HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-10-05, Page 4GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY
TEEarairox snw B,Ta
The New. Dress Goods and
t t * •.0
Everything that is new in
Dress Goods wit be found at
our Dress Goods counter,
along with every good kind of
Silk to match. Broadcloths
are in great demand, and we're
prepared to show you all the
wanted colors, ot navy, green,
brown, cardinal, mulberry,
fawn, etc. Some of these
shades . will be very scarce
later on, And we would advise
you to buy early, •
All the new Dress Trim
mings, in plain braids, pull
braids, appliques, etc„.are here
to match almost any. color.
We'll be glad to have'yo.0 pay A Vigil to our DresS.
Goods department, and inspect these goods,.
New Bremiclottis for Fell, 50 to 54 in, wide, in colors
Of navy, Oliwk, greens, browns, fawn, ematinal, .ect,,' •
severs' different weights in well mime A beautifully el I)
finished cloth, at per yard.. .135c and
Panama Cloths, 50 in. wide, EVERY THREAD
'WOOL, in coloi•ti of mulberry, navy, black, green,' on
etc., worth now $1.25 per yaro, selling at per yard..... -1,104
1Zaditirn Llama, the new costume cloth, 40 in. wide,
spoi less and unshrinkable, colors of gmy; two shades
navy, cardinal, black, it splendid material fur snits
and skirts, per yard • 65c
The New Plaids
Finest quality all wool Tartans. ineltaling Princeof 4'
NV ales. lend Small, Argyle, Mt:Donald, Victoria,
ordop, etc. A ieautifule fine, soft teeth, tnuch .0C
above the ordinal), quality, at per yard . ,• 0 ja
Plaid Taffeta Silks to match, at per yard.85c
• •••••• sa.ononeller •••••••••••• 11+04 44.4 44.49;, 4.44•4.4
The Millinery Department is busy as usual,. No finer
• showing of trimmed Millinery outside the cities then,you will •
• find In•re. New shapes just added this .week; at popular
• prieee. (jet your order in early, for, like the -Dress Goods,
t some shades and sh•epes are eyeing to he scarce. .
er.• no **+**-4to.. to-ettto ot>.. felt** 6444.. 44444444 MP".
Buy Your Fall Coat Now.
Don't put off gett ing your fall Coat, Buy it now, while stocks'
are he largest. We've sold a lot cf pretty styles already,, and, --as
we only buy one or two of the more elaborate styles, it he to -•
yeur advantage to look them over at once. • - • " . • •
Lae,ies1 Fallearel-Winter Jackets, strictly tailor-made,
perfect in fit, fibre and finish, made from finest. qual-
ity all wool cleths. An elegailt showing. of -New
York' i.4 latest styles at $10 $12 $13 $15. $1.•7 to otio
More new styles just opened in Silk.. Wast ;and
Cloth jackets, . All prices,
The Month for Warmer
The first days of real Fall are here, and you will
need heavier clothing. We're prepared for it, with a
splendid stock of Overcoats, Suits, Underwear,
Sweaters, Cloth Caps, etc„ at prices fully as low
as last year. Bear in mind that the Clothing and
Furnishings in this store is the BEST money can
buy. We never allow a doubtful garment to enter
this store. • Everything we sell, . we guarantee, and
everythincrliPis marked at as low a figure as you can
buy goodclothing for anywhere.
MAN'S 'SUITS-- made from Cananian and imported
Tweede 'and, Worsteds, in dozens of neat patterns,
D,3. and S.13, style, cut in the correct shape far
• .
Fall, first-clathroughout, ss linuags roughout, at $870 $10
*12.00 '$15
• # • • • •
'14E.141'.S of ,Dollars' wor th
' New ()vtaeoat"4 pfLu.I rn knelt; plain black, grey and
Tweeds, made in several new styles'- a great stock of $25
them, 'e.'3 to it in, AU tutees, from $5.00' to
BOY'S • SEJ1TS-1 No -piece and three piece, in dozens of
. different, pate, eins; good, strong, servicable Tweeds
and Serges that will give excellent wear, at $1.05 e 7 MI
442.50 ' $3,00 to ... . .. .. .... , ... 1141)
BO 1r • V Aft 0.74Ts-, With storm coders' and velvet
Collars, in fancy Twe Eels and plain •.,:ey clothe, well
, ...lined end made, all sizes, "), to tittch $3,00. to
, . •
goys RIS
EEERg.---in ben
lue, black d 1.,..ey; with or
. without storm collar, Sateen linrdeand, a Need lined,
made from i;tong, servicable cloths that will give- 09 ng
any amount of heed wear:. • .'$1.05 -to 00 Vie
.$ 1 0
Meres Gloves and Aitts
. Our stock ,ot .Men's Gloves and Mitts' this. season
is the largest we have ever had.. We were.very for-
tunate in s'ecuring'some very special prices on Mitts •
and Glove' thiS year, so, if you want to save Some
'Money,. buy them early.
. .
• Men's silk -lined Mochas, silk -lined Goat; 11 lined
• Al echas wooldired Mochas, Calfskin, Laekskin and •
hoe and heav e. Driving Gloves, of till kincle, at prices $2 50
startMg at 50c i.nd uiding. .. . . . . : .. .
Going Oct. Mt it NOvs
to an eolutsia Teinaearni on T. tie N. 0. Ey.; to
Pointe Madame to Port Arthur; to Vault Ste,
Marie and Port Arthur, via Nortnern Nay. Co.;
to Georgian Ikty and take Superior points, via
INT,N,Co4 to points in Quebec.
Going Oct. 211tit to Nov fith.
to Penetang, Midland, Lakedeld, all points
Severn to North Bay, Argyle to 0oboconk, Lind.
say to )3aliburton: all points Madawaska to De-
pot Harbor; Mt points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake
13ays, Mithanatewan River,
DEC, 1304
• Tickets will he issued at
---SAISTVELE 1E414Rn--
soca going Wednesday arid Thursday. Oct. 17t11
audirali, returning up to Monday. Ott. %hid. .
Secure tickets at G.T,R. 'Town Office,
and avoid delay at depot,
RODGIENS'i Town Agent.
The thinton .fieW Era
East Elgin
Oot. WI
The hy'e-blection in East Elgin takes
place treilay:. The Liberals can 'hardly
expect to win under the circumstances
because "swapping horses in mid
stream" is not good politically or other'
wise, A: racy eorresnondent of the
Toronto Star says : - When thy play
at elections in East Nein, they hold a
bonfire beforehand, anti burn. the rule-
book. The constituency is to -day in
the throes df a Dominion contest, and,
by ell the laws of the gain.e, the cam-
paigners should be talking Dominion
polities, But they're not. The Con-
servatives have nodded to put the
microscope on. the history of the
I....airier Government Theyhave electi-
ed rather to abide by local issues, and
the Liberals, finding. their Dominion
record unatinneachecl, have been oilligecl
to retort in Kind. Tho electorate, have
been treated to a cannatilin of persen-
ethics'. Liberal Haigilt is. assailed as
a, "mere' farmer," Conservative- Mar-
shall as.eeprotectionist manufacturer:"
The; queerest point of the whole affair
ie this ; that the main issue has been,
and, seems still to be, the conduct and
personality of one who is po longer a
candidate at all, W, F. Hepburn of
Yarmouth, also a, tiller of the soil. , •
. . .
Jerry Collins is the principal. figure
in an election scandal pow. ;under -
valuation. They say "John Collins"
• often fignres.in elections. •
Great • Values 1.11,.Men'• s-..CapS . . .
Interior •
Is a fine art, and it's
something that can't be
too line. The Wall dee-
oration makes or mars
/ the appearance Of a room.
• Pretty paper adds
an air of refinement and
ef coziness, to the plainest
.- Rev. John ,Learoyd, weed 44 years,.
. The•new Caps are in, and the varietY is large enough - e i ,5 a :Methodist minister, died yesterday
., for a city store.. We. have them in all the new at the residence., 75 Byron avenue, in
• Sha pee, including fur-lided Caps, Persian . . ,LP Abi his 77th year -Globe., .
.Eicetric Seal and -Cloth Caps, of every shape: • Even proof readers On. - city • papers,
Cloth -Caps 5on; .75c, $.1,60. to. .$1.5a. • are not infallible, as the lore -going
shows. Row a 'num. aged 41 years,
We have prettypaper-lots of it. We know
positively-. we can find paper to suit your tastes
and , our home. We hare the stuff to prove it.
All paper trimmed free.
What about Window Shades for your new
house? We sell the satisfactory kind.
-eoopor..& eo.
. . liaifield Fair
...._. - • . our ; pumpkins, L Aldworth, G A. .
. .
. Finer weather could not. have 1.;e‘e..n. - 11E:0:7 1P4I:subjP'2.'88C(31e'leyvee'' :11:wredt:I: '
. . Cooper ; squash,
desired, than .was exoeteeneed on Wed- ' - • - •
neselay. when Bayneld Fair was held, vituiT-Grapes,, A .Scotmere, G li -
and the result was a rood crowd of Hewson ; collectiate grapes, G °H, Hew
people.. Stanley .A.gricuitural Society son ; collection apples, G A Cooper,
sn(c)ftSziovedon Bros ; fall apples, G A 000P-
ito okeeIneuir off eclev1; tthat
r i taa:na
t uatl rayreads . er, 3 Tough ; winter -apples, G A Coop-
er, AL Brethour ; collection pears,. Miss •
athseuiTtieurses0tilinh.atlide ‘asfhoolvveirsSCILLiArinlay , Nat -; tall peers, Elliott Bios, A Scot -
not decreasing. There was a splendid inev ; -
winter .nears, A Scotniere ;
siee department the display of horses, 1));etterlhseso,r prunes, nits -di me Wr:0 mile, DRouPolettipl,u8e ji
riewson ; Baldwin.apples. T le Brown-
dieplay,.in the inside department, more
esnecially in ladies' work. id the out -
cattle and sheep was esnecially good. lee, E Marshall • Northern stiles, Jno
The Goderich le,Ird. Battation.13and en- • 'Weston, Mts. -McDougall ; 'yellow crab
aimles, A E Metheson, Snowden, Bros ;
livened the proceedings with choice
red crabs, Marshall. Mis.s Nott; king ,
music. - The priee list is as follows : . '
HORSES -Hem j draughe-eGeldine• ' of touiPkin, T H Brownlee, A Evans;
m •
or filly 2 yr. old, E Troyei ; Geo Colegreenings, G A Cooper, Are McDong-
man Geldinor filly 1yr. old , -
: s
Emeee I all ; ribn stopippins, A Evans ; 20 -oz
Bros, 'Geo . coleman .Span . .
‘•''''' pippius; M Brethour; - Wagners, A :
-; et ,
horses, J. Turner, A Duriletn . ' • ' SocAotnoloeorep,eiG, AR wOotioneelig, a; tgy.eIden russet,
• Agrieulturat-Brood mare, M .Wesk.
lake, J. Allan'; foal, J....Allen, AI West- ' D...A.ERY 'PRODUCE -25 lbs butter, . .
A. And. .R W DelgatY,- R :Penhale ; 10 lbs but-
lake ; e'elding or filly :.), yr old,.
Eereen ; g.eming or filly. • ter, R W De.gaty, Sas Sterling;' 5 lbs
lyarr old);mm
8 ..(..)1eve, .Ae•Scetztiere.; span, buttereR W Delgatv, A,E, Matheson
X S'parrow: ;
. . -home made" wine; J 4 'Wise, It W Del-
Carriage -Broodmare,•A •
Elcoat, D gatty,; honey in tiernb; R Brown, WA ' •
(tooper ; honey in jar. G 4 Qooper, a .
Schnell ; foal, 0 'linnet, A Elcont ;
gelding or filly 2 yrnat, AlchlwanBros, Britwn; collection' of honey, .R Brown;
Geo Coleman ;gelding or filly .vear old, G A Cooper ,• home made bread, Sas
.Sterlingij no Campbell; baker's bread,
• D Schnell; spitn.10 •hands, J Walked, .
J J McCaughey; sinvie cerriage,
8v Tiros King; maple syrup M _Westlake,
:Buchanan, 8 Taylor; tadY driver, .Miss 8 Cleve ' .
.Tessiejenkins,Miss Birchanan. 1 K --Pencil drawing J Q• '
. . A:13,T WOR .
General Purecise-Brood mare, . 4 Forrest,• Mrs Howrie ; era 'on drave' inge
Andersen, L Aidworth ; foal,. S Cleve, • Aire AleDougall, . J G ForYrest ; water .
Fur Gaps $3.00 te.$ 12.00 ' - eeuld die in Lis 77th year, will puzzle Andersen,
Sootmerete.eldingor filly year old, -color painting, Mrs Howrie, Alm Mc-
. most peop!e. .He.ivas 4 t years in the. ...Elliott Bres, la Aldworth ;.span, R Vcr i•Doogan ; on, po,ipting; Mrs 1-lowrie,•J
- 1 h 't DelgatY: . - • • • . • - • .. i G Forrest ; .kensiogtom painting,. J G
. ministry, and the. paragettp. 2 its. go • • • •
. • Roadsters -Brood mare, T Shmeitt, Forrest ;• lustre painting 3 G Forrest;
. . . ,
mixed up... . . .. . . .
' -..... • ' ' Brownlee • geldine. or filly 9 •V r old- S' Htieston f G Forrest'. drawing by '
-. . .1 11. leroWnlee • -foal, TSherritt, T 11 Miss Nett ; painting on silk er velvet,
. ,
4444) 6.00,0 **O..** (1.044-4 0*. 4 +4 OMMUniCatiOil
IChurch Chimes 7'o the Editor of the New Era :
1.•'':'% -'^-qt
.: 'Etre Golcisigth; fcir years, lefediCal Jno.WesiCin, ; King; geldin-e• 'or filly' Children; "J 'rrough,. liti6rd & Sou ; .. .
• • .
Superintendent at 13elleville: Inetititte, , •
. .
year old, A 1,1coat; span, J W. Elliott; burnt work,eMrs 110Wrie 5 Hueston.
iberel • •Tlie excited •'given for hie ells.: by staliion, "Cross Field," 1st, .S small boquet, G I-1 Rawson, i G For-
.SPECTAre. PRIZES -Fpr colts sired I large, G II 'Hewson, Snowden Bye's
i te
, Sparrow. •
-and aernan who has 'never taken part J . .
• • • ., , - • 'PLANTS tie. FLOWY,118,--Soquet
115111111111111115Mak. 'in politics, • was diSmisscl., • He is -a •
. ewe.. . (leve. Isi !Westlake, A.Scottnere ; for rest ; dahlias, Gr'H Hewedn, 13, W Del.
• missal wits that a change wes to he • best ,Peradeter in harness, considered, • g,aty ; pitneies'G IlHewsori ; gevan-
M11++++++++****++++,74 i C.°. 1111tY :CIIPIOngS• • . . made in arrangeMents.' enabling the - j Speavier, E.m. Cheeney.' The •Can nuns, G Illiewson, Mrs Persons e fuse
• •• • , Adian Bank Commerce; Goderich, chiaseG H Heweon : foliage planta, G .
+ :Personal No t e s 4ef MrS. Elizabeth Dixon, : Elute% ..clied office to be dispensed,w:th. NoW , the , glees silver mofedal ter best gentlenien's 11 Howson, John Tough ; house plants
*++++ 0 4+4 .I.V re very sorto arn h
_ 44, . : . - . . . :K. . hist. week. ' . .' : .- • . , vacancy hike been filled. by -a Censer- i single driving outfit John Sparrow: 'G 11 liewscn ; asters, G H Heivson,•J
*** 44j444-0 +4`+4 00+34- ey• le .; at the.
Svation ; Agh w -n
rmy is' throuwith its 4+ visiting in to
• 10; gong awn,iln ...,..._ , • . MrS. Fenwick Walton; a former re" valve medico. • Isn't this A pretty; The Canacl.an Bank ofCominerce, Sea-
. ' G Forrest ; gloxinia, G 11 lIewson, Jno
N1.gSLEY .
weekly ceneerte in the bane stand. 1 --et wouid arinceince it it the .11e.iw nu. -re" Ill., -on September 15tti, aged 74 years. •
, notify ue of the yea each week, w:. ,. ‘ , ,
"%-- sident of "Belgra,Ve died -at Wer •
. . , team in harness, J Turner. The Ster- LA.BIES' :WORK --. Pine* shaine, '
. , len, eniall business bn the part -of the. on_ i, forth, gives. a .Silyer Medal ,fOr -best. Tough; . . .
Rev. Mr. Joliffe will in•each miniver- aro sure.the town will . h31,813 the con- 4+ .. . . :. - . , • 4C-• • . . • • • • • .-- . tario Government ? • ,. I ling Bank, Baytield, .gives $5.00 for the Jno, E,eia. Miss: P. Nett ; toilet Mat,
sary services et Myth on the 1 tth, his certs, for it luta ; rendered. us some 91414,44.3,44,444,4,444,,t,44.4,k i on Thursday last thespirit of John . i best two year old gelding or fillYeopen Mies H .Wise, AI I3rethour ecrotchet
pulpit here being supplied by Rev. Mr, spleudid tuneic. 11 ferce Stft•e Bandoras- . "- • "1 • • ' • 7 ' ' ' 7 .' ''.' ' ' ' ''''' DecheroSc..., of Surich, passed avny.: .. . .
' to all classes,B Troyer. table mats, p Heustin, Ilt E Matheson ;
Mr. Sibley, for :mule time leader of . .
praise and:credit for , the.big improve- family of AnbUrn. Spelt* Sunday, in , ed had reached. tile. age of about 74
. . . . , . . . . .. enriaty Ciippings:
. . - ca e- i c ows
c 1 • , , •
Anderson. w ter Herbert Cooke :deserves • ntueli ' Mr. and Mrsej.•j.' •Washingion and -after a very short illness. The deems- ; •
merit of the S. ..C.i: hitila under his•lead town, " . - • . v a, While et Writ•k•on Ins faien,•on.Wed• i Y) • RWise.1-2 I:Heifer. 2 Year old, C Parscine ; crotehet woek hi Cotton, ,
ership. We eubscribers wiela them , ,me,..,t, d4 :
every success inthe•winter carnpeigns, • eatrulaighatii; who has': been. : .
,. , ' - e- 'F' - • • . • ' • nesdaylaSt, Mr, W. Jejohnstoni ..itine-.1 Elliott Bros; Jtio Reid; Heifer, leyear I *Miss P 1\l'otte Miss II Wise; cieitcbet or
• ' •' • • •
Th •R il Cr '1 a a 'store • GoderiCh ef MorriS, mer with an. accident. that ;old, Elliott 13rete• Jno Reid ;Heifer ealf, cklIntegettipcieurre kii,:11.aitewsAii:JiirsS74FIrier! •
visititigin MiChigen, is. exp.ected home e a °Bs- c L 1- ' • • d 1 ' -will lay. him aside from work for sonie. Jno Reid, lil H W:se :Steer eelf, A Ed- ot
. .
and hope to have the pleasiwe of hay- , thin ',pi. it has changed hitnds, W. a Goo e ee 1-
, .....- ..--... • , ... . • .. • • ; ---(y
111 Olit to a i Dtiolop.- "Ws wider- tune. His horses rex' !sway, 'and es coat, Sno Reid ; Steer, 2 year old. EH
• CATTLE Grade111•1 h crotchet work in wool J G Forest Mrs
the choir, and whe it's done faithful
work in relation therew,i11, has tender-
ed his resigiaa; ion.
The ordinance of baptism waS ad-
ministered last Sunda3r at the .131 4. We understand'Capt. Tiller and.Lieut. I tarried home. , , .. •,•
The regular annual meeting of the of the fall was a• broken 'e near the' - Durham --Itlich cow,' Jno Reid, .E 11.
Line appointment. Herrington ars now labering very hard) 11. Worthington left on WednesdaY., F
ill order to repair their building Ma bar Leindore where he takes h'
is Net- "ast Heron Teachers' Assoeiatio.h will ankle. . ••• - • • . • Wise ; Ileifer,s. 2'Year old, E 11 Wise.
'The Baptist Convention for Ontario n , ,,, g - 1 . be held in the Wingham Pohl S 1 1
and Quebec is to meet. in Peterborir on `-''
2a. !, te..s. . an prosper .,t ient in tneir y'ear in me mine. • . , .
A trusoninklit. . • on ri ay an .'1, ur ity,Oct.
•-e-1°°- 'The Provincial Government has de- 1- 2 ; -Heifer, 1 year . old, 11.-Ci•ich,
attie-Bias ; eifer ca f. ,Bif. pit twhizi4 jesv . i les,.. 3;
Oct. 17, and will continue for a week. elT°rt• I Miss Whitely, who is . taking a I 20th ' • - • )th4 P, • ' cided to• make ',an:. investigation into - -,
Reid ; - Bull calf, 3 Allan, H °Pia.
ric I' n° 1 1Ma,. tsle c°owverri
Rev. N.V. D. Magee wilt attencl as a del- • .
.course. in nursingateBropkivn, is. home I ' *
• • -- the mind aloe of the bore° industry in at cy Whisk holder, S., Heustin. 1M., .
conduct „ii '1714*- in the meeting room I '' Mrs. Isaac Jackson, who i „
The death took »Isoe ait• the I4th. . the province, with it view to deciding . SHEEP -Long Wool-Rani,WGIenn,
egate from here. Mr: P.J1 Lolieauxecif Ne IV York,will oda two Weeks' holiday. Bietheur ; fancy Lianio Shiule, Jno.
. The an niyersary services of the on Wednesday 'Of Mrs. i as to. the best policy .0 /Wont to en- 013 Middletcm .trani taint), (3 13 Middle -
Miss P Nott; knitting. in wcibl, MisaP: .
church are being arranged for. lt is .I.itnemati, ,t the ago of 74 ! courage more extensive breecting of a .ton, EH NV lee ;pair ewes, 0 13 Middle -
Nett. J K. Wige .; knitting in cotton,
. ,
lough ;fancy pin cushion, J X Wise
of the Brethren, on Sunday oext, at 8 visiting her daughter, Mrs..Gell:Iniabine.conf. • ginil 'en
expected that the date will he early in "nd 7 1"1' • '' - . • . • i Butt tlo, has raturned home. . years. The clece isea was 'ill only a ; be.tter- Class .of horses. The nrovinee •-too, W Glenn e 1,114. 4111111, esves, 0 13
•• . , I Will be divided intoilight districts,. and Midillet,on, E 11 Wise ;ewe lambs; (.3 B Miss gott,,, Mrs HON% vie ;.knitted quilt
Noveniber. On Sunda4 next Rev.• Dr. Potts, ..of I Mrs. Martin, daughter of Mrs Barge, fe. sv. (18:". • '
. , . I two expert horsemen • ,yill be selected Middleton, E. 11. Wiee : fat sheep, G Mise Nott, J. 17' W; ; Tatting, Miss •
' .The death of Mrs. &unmet, relict of and aliotted to mob district. ' Public Peal*, C HeAliddleton.
mg them Li the be,nd stand, allthemg t •
Well, next ::aturner. They have xvell Mrs. • EVans of teitiisyille, ICY, who st;ind it is Mr. Goode,'s intention to go they aporoached a fence, finding, he Wise, Elliott•Bros ; Steer. 1 ',ear old, -
earned their small grant from town. has been visiting friends here, has re- West.
WaS uriaole to step thein, Mr. Johnston Jnt) Reid 1-2 ; .fat cow, Gil dueston;
Jumped from the wanon. The result Elliott Bros. -
sons Sofa Pillow, 'Mrs McDougal, S..
Heuston ; hemstitching, Mrs Parsons.
Mrs Howeie, embroidery on silk, satin;
S• Heustin, Mrs ltIcDongall ; eyelet em-
broidery, Mrs. Parsons ; canyas em-
broidery in ecitton, wool or silk. L..
Pran , Howrie ;embroidery letters,
. Toronto wiii preach iii Victoria, St who with her children hits been spend- ot , no
t J •T h tea cos • M t .
. WILLIS CHURCH. Church eGoderirli, in the niorning, and
• '• ing the Suinmer here; lett for tioine the late Herman .Ruminel, of Zurieh, meetings will ,he held and the farmers' Fine Wool --A, Dunkip t00k °11 the. N.Afr's Howrie • appliquie work, Mrs Me- •
Insteadof die 'Voting Ladies' Giiiid in North St Church. hi the evening. on vtiednqsclp,
Y. ..i. • .• kink place'ort Tuesday -last : Deceitsgd iristitutes asked to • co-opi:ritte in the prizes in bluS class„ ' Douelill, 8 deristin netted doilies A E
had reacihed the eget (iiii .18ei years end. Work 9f investigation. I.tincolns --.G °Pep:halo tee* ell . the
meeting next .111 (»Ably night, the nieni- Rev. James Livingstone, 'Of LfindOn i 1VIr. Harvey Colelough veto hes. beerr Mittgeson, Jnolongli : etching on' co.t-
.0 may. • The family. of -Mr. John Smith. of :1 15 in tins' claSs.. • '
parents here, -rettli.ned to li•a"' ' heefunere .s oe ng heist to • •
hers will unite with the ladies of the will pi•each in North St: Church in the - visiting his. p • ton Or Silk, MiSs Nott, 3 W Retcl ;plain
W. 10. M. S. in their thankotTering morning, and. in Victoria' l..5t. Church , . 'Ethel. (fol aierlY of ‘‘ inghum) :Are. ' . PGS.-- BE.E.frgiliitlii. ..- Boar, G. A. hand sewing., .N1 iss 11., Wise ; kitelipti
Ins studiee . at Wrollite ' College, To- • .
in the everneg, • . • .• • • -. : ' ionto, on T • .
Tneetins on Ihursdtly evening, Oct. 11. , ... • . ..le ptissing throngn . a. sad 'bereavement Cooper ; sow, Thos. lying, 1 2. , apron, Mrs Parsons, 'Mrs Iiowrie ;
A special program has been prepared 'isd.47, , .; '. • ' . ''ires are doincrinuelk damage in ti dAuseri by
. bag.M 13rethour,Mrs HoW eie ; .
. . Rev. ;John LeroYd of tondan, feint-- ' . Rat; G F Itone Plt. Ile, !Of the the.. dealt of Alit Smith,- - Yeekshire-:Aged botir; A4Evane. • •lantary
or 1. In« tint„ anti all the nioniberg , swami). • Alex 'Mustard at Stanley lost who died ott :Miniday-lust remit the" . POULTRY:- Plymouth necks, j S. Mexican clieisYn work; Ali.s.flowrie ;
erly one of the met, popular arid 'pro- Doininion Me dist church,. ot Ot- 4 hundred -logs. :They had. hem) taken '
of the Ouild are earnestly it toeffects of a striike • of Inmilvsis, re - 'HowrieJno , . ,ewhite rordner,
fooitheliT cks, haagMO Wiee, • Miss Nett ;..
be present. minent'Methodists in •the London Con- tawa, formerly, of (Minton, has hh,d, his. out, hot le.ft too near, and Were burnt ceived , last Week,. m,,, smite, when .1 Donahlsob 1-2. brow o leeliorns;Mrs- floral tinted centre piece;•$ Heuetin. J.
ference,edieel on Sunday lase He had Salary increased fronl 62,t;-;) to ,
$24!,',3. ule. The -fire has gained sueleheadway in 111., 17411 was )OL,,, 14 eniUster . at fros‘ 40 '1- 2 .- anati.lusians, & aglow ie li . G. Forrest; ..80/ Ideinbroi
. dtwy centre
ST, P.1,171,'S been in the Ministry noarly 50 years. ; . that it cannot be cheeked. - . -, ' •
, i Among those who 1) 1)4171(1 to their . the (1,.ene.R Ind hts ti r severe' ',ears inimress, 1.1i'-. now .ie,, I,' 11 Wise piece, • Aliss Nett, Mrs }Lowrie ; Danish -
One of his sons, \Vatter, row living n- ' studies- at Tormito this week. were Thelileeter School -Board has e. ngag- been stationmaster a • Ethel. Within rotten (lecke, E 11 Wise, L. Aldworth : cut week, Alre Howrie tcroSs. stiteh,
Oti Sunday bist Mr. Harvey Col. Kenore, is nuirried to MiSs'Etta, „(1..,
., Miss Ted Cooreer aunt Miss Isabella ed Aligis Stella Greirove- of Erin, ditogn- the last three year% there' have been •
clough very efficientl tt$8isted the rec.- ledee, formerly of the. Huron roat,
tor itt the services. • Goderich Toss nship.
. • ! clough. - , • . - . take charge'of the room that will be
i Ginnie:Ed Jenkinteeind lfarVey Col, ter of Mr. Tilos Gregory of town, te three death.% in the faintly, two dottigh :
tore and now the head of the boine. tt,:il iiikec(; yo,, , :1,11:&Cs'aimisl.'ilt,,. L ‘ Al d wo r th : ,:ii.l.niis, sssoN'ettitt.::,:lTitiiiit).:14.1„ileitlit.):,.eitutscoililie,;(i-ixv(oolttyitlitr;e,(1114iiigte,, - •
On Sunday next Rev. Mr. Bloods• i vacated hy Miss DorringtOn on :Nov- The: semtiorth leepoei tor eays.; .4‘ii.e. eete„ miss. ef st'ise, ai iss . 'Nat 1' • single
• Mie.NUFACTURES-Woblen blau, hand made, j :K, wisemiss wise; hish
. worth, of Ails». Craig, will eond wit the •
I ' .:41'S, P. Keit Clintem, Airs. Darrow, ember the let. The Inlery is tc be $575. point lace, 8 Heustin, Mrs AlcDoug•all;
i.ervi«.8 lic.i.c. the Rector, Rev. C u.. Personals
. .
and son of felyfield, and *Ti IL 13.
• 1 p , r 1 ( 4illegiate Institute board , have been harhette, J ese Tippett ; woolen yarn, J
doititon or point lace, Alrs ParsonS, $
. having 801110 trOUhle.Wil!li the teaching 'K 'Wm., 'Arise Nett ; homemade Carpet Iletistin .; Almintinellicki.Alre Hawrie ;
liansford wilt essist in the musieal
(innne• being in IA incisor'. 31r. J. ' .Miss Lilvi`T.Itickson lett for Toronto,
• . leer oi. um tee, who heye been visit- The lexce.er Gem Club at a meeting
ino 'relatives in Saginaw, retilrn borne. hut SaturdaY n•VOWng decided 1Mt to staff, out we-itre pleased. to learn that Miss Nott, Aliss Wise .:- collection non; sot; htdirs, underwar, ,miss.wis,e, misz
part of the exercises at, NViedsorto resume her Studiefi.at Toronto Con- ! tin • eve .1- • matters have now been siitisfactorily nets, ;Miss 'Wise. . , ••
Nutt: hest 4.014.4. 1.1071 laaies' weelesAllss
serve tory-of Alusic. ,
i b- .( s... • • 1 101d iheir tourniiment this Year, 'and
and innicably i-irranged, ' Previously . .
. •
postponed the event until 4400cl Fri -
Alt. Pickets, who lute twill Supplyinr, mrssrs .3. shmey, le- f.:ey.s svi„ 1.,..s„o'ns • Miss ' Marion 1,0 wive, tint: little d UV, of next year, when a larger ehoot to the holidays the .several teachers (J TN A''..`41) SIMI)4e-White win. ISTaetste,, ''_Vit,'_' f
HU; plat s ef Middleton's, Sum inerhh, : for the current year and :or wheat, m Bretbour; j,Sailceild ; red • NVi jiM. Iliii?e{t'lid(ixu.1,1r;1\n'trotliehn.9tk,oecti5nIgiZ
:.tord, Ont„ are spending A couple of bow( 1-4.7,11) it Meal shoot Will be hold rheeres.11)1141:1citelvi'd tIlion. This en; •winter Wheat, 0 Chttisins,•M Brethoutit home mode, Miss Nott, Jtts; 'Sterling ,;
t 1 il ' .. '11 , f „ . and sister, and Mrs Janies.Browithava sisl-Pr OwordlolYneof Oak Lodge-, 13ur- !eel! be givers,
, „f ..,, „ „1 f , ,,,,,, t7
„ „ # ft is quite Possible,
turned to London College on Mordny. ''s ""`."`.- ''''''" -1- ';('''''
,, p. ,‘, La IS'. ((4(1, of .wohlro.. u,.its weeks ill tosirn the goests 'of Mrs. A, A. this l'alL• gagement between teitchers and the sin•ing whceit; large white 'netts, M. cotton stockings,Aliss Wise. Miss Nott;-,
, cotton sox, Atiss Wise, • SA:4 ,i,terling ;
vices have been much appreciated.
lie is it eh:tel. 3(4(1111, limn whiii.e si 1 -
here AI 1.enditiv the funeral. cif M.,.. 1111 1' Pri"e" St"
, . • 1)1) Ltd can he terminated ;xi; anyi time Brethour, .1 K W'ise ; small whtto peas
wool 0. OVes, Miss Nott ; wool mittens,
. Ourreaders will he HortY to learn by ft T11011th'S 110tiee 011 either Side. M M."0110111' ; (.row bailey. S Wise, I)
.. I aweence, in Icti lett this week.
Clarence Johnston accompanied Mr.i :Sirs. David Fonts had a short visit at that tlfe ostoPrnecl oostmllgter.. of During the holiiitts IViss Kirkwood 13rethour ; 2 -row barley, I) ISrabOti ,i; Miss Wise, jas Sterlitne,
Pickets MT 11jS1 1'0111ON On .stIndav bee, ! - Mrs \V. Aintlow; whose /pistol:net left AVonton and Fullarton and St)elli,. Winghltiri, Ur, Peter Fisher, has heon was offered a position. in Lindsay at G A Cooper ; white mita, S Wise, I)
and preached at Middleton s anti Simi. for Swift Current in the spring, started a few cleys at-Steittford befeveret tun- confined to his '•hed since retorning lin advance of $2!.:3 'over ber '441 11')' Brethour ; bbtek oats, I) 13rethour, Ai
wedees ley to join him being i - g .
• t•ce in home. Needless to say she enjoy- here, She tendered her resignation Brethour ; thnothy seed,- AI Brethoitr, IlonsES-It , McLean, Goderich ; P
merhill. On Tuesday he left forWeviit., on - • . , . ,,, „t• . home from the West. The shaking lip _
I) Bi othour 1 enelte, A Smith ; yellow McGregor, Brncefield ; 0 Johnston, of
Michigaiewhere he will snerid a couple eted by Ny Jackson, e, P i .4tgent • ecl her visit immensely. . .
of months with friends in the hope; br. Gramm, of 'Brussels, foi ,nerly Aliss Deverelli who has been 1. puting
that hsi health' may he iniereved.
ONTARIO ST, Of Clinton, was a oassenger on the In Burford and Toronto, has come to
: ill feted ti ain to the sa, est upon which . Make her home with her sister, Mts. .
,:. . . • trio& serious than was at. first expect.
be received m the accident has proyed giving 'the neeessavy month's notice.
ed. His iininerons friends , will wish
him a snecatt.recoverY. •
• • crease of ;Olt 1, which she aceepted.
iihit rather than dispense with her ser-
vices on the board offered her an in- corn, .1tio- Salkeld, G IV Cook ; sweet Clinton. • •
corn; Jrto Tough ; turnips, .1 Campbell., , 08 all 67irei Lilly: PtilguszSi to h;ne'cIstatal tnebrtsl,r8yiiv1;t1; •
s neve : syliate nelerY, Dr Woods, G ford ; t -i. 0 Beactim, Clinton, . •
11 Hews et ; red Celery, G II IIeWson,
.. ' .
; o 'twiny lost their 11 1.( e; owing.to A 001. .4.. ,A„, Hill, Princem
ss St, who moved At the recent eeting ' Of 'How
tyiek 'This caused dissatisfaction in the Staff
The anniversary services will be held ' l• • Ile w»s not, in'uted anti -wee here recently from Milting, ild 111 -adjustment of the salaries of I Tough t winter radish, Snowden Stanley
Poultrsr-G S•tvallow, Holmesville.•
on Sunday, ()et. 2811). sermons. to be 'Pen .l Yr
l'iengaged setting broken bones ' • ,„ . the ritteeavers at next tritinieipiti elee- the tesehers hemline 11m:08s:try. Mr. 13ros t citron, R. Penhate ; Snrali beans,
Council it was deeided to submit to
preachedmorningand evenhig by soine , ao( 1111( mg' 14) gaping wounds. .' I Air, ti A.1 11 (1
-. --0--M-y, Of Nelson, B. te, tion, a leyeaw to authorize extending an increase of $15, making his salary
Rogers; the principal, has been given
m Brethoint L AldWorth' 4 Ittrigliah no -
G A (loopee, It Perthalet ,large beans, Ditirtr Produce -W ScottTheicefield;
J Connolly,' Goderich township,
standing debt OT1 ChOrCh property
minister not yet known. rhe out. , Wm.d. lois been received of tbe seri-
is ° ous inxios rif John 8,,hafer, or 7,4,a,k., visiting at the home of his sister. Mee,
with his wife and ehild, have been
two years. 'rim legisletion of last ses•
the term for Conncillors from one to $1,425; Ale. Coiling an incre:tse of Slid, tato onions, M Wettlake, It Penliale ; tplefit,icultzlitaAreerdc.12, Clinton ; A Mid».
only. 4gion and interest. and an effort hill,' forinerly of the Commercial Hotel S. II. Smith. Mr. Moilarcly had been melting h':si eatery $1.163 « AliSs Kirk- Canadian onions, R Penhale; A Evans:
Vegetablea--D French, 1 Connotly.
shin makes this permissible, lint so far It W Delgaty, Snowdon
Wilt be inade to wipe this out at the ; with blood' poisoning. He was in it lIowick is the only municipality thet' salary SLIM and Miss Doherty, an in- hutch st;t4
Bros ; small red ' tomatoes, G II 11c -W, , Grains -Jas Thomson, TlaYfield.
attending the General Conference in wood, an int:pease of $100, making her
Montreai, and took advantage of the
stnniverbary. If this 6ongregat ion riltraWay Accident some days ago and wo have heard'of, that. has taken ite. crease of $25, making her salary $725. , son. itinowdmi Ibos ; large red tome,- Mowers and Art Work-Mrs..Stan-
makes up its mind to do thw
is - nielt is soffetred I,11 injury to .his nead, when ,
occasion to run op here. . tion hi thm
e atter. . toes, Snowdon tiros, 4,Jno Campbell ; burro Ettylield. . . •
altoo,ether lilcely-it will wipe it out blood poisoning set in. lie has been .
'ergo yellow tomatoes, J Tough, Snow- Manufaetures - T Sohnston, Zurich ;
quite egsily. . taken to t be Stratford hespitel. rrinn The jaeksten (Mich.) Citizen 1 bliss 1,1111e Slay Kinsman, eldest,. ........4...ii.r....,*•.....*•.°44.1.,..'.
(1011 rit'OS; ‘141 Hi ry, 'Snowdettl3ros, .1 W W Seott, riirticefield.
Press we clip the following whieh will) cittughter of Mrs. S. A. Chapman of GICA.ND TRUNK 014-71CIAL,S : - Tough. . La& te Work -Miss A JOhnsti in,
At the League meeting cer Monthly ' Dr. Will Holloteity left for Pdter, he of interest to many rterders of The-, Vast W:nvollosh, hes been veey line Fourth Vice President SleGrugati, of
eventng air. icoherts gave an interest- boro. on Monthly, where he has de., N'Est bate « the 1111t1/y friends of Fortunate of late. About two months
. -„,
the G. T. X, and Superintendent VEGETAI3LES-i-Early potatoescA Mrs NI Ross, Bayfield.
Zurich Mrs 1 Connolly, Goderich Tp;
ing adores on Photography, ••••, : cided to locate. Ile had a good dental Ilev. 3, T. le (1 will be pleased to ago She reePiVea a gosh over two Brownlee, eatee down from Goderich l% '111, Ring ; late notatees. It
Rev. j1.1r. Kerr will prench the nrst Mac ise in t iii county% nit wanted a learn he is to rel Urn t0 jaekson as Web long in bee ankle, just thove the on a special train on Friday morning, 'Xiwner, It Brown ; yellow marigolds,' ....-:-.........**....*.......-.
a series'of sermons on"Christ'spieteres larger field, where his admitted Ability' pestor of the First AL Ite obtireh for Sant, whieh caused her to he laid up and their tars were von in on a siding (k, A Cooper ; intermediate Man olds,
oif Hinutelf"riext Sunday morning t his Wonld have more scope, We cent- the eixth yettit This information was for ilVes weeks. Nowslie is nursing a to alloW trio regular trams to pass. ..Tas t,ainnbell ; field carrots. G Ii Iew- Professor .1`, L. Hogg, M. A. Ph. 14,
topic will be ''Christ the Mow' Melte him to the people of Petertoro tteeived with giteet pleasure by; the very painful feet))) whieh necessitates While waiting here these tWo officials son, 8 Cleve ; table eatrofte, 8.010V late of Harvard University, 'hastier
The Ladies' Aid Societll hold
W4 11, Aliieildid citizen, mid a Man in -members ofthe eturch and dingrega,- another lay up., Truly troubles never got out and surveyed the st817111011)tionj and Sae Campbell ; table be ; .8, • , 4 .g. cepted the position of lecturer in
y wian whom every confidence ean be placed. tioh WittcWholn Mr TAGear ha4 WOrk. come singly. mud thls family have had eseotteds, milling eornments th(7reon Scotnwe ; cabbage, S wden Bros. G opysics in IV:Master College, Toronto).
anniversary ton on the eveninge of ' lt•lre Itollownv will join him as ;won as (id very etteeetifttlinfor the p1st five their share of them in the last few among themselves. They nfterivards H. lIeweon ; Musk littelOnec G.11 HMV- t rof. Hogg is a brotherof the Nicest.
o y,,, a . . • - • he getssettied. .1 months. Hogg, of MeHillop. • . i
yeti% went south, •
. • son ; 'watermelon, 3 W Tough, G ft