HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-23, Page 7Nov. 2$, 1906
It is right in every respect
—right in 'workmanship,
right in price, right in
time, right everytime, ac-
curately adjusted, fitted in
either G o I d, Silver or
Nickle cases.
Let us sell you a Watch
—your old Watch taken
in part pay
Jeweler and Optician..
:"Eyes Tested Free'
(From the Sun)
HONS.—The hog situation is (Mite
unsettled this week, and packers are
aI1 at sea in au effort to size up the
situation. Drovers state that farmers
are holding back in expectation of
higher prices,ancl thisstaternent seems
to be sustained in a measure by the
feet that receipts are running, eo far
this week, about one fourth, below the
normal. The present high prices of hogs
are due to scarcity of supplies, rather
than the condition of the Old Country
market, It is nompetion among buy-
ers that is making high prices.
SuteEr. — At the Toronto market
lambs trought a trifle over Oc for
choice grade, Fowler's Canadian Co,
Hamilton, paid $8,05 for picked lambs,
weighing 105 lbs each, Wei. Waddell
Newton sold 22 sheep at 44.80 end 00
Itunbs at $4.75.
Pottrerity.—The poultry market in
reroute remains steady. There is a
large amount of poor sturf,scalied, etc.
but the demand for good stuff is good,
T. H. Smith quotes dressed turkeys
young, at 14 to I5c, old 12c to 13c ;
geese Se to Oe ; ducks, Oc to 10c ; chick -
ns, 8e to Oc ; old .fowl 7o to Sc. Vance
and Co., quote dressed fowl at 7c to Sc,
chickens 10e to 110, ducks 10e to 12c,
geese Se to 9c, turkeys, 1.4c to 15e.
HonsEs—Burne and Sheppard at the
Repository speak of the high prices
which farmers are asking for horses,
.which, they say, is more than ci:y
dealers can realize. They quote prices
of horses Weighing 1,100 to 1.210 lbs itt
$125 to $150; 1.250 to 1,400 at$125 to11400
1,400 to 1,600 lbs at $235 to $180. Ser-
viceably sound workers are $40 to $80,
serviceably sound drivers 440 to 075,
• and good expreseers $125 to KW,
CATTLE.-, At Toronto Cattle inerket
business was not very brisk. There
was very little good stuff, but a good
market for any that was offered.
There was a lot ofinferior stock. There
was little change in prices for medium
stock. Crawford and 11unnisett
ed choice export cattle at $4.50 to $4:75
medium, 44.25 to $4.40.; short keep
steer, $3,85 to !$4.15; 'heavy feed, 865
to $1.75 ;export cows, $3,50 to $3.35 ;
best bulls, $4 to $4.25 ; medium $3.25
•to $3.50. Choice butcher cattle were
$4.25 to $4,50 ; medium $3 75 to $4.;
emeimani$2.75 to $3:25; butchers' cows,
$2:50 to $2.75.
~iv .
} Giving up Groceries...
We are going out -of the Grocerybusiness
and will sell all our errocery stock -at cost; to, ina:ke '
t, . .
room for the Boot and Shoe d:epartment. '. •If you:.
. .•
. '
, . .
; want BARGAINS, come and•seenS,
• .:•____0,..
. . .
Men's plain Rubbers, regular S5c, fore . ,...... 75e • . •
Boy's plain Rubbers,.tegular 70e. for ., '60e •
Youth's.plain Rubbers, regular 55c, for50e
Women's plain Rubbers, regglar.60c, for ..,-50c
24 Men's Box Calf 13als,'regeler $2.75, for. ,t131.89 .• • *
A special line of. wonien'seDoegolla' Bals, • • ••,
regular $2.00, for '$1:50 •
OppositeAlbert St,
the:MarketGled•hill • Bros. .elintOn
. .
---succEssoiks To G. A, DALLAietleee
It will soon be heat-
• ing time again, so it's
not a bit too early to
• begin thinking about
the new stove you
must have this fall.
We've already put our full lines on the floor. We'll
be glad to haNe you come in, and look them over:
Ranges Coal ti caters Pam, Heaters
Happy Thought Pelee Oak
Pandora Dandy
Corona •. Acme JO* el
Penn Esther • Glen Oak
eanadi an Steel Range Telephone
itadia.nt.114 'nate
• Meet ary's
• Paniouri •
' • Empire Garland
• Etttek.Prize • .
They- are all good ones. Prices aecordin4. to • size,
style and finish.
Harland Bros.,
1. B. Hoover.• Neison Ball
For the next live months you will spenctile most of
your time in are house. We have
Brighten your abode Mid ni tko- the home- cheerful. The
greater the ‘e.littne the lower the pthT,-
HOOVER & 13A1,41.1 MIVAlfro.
Births, Marriages, Deaths
•••11 I
:10Y.. --At Aylmer. on Nov. 14. to Ur and Mn 0.
11..loy,inee lilies Mabel Shannon, of 0linton,1 a
DINSLEY.-t-In Wingbam, on Nov. 13th, the
wife of Jar. David Dinsley, a daughter
SKINN.,-In Eas# Wawanosh, on November Oth '
the wife of Mr. °cora nkian, a son.
HAERIS.—Irt Howiek, on Nov. OM, tbe wife of
Mr. Chas. Harris, it son.
FOTHEEINGHAM.—In Tuelcerfonith, on Nov.
14,th Mr. and Mrs.Dougald Votheringhanha son.
w1ri8ou-1101)W--At the home of the bride's
no.rents. on Nov. 7th. by Rev, Marble% Wut.Wil-
son. of Mensal', to blies 11,tary, daughter of TlenrY
Model, of Woodham.
MARA — WESTON. -- At St. James eAtureh,
Mayfield, on Nov 8th,by Bev. Delielt,Sidner 'Wm.
Itlarit, of Lucan,to Miss Wont/314,0ply daughtei.
of Nee. Weston, of Barfield.
• McKENZIE.--In Aithileld,on Monday,Nov. Mt,
Allen hie nenzie, aged 88 yearnd two months
GEINBIt. In Zurielt, ou Nov. 9th, Mrs.Daulel
Geiger, over 80 years of age.
WINKENWEDRE.r--At Dashwooci, on Nov. 8th
Iola Winkenweder, aged 05 yeara.
An l'nelitent illustrating a Trait Iia
Wontstt's Nature.
"Do you see the woman walking in
front of us there?" aske.1 the man witia
the fashionable tie to the Woad who
was strolling- up Broadway with him.
"Do you notice anything particularly
striking about lier? Nothing, except
that she Is very well dressed? That's.
what -1 would say, Now, rii bet you
if possessed with the same thought.
three women walking just ahead of her
all three will nudge each
other simul-
half a dollar that when she passes the
soon passed them. The three women
nudged each other with their elbows as
. The woman behind was walking
• •
faster than the three In front and she
looked her over from foot to head, then
friend as the other pocketed the half
•"How did you know it?" inquired the -
know it,'" was the•repiy. .0
. ., .
I:had it would have been taking an me •
fair advantage of you to bet, But 1
I. was reasonably certain of it • There is,
-a certain indescribable ' something in
same Women's manner, .appearance and
carriage that causes all other women -to
nudge each other at sight of her. I.
cofildn't tell:yon just what it is, but I'm
ready to put up a wager on It every
; time. The -nudge is Simply a Part of
1 women's sign language which. means
something . that Cannot be put • into
' words, .but,. which every other woman
understand • ' , .. • .• •
- Guardof the Cows. ': ...
• Out In:India one actually finds Eng-
lish soldiers standing pen trY oyez.
The' cow is a sacred 'animal in the eyes
of the Mraloriinft, (Ms, of course,
leads the 'Moharrnecla,n portion_ of the
.rxmolatiort to 'take a savage delight. in
Patting to the sword:all the cows upon
whiCh they can lay hands at Certain.
times Of the year.' The result is, that
• religious cc:inflicts of the most sanguin-
ary character frequently take gMee
• tween the members of the,rival .cCeetts:
It is wi;h4the Obieet of prevonting..riots
• arising front ,f cow-lciiiing. by the: go-
. hammcdans that English sen:triea are
now appointed In certain places, espe7
aially in Mcimbay, to stand' guard over.'
that public. benefactor *hem "Tommy
Atkins," deeply disgusted, has o,liristen-
ed ‘s.int.. cow,'
• A• Warranted ittspicion. •-
. "My•wife was arrested yesterday."
"I'ou surprise ' \Nrhatl •was :the
trouble?" ,
"She tot Off a trolley ear the right
way, and a pacer:me thought she.was
a manen dleguise.". • . .
. .
The oat plant is in Italy as
'emblematic of innate, . •
ger ,itivertlocutettio •
• Purse Found..
• Clontsininv a gnash snip of moneY. AP -
Cow and .c altliii—Ka
For ie, cow and sax months old heifer
calf, also 50 hens. •
pd SaCOB BECKER, Clinton,
Carpenters Wanted.
'food (1 trpenters and Woodworking
Machinists at *be Goderich Planing Mills.
• The GOD1?,1l10.14 PLANING MiLLe.
Goderloh, (Inc.,
Mullett Taxes.
; The Townehip. o Hellett TAX Collector
Will be t following places to receive taxes
At Loncicsburo on the let and 140%
:At Clinton on the Hth,
A t Coriatanoenn the 1101, of Dee»mbe",
11., SMITH, Collector, Bullet*.
3Iceting: 'Ol Om,
Huron ,Cottoly Council.
• The Connell of the County oi Enron. will
tnt et in conned. chamber, in tbe l'own of
Godorieh. at oinlook p.m., on the iltst
Tifesdav in INCeniber next, • All accounts
to come before the &tuned must be placed
• with the Clerk before first flay nr montmg,
Dated Nov. 20, 00 • . W. 1(ANIC,
. 0"erkf
Farm Lands.
I have fOr sale a few sections 'of ohoice
farm land to Southern Alberta, They or.
copy the best wheat section and will near-
ly donble in valne next sorine. 1n1l par -
202 Major St, Toronto,
A practical and
nnisical Xmas Gift for
the home, is ;7
Frank WEvans,
elin:on, Oat,
Ladies' Far Stoles and Cape nes
Men's PurCoats
Sit t•COST
blearing out the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of Men's and Women's Furs,. less than wholesale prices.
Sale starts FRIDAY, Nov 160, and lasts until they are all gone, This will be a rare chance to get a Fur
cheap, right at the start of the season too, when you need one most and want to be comfortable all winter. Don't
wait until you catch a cold, before you buY.
14. Ladies' Fur Stoles
Space will not,permit us to give full description
and length of each Fur, but a visit to this store will
convince you that every one in the lot is worth more
than we are asking for it.
One only Coney Fur Ruff, regular $2.50, for . $1.70
Two only Germau Mink, regular 414.00, for ............3.00
One only Black °gm:Isere, regular $4.0'J, for ' 3.00
One only Bleck Coney, regular $2.25, for ...,... . .. . . , .. . .. 1.50
Three only Black Coney, regular $4.50, for • 3.50
One only German Mink, regular $5.00, for 4,00
One only Coluriabian Seble, regular $7,50, for , .. 5.00 •
One only Fancy German Mink, regular $7,00, for 5.00
One only Isabella Fox, regular $8.50, tor 6.05 '
One only Near Seal, regular $8,50, for, . 6.00
Only Black Telbet, regular $8.50, for 5,50
One only German Mink, regular $15.00, for 10.00
3e Boys' Worsted Hose:18e
• 10 doe, Boy's heavy Worsted Hose, seeends; just the thing 1 On
for over stockings, regularS5e value, Saturday ... .
50e Heavy Cashmere. Hose 3.5e
. .
.Liulte§ heavy ribbed Cashniere Hose, sizes 8, 81-2, 0, 0 4-2,
regular 50c.. value, Saturday
35C Boys' Undervvear for 25C
Boy.'s heavy Winter Shirts and ,Drawers,
1.11, sizes; regular 35c and special for
Saturday • • 25C
• 8 Fur Caperines
For driving and real cold weather, nothing will
• give you more comfort ancl satisfaction than a fur
a penile, with a good large storm collar. This will
be your chance to get a good one at little cost.
Two only Black Coney Caperines, regular $2.50 for :...,....$ 1.75
One only Black Coney Claperines, regular $3.50 for .,', ..... 2.50
One ouly Electric Seal, 'regular 56.00 for •...,.,„ 4.50
One only Near Seal and Astrican $7.00 for • , 5.00
One only Near Seal and Astrican $10 for • s•r•.oP orrf 8000
One only Near Seel and. Persian Bamb $10 for •8.00
One only German Otter. $15 for• ,,.. 11.00
8 Men's Calf=skin Coats
• Eight only Men's Ca.lf-Skin Coats, well
• made and big, roomy Coats, all sizes,
regular $25.00 Coats for • $19.00
Five only Men's Russian Dog Fur Coats:
all sizes, reg. $22.00, for $17,00
Men"s and Youth's Cloth Coats
• • at Cost.
Men's and youths' blue and black beav-
er, Oxford grey cheviot and check
tweed overcoats, at the following cut °
prices. Regular $io for$7.5o, regular
$8 for $6, •
•I'Vt.4' 40-4
" •se
. .
• 'Y t,t"
,jf. yr:• .•
ive" tx.i. • ,
' •$"' ,
' 1.
.4,5 • •.7 o',,e40t.1* ,,i?N‘p,t4,001,1f• •,!..
Clinton Market Report:
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Wheat • 0 72 to 0 72
Oats • (1 :-1-1 to 0 WI
Barley . , .. . ..... 0 45 to 0 46
• Peas 0 75 to•O 7.7
Eggs . , . . „ , 0 20 to 0 .21
Butter , () 20 to 0 20
• Bogs • ' 5 (10 to 5 00
Woe! .(washed).., 0 27 to 0 27 I
Wool (unwasherf). , (1 18 to - 0 18
• Ohic•kens, dry Flaked, Ib 000 PI 0 /0
Ducks, per lb.. ;• 0 (18 to 0 :it/
Geese • 0 08 to 0 fife
• 'I
. . .
. . .
. ,
. . . . . .
. .
' ' . . . •
. . . ,
1.111.S fie bool is recognised to be one 4( '
the befit. coninierrialselmois in'Ainerlea.
You can safely judge a School by the on,
• plications it reeeiceS. This tern: we re• .
ceiVed applications from firms In six
• birgeAnierieltn cities and front fat wore
tOWnt; Find • ,,itita Canails„ • inch:111:1g
Saskatoon, sask., on the nel
• lottetown, ori.tibe liast. tnir re nn -
to tion moons nmeh lor our gro.iltttes.
for our eatainglie.
. .
, Elliott 4:111eLaeltiln
• Principals
0 - 61-5 °W
Now is th.e tithe t� have
your Xinas Photos taken.
Call early and get: our
-•:Specia104er lasting until
Jan. lst, 1907
Clinton. dill
4. .7 '* 7.'47"41.LITS1
is the first step townrcia positions. rating
• • $5000 to $50,000 ntir inintnn in roiNity ser.
• Vile. • Ion ean become 5 gooil opvrator 11)
8 thonths, if yOn Awls' in the CENIRAL
TGLENRAPHYSCH001„ 3 Gerard st,,v,,
Toronto. Tim• finest school In Conoda.
trite for Pll ariti.
•••,0•oomiurl. on•••••
Own 119A
• f11( range to saY, there are a number
of )eople• it) the. con n try. who do not
St-X4lii to understited that 1 am on my
• (twit hoek, so totrimvtitco them Of the
. feet, bit 175 ith0Ve nserted 'Any' plioto.
sho is direct door 1 rth of the
:V P s ie
Normandie Hotel,: where there is as
• • '--- dheice a stock of Vitney AVorsteds,
Tweeds, Panting's, Over -coatings arid- ;v.?
Teacher. Wanted. • Week mei hlue Woesteds tie found any
I ( e
Stop that Cough
by ,keeping your feet dry and warm th :some of
our fine serviceable, footwear.
1. Lunihermen's Rubbers, .
One buckle, two buckle low lace, high lace, high
leather, top lace. .
• 2, Felt ShOei, •
Heavy Felts, Fine All -Felt, Fine Felt Leath7
er Faced. . • .
3. Heavy Boots.
Calf Skins, Kips, Chroner Splits, and good Z,
_ _ _ , • '1`
Beside a fine line of finer boots; leather leggings zi4,
1.1-1cl heavy wool socks. . 11‘;
orrell. & llolmes
*****AM**** ****4******
E 8 1
Teacher for 5. 8, No 16, East Wawan-
osh, for he year 11)07. Salary $400 per
amain. Apply before December let to
p641 Box 182, Weil].
A.Snap in some
liousehold ArtieleS.
One Bell Piano, upright, hearty new, at
about half -rice; one parlor Coal Stove, and
one wood cook Stove; one sewing Machine,
all for sale at low prices.
II. VAN TRIL01.4,'
pd21 ltaglau St.
ROOMS to Rent,
A couple of rooms to rent, unfurniehed,
can be heated or otherwise, eteel central
le:Mien, Apply et, 11B‘Vellite. race
For Sale.
A good " Taylor" Sffe. be sold
'cheap. Apply to W. W. VAltitieN.
Advertise in the NEw EnA
p . • . .
Sitits made to order on short notice. W,
Kindly give us a call, and inspect for
, yourself,
Merchant Tailor, - Clinton. *
sectlrfl 811 eliticatinn that Will moat.
oitickir (Ind r it rei v lit sou for rho prat -
ti -4•111 duties or We, is Offered by this
Itnilur new managementwith
improved equipment end (nurses (01'
oldest tchooi 1,, the nectia,t and tnic of
the be,,t, 'Write for entalogne a0;1 tree
budget of "linsiness Writing,'
Brit shAmerIcati
Business CoIIegc
v,11(),A Minifying, Sto.
hT M VATSON Prlogipal,
Too Much Money in, furs
• We ask you to aid us in clearing out our, Fur
Coats. We are advertising- our Small Furs this
week and have not space.for Prices on Fur Coats
fOr ladies and gentlemen. •
But we will .sell you. a Fur 'Coat cheap for
• Men and Women, ••
Look at our prices of smell Fen here: •
•1 Texas Mink Collar for $1,35
Child's Leant) Boa for 52.50 .•
• 1 Caneck Sable Stole, very:embhy, for $12.00
1 Nutria Stole, perfect goods, fol. $8.00
1 Amerieart Sable Si pretty‘diede, perfect goods, $7
1 Stone Martin Ruff for 50 •
1 Chenell-trimmed Stole for $12 '
TeXAS Mink Stole, heads and tails, for $5,
1 Electric Seal raperirie, With Persian heel( cn collet, $10
1 l'exas Mmk Stole, with 0 tails, for $5,50
1 Sable Stole, with six tails, for,$8,
0 Do you want a snit cheap
Ilave.you even oue,Chelt Overeoets?
See our Clothing, for totality, style (led prices,
successors to McKinnon tt Co., Myth
4 lleadquatters for Stetifields Vnderweee fort:idles, Atm