HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-10-12, Page 7•
ot 121 1906
a medital.or a food .specialist
fa America:bat will say that
Sold only in lead pat ketS. 25; 30e, 40; 50e; 60e Per Lb.
Have Killed Birds on the Wing and
,Caused a Sheep to Drop Bead.
It does not often happen that a bird -
rails a victim to a golf ball in its
although such a mishap has Oceurred
two or three instances, says Lendon
'Tit -Bits.
Nat long ago an incident of this kind
-wee reported from Raytif .Parlt coU
Club. It took place in th oeurse of a
bogie competition. One of the plaYeAat
a. Mr. Crocker, having driven off at the
eleventh tee, his ball created some as-
tonishment by earning in contact with
a lark in midair and literally knocking
off its head. •• -
A similar incident happened last sea-
son but one on the ground of the Birk- l
dale Club. Two members were elaying
a round when one of them made a
braseie shot. The ball was in full
flight when a bird of the wagtail SPe-
cies was seen crossing the line ot
411ight, and the next moment both ob- -
• Jects came intocolliaion at a distande
of about forty paces from the striker.
The consequences were fatal to the
unfootunate bird, which was not only.
killed, but decapitated. As for the gorf
• ball, its flight was stopped by the im-
pact, the ball falling .to the •grownti
within a few yards of :its srAghtered
victim. The indident• had the further
-object of losing the player the match,
be having to make an extra stroke or
two to cover the.distance short covered,
- thus costing him ihe game.
A still more extraordinary freak of
- a golf hall °resulted in a tragedy on the
33alcomie links in Sootland. In the
course of a Match one Of the players,in
925211 drive from the sixth tee, pule so
much vigor into it that the ball struck
a, sheep on the head with such force as
to cause it to fall dead on the Spot.
A very different, but noness interest-
ing, story was reported from another
links in .Scotland about the same time.
In a foursome match, played at North
Berwick, one of the golfers drove his
bail against a wall. It rebounded into
some rough grass end for a few min-
utes could not be traced, but ultimately.
, the caadie :found the ball lying in a.
lark's nest, in which were fear eggs all
unbroken. Ihor a bait to drop into a
nest of eggs without breaking any was
surely an extraordinary bceureence.
It is not long since a playln• at Wolc-
tng in •approaching the hole landed
ball on the top of the clulshouse. This
little incident did not, however. upset
kis equilibrium very much. . As nimbly
as he could he followed the ball to the
roof and from that coign of disadvan-
tage played it SO well that he was suce
cessful in securing a half of a .fiele
which everybody considered irretriev-
ably lost.
A similar scene was once witnessed
On the St. Andrews links in the course.
of a three ball match. One of the pia',
ers happened to drive his ball on the
corrugated iron roof of a shed andem
the belief that he had Consequently
• given -up the hole, the ether two .calm-.
ly proceeded with the match. But they
asierealarttutottriy wirier .014 CIWri eare,
Xust outside the dining hall at Buck-
ingham Palace there IS 'an apartment
oontaining R, hot table where the dishes
ere put preparatory to 'being placed on
the royal table. •Relays of men and
women convey the delicacies front he
leitehert to this room, where they are
fatten charge of by another servanain
diereacelate evening dress and white
gloves. The passages from the kitchen
are long, with a.wkwatal cornershere
and there, a,nt.1 in order to prevent eol-
lisions there are %ingenious arrange-
ments of mirrors at each turning winch
enable the servents to see whether tee
rdad is clear.
Attendants are strictly forbidden t�
enter any other apartment than that
with which they are irnmediatelh con-
cerned, and Offen the dish bearers are
prohibited 'from passing down other
corridors than those which are set apart
for their spathe' ilse.
Cy**. Prongs of ofternarkehle Veit* In
WiNftsry Manoeueres•-•Cyclist Sol* •
idlers Untrhaeable and Destructleate
Of late yeseli we have becenut (Pits
allieuetomed to sae great gatherhelfs at
troOpe on and anetted Salletbury
rietri, more esPetalally during the earl?
&Ws eit Auillellt, but Mt year the au -
I thoettlee bed arranged a novelty, 'or
• three days great 'bodies of cyclist ;sole
diem sceured and fought over the
fiblenland and pedalled silently throttle%
the ttny towrdete that lie elerabering
• Wider the hilla of the south country.
They are fixe tellowa these enlist-.
' Vokuateers; longer of limb and
'broaden, in the efteet for the most part
than their brethren of the infantry hate
tallow. They are also, to ledge bY
their fecee, younger, and look full of
Elerfilr at the wiry .deseription.
In their eyeEs as the sparkle that re,.
Inlnds one of the colonial teoopers who
fought with us in South Arica. This
is perhaps due to their Military traihi,.
*ng ea Seoute, or perhaps to the intelli-
gence Of the class from "which they are
Splendid Qualities,. '
. .
Thole bodies and their. minds her-
niae:1* wonderfully well together. Dar-
ing the three days' campalguing, when
tlier constantly underwent much priva-
Oen and endured reel feardship and ills-
coMfort. X nevethearcl a Man grumble
at hts lot, nor saw one trey to shirk his
• Dog-tired, heingry, with eyes red
from want of sleep, these young oats
sett eol.diera were always ready to
"jump" at the word of command, or to
Servant sentry in the abght without a
word of complaint. Such is the meter,
I eo our band. Do we know how to
Tilke the most of it?
tTahaPpily, neither their present or-
ganization nor their training is calcu-
lated to get the best value out of their
Splendid qualities, Thst • cYellst com-
pany is a fare,e-a.efaree invented to
pander to the pride at the colonel who
•commands the infantry battalion of
•Whic'h it is ,a part. • '
The eotoners only desire Is to have
as many men • as .possible with sycles
to march on parade in front of the•
band while the battalion goes through
•evolutions to the admiration of the on-
lookers. He cannot drill them on his
parade ground, beeause . their' rnove-
merits would upset those of the infan-
try -nor would it do the enlists much
good if be could. ••.
Encouraging Thrift. •
Tihe Swaffimin (Norfolk) Urban Dis-
trict Council has decided that all their
workmen who have joined friendly so-
cieties, or otherwise provided tor 111,
ness, shall be paitl as usual when ab-
sent from work through slektie,ss, but
that no wages shell be paid to such erne
ployes who had not made such provi-
sion. •
• The Unwanted Sign. •
A curious fact is •rnentioned I oone
nection with the suicide of Seines Hoyle.
a Preston publioan. A painter WaS en-
gaged in painting the sign outside and
had finished the last letter of Hoyle's
hame when he heara the repeat of a
pistol and found that the landlord had
committed suicide.
, Misleading Milestones: ., 'be .•
At a meeting of the Roade
tee 'of the' North ,alrolla,nd division . of
Lincolnshire; Mr. Gooch complained
that the milestones on, the leolb'eacte
road Were very inaccurate, and one
against the churchyard' wall contained
sir • separate .lies, He ' proposed it be"
re -lettered se that.it Was truthful; and
this was agreed to, •• . • •
•250 Year Pld Pipee. -
During exea.eationeurider •the conned
chamber of the Town Triune
(Oxon), two smell elay pipes were un-
earthed. They are believed to be the
earliest form of smoking pipe, made 250
years ago. '
OR "neer Wee Tenterse
I. Da Vas Unseen that the evatere t.f (411.
Waters' of the Oise:este,
globe bold thousands of millIons of tens
of geld In Solation, and that if it were
possible to extract the preetees reelal
from the ,aqueous eonetitnent cer
Planet geld would be the tententmest
Of the elletals?• More than len. years
ago the Olt helloes ou the weep of
Maine found slight traves of •the
preci0116 metal on the Ride,: of their
evaporators and later on Scot tiell
tradesmen in the eame article repelled
geld Settlings In the water taken ,from
the mouth of the Dundee; In 1b511 tile
chemiets Malaguti Dill'oeher amt.
lyzed waters from several ditTerent,ite
callties in the several oceans and seas,
the result being that they fauna a
slight trace of gold and sliver in every
Keeelneen teeted. Venetia, he 1833, they
made a grand 'summary ef all • their
findings, the figures presented •with
that report being without doubt the
moat : wonderful' exhibit that, has ever
been given •to the scientific world,
It was there shown Abet the overage
depth of all oceans is 2,500 tathoMs,
and that the surface areates enfileleut
• to Make et ••gratel total ,Of 400,n00,000
-teabie miles of water, or not lees then
3,837,030,272,000,00a,000 tons. •Utteli ofl
• of that VaSt =mint Of surgiug jiquici
holds, at • a very low estimate, one-
• thirteenth of a grain of gold, or a total
of not less than 10,2;10,000,000 tons of,
the precious metal, If this vast amoent
of gold could be extracted and thrown
Upon the market the beet fintueeler In
the world aam14 tillagine what lite re-
sult would be; •
There Aare iiillionn of Tons leaelee Tired Nervous Motizerb
B`ruit.a.tives will cure the worst 1
case of Chronic Constipation and 1
Because Prultatives are tbe true liver
tonic, They strengthen and invigorate
the liver-rnahe the liver give up
enough bile to move the bowels rev:-
. larly, Tbe bile is itature's laxative.
rruit-a-tives are the •finest
Kidney ancl Bladder Remedy fl
the world,
hruitentives reduce inflammation aud
congestion -relieve the over -supply ly of
bloode-eneble the kidneys rid the
system of waste -and thus prevent the
• tfaoxnenisitwioany othfatturicaluacildn. thherub4i4ett_44173
• quickly cure irritated ;Madder.
Pruit-a-tives completely cure
fleaclaches and Rhettniatism.
• Headaches and Ithemnatisei both mean
poisoned blood. nither the Siang kith
neys or bowels are not ridding the sys-'.
tein ot waste matter. Pruitt:Wives in-
vigorate and stramtben these organs, -
start up healthy, norniat actione-rid
tbeeystein of poisons -and partly and
• enrich the Mood. That means, away
•'• with Iteadachee and Rbeuraatisus . • i
To tell the •truth, he dos' not really
know what to do with them exeept
inspection, so he hands them ever to
the care of some more or leis compe-
tent infantry steheitern, and tells him
tie take there; away end do What he likes
with- them
Some cyclist eon -Mantes have been
lucky M the ohoice of the officer thus
eetached, and • then all goes sinoothly.
Eind the best resalts ere obtained. But
le most eases the ofneer chosen has:no
• particular qualifications for the post.
• An infantryman himself. he knows lit-
tle of 'cyclist tnctics, and as he does
not propose., to remain in the cyclist
company for the reinainder of las ser-
vice, lie dope not tbink it wortb his
while to acquire the. knowledge which
dese not• poisess;
• ,There Is but one way to • evereorne
• this . state of affairs, and that way Is
•sufnetently obvious. It is • the Way
-• welch has for arears past been advised
." • • •
• 7- .
. ,
• • ,
• • Preventics, as •the' name implies,. pre'
ventall Goias and Grippe whenetalon
rtt.the sneeze stage." '
Preventies are toothsome candy tab-
lets, Preventies dissipate. all. colds
qui�kI, and :taken early wh en yen first
feel that weold is corning, they cheek.
.ond prevent • them. PreventieS • are
thoroughly safe for eheidren, endere ef.;
fectual for adults. • Sold ttnd troth-
merided in 5e and25c lateXes bY,•
11„ Holmes • • '- • . , •
had reckoned without their host for • . •
• ••
. ,
the neat moment there- wasa great
-clatter of feet on the iron roof. Rare-
ly had the warning cry of "fore' reach-
ed the players. ears when a bal1whizeed
1)71 to the course close 'bee. It was thot
of the other player, who had nraurited
to the roof arid played it•froin that un- .
• .• - „:.
• • •
ntrt NS „LiOnier• •
. "Mr.: :Selflek," said his "wife's neetle
• er sternly,, ."Mary tells' rite 'that. You
"wcin't bells ber at nli; that yoU .wen't
expected corner. • •• •• even hold tile ba
•That ain t ee," replied &hilt.
4 4 •
-Head Chef 'Is Feenchman Who 'Looks
After 'Details For Royal Table.
preparing King Edward's .meals is
an elaborate business, but like every-
thing else conntteled with, the • royal
household if is iverked on a carefully•
devised sy•stem. The under chefs. sup-•
intended by the x' seal chef. a Prendh-
man by the way. are an read in spot-,
less linen, ihey work by the clock, ana
eeach (Bell is comm. -need and. finished
40 Within a minute. of the appcileited
lime. The head ehef simply walks about.
thinking ont the final details of •the
mien mew,. for the table. which he
"Why, 1 bold it for her quitea long
while east' evealug.". •
"ledeed? How. long?"
"Why loug, enough . for her to go
down cellar tiair git a Retie oe coml."-
Phijadelphia•Press. • . • . •
by allabyclist officers who as inter-
ested. in the future of milleary °acting
--to' abolish 'cyclist cemPenies, as.eeche
and to replace. them by ,eyclist battal-
ions 'commended and officered. through-
out by meh :prepared to specialize in
• the subject.
'Superior to Horse. ,
' ••,
e Thee. and tenly thee, sball we be able
...t6 reap: the luillieriefit" eft the .magni-
fidentarnaterial that lies ready to nur
kitten; Nor:woirld euele.a' scheme of re-:
.orgitniSatien, post the• conntry ,nereny-
piece; -the. Whole .evelutien 'can, , he
brought about by a scratelh of the pen
3 Pali'Male and by a few -menthe! as: .
eiduoue. labor on the part. af a few
'enthustastie ofticers. •
So .h 'f • 'the ; their nffl ere
• and. their organization. T .wnuld :turn• •
for a moment to eeesider What these
• cycliet ;manoeuvres have taught -tis as
to the ttectical value of the •eyele as.
'a rbeanit of locomotion.
. ,
The cycle has preked.itsele infinitely' •
samer)Or to the bore.. It requiree no
'rest, • no vast •suppilee of • fnrage,•
sentries in the•aorse-linee. When. the
Cyclist's dee- is potiepleted• he tbroaps his •
machine under a hedge .ami gives it
t t.1 o ent' • thou ht meth It
Pruit-a-tives are the ideal tonic
for everyone.
• Fru.sasives build up, strengtbeu,
• invigorate. They sharpen theappetite
-steady the nerves --enable one to steep
even -and keep the wbole eystern in
• *perfect health, They ere fruit ewes,
concentrated and combined with tonics
and internal antiseptics,
50.5• box or 6 boxes tor haste sent on
h' receipt or price it your druggist does
• not handle them.
The One Who is Generally Dipliked
. en i1en. •
. The cynical eId maid would probably -
tell tis that all men elniuld be aVolded.
The happily married young woman
• will oay .that is nonsense -•-all naen are
good, as undoubtedly they are to.a cer-
tain exteut. Barely does one 'come
across any man Nebo is theocnighly
bad. ' - •
• Vet the old.' maid le ra.cit entirely .
wrong; ,either. There are some men
• wlicim it Is well to•avold, and the young
girl who is just entering social life
• should take, the ;Weide of those who
have had more eXperienee than herself
• -lhat is to say, Id the .great eir issues. •
it saVore ef-Paittli and 'almost foolish:
• 'lessto. refuse to kuow . man °veil
slightly because .of • some faults. •
. •Iet the of real frieralslap, hew -
ever; 'trod marriage, el girl. is uowise •if
she a6Cept as friena , ',lever a 'man
whom other men dislike.'.Sueh a rna
• Is not often Worthy 'of a good' Wonnintil:
Constderation and • certainlythe inex-•
perleaced , is' betene to k.eep it
arm's:length a Irian of eleis eort. •
Etther lie te Mean .or .1)IuS-
terer or nmet „plead guilty toother,
It ' en s.". 011 acipialthanee.perimpe be .
Might be'poesilile, but es aefriend iziost
*advisable, '
• •
One Wail& a inen who Is. conapara-
tively strong all oyer if he is. to be ad-
, tatted:lid the innervated sanettlary; The
inanewlio is helmet:tilde iu one or. more
respects anted. certainly .he relegatetl.
eto the mere. 91117)114 fringe. -New ork
rh% L/U 114111 • TiOt Heeri Intro.! ,
' dneeId to !Ingo or Moms. ,
• Alexandre Dmints, tbe elder, toile
thiastory in his diary: "Oho arty Vietor•
• Hugo and I Were dining with the. Due
• Poetizes, and among the guests were
Lord and Lady Palmerston. Lord. Mel
• Lady Palmerston hatl•come late. There
bad 'been no time for all Intro:010m
• before 'dinner,. and after dinner, while
we were taking tea, the formality had
• been forAettea. Young Due 1 ieetteee
crone up to nie. .`ely -dear M. Duteee,'
he said; 'Lora Pahnerstoe has begged
• me toask you to leave an empty elude
between yorasele and Victor Hugo.' I
Aid so; • •
. Palmereton got up, .took his
wife by thehand ited brought her or
to us. I'Look at the (look, my lady,' lie
said. 'What o'cloelt is er asked Lord'
Palmerston, 'Thirty:five minutes past .
10e replied my 'lady. `Then remember,'
• said. Ler. husband, 'that this .evellireat
ethirty-tiVe , minutes past .10 you were
eelited betweee Vietor IlegO and
audreflumas flint that Oen ai henor
• is not likely teletypist) to yeu leyiee 111
a lifetime.' - • . • • .
• "Ile then took lisavere by the. hand• .
god toolt •her back to her place at the
. other side of thce.ropin witbont another
Word.. You .see, he banariot been intrce,
chiced•either to Tietor nog° 01 hle."
Ezetr.vieii Re -nu d 'Judgment.,
'•: '. woinan • elatithi' regeed liete hus-
• band as a mati superior knowledg�.
and sound Judgment," ,renierked• the
eerhest aml sincere wonittn. •
. "Yesh". anSWered yawn:: Mrs. Tpr-
kips; "but • it's: hard to do it when the
• mewl aro In tome-- 4NetSbiegton Snit.
.4"00 eieeit leer nee. •
. ••Miss Gabbie:--elles Passayeis getting
• ------re--.6.-eeeeeekLe: better, rm tow, •
• Miss Telioae-Yee, I realty believe she
WELL KNOW' was Seared NM*. to'llfe, She prObahly
realised IC she died her (seta age •
Would be published in' the papers.-.•
IN JARVIS, ONT. Ledger,•
•Nuthtith Dolma.
propoSed to: Miss Straight -
late the other evening, and she insist-
ed on my giving ep drinking, smoking'
and antomobiling on Sundays;•
Tom -Well?
Jitele-So I gave up the idea of mare
*lug her.-Chleago News.
61 I contracted a series of Colds frem tbe
changing weather " says Mr. Bryce Alien
a member of Haldimand County Commit
for his district, "and gradually my lungs
became affected. I tried medicine and
doctors prescribed for me0. but got I no
relief. With lungs and stomach diSeased,
nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use
Psychine. With two months' teeatmertt
regained my heatth. To -day X am as
sound as a bell, and give all the credit to
There is a proof of what Psychine does.
It not only cures Colds and kills the\g. ems
of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and consumption,
• but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich
blood and spreads general health ad over
the body. You will never have, Contsurnp+
tion if you use
Daldimand County Coundllor tells
how Psychine cured his -
Lung Troubles
ts well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and
The SItipet Concert. •
The captain (Of the 1Illarlii)--Thie Is'
my five Itturdreillhtrip envies the At.
lantle. • ••
Tlie Theatriesil itinirae,•ee (absently).-
rreVe a pretty fair run. • Vot 111'0 you
going to gif awAy feee for Seuttinirs.?--
• Ilts lersentiors..
• Wigglee-Wheit do you take your va•
• eat ea 014 Yee% , •
• Waggles -I don't know exactly. My
Wife• hasn't deeltied yet • Just Wile0 8110.
Will go away.-Somervilie Jdurnal,
• Inteteel.
"NOW, heys," sold the teacher, "can
pRyo•H• •1 • N E Imulgt
"The Mite:" eame aortal of yelle.--
innisti.uttloiehirg7 jet diffietlit thing to
MIlWatikee Sentinel.
(Pronounced aka:0
A Still Country.
150c. Per Bottle
• "These nioonshinere are very quiet
*hue they are giving the Maim about
the approach ot the revetttle officers."
"Sort ot a atill alarm ehiChteaeo
s.teierew *Wei 114 IOW 414tv.411 eirtegglate.
11111. t A IRON* 1.1niftetl1 Toronto,
J'Iie' S•ouilitittes• Prove - AerIciiirk
• 51 c4: steo to • •••
•Old seletphoules are ,• a menace to
, health:, nor -1 (111 reasone• 11037 5ar- .
hor meresinst than any. other old book.
reently thepage); arCpaated on:Leith
• glees, 'making. them thee. and ueeteo, .
They are broad. arid their °ratite bind-
ings are sehenn legend glees doors, Mit'
aceeeeible 011.•
-After turtiliigo'or the g.ti ,•suCeSinge.
headchide and hay' fever have otter*.
• reeu I tea Wit.11011t 1110 eliUS0 being stle-
petard. Itt otta lihetirh was a eerap;
hook. of entered teishien pietes. from :
. 3e53- 1:6 Another*was filled with
newspaper elipping,s of the way pee,
itilt7lefilretql117enNttlV•C'114;.atjtilia e.‘‘O'clars6 .111111ratat
• inemiable. fellowea. 1Ve sent theta to ,
.11 bindery±0 be fumigated. and rebound.
Teprovent in great meatettre. this' cOn.- •
dition; 'nee 11 curholized paete-,: paste,
only on one side of the pep:, keep them_
belihra 'geese end pasvIde • them with
oil paper <o is Do not letetles ad-
verse side prevent OnY one from mak-
ing .eempbooke l'se preventives' as
with .all 'old bootee Whose. pages have
• . been turned Mail they.are sufficiently
. Uneven .to irritator •dust. -flood House-
• •.
is Utile era be off dgeln. • . .
•Teue; at titnee he has to dismount
'and mend a puncture; but critics ere
:prone •etteely to over-estimate this
isadveneage, fishould be remembered
• that no pitneture takes more Utah nee
• teen minutes' te mend, and it is a model
'horse that, neVer eaets' a shoe oe suf-
fers feern sadele galls:. '
The dyelist can, bover comfortably.
(Pis' in end dee out 50 milesand 'still •
:be garhe -to put nil a very pretty • fight
at the --other end; • .
At present the .h.laglish army een only
boast -of some 5,000 eyellsts•-afl volune
teers. It shoulchmake a general shud-
der to, think What havoc such a, body.
• of leen enight work against hbe-oper-
• ating now onone flank, new an the
• other, 'cutting up his comMuttleations;
tea tittles as elusive as any DeeVet; le- •
.taregible; unehasable.htud destreetive.
• France has realized their value and
he raising • 18 battalions. Germany is
sitting, • ,undecided, upon the fence.
Here in Hngland we have the men,
but, alas, tee meet wait as usual, for
'the orgardeation.
Was Benefit te England.
. Mr. Whitelaw now, the Attlerleari
ambaesador, •delIverecl the inaugmai
address at the summer meeting cif ex-
tettulun students In -the Senate House
,at cambeldge, his subject being the-
• else of ithe United States and tenden-
• cies of its development.
• He suggested that by the eeparation
I rem England both the rale)) people
and their colonizing Sons had prefitecl.
The triumph of Arnerita, checked a re-
action in England, and the British
Government Of the nineteenth' century
Was dietinetly more adventageous to
• the people, Mort glorious for the na-
tion, and a greater beneficenee to Eiu-
e rope and the world, bedaUSe Of this
struggle With the cOlotilets In the last.
quarter of the eighteentle
W'oolt's 213.osp2,ditO,
aire Cirtat Ilemedit
Tont* and itthigorates whou
ti stem, nlithee hott
iliciedin d Veins. (Ivrea Arere
belritifg. .ittettiaZ and Brain lltoreg, .Ven
POndeneth Betiudifreakeess, .4",nriaR10nn. Speri
end !Teets of Abuse or Brcesste
CO SI pet box, *ix for $5. OneSvillpleme.tia
wili eure tieed he` all dra fete or mailed te
plain pkg. On torch* of priee. 'Veto pornpiad•
Didfleolfre•IA„ W000 MiscilOble
trovratig windeo* 7PVOnto Ont.
Ilolas eloe'Ynr Swig sigo-t• TitkOn Prowl
Mouths ot itstbes.
Minimal -You have been very naughty
today. Tommy. •
Tenney- Slitteks! I could have been
(wive Its naughty if I had wanted to.
et. . •
()Lie 'day f4101111 1:11ner WaS given 8.
• terrilon of tripe foe tench prepared fte-
nordiug to the Spanish method.
• "Vg111" 110 excleimed after taralugeit.
*Ain't we got nothlia to eat but this
old seer bath towel, amenna?" .
Little Etele-Manuna, how much do
ireople pay a pound for !rabies?
Matenittelltbles are net sol(1 by the
pound, my de-ar.
LItIltr Bistee-Then why do they al-
ways weigh them us soon ae they are
Teitehee (junior grammar elass)ee
Johnny, what gender is "phonograph?"- Johnny ---Feminine gender. • •
Teaeher-Noi Ho; It's nether. •
Soineay-Well, it onght to be ton -
nine, 'cause it repents everything it
hears,--ehleago Netve. •
The Valuable' eety Peetty home."
"US! Pretty Jane" was ,one ',of. the:
Most profitable songi to the Pulflieliers •
• ever written. S,onie : years 2g0 11
• brought Over a2,0Q0,•"Yet all that Mr:
••Pitzballi the 'Writer of the wqras, atul
Sir Henry Bisliep, the camper:eaor the
=eke jointly received aid not exceed
440. Fitzliall, .to be sure, declered
• that le took: Wee' jest 'ten 'nannies to
Wrete, and Bishop timeght sto'll teed. Of'
his Overt setting that•tie• had thrown the
manuscript -Into die waste paper ha's»
. ket, froin widch itwits tistitel. out. by
• the: Manager • of -Ventxball• Gardens,
But, even so,lhe emnpeeer :was. surely
. entitled to tt proteartionitte re.htard
Abe pailtieher, and it not'ihibsoling to
retell) the cireanistantha that Peiehop
died • filutoet. .'a • pattpei••-ttlittritherS' -
J'ournal. • • •• • .• ••
' •
.‘ • . shinnesotn. , • .
,.• Miericeota has leeeti designated
:North. Star State, Of.' 1,W.6. 01'
throe 'explanations have: been• given,•.
one on acconut .0 f its gieigraphical posi-
tion, .euother that ehe nortie„stter ate
•''peare ii .its eirat of gents. It -bas• also
'leen called tbe Lake State:. from the
great literibee 'tuned lakes 'within its
' Iinmhs and she (lephee :State becatere
• the early settlers foetid golobers there'
:in Mich al)undatice that they hrevalti 8.
serloUs nnisanee. si;ven 11 careful rider
• nem -ling ()yell. a plain where gophers
aleateded Wes in •dangee• of - being
thrown by Ids liorse aceidentaily stePL.
• • itle faoeuenee: • •
lair curate' of a country parish lately
vein:Area a elitlelly.. sermon, and the
• edieetion 'Welt folloWed amomited to
42'1 is. .4q1, fit the vestry After the
service the clench wirrtleite ebeated it
net an lententioued the reside
said. the reverend preacher, "I'. moist
be t -e' prenellea pretty •well to get all
that." 'No doribt:you did, sir," replied
one of the churelt wardene Wise bad
been eolletting, "but the settee 1 -hit in
tt £20 tote, add he'S deaf-im
Mail, • • • •
e ,
eroo 01 !NW iltt6ranre.
"Hear was it I SIM FO011iteg In toten.
tlils WeeltV • .
hlIe isn't playing.” •
'Why, 1.1hottglit lie was, the star In
that tank drainn." •
"So 110 wale, but lie wanted to be the
tank too." •
• • The Witty in hive Well.
• Sleep -well, eat well and forget well.
It may be bard to do at first, bet hie
will be pleasauter mid your dispositioti
.• Pond Itetoilection.
Iellielter-Deesn't memory take yeti
buck to the tiettr.Old farm? Dotter -It
WS to. The fare is $45. -New York
Mae tnhapp7 Uomos—Their Condition Irritates Both
Husband and Children—How Thousands of Mothers
Rave, Been Saved Prom Nervous Prostration and
Made Strong and, Well.
7 /1/Pi4411111111rederniMMINNIMINIFe
"Merl *Wan,* 04We _Jr ea7ty.1
A nervous, irritable mother, often Ott' Mrs, Chester Curry, leeader . of thee
the , verge of .Ilyst•eriee, ie . -Unfit to car0.
for children; it reine a child's d43phiii-•
tion and reacts epen herself. 'rhe
trouble between children and -their
mothers too often is due to the .fact
that the mother has Some female, weak -
flees, and she ht entirely unfit- to bear
theetmin.upom her nerves that govern-
ing children Involves ,it impossible.
for her to do- anythieg
The ills of.womenect like. a firebrand
Upon •the nerves, conseggently
tenfits of elle neryoue prostratien, nets
.voue deeponcleney„ "the blues" sleep-
lesseess, and nervons irritability of
women.PAKI freer. .some derangement
the ',mule oraratieot, ' • •
, .
Do you experience fits .ef 'depression
with • restleseeess, • • alternating with
extreme irritability?. Aro. your spirits
easily affected,: so that one minute vett
'allele and the _next - minute;you 'feel
like crying? •
. • •
. .
Do yon feel something like a ball -rift-
•ing pen. throat and threatening to
• eliokev
eon ; -thett
e sees' perverted,,
morbidly sensitive M light -and aimed.;
pain. in the .alidetninal region, and
•'between 'the , Shoulders ; bearing -down
pains ; nervous,. dyspepsia, and -eitnest
continually COE'S n1111 'snappy.? •
• 44AVE YOU A 'BOSS 9 nr are you itida
IndentxE you are making reoney for Seine 085
Oultand nuke moues for yourself. 051 01)1
• Isittveryiend be free. Write G. elexsuett
horittoh. They via eihew you the way. They '
eve slatted tignitende on the road to freedOul.
ZeVen dollar* 5 day, every dity is the year, l*be.
leg snide Itandllog tbelr ttOodi. Write mote
Is stoney.
11 80, yonnerves
e are in a shattered
eonditioti, and yoa ere threatened with
eery prostration. • ••
Proof is monumental that nothing -,in
the world is better tor. nervous prostra-
tion than Lydia E. Pinkie:met Vegetable
Compound ; tlealeamis tuulalionsaaula of
women ran testne to this feat
Ask Mrs.,Pinkbanes Advice—A Womanigestlind,erstands a Woman's Vb.
, .
Ladies' Symphony • rehestra, 42 .Sara-
toga St., Last Boston, Mase., wutes
Dear Mrs, Pinkiiain » .•.
"Poe eight years I was troubled en.th ex-
treme nervousness and hysteria brought oa
by n•regultiritiesa I could neither enjey life: • '
nor sleep nights, 1. eves very irritable, ner-
vous and despondent, '
'Lydia le, Plukham'e 'Vegetable float -
pound was reconunended and proved to be
the only remedy that helped me. I hater
daily improved in health until I not pow
strong arta well and all nervousness luta
disappeared." • .
The following letter is from Mrs,
Albert • Mann, 154 Gore "Vale Ave.„.
Toronto, One : •
Dear Mia. Pinkhein •
"I suffered a long time with serious fe-
Male •trouble having intense pains in the
bank end abdomen end very sick headaches
every month. I was tired and nervous all
the time andlife looked very dreary to me
and I tad no desire to live Until I began to
take Lydia E. Fihkbanhs Vegetable Com-
pound and to get some relief. uw recovery
was slow but it was sure and 'have never •
regretted the money spent for the Com-
aound as it brought hack my good health."•
Women. should remetnber that Lydia .
E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compoand
the meal/elle that hokls the record for
the greatest number of actual cures of
female ills, and take no intistitute,
Free gthAtivice to VIToutexl.
Ers...Pinkheen, daughter-in-law of Lye
die E. Pinkbatn, Lyen, Mats.; :invitee
alieiele women to *rite to her for advice.
Mrs. Pinkharn's • vast .experience. with •
female troubles enables her to advise you
Wisely, and she will charge eon nothing
for her advice. • '
yeeeeate •• ••••e: '
• twin*
. IN)
• must of teeessity be lastirig in
• order to successfully weadter
''' the stones of business life. •
SitekTH4ND COLLt-HE :trains
, yeting tnen and young women
s to' take .minor: positions which
• eventually lead to positions
• ef responsibility and frost. The
foundetioe is secure.. Our
etudents .go tip, mit dawn. We
are unable to simply the demand
for ourestudente. Why?
cause business men recognize
•.the' superior training they• .
receive. .
• Write for our hesiness and•
'shorthand • booklet ; it's free.
• •School terra : 'September till
• . Forest City •
• Business Coilege
• Priecleat. •. •taasee.
K j*,•; K K&KKK KtleK ;(,`,:cK
RottsANDS of men are prisoners of disease as securely
anlhOUgh they were coufined behind the bars. Many
have -forged their own chalets by the vices of early youth,
• exposure to contagious ditease, or the excesses of manhood.
They feel they are not the men they ought to beer used to be.
Thevina vigor, and vitality, of manhood are lacking. Are
you„tiervous and despondent? tired In tee morning? have you
to force yourself through the day's work 7 have you little am -
bitten and energy? are you irritable and exeitabie? eye*
senken.depreseed and haggardlooking? memory poor and
brain fagged? have you weak back with dreams and losses at
ttieltt 7 deposit la urine? weak sexually 9e -yon have •
Nervous Debility and Seminal Weakness.
Our NEW hltritTgar0DasTigatkirrillatitiPEDTetles 0g:in:nonfat:fit
• itinlop*.....:141417,Bevrare of
sreliable _physicians. Coosultation Hoek"
• feree. Writs for Question Blank for /Wine Treatment,
quacks -Consult old estAblished,
Or a a Kennedy' & Kerigiano
aim eilistair elritel1111: Omit. ••
• K K 1-C, • K K K
htiee opened up a choice, fresh
Wick of Groceries at OISOft'S �Id
Stand and now Ask a, share of t .S%
patronage of the eitieens of Clinton
and toe surrounding comniunity.
Good Quality tt, Fair Prices
are our special cares.
customers Will find oirr stock the be t
Veltie in town. The fled I/Blither
beinds in Teee and Canned Guudil
are stunnles of the values we handle,
Mre are strangers and mast
" get. acquainted,
it win pay hoee whose)! lam pro.
duce to sen us, before disposingof their
butter, ego and potatoes, elsewhere.'
We will buy. at a• good price what
you have to sell, and will sell at fair
price, what you have to buy.
DVARD HILL, 'Phone 114
11/41othieg atictS et) inueli to the decei;ae
tion of a house as good Walt Paper,
am in a position Le show you the.vets,
best arid c1moist patteens, as I ant
Agent forothe '
Empire. Wall Paper Co.,
• of Toronto.
The semplee for 1006 ttee entirele
now. Priees run from 5e a roll to ti5c„,
With borders at eente price. Hvery
end of paper guaranteed to contain El.
yards, Samples gladly shown to itt.
tentlingaptuthateers, at any time.
Douse Doebrittor and Paper Ilea sr,
(Jae Queers and Pr;ricess St,, Clinton.