HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-10-12, Page 88 ,Sa• • New Silks At a Bargain 75c qualities at 42C per yard. Here is another Silk BARGAIN for • Saturday. One that is made possible only 1, by our being able to buyin two -store lots. Brand new Silks, at a. figure that is just about the half-price mark. Hundreds of yards of them to sell. Not a yard- has been in the store two weeks. On sale Saturday morning for the first time. Hundreds of yards shot taffeta silks, mostly dark shades color „combinations of red green blae, brown, etc., suitable for full dresses, waists, underskirts or linings, clearing lot we got at a ,bariXeids• and now pass it along to you the same way. Regular 75,e, and sold all Over at that price,choice of the lot commencing Satur- day at per yard ......... . ..... .. ..... More New Coats 42c There is a Coat stock here t� -day that you won't find the equal ,of within many miles of Clinton. . There are more ODats, better. Coats, Coats that have more style, 'Coats that are better value than you .will find in any store hereabouts, This is a strong staterient, but the gar- ments are here to ba.ck it up. The best. styles of five of the leading Canadian and German makers are on our racks, and enough of them to give you 'the widest choice you will get anywhere near. here. Of the most of them no two garments alike. More new costumes in this week. -Latest styles in Tweeds and black cloths that are well worth your seeing, if you have any coat buying to . do. .These are a few of them. • • •' At $8.00 and S8.50. • ‘. Coats made from grey plaid tweeds, cut in the popular I'll 1tourist style,velvetcollar.trimmed with strappings nn and velvet, very dressy, special each $8,00anda0UsOU ' 11, $19 110 • . Handsome tweed coats, cut in the full length tourist style, plaid cloths, nicely trimmed with velvets. and !Hai strappings of the cloth, extra good Value at each ' 1U Very Handsome Tweed Coats,. $15.00 $18,00 $20.00 AL 39.00 • Ladies Coats, mad from good quality black beaver,full loose back,nothing skimpy at all ahont.them,trimined with strappings of the same mathrial,tador made,sty- lish nn coat at a popular price.each Oat) faU At $12.58 • Coats made from extra .quality black beaver,rich finish,tourist style,full loose back,trimmed- with vel. I) KR vet and strappmgs, special yalue, each • ... I La alt/ Better i.lack Omits $15.00 $20.00 $25 00 " . • • • - • . • An Up=to=date • Millinery Department This Millinery department is . up-to-date.. It is run off modern lines. -tath v—veelc--sms--Somethi ig— new on our tables. Every few days there is a ship- ment of bright, -fresh, attractive millinery opened up and ready for our customers There is nothing new in millipery shown in large centres that does not quickly' find its way here, This week you will find shapes and trimmingswhichwere not here. a: week ago. Come and see thein, whether you want to buy or not. uniameassasmaimmessesseemeammemaeresmememesess The Sample Underwear We have had a. big sale this• week of our Sample Underwear, Waists and Dressing Sacques.. It is no wonder, for the prices are at least one-quarter to one-third Jess than they would be, if it were not samples we are selling. There were hundreds to sell when we started, and that quantity cannot be sold in a day or two, so there is still a good assortment left. GOW115 Waists Drawers Corset Covers House Gowns Dressing Jackets The samples of one of •the best Canclian manufacturers. All in good condition, clearing at prices as low as you could buy at the factory, if you were buying lots of a dozen or more of a kind, / TZIE CLINTON NW ERA. 11.1104.0. The thieton New Era 1411404,1, —The Via a CllanA's580.111.VcngtoEliVae.an enjoying ft FRIDAY, OVT013ER 12, 1000 , awe in the town treat on the "awl ins y yr hall of Mr. el It LoaL NotiCes. Out, 1%, 16611 , QV' REXISION. Judge •,..u9yie presided on morality at coast for the bearing of appeals against the Voter's List. Very little interest was i raanifested. 44 ne .ies were added to the list, 3 struck off, Land 4 refused, as Dwight -Edwards, assisted by Mis: ort the parties were not of age. §- 1 PUBLIC SOBOOL.---A meeting ot • the School Bo oro was beld, on Thurs.- of 1 Edna m a 1 d WANTBD„ -.1,13A1t3. aria DRUM APPrairi,-- ApplY to 11N1 for prlees.–VANTELON saTensg, Losas – Mrs. S. It name lost a Ian,e1K hand satchel between Dr. Slutw'o awl the voilrosa track. Flatter wilt no rovaraed 012 14.' - in -;h the nolo to Dr. Shaw. gnu Zi!opico. - .0, TO TEA01110,ItS. –S. .Y. Tilley, In spector of aloclel Schools was here Thursday of this ‘veelt, rad gave at, address on "Traielug and Payment to letiehers under the new acts' • DIED IN THE WEST.–'W ord wits received from Lloydininister on Than - clay last, of tee death of Mr, Toney Sehrenk, where he bad been employ- ed since spring. Be was a sonan-law of Mr. Fred Cook, of town, his wife end child. being here. About a year ago he took a $1000 life insurance PolloY. but dropped it after making (me payment, The body was brought here for Intel:merit WEDDING. ---The wedding took niece Wednesday of Mr James Grase, stele of Stanley township, and Miss' 1 Eva Johnston, dahehter of Mr James IJohnston, Goderich townshipThe ceremony was performed by ev Mr (auntie at the rectorv, the bride ,and groom being unatten ed. Wand 111rs Grassick left on the 4.`al train for Lora • don and other Writs, and on their re, turn will reside in Stanley township. PICTURES SOLD. – Miss Clara Mountcastle, who is in Toronto show- ing her paintings,. has alreetly sold. two that will be remembered by those whot visited here studio here. One was en- titled "The 1st of 'September," and re- presented a dead partridge lying on its back. This one brought $50. The other was "a bunch of raspberries," copied originally from the garden of Mr. Brewer. 1 t sold for $25. • DR. JAMES STEWART DEAD. -- Dr. ja,naes Stewart, one of the best- known and distinguished physicians in the Dominion, died at his residence in MOntreal on Saturday night, the immediate cause of death lasing an ap- oplectic stroke which he sustained about nine years ago. This will he read With regret by the older residente of this neighborhood, who remember the Doctor when he was a A.esident o Brucelield, where . he enjoyed an e tensive practise. ) 401.1 On. eopy the following notices front tb press "Me. Dwight-Edwarchre is po sessecl of a remarkably fine voice. Mr. Edwina% eines- with a depth soul rarely found in a concert sing of t"elay."–Strattord Beacon, "Oyr Dwight took the audience by stor He has a grand. baritone voice whir he knows how to use, Ile is an arti and also possesses great dramatic po er."–Hamilton Times. Plan of hall Fair's Bookstore, open to subscribe on Wednesday, Oct. 17, and to the ge eral public after the 19th, )381141E8, -11y special request Mr. T. Cooper gave an address in th Brucefield Presbyterian Church o Sunday morning last, along local o Wm Ines Some of the early rise are gathering fine mushrooms the days. It is said that several men ben of the Independent Order of Po resters here intend to withdraw an join some other organizetionowing to the recent disc'osures in Toronto....... Qxail may shot this year, from the 1st to the 80th of Nov,, but sportsmen al asked to be satisfied with two bird each, Mr. Charles C. Rance i travelling in Nova &ale. in the terest of the Lion Brand Clothing: ttla the New •Eris could pretty nearly 'see track of bine by the Nova Scoti papers he forvvards to this office ft is said that the • Lucknow Seattle has changed handsaind'vlill pass untie the management- of Mr. MeGregor, former employee on the paper ; Mr Bryan, the late publisher, has neve been in a position till recently to giv the paper the attention it shout have bad, and Mr. McGregor has splendid'chanee to show what he ca do in improving it. Mr.John A. Coop er, Toronto, son of Mrs. Cooper, o town, who was formerly a lieutene,n in the Queen's Own Rifles, has bee promoted to the position of Captain.. –Fall wheat is looking last as wel as eny farmer could want it to at pee sent. ...Goderich is to have a •prett wedding in North Street Methodis Church on Thanksgiving day, the con treating parties being Miss Sadie Her xis, a popular young lady of the count town, and Mr. of Denver oblong those invited to be present ar. Mr. and Mrs.R,Uolmes,and .Misses 14 and Louie Holmes In the farms London election trial are the narnes•o a. coup1P of persons well known here in fact one of the parties interested is 01 g , w ten few accounts were ot'deted to be paid. l'he report 11 of Principal Lough showed the atteTr. )31' dance for Suptelibee to he :111. He , • Mao tree+ ed attention to t he fact that I 8t , parents ignored truancy notices, and w'S ; thought, that if they ivere summoned, /It' I before a ulagistrate, as the law nr0- 1'8 it would have a beneficial effect. n -.I R. 1'. ENTERT'AilirMENT.–Tries- A.., day was a most trsitareeable nightaind it is nut, sorpriaing that the a ttencl- e anis at the entertainment of the 11 Royal Tem plars xvas mallet. than it would otherwise have been •, the pro - grain offered wee good liev. Mr.. rs adecld's lecture was a niost excellent se dud entertaining one, to which justice e. can hardly he Slope in 1),. prioted para - grant). Mr, jolliffe's singing was In r- keeping with that gentleman's popular repotation, while Miss Lillian Coats also delighted those present. HOUSE OF REFUGE. – A meeting •e of the Roue of Refuge committee of s• the egoista' Council was held in Goder- ieh lea week to take steps in comma- ;r0tivith thet5',‘%tINVItIrmit d otiging to themniates ist 't ite; 1). A property near Londesboib was be - L fore the Couiraitter and it was decided thatthe lot might be sold, if its value 1 could be got for it. TheCounty sohici- 1 tor and the inspector were authorized a to make proper arrangements for the *anger to the county of property be - r longing to harnatee. Tendert) for bread e were opened, and one at $2.94 by Mr. A %rout per hundred pounds was ac- nai mBi? 'reGct. FRUIT LAND DEAL.–The Nelson, B. 0 News thus refers to, a n former Clintonien : The successful I termination uf. negotiations which i have been in progress for several. days past marks the close of one of the big - y gest real estate 'deals in the history of t , the Kootene,ys. Mr. O. L. Fisher. of the Fisher -Hamilton Co., of Winnipeg. has concluded the purchase of several y large tracts of choice fruit lands •on behalf of clients of his, the land bought e;s1 being some of the best of.that situated „ on the Arrow lakes; on the Kootenay I • near Kelso, and at Robson. It com- prises in all about 25,000 acres, and rep- resents the former holdings of snarly x. a native of town st. couple of small boys, charged with pigeon stealing, were up before 1'. M. Andrews, on Fri- day, who fined one of • them $1 and ns• costs, and dismissed the other with t. costs The first real good soaking rain that had been experienced all r, e_ummer, was that which lasted all satuklay last ; it has done just whet e • . was needed Josh Cook, who lost a grey horse from his teanehas bought another one from Sam Cooper,as mach like the other aslwo• peas....A youth n in town is said to have recently "set" PRESENTATIOS.–The ' followin address and. a ring were presented t Mr. Cranston on the eve of his depar ure for Trenten, the event taking plea .in the Pastime Chili rooms : Dear Si On behalf of the P.T.O. I take pleasur inasking you to accept this ring as token of esteem and brotherly feeling extended to you by each and ever member. of the Vliiii ; . we would els ask yen to exense th' informal way 1. which the present !Won 19amide, es it was not until a weer late hour that We, learned of your 'intended 'departure. One and all of its, white we -regret your removal Isom among: us, rejoice to know that it is to your advantage. Accept our hest Wishes for every suc- cess. Of course we: know we shall see you occasionally in, Clinton; and extend 'a standing welcome to the P. T. 0 Fraternally your, W. S. R. HotatEs i : , GOLDEN WEDDING. -00 •Octobe 27th' Mr and Mrs lienry 'Joyner will 4 celebrate them golden wedding anni- , versitry. Fifty,yeers ago, they were ' married et •Chadwick s End, seven miles front' Warwick, England ; . _the r were both nativee of the same village j Thirteen :children have been • born to thernsnine dying in the old ,corintry. -When kr; Joyner and family came to this place many years 0,0, they were 'not blessed Nvith miich of this wadd's goods,but• they had good constitetions, ' plenty of•energy, and a deterndeation to succeed,' end it is dtie to downright head work and perseverance that they • have placed themselves in. comfortable though net. affluent circurastancee. They are held in the,very highest res - peer, and there ere, many people be- ,• .011 the anniversary occasion who will j heartily join with us in wishing there many more years of unbroken felicity; IFALL FAIR NOTES. –Al Dungan: , %ea Fair on FridayAW.Elliott'i black ' team *on mazes in both the single and double carriage' biasses .• McCaughey's greys also rot , a red 'ticket. These teat:fisheye hem). shown at a Member of fairs this fall, and have been prize winners wherever shown, 1)r. Fowler Was Judge' of light borsesatEmngannon. Fair; and the coronetitioe. was so keen that he bad no easy tasks T.McMillan, reeve of Buffett, was judge on bea,vy hOrSes, and he, too. found. the task ' no J 'easy one; but, both men seemed to give general satisfaction iir nearly every I ease, even to. the •fellow who clid •not j-g:et a peke. The writer has attended I a number of township fairs this fan; ! and not in no one instance has any fair 1 in its general fee tures, been equal to j that of former years. Some Very good I displays have been seen in some par- ; ticular department, but in others the I display has been considerably inferior. That the shows are losing interest is I freely achnittecl by directors and sped- tators ; they do afford- 011 Opportunity i for people to Meet together and ,have I a good time, but their real value as 11 means Of stimulating the production ef better stock is doubtful. DEATH 010 MRS. WALKER. - The wife of Mr, James Walker passed entity no Saturday, after a short ill- ness, having reached the age of 81 years and 0 months. Mrs. Walker was horn near Thirsk, Yorkshire, and • was married in 'York, coming to Hur- on County with her husband fifty years ago last August ; they settled at Grantor), on the London road, living there 27 years, then moving to Clinton, where they have resided for 23 years. Mre. Walker was the mother of six children, two of whom are dead, those living heing Messra, Rebt, John and Wm. of town, and Mr. Ruin- lali o'f Elmira. The casket sittli‘beaut tifully covered with flowers,. including a pillow from the family-, a sickle from Mrs. Sanies Twitchell, a cross froin Mrs. W. Ciulmore, and other floVilers. The pall hearers were Isaac Illedd, N. Robson, W. (4. Smyth, T, Beacom, D. Tiplatly and .1. L. 'Sheppard ; Rev, M. Kerr eondueted the funeral service, The bereaved family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses to them during their time of anxiety and bereavement. IVIrs. Walker was a IVOthan held in highest respect and esteem, mid the eyrapathy of ail goes out to the bereaved blender, One loss ral (441(11'' 11:, palm', Ito narrow; alid.fts love to share; (NV leAft the talgrineo thaw croon to One mow the moo of tho bleated to wear, I At home la heaven, i 200 eggs, and wily got 30 chickens therefrom; perhaps the rest were cook ed Mr. John West haibeen. laid off work for a couple of weeks by R. very sore knee • Mr. Jas. Snell went to Highgate on Saturday to act as Judge -far the fall fair, but owing to the rain, the fair htid to be -postponed until this week.. --Several bail orms have been experienced during ' last day or two., ' The Street ' Waserieg Cart, after five months' r efficient service, has been taken off for the season-- Fot about the 900th time we roust repeat that items sent for publication must be accompanied by the name of the writer, unless • we have other means of knowning .they are-reliabrei-ses.--sMrse-Bellardswill_peas. bably dispose 'of her boripess here, and return to the home of her parents at Cranbrook.... ..The first fall of snow experienced this season, fell 011 NVed. nesilay to the extentof three inches, • although it -was nearly double . that amount at Goderich 11 was heavy anew, and cruised, the brea,king down of a good many trees. Dr. Fowler, V. S. and family, leave this week for Toronto• ....A number of perste-is nave not yet complied with the Dry Earth Closet ; they are . liable to a fine of `$20, and a circular has been esuedsby-tlieMeclical--flealth--Offieers. •1 notifying them that unIesiethe byeave is complied with,it will, be enforced. iffiSter Clauson O'Neil has just re- ceived a new cushien.tired buggy.. Miss Porter, -Porter, who . is „teaching at Centralia, is honie owing' to the con- tinued illness of her mother Mrs • Lindsay, of • the Huron 'road,- is suffering With congestion of the lungs owners, the property all having been syndicated and the final direct deal made through one vendor. While no authoritative figures are available, it is understood that the consideration paid is soinewhere in the neighborhood of half a million dollars. It is the in- tention of Mr. Fisher's 'aseociates to place the land in small parcels on the Ehglish market. and for that purpose bothatr.. Fisher and Mr. Victor W. Odium, who ;s understood to be one of his principals, expect to leave for London almost immediately. Mr. Od- ium,. who goes to VancouVer' this morning,. will start for the east next week, where, accorclirig to present plans, he will'ehortly be joinedby Mr. Fisher.. The Fisher -Hamilton Co., whichwill act throughout as agents for the•purchasing syndicate, is one of the anoet progressive real estate firms of Winnipeg, and has figured in sever- al extensive deals duriug the past few years. It has An. sometime taken a deep interest iti Kootenay fruit lands, and at the present time holds several large tracts which it is advertising ex- tensively throughout the Northwest and :Ontario. Mr. Odium, who has been in Nelson for a couple of months, is one of the owners of the Vancouver World, atitcl is well known in jourealis- tic and business.eircles on the coast. The Correct Name . • • In the London election 'investigation going on at Toronto, an dart was• tnadeto show that Mi. 1?. B. Lewis, of town, had called up his brother Tom by phone under a fectitions name. The Toronto papers have. since ad - witted that this was incorrect, and in further corroboration of the fact,. we publish the following letter to adr. sLsewle-frotarthePorontassoffice–of–th Bell Telephone go. :– DEAts Sur.–I beg to acknowledge yours of the 5th inst. On investiga- tion 1 find that the order was correct- 'ly received at, this office. The Mes. senger Agency were asked to send a , boy to the Court Room, The latter I waS, unable to obtain admission but a, message was sent to your brother. Either the Messenger Agency or their boy got ' the . name slightly twisted. Thiswe regret. The facts have been given to the Crown Prosecutor who states that he accepted your brother's explanation at the time and that this appeared in the riewspapers, 1 have asked the Press in Toronto to set the matter right and no doubt this will be clone, 111114 also writing the. London Manager. Yours truly, • I. A; DONSTAN. . Local Manager. , .Mias Beatrice Grigg, Of Grimsby, I daughter of the late Joseph Grigg, formerly of Clinton, was married a I few days since to A Mr Dellabeugh, of I Toronto ; she is a cousin of Mr A J. Grigg., --Douglas Goodwin had a finger chewed up by a saw 111 ,tlie ractor$', :on Tuesday.– ..Alitionte had a hiss fire 'recently, one of the stores destroyed being that of Mr J. S., Timmins, son-ite-law of Mrs Tarts,. • formerly of toWns.....Itidge. Holt pre- sidedat a sitting of the Division Court estereay; there were several cases. Wielkilelfrliirivitileit#441114/441W10 real Shoe Bargain W. TAYLOR ec EON'S a In order to make room 'for our Irolvense 1.4ALL k WINTER STOOK, we have decided to elear out at less than cost several lines of miscellaneous goods. Look at tile following prices, then come and see the goods for yonrself: Ladies Tan Oxfords, regular $1 40 ...... ....for 00e Ladies Tan Oxfords, regular 1 90 for $121 Boy's School Boots, regular $1 50 to 01 75, only 90e -Youth's School Boots, regular el to $1 25, only 75e Boy's Plow 13oots, regular 00e for 49c Mn'S Plow Boots, sizes 0 and 7, $1 and S1.25 for 05e Misses Pebble Laced Boots, regular $1 40, only 09e . Misses Pebble Button I3oots, regular $1 40, only 00e • Child's La6ectand But. Boots. regular $1 35 for 011e • . Child's Laced anal:tut. Boots. regular $1 10 for 75a Child's Slippers. sizes 8, 9, 10 reg $1, hal! .price 60c Men's Tat Boots half price, see thens, $5 for C.1 This is not a badkrupt stock, but nearly all this seaaon's goods, and they are less than the manufacturers prices but we have no room for them. OUR FALL GOODS are nearly all in, and if you want to see the finest assortment of Footwear, at :the' lowest prices, ever shown in Clinton, come to the —THE OLD RELIABLE W- TAYLOR & SON le WIV11101/44,1100, *dui STORE NEWS. NO 2, Such a Little Sum ---you can hardly call it a price—is al we are asking for a quantity of Odds and Ends of stock displayed in our north window. Our method of disposing of these remnants is one we have used before with !advantage to ourselves in getting clear of the goods, but with much greater ad- vantage to our customers, as to price. Thefactis, you make the price, not us, leaving the only question for you to deckle --do you, or do you not, want the goods? On. Saturday you may have your choice of any- thing in the window for 5oc; on Monday it will be 46c, but on Tuesday only 42c and further reduced' 4c each day, until all are sold. Some pieces were as high as $2,00, but all must go, in no case, higher than 50c. •Don't you think you should see the Window at once, there may be something in it you want, and at the price you want to pay. Tho Wo ed,py Often the Cheapest. 4tFraYS the best. ring our Boys in to see• hose Watches.. • The Watchesfor the .boYs who join our' Boy's Watch 'Club are. here.' Bong. your boy in and let him see .them, Examine them carefully yourself. You will find them not play thing,. but .a strong, sensible watch that will :keep accurate • , . time. One that any boy should be proud to own. Youe boy could get one of them without it costing you a 'cent more than you would • spend tor his clothing this fall, .whether he 'gets the watch Every boy who joins the Club, and whose parents. buys $.to oo's worth of clothing before January, gets a Watch. We want ,to increase our sales in our Boy's' , n Department this Fall, and have organized a Watch . . . . Club inorder to interest the bo s and their parents , in this, the Biggest Boy's Clothing Store in West- ern Ontario. Boy's Suits $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $15.00 Boy's Overcoats $4.00, $.00, $6.00, $7.00 ,Afore of theni to choose: from, better styles, better . materials, better -made garinents and better values. than in any•store in Huron County. 600..Pair of . To seltat Pt Quarter. 6od pairs Men's fine wool .socks, fail and winter weights, seamless feet, soft finish each pair has a card of mending wool attach- ed, good enough to sell anywhere, any day, at 35c a pair. There is 6o° pair to sell at this. big Men's Store at • 25c Der Pair. trt.•••ontir• • oligo impoiergA4 •••