, will reill this 8avl ilse. . tlC0 nelnile that he should do like- , Messrs W. Jackson,. al. R. Hodgens, Dr Shaw, and Jae McMurchie, who left a couple of weeks ago ori the Ticket Agent's Excursion to Mobile, Ala- bama, returned on Saturday. They expected that ongoing tO the Mout betel States they would eticounter iiiibd weather, but •were surpi•ised to find tax inches of snoW, "away, clown in ' Tn enessee," . ' al• as 11. 1. Awning, of Dungamion, aceompanied by airs 13. 3. Crawford, 'drove down here last Thursday, to at- tend the supper heldin the town hell. • Mr Crawford is one of the best known and mesh poptilita busineee men in that locality, itad has the good fortune to heve an interest in it Cobalt Minima property that is Mid to be Worth con siderable Money. t • .. s. • , . 131ttEP.14 - Hogs have taken a jump .upward • this week, being quoted at eo ,Shippere.of all kinds oomplam of the scarcity of enia..s. .Mr W Doher- ty went to St. Male !iiesterdaye. to alis7 pose of a Ode bolt he owned At that place- -The apple business ia practi- `celly endedfor this' season: .0Vel` 7000 barrels -from her ere.stered in Toron- to to ;twilit the demands of the mantet s...Town & Case itae shipping evapor Ated ceock..., It is seal &' Everist, welt known Toronto fruiters,: Will astatine:1e 30*(4-an-orator here.neet ..The Organ Factory hands are not wor mg a o.ver-sapply •on hand. ....There ere Isere:. bably more girls employed iii this town than in and other in the county,and one hundrea more mord easily tied,: preditabie employment . . Ce ndinatee for municipal honors ere hot yet. verv plentiful; .It . is reported that a cou- ple of yourg. autiee intend .starting establishment here as soon' as they complete arrAngements... :The members of the Royel !timeline have specie. business at; their meeting on Thuredey night Wbete is there it Mtn in town With nuire nuineroue du- s' ties -titan Joe Wheetleywhether he is • rumaine a teas meeting or • ether enters tainMen t. in the towii hall, or limning • some one in taii coolea he ie equally ate home, end obliging and eoarleOnS as the cite:innate-wee warrant. :..A lot of live turkeys have been deliveredhere, daring the past week,T Murphy being: the chief boyee, representing a Strat- ford dealer. 41,444,44 INCRIEASE UR Financial Vear dosed on November , .the 7th. We have just. got balanced up 1 for the past year, and find that we had a very substantial increase in the volume of . business done, for which we desire to thank our numerous customers and friends, as the steady increase of trade, betokens confidence and apprecia- tion of' our efforts to supply the public with Good Footwear at Closest Prices, which is our great- est atnbition, Our stock for rail and Winter is now corn. plete. We have, without a doubt. the largest and best asserted stock to choose from, and we know our prices are the lowest. , The temptation we spread before you is quality and assort- inent, We are sole agents 'in Clinton for Kant Ihrack and the celebrated Granby Rubbers. You Make no mistake When you eome to the OLD RELIABLE for servicable and seasonahle Footwear. Custom Work and repairing oh short notice and at reasonitale prices. Ws, TAYLOR & SON vim," leftwi 'rousers made to your order $4 900. • Regular price $6.so Here is a real bargain in Min's Trousers, A chance to get a pair at a saving of $1.60. We took a, big lot of fine English Worsted 'Trouserings, and got them at a price .that lets us Make them up at $4.90 a pair, 'in- stead of $6.50. ' Thereis only a limited 'quantity, and when it is sold, we can get no more: Samples have been sent to all our customers in the west, .andwhen the orders start to corne in from there, it won't take...long to sell it alt. The material is a. fine English worsted, in winter weight,, the patterns are . neat stripes, in greys and black. They will be made to your order, in our best style, fit guaranteed, for $4.90 per. pair. If you are in need of a pair of Trousers this winter, better wine and see these, be- fore they are sold out. The Boys'. Watches Interest in the Boys' Watch Club stems tO be 'growing right along, The boys them- selves, or their fathers and mothers, are com- ing here for the boy's winter outfit. Every boy who joins the watch club gets a watch when his purchigse Of clothing amount to $16.0o or over, The watches are real good, and will keep accurate time, a watch that no boy need be ashamed to own. direicr nViiroier