HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-16, Page 5r
No, 16,, 1906
It is right in every respect
—right in workmanship,.
right in price, right in
time, right everytime, ac-
curately.adjusted, fitted in
either G old, Silver or
Nickle cases.
Let us sell you a Watch
—your old Watch Laken
in part pay
Jeweler and OveIaa.
E yes Tested Freer
Pittsburg has been terrorized for a
week by acts of lawlessness of the
most atrocious character, one of which
was tile actual crucifixion of a woman
by her husband, who nailed her hands
Clinton Market Report.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Wheat 0 70 to '0.'72
Oats 034to035.
Barley ....... . 0 45 to ,0.46
Pea a 70 75 to 0 77
Eggs 020 to 021
Butter 020 to 020
Bogs 5 25 to 5 25
Wool (washed) 0 27 tp 0 27
Wool {unwashed)' 0 18 to 0 18
Chickens, dry pioked, lb 0 08 to 0 10
Ducks, per ib • 0 08 to 0 10
Geese " 0.07 to 0.90
First -Class Dressmaker.
At residence of Mr, A. A. Hill, Princess
Si. Will saw out by the day, at $I'00•per
day. Firet-class patronage solicited, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
(From the Sun)
Haws. -.-^Toronto packer$ report the
price of hogs practically the sante, as
1a,et Week, infact,, the °,\Vxu. Davies
Co. give exactly the same quotations
as they gave a week ago. They say
they are paying on board cars at aver-
age Ontario points .$G.4O, $5.65 for hogs
fed and watered on arrival in Toronto,
and $5.00 off cars at Toronto. These
quotations are in a cord with the re-
ports received from correspondents in
various parts of the province. A
Brantford correspondent sayshe has
been offered $5.40 this week, with.
whatever advance ° the market may
warrant, A Durham county comes.
pendent says the same prime is offered
for hogs delivered at Newcastle this.
week. A Creemore buyer reports that
he intends paying $5.30 to farmers,
but sometimes prices are changed a
little on shipping clay owing' to compe-
tition 'between buyers. for Toronto and
Collingwood houses, Evidently at
some points there is competition either
between the drovers or the packing
houses themselves. A Kippen corres-
pondent says $525 is being paid in his
section. It is the usual thing to look
for a steady decline at this season of
the year. The reason why, prices have
not dropped this week is probably
found in the fact thtt receipts last
week were light. The moral is ob-
vious -keep shipments as near as Dos-
Bible to the level of packers' require-
ments.At the same time it must be
remembered that when prod'retion in
Canada last year ran below the nor-
mal, American packers began catering
to a trade in England which Canada
had previously held, •
CATTLE.-Susiess. was brisk at the
Junction markets esterday, although
the quality of sack offered was of
rather inferior grade. Fifty.six car
loads arrived, containing 1,100 cattle,
105 sheep, 80 hogs and 29 calves, Prices
for exporters ranged from $4.25 to
$4.70 per cwt., and for butchers' cattle
$4.25 to $4.80. ;Feeding steers were
sold as high as $3.85. R. J. Collins
bought 50 butchers' cattle, weighing
from 1,000 to 1,230 lbs. each, at prices
ranging from $3.30 to $4.25 per cwt;
1IoRsit MAID ET, -A good sale of
horses was made by Burns and Shep-
pard at. the Repository to -day. They
Complain, however, that horses are
dearer in the country than in the city,
and that farmers are asking more for
them than city dealers can get, There
is a demand .for heavy horses,weighing
from I400 lbs to 1600lbs, sound andin
good condition. Horses weighing from
1,100 to 1.250'Ibsare Worth $125 to $160;
from 1,200 to 1,350 lbs., $110. to $175 ;
from 1,350 to 1,500 lbs , $100 to $190
and from 1,500 to 1,700, • 5170 .to $220.
Runabouts in good condition are worth
$140 to $100, and expressers•t150 to $2200
A fine carriage horse',was to-daysold
for $525 •
Si•IEEI'.-Ori the Toronto .market .to-`
day sheep sold at about:5c per lb, bucks
going .at: p, dollar a hundredweight
less. Lambs fetched 5 1-2c to5 .3-4c. • .
Pot7i:Tix '.-The poultry • market has
brightened up this week. . The demand
is better, ;find -prices higher: Guiana
quote dressed chickens' at.. 9e to •lee,
ducks; Oc to10c,geese.Sc to 10c,turkeys'
14c. Poor birds and scalded. fowl hard
to dispose of at any price. M. P.Ma1Ion•
quotes fowl live at'Oe, chickens 8c,ducks
Se, turkeys 13c,. geese 7c, dressed • fowl
7c,. chickens 10e, ducks 10c,turkeys 15e,
geese •9c. • '1.'. li. Smith quotes turkeys
vounc', at 14c to 15c,.o1d' 12c to'13c,.gcese
Se to 0c, ducks 9c to 10n,.chickens, Se to
9c old fowl'',7c to Fie.V ance & Co. quote
chickens at 10e to 116, duckslOc.to 12e,
geese l.Oc,•turkeys 14c to 15c, fowl 7c to.
Sc. . Dawsons quote live fowl at 60 to
7c,' chickens 7e tee8c, ducks Oe, dressed
chickens Se to 9c, 'turkeys i4e to :16c.
ducks 10c to 11e, geese 9c to 10e.
Births, •Marriages, Deaths
1UACEY,-At Owatonna, Minnesota. on Friday.
Nov 9th, to Mr and Mrs Joules R. itacey, a son.
ranDsscd aon fesApy. 7811 MdMr..oMQuis
APP,LFFORD.-In Seafortb. on Tuesday, Nov.
Otb, the wife of Mr, I. M Ai)p1eford of a daugh-
WEIR.-In Turnberry, on Nov. 4th,the wife of
Mr. James Weir, a daughter,
ARMSTRONG. = in Goderioh, on Saturday,.
Noy. 3rd,, to Mr and, Mrs Nelson Armstrong, a
eon, -
ARONIBAr.D.-In Tuekersniltb. on Nov. 3r4
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Archibald, a eon.
WEITE.—In Tuckersmith; on Qct.20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert; White, a son.
CARNQiI13AN.-In.Tnekersmith, on Oct. SOth,
to Mr and Mrs Robert Oarnochan, a daughter.
HEAMAN.,-In Exeter, on Nov. Ord, to Mr and
Mrs, W. J. Beaman, a son,
DORY—F8AYNE-- In Exeter, on Nov. 7th. by
Rey. Going, Mr. Samuel Jcry, son of Mr. Elijah.
Josy, to Miss Ella Maud. daughter of Mr, P.
Frayne, of Exeter,
MARTIN--BEOKER. -Ab Dashwood, on Tues-
day, Mr. Peter Martin, to Miss Mary Becker.
of the bride's parents, on Nov, 7th, by Rev. D.
Perrie, $r, David Robertson, to Miss Christina,
second daughter of Mr and Mr ArahMcQillivray,
both of Winghain.
RYAN.-NQLAN.—At St, Michael's church, on
Monday, Nov, 5t11 by Rev. Fr, Halon Mr, James
Ryan, to Miss Maggio Nolan, all of Morris.
1 sdseToronto, FridaY, Nrl,nt 1lreie, aah 14. Tayor,
teacher in the city scboo1s for many years, and
youngest daughter of, the late John. Taylor, of
Cioderich township.
SMITH, =At the Qoshen E2ne,Stanley,on Nov,
2nd Mrs Smith, aged 76 years
WINKENWEDER-.'NearDashwood,on sunday
Nov. 4th, Miss Melinda Winkenweder,
t BIRK.—At Dashwood, on Sunday Nov. 4th, A,
Birk, son of Mr and Mrs Adam Birk,
EADIE,—In Turnberry, on Nov, 3rd, Agnes
Mitchell, relict of tbo late Thomas Eadie, aged
70 years and 1 month.
EDDINGTON.-•In Elisbory' Assn,., on Oct. 25,
Ruth Page, wife of Mr.A,B. Eddington, formerly
of Blyth,
MCNA MARA.- In Seaforth, on Nov. 201,1'111m
'Forphy; wife of bir Charles McNamara, aged 45
years, 7 months and 13 days.
I EANNOND.=In Hullett,, on Oct. 28th, Richard
tlannond, aged 15 years. adopted son of Mr.
'calx f the0
Scales, o t
,.h con,
.44. Ben Boy„
A handsome little bunch of Girls will
prance and cavort at the Town Hall
on Monday Nov. 19114 in that halari-
ous, musical melenge "A 'Bell Boy."
Sometimes they are garbed as soldier
girls, other times as Japanese maidens,
and • again .in• diverse' costumes of
bright and brilliant hue. At all times
they are bright eyed and roguish and
all nearly measure the same 1>,eight to
an inch. The chief charm of "A. 13e11
Boy" is the tuneful. niusieal melodies
and the jaunty methods of principals
and chorus.
The funny antics of the "Bell Boy
are side-splitting' and and .will send you
home with a smile on . your face that
won't come' off.
Johnny Calvin plays the title role of
"Patsy the Bell Boy, and this Clever
young.conwdian is hard to be excelled.
IHis side partner. • Kitty Doogan, is
. played by little Ella Galvin, .and if
you keep your eyes on the both .of
them in .their many pranks, it wilt
keep you busy.'
Irene Drew as ' the widow Lovall
is a dashing beauty and sings well.
Ned Nelson and Jas A. Grady as
Doogan and Coogan, two friends from
the -Emerald Isle, who get together'
after fourteen• years and intakethings
lively. Just keep your eye on Coogan
! and then on the bog • Taking all in
all, the •show. is a bunch of music,
pretty girls and.funny situations. This
show is• clean.and up-to-date for ladies
and children; carrying 22 people; and.
is a big !,guaranteed -show. Children
25, .general admission ::35c,. reserved
seat 50e.
new '+duertloemeats
4204040411114,44111111411410.6411410.104104111141.1116 For Sale.
It will soon :be heat-
ing time again, so it's
not a bit too .early to
begin .thinking about
the new stove you
must have this fall
We've already put our full lines' on the floor. We'll
be glad to have you come in and look them over :
Coal 1H
eaters Banc ',caters
Happy Thought Belle Oak Radiant. H• . (irle
Pandora Dandy MCetary's •
Corona . Acme Jen el Famous:.
Penn Esther n Oak. iEsnpire Gartland
an Steel Range Telephone • Buck Prize
They are all good ones. Prices accordin• g to snze,,
style and finish.
1. B. Hoover.
For the next five months you will spend the most of
your time in the house. . We have
Brighten your abode and Make the home cheerful, The
•, greater the vclurno the lower the price.
HOOVER & BALL I+C.[t1iTi 1.t'.tA aa.
A Two Storey building in the old brink
block occupied by Rich. Baker.
G v , Clinton,
:ilo !se,and Buggy'for SaIe.A
Gosd,quiet driving horse, with harness
and buggy. Arp1v at the •
if , ' NEW . 1?A' OFFICE.
Lost or Strayed..
There strayed from premises, 'in'Augast,
a yearling heifer, roan color.. Anyone eiv-
ine information that will lead to her .recov-
erywill .be suitably rewarded.
11 Benmiiler,P. 0
trust: for. Sale.
Two Storey rough oast house on Union
St,, eight rooms, kitchen and woodshed..
Hard and soft water, large cellar with
cement floor, ,Good lawn and shade treee..
acre lot, goodresidental•locality. Apply to
• Ef. 13. ROTIIiE,Salary $t,.
S111Ll) hi some
Household Articles,
One Bell Piano, upright, nearly new, at
about half-price; one parlor Coal' Stove, and
one wood cook Stove; one sewing machine,
.41 for sale at low prises.
11. DANT i LON,
pd2i Ira a mS,
K 9
tgent ':Wanted. -
At once, good local sate•nian for Clinton
and District to represent Canada's Greatest
Nurseries. Largest list of New Specialities
eyer offered in Fruit and Ornamental stook.
Permanent situation for the right man, on
liberal terms • A;lp1y at once for Spring
soiling season.
SiNoy10 Toronto, Ontario.
Farni for Sale.
I?The farm of 150 acres, being Lot 19, and
south hall of Lot 20 in Stanley township,
onthe areabout 5
London Road. Ther
acme of bush. The rest is nearly all seeded
to.grase, On the 50 acres there' are small
buildings and 2 acres of good orchard, on'
the 100 acme there are, a good bank barn, a
driv4ng shed and a frame house, it never•
failing spring creek rano through the farm,
The London Baron and Bynoe Railway
runs through the farm. It is a mile from
Braoedeld and 5 miles- from Clinton.
Noy10 SOHN11iaQUEEN, Brneefield,
Rooms to Rent,
A oouple of rooms to rent, unfurnished
tan be heated or otherwise, gco.3' central
Iooation. Apply at NE'V'V ERA otiloe
For Sale.
A good:" Tailor" .8 tire. Willbe sold
()heap., Apply to W. W. I!Ail1tAN..
Ladies' Fur Stoles and Caperines
Men's Fur Coats
Clearing out the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of Men's and Women's Furs, less than wholesale y prices.
Sale starts FRIDAY, Nov• 16th, and lasts until they are all gone. This w111 be a rare chance to get a Fur
cheap, right at the start of the season too, whenou need one most and want to be comfortable all winter. . Don't
Don t
wait until you catch a cold, before you buy,
14 Ladies' Fur Stoles
Space will not permit us to give full description
and length of each Fur, but a visit to this store will
convince you that every one in the lot is worth more
than we are asking for it.
One only Coney Mir Ruff, regular $2,50, for `i'1.75
Two only German 1Iiink, regular $4.00, for 3.00
One only Blah k Ogposum, regular $1,00, for 3 00
One only German Mink, regular $5,00. for . .... ......... 4.00
One only Columbian Sable, regular $7.50, for 5.0CI
One only Fancy German Mink, regular $7,00, for 5.00
One only IDebella Fax, regular $8.50, tor 6.00
One only Near Seal, regular $8.50, for. 6.00
Only Black Telbet, regular $8.50. for 5.50
One only German Mink, regular $15.00, for 10.00
One only •Black ' Coney, regular $2,25, for
Three only Black Coney, regular $4,50, for ..
35e Boys' Underwear for 25c
Boy's heavy Winter Shirts and Drawers, . .
all sizes, regular 35c and 50c, special for
Traveller's Samples..
Travellers' Samples .of 'Worsteds and'
Tweeds, 9 by 6i in. Splendid thing for.
making quiIts. Done . up • in :bundles of
one hundred—enough to make one quilt.
While. they last, per bundle
Men's and Youth's Cloth Coats
8 Fur Caperines
For driving and real cold weather, , nothing will
'give you more comfort and : satisfaction than a fur
ci perine, with a good large storm collar, This will
be your chance to get a good one at little cost.
Two only Black Coney Caperines, regular $2.50 for..
One only Black Coney Caperines, regular $3.50 for . , ,
One•only Electric Seal, regular $6.00 for
One only Near Seal and Astrican $7,00 for
One only. Near Seal and Astrican $10 for.... . .... ......
One .only Near Seal and Persian Lamb $10 for
One only German. ' Otter $15 for '
. .,$ 1.75
.,... 2.50
... 11.00
8 .Men's Calf skin Coats
Eight' only Men's Calf -skin Coats, :well
made and big, roomy Coats, all . sizes,
regular $25.00 Coats'for $19.00,
Five only Men's Russian Dog Fur Coats,
all sizes, reg. $22.00; for $17,00
at Cost.
• Men's and youths' blue and black beav-
er; Oxford grey cheviot ' and check
tweed overcoats, at the following cut
prices... Regular $io for $'?.so, regular
$8 for $6:
• Now is the..time 'to have
your Xmas. Photos taken;
Call' early and get our
Special Offer lasting until .
Jan. 1st, 1907 .
Photo .Artist, Clinton.
is the ilrst step towards jiositions raying
850(10 to60,O00 per annum in railway ser-
vice. You can become a good' operator ;in
6 months, if you study In the 'CENTRAL
TE1.EG1LARHY SCHOOL, .I Gerard St.,hl.,
Toronto. The finest School .in. Canada.
\\'rittl tor,articulers.
W. 11..SN.AW; T. J: JOHNSTON, r
President, Principal.
This school is recognized to be one of
;the best.Co;niuereial Schools in America:
'Yon ean.salely lodgea Scl'too1. by the ep-
lifacatiotls it.receives. -This term we .re-
served^ applications from. fir;il+ in' : is•
• largo Ajiterleau cities and from fax
• towns .and cities 'Of Canada; including
5akkatoon; Sale on the west, and (:har-
. lottetotvn, P.F.,I., on the Lust. Our r.epu-
tation cusiucs nlnch for our grncluates..•
\\ iite.for our catalogue°
Elliott & McLtielflan,
' Principals
.***„ *.* ***********v*t
Stop: that Cough : .
. by keeping your feet dry and warm with some of::.'
our fine serviceable footwear:
. 1. • Luniberuien s Rubber's,
One' buckl:e,'two buckle, lowa high � lace lace high
leather; .top. lace. : •
2..Fett Shoes,
'Heavy Felts, Fine AllFelt, Fine Felt Leath-
er Faced.
eath-er..Faced. •
Something New fa
Wehave a'.fine assortment of Irli-
pnrted Vinland goods; also genuine
Turkish Delight.. See. them in our -
window display this week.: ' t
• We -curry 'a large assortment' of
Choeolates,and Bonbons, and a largo
assortment .of fancy box good's that
cannot be beaten,
- •'We also have something• new in this
department. Have you tried oitr cream
Layer Cakes, iced with whipped cream,
and our Florence Cake, iced with
Italian Cream: our Cream Puffs and
pastry. Once tried, you will have no
We serve hot dinner from 12 to 1180
o'clock ; hot tea from 5:30' to 7,30 p.m.
Don't forget t� try our • fine course
meals. E
1nIie for weeks
Phone Zit ' ' Clinton.. ,
Store to Tient.
The store in the Victoria Blook. so long
occupied by the undersigned, is offered to
rent, It has been papered and painted
throughout, and is in first.eiasa order.
Tcaeher Wanted.
Teacher for S. S. No 15, East'Wawan-
osh, for the year 1907..Salary $400 per
i ,
pdSi Box 182, B'yth,
On His Own I ioek
Strange to say, there are a number
oLpeople in the country 'who •do not ve
•seem to understand that I and on my
own hook, so to convince them of the Nit
fact, 1 hove above inserted my photo.
illy shop is three doors north of the
Normandie Rotel, where there is as Alt
choice a stock of Fancy Worsteds,
'Tweeds, ?outings, Ovei',coatings and ?x•
black and blue Worsteds as found any
Suits made to order on short notice.
Kindly give usit call, and inspect for
3. ,Heavy . Boots,
Calf Skins, . Kips, Chroner Splits,, and good
long boots..
Beside a fine line• of finer boots, leather leggings
and heavy• wool socks..
Morrell &Holmes
*** ** *
Merchant Tailor, - Clinton. err
To secure an education that will most
quickly and surely fit you for the mac -
tical duties of life, is offered by this
school, Under now management, with
improved equipment and courses, our
oldest school is the newest and ono of
trio best, Write for catelogne and free
budget of "Business Writing,"
Business College
Y:ltf O.A Building, Yonge & McGill Ste.
T M WATSON Principal.
Overcoats overcoats Overcoats,
The French Chesterfield Overcoat is one of the at
achievements of our clothiers, The artistic features 74
of the Chesterfield makes it the 'fashionable Over
coat of the season. °
Made in�str^ipes,plain;blacks, plain greys, at $10.
Made in plain grey and black, at $7 and $8.
$10.00--a Price Value absolutely without
$1).() Men's S
itti, genuine Scotch �
ds toit
vied b
clothiers geWn with linen thread, thoroughly shrunken All
new sha(es, c1u rl s, overcheck"s, stripes and plain cloths, latest'
New York styles, with best linings and interlinings, an irresist-
ibly stunning suit that wi11 please the most critical taste, for
Other Snits at $4,50, $5. $6, $6.50 $7,
$8, $8.50 and $9.
Successors to McKinnon tt Co., ,I lyth
44 Headquarters for Stan fields Underwear for Ladles, Men, 8x Boys. se