HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-23, Page 22 rr, 6 THE CLItTON NEW BRA The Now Era published every Friday at, the NUW ERA. Printing House, ISAAC sTnetUT CLINTON. Terms of subscription -$1 per year *advance ; $1.50 ruay be cha,reed if Md No paper discontinued Until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, The date to ago. He thinks there should be abso- which eversesubscriptien is petals de- lute free trade between Canada and noted on the label. the States. Advertising ratee.-Transient adver- tiseinents, 10 cents per nonparel. line Mr Hi 1 points out that Canada is for fitst insertion and 3 cents per line "no suppliant," and that her future is for each subsequent ineertion. Small i eee erre assured, no matter what the United eldvertisements not to exceed each as "Lost," "Strayed," "Stolen," . States ma,y do. Canada has 19,000 etc, inserted once for 35 Outs, or one : m ' iles of railways, a trade of $500,000, nionthfor$1.0o1nmun1cetions intended I ,„,„ for publication must, as a gnarantee of t ' a year. $4°() "s°°° im'ested in good faith, be accompanied by the manufactures, and an annual product Waste of the writer.. $4804)0,000 worth of manufactures. To insure publication in convent I suecopy of advertisements should be All title growth, says 1Vir Hill, has heen vent in early.achieved withoot outside a' id by the Contract rates - The followingtable sinews our rates for specified periods people of Canada using their own re- seed space. sources, and developmentehas only be - 1 yr. 6ino. Sino. lnio inn. There island enough in Canada Start them Thinking 1Baby's irth A Tryingliirne A good farm is better than Cobalt. Farmstead Skits Mr, J. Hill, the well known Ottilas Study hew to dress fowl for maxket. clian lqiinager of the Great .Northern ltellWay, of $t Paul, basset the people , of Chicago and the West thinking over made Remy If the Mother Pre, a speech which he delivered before the pares Idler System wilth a Brae - Chicago Board of 'I'rade •a few days 100 Treatmeat or rterrezene. A happY farmer is theking of Men 1 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 Column 40 00 2b00 15 00 600 n Column 25 00 15 00 800 250 Column 18 00 10 00 550 2 00 1 Inch 600 350 200 120 ROST. 1.10LMES. Editor and Proprietor The glinton F18W EVB CLINTON, ONT., NOV. 23, 1906 Not a Remedy . - Discussing electoral evils, some Of •our exchanges suggest [compulsory voting as a remedy therefor,- bet we are inclined to think that the sugges- tion would not be effeceive. Even if alt persons were compelled to go to the polls and cast a ballot, this would not prevent e man selling his vote if he , were so disposed. In fact, it would -make the purchase of votes a simple thing. Once it became ill -gal fer a man to stay away from the polls, a man could easily offer another a bribe and say "mark your ballot fer me, or if you are unwilling to do that,. spoil it," How wou'd compulsory voting .affect the offer or receipt of a bribe at all? We believe, as we have said in pre- vious at•ticles, that the only effective method of dealing with corruption is •• to feed every mouth in Europe. "This is a neighbor to be taken note of," lt wi:1 he a long day before there is absolute free trade between the two countries: but it should not be long before the trade relations are better than at pvesent. We cannot ignore the fact that tbe situation of the two countries twat make thein neighbors, and if the Americans wantto show their neigh- borliness they ten.veduce their tariff, and thus pave the way for reductions on our side. Deafness Cannot.be Cured Wolfram immediately experience a reel gain in power and strength from using Ferroeone. It is a true nerve and blood tonic and effects permanent cures unpata - leled in thebistory of medicine. Ferrozone supplies tbe essentials of life that are exhausted by overwork, worry, indigestion or high livings It contains just what every ron-down Woman and girl requires. By instilling tievestrength into the blood, Fereozone benefits the whole body. Digestion improves, the eyes sparkle the cheeks glow with girlish beauty. , Normal powers are restored to the l regenerative organs, the nerves are re- charged with energy, proving that direct benefit is resulting from Ferro - zone. There is no greater boon to suffer- ing women than Ferrozone. It fills the system with the snap and fire of youth, builds up firm tissue, rounds out the form; until perfect woman- hood and vigorous health is attained. Ferrozone is the one safe tonic for ladies to use, because it contains no alcohol or dangerous drugs. Growing girls, young womeneexpectant moth- ers -every female will derive unques- tionable benefit from this. grand res- torative. Prepared only in tablet form, 50c for a box of fifty tablets, or six box.es for $2.50, at all dealers. Have you tried that leg of lamb for your farm dinner yet? Scientists say that lemon tead apple juices will destroy cholera and typhoid germs. The dissatisfied grunt of the porker is disturbing our quiet dreams Of farm pl4pentya.rt of Iandiana Citizens have by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and.that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- trichion Tube. When this tube is in- flamed, you have a rumbling sound. or impertect hearing,and when it is e1ntir- ely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the tube can be taken out, and this tube restored to its normal condi- tionthetwing will be destroyed forevere pine cases out of ten are caused by 0a- tarrh, which is caused by an inflemed. condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars' for any case of Deafness, (caused by Catereh)that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cui.e. Send for circulars free. • F. J. CHENEY & Toledo, O. • sold by -Druggists, 75c. . • • ., Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. to make it a, cii na1 oif ence to either , • . offer or receive a bribe. At the assize • vourt in Toronto the other day, Judge:- Teetzel, himself a Liberel; Made the following statement, in which. iteivii be seen he makes a similar suggestion "We must express -our amezement at the low sepse • of' honor existing among the electors„ as veyealedin pus evidence of the pevitivy eases, and from the numerous election spit saris- ing from time to t imeln widely divi 'et1 parts of the ..1)0minion, it erduld seen. . as if all T he electorateeew: teintede void of all sense of honer, and -as if the end in rill ceees Jostified the. Means. WE .1014 TOUXIOESxT TuAT A LA:w 13E- Y0IIIIIII.ATED IN wine» THE RECEIVER, wim, BE etTNisilED AS WE AB await, and that aeverepenal ties shotild .be meted out to.all. participants in pol- itical corruption 'as would debar and. prevent repetition of snch. deplorable se.andals." Running.a Newspaper . The, following poem ntree.be of intei, nst to those who are full of the Opinion that they coat rim a newspaper bet- ter than the editor in charge : • Despite the greet public works, un- dertaken by the •Dominion • Govern- ment in the •leet ten. years,. the public debt :of the Dominion has not been added to,e ' abording• to the latest CM-. Get 32 Millions from the Dairy in many respects the season which is fast drawing to a close has been the most important in the history of the Canadian dairy industry. Taken on the whole. it has not been a profitable. season for the exporter, brit for the farmer it has certainly been a banner. year. • - Prices during the entire season have been unusually high, and the, amount that has gone into the farmer's hands is the• largest , in the history of the • trade. . . A conservative estimate shows that the Canadian dairy farmers have, • er will ba,vb, by the end of the seasore re delved cOnsiderably over thirty-two million dollars for their. produce :dur- ing the past seven mouths, which con- stitute the dairy season of 1006. . Mr. R. M. Ballantyne, Canadian manager•Of Lovell and Christmas Co., rchase • 8000 acres near Sperling, Happiness is not -made by silks and bonds. A. contented ditcher is better than the dissatisfied . At a sale of Clyde horns belonging to Thomas Smith, of Scotland, British' Chief sold at $3750 and Royal Rose for $2575. Earl Grey and his son, Lord Howick, are now fruit farmers of Hritish Col- umbia, having purchased some land. naar Nelson. Prof. G, E. Day of Guelph is one of the judges at the Chicago Live, Stock Show, No better in Canada could have been selected. The railroads of the 'United States received $524,764,025 as revenue for carrying agriceltural products this year, says G. 3. Grammer, vice-pre- sident of the New York Central, The Hartney Star is out advising the farmers of Manetobs, to have thei r farms mimed, and the name placed in a conspicuous place near the gateway. It favots a small rebate of the taxes to the farmer complying. A London cheese impprting firm is emoted by The Trade Bulletin as .say - an., to form a settlement. mg that the consumption of cheese in England at the present time runs about 60,000 boxes a, week, but even, putting it at 50,000 boxes, it would make the requirements 1,600,000 up to May 13 next. As the total available supply is placedett 1389,000, this leaves a shortage of 211,000 boxes. Robert Beith,.ex-al. P., has returned ' from a two -months'. visit to Europe., where he' bought two Hackney stal- lions,. eighteen ,Hackney mares, and four Clyde mares. 'Mr Beith now has forty eight horses in his Bowmanville stables. Thomas Baker of 'Durham. County, evhcsaccompanied Mr Beith, •• brought out two Clydefillies, and is importiug a number of Shrop sheep.. -Statistics in relation to the 'world's. produitionof honey designate Spain • as second in the supply of that ;pro- duct, the total number Of her beehives being 1,690,000 and the quota of honey furnished by • her 19,000 tons out of 80,000 the world's yield.' Germany, with -2,0Q0,000 beehives prOduced,20,000 Limited,- estimates the Nolo. o the tons of honey, a larger 'quantity than cheese and buttetsexports as follows : , .. any other county. .ranking anking Cheese, a25,156,000. - third,- produced 18,000 tons of.. honey, Butter, $7,392,000. 'France *10.000, Holland and Belgium .A total of $32,548 0°0, . . -• • The total output ocheese is esti- • less than 2500, and Greece, itessia and f .. mated at 0Denmark 1000 tons ettch 20,000 boxes. The exports • , . of butter were 601,598,..at an average . V 4. ATAL BLOOD POISONING price of 22 cents II pound. . • • The following table shows the total Frequently follows the use of cherep estimatedmake of cheese, with the eorn salves and plasters. The safest is. value' for' each seas= for the past few the best, and that's "Putnam's," which has a record of fifty years success. Re- fuse substitutes for "Putnam's," which costs 25d in every drugstore. - • . ,' . . . .. . • , years:. chil statetitent, At th present; •e debt Price, at Canada is $256 73t,903, Whereas,25 Quant •ty, )6.• 620 000 $0.60 ,156 000 .isi' Government of Sit Wilfrid B. * :05 ... * ...I:4130000 8.50 24000,000 . ,.. . e. vnt the letrwieteceine emu) power 1896 the ' :2,808,822 6.80 • 19099,800 - .debt w 82:58,497,1433, .51r. Fielding 1903 : 9.00 28,310,000' will have l another Peasant story to tell . ', . . , . . . • • - . . • xhen, in .the text .Weck ot. twO; be ., . HOW IT SPREADS ' .. . makes his financil statement. • The first package of Dr Leonhardt's e • H n-Rbid '(the •infallitile Pile • cure) • that was pit, out went to•a small town The .President .of the British Board of Education was asked to make it compulsory to hoistthe flag over all schools, as jii the 'United States and 1.litnitoba. His reply, that "lie did • noe thiels-• patriotiarli ,in 'Ireigland and • Jim Jones. he was an editor.- thatls, he tried to be ; • • He bought himself a hand -pros, end started in to see Jest what there was to editing, bite when he'd eenvessed mend. ' Some fifteen: hundred editors in that same town, he found, • They all knew more about it; than Jones could hone to know; • They told him, -You must run her, Jones, jes' so, and so, and so 1 . -"Give every man a notice ; be sere end put it down Whenever Major Jinks is seen to per- ambulate the town t rut in a few free locals for all the stores and give Each man a free subscription, if • • you Want your sheet to live 1"'"' Well, Jones. he done jes' as they said, for fear they'd Make a row, . • But the more he tried toplease them all, the more they toldhim hew ! Until at last be took his book an' ittici it on the shelr ; 'Then run the !taper in the ground' an' follored it himself! • . . „ • One man has beee convicted of men elatighter and sent to prison Sortheee een mths for shooting a hunter "in Mis- take for it bear" near Sudbury. He gets off easily. Such. blunders .should be made so costly that they would net .be indulged in by the careless. . Wales needed tohe manufactured. nor Would it he promoted by coinpulsory . . Conditions .ot any particular ritual in connection with • flag waving," shows • him to be a statesman. above- •ile pea-.• -"nut grade, whose idea of patriotiSin is: • not n ttai ned by Mere bnister •Meignor- lint: fl:tg-eeorshiP. • • '.. . • • . The Libeinls cif East Hunortapnounce a noininating beinvention for the llth Of December, • when a candidate will ." be put in the field for the Dothinion • Houee. The Liberals, we believe on win back the three H.urons, but it can. only bedone by having tandidetes the field tit an efirlysdayeand thus giy- Ines ,ample oppertunityfee personal Work. We have talked with e timelier of people from East Huron, as to the • When the Hair Falls . I EK a Then it's time to act i No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to savO your hair, and save it 'quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your flair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else, It's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial - "Bold for over sixty years." Mane Isf.,;4:44,1,,rzaz,:ririimir... of,„„. SARSAPARILLA. a 'NAY MORAL preleible nominee; tne general eoncene sus of opinion being that Dr. Mitedore aid, who sdality represented the riding for many. years, will not again peek payliarnentary impoes, in which event the choice wbeld probably lie between W. .11:..Kerr,' of Bruseels, and It, Van - stone, of WingbanO Both are good nien, both• are strong Men, arid while wehave not the . slightest hostility to \raLlstone we stippose our, joure rialistic sympathies • drew es towards Mr. Kerr. He has done good service for the Liberal party, and we believe he could be elected by a substantial mnjority: If any one desetves eonside oration, it is Mr. Kerr. ' • in Nebraska: ' Iecured a case ef Piles that was considered hopeless. The news spread, and although this was onlytWo years ago, the demand • prompted Dr 3 8 14eonhardt, of Lin- coln, Neb.., the discoverer. to' prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all pats of the world. • • .It wtll curesany case of Piles. • There is a month's treatmenten each box. • Sold for $1.00,- with absolute guaran- tee. • • • Itis for sale by druggists, or by The Wilson-Fyle Co., Intuited; ••Niagara Falls, Ont. . • • - • The Immigration -Department at, Ottawa has received a ttheek for $2,275 . representing fines paid by the captain of a vessel running into Vancouver' for landing Japanese imniieritaits iLIi- aut notifying .the quarantine officers. Tt appears that 65 immigrants Were landed .before the • vessel in • question pot into Vancouver. They made off through the weeds. The police were notified,. and withthe aid of .the Japanese °opera the men were roupd- :ed up. A prosecution was then in- stituted, with the resultstted. It is the that of the kind brought under the immigration act,' • • On San. 7 there will be 109 !peal op, tion contests in the Province of On- tarice•while six meinicipalities in which. the measure had, carried will, seek to repeal the vote. •• These. •lattier are the towns of Toronto junetion ahd.Stittop andthe townships of Niagara, McLean Ricloueand italeigli. The only city in whieh the voting on the Act will take place is Hrantford, • with twenty licenses. The towns are Collingwood, with ten licenses ; Ansa Craig, two Alliston, five ; Be'eton, three ; Brad- ford, • two ; Embro'• three; Hensel', two ; Kemptville, fem. ; Kingsville; three •, Listowel, five : 'five ; Port Elgin,. three ; Richmond, one ; St Mary's • seven Teesvvater, three ; Woodbridge, two ; 'Weston; three t Tottenham, two, and Teeswitter, three. '11 -CE ELDER .TEL. • once Meld In U1g Hsteernnee n Cure For. Epilepsy, . Althoughtradition tells us. that . it. was on au .elder tree that ludas hang- ed. hiteself,• greet virtue has longbeen attributed -to it as a Cure for epilepsy. The origin of this -belief may. be. found . iu tile following quotation from an old book of charms: ' '• , • • "Iii. the. moth' of October, a •little before' full mon, pluck'a twig of elder and cpt the cane. Wats is between two of Re knees, or. knots, .ie nine pieces. Bind these pieces in a ill'ece or trio% hong this be it timed- about the neck. • • More than one best? When you ask your grocer to send you the best flour, he sends you— his best. When you know the best flour and. order by the name, the choice is not left to the grocer. Many grocers handle Royal Household Flour as their leader. They have found it the safest fiour to recommend because its results' are sure and its purity ,is unquestioned. It your grocer's best is not Royal Household, insist on his getting it for you. The benefit will be mutnal. . Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. MONTIFAL. • Nov, 23, 1901 PROFESSIONAL dismty BEATTia Stineoesser to $ir Os Oasis BARRISTER, 801401TORI iffan °UNTO . • Office -Elliott Jelook, formerly isocuplea „ by Mr noott. • , IIONET TO LEND BioncooNEI. 1 niouttsTER 130LIOITOR SOTAItY PUBLIC), ETC. CLINTON FOR SALE or TO RENT. For Sale. For Sale or to Bent A Two Storey building in the old brick Lot 15, Con. 13, Hulled, (150 acres) is block occupied by Rich, Baker. • offered for Bale or for rent. Poesesaion to JOHN MeGARVA, Clinton, be given at the dose of the current year. For phrtionlars apply to W. BRYDONE, Clinton,' RIDOOT & HALE • -- CONTETAIWERS, 1:1011MISSIONERei Real Rotate and insurance Agent Money to loan 0.113. RALE, JOBN IODOUT Horseand Buggy tor Sale. • oescl'quiet &Wog borse, with heirnesti and buggy. Atply at the ' tf NEW ERA OFFICE. so thatethey newt! the spoon et. tne • • itetu•t, •er the sevord formed. certiktee. • . semi that thee May, More ' their place bind lhem theredu with a. ;linen or .slikeu roller wrapped =tad .tho body'VlItho thread, break',o itee4..- .Tir itehigt)reken and the roller removed the 111111)11 1i to be touch- ed at all, withit2 bare hands,. but . Atoll betaken holdof by ewe° in- streinene•and. buried In e place that noboO. may ninety it" •• • . 0! course uniese, the instructions were followed rie sttle, a vemplete cure tould net be .assured. There Is another 'superstition ,aboet, the elder wench doubtless has eaved. many: a boy 'stout caningenneely, that ithinders• growth osed. ts an !mm e- . !pent Of, poolshincat -Suriday Maga- eine. Store to Bent. The store in the Victoria Black, so long occupied by the undersigned, is offered to rent. ithas ben papered and painted throughout, and is in first-class order. T. JACKSON,. Sr. Cottage tor Salt. The cottage on Orate° St. adjoining the property of subscriber is offered for sale on reasonable terms. W. C. SEARLE. Also a couple of good brick stores. . House for Sale.. Subscriber offers for Mile his house and three -quarter -of -an -sore of land on Mary St. Fruit trees, good hard and Soft water %leo stable, Will be acid on teaeonabl terms. GO. DA.VIS. • Fears eve expressed that Limit Peary • lets been lost- et, sea, The Theedote - Roosevelt, .tlai vessel twinging Peary 11 ome, was due . at Sydnev last week. She wee:lad reported 0113attle Mabee, on the fAbradoi. coast,by the stutint t Virginia Lake. The Roosevelt rens Welty battered. by ;.,1 01111S, ;ITO the' offie cers of the Virginia Lokiseta all: her • beams bed been cut for fIrwoodWith two blades of heepropeller gone, the Roosevelt MIS able to make nines four miles .to 'home For move time Tv week.. SIPAseNS storms have swept the New. -fat tedland.eoest, mid in her damaged emulitioe the Roosevelt may • have 'boon unable te weather the totles. Ile hatesince•been hard from. .thiring the pest five years 15,0e0 two, sons were nimelered in the Crated States, :Afore Itersone Were inttrdered last year than died of typhoid fever. That the United Stettet is the most erinain 11 erminey in the woridehe ;hoot SVIett!TTI 1110:4 1008P fttla antiquated,and. the law ope» to • attacls, were 'Among the aseertions made by.1 Udge email, Of Ohmage, 11gtircs and crime sta ties Of 1 be event countries of the • world were also gieenaind it ores shrinro that, while England and Wales .had tally .317 enurdeve last year,' in the 'Uni- ted Stats 8,760 persondied by the - hand of the assassin, LIVER COMPLAINT • The liver is the largest gland in the body; its office is to take from •the blond: the properties Which form bile. When th( liver is torpid and inflamed it cannot furnish bile to the bowels, causing them to! mime bound and e.tisf iv°, ,The symptoms are a feeling of fulness or weight in the right ide, and shooting pains in the sante region, pain betwvn the shoulders, yellowness of the i,kin and eyes, bowels irregular,. coated tongue, bad taste in the morning, co. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVE R PILLS House and Lot ler Sale. ' For sale, the comfortable' frame bocce on the norm of Rattenbury and Realms Ste., at present occupied by Mi. Geo, Rice. For particulars apply to W.IG. DOHERTY, Clinton. are pleasant and easy to tufo; do eot weneen or sicken, never fail in Their etteets,:atal are by far the safest owl quickest remedy for all diesmics or TIL -orders of the Iver Price Ill cents, or 5 bottles: for 3.1.001 all dealers or mailed direet, on reeeipt of • prke by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Taken as directed, iL becomes the 0-reatest curative agent for the velief • • • of suffering humanity ever devised, Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druegist. 'Met 1.lI,10a ble 3111111lenie, “ltelinstidter,- snys an. experienced , Matron, .11(8111 is not always an easy task for :i. glri to know when it man le ht lovi, whit, her. Love affects differ- ent men differently, It makes one genial, another gloomy; one than p08' lot's :Mc woman he loves wIth his attisn- tipus, while another, man Is rendered shy and 'will hardly glance at die ob. ject.`of 'his devotion... In short, the whole problem Is one which • clematels tact and patience. A girl should al- ways beware of etipposing that every man who ie politely etteittlye to her is smitten by her charms. itunartids of men 11101 a fascination in woinen'S soeiety tvitimut being in love *ale any partienler womn 0 'Pile num who IS really in love Will sooner 01' later re - 3 eal e • • . House for Sale :The large Cotte'ge On Queen street, 'be, longing to the estate of the late E. Hermes is offered for sale. The lot is one-half acme, with bearing fruit tries, hard and sof t,water. . A bargain. Apply at NEW ERA office. ' • , ----Choice Farni kir Sale House Mr Sale.. Farms for Sale • Drs. Gann & Gtinn„ Dr. W. Gunn, lo lit• C. S.. MI*. Dr, J, MO** Gunn, xi. ite. C. S. Siescland, X.. It. C. F., Leaden. Oce-Ontairio Street, Olinton, Night calla ate front door of office or residence. Rattembury Street. R. J. W. SHAW. PAysiotax. SURGEOR . Asectishenr eta., °Moe and residence On tario at., opposite English church, formerly on envied by Dr. Appleton. Clinton Opt. DR. C. W. ThiolVIPSON Physician, Surgeon, Nitc, special attention given to diseases of th* Eye, Bar, Throat and Nose. Office and Residence. • Athert Street.2 Blocks North erItattenbiery G. W. limning Smith, N. D., Ca PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE -Main Street, Opylield, formed, occupied by Dr..Pallister: DR. F. R. axeN DENTIST • (Successor to Dr. liolines.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of the RoyanCollege of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor graduate of 'University of Toronto Devi•, tal Department. Graduate:40f Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Chicago. Will -visit Hayfield every Monde.Y. •r - DR. H. FOWLF.11t, DENTIST. . • ' Offices over O'NEIL'S Store. . About 850 aortas first-olass land, situated Special care taken to make dents tre on the 4th end 5th concessions of Hallett, ment as painless as possible. W vi i are offered for sale. This is the finest pas- Auburn every Monatty, ture land, whiled exception, in this neighborhood. For partioulars enquire in the first place by . Mail. JOIXN •Reesrone, Box 583ondon. • Choice Land for sale. Snbsoriber offers tor sale the 20 acres on the Hayfield Road, Goderich Tp, at .pre. sent occupied by him, and known as the Plewes farm. Good frame houtle,• done cellar, barn 86x70 with cement wall 9 feet high; good bearing orchard, plenty of water. JAMES SMITH, Clinton. Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 103 sores, being lot 31, 3rd on. H. R. 8. Tea- ersmith. All cleaned and under cultivat- ion exoepe 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grass Frame house, bank barn hay barn, and other outbuildings. Bearing orchard., Good, water. Schoolhouse oe the premises. 6 miles to Seaferth less than 5 to Clinton, g esel •• WHITinLoO ( ;RICH, Clinton; Farm tor 'Sale. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm of 100 acres, being lot 24, don, 2nd, Stanley, All cleared but 10 acres, Brick house, bank barn 40x80. cement silo, 14100; one acre orotehar.dand snuill fruits, 2 never - ling wells, Driving house pig pen, hen house. .Five miler] from Claton andIhree from law:1064d, on good gravel roads. ALBERT , T,- - • 'Clinton P. 0, • • • Comfortable frerne.hciuse• .on Mill St., - containing 3 bedrooma, eittidg' root?, pan- I try woodshed, good 'cellar, herd and soft I wider. One-quarter acre lot. Will be Bold ohesp. Apply at NEW ERA. Office, or. pdl$ HENRY FOLLAND, (Hinton. Mist`, ft 1ft erts014s. When youlig4tere (.0111 In hungry at Mien rive ti le creole will help still the'1 pangs oC hunger; Werth if cup of rice, &nth it and pin it over the fire In a eimeepan rend Airtime it quart of boiling salted water. Coek hist and hard for five minutes, drain oi' the water and pet the Hue into the Inner vessel of the detente boiler with an even cupful of 0 nyod 1.11)0 tomatoes (peeled, of (.0111e0) and one terse green sweet pop- per, seeded end 1111000(1. Ar1(1, n little salt reel a teaspoonful of sugar, with a teaspoonful • of onion juice. Lastly pour ' a client' of boiling Water in hne beenemeltiel a heaping table. spoonful of butter. Cover closely and $immer tor half en 1101I1' or until the riee is tender, hut riot broloa. • • , ubsor ee o era 9 farm of 96 acres on the Bass Line, being ninth part of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hu)lett Good brick house, barn and all necessary outbuildings; 35 acres bush; farm well Wa- tered and in good condition. 2 miles from Auburn, and one mile from the proposed C.P.R. station, JOHN SPRUNG, Au. House for Sale.. . burn P.O. Large fame house on Welliagton St., Clintonelately °out:lied LyF. C. Allcock. 7 mores, and pantries, and woodshed, good dope (teller, 3.4 acre of land, bard and soft water, A splendid charm for a tenon wanting a good house. Apply to • MRS ALLCOOK, Clinton, or Mrs. .0hid- ley's, Isaac Ste Good House for' ‘;'tle • Subscriber dffers for sale his large and comfortable frame house ea Albert Street, The house has every convenience for orci,n- ary temily. Good cellar; hard and soft water on the lot; three-quartere cif-sn acre of land; bearing fruit tress, also good stable, Will be sold on reasonable terms. A.; WIER EN, Clinton; Mich 30th . ' • House lor Sale The coemodions and welbsituated house known as eLakeview" on Blain avenue, in the rown Of Goderich. The place has every convenience, and is especially well looted for a boarding house, and is et present doing a good business in this line, Largo lot and a number of fruit trees. Possession can be given 1st of Jan, next. Apnly at Premises. or bv letter to 'AIRS, E, Mc- DOWELL, Takeview, Goclerich. Poultry Plant to Item, The Poultry Omit at Ilolitesville is offered to rent. House, stable, poultry. house, feeding pen, incubator home, old storage and ice house, incuintors, broodere, and feeding orates, all iYi iirstelass cOndi- tiOn, IP, 0. ELF011,D, 'ate, Ann de Bellevue, Quebec, Residence tor Sale. in the Tillage of Ifolaulsville. rar Mrs', T.,(1, Pickard offers for rade her two storey brick house, which has elete roof, cellar full size of house, furnace., hard and soh water in house. Onedialf aore of land, with plum treets oberry trees, berry bushes, etre stable on premises. AIROaix quarter acre Iota near heed. 1'ricef$1500. Apply to W. PICKARD, Mimeo/file, or MRS. T C. PICKARD, Public Library, London, r. • Miscellaneous. TAMES' OARIVBELL. LONDHS130NO, 1.) liSCHE GB MARRIAGE LICENSES. . No vyitnessee reouired Money • Private funds to loan at 41A per cent and up- wards • w.,BitYDONE. • GEORGE' ELLIOTT, ONT., Licensed Auctioneer.. Farm sales a Specialty. • ' *REASONABLE. , Orders left at the NEW ;ERA[Wiliebe promptly attended to, ___ , THOMAS .GUNDR Live stock and 'general Auctioneer, GODERIO1-11. ONT. Farm stock sales 5 specialty. 'Orders' left sie - blew ERA entice, Clinton, proynptly attended, to. Terms. reasonable. Faymers' sale mites, ' discounted, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY • J B, Itumbalh Clinton. J. P. TisDALL. . BANISEle, • • . CLI1M91.1.01, ONT Private funds to loan on mortgage, ate beat current rate* General Banking • business r weeded ;merest allowed, on oeposits. Side notes- bought • 0, [D. MeTeggart M. D. MoTaggart McTaggart Bros. BANNERS Farm Mr Sale. _ ALBERT ST CLINTON Two hundred and thirty-five acres, situ- ated on Bayfield Road, Goderect Tp., three- ,quartere-of.a-rnile from Clinton.. .Soil in excellent condition, having been all wider grass for five years ; eulendid grain or grass land, well drained.' Five acres hardweed bush and 'excellent orchard. One barn, 52x74, with stone stabling for 12 horses and 35 cattle; one bens. sez 54, with silo and stabling for 17 cattle, Large implee ment house and pig pen; power and pump, ing windmills. large frame hone; to 1;oci wells and rimming water at rear, of farm Apply to 111313, ALEX. Ai lilsEVi EN, Clinton r,o,, cr Lot 28, Con 2, Stanley. Farm lor:Sale. Proprietor offers' for sale his farm on the Maitland Con, Goderich Township,, Lots 77 and 78, situated 1 1-2 miles trout village of Holmesville, chtitch and school. The farm manias 238ecr.cs of choice 1an3, good frame house, and bank barn, 5 sores of orchard and 30 acres of good maple brehland. The farm is haversed by a run- ning brook. This fent will be eold in a block or in parts. Apply to ALEX BALIOUR, Hohnoville. . Farm for Sale. • t 0. General Sankina Idualnesa transacted . NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed ors deposite. The McKillop Mutual - Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Prep. erty Only InSured. OFFICERS. J. 1L.McLean, President, KippenT'Thee Eraser, Vice-pres., Brueefielde: Thos, Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; Jolla Watt, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith; , J. Dale, Beeehs woon; J. G. Grieve,' Winthrop, J. Ben - newels, Brodhagen, Each Director is inspector of losseslin his own locality. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hincieley Seaforth; James. Cumming, Egmonds ville; J. W. Yen, Holmesville The farm of 150 acres, being Lot 19, and Wanted. south half of Lot 20 in Stanley township, cn the Louder' Rod, There are about 15 acres of bush, The rest 18 nearly all seeded to gags On Ole 50 sores there are small buildings and e mires of, good orobard, on the 100 mires there are, a good bank barn, a calving shed and a freine house, a Sever. failing spring creek rune through the farm. The London Intro!) and Brace Railway ruhe through the farm. It is a mile from Braceneld tied ti miles from Clinton, Noy tfl JOHN McOTIEEN, Bracefield. • r*r House tor Sale. Two Stall rough oat house on Huron St., eight rooms, kitchen and Wrieclehe& itird and soft water, large tonar with coMerit iloor. (400ti lawn and shade trees. are lot, good residentel 10061itV. Apply to E. Bonn, Mary St. A reliable resident tweet for Clint.% end vicinity for Fall and Winter months, to 61 rr:t t TreP'8=liretitehli )11atOPIaI i:COOs 11eterfbrtt: All (empties furnished free. Torras liber- al. We consider this rigenoir one of the bmeas dt eo nonotnot Aegis:it ntowiti iattlyeeVo viltalti. 6 bo oe acres or Choice) *Welt OD draw -open. Ee thing we slop is guaranteed. Apply for full partieutars in writing or person, ILO , PELTIA.M NURSERY CO., Gooderham Building, Toronto, Ont. Prof.O.F.THEEL0M_L 11112sit PhIlnledento 1P4,1/.5. Only segne leeneisiles Amain. Tkelletnate TrirerimIlli ile• int* new inn See Grab 111001 Penny Weary Lep. Abs. Ion nut Taelesson‘llydeaerle, lettletorey niq 4111PrivenDienows Xenon* Aellk Eno Iseene, Unwire preettan **eire boas 1111010 le nerrony Sna fer Ii.. resiles ellp•Orr, PISMO Wilk Osielry feele**reealiberueligOW 0••• • . AI(