HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-16, Page 3ra CLINTON' 14,41W
To Our Readers
• There are Many thinge hep-
pening which• are Of patio in.
terest, but Which newripapere
never get hold of, such, for in-
stance, as faMilV TO -111401)0, fella
Wee, weddings, aecidents, and
items of a similar nature„ Some
of these newspapers May get,
but there are Others that do not
get into print. Now, if parties
Interested would send, these to
DR, we would be glad at all theme
to publish them. Write out an
aecount of them, and sign your
name. Never mind if the Item
is not well written. Put in the
facts, and we will fix it up. The
name will not be published, but
is required as an evidence that
the item is genuine. You could
prit a lot of items on a post -card.
Try it.
Horse stealing and wholesale horse
stealing in New York is surely some-
thing of a noVelty. The happening
was at the palatial new establishment
of Fiss, Doerr & Carroll. Taking ad-
vantage of an unusually busy time -
there were 020 horses in Monday's sale
the sharpers bought some of the poor-
est second hand animals offered,erased
the numbers on their deposit slips,and
submitted the numbers corresponding
to those on some of the best horses in
the sale. These forged receipts were
then used in the customary way, and
fifty seven valuable horses passed into
the possession of the operators on the
payment of a small balance for each.
It was not until the real buyers of the
stolen horses appeared that the swindle
was discovered. The number of horses
Spirited away is said to be the largest
ever known to have been stolen inNew
York. It is needlees to say that in fu-
ture all receipts and orders issued by
Figs,Doerr & Carroll will be made
out n indelible ink.
' You don't know whether it is going
to stay down or come up. You feel
like thirty cents and look even worse.
If one thing is quicker than another,
it's "Nerviline." Ten drops in sweet-
ened sitter gives relief instantly. Ae•
most like magic is the change you ex-
perience. The cause of the nausea is
removed, every symptom of vomiting
and indigestion is cured within ten
minutes. When Poison's Nerviline is
so trusty and economical, a bottle at.
home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones
for a quarter at all dealers.
In the report of the Executive Com-
mittee at the annual meeting of the
Lord's Day Alliance last week, it said ;
"We go forward into the twelfth year,
of our effort, greatly encouraged to ex-
pect the very best things yet attained
or the Lord's ,Day. Our prospect is
brighter than ever before. The senti-
ment of the people has been much
quickened, and with determined pur-
pose they unite to prevent the Lord's
Day from being destroyed. This, with
the better enforcement of both our, old
law and the new Dominion law secured
the past year, we can better meets
twentieth century conditi on."
They usually contain acids and born
the flesh. The one safe cure in liquid
form is Putnam's Painless corn Ex-
tractor, which is purely vegetable,
causes no pain, and cures in one day,
a Don't forget the name-"Putnam's.'
. •
. The death of Robert Knox, a young
retiredafarmer of Thamsford, occurred.
Friday morning, under sad circum-
stances. Yesterday morning the, de-
ceased was leading a horse which bolt-
ed, dragging Mr Knox off his feet and
through the orchard. When found he
Was unconscious, having received
severe wounds about the head, and
only regaining consciousness it shert
time before death.
For the Stomach
Heart and Kidneys
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a Cause
Cure—not a Symptom Cure.
It is a common mistake to take artificial dins.
ters for stomach troubles—or heart, stitnulants
for weak heart—or so -culled kiciney.romedies ter
diseased kidneys. These orgti ns do not not serer'
ateiy or of their own accord—they hate no cons
trol over themselves—and not. twice. in 560.W -riles
Is the sickness the fault of the organ. It is the
fault ot the nerrei. which control the organ—
and onlythrough these nerves can stomach;
kidney 1 or heartclis orders be cured.. Di'.
Shoop. of Racine. Wisconsin, learned
early in hisracdi cal experience th 4 t
theseinside nerves were. the power
nerves —that through them
only was it 1)oc-41• si lac toeurein-
digestion.heart• burn, belch -
y fag, insomnia; backache,
heart treulc- f nefiSeS, and
Bright's ,dis- ease and all
otherartections or the kid-
neys. For all of. these aihnents
are not separate sicknesses and '
ire not to be treated aSStleh. They are,
merely symptoms of inside nerve weak- .
mess. and • when the, , nerves '1st c restored
the sylnptores and the sickness disappear.'Ji,
e remedy 'which Dr. Shoop prescribed for •
ese ailing nerves is known as Dr. Shoon'S
Restorative. 11, relieves the pain and nstress Of
kidney. stomach and heart troubles.euither °von
than those medicines designed simply to give
temporary relief. Dr. skoop's Restorative can
Sow be bad of druggists everywhere. For sale
and reoommended by
Future tor our Apples
The future inarkete for Ontario's
1 apple crop are to be found in the
Northwest and in Great Britain. This
was the opinion briefly expressed by
A. McNeill, chief fruit commissioner
of the Department of Agrictilture, in
1 an address before the Osavention of
the Ontario Fruit Growere Aesocia-,
tion, adding "not a single apple in the
Province need be wasted."
The future of the apple in Ontario
depended not only on geographical
position and elimate, but new markets.
There were two markets open, the
Northwest and Great Britain. With
regard to the Northwest, he would,
stake his reputation that it was open-
ing faster than Ontario was prepared
to supply it. Formerly the popula-
tion was scattered all oyer the country,
and they were unable to deal with
fruit by the carload. Now there were
hundreds of little cities springing up
along the line and getting large enough
to take fruit by the car.
also being established at many points
There were
large warehouses intended to serve as
centres for distribution, which would
take pars of fruit where before they
only took express. The system of cold
storege which had been established
placed Ontario growers in a position to
compete with British growers. Cana-
dian growers also had the advantage
of benag able to place long lines on the
meaket which brokerage fines pre-
ferred to handle to the small and yary-
ing packages they received from the
English grower. The weak link in the
chain was the time in the apple's life
between the picking and the refrigera-
tor car. When that difficulty had
been overcome then the whole prob.
lem would be solved. The northern
districts, he thought, would be well
advised to take up the growing of des-
sert apple?. New York, Roston or
Chicago would, take all that they could
The markets of the Northwest were
specially dealt with by B, Thompson,
St. Catharines, who based his remarks
on practical experience gained in the
working of the truit association in his
own district. The trade with the
Northwest was developing, but ship-
pers required to make a careful study
of the market and send what the people
wanted, well packed. The main thing,
however, was co-operation. It was
useless of . individuals attempting to
deal with the trade. What was want-
ed was the co-operation of groups of 50
to 00 growers who could ship regular
supplies by the carload. The raitway
companies would then be anxious to
get the traffic and to insist them. For
twenty Years to come they need not
fear competition from British Colum-
bia, for the growers there were handi-
capped by the labor question and the
cold nights.
The new Pure Food and Drug Law
will mark it on the label of every
Cough Cure containing Opium,Ohloro-
form, or any othet stnpifying or pois-
onous drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure as made for 20 years, en-
tirely free. Dr.- Shoop all along, has
bitterly opposed the use of narcotics..
Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutely
safe, even for the youngest babe -and
it cures, it does not sunply suppress.
Get a safe and reliable Cough Cure, by
simply insisting on having Dr.Shoop's.
Let the law be your protection. We
cheerfully recommend and sell it. W.
S.R. Hollins,
Your stomaCh churns and digests
the food Yrau eat andif foul, or torpid,
or out of order, your whole system
suffers from blood poison. Hollister's
Ropey Mountain .Tea keeps you well.
85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your
• Ships; •
The "that' ship we's brought; from
Egypt to. Greece by Dantiiis in '1485
B. G.. The first double decked ship was
built by aryriane 786 B. C.....
Shaving. ,
• Few :intone have raised •shaving to •
the dignity of, a religious, ceremony. In
the. Miran there IS no mention of shav-.
leg at all, yet, tile. Itioliammedens :Shav7
ed their heads in "the 'Sand Mariner as
the Hindoos.,
Mokauirned',, Ma,'
• The 'mere which cony eYed. Moham-
med from earth to the Seventh heaVen
was named Borak.- She was milk.
white, ,had -the wings of an eagle and
a human face with horse'solte4s. •EV-
ery pace she took was. equal. ,to the
farthest range of human sight This
was orie of the ten animals admitted t�
the Mohammed:ea paradise. -
• • • /roil In the. Body.
There, are about. A0. grains of iron
In the average hinnan body, and yet so
important is this exceedingly small
quantity that its diminntion is attend-
ed with very serious results. ' •
• English Wedding Binge.
It is not generally. kuowu that by
an act of the bInglish parliaMeut pass-
ed in 1855 itis enacted that all wed-
ding rings • moat. be of. standard gold,
the enactmeet being intended more to
raise ttie1 amount of gold; duties than
to protect,the public from imitations;
Watelt Wheels. •
If kept going. the wheels of a watch
travel 8,558sh miles ie year.
The Best
F lour•••••
It must be gratu,ying to
the town of Clinton and
the surrounding country,
to know that at the recent
contest of Bread making,
held in Holmesville, out
of some fifteen competi-
tors, using different brands
of Flour, the Bread made
out of FAIR'S sem'
sold by W. T. O'NEIL,
took first prize.
It:is not necessary to go out 01!town for the BES Flour.
Are a True Heart Tonic,
Norve Feed and Mood Coricher. l'hey
Up end renew all the worn out and wastes;
tissues of the body and restore perfeethealtt
end Vigor to, the canto systent,
Nervousness, Meeple muss, Nerves** Pros.
Broie Fag, Lack 61 'Vitality. After
Mesta of La Grippe. A:Muria, Week And
Dizzy Loss of flemory. Palpitation et
the tic -art, Lose et enemy. Shortness of
nrenth, etc., cast all he cured ky using
IMilburn's Begat and Nerve Pills.
Price Me, n hex or S for $1.'25. .MI detklera Or
Tila Tabun:as lesireela Toronto, Ont.
Harmful StotnaOh Dosing
NO Naked of it Whoa Hystiool 1.
OW to our* yetarth
Physicians and scientists agree that
the less medicine one swallows. the
better. It Is in keeping with this idea
that liyomel is recommended by lead-
ing physicians throughout this and
other catarrhal sections.
When this treatment is used m
, catarrhal troubles, there is no stomach
dosing, for the medicine is taken in
with the air you breathe, and goes
right to the spot where the catarrhal
germs are present, healing the Intim.
ed an 1 irritated mucous membrane,
killing the disease germs and entering
the brood with the oxygen, driving all
catarrhal germs trona the system.
Do not try to cure catarrh of the
heed by putting medicine into your
stop:lade-this is neither a scientific
nor eovanton-sense treatment. Breathe
the healing balsams of Hyonaei and in
a few days you will notice relief, and
its continued use will result in a com-
plete and lasting cure.
The complete Ityomei outfit costs
but $1.00, extra bottles, if needed, 50
cents, We (to not want anyone's
motley unless Hyoneel gives relief and
cure, and we absolutely agree that
money will be refunded, unless the
remedy givag satisfaction.
AII Aruggisis should be Ole to sup-
ply you with Hyonaei or we will send
it by mail on receipt of price, and,
every package is sold, with the distinct
understanding that it costs nothing
unless it cures. Write us today. for a
symptom blank, which we will send
you free, together with treatise on
Catarrh and how to cure it. Yhen
you fill in and return to us the symp-
toan blank, our consulting physician
will give your case the hest care and
attention, and write you a letter of
advice without charge. The , 11, T.
Booth Company, Buffalo, N. Y.
tietliod by Whieb Every Mau May. ne
Hie ()WU. Nurv eror.
A simple Way et' roughly determin,
lug levels, and oue which can readily
bepracticed by any one aud which haa
the advantage of not requirieg; any
special apparatus, IS by means • of a
spirit level and a board with a straight .
edge. The• way to go about It is this: .
First determine 'Oa two points the ler-
els of which you wish to know and
drive stakes into the ground. Then
take a board with a straight edge and •
tack It to a tree, if One happens t� be
available, in. a line with these two
stakes.: Put the board at such:a height
that you can readily sight over it•and
• Carefully. level this board by means Of .
the Spirit levet. Their sight It over to.;
ward:one of the stakes, having ••sorne
..one at ;that stake who Will, .by means
of a sunill . piece of papr, locate the,
point at which your line of vision cuts-
• it-io other -word's, where a line pro-
jeeted •from your sighting board Would
strike the stake. Make some sort of
mark at MIS point and thee sight to
tin Other Stake- In the same . way ansi.
mark the point where the line" Would
.strike.it. I3Y measuring distances that
these iwe points are above the ground
you. ean .get the difference' in devela
with reasonable •• accuracy. . For
stanee,if. your,dine of vision has cut •
One stake eight feet' from •,theground
arid the other one flee feet from' the
ground,: then .obviously the difference
.in level is three feet -Ori in other words,
the vicinity of the :Stake on which the
sn.ark Is tive feet .from the ground is
three feet higher than the other stake,
and You Will have a three. footfall
front draining from this :point to the
other..,Farmin.g. ••
Mien the tip of a dog's nose'is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick. A
feverish dry nose meangeickness With
at dog. And So with the human lips.
Dry, ()racked and colorless lips mean
feverishness, and are as well - ill api-
peering' To havebeautiful, pink,
velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime n°
coating. of De Shoop's Green Salve.
It will soften and healian3r skin ail-
ment. • Get a free, trial box, at our
store, and be convinced. Large nickel
capped glass jars, 25 cents. Sold by
W. S. R. Holmes. • •
--rue Worts i•catnecc...-
*Crank in thy sense Of .an,"eccentric
person IS a new word. The very first
.tvritten instance of crank In the moth
ern sense plat 'could be found for Dr,
• Miirray.'s clietionary was. in tile reports
.of the trial of Guiteau, President Gar-.
field's murderer. •Gulteau's reference
to somebody as a 'crank gave the word
a vogue that has 'gone on • spreading:
• But Ile adjective cranky was knewn
in 1787 as meaning sickly' (the German
"lcrank"), and to Dickens in the senses
of .cross and crochety. altits.mean-
ingS it springs from •the root'Idea, of
crooltedneas, as sloes 'drank Ill Its six-
teenth 'century.' sense of . a .deepiticil
trick, as In ,"quips and creeks."
. . •
Taken as directed., it becoines the
greatest corative agent for the relief '
of suffering humanity ever devised.
Such is Hollister's Rooky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. • Ask
your Druggist.• .
• A. Prontaible SPeealation.
One copy of Caztou's "De Confet-
stone Amends," or ‘'The Confession of
a Lover," was one of the Meat profit-
able speeulations ever made In books.
A Dublin boOkseller of the eighteenth
century bought a number of volumes
at secondhand, as he Supposed of no
great value, paying for them one and
sixpence, and found in the package this
rare work of Canton's, which he after.
• ward sold for Over $1,500.
• Sandiaor.
Sandals were more fashionable
Aimortg the ggyptions than among the
Etebrews. They were worn by-,v-roniett-
of the highest rank, for we read of the
sandals with long, turn up points
which a beautiful queen, habitat:11y
wore When she was at horn&
• The Oak.
The Druids considered the oak its the
emblem, or rattier the peculiar rest -
done, Of the Almighty, and according-
• ly ehaplete of it Were worn both by the
DrttidS and people In their religious
eeremonies. The fruit of It, the raistle-
toe, was thought to contaili a divine
v4tue and to.,be the peculiar gift at
News Notes !ORS 011JNTER'S STORY
Russia has disfranchiewl all city and
railway employees.
J. O. Wood* of Ingersoll, died end -
y at Golden,
Russia is complaining that Japan is
advancing too far into- l)fanehurnt.
The antral(' of our history are f ,u1.1.f
the iives of successful %mere' sone.
Sir Martin:ler Durand, British Am-
bassaclor at Washington, is to retire.
Mrs j Caster Woodetock lady
was attacked and' badly injured by two
A woman and herfour children were
suffocated in a fire in a New York
Rev. James McCaul, a retired Pres'
byterian minister, died 41, his home at
Moore Park.
Liberals of St Anne's division of
Montreal norninetecl Mr j C Walsh An
the Commons.
A new discovery of iron ore has been
rnade in Snowdon township, in the
Haliburton district,
Miss Minnie Smith, a Stratford
domestic, had her clothing burned off,
and is in is critical condition,
The .Babcock test should be used in
every herd to determine each cow's
capacity for producing butter fat.
A New York expert, before the Text
Book Commission., criticized the quad-
ihtoyo ofthework on the Ontario School
W. Isaac Chisholm of Kincardine,
and Rev. NV. H. C. Colles of Chatham,
were elected echool inspectors' repre-
sentatives on the Advisory Board of
Make it very plain to your dealer
that you know there is no substitute
foe Pdrry Davis' Painkiller for (...xter-
nal use from neuraleht to a mosquito ,
bite and internally for all bowel dis-
Rev: F.B. Straton, a retired-Aketho-
dist minister, died in Kingston after
several months illness He Was born
near Napanee08 years ago, ancl was in
che ministry for48 years. A widow and
six daughters survi 'ed him
Piles quickly and prireitively cured
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's
made for Piles alone -and it does the
work surely and with satisfaction Itch-
ing, painful. protruding or blind piles
disappear like magic by its use. Large
Nickel Capped glass jars, We. Sold and
recommenoed by W.S. R. Holmes.
It is reported in 'unitary cireies that
an interchange Of stations between
Imperial and Canadian troops will take
piece next year, and that the Royal
Canadian Regiment, now stationed at
Halifax wid go to Gibraltar, a regi-
ment- from England garrisoning Hali-
fax in their absence.
A fatal accident occurred in Elder -
she toomship last Week. A young
man earned, Samuel Lindsay, a .neph-
ew of Inspector McCool of Walkerton,
was enga_ged in burying some large
stones.NOt returning home for diU-
ner, pee yet turning up at night, Ins
Merida went to look for bin) and found
him in a hole which he had dug under
a stone. He had evideutly been dead ;
for some hours. The stone, ' which
weighed over a ton, had literally
metalled him to death,- •
. .
Preventics, as the name implies; pre-
vent all ,Oolds and Grippe when "taken
at the sneeze stage."
Preventics are toothsoine ctitdv
tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds
quiet ly, and taken early; when you
first feel that a cold is corning, .they
chbok and preveot•them. Preventids.
are thoroughly safe for children, arisi.
as effectual for adult. Sold and re -
co mniended in 5 cep t and 25 cent boxes
by W, S. ft: Holmes;
Three cattle feeders from this local-
ity have shipped their cattle to Eine,-
land this fall, and with varying de-
grees of success. These were Thomas
Inglis of Carrick; Andrew Connell of
the saixie township,. and James Camer-
on of Elderslie. Inglis got out with it
small inergiri of profit • ()irmen did
not make a cent, and would haye been
as well off if he had sold to loge] deal-
ers ;•While Cameron, who was a week
ot two lets:than the Others, stenck it
good tinarket and pocketed a nice pro,
fit. There seems to he a good deal of,
-chance work abotzt this export business
-eVVAlkerton Telescope.
In every eliine its colors are unfurled.
Its fame has spread front sea to sea ;
13e not surprised if in the other world,
You hear of Rocky Mountain , Tea.
Ask your Druggist.
;Wolves are numeroes in' Algonquin
Park, the Provincial GoVernment's
big game preserve, this .year, accord-
ing to Mr .T. W. Bartlett, Supertn
tendent of tile park, and others. In
fact, they are a menace to the em-
ployees of the companies carrying on
luinbering operations in the park. Mr
O. E. Hulibs, book-keeper for & Bar-
nett dr CoMpany, in a letter received
at the Lands, Forests and Mines' De-
partment, says that a, pack of waives
chased one of the company's nien on
Thursday night last, forcing him to.
take refuge in a tree and keeping him
there Or some hours.
A writ was issued' in the Oxford
'County court last Saturday by McKay
& Mahon acting for Win, Hossack, of
Bast Missouri, near Holiday, against
Thomas Weir, who lives across the
road from him. The plaintiff elainis
$150 damages for value of a mare vvhicli
wa8, 'plaintiff claims, kicxed by 11 11)1510
of the defendatits while trespassing on
the lands of the plaintiff. From che
kick the plaintiff s mare suffered:from
from blood poisoning. The. incident
occurred abdut the middle of October.
The plain tiff's gate was open and the
defendant's mare 'walked into the
plaintiff's land. The plaintiff claims
that the defendant's mare was of an
ugly disposition
Says ski awl hot' Susbaod Soros
profoctly• Both Quito Well
Mrs I. Hunter, of 111
Raglan Road,Eingston
Ont., has written for
publication astptement
of her case as follows:
"I have suffered w ith
kidney and liver trouble
and chronic constipa-
tion for some time. I
was subject to dizziness
bilious headache, ner-
MRS r tumult vousness, droweinesra
pains in the back and side, and a tired,
weary feeling nearly all the time.
hl tried almost every remedy, Was
treated by doctors and druggists with
little or no benefit.
"Finally &friend advised me to try
Dr Leonhardt's Anti -Pill, and the re-
sults have been truly wonderful.
"My husband has used Anti -Pill for
rheumatism and was benefited greatly.
We agree that Anti -Pill is it most
wonderful medicine and heartily re-
commend it,"
This is it very strong recommenda-
tion. , Anti -Pill is undoubtedly the
greatest of fainily remedies. All drug-
gists, or the Wilson-Fyle Coe Limited
Niagara Falls, Ont.
• Papers for about
the Price of One
stusy oC tithe Tomb of the
In Algeria. .
The twill) of the Christian In Algeria
• is a pzrranild on the summit of 0, hill •
more than TOO feet high, at the edge Of.
this sea. It dates back to before the
time of St. Paul, having been "(milt by
• order of .itiba IL. the king of Maure-
Uinta, as a biik:>ing piaeo for himself -
and his wife, Cleopatra, the daughter
of- Cleopatra and Mark Antony, The -
only tit tighter of 'Tuba and his . wife
lvas l)ritsilla, who Married Pestus, the
governor or Judaea In the time of St
Paul. The tend). can be. entered .by A
low; doorway beneath one of the four
false doors. Tlies;.: have moldlogs On
them of a erneiforni shape and maY
account for the title; "The Tomb Of the
Christian," The passage within the •
vyIitnuid whicis round and eventually
leads t� two chambers shut off trora it
by folding doors, whiclr ean be moved •
up ana down by iiisiers.. The tomb.
-mita have. been rifled of all it contain-.
.eil centarles ago, though some think •
that by .excavatiug In a downward01-
rection it might still be possible to dis
cover, :the. burying place of the king
and queen, Supposing . the two :chani-
bers, like the • false. doors outside,. to
he • a blind. • Dotibiless:. the younger
Cleopatra • had brought the idea of
Making a royal mausoleum In the '
.shape of ic:pyramid from Egypt. Por-
tions of a marble statue ofEgyptian
, .
design .were found. at Cherehel, sug-
gesting that an Egyptian. colony may
once have existed there. • Them- are.
two '.other similar nionninents • itt'
• gerla, in the provinces of Oran and,
Constantine respectively,' the latter be-
ing .considerably- older than 'the tenth
of the:Christian, which," hoWeVary• is;
the .only one referred to in ancient
Writings.—Antecar., •
In order to increase our circulation, we have
made arrangements whereby readers may g,et two
or more papers at little more than the cost of one.
We will send •
The New Era and Montreal Weeklye
Herald, trom now to lst Jan. 1908,47 1 'qv"
The New Era and Montreal Herald
and Weekly Globe, from new to it si 30
ot January 1908 •
• The regular ash price of these pa.pers is Si.00
per year each, so that you are getting a big bargain
at the price quoted, besides getting the balance of
this year absolutely free.
Cash must accompany all subscriptions.
The sooner you subscribe, the longer you get
•the papers.
Don't wait till to -morrow. Subscribe to4lay.
Those who are already subscribers to the
• NEW ERA can also take advantage of this offers
by paying STRICTLY IN ADVANCE for next 'year.
Second Hand Piano
' Dominion Piano; 117pright, latest design, over strung, three •unison scale,
polished vvalnut. Been in, use feur months, guaranteed ten years, wilt bell cheap
J..}1. enEt.LEw, BLVT14.
s • , a. quaint Ian Sin.
At. Boxted,, in. Eissizt, England, there.
.IS it beer house. with' the Strange sign'
of the WhIg and -Fidget., Inquiry.:elleit7
• ea tho. fact that thp.liousewas bu..lt •
*manyyears ago by it man who Way so
Whig in his political :opinions. Ills•
neighbors •nIco regarded him as a
"fidgiltY" man; henee when the lio•ise
was. opened the people of the parish,
haVIng regard to its owner's Peculiar-,
itie.s, , a I,» ei.1 il. Sile Al ':121 jildget.
otherwise the 1,'10,..;'ety Whig. ,. • •
e 5)5 Of Snyi Hp; • Tit; n Pit
TO. Sily it thing to nay purpose' It
iltist be uttered with.' that.'
sense. pt a suddenly ilisco'Vered tic is
tire, which (despite the fact that Adam
anti Ev,e' may 'lave understood all
about ilu hoodwinks the listener tato
the belief 'that lie, is being: told soine- •
thing netw.--Latly Phyllis isa riystander. g
If •
• •
„ Buy your Buggy: where .quality as well as
• appearance is Considered in manufacturing,
and have your repairing done by exper-
•lenced men.
All are found at
-gurnball& McMath's
•• Huron•Street., Clinton.
Many Women Suffer
. ,
lb...6.111.....Zigt • •
ea....,120/ •
••ge•alr•••• .
• You would rather trust an old friend than it stranger, wouldn't
g you? Our Baking Powder is is tried and trusted friand in many
hoines. It does not pay to experiment with untried doubtful
• brands when you can get ours, made with Pare Cream Tartar
rid•the best English Bicarbonate of Soda, at only 25c's lb.
If you have not tried it, we will be pleased to give you •
a free sample. '
• .
J. E. HOVEY Clinton.
York often they think it is, from so-ealled
"Female Disease:" There is lest. female trouble
than they think. Women suffer fibm backache,
sleeplessness, nirvousnei.s, irritability, and is
dragging -down feeling in the loini. So do men,
• and they do not have "female trouble." Why,'
then, blame all your troul3le 50 Female Disease?
With healthy kidneys, few women Will ever
have "female disorders." The kidneys are so
closely connected with all the internal °mend,
Shat when the kidneys go,wrong, everytbihg
goes wrong. Iffuoh distress would be saved it
women would only take
r...onclott's New mayor.
Sir William. Purdle Treloar, the neve
Lord ArfaYor of London; IS 0- nian ot.
many parts arid Is most popular with
the members of the City Corporation.
On election day when his name was
proposed it was reCeived with trerrierl-
donsaapplatise, To ,alf other 'names the
crowd shouted "next?' meaning that
they were to be set. aside until nett
year, The Lord IVfayor Is a Cernisli-
-man, 'MUM of age. Ira -has- been- a
member of the Corporation of the City
of London, sinee 1880 a.nd an olderititux
since 1892. Prom 1899 to 1900 be Was
One Of the sheriffs of the city and has
been a Justice of the Peace in Kent,
Surrey and London. He IS deeply in-
terested In Egyptian' matters, being a
director and trustee of T. Cook & Sons,
Limited, and Is besides an author of
50151,o AO( v.
Motorist At 98,
ri‘hc World's oldest md
motorist Is sal
be Thomas Lawritnee, of Hacconby
naii. Bourne. Mr. Lowrance, who is a
cousin of Justice Lowrance, IS Within
two years of being a centenarian,
Dispeesing Chemist.
Zan' 116.
ReIiable Goods
at stated'intervals.
Prke 50 cents perbox or three boxes for $1.25,
all dealers or sent dinkot oh reeeipt et price.
The Doan Kidney Pill 0o., Toronto, Ont.
And General Training for
Railway Service.
The new methed inatrUction. adopted! bY
this school has proved a great sitticess.
Pupils graduate in the:shOrtesil,poesible tini
therefore at theleash esPenee-
BinPloyment provided at onee.taWrite foe a
free pamphlet which will give fitlkinforraation.
Sehool room in Gordon Block, opposite Poo
Office, the matt dosirable loeatiOn In the city
Inspection of elesses atlwork cordially invited
It0118RT IARMOIIR Stratford, (Mt
Principal and:Instructor, formerly
• District Superintendent 0.1‘. R,
prilWth OW,
IrN no Jewelry Store in Clinton, .or
surrounding towns, will be found
a more reliable and up-to-date stock
• of articles usually carried by merchants
dealing in Jewelry wares.
Call in, and we will CONVINCE
you that we excell in many lines.
" Repairing " is our Specialty.
All articles bought here engraved Free of Charge.
R. Counter•,