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The Clinton New Era, 1906-10-05, Page 5
Oct. 190$ THE CLINTON X'E t ERA The Right Watch The `Heilyar Wath It is right in every respect —right in workmanship, right in .price, right in• time right everytilne, ac- curately adjusted, fitted in either G o 1 d, Silver or N ickle cases, Let us sellyou a Watch —your old Watch taken in mist 'pay • ilElt VA Jeweler and Optician. lar Eyes Tested Free -40 Births, Marriages, Deaths. BORN SAIIPMAN.••.Io Clinton, Sept, 80, to Jilt'. and Mrs. M.C. Kaufman, it daughter, CHESNEY.-At "Emcee Fares; 'Tuokersmith, on Saturday, Sept. 801, to Mr. and M. P. ¥• Chesney, a son. TALBOT. -In Soafortb, on Sept. 26th, to air, and Mrs. w.L, Talbot, a daughter. SF.RR.-Tn Mol{1Uop, on Sunday, Sept. Jird. the wife of Mr, John 161Kerr. of a on. FORGIE.- In Wiugham, onSopt. 18th, the wife of Mr. W'm, Porta °, a son, I' Fori HOiIiUTH.-In Turnbexry, on Sent. 24th, the.. wife of air. John Iioniuth, a daughter. SANDERS. --In Exeter on Sept, 20,, to Mr. and' Mrs. Sidney Sanders, a son. IORTIICOTT,-in Exeter, on Sept. 24th, to. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Northcott, a son. FOED.-In Wingha u, Sept. 210, Mrs.(Or.Ford, a son,(still-born.) KENNEDY, In Wingham. Sept. Wad, to Mrs. Aro). Kennedy, a daughter. HASTIE.--In Howick. on Sept:14th, to Mr, and Ctrs. Robt. Hastie, a son, McDowELL.-In i3russels, on Sept. 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McDowell, a son. SANDERSGN.-0n Mon(lay, Sept. 24th. to Mr. and Mrs.Percy Sanderson, Dungannon. a daugh- ter ' MAB,RIED CAMPBELL- DUNOANSON,-At the manse Seaforth, on Sept. 10th, by Rev. Mx, Larkfn, Mr. R.C: Campbell, to Miss 'Jennie Duncanson, : both of Grey township. MURRAY.-STEISS.-At the manse, Mitoheli, on Sept. 10th, by Rev: James W. McIntosh, Mr, Samuel Murray, V.14., of Dublin, to Miss Lyda, Lenora Stoics, only daughter of Mr, John .V. Steiss,'of Cranbrooh. KELLINGTON-SMITE,-At the manse, Sea. forth. by Rev.F.1I. Larkiu,ou Sept. 26th, Thomas Kelfington, to Dollio Smith,botkof Mortis, • MARTIN. •- THOMSON. -In Kno, • church. Mitchell, on Sont. 2lith i1'in. Manville Martin, son of Rov, and Mrs. Martin, of Fxeter,' to Mio. tette Florence,daughter or Mr.. Walter Thomsen, of llfitoilo11. . • SOMERS-GIWLEY-At tits residence of the brides parents, on Sopt.,20th, by Rev. Mr. Anderson. ?Jr. David rowers, to Miss Rifle, second daughter of Mr. acid Airs. S. 1i. Gidley, all al' j Blyth.• MCLEAN•-- yOt'NG-InSeafortil,onwednesdav, Sept, 26t14, by tho'Rev, F. II, Larkin, Mr. Reith AIcLeau,to Miss Bessie. youngest daughter of , Mrs, A, Young. . JENKIN`-McGOWA N. -At the residence of .the brides mother, East \vawanosh, on Sept.'' 26' by Rev. Dr. McLean, lair, W.T, Jenkins, to Maria B., daughter. o£ Mrs, Gregor McGowan, all of East \Vawanosh. Your Friends Want a Photograph of you that will be to their liking; we take the kindy ou both will. like. The style depends upon your selection, we will see that you get the best. Well posed and well finished. Commencing Sept. 1st, i will be prepared to go out. in the country to take pictures of outside groups of Dwellings, Barns, etc. Outside views on Post Cards a Specialty. ' IttThe Gallery will be kept open by my assistant during Tay absence.' ' a J. `ROBERTS, Photo'Artist, = Clinton. • • • DIED MILLT7R,7-1.n Sed forth, on Rept. 23rd, Richard' Jolin Henry, only cllild.of Mrs. W.H. Millei•,aged .6 months and 10 days: MARTIN. -In Gorrie, on .Sept, 2fth, Arthur Martin, aged 42; years. •SAIIT.H.-At Ethel, on Sept. 24th, Jolin Smith, formerly G. T. R. baggagcmen Rlt Wiug`haui in. .bis 56th year, • warer0\'-Lei. 'Warren, 'Illinois, Sept, 15th, Mrs. Fenwick Walton, foisiierlybf Bolgravo,aged 74 years. . DAVIS= Ill Blyth, on Sept. 23rc1, \i'ni, Jitines, infant s,,n of Ja.nies'and Nrys Davis. DECHb It -At the Babylon I•ine, Hay, Sept.'' i0, John Decl u., sr,, aged 74 years,. PECK At 1411 con., Hay, on Sept 32nd, . Ed- mund I. Peck. aged '2.7 Years, 1iLUMPP;-In Crediton, on Sept 14th, Agues. Catharine, beloved. wife of .John Klunwp, . Sr. aged 71' years, • RU;1,IMi1LL,-In Zurich, on Sept :25th, Airs. P.uminell, aged N2 years • • HARTN1414,-At the lith eou., Hay; on Sept, 26th, Mas Sinton Harriette, aged 74 years. 737AC011I_,In (1oderich. en Wednesday,,Sept. 26th, Elisabeth Ann, daughter of John Beacom, HURLEY.- In 'aria,. ou Tuesday •evening, Sept. 255th, Margaret McCarthy, Wife of Patrick Hurley, aged 63 year and 5 months.. HOLLIN'RAI E 1t thie'resicleiieo of AIrs.John Acheson Gorlerich Philip John Hollinrake, in- fant. son o£•Rey. and Mrs. F; W. Holliorake, •bf Hainilton,and grandson of the late John Acheson, aged 83no»th and 10. clays. • ' SPEAR -,1t Oxford, Iona Co. Richard 'Spear. • formerly Of Stanley, aged 871 years.. ' BALI ART) Iii Pith ton, on Sept. 30 txoorge 33' Ballard aged, 32 years, 6 months and 13 days. • LAUREN CI3-At Leaniingtonl..011 Oct Q. Isaac Laurence, formerly of Hallett, aged 64years,. \WIGGTNGTON = InGoderich tow•ni;hip,on 2nd Oct:, Tholuas \\ ilsonwigginton,son of Thomas \�igginton, aged 6 weeks. . . • SMALLACOMIBI .-In Hensel'', on Sept. 22nc3, Henry, wife of Garnet Slnallacomhe, aged 25 .years. ' Clinton Market Report. Corrected WIMPY Thursday efiteruoon Wheat ..r.... 068 to 0 70 Oats ......... 080 to 030 Barley ....... 0 40 to 0 42 Pose ................ 008 to 0 70 Eggs 0 10 to.0 17 Butter 0 18 to 0 20 Boge ... ,......•.• 6 10 to 6 10 Wool (washed), 0 27 to 0 27 Wool (unwashed) 0 18 to. .0 18 TORONTO MARKT TS. (From the Sun) Hoes.- Hogs are up about 25c this week,. The William Davies Co., quot- ing at $6 40 on board cars at country points,$6.65 fed and watered, and $0 90 as hogs came off cars in Toronto. Al- though :delive'r'ies are free in the Unit- ed States, prices there keep up to a high level, the even $7 having been paid in Buffalo this week. Hogs seem a pretty safe proposition for " the hal• ante of this iiionth at least, and it looks as if the farmers would act in their own interests in taking time to finish their hogs • thoroughly before shipping to market, Hoiesl:s,-Some excepti Wally good prices were obtained fore Optionally good horses in the Repository this week. A lumberman from Ottawa dis- trict bought a car load, five to eight years old, and averaging 1,500 lbs., in the pink of colipition. at $200 to $220 each. A very handsome pair of blacks weighing1,.100 lbs., were ,taken for • § New Lis'ard at 1$d•10: • Theae,• it must ' be distinctly understood, :were exccp- 1 ional prices. • Good serviceably. sound 'workers sold at $125 to•$175. Anim l§ ' more or less worn out by work In town sold at $10, $50,,$7:,, $S0, and up to $125, depending on appearance and condition. SHEEP --UP to the present prices are still at a protitable'level, lambs going at Toronto Junetion•at.r6 to 110.1`.'., and. sheep at $4 to $1.50. At ,the Toronto market to -day the top price for. lambs was about $0,witla sheen $4.50 per cwt, and bucks $1 per head less than sheep, , CATTLE -•-Cattle markets in .Corgnto are still showing the effect of .a weak English niarket and•an over -supply of inferior cattle. 'Very few' goods were at the Junction, and 'while there was fair activity in the buying of these the • market was slow 'enongi when the poerer:stuff came t0 be 'dealt with: Lots -of fairly. good .cattle. sold around $3 t'3 to $4, while• the best exporters fetched barley $4,75, and'tbe'bul'k sold from $4,35 to $1,(i5. The best of. but- chering- cattle • oh: offer -and 'these were. none too •good - sold up to $:1.f;'.1, while mixed sold about $3.5() to $4. • Sale Register. Fire Stock and Implemen's on Lot 45 BAN field .Road,•on Oct.17M. J. A. Smith, and G. Ellwtt, Anotionoer9. Farm Stock and Implements of Thos: Bt,,plins, Lot12, Mait)-utel Oen;, Colborne,' 'on ;Monday. Oat path. 7`. Gundry, Auct, The annivei'sary of _ \Vinghayn Meth- odist Church will he held the second Sunday. in December. Rev. J. E. • Starr of Toronto has , consented to be the preacher for that day. On Tuesday,. firs. Ga"net. 'Smalla- coonbe; of Ile nsal•l, passed away after . an illness; of nine' xn s, •Whicshe bore with great patieirih. d Christi. x'esigpatiol1. The deceased `vas bola • Hallett, ' her maiden name • being . Bertha • Brown 11eitry.:„Her mother died when she was it child, she •li.ved with her .' grandparents, ' lir' and 11r: Win Chapman till her;niaixiage a little over three .years ago to • (-timet G. is c e. a was 1a lei bth yea ;midis survived by a sorrowing bus- band and father, Robert Henry of ' Rcissedale Man., who axisited her a ******************4 ** * 7it . 'short•time ago. * No. Competitor can 11 Touch, Us on' plc * Table Linens /1 I We have theta dead broke on prices, * • Pure unbleached Table Linen, ,n, inches wide, heaviestyou have man who evil ant cltetatker•of tl.e Olin tw dvR Iiifiam>¢ttt5 CaretakerWanted. A free course' 'in either Cotnmeroial or • Stenog! pph v will oe : t Ivan to any gonna i r. ever seen and best we have ever shown, for 25e. ton Business College. • Pure unbleached Table Lined 60' inches wide, in pretty floral t -t • h a c utility well worth th 4m. for 35 . patterns, extra e yy l ,i , 5 c • Pure unbleached Table Linen; 72.anches wide; in ver',` neat' and •A Dressinak,tawa new patterns, heavy weight, and wortiv50c, for 40e. Extra weight and quality of pure '1 able Linen,' very bine in weave 111{S, GAL RAI 1st bas decided to and superfine in finish and :design, worth 60c, for 50e. • ' Did you Ewer see a Pure Willie.T.tbling for 25c7 Yes, we have it! We have oaly two 1 atti in s" in stock' and liougll♦;''nt i1,' big * snap, the benefit of which we give to otir customers, ,52 inches • ?n wide and only `rye per yards,- *• • liar .Pure ' l'lte Tabling for 0c Mi a 'rains in White'rabling for som'time' You havent seen such bargains r;,, It is 72 inches wide and ttlrltost'a,s fine':is some Tattling at $1. All * we ask you for this White Tabling ie' 50e • 'Ro you want a,New Jackets. - • 11 11. Ifou do, come and s60 our big quail tity.01 the most std lis t zie Jackets sfiown. We cansell 'yon the newest Jackc4.s at' mos ,. e� . from$5 to1 2• reasonable prices, f o $ Haw are you off for a Ne* Suit,: *Our purchases in Scuts for Fall and '..'Winter hitve been 'big. \Ve can show you exeelimit values at $7, $'i.50,, $S,: $9 $10, S1` ,,,„„ and $14. Come in and take . a .look over our Ready-tW.1Year r` Suits. They will surely suit you. - '* 31 POPLESTONE & Gr A•RP1NR Successors to McKinnon 4 Co., Kiytlk :. 1121.14.11•16.01111/1 ....1 E. Hoover. w amrriT/4e,I..p► DZIIEMINO Nelson Ball FURNITURE We always aimed at making this the 'CHEAPEST : SPOT in old Huron County for Furniture, and mean "Co continue doingso as long as we are in the business. Our prices will convince you that this is true. A few Gilroy" Curtain Stretchers left. HoovER � biALL. —Furniture, and Undertaking-- euNTON ONT. fs. -.i." stay in Cli'iton for the winter, anti will be pleased to meet her customers ather roon.s over l.witcllell's Shoe Stvre» . Fairs, Rafts, Stoles end Caperines at Bankrupt Prices -__1 �� 00, " crFurs—about , �TUR1?$Y' we al`e layln�, out all. of the H. E. Montgomery Bankrupt Stxk of dollar's worth in the lot. --Prices are marked down to wholesale, or less. We don't want to mix these Furs with our own stock and positively must be cleaned out. Don't miss this chance to get. a 'big Blrgain in Furs. If you are contemplating to buy a Fur this year, this will be a rare chance. Sale Starts Saturday Morning. • Caperines Less Than Cost 16 Caperines in Coney, Astrachan, Near Seal, Bear, etc., etc at the following Cuts : - 2 caperiles,'regular $ 2,5_0 for. .... , ... ..... $ 1.75 1 O/tperine, regular 3,:10 for , 2.50 (, re rular 0.00 for..., ..... `4.5 1 Caporne,5.00 4 ()aper111es, regular 7,00 for 5 00 1 Oaperine. regular • ',10,00 for 13.00 21iapef'irles: regular fl 00 for '6.0 0' 11.00 (hn;'rint,'regular:,11,.00fo�' . • • Caperines;regular 15.00 for ,tier ;, "1 Capei'ine, .regular ° '::'-'.00 for . 17•,00 • • •• MEN'S FUR COLLARS 1 only. Men's Persian Latnb Collar, regular $9.00, for . ..87.2 1 1 only Alen's Beaver Collar, r•.r.gulttr ;?;;1.110, f::r.... , .. ... . 4.0(• 1 only Alen's Coney Collar•, regular $3,25, for 2.752,75 1 only- Men's N.ntria. Collar, regular $8 ,II.,. for :......... LADIES' STOLE'S- and RUFFS '2 25 Electric -Seal Ruffs,'for.. , , , ... . • • • 81.50 $., 11 t 1.75 3.G0' 4,50 Ooney'Ruffs for, . 3•50 5.00 German Mink Ruffs £' r 4.00 • 7 01) German .Mink •R stirs for (1,00 7 c)+)'Sable .Rti 's for 5,00 A/ Sable ht fs for ..., • • • .. 5.50 • 4:00 0,00 7.50 Salle Ruff 1.50 8,01) Isabella: os Ruiz 0.50 13.50 Sable Ruff for y.R.0O $25;iiO Ladies'' Fur Coats.81ii3Ot) Three only Ladies':Astriwhan•Coats, sizes 33, 31 and ' • 30; well nude and trilunied, regular $25.1)1,. Hank -$•15.0 0 rupt price L' Ladies' Cloth Wint:er.Coats.. - . 3 only-L..lclies Tweed Jacks ts, hellos intuit up to date styles: sizes 32, 31 and 30, regular $8.50, 13an1.- Q , g Pl rice . W� tb19 richt i . `3 onlylilaek Cheviot-L.ttdtes' Whiter Coats, tslilor. Q�nn •ulaele. up- to•date,_renular $0,50, for.....,'.... , W 1 e ' rue- re1,1111r 1'(150 for ' 11.3.01? . , • Yti to { t . `1 Fur l t 2 t( (coney, 1 l Butts for Mink t n s r l 4.00 -German . 5M0 Electric Seal Rtdf • 8.00 Neter Seal Itult 1111111111.1111.1..111.1111.0010 , Ven's blue Serge Suits Aien's double-breasted ,Blue Serge Suits,- regular $7 cn . 3 $10.00,ankrtipt price ..... tip s u Men's grey Tweed Suits, regular $0.00, Bankv'upt'Q/� fin prprice ....,. ... W V' Men's heavy grey Cheviot, double.hreasted Suits, OA O(1!, all sizes, regular $0,50, Bankrupt price , u 131 „t! O ercoats' \l 'zi'ti sill rle,bre steel blue Beaver Overcoats, Well �... h 300, Bank. e, irlE{.ealrid Criynln; all sizes, regular $ s00 • rupt price ' •,; •. • Men's single-breasted b'ue Beaver Overcoats, vel- e7 5(>, vet collar, all sizes, regular .$10.00, Bankrupt price '4 i !!�j Men's fancy mix Tweed Overcoats, regular $10.00, e7 RnBankrupt price .. . • .... , ..... • VI 1till. Men's. Odd Pants - ' Alen's heavy grey un tearable Tweed Pants andgreyeof oU full cloth, all sizes, xegular:$1 5 0, Bankrupt price .. 1 U Men's fancY stripe Scotch Tweed P nt` ,; well made • ind trirntued, all sizes, regular.' $3.25 And $3.5012 Q • Bankrupt price• , • • Men's Faley Winter Vests • 27 only Men's -fancy winter • Vests, in check and fancy Tweeds, regular $2.50,. and $3 00, Bankrupt price $1.75 • Men's. Odd Tweed Vest Men's Odd TNeed Vests, all sizes, regular $1.50 Q1 and $2,00, .Bankrupt price �' S3::5' Boy's Overcoats for 32.50 Boys' double-breasted bine Bettye!. Overcoats, ages .QQ(n/� ((��` 3 to 7 years, regular $3,25; Bankrupt pride' - tpL,�ti • iloy"s dark grey('heviot OVercoats,•Norfolk style: velvet collar•,,ages :, to 8 years, regular 55.00, Bauk l�jt trice.•.,......... , $3 75 '] rapt l • . . Household Effects' • tor- Sate. - The Elousehoid Eff'ects3. of the 'dile Dr. Flnmilron well be old. tlnyately, in the.s;ore aejointng.I-loovr,r rpt Ball's:)+urnitnre Store and owned by Mr. Downs, from tied to five p.m„ each dm, till inr(hcrr nosier. • • E. G. HAMILTN, Clinton. , MISS' 't;i.11.ILG First -Class D esstualier.' At ree dence of Mr, A. A. hili, `l:'rincess. St. - Will New out by the day, at $i 00 per clay. i!'irat.clslae patronage toli3tted, and satisfaction guaranteed. • • Otit'e t.1i .1)C11ior:9,. Having disposeC•f,f •her business,. it is neceaa(iry„co collect all dusts tiding a°counts, and pirttes indebted ari'hereby nf'tifiea '1111,1 their 110000055 lung, be -paid •by, the 15th Of October, - Mlt$. I. I3W)WNLE • harOmerkill, Ont. Mouse and Lot for Sale. In SvIHmer11111, - ,f. smelt frame house, containing 3 roonte hack kitchenandwoodshed, also cellar. Oue-©ighth of 'sr. 6ore-et711r tt; with bearing - fruit tress. Convenient place for laboring man, Aleo stable, will be sold cheap. Nearlbstlqost Office anti School, - t1t r� L. JORDAN. - ' Residence ' for Sale. Ila tb.e Village of Hoh'mesv'illo. Mrs, T, (). Piolrard offers for sale her two storey brick house, which has skate . roof, cellar fall size of house, furnace. hard and snit Sauer in hoose, One-half acre of land. with palm trees, Cherry trees, berry bashes, etc;, stable on promisee. Alea six agarter sore. lots near house. Price $1500. pply to '1V. PICAA1tD, Solmesvitle, or SCEs. 'r 0. PIOSMW, 1'Qbito Library, London, • ! i l .m,▪ -1�,¢..� -,e7. , .,,y 1 SEALED. TENDERS addressed to. under-' • 1 signed, and endorsed•"Tender. for, completion of „ 3 •> ill bo • vette < at Ills p•� O r�(_ G doricl I i, kwater " w - • ! , - . Il is O W P o ` ' ”` .this otlico until Saturday,' Octohcr ;0th, 1006; in., j elm-iioly, for the completion' of Breakwater at • �`l may,• URAL STRATFO'RD, ONT. . a Famous S hool, 1 his vc11ool is rocogairod' to be ' one of the best Commercial Selionls in ill° Pro Otu' courses kris .tliol'ohgll and up to -date .We give a praetieal training and assist our gra(hi53tes to geed. 'JIosi- taons.. It isimpossible for n5 to sntjsfv the demand maftn on us for alhe c help.. _ Those' interested.' in'tneir, own wolfaic' Aleuld'write for free, Qt Hegar. Elliott'£ 311;Ldchlt1il, • Strap re'to•Fay, there. are. number of people in the country who. cin nob seem to understand that I ani • on my own Book, so to•convince thein of the faet,•I lame above inserted my, photo, My shop is ,lase:e doors north of. the Nbrinandie Hotel, where there is is .choice a stock of• •i'ancy• Worsteds; Tweeds, Ptuutings, Over -coatings and black ewd blue'SVorsteds.)is found any' place. Suits made tcforder on ' host notice. .for Tiindly give lis a call, and inspect yourself. : . • A OO-WN8: - Merchant Taa1(�1, . - Clinton. Potate Digg'el' t() Let A first-class I:'Otato Digger to let,. at 50o per.day. Apply at SHARP I3ROTJ:fERS Blacksmith: Shop, Clinton Gorlerich. Hilton County, Ontario. peeordiWi to a plan and specification to be seen (It the ol)iees• of .l (x Sing, siel•,. Resident 1 it iueu-,C.mfedera- lien Lift) Bedding, 'Toronto, (Int , It. 2. Lanni: , Esq., itesaleut engineer, London,Ont, on slpnti• , n.ttion.at the Postmasters at •Goderirh' and s,t • the Department of Pubil Works, Ottawa, 1 'renders will nothe considered unless made on 1 the printad.forni snunited, and 5L4ne11 wan the actual signatures of. tenderers. l .1n accepted e)eene on a chaartere,i'bnnl ))aj'- able to the older of the Honorable the Miniatol^ of l'ublie•Wori s, for six thousandfivehundred. 11o11ais l(ii.0n0,t llnlnst' accompany each tender. The cheque will be forfeited tt the party tender - nu, decline the contract o1• fall to (:01111'1etc the ! work contrar1(0 for, and willbe 101)11 led n1 case of non acceptance of tender. The Iropartnlent does net bifid itself to accept i the lowest or any •tent er I 13y older, Secretary.' Department of'1 tthhic Works; Ottawa, t t.21, 1006. i with. ,. sp,lpars inserting this n,ivrrtlso,uent with. ouitt euuority front the 1/ornament. will not be I paid•for it. 1 .. •- For Tale. i A good "'Taylor" 8 . 1't"t11 bn spin i cheap. Apply to '%�, \y, 1� 1I{.ttAN. 6 it .'J WO; meter Poultry Wanted�t>re'1nlr�rolrlt�e� WANT1�.D, ALL KINDS OF LIVE POULTRY, for whioh'the high sl: market I Price will be`ps.icl..0,11 at Mr•10-VN'S' APPLES WANTED. 'The Clinton Eveporetor is now open nod r nPepared to receive any quantity of Apples. 6,arpenters Highestpricea paid. 1 "t'w'enty carpenters wanted at once. 34 TOWN & CASE. cents an hour will be paid to tir,t.t-class • HARNESS SHOP, Cliriton." tf ''f, L. \`.'''"r►•ti. 1** * *4- ** 'f� , \' „^+./ Profitable , • Invo• stment A few dollars spent in .Warm UNDERWEAR is ` better than spending. Many dollars in a doctor's bill. Buy;.from us and you• will get' good articles. at. right prices. We stock 7 i Hien, Apply to S. 13. BAG H W, .477 - Itkr.ian S'., Toronto, "°'"`11rO lifts. to Rent.' Three rownatalrand three'np.stairrooin' to rent.. in the hence at present occupied by Mrs. W'o'rhlnton. AP ' ly to .MISS WORTHINGTON, with Tozer tC Brawl), Clinton Y TtEL,EGRAP to the first step towards positions' paying $5000 to 850,01x1 per annum in railway ser- vice. Yon can become a good operator in 6 months, If you study In tbie CENTRAL. TELEGRAPH Y Sc NUC[., 3 Gerard St,,H., 'Toronto. The tineat School in Canada, write for partloulai'h. W. H. stIA'W:, T. JI JOHNSTON, President. east. Principal. BESTRiMILIMEMIIVAMMEZILIaNk ' rifest LrS are secured by a course.of training in'nur Well - known and reliable institution, which offers the newest and most effec- tive courses, and is the moat influential in securing positions. Our location, equipment and methods kro of the .best. Students may enter, with eatull advant- age, at any time. Write for catalogue. BritishAmerican Business College i .11t (7,A Building, Yongo et McGili Sts, Toronto T M WATSON Principal, r Canfield' Unshrinka1 !e Underwear!. Penman's' Fine Woolle;r Underwear. in both Ladies and Gentleman's I3esicics these we',hav e other:and cheaper lines.., Ca11 and.see before buying. orretl &- lasimismaxamsssicsmaossarmatimw 1 Londesboro. * Imes �% O I NG°' TO � ARE WHAT .DO ABOUT IT ?' The Fall is • here, 9.nd many things• require to be done before'the Winter sets in. A good time NOW, -Nothing like being .prepared- �'�'e, are ready for Fall business- and can accomodate• }'oil, it it be a Heating Stove, a 'Cooking Range .or Furnace.- nace.- Call and ' make •your selection. �1� e have a large stock of all the 'leading lines. Rat eS ' • Coal Heaters Base Heaters Hlltppy Thought Pandora - Pelle Oak Daddy L orona acme Jea el' Penn Esther' Glen Oak eanadiafsteelRafge Telephone • Radiant Florae. 1Nce'ary's Famous Empire -Garland Suck Prize - A good time now to have your roofs' made rain and storm proOf. We have rooting paint,for pled roofs, and the Rubber Roof- ing for new roots. -The best in the market. • - A few squares brick pattern metal siding atcl st. One second-hand Platform Scale, weighs 400 Ibs,, only $4,00. A big stock of Gran itewate add Alunlinutnware, . Just received at new un -to -date stock of all kinds of Lamps. Aluminum 011 Heaters. Just the thing for the chilly tnorningn and evenings. Harland Bros.,: STOVES and HARDWARE. 011411011.1110110.411140000.0100411110 9