HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-11-09, Page 3Nov. 9, 1906
Have you Shared in the Bargains?
Last week hundreds of people shared in the bargains we are giving in MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS, BOY'S CLOTHING, UNDER-
WEAR, HATS, &c, and went away satisfied that this is a genuine Clearing Sale,
Again we say --We are positively giving up the Men's Clothing Business in this store, and we want
to sell every dollar's worth by Dec. 31st, if possible
Men's $12.00 Suits for $8.75
Men's $10.00 Suits for $7.50
Men's $15 Overcoats $1L99
Men's $12 Overcoats $9
Men's $10 tvercoats $7.
$10 Waterproof Coats $7
$1 Smocks and Overalls 85
$3.95 Cordroy Coats 53
54.50 Trousers $3.50
$3 Trousers $2,40
$2 Trousers $1.60
Men's $5 Reefers $3.50
Extra 'Special
Twenty dozen Men's Best English Hard and. Soft Hats,
including the well known brands of. Wakefield's Battersby's,
WOodrows and Hartley. Colors of black, brown, fi wn and
'grey. Your choice of all these new Felt Hats that sold at
83.00 and $3.5Q for
• $5.00 Boy's Overcoats for $3,95
6.00 Boy's 'Overcoats for 4.50.
7.50 Boy's Overcoats for 5,75
5.00 Ulsters for $3.50
3.00 Reefers for 2.40
• Boy's $2.75 Suits for $1.95
3.50 Suits for 2.59
•4.00 Suits for 3:00
'No better stock of Furnishings in Clinton to choose, from
575.00 Fur -Lined Coat for 562.50
60.00 Fur -Lined Coat for 46.50
50.00 Fur-Litied Coat •for 42.50
27.50 Black Calf Coat for 22.00
5.00 Red Cali Coat for 21.00
18.00 Saskatchewan Coat 14.50
37.50 Australian Coon Coat 32.00
30.00 Wombat Coat for - 25.00
u 29.
35.00 Wombat Coat, Astcrafhan 75
12.00 Persian Lamb Caps 9,00
10.00 Persian Lamb Caps - 7.90
7.50 Persian Lamb Caps - 5.50
1.00 Fur Lined Caps - 85c
.75 Fur Lined Caps - - 60c
• Penman's. $1.25 Nat'al. wool Underwear $1
Toronto Knit $1.25 Underwear for 1.00
1.50 ,Fine All -wool Underwear for 1.25
1.00 All -wool Underwear for . . . . 8,0c
Penman's heavy rib (red) all -wool 'Under-
wear, regular 1,25, for 51.00
10 peir cent. off all Boys's Underwear
32.50 Mocha and Buckskin Gloves for $L95
8200.Mochas for $1.50 3150 Gloves for $1.25
$1.00 Colored Shirts 85c Any ;Me Collar tor 10c
$1.25 colored Shirts $1.40 31.25 Gloves tor $1.00
Canada's Fruit industry
Weak Kidneys .,
• . , •. (From the Globe)
•Bright's Disease It is only during recent years that
•and 0/abetee the Canadian' people have appreciated
'IP the pessibilities of this country for the
•• production of fruit. • Some time was
US8 Dr. Shoop's Restorative to QM required in which to ascertain that
our farmers and fruit -growers could
wasted or are fed to, live stock. •At A Plucky Little.Iiston.
tage; millions of arrels• are avholly
orchards of Canada because no means Two years ago Dr. 'and Mt a.• Wilkie I•
. .
are available for handling. the. crop, •were sent out to' begin 'a new Mission
To provide a remodY or this Condition- in Gwalior. • Their old .friends, espec- :
this thement there • are seyeral million - •
• Published by request • .•
dollars' Of fruit rotting in the • •
of things is a pressing necessity..• .• those.whohaVe lost sight of them, ••
iT be glad toknow how the work has
DO NOT BE • A BORDEN. Pr°,4'!'s.s •
Cawalior shut its doors against them.
But a ...‘veide door and! elleetual" was
Opened at .Jhansi, Within few
the Cause, If You Suffer From raise firmer, more Palatable, better- • •
These Symptoms.• keeping, and. better -shipping apples Some Good advIce to Re'ders of
Here are the symptoms ofKidney complaints:
•than any of their competitors in the •
Ve laden with sediment, brick dust in urine,
lily colored urine. greasy froth or blood
It. stringy MUCOUS in urine. unusual de-
an!, to urinate, pain in passing water, rain in
back and over the kidneys, hot, dry. and
Soh' n g skin , hair dry and brittle, pain
joints. legs feel heavy, sleeplessness,
oliness, loss ot weight, chilly sewn-
, loss of mem- orY, general debil-
. irregular heart, disorder
eyesight, trouble with
ring, waxy skin, fever.
leaf ti ng from one foot to
$he other in standing.
Aa improp- er treat*
mot is of ten worse than
sone. most Indney meat -
effect from
diuretics. These
kidney physics
eaten the bowels:
noys to unusual. acs
eines get their
eemedies called
are p raotioally
tinges cathartics
alley excite the kid.
. lion. they cause over. strain. These ur-
r Otto remedies are them selves the f requ e n t
asuse of serious kidney disease. Don't try to
doctor the kidneys themselves. for you will only
berm them. Their only strength is nerve
sower. Dr. Shoop's Restorative vitalizes tas
serves that operate the Kidneys. Sold by
The Great French Vitalizer
FiCTORE • • A r'r E
P.mntly cures Df ',int:: Wcakiiess 'result-
ip f Ann inclisertions or excefoWs.
• 1.-1 and sttr...FI rt-n,..-dy 'known for all a israissa• ,
f )1104.1, r14 of tanows, Lovs. or
• in Ir.- 1:".4:1.. Ilona. sq
• , col;rt olti ec.1 Many • other clisetitLA
',A 1 t0 1.V.,-Alv:c.F.F, • Instnilt1' 0.111
,•• • ccc. 11 1)07:o., for
'iThe Best
It must be gratifying to
the town of Clinton and
the surrounding country,
to know that at the recent
contest of Bread making,
held in Hohnesville, out
of some fifteen competi-
tors, using different brads
of Flour, the Bread made
out • of FAIR'S BEST
sold by W. T. O'NEIL,
• took first prize.
Xis not necessary to go out of
•:town for the BEST Flour,
• W. T. O'NEIL,
• t b the ress;
ot•the Gwalior en Y p
• the New gra
Rest end Cornfotat
For the Kidneys....-
•Ifyour kidneys ire all infiam-
inedif there are sharp, shoot-
ing pains in the small of the
• ;back and dull ache through
• the hips -if there is a constant
desire to urinate-aif the urine
•is ha mak scalding -a -if the
• head aches and specks float
••ing•and Inost brotherly invitation.of ; • • before the eyes •etyou can't
British markets, Only a feta' years • • ' . • . •
their orchards as an unprofitable. cum- • Al wetik st°'ntlell Dr. •Henry Forman of the Arno. can
ago many 'farmers' were -destroying and its resulting ills.
bering of the ground. To-daY- the are • not natural.- With proper . care 'Presbyterian Mission. •The ayoi•k of '• for you in • .
spirit ot hopefulness and enterprise and the use of Mi -o -nit stomach tablets, these two...though independentof eaeh
pervades the whole industry', and fruit, the Very worst case of indigestion Qt. other'aS to control and.SupporWiliters
I Kitchen Cabinets
. • . . .'
. Our Kitchen Cabinets are the greatest.labor-9ELVing devices of the 20th
. Century. Makes Kithen work a pleasure. Prices $5 00, $6 50, $11 00 and $14.
High -back chairs, 40c, 50c, 60c and 750. Extension Tables $o.00, $6.o0, $8.00 and
• $10.00. Large stock. Low prices.. •, •'••
imagine what „Tell there is
• les harnioniousiv for the 'are
both working towattl the same end
growing areas are. being 'extended in stomach trouble can b9 completely . . , y
joytnent in life and. beconie a 'burden • In •connection with 'Wilkie's
to others throdgh indigestion. . • • work:there, is now a newlys-athared
The backaches,' headaches, ' distress Christian community of 15p baptized
shepherded by 23 native'or
after eating., loss of appetite„, golping. ersons,
all of the province. of Lanada.
There are at present about 50,600
acres in the country devoted to fruit
other than apples --that is, to grapes,
peaehe.s, .pears,*plurns, cherries, smallitUi1s,
fruits, etc., all of which ate usually
very productive and exceedingly pro-
fitable' to the growers. But it is in the
growing of apples that the greatest
strides are being made. • In 1901 Prince
'Edward Island had only 360,600. trees, that you can eat. anything . you want
hut thianumber has, been practically without 'fear. of disttess or resulting
doubled during the „past two years, sickness. . .
and the fruit-gre Ning.indirstry of the The directions for taking • Mi -O -Int
"Garden' of the Gttlf" is said to be ad- emphasth
ize e difference betweon this
. • med and the• ordinary •inedicine
• It is a sin to deprraie• ' oneself of .en- •••
and on the same lines. ,
np of undigested food and gases are ygurasitur helpers; whoare.theniselveri
• not natural. 111.1-0-lla stomach tablets under eareful training, practical, edu
used for a tew days before meals will eational and spiritual.
so strengthen the digestive orgails• There is a Middle $ehOol and also a
High School, both in full operation for
last won Government recognition. In trace of aainr kidney trouble.
vancing by leaps . and bounds. British -
Columbia is 'Mao ' developing ,its fruit •that is' given for iiidigestion. Mi-o-na
indiletrY with ereditable rapidity, The is to be used before meals, strengthen, .
that acts the part of church and manse.
first carload: of fruit was shipped. out ingthe digestive system for the food. .Each is Maimed by • a choice native'
of the. 'PaCific Province only twelve whiCh is to. be eaten, while the ordin-• teacher ;land . two helpers, and has a
years ago, .while last year the ship: tirr remedy is taken after Meals, and littlfaceinpanY of baptized Christians
inents aggregated fully.5,000 tons. In. simply ' digests • the food without
around it. These y.oung Christians
1001 thefhad only 507,000 apple trees, strengthening the stomach. •.. know what '.persecution means. it
but in 1005 this number had increased • We absolutely agree' that your hurts ; it staggers sometimes ; . but it
to two and -a half Millions. During Money will he refunded should .you does good. ..
the present year bus 'estimated that at • bury a 50.cent box. of Mi-o-inv stomach . A monthly conference is an iinpor-
least 1,000,000 : young apple trees were ! tablets and. not be satisfied. with .he „ aant featute of :this mission. Once a
planted. In ten yenas front now. if results. Mi•o-na is sold by doggists inontb,. before the .first Sabbath 'the
'the present tate of Increase continues, : everywhere, or will be sent by mail ea missionaries and all the native workers .
British Columbia will' probably be the I receipacif.price, '30 cents, . • ' . of both missions gather together lot acres has also been obtained. Dr.
greatest apple -growing province in the IN rite today for a free stunple pack- interchange, instruction, .examination Wilkie's pertinacityand suceess in se
t .
Dotninion. In Ontario there were in age aud also give Us your syniptonts, and PraYer. The conference htstb at curing this property, all. ,Of which is
J. -.H. eiRELLEw. 131LirTn.
• . .
These wonderful. little pills
• soothe and heal kidneys an&
• bladder -take away all pain--
• clear the urine -enable ane to
go through the night without
more than It year, •and which have at, : arising - and • relieve -every
• • these schools, the daily Bible Class oc• •Cures • Rheumatism Too.
copies a first plaee. • .
There are tWo centres in the out- THE CLAFLIN 9HEMICAL. CO., LIMITEc.
lying villages, each with dbuilding ifINDSOR, ONT NEW yam
• • . • • • • • ,
Christian. instruetion, while doing such
work as their weakened bodies were '
Able for. This has been done by means -
of $128 contrilaited for the purpose.
Dr. Wilkie la at present building, at .
a cost of $l,000, a bungalow one ten-
' acre Missionary Hill, 'etirroundecl by 46
acres more ' of land belonging' to the I
Mission. A*- school site of 'fourteen
1001 about '14,087,900 trees. 11. 113 re- •
ported that in 104)1 alone fully 1,000,000 specialitits will give your case.his care-.
young trees were planted, but the.atv ful and personal atttention without
erage rate of inerease is about two per
.charge, .the R. T. Booth Company.,
cent a year, Quebec • has over three ,Butfalo N Y. ' . ...........---.-............ .
million . trees and Nova Scotia over . • "---- • • . • ' '
two niillion. 'Neni Brunswick has over 1 Mt, Obs Smith Dorainion Commis-
• and one of the best known stow.ach. east two s
within the mumcipal limits, has sin.,
many. Bot.there was pertina-
cious prayer 111 Canada, aswell as per-
tinacious' efforts in India. '
• The amount contributed for all ptir-
poses daring the past year by the few
hundreds of men Women and children
who are interested in this work hits
been $8,034 and -Only a balance of $700
is required to complete the building of
the bungalow. But, bythe blessing of
God, the work is growing so fast, that
reinforcements of those that have "a
mind to work" Nyiii be cordially wel-
The second anniversary meeting Of
• More than 125.personshaVe been res-
cued from famine and Maintained for
nearly- six months under constant
700,000, but still buys xnore fruit than sioner of Immigration at Winnipeg, in
consideration, the outlook is certainly social con itions inOanadit by Mr Ern -
it sells. Taking the whole field into making reply to a report of labor and
est Terry, points out that immigrants
What is "this industry worth ?.' Ex- have to work and work hard, if they
ports place the capital value between aim at suecess here. Ile answers the
seventy-three and seventy4ive million objection made that the cost of • living
dollars, with an annual average yield in Canada is higher than it 18 111 Eng -
of from ten to thirteen million dollars, land because the people here live het -
i f I
this little mission is to he held in Tor
The value of an acre of orchard is var- ter. He also emphnsizes
onto, in Westminster church, B oor
lonely estimated. In NOVO. Scotia and efit of coming to this country : plus
street, on the evening of Wednesday,
British Columbia fruit -growers claim England the farmlaborer is ff4V111 Nov, 7. Rev. Dr. Lucas, of Allahabad,
that their orchards 'are paying 15 per -laborer from the time he is born to the a distinguished missionary of the Am -
cent per annum owe, valuation of 51.000 time he dies, and he never hopes to be. are mild, sure and safe, and are a perfect orlon Presbvterian church, is coming
per acre, ' come the proprietor of lanThe farm from New York to be present. He
An orchard's value]
I (Wptlads ver lar to the ely on laborer in Canada is filld,ing in a year Or regulator of the system. visited . A
Thansi last pril before leay.,
his success in harvesting and market. two to get experience, in order that he
ing the annual crop. A couple • of , may become the owner of his 0807R
years ngo it was °filet:111:y reported farm. Why, therefore, should he not
that We produced nearly 17,500,000 bar. ' be willing to work even sixteen hours
tela of apples, and that we exported of a day for that period, (and, in every
these only about 1.500,000 barrels, Per case the twister in Canada works just
several years the ri,verage value of our , the saine,) if at the end of that 1.1100,110
dxports to Cheat Britain and the trin. is the owner of 104 acres or more of
ited States has not exceeded two and ,a, the most fertile land in the world?
half millions annually. Although we .
able that we eenetime in- eur fiev:the• 1:111, OVDD AFTER blIIIITY YRAIIS.
are great apple -eaters, it is not tli
markets each year 10,000,000 barrels. I The test of time haS proved that years. We think we 'cannot do withoet factoring plant, and itt Ate t vim o e ;
What becomes of this enormous crop ? -, Puttialres Corn Extraator 0111013 quiek- them. they are tne may pills we ever accident was engaged in oiling one of
Owing to the seareity ot labor to pick, i or with less discomfort, and more talte.b ' the :Laid/Mos. His coat accidentally
lack ot local cold-etorage plants in I tItitiS no acids, is purely veg44 able and Price g5 cents or eve bottles for 51.00, , caught between the sprocket, Wheels
cull and peck the apples, and to the : thoroughly than anything else. Oen.
Which to place the fruit until such . absolutely guaranteed. Insist on ''Esut. at all dealere Or divot on receipt of price. of the latter and he was dragged h6.
i uCo.,i i ,
times as it may be marketed to advan. i.I no,tn's only -its lie Oa
The T. 111'11) rti Co L'aited Toronto, tween the cogs and the two wheels
and killed almost instantly.
' They gently unlock the seoretions, clear ing India. He is therefore able to
away all effete and waste matter from the speak of Dr. 'Wilkie's work from the
standpoint of one who knOws,
system, and give tone and vitality tb the
vvhole intestinal tract, curing Constipa- .......+.......,
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dy: Oen- John Elliott, a, man about thirty
da, Coated Tongue, Foal Breath, Jaun. years of age, residing in Port Credit
dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs. and 'employed at the St Lawrence
stareh works. was killed almost in -
R. 8. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes: stautly shortly before lawn Thursday,
white he was at his work, Elliott was
"My husband and myself have used Mil -
burn's taxa -Liver fills for a number of in charge of ft, portion of the maim.
10 OFF
' . • . . • , .
•Papers for about
the Price of One.
.In order to inci-ease our circulation; we have .
made arrangments whereby readers may get two
or more papers at little more the-tost of .one.
We willed
The New Era aud Montreal WeeldYe 1 00
Herald, from now to 1st Jan. 1908,%p
The New Era and Montreal Herald si
and Weekly Globeltrom now to lst
ot January 1908 •
The regular cash price of these papers is 84.file
per year each, so that you are getting a big bargain
at the price quoted, besides getting the balance of
this year absolutely free. •
Cash must accompany all subscriptions.
The sooner you .subscribe, the longer you get
the papers.
Don't wait till to -morrow. • Subscribe to -day.
Those who are already subscribersto the
Ntw E4A can also take advantage of this offer
by paying STRICTLY IN Al for next year,