HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-16, Page 2TIM cram soy ma
The New Era lotAnttttgrernielgegeZa. A Discovery
ie published every Friday at
the Nnw EA* Printing lloileet
lete-6.0 697104Wr Cif:41farrON.
Terms of subscription -41 per year
inedVance ; 1.5O may be chared if
not so paid. No Paper discontinued
lentil all arrears are paid, unlese at the
tion of the publisher. The date to
which every subscriptien is paid is de-
noted on the label.
Advertising rate. -Transient ;aver,
tieentents, 10 cents per nouparel. line
for filet insertion and 3 cents per line
for each subsequent insertiOn. Small
advertisements not to exceed one inch
Alleh as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen,"
et% inserted once for 35 cents, or one
menthfor81.Comruunieetions intended
for publlcatiun must, as a guarantee of
good faith, he accompanied by the
name of•the writer.
To insure publication in current
i flue copy of advertiseraents should, be
vent in early.
Contract rates - The followingtable
shows our rates far specified periods
thetel space.
1 yr. Onto. 3Mo. lnio
Colunan $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50
* Opium's 40 00 2:5 00 15 00 6 00
IColumn 2501) 15 00 800 250
Column 18 00 10 00 550 2 00
Inch 600 .350 200 121)
Rein, HotatEs,
Editor and Proprietor
The glintoa New Era
Drastic Election Law a Feature
of the Session
'The speech from the throne at the
opening of Parliament on the 22nd,
'inet., in addition to a reference to the
intended tariff revision, and the
amendment of Lhe insurance Act, will
promise the introduction of such legis-
lation as experience has proven nec-
essary for the perfecting of the Cana-
dian election law.
The Government has already given
its consideration to this subject, which
was the subject also of a special en-
quiry at the last session, and the Act
as proposed will certainly include
elsuses of a most drastic character,
and peualties for its infraction, which
even the most unscrupulous party
woikers will hesitate before incurring.
If the view of a special committee
°nest session prevails,. one feature
will be a clause requiring every quali-
fied voter to record his bailot in Paella-
mentarv elections on penalty ' of dis-
feanchisement for aterm of yesrs.
This, •it is thought, in iy tneet the case
of the man who "hasn't the time
vote," unless one. of the candidates
makes it worth his while.
Our relat iods with 1to States
The'Toronto Sun points out that the
offer for better .trade relatious, with
the Stetes, was made by Senator Fair-
banks, in a lei ter to Sir Wilfrld
Laurier, which was embodied in a
speech of the Fieaece Minister in 1003.
Bat this letter only asked for the •re-
assempling of the Joint High Cone
There was nothing whatever in it to
indicate a desire on :he part: of the
United States for bettee trade re-
lations, although air Fieldiug did 'put
that construction ' upon it. But if
mentory serves us right Sir Wilfrid.
afterwards stated in the Hoese that'
the Conualiseion would not Illedt until
such thee ad the United. States was
willing to consider all the matters • in
dispute, which it did not eopear to be
at the tone.
If we can get closer trade telations
.with our American friends, on equal
terms, we should do so, but we have
been so often snubbed by them in our
approaches, that one net ti rid y hesi-
tates about making fresh negotia-
tions unless fairly sure that they will
be successful.
Great Change for the Better
Speaking of a supper given Mr.
Courtney, DeputyMinister of nuance,
on hie retirement, the Globe's Ottawa
correspondent says : - "The milks of
civil servants ha re greatly improved
since Mr Courtney first joined their
ranks. At that early period In Con
federation regular luncheons, with no
lack of liquid refreshment, were pro.
vided for the ministers at cabinet
meetings, and the Canadian taxpayers
"fetid the ehot,". Now the cabinet
ministers take their luncheon at home
and are mold abstemious in their hah,
.11 Doctor' s
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not.
a simple cough syruP. It is a
strong, medicine, a doctors
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate...caset4
chronic cases of asthma, pleu-
risy, bronchitis, consumptiOn.
Ask your doctor about this.
"1 bkVe used a great del of Ayee's °Wry
Pectoral for eeriest sod hard colds on the
cheat. It has anew done mo mat good. It
15 nrs1".111! * me?. Itr"II*1 'DIP rat
N. A,
ay .0. Aye*, cm.. Ieneelli Dais.
*hie mantalletarees eft
and even downto a. inter time it was
troop out at luncheon time by the
score and adjourn to some neighboring
hostelry for SD appetiser. All this has
gone, and it cen now be veld that the
whole of the Men in the publie pay at
Ottawa are as temperate, earnest and
hard-working a lot as could be found
anywhere in Canada. The recourse to
intoxicants during business hours, or
indeed in leieure, is now go rare that
the individual who violates the reles
of tel becomes a marked men."
no minimal thing to eee civil servants
Yew Vidll hallitort rocovery by Ix*.
s.se/o/er lwesOe ▪ ••l•malhaa•..
Build KOUSe8
'Towels do some queer things. Take
thecese of a town that Works iteelt
red in the face voting a bonus to a new
industry, while the manufacture
who is alreedy there cannot get the
skilled workmen he needs, and cannot
bring them front outside because there
is not an empty house in town. The
place needs new houses- the town
needs a building Committee to inditee
its men of means to pig up roofs for
the orowipg population to shelter un-
Half the towns of the Province are
being strangled by wealthy citizens
whose only idea of a safe investment
is a first mortgage on a farm property
at 6 per cent. -Toronto Saturday Night
The first paragraph is undoubtedly
true. The NEw' Ba& has repeatedly
called attention to the fact that more
houses are needed in this town. Time
and again parties who want to Move
here come and enquire for houses to
rent, and are simply me* with the
statement that they caunot be had,
We believe that at least twenty-five
housee would and ready tenants here
to -day, if they were to be heti.
The Goclerich Star says ; ••
"The remark of a candidate for Par-
liamentary honors at Londesboro
some years age, when Beer Holmes
wits opposing turn, that. he never knew
before of a windmill being -'run by
water, is recalled by she following
from the NEW BRA :
'People are asserting that the re-
scently constructed drainage canel
'in Chicago will in time drain all the
'lakes connected. therewith. First
'thing we know Goderich will be an
'inland town, and titeY will be offer,
'Mg fine farms for sale. out in the
'middle of whet is now Lake Huron,'
That wasn't a bad joke at Londes-
boro. But no one will ever chargethe
junior editor of the Star with being
run by water so long as he keeps his
signboard up.
' Men live to learn. At the School
Commission, the eminent eounsel Mr,
George Lynch -Staunton, K. C., in it-
lustrating C. A, Rose's contention that
all should be free to printschool booke,
said: "Justthe sanie as in the print-
ing of the Bible. :Everybody can 040
it." •"No, they can't," was the witness'
quick reyly. "They have to obtain
license frog) the British Government,
to print the Bible." That was a 'sur-
prise to Alr Stanuton, "Well, I never
knew that before !" Was his remark,
and the illustrating business ceased,
of Great Value
iseenuae a Core. was Pound for
• InlirdninntOrY• 100100400141".
WitY the Shook Married Nast Got is
*be Weettite First,
genie Teem ago, when General Tow
Ilk Rumba was the Turkish minister
at Weehington. he- objected to the cm
cottage ior
••=0"....• Far Sale or to Rent
prirophoert7totfarreoriberamweadlgizotob: :031:earpsetodin;50:11 :°00°14 10% for*e$.(roeseiscsroin) ti:
be given sit the close of the current Year.
Per particular' apply to W. ORYDONE,
gloms queolthine the neWepaper inter, reesomthle tering. "W. C. SEARLE,
There are manytypeenf rlieunaatisra viewers lurked WM 011
but none worse than inflammatory. One nterviewer, however, to14 the
lt17 t 314":1* A.100 oouple of good brit* storey.
it was tids t at -a Moat reoristlenfative of the sublime port° a
Mre Edw. Warman, of Kent Jct., tunny etory absent Prigharn awl
very known remedy she tried, dif- his reanY wives, and it induced the
ferent doctors gayer their advice, but , Minister to reciprocate.
the disease inereaeed, I "There Is a Turkish legend," he said,
Weak and despairing. she Was at her "to the effeet that if a man prays strie
vvits' end when the remarkable cure Of en consecutive mornings alone in the
Thos ()Wien was published, This •, mosque for good ,luck it will come.
gentleman was cured of rheumatism
ears Near St. Sophia mosque, COnstantille-
_ _o_tiy "Ferrozone." Consequently
Warman used the sante retnedY, Here Ple, a poor Matt lived who tried to car.
is her statement; . • rY out the injunction; but, when. he
"For years Ihave been rhetimatic. kneeled, to his chagrin he always saw
I tried various forms of relief with- I another man who had. arrived first
out success. The disease increased, The fourth morning he could restrain
settled in nty joints and muscles ; himself no longer and cried out: 'What
these dwelled, causing exeruciating -
pain and kept nee from Sleeping. My i Is we Secret of your getting to the
limbs and mans stiffened, my shoulders Inesque first? I get. un early and 1050
were lame and prevented me from no time,' The other man 'diked, *How
working. Week by week I was los- many wives have you?' When he an-
ing strength and despaired of finding
a cure. It wits a happy dity I begird moll can never get to the mosque ear+
SWered 'One,' the fortunate man said*
of Ferrozone. Every clay I took " ' - .
31er than I for I have tour wives.
Ferrozone I felt better; it eased the . 0
painful joints, gave me energy and a s When I wake up one brings tee my
feeling of new life. Ferrozone cured . clothes, another gets my vetoes, a third '
my rheumatism, cured it so that not prepares nay bath, and the fourth
an ache has ever returned. Even., cooks breakfast. The result is I lose
damp -weather no longer effects ine," no time. Now, my friend' go at once
Uric Acid, neutralize and enrich the and marry three other wives, and you
ettozone e .e Y
1 House for Sale. Farms for Sale
Sen --
Subecriber °Oen for gale hie hone° and
three-quartereif-an-sore of land an Mary
$t. Fruit trees, good hard and eoft water
also stable. WW be Bold ou reasotabl
terms, OO, DAVIS.
will know the secret of My arrivins '
blood, and therefore does cure the
worst 'cases, Mrs Warnaan's state- first at the moScpIe.' '
"The poor Turk folloWed the advice
ment proves this.
By removing the cause of the ' and er soon he knew why the Mar
ease an an ng up a reserve with four wives got to the mosque
energy Ferroznne is certain to cure. first -he Stayed there In preference to
Slifferer, isn't it ebout time to stop
staying at home." .
exeerimenting Ferrozone 1,; a CURE.
We guarentee this. Sold by all deal -
Remember the name -"Ferrozone". • . LONDON PUNCH.'
ers, 50c ner box orsix boxes for $2.50. •
While hdward Dale was %corking on
his farm atBrysen. Out., he wassur-
prised to see a good-sized deer rush out
of the bush and run alongside- 0110 .01'
the hones, . grazing about 100 yards
from hiin The der was pantiug
heavily and gave every appearance ot-
having been chased by hounds or some
other unit -eel until se exasperated' that
it sought protectionin the companion-
ship of the grazing horses. Dale. bad
..no rope convenient with which to at-
tempt , th lasso Atte deer, but . he
thought of another plan, by which he
sOcceedecl in capturing it. He stole
quietly to ..the opposite • side of the
horse to where the deer was, and,
stooping down underneath his hone,
stretched forward his arm and caught
one of the legs of the deer. • The
captured animal gave terrific • plunges
aed. Dale was dragged tioder the
horse and about ten feet away. But
Ix e held hie grip firmly, and where the
deer made another strideforward it
. felt on its .side. Ie then kicked feroci-
,ously, and Dale vvas famed to let go
his grip. However, when the deer at!
tempted to get up again, Dale succeed -
id• preventing it 'from 'getting a
foothold. Three : times Dale pushed
.the aoientl. over an its back when on
the verge of getting. up, and then a
hired inag arrived on the. scene.' The
animal...mho found afterwards to . have
broketvone of its nitnble legs in en-
deavoring to escape.. •
A tragedy Was enacted three, Miles
out of•Oblitiresi;Tex on the. Colorado&
Southern.' Railway, Which shows that
depravity to which strong . drink will
lead a human being. ' Tivo little boys,
scarcely more than babies, were delib-
ertly held in front of a•passenger train
by their hither, who stoodein the mid-
dle of the track aud calmly awaited
death. The trum's name is C. A. °er-
bium The train was late into Childress
and was running at it high tate of
speed to make up lost time.wheiethree
miles out, tie the engine, rounded a•
curve, the engineer saw 41, bri,d11. 'Abdr
two littiteboya standing on aid eriteg.,.
-Thefather was standing directly be,
t ivoe it t lie ' held wi to eech
hand one 10 sons. shiall least of
the whistle •was. given, • bet the man
never rflOYeil The .yoinagsters vainly
tried to. pull *away -from their 'father,
but, were held firmly.• The . engineer
reversed and threw an the brakes. but
it was too late. The engine • liSirled,
their bodies from its path the .father
dead, the boys fetidly. injured. •
• •
DeafttesCanoot .be Cured
by locai Applications asthey cannot
emelt.i he diseased pertion of the • ear.
There it-i•onlY oue IA.r:Cs; to cure deafness
end met is by constitutional remedies,
Deaftiess is caused by aln inflamed core'
dition of the mucous lining of the Bugs
tachien Tube.. • When this tithe is in-'
flamed, you have a, rumblingsound or
ie quieted hearing,and when it is entir-
ely elosed.. Deafness is the re,sult, and
unitise •the tithe cam he taken out, and
this tube, restored to its•normal cendi-
t i on h eari ng wil I be' destroyed forever;
nine ceses eutof ten lire caused by Ca-
tarrh,which igen-reed by ate :inflidned
condition of the mucons Surfacei.
We *ill give One • Hendred .Dollars
for any cite° of Deafness,' (thiesed by
Oaterrh)that cannot be cured by Halls
Caterrh Gore.. 'Send fee circulars free.
• 'F. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggiste; 75e. • ' '
it'tToank,e s manly ills for conslAP-
Farmstead .Skit'
• ...—
Tn be a farmer is no disgrace. To
be it poor ill -alder letyseed 18 a, crime. •
It makes ito differeuce how poor yon
are if You are :in honest worker.
Do uot mortgage your farm to spec-
utete Cotedt, no in Meter hoW attrac-
tive it looks.
There' is a little mine on every On-
tario farm, if the farmer gets to work
with theenthusaism of the miner, .
Alfred Rogers of Eineale. lute put in
a big bunch of steers for the .vinter's
feeding ;.ho will feed them in loose box
A fernier who started in it small Wliy
.geew insolent . he became epulent,
hieh very often ocetitS - It luis been
observed that as soon as it tadpole
Lowe its tail it begins to kick, says an
The nitride r of auction selee that ere
billed to take piece this month is re-
markalle, reports tho Perk Hill Post
Mnny of the sale bills announce
ing sales, so that the proprietors eisi•
dently- intend leaving these parte for
the citice or the northwest flow so
twiny people col leave comfortehle
homes on velnabie farms. in this -e� -
tion, dispose of their Wens at a sacra
flee, lied run the risk of being disap-
pointed in some other' field, m Move
thief We eau undentatid.
one .oceasicin When the Proprietor
Wanted, It Siopped, •
The introduction of Sir Fennell
I3urnand to the staff of Punch ledtc
an uuusuitl incident • The Bookiniym
tells the, story, Mr. Burnand had
en up his profession of lave and was
devoting himself to writing. It ea
curred to Mtn that a 'burlesque on the
• seneational novelof the day. and print,
ea after the 'manner of the London
.journal might make a Popular hit. He
proposed his plea to the • editor of
Puneh, who at once accepted. the idea.
'The Ant installment came out Blue.
trated by Gilbert, .-Dri Afaurier and
Keene and reproduced in Journal fash,
Mu. It "took". at once and became the
telk of the. town,
The, day of the first issue the ember:
proprietor of Punch was 111 in bed.
The neither reached Olin .*Ith the
Journal burlesque folded on the oat;
'side. At first • ire 'thought a Journal
•Itad been .tsent him* by mistake, but
when he disccivered that . the • page
formed it portion of riinCh lie did not •
stop to read it but sprang out of bed
oacitiaoonce, dressed :and hurried to the
"Stop Puitchi." he cried, bursting Into
the room. . "Stop psinch! • You've got.
at page ot the Journal in the form!" '
. It leek , considerable ,explanation t�
'- atlsf bhn that, some dreadful; Ws-
takehial not lieeu -made ' • • •
This Was Air. Purneiers. first appear -
Mice on the Puncei The next
eight 'Thacker:1y took him- to the week-
ly dinner: and introdueed him:
"Gentlemene-the new bey." • .
• . Library, L'ondin
• Few people have suffered more then
Ince P Taylor of. Dy men t P. 0.. On t.
'Today he hi well arid writee,-"I Must
tell.,you how nmeh CatarrhOzene lia
been to me. I was so bast with bron-
chitis sometime I. thought it ' would.
Orion be over. with me: A spell of 'chok-
ing would come on. that left nig pros-
trated anti weak. Since using ganterb-
neI ilitve ha cl no trouble at all. It
strengthened iiiy throat, stopped • the
ermeh. Mive me free hreathing and en -
ti -rely cured.' .Tust the usual. 'experi-
ence. Catarritozoue veciably cures,
WhetherBronehitis, As' hit or catarrh
Two sizes; 250 end $1.00 et all dealers.
• ,weie infistory Of Teteitne.
"The •entire hiStory of Taeltus, .Wte
have thp..work, - was. regained from a
single copy found in the fifteenth cen-
tury in a . monastery of Westpbelia.
That we. should owe the worki: of, thie
author to one copy is it renia.ikable etc-
chmstance, for the Emperor. Tacitus,
whO claimed to he e descendant of the
historian, had copies: cif the hilitory .
placed every library' of the„empire,
'and each,yeer had ten copleS transcrih-
for presentation to scholais. All. It
eeenis, perished, save the Westphallau
The Greer Difficulty.
. "One -halt of •the world's himpleess ls
spired when a person learns' to,' mind
hie own bitsiness." • .
4.`yeS, -but les Chet other half that
causes thetoost trouble," .
' "What's. that" •
.."Getting other people to tuied-theirs."
• No Conlin*. ' .
Mrs.. jonee-Do, you appreciate what
that is you are eatieg?. 'Tenpin (with
lj • 'S. ' J
hie mouth. o m rs. ones-,
'Well, that is angel eake with Wine
. jelly end whipped cream. Trani -a -Oh,
well, -anything tastes geed when a Id-
ler's hungry, mum!-.
itove Ile. itrnero .
Feir Passenger -They gay YOU cent
fool a' street car conductor With a.
plugged nickel. hut -I worked ope off .
on hint a- few minutes ago.. The Other
Passenger -I know it, madam. He
. gave It to me in change jtist now,
• The fleet Litersitstre•
The best literature of our day is not
In fiction. It is in poetry, In biography,
In history and In eritleism.-London
Snliere, •
A diseesed condition of the surfaces
of the ale passagett celleWS 114
but more commonly etnoti•tl es from in-
digestion Or an impure. eotulitsoe of
the blood, Thousands of /eases prove
that Dr. Ilatuiltoula Pills through
their epecilic action on the seeretoty
and el Initiative organs, not only cure
bad bre:ith, hut so thoeoughly purify
the system that anything suggestive
of Wood or digestive, tioublee
Theoitgli Dr. Hamilton's
the skin grows rosy and clear, activity
of the bode end mind ineveases, and
botinding health is established. Sold
everywhere in Zie boxes,
House and Lot Ior Sale.
• For sale, the comfortable frame bowie
on the corner of Rattenbury and Beeline
$15., M present occupied by Mr. gee Wee,
For particulars apply to •
W.sG. DOHERTY, Clinton,
House for Sale
The large cottage on Queen street,. he -
longing to the estate of the late E. Holmes
is offered for sale. The lot ie one-half
aore, With bearing fruit trees, \herd and
soft wider. A bergain. Apply at NEW
ERA office,
House for Sale.
A comfortable freme house on Mill $t.,
orntedning bedroome, sitting room, pan-
try woodshed, good °Oar, hard and eon
water, One-quarter aore lot. Will be sold
cheep, Apply at NEW ERA Office, or
pdl$ HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton.
House Mr Sale.
Large frame house on Wellington St.,
Clinton, lately occupied Isy F. C. Anomie.
7 roorrts and pantriee, end Woodshed, good
stone caller, Lel acre of land, hard and sott
water. A splendid chance for a eerson
wanting a good houge. Apply to
AiRS ALL00011, Clinton, or Mee. Chid-
ley'e, /ow St'
Good House for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his large and
oomforteble frame house on Albert Street.
The house has every convenience for °aim-
ary tensity. Good cellar; hard and soft
water on the lot; thrce-quarters-of-an•aore
of lend; bearing /mit trees, &leo good
stable, Will be field reasoneble terms.
Clinton, Moh 30th, '
House for Sale
The commodious and well -situated house,
known as 'Lakeview" -on Elgin avenue, in
the Town of Goderioh. The place has every
convenience, and is especially, well located
for a boarding house, and is at present
doing a gcod business in this line. Large
lot and a number Of fruit trees. Possession
owe be giver, 1st of Jan; next. Apply at
• premises. or by letter to MRS, E. Mo.
•DOWELL, Lakeview, Goderioh. . .p
Itesidenee for Sale.
In the Village of llolmesville.
Mrs, T. C. Placard offers for sale. her
two stotey brick house, winds has ratite
roof, cellar fail size of house, furnace, head
and Boit water in lionee. One-balf tone ot
land, with plum trees, oherry trews berry
bushes, etc., stable Oa prermecE, A183 BIX.
quarterncre lots near home.. Price $1500.
Apply to W. PICKARD, Idolinesviti000r
• kinurig Time: •
To read for either inetruction
aumsemeot is commendable, • but it is
not se for the sake of killing time. Late
in life, after his fortune had been
made, .euccessful merchant, • Mr. S.,
took a young num into. 'parteership..
Entering the ollice on a .dell day In the
dull -season, the millionaire' found les
partner yawning .01,er a book. ''What's.,
ttin t You're dellig,?" Mn' -S.' asked.
"There's 'notliing else • to do. • So I'm.
reading," *was' the. ansWer. .ONothing
:else hi do? 'Reading?" the .great mer-
chant . repeated . in: e .ton4. • that ex-
pressed wonder, emnseptent and scorn.
"Wive. yen' ve nothing else to do don't
read. • Thitik!"
a . e P.
'Cape ef linen, wee', straw, bark of
trees and leather were exterieively
• worn in Egypt and Arabia in early
times and were, usnally•ef a pointed or
peaked shape.•••• The variety et bead
dresses :used by the Egyptian ladies.
was very great :
. • :
IIPeunuts ' in lonropc. •
reanuts grow large • quantities on
the northwest coast of Afeicti,- lint are
' known there as grOund nuts, They are
deg' up by the natives and. bartered.
with the European traders for. Leek
Liaise tobacco ete at many feces
on the Cambia river and afterward
I • .
shipped in steamer loads to European
•ports, principally to 3,I.eeseilles.
; The Most Awful Aceident.
.1 The most awful Accident -in history .
was the fall of a Bohlen airtiglitheater
in the time of 'Merles. ..ViftY then -
sand peeple were crushea.
' Inutiginary Disease.. •
The -British 'Modica). Journal says
that. only en imaginary remedy WM
cure an imaginary disease,- which is
true t� the oldopaxhii, "Similie
bus . etiointoree. contitmes: "This
may be condemed by the- righteotis -
quackery, and quackery' of a- kind It
undonbtedly is., But if the real end oe
mealcine is -to cure can she, when le-
gitimate means'. fail, afford Os . despise.
anythitig that relieves suffering, .even
though the suffering be imaginary?" .
• •Forrgirencirs.
f'i can forgive, bid cannot forget,"
is Only. tine way of saying, "I will not •
forgive." A, forgiveness euglit. to be
like a canceled note tern in two and
buil* up, so that it can -never be
shown torah* man. Tere As an
ugly kind of forgiveness' in the world
kind of hedgehog forgiveness shot
out like quills,
About 800 nem fleet -ohms land, eitneted
on the 4111 and Oth conceseions of Hullett,
are offered for gale. This is the flaw* pas-
ture land, without ezeeption, this
neighborhood. For pareioulers enquire in
the first place by mail, joini Room,
Box sac. London.
Choice Land Mr sale.
Subscriber often. tor wile the 20 agree on
the Bayfield Road, Goderich Trio tit pre -
neat occupied by him, and known lie the
iflewes farm. Good frame how, etone
cellar, barn $640, with cement wall 9 /set
higtogood hearing orchard, plenty of teeter.
AMES SMITH, Clinton.
Wet Shoes.
To dry patent' leather dr :Oho shoes,
.heat:a pan of bout in the oven untli
.qtalte warm, pour this iote the shoes,
tilling to the ton, wine the outside
With a thlr cloth and rub into the lean
• et Vaseline -or sweet oil and !et stand
until dry. •
Lenriting .14•3* , xpetienee.
Nell -Ile - ,a1ways said that nei two
people Ott -earth think alike.. .
' Well? Nell -elle has changed his mind
ShleC looking over the presents his '•
wedding -called. ferth..
Ms Dad lireak.
"Why ita ve you and Barry eeased to
he friends?"
"ffIe wanted to begin econordiZing the
mittUte wo becatne engaged."
The Only Safe wily.
Lawson -You say your wife never
disobeys you?
Dawson -No. I never glve her any •
Wets. -
ilOW much the world needs kindness;
Ow easily It le donel-Druminond.
It is a fset which Canada facee with
some degree of eeriness that within it
feW rears she will be alemiti tidy &Void
of the beautiful pilte forests which at
one time were her tirade. AL the pre-
sent vete of deetenctioo the number* s
o years Pelmet be great nail there
win hardly 00 another ee or the
oviettud forests to be ent within the
litnits of the Cana, Lan lumber region.
Whether your bread
is good or bad, the cost
of baking is the. same.
You pay a few cents
Royal Household
but those fevfr cents -in-
sure good results every
time. It 'is the finest,
whitest, purest flour
that's milled. It's the.
flour that is always pod.
Ogilvie Oar, 111111i*Ce., II&
Farm tor Sale.
Subsoriber offers for stile hie farm of 103
acres, being lot 31, 3rd con. Hs R. Id. Their-
eniniith. All cleaned and tinder °Easiest -
ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grim
Frame house, bank born, hay barn, and
othet outbuildings, Bearing orchard.
Good water. Schoolhouse on the preening,
6 miles to Seaforth ; less than 5 to
Clintonog soO
WHITeliauti ()RICH, Clinton,
Farm tor Sale.
Subeoriber offers for sale his farm •of
100 sores, being lot 24, Com 2nd, Stanley,
All cleared but 10 acres. Brick house.
Wilt barn 40x80. cement silo, 14x30; one
aore ororohard and small fruits, 2 never -
ling wells. Driving house, pig pen, hen
home. Five miles from Clinton end three
from lam:Wield, on good gravel roads.
Clinton P0.
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offere for sale his splendid
farm of 96 acres on the Bass Line, being
berth part of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hullett
Good brick house, barn and all necessary
outbuildings; 35 sores bush; /arra well wa-
tered and In good oondition. 2 miles from
Auburn, and one mile trom the preposed
C.P.R, stetion, Joipr SPRUNG. :Au.
burn P.O. .
Farm fOr Sale.
Two hundred and thirty-five acres, situ-
ated on Bavfleid Road, Goderict Tp., three-
quarters -of -a -Mile from Clinton. Soil in
excellent condition, having .been all under
grass for five years; selendid grain or grate
land, well drained. Five acres hardwood
baeh and excellent orchard. One beet,
52;174, with stone stabling for 12 horses
and 35 cattle; one harn, 86 54, with silo
and etabling for 17 'cattle, Large imple-
ment house and pigpen; power and pump-
ing windmills; large frame house; two
good wells and relining water at rem: of
farm Apply. • to MRS. ALEX; in
IdeEtt EN, Clinken rto„ ai Lo 28, Con
2, Stanley. '
Fa.rm lor Sale.
Proprietoroffers for sale hie farm on the
Maitland Con. Goeerioh Township, Lots
77 and 78, situated 11-2 milee trom village
of Bolinesville, eburch' and echool. The
Jerre writable 238 scree of choice lon3, a
good frame house, and bank barn 5 sores
of orchard and 30 sores of gock maple
brahland. The farm is traversed by a run -
ping brook. This farm natl. be sold in a
block or in parte. Apply to
ALEX 13.A.14 OUR,
Oinceeeser Jots Soon
BABIlisTER, 8ol,I0eroR, Om,
=WO •
T0Aloe-E1liott laleek,fOrsearrrildwi- -
N Mr Scott.
rw31410,_ EV),
Agents Wanted.
. We went" good, live, hustling agents to
reprecient rid be unoccupied territory. Any
agent who is. after good business, must
handle what people want to buy. Gusto -
roan ask for igationtd .Crearo Separatore,
and New Art ' Sewing Machines. Write
for tier Agents Odetet.ot. and Terms Just
the ppeition for retired 1VIerehent or Farm-
er. An Meepenaentincome to right man.'
2ipp Box 346, Guelph. •
. •
Poultry Plant to Rent.
The Poultry plant at gelmesville is
cfAred to rent. Home, etable, poultry.
bouse, feeding.pen, inculsetor houge, told
storape and ice house, incubators, brooders,
and feeing orates, ell in first•olass conga
eon. F. C. ELFORD,
ole. Aun thi Bellevue,
kaire igoe's • Arson.
It is .claimed that Lake Erie pro-
duces mere fish , to the siltiare inile
than any- other body of water In the
*arid. • ,
. , -Noon Debbie*.
In the -Louvre, at- Pities, there ia
Interesting old vase of Etruecau manu-
facture, whose alge is .computed itt
about 2,500 yeare, It, in interesting as
bearing a group of children in relief.
who are engaged In blowing soap bub-
bles from .pipes. • • .
IDONITIMANDERB, V.91.0400;0203410§
Beal Notate and Iseeiranoe Agent:
Money to ion
• HALE, -JOHN 11.11:00ter
Drs. Gunn lie Gunn,
De, W. Gann, Ito D. C. P.. L. it. 111. ft.. MO.
* Or, J. Nletert stunn, M. A.D. !England,
L. R. V. P., towline.
Moe -Ontario Street, Milton, Night oaths at
front ()keret office or residence, nattentottrr
„,Dolirj ire Ltety.
unliPlelaw is still In force at
Stratford, in PrUSSIilti Pomerania,
pat:wraith of the penceregelatIoes of
3840; Which Is still being eneeted, retitle,
"Smoking in the streets of promenades
• of this town is pnidtivcly prohibited, .
• violators of this In w befog punished by
a rine, Or event -roily by• it number of
• marks the ftne ititmunts 10."
Painting' Tfir wore. • .
• Pft./11: srIlI Snelt 0 1;b1enre If tbe eur-
raeo-ie.S.Crati•Itml with it 111000 Of reit gal
pumice etette smelpaper awl
a thin east nf !engine- varnish applied
before the paint is vitt on, •
T311:!1111,. 11.1 AS-oii il)11 11114 (0)1.14.1fiX'
TNC10E(d111) ATTI•INDANd): A' T1114
10en'it !411(0'15t4 wive ,bovoti witionu nt
salaries fron 550 nor nierith ,to 11000 per
:Oar, Write to -day for .betieseine clans
logne. WO can place Vett On the road *0
sneers. emu/neer° now
fituorti pritt
cornoi. or Venue mull Alritunorr Sts
tDR. 4. W. $HAW.
Abet uthiAenee 00
tedo 13t., oppoeite tonglieh church, formerly oe
envied lov Dr, Appleton. Vinton out.
Physician, Surgeon, Etch
epeeist attention given to dieeesee of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and. Nose.
Office andliesistenco•
.dllsert Streetsfi Blocks Norther ItattenbarY
G. W. Ilimmirig Smith, 1, D.,0•31
PllYSI0111.1‘T & BURGIEO,N.
OFFICE -Mein Street, Baylield, formerly.
oocupied by Dr. Pallister.
. OR. F. R. axes
(Succes:riEtOlir Holmes.)
Specialist in crown and Bridge work,
• Graduate of the ROyidt.College of Dental sore
of Thaversite of Toronto Den-
tgoaehGE1:11DrfaanedgPgoufra.ar°gttrenma.todaeflinri09:"eLagn college of Dental Burgers,
Will visit Barfield every niontlm.
•••=4 Lg..*
• Offices over O'NEIL'S eters.
Speoitil care taken to make cleeta tre
ment as painless as poseibie. W vi
Auburn every Monaay.
TAMS OardPEELL.1.4)NDIDihOltu,
g) ' %WEE 05 alADDIAGE 1.4DENSEll
'No witnesses ref:mired
-Private fundsto loan at 4%._per cent and rip -
wards W. BitYDON.B.
Licensed Auctioneer.
Farm sales .a Specialty.
Orders left at the NEW;BRAtwillisii
promptly attended. to,
Live stock and general Auctioneer,
Farm stock sales a specialty. Orders left ab
NEW ERA •oftlee, Minton, promptly attended.
Terms sreasonable. Farmers' sale notes
J. B, Bumball, Clinton
Private funds to loan on niortgages et
bees current ramie
General Banking buemete r ateerted
Interest allowed on nerviest) ,
Sala notes bought
141cTsggatt M. D. McTaggart
NicTaggart Bros.
General Soaking Buidness%
Drafts booed. Interest eliewed on
The McKillop . Mutual
F.10 insufance. eo
Paris and Isolated Town FrOpe
erty only Insured,
J . B. McLean, President, Eippen. Thies
Eraser Vice-preso Brucelfielde• Thos. ,E
Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth:
Jas. Connelly, Porter's john
Watt, Harlock; G.• Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beetle
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben -
newels, 'Broclhagen. • .
Each Director is inspector of losses/in
his own loCality,
Rohe Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Eginond*
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
relisble resident agent for (Minton and
vioinity for Fall end Winter months, to
tell trait Treee, Small Fruit Bashes,
Ornamental Trice, Flowering Shrubs, eto.
All supplies famished free, Terms libet
al. Ws °welder thie agcnoy one of the
beet on otir list tina geed Darnley Oen be •
Made Oat of it. Agents will have ovir 000
acres or choice stock to dean, npon. Every.
thing we ship is guarantecil. Apply tor
fed partioulare, writioit or person, VS
Gooderhaw Building, Toronto, Ont,
Plaltdolgali Pa..% 8, 0114118 8ftitia
Tbsewasiso Trostitallit *Waal, Mow
Abele, test sae Viirl**61017,11044114,
ter ittrsibltt.m.,,,,,,ao rentesiores sesione
Attila% Fit% brio* 0 yftes ponied* 5 Ifiker
114414sibsolomielskillitewoit. Need ter Inon *boor' tato&
not Oneteseriery neitentilrensierratainertinogrneri