HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-10-12, Page 10305 nOnEKT Menne, nueliseer, • isovioo... Wodooko,po -syetematkeny ve you the ;lee IVA to aleten" ij own many Wags thouebt p1 possible to the rich. A vacation abroad ; itoe; a meter -car; a college edueation own be y e if you save the or anythiielee you wish for dunes end onars. $1.00 Op,e1/0 411 account and., igterest is paid 4 threes a year in the lover,eign Bank of Canada H. T. RANCE, Manager. CLINTON; ONT. New Advertisements. Come, come, A, R. Smith page 1 Special Pipe Sale, W.A.MaJonnella 1 Guard yourself, W. S. R. Holmes.... 1 Skirts, Newcombe 4 Corn for sale, W.G. Perrin , 4 Furniture for sale, Mrs. Ballard , 4 Furniture for sale,Mrs Ha,nnilfen.... 4' House for sale, Mrs. McDowell. 4 Last Days, Tozer & Browne, ... . . 5 A good chance, Business College.... 5 Dress goods, Popplestone 5 Business chanceenentral Bus.College Satchel Lost, Mrs Rance 8 New Silks, Hodgens Bros 8 Bring your boy, Hodgens Bros 8 Store News, W.D. Fair 8 Copy for changes of contract adver- tising must positively be in this office by Tuesday evening. .-Boy Wanted at Once. Good - wages from start. --NEW ERA COW! COMET COMET TO A. R. SMITH'S Stock -Taking Sale STUPENDOUS REMOTIONS Read this through. It means dollars to you. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Friday, Saturday 2 Monday • Oct. 12th, 13th and 15th lien's Suits for. $ 598 " $15 and $18 Suits for. 11.98 e $18 Overcoats, for 11.98 " $10 " for .... 6.98 $1.25 and $2.00 Pants, for 79c Linen -finished Hdkfs, for 5e 25c Suspenders. for 10e 15c Collate, for 14e. 60c Working Shirts, for 39c " Claps. for 8c " Ties; for 9e Genuine Bishop Fur Overcoat.. • 14.00 Boy's Suits for • 1.69 28c Cotton 'Goods, for ' 18c 8c Flannelette, for .5c and 6c I anigsole agent for file Celebrit, ed `Regent" and Vicadilir Clothing Three Days to Slaughter a New Stock of Goods Owing to bad weather during the last few days of our Big Nine Days' Sale, we have decided to continue the sale for a few days. A number of lines were cleaned out, but the above items will illuetrate the great reductions at• our sale which starts Friday, Oct. 12th, and closes Monday, Oct. 15th. Oorne early, or the very article you want may be gone. i 11 .01 it Bring this paper with you and ask for articles advertised. 11. R. Smith's Albert St.. North, - Clinton. No money refunded or goods exchanged during this Sale. The IllyerS Music Method Teacher, Ida G. Harries. Imilop.O.OPPRomOOldomip The Myers' Music Method, for eland - ren, provides a thorough preparatory ^ COUTSEI in the rudiments of music. The lessons are conducted on Kindergarten models, and include practical Plea° teaching, making the study pleasant and interesting. Miss Holmes will resume her classes in town on Tuesday, Sept. 4th. For terms, etc., apply at residence, High Street, When Seeing is Painful If after wOrlting iswhile your eyes sting anit d bur.', immediate relict ist elbtairiLd isy, our .0 ern: alp adjusted glasses, Consulteilonif�e Satisfaction guaranteed. ' A. J. ORIG(11 CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, 00TOBER 12, 1900 The Clinton New Era goes Into the Homes of the People and is Read by ail elasses, eolborne NOT PI,A1N ENOOGII, -On either end of the long 'bridge erossing ut airleors- ter's, into Godertch township, are post- ed notices ititinaating that the bridge is unsafe. The notices are writtereencl are so indistinct than'they ean only be read with difficulty ; in fact two of them omelet be read at all.They should' be reple•ced by printecl noticesedreost big enough to be read iu the dark, because there is. a good deal of travel aver the briclee, and if it is unsafe, the informa- tion should be so plain that almost a blind man could see it. Notne,-Mr. . B. Forster is erect- ing a new barn, with oeuteet founda- tion, &short distence tam his house. -The foundation: fteeef,..,47.enation house at Devon is.ennapletedeettedinerte "hag off the ground for the testa; • Walikenblelen ,A.rchanabault is work- ing in Blyth at present. Mr. 1-larold Sprutig is on the sick list ; we hope he will aeon recover. Oliver Mention is working at W. Patterson's. Miss leach - el Pattevson spent Sunday at home. Brussels P..s.r.,t, FAIR, 4, The fall fair, held on Friday, was without execnition the best and most largely attended in the history of the fair. fn eyery depart- ment the exhibits were ahead of any- thing ever shown here. The nunaber of entries was also larger than ever before. Hon. Vin. Petterson. Minis: ter of Custom% was present and for- mally opened the fain and also the fine new hall. A large assemblage gAve • .'his epeegee e most. cordial hearing. There was, of eourse,.,nothing political ' itt it, dealipg with maimed prosperity. °HUSHED To DEATEL-The body of Wm. Iver. -i, a farmer front near Dun- gannon, was found Tuesday morning beside a culvert, opposite the farm of J. G. Hetherington, near Nile. Dur- ing the night's storm, while driving onte front Goderich • with a• lead of lumber, the team either became fright- ened at the sharp lightning, or went too near the edge of the culvert, and the driver and load were thrown off the wagon, the former being pinioned under the lumber.Deceased tvas mar- ried and has a family. Wilson Beers, Bayfield road, below Gotlerich, is the only brother. Mrs, H. Hereon, Sault Ste Maris, is a sister. Setae -Ma Thos. Biggin, who has nem on the Allen farm, Maitland con- cession, for some time, leaves the same in the course of a couple of weeks, and will have an auction sale on Mon eV, Octeloth. prior to moving to Sumner - hill, where he has bought the business of Mrs. Brownlee. People in this sec- tion regret that illness compels Mr. Biggih to leave, he having been a good neighbor, Mr. Allen, who owns the farm, and has been preaching in the west, has returned, and will probably spend some time at college. * DungannOn* PALL PAIR.- The annual fair of the Ashfield and West'.' awanosh Agricul- tural So0eaes was held onFriday last: The weather was threatening in the morning, but turned out fine in the Afternoon, and a large crowd of people were present. Exhibits were fairly good, the horse classes being by far the best, The crowd manifested a great deal of interest in the horse races, while the Goderich Band added much to the enjoyment of -theater- noon. President Bailey lute lodked closely after the welfare of the society,, and it has tnaintained its hold on popular favor. , Noens.-There is no place of its size in the county that does as much gener- al business as Dangannon. A lady in the village, who is active and hearty for her years -about 80 e has never at- tended the fall fair here for the last 27 years there is no reason why she shonld not, save the fact that she- hits lost interest. The establishment of a breech of theSterling. Bank here has proved a great convemence to business men and farmers alike, and the cour- teous manager, Mr.Russel E Manning, has won the confidence and reepect of the.community. A fall fait or a Liberal* convention taxes to•the utmost the ac- commodation of our two excellent hotels here, the crowd attending the .faltfair on. Friday being pretty large. BRIEFS -We were honored with 'a visit on Friday from 'Peter McKenzie, M. P., South Bruce • E. Lewis, M P.. West Huron R. HaIrries, ex M,P.,and 'others of more or less note. , • lluburn Before sellitts, get our prices for old hens and Chickens, live weight. IV. T. RIDDELL, Auburn. 'THE BiOE.-Miss Erma Symingtot, who was home sick, returned to her position in Goderich on Monday, but had: to keturn hotne on Tuesday. We are glad to learn that Mr. Strachan is getting -eking nicely. 'Miss. Eliza Blair was confined to her bed with a few days illness, tint is around again. Miss Maude Ferguson was brought home from Clinton, owing to illness, last Thursday evening, and is still very sick. Mrs Geo.elegnieh,vee are pleased to report, is on the mend. , Cuotiore NOTES.— member the anniversary services ' in Methedist 'Ohne& next Sunday ; Rev. W. Kerr, Of Ontario St. church, Clihton, will preach at 10.80, 2.30 and 0..7. Rev Mr Maleolin, of Chicago, accept - 'ably preaehed in Knox church last Sunday* evening. On Tuesday even- ing. Miss Goodfellow', one of the Pres- byterian W. Ji. M. S. workers of India. addreesed a very good gathering in Knox church ;' the regular meeting of the League was withdrawn to allow the members to Attend the address. There will be no entertainment of any kind on Monday evening, and the Trnstees are requesting that a liberal Amount I e placed on the plates oneitne day- for churele expenses. NOTE'S. -Mr. ELF. Youngblut has a brand new little daughter. Mee. Rob- inson and sista.. ItIrs. Bone, of Wing - ham, spent a feu days • at the Herat home The winter King's ftiumph oven Fall began on Wednesdaveiccono panied by a ladevy fall of snow, which, owing to the fact that the .trees had not lain off their summer coat of 'eaves,' did considemble damage by breaking large limbs from the trees. This meet be our "Squatv winter," which usually precedes -Indian summer. Work on the railway has been at A standstill fot. the lest few days owing to unfeverabie weether. Constance fateres,-.111r. A. Leitch was vieitin with his brother William at Clhise huret a few days last week, "every- body seemed sotnewhat etwprieed to find on rising Wednesday morning,the ground covered with the; beautiful s»ow. Many of the Apple trees ave partially destroyed from the heavy weight of snow which fen. on Ttleedan night last. Some branches are broken pit eopeelally those loaded with fettle . A number in this vicinity attended the Brussels fair iest Friday end spoke of Lt as the best of the season, Civello Willem is very sick at preeent ; we hope to See hint moving about in a few day. Mr, Wm. Taunter has resigned hie position as engineer of the Oon- stance Syndicate Threshing CotripanYt learti it is his intention to return to hie fernier position at Not Lisleard. Mrs, john Willson is visiting ftiends jeweler and Optician. this vicinhyt at teeent. Mr, Hiram eW tiekard, 'ending 1 of 1( r 'age Lioenses Pr°°t°11,4)f ssuer ri flzieu4e ere Godench • • NEW TEACRER.-The Collegiate In- stitute board have appointedniss Amy' .T. Kerr,13.A..,of Balmy Beach,Toronto, to the position of assistant teacher at the in piece of Miss Bauer. who is leaving.to truce a position at Peter - C. P. It, CONSTUCTION PROCEEDS, The U. P. R. officials announced Satur- day morning that the section of the 'Guelph and Goclerich railway as far as Milverton will be opened for traffic on Oct. It. The statiou buildings at Lin„ wood, Wallestein, Millbank and Mil- verton are almost completed, and will be reedy for opening day. INJUNCTION CONTINUED - TheGuelph And Goderich Railway before Chief Justiee Fatconbridge secured a centi uance • of an. imundme tion against. the grand Trunk Railway restramtng the Latter front proceeding,with some ex- cavi ation' work which s midernuning the trestle work of . the Guelph And Goderielt road. The intunction contin- iles.till the trial of the case. OCNTEACT NOT COMPLETED, - Only one case came before Mr, jastice Brit - eon on Tuesday and the Assizes are °Ver. The case was that of Menzies, vs. Goderich Engine & Bicycle Co., Limited: The latter placed an engine. and boiler in Menzies yacht "Oriana." at Toronto, and it is claimed that the contract was not completed. . Some evidence was taken and the case will be heard on the 1201 at Toronto Woe Mr. Justice Mitten. STEAM SHOVEL WITHDRAWN. -Th Greta Trunk Railway on Friday with drew its steam shovel fecan the dis puted land underlying the Guelph an Goderich track. • The officials aeon that this does in no case signify tha there is any possibility of their aban cloning the right to put through an ad dittoed siding, but that they have im mediate demand for a steam shovel a Paris, and as soon as the injunction proceedings have been given it hearing in the courts, theywill renew opera tions here on a more extensive Amite. borer • • MISS ROBEnTsON liocATED. - Mr. Robertson, of the Signal, ha.s received word of nis sister, Miss Jessie Robert son, who disappeared SCUM weeks ago froro Quebec,' where she was in com- pany with one of her brothers. Her state'of health' had somewhat affected her Mina, and. anxiety Was felt on her disappeara,rece, peesisteut search' being kept uO without success until last week, when her whereabouts were un- expectedly revealed as in Buffett), N. Y.; where she had obtained employ- ment: in conneetion With .the chine. decarating art. It is expected that full recovery will follow in due course, afeer a period of the reStand relaxatiee from nervous strain which she needs. Anernsepo in PORT HURON. -BC, cause she nearly froze whenever she • Went outdoors, on Wednesday, Miss Mabel Incektud, aged 18, of Goderich, stole a coat Valued at el% and was arrested in Poet Huron Wednesday. Miss McCloud has been employed as 'a waitress and went to • work Wednee- do ,y- morning in a thin dress that offer- ed but little protection from the cold, raw wind. She save the warm coat belonging to Miss Angie Drain; an- other waitress. and thinking of her thin clothes she yielded to temptation and in 4' moment's .weaknees took ' it. She did not get but a few blocks be- fore the theft was detected and she was arrested. At the stetion Miss Me- Cleud admitted that she took the coat and the only reitecgashe coald give wee that it was getting. cold weather and she eoirld not buy one for herself. Seataous Acoa3ENT.--On Wednek. day afternoon, as Airs. Noble Smith, arid her, -sister, Miss alisLarene were driving dowp the bridge hill, the horse attached to the buggy got frightened' and ran away. Mrs. Smith held on to the lines, but could not stop the ani- mal, and when it reached. elattford, she divested it to 13issett's hill; thinking itt could be more eaeily stopped. As it terned to -the hill the velecle rockeil so that Miss McLaren jumped out, and directly after, the buggy upset, and (LB it went over, 'Mrs: Smith jumped. Tht last minted lady was sonaneliat shaken, up, init not seriously lout, but Mise Mclairen,,ewho evidently fell on her head; wegiuseneible and bleeding pro- fusely, when picked up minute after the accident. Dneweeore- A telephone message reeeived here Sunday morning by Ool; Young, pert owner of the schhoner Julia Larson. announeed the drowning of Captain James Mitchell abotte ten miles northwest of the Chantey Is - lends. The schooner eves bound down the lake from Stoke's Bay to Kincar- dine, with' a cargo of lumber, and al- though the details of the accident are very meager, it is untlerstooa that ate- ing to the strong northwest gate the captein decided to seek shelter behind the Cluenery Islands -until the wind should subside. The captain had gone Mott to stow some of the topsails, when a heavy sea struck the vessel, throwing her 'nearly- on her beam ends lint" tossing. the unfoetunate captaio nto the vagina waters, Owing to the great veloeity of the wind and the heavy sea eunning, it was atepossibie to being the vessel about or lower the yawl to render any lissistence, end riothing was seen of the captain again. Cognate alitehell was resident of Colliorriegann leaves a wife aud family, Se'aforth TualenStrinnen TEA. 4.. The manual Thankseiving tea will be given in the Methodist Church the evening of Thursday next, by the Ladle's Aid So- ciety. A fowl supper will be served after whieh an excellent propane wil I, e given, contenting of music by thc5 ehoir and Willis quartette speeches ete„ Rev, Mr,JoIiilie, of Clinton, will take it ******** .109 .......110 O... 11 i 11111111(SgiViljg DOT iNext T . hurielay will be hErie will, therefore, be issued i flueuksgiviug day, and tbe Nnw ae one day earlier than ueuel,uc 4 Will our correspondents kind - '010 ly hear this innth ;niAda Sillid I, : in their budgets as early as ..; * possible. . . • 44414 te4.4140114******4041, sea• *et e eloInteanille Noene,---Mies M. Martin is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt. The annual shoot ot the Rifle Assoctation will he held an the range on Thursday, Oct. 18e and Thursday, the 25th ; all Members are particularly requested to e presenthand ti take part n the shoot-, A.J. Coutitice, ouregenial postmester, is making It small adeitien to his pre- mises, to be used for coal oil. H. El- ford, who has been working on the cement foundations of tile different stations along the 0, P. R. to Goder- ich, has gat through and is again iu our village. Geo. Swallow, Ire has gone to Ste Marys fot• the winter, whet.° he has secured it sztuation. Mrs: Joseph Proctor is very lowewith hut Wight hopes of her recover. Ad.. McCartney has gone with Mr, Cud - more to press bay ; he'expects it to be a winter's job, WOmAN'S INSTITUTE. --The bread contest in connection with the Wo- man's Institute will take place an Tuesday, Oct. 16th. The rules plasm- ing the contest are as follows "-else, -None but member e of the Woman's institutemay compete ; 2nd, bread muse be obe day old ; 3rd, the persons securing the prizes raust be willing to give a full explanation of the methods used in the making of their bread ; 4th, That all bread shown (vrhether taking a prize or not) will be- come the property of the Institute ; 5th, all wishing to compete must have their bread at Mrs. Mulholland s by; 1010 o'clock Tuesday .morning. The prizes to be gleam will be : -1st, Bread maker worth 52.25; and, it ono yea subscription to The Ladies Horn Journal equal to 81.50; 3rd, it noubl Winer worth 31.00. Mrs. F. W. Watt of Clinton, has kindly consented t aet as one of the judges, two othe Indies will be chosen tee net With her , Mrs. Watts will 10,10 gime a paper i the afternoon on how to take care o the hands, haie and face. This pipe has been well received Where ever Mr Watts has given it an her leeturin Lour this summer, in fact, we under- stand, Mr. Putnam has asked her to let him have it for publication. The Woman' Missionary .Society intend holding their annual quilting the same dayHe the Woman's Institute have their bread contest. The two societies Intend joining and having dinner to- gether at the church, Cannon( ANNIVEnsAHr.-Very suc. cessful anniversary serviees were held in the Methodist church ou Sunday, Oct. 7.' Rev. J. Se Fisher, of Lambeth, preached morning and evening to ov- erflowing congregations, In the morn- ing he took for hire text the words found in Jeremiah 31 12: ''And their soul shall be as a watered garden." In the evening he spoke on "Record Mak- ng," basing his remarks on Pilate' words, "What Ihave written, I hav written," His ex'cenent sermons wer marked with that true earnestness o purpose, and zealous love for God aro hirmanity, and delivered iii the sam tear, ringing :Voice which Always char derized * the reverent' , gentleman when laboring on this pirtuie abaft tyenty years ago, and which added in ere,st and power . to his eloquent eip, eels. ' Rev. T. A. Steadman was the peaker at the afternoon gathering, ud he addressed the young people of he Sabbath' school on the words of van, "Stiffer the children to come nto me," Mr; Steadman also favored he audienee with one of his beautiful ocal solo' - Few inn) Win te have he power of presenting troth to chit - NEW SuASCRIDERS can !lave. The New 'Era from now • till the Ara Dec,, 1906, ler T n eerits. StiniSORIPTIOte55 co per year, le advarce when not ao Leda. ' lenerns.--leirs. 'Tames Lang and obit- dren, of Niagara Falls, are visiting at the home of her uncle, E. Oratvford. Drenrue-The following, from a New York paper, will be read with regret by the many old friends of Mr. Foy, he being a former resident of Hollett : "A solemn requient 'Mass Wite offered on Monday, Sept, 17, in St. A.gnes' church for the repose of the soul of Miss Katherine A. Foy.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john J. Foy, for many years faithful attendants al that church, and noted among its benefac- tors. Ever since her childhood she has been afillieted with that church, and was always eager to show her love for it in eyery way possible. In eaetern thing undertaken for its. benefit she was einong the first to volunteer her sex vIces, end- few equalled her ae zealous and enthusiastic Yew); er. took soecial .delight in the Sunday school. and being highiy educated and well grounded in the ahowledge of her religion., she sought to instil that knowledge into the minds and to in- fuse that love into the hearts of the little ones confided to her care, both by precept and example. She was a member of the various societies of the cnurch-the Se Agnes' Sodality, the League of the Sacred Heare And the Sodality of the Blessed, Virgin- and a•lso one of the prime movers in organ- izing the Dramatic Club. She was also very popular with the girls of the' Clover Club, of which she was a mem- ber. That she had endeared herself to tallyho knew her was made manifest by the host of friends who visited her home to view her remains. For the last seven years Miss Foy had been teaching in Public School No 147. During the past vacation season she sought rest and recteation in the coun- try, where she contracted typhoid fever. She lingered for ten days, and died a most beautiful death on Friday, t. 14, the vigil • of the feast of her patron saint, After having been forti- fied with the last sacraments of the Church." Porter's OBI NOTES. -Mrs flet1811aVV, of and Mrs. Murphy, of London,are visit tog their brother, George Vanderburg. Mts. Dyke, of Gotlerch, is spending a few days at Jahn Torranee's, Clem. Newton received word last week that his son 011.4rlee WitS in the Respite" at Fort William sick witliTyphoid tenet'. Rhoda Betties and Gladys McDougall spent a- few dayeeinGodericle last week, BEEP Rince.--Tni Porter'e Hill Beef Ring Association having completed operations for the season, held their firct annual meeting last Thursday night. The members eXpressed thern- selveeas being well satisfied with the workings of the aseociation, so much Sul that they decided to have an oyster supper on the 24th of October for the members and their wives ; those mem- bers who have no wife are prienleged eet.wite„:1, thlieeeartieflinegix.ephettsweitesii&boewhiaids 'to start killingthe first beef ob the 15th of May, 1907, and running for 24'weeks insteecl of 16. The offiners were all re- elected' as follows : Presiderit, John Cox ; klecretery and. Treasurer. James Stirling ; Butcher, George Vander- . burg; Inspectors, George Tebbutt, P. McDougall,Walter Weston and, James Sterling. As it was thought that the animals butchered this summer were ferrite of deem rathet light, the stand- ard was placed at 500 lbs far next roam - flier, the inspectors not to accept a bullock that will not dress about 4501bs of beef. . et, " fineuet ErinWs jeknothx.r-Last Tuesday night while the farreta of Mr John Mc- Allister, in Culross township, seven miles north of here, were srtting in the kitchen of their home, a lamer ex- ploded, and Mrs McAllister, who was sitting by the table, was covered with the burnne oil. and before the flames could be extinguished, was fatally berried, even her ears dropping off. After sulteriug terrible agony she died next day. She was about len years of age and Web respeoted, r Blyth DEATIL-In the death of lira James 6 Anderson on Friday, Oct. 5, our yillage se lost one of its most loving, useful and ue 'respected residents. Mrs. .Andersois had been troubled for some time with inward trouble, but notwithstanding rt her severe ilhaeee at times, her depart- ure was not looked for or thought of. But on Thursday she grew rapidly worse, and on Friday at upon she sud- denly expired, death being caused by weakness of the heart. Thedeceaseleaves'a family of three dailghters- Amelia, Janet and Ella, and one son - Frank, and her -husband, to mourn the loss of it kind mother and loving wife. The funeral, Which,„ was not held till Tuesday afternoon, owing to some of the children not being able . to get home, was largely attended, the de- ceased being a valued member of St. , Andrew's Presbyterian church, an en- thusiaStie -worker in the various soele- ties*--the Ladies! Aid, Missionary Soc- iety, ete„ and bee death causes 'a va- eancy which will not be filled very eas- ily or quiekly. The sorrowing rela- tivee have the full sympathy of the eoinnnullty in their sad and sudden bereavement. Stanley 7 NaTus._mov. Granit, Of tlie.Lon- I don 'road, 18 laid up with prinemonie, e but his friends Will be glad to learn he is recovering. Miss Jean Gilmour, Matron of Orowstand Indian School, e who has. been honie an a three months'. • furlough returned on Monday to re- ' slime her work there. Mr ,Alex Mc- Ewen and Wife'of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the first of the week with his mother, Mrs Alex McEwen. Miss Rebecca Forsyth, of Seaforch, is visit- ing,at the home of lir Malcolm :Me, Ewen. . t 11 a 11 dren s minds, and carrying them with him in reasoning outproblems of life, in the forceful manner Mr. Steadman did, without appealing to the humor- otts. He did all good to hear him. The choir added mach to the enjoy- ment of the day, under the able lead - 609)4 of Mr. Will Pickard. Th e° offer- ing was exceptionally generous, amounting to $140. •lbondesborif Do•ret.---The Mende of Geo. NOW. ton, Of Toronto, formerly of this place syrnietthize with him in the death oe his eldest daughter, Cora, on Tuesday, from consumption. • ANNIVETISAWit. The Anniversary services of Londesboro Methodist chuteh will be conducted on Sitnarty, Oct. 14, at 10 a. in, and 7 pan , by Res% j. Steatite:In of Bayfield. Special ml.18- ie is being prepered by the chttreh choir and others. On the following Thursday evening, Thankegivings a fowl supper will be • served in the base- ment ot the church, After which an ex- cellent p1ogram:1 wilt be rendered, in- cluding vocal and instrnmentai music; recitations; and addresses from Revs, Anderson, Blyth Leckie, Lonaesboro, aud Reid, Nile. Mrs. F. Templet, Kin- cardine, and _Clinton _Male Quartette will be present. NOTES. -ML'. aria Mrs. James Lang- ley.. of Niegara, visited relatives in this vicinity hist week. Geo. Pearson, a travelling minister of the Brethren, uuu in these parts this week. The iron for the bridge on the 8th and Oth, le nearly on the ground, the grading hexing been eompleted this week. Anse It. Young returned on Wednesday after a visit with friends a,t Whitby. W. Hamilton, 13 A , left on Mondey to at- tend Norturd College at Hamilton. Rev. Mr. Hamilton ocettpied his for- mer pulpits on Sunday ; there were good congregations at both, churches, all being pleased to see and hoar him again ; Rev. Mr. Leckie took Mr. Ham- ilton's work at Learningtori for the day, Mr. Hamilton returning home on Werthesday Many fruit trees were btidly broken by the heavy enowfall on Wednesday morning. Sugar beets are bemg rushed to the station these days, Watson & Sons shipped hogs on Wed- nesday. Mrs, banes Brown and her daughter, Susan, returned from Lloyd- minster a few days ago. A niunber here iti't1 on tile elek list, among them beteg Mae Shaddiek, acting foreman on the eeetion. W. 13rurniey is now section foreman. Jas Armour bite sold hie farm- bear Westfield, 8,nd intends moving to WINO:0m ohortiri Morris • SUDDEZ.7 DEATIL -Death came very. suddenly to Mr, Wm. James Johnston sen., of Morris, on Tuesday evening. He had been in his usual good health ; he ate his supper as usual, and walked up the real past Mr Shaw's. Later, as he was standing in the woodshed, he was stricken with paralysis. A physician was summoned, but a few minutes after he Arrived, the spark of life had fled. Mr .Tohniston was one of the earliest settlers of Morris; having been in the township fifty-five years, cueing to if when it was solid bush. Hard toil and frugality made for Mr and Mre Johnston a Comfortable home and they rinsed a highly -respected family. 'Their honie was always open for 'ministers of %malt of their choice. alr Johnston had been Reeve of the township, end for many years an active official in theMethodist Church. Wherever he was'knowu. he wits greatly respected, astt of steeling character. Besides hie sorrow- ing partner, he. leeyes five sons and two clang -hems. Mr johnsten Was 72 years of age, ee- •• Bayfield No't'es. -The Rev, Mr. McNeil •has returned from a pleasant 'vacation at Nova Scotia • where his early life has been epent, and is Again welcomed to his pastoral ditties • in Se Andrews chetah. K, aloorlionse, of London, is on it phoet visit to his hotne. John Pollock lost a valuable cow by its fall- inginto a wellnetoor &Geminhaet have taken a contract for supplying tile for the corporation drainage. Miss Ellin Ritchards and, her mother have gone to live with friends .in trussels, The Fall Exhibition mot with its usual Stleee8St the weather being line brought the vast tuenout ; the even- ing concert was attended with it full house and earthy were not able to gain admission. Tfickeratnith rAnIcf,nENTED-Mr Levi Stong ties rented his hem of 100 acres, being lot 20, Con. 2, H. R. S.. to Mr Fred jeep. per, who gets possession thee fall, Mr Stoag has deeided to go west next year, arid will have a iilotle 8110ttly. ile is it man whenwill be nauch Missed' in this locality, for he's Otto of tne acttve met -oboe of Tartlet's (linireh, end tvbile his re.movel will be regrettea, Ito will eatrv the best wishee of Ilis friends foe his future prosperity. wholaw.osi#4. Tursinerry BAHN BnitNED, -During the storm et Monday night. The lightning struck the barn of Mt Lovell of Turn - berry ; the building and conterite were destroyed; and the loss to Mr Lovell 3011 he heavy*, • Ooderich Township NOTEs:-Mr Arthur Welsh is suffer-. ing with a sore eye, we trust this wounded optic will not be of it serious nature, Mr Queer& Middleton had the right kind of sbeep to obtain sev- eral first prizes at the Bayfield. fair.. Mr VVill Perdue jr., is laid off work as the result of an injured foot. Mies Ernmo Welsh.of Michigan, is rusticat, fog with relatives in this vicinity. We are pleased to see the portly form of Norman WelshAgain in out midst, the police night work was not agree- ing with him, so he decided to return to the farm. Mr. William Yeo. al- though About eighty years of age is able to do the fall plowing, beis still vigorous and would hustle sorne peen yet Many years his jet:dote ' BARN BURNED.—During Monday 'nights.storm Mr. Chas IVIc3regor's barn was struck by lightning and beetled ; a horse and FS number of Pigs sons crop init. We 'did not heat! what i.I:esut8rabnlicrlietilhde;:iswiils:Qmeo:sidera. Me loss at this time ot year, as he han his sea- • • Brueefield • .winnon..7-T11 last weeks NEW ERA; in the names Of those who .received diplomas for .reoiting the 'shorter catchisac two homes: were ommited :Tracey Jean* Elcoat and Christina Fraser. This makes 29, who in the past two years have repeated the whole of the catechism en Brucefiela congregation. This dbeslltlks if the eatelrewasbeing ete;eeti paroithecouvryi Apprizes, -One tif the best ten-nese- ance addresses ever heard here was de- livered in the Presbyterian church on 'Sabbath morning by A. T. Cooper, of • His- speech was strong and toethe paint, showing the great evil we allow to go on about us. The ehurch .could do it geeat deal towards abolish- ing it. Now is the time for special ef- fort against thedemon of strong drink; held their half -monthly meeting on S. on Ta -The Sons of Temperance Oct. 4 ; after the. usual business, it was decided to have a "side contest" next Teitu•sday evening. Two captains ehoose sides for a program, and two judges will gave the decision. Next business night is Oct. 18, at 7.30 ; any- one wishing to join will be cordially welcomed ; ladies 25c and gentlemen 50e to the end ot the year. • Nerees.--Ven. Cuchnote & Sone, flan bayees, ' have been .Working itt our neighborhond iateiy. ., Jes. Swan's ho.uscianearly completed, and will be one of the finest in this vicinity. Jiro. Ketchen . attended the Amend of his brother -in law, Mr. Orbison, Whitby, oil Friday, On 'Sabbath next the Sac-. rament of the Lord's Supper will be heldin the Presbeterian church ; Rev, Air. Anderson, alottdrich wilt meacb on Friday afternoon. 4rnes IteSEri of eon. 2, Stanley, moves this week to the farm hoptirchaged in Hay ; his broth- er,' Wm. Rose.. MeKillop, hits perches.' ed and will mave to the farm he va- cates. Among the members of the Huron football club who received lockets and phOtos orthe chtb, for tie. feating the Corinthians, in Sea -forth, were Chas, -.Mustard end Alderi Mc- Kenzie, Dkrean -Our community was sad- dened last week tole:um of the death. of Mrs Hugh Thompson, of Moosejaw. She was formerly a resident of Stanley. She moved to the West with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Wm Moffatt, 0 num- ber of years ago. For a long time previous to her dealt. She was eery ill tvitifstotnitch troable, -last spring her husband took bet to the famous hospital ip Minnesota, where she. had e very ceitinal °iteration performed ; she recoverecl and was taken to her heme itt M0014018W. A few weeks ago she WAS seleed with typhoil. fever, ft•orn.which she did net i eeover, etie passed away on Titesdey last, She leaves it sorrowing husband and foui children, tvvo girls and two boys. Theft inane frierele in our neigborhotel.syne rettlitze with the family in theft. bereavement, The :Montreal gratich of the "SALADA" Tea.Che had delivered to them through the mail a few days ago it letter addressed ae folloWs est AW.trd and Gold Medal Fair 8t, Louie, Montreal.. The writer evident- ly mistook a Newspaper notiee of thn "SALADA" Co. for the name of the flttn ptobitbl7 not linderstaridthg Snail SPECIAL PIPE SALE! On SaTtliettiker, our, 13, we are eoine to give the Men folio a bar. gain in pipes, as you will readily see if you call and hewed bur prices P• to suit every one, i es bnIn in etYie price. This ts genuine rednetion, and taste one day only, The day it ;Saturday. We, keel) a cigars and Tofinceoi W.A. McConOell . Phut. B. erescription Druggist, CLINTON. 0.P.R, Telegraph Agency $ Guard Yourself The Weather for Throat and Lung . troubles has appeared. ' • • toscara BrOnilde mi (Mine will break up a cold in a fevfllours, .and will not cause any digestive disturbances Our COO Liver Oil ENRON is the best for a lingering cough. It is absolutely tasteless. The children like it. We make the best for eon. VV.'S, R. Hahne Plim.B. • ' all.11/1011.11011,11N N1.01 -r • CLA88.E8 . are 'being formed in the CLINTON 1? I3USINESS COLLEGE Z(Afiali".95 wilb• Witgham Bustnc$s COMM) r8n;;;"sh•IP Class Office open every evening, iui 7 to tro'clock.- . • • Cell or Write tor particulare. • G:E0. SPOTTOT, PRINCIPAL. Mr. and and Mrs.. Thos 3. Watt, Wing; ham, left Monday- mornieg • for Mia, lefich., where itlie Watt has secured positioa as manager 'Of' a large general store business.: NEW Grocery Store Johnston' B19ck CLINTON The Undersigned' has opened out With a brand new, etp-to-date stook of Choice:Groceries, Canned Goods, Crockery,. 'Glassware, etc,. Nothinknut the very best hi every line, because enebetter can be bought Prices as•close as any. Patronage Respectfully Solicited A.J. HOLLOWAY, ALBERT St., Clinton. Telephone 63. rHE Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital raid up' $3,000,000 Ileserve Fund,' $3,000,000 Total Ass* $30.4000.000 SAVE YOUR DOLLAttS by depositing in oui Sayinge Bank. It does not require a large amount to begin with. We pay 8 per eerie interest; on amounts of $1 aud upwards. Bettee begin' now -deposit what von can spare eertdd to it whenever possible. We will welcome your account, large or small, • - • A generalenanking business traneacted, • CALI AND 8EE tits C. E. DOWDING, moriwor, MIN% "'