HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-09-21, Page 8I - '
Boils and
A ifietiola Explismation of whr They
Are Written in ;mon.
1 The use Of Latta by. phYsiclaUS in
prescription writing is Om:Wanly re-
, garded. 40 11 harmlese survival of
Red Rash Eczema in fact any medireValistn. Oceasioually a lay writer
I I II •
I skin disease, disfigures the coin-
' pleziou because the bowels are
t oustipated—or because the
kidneyS do not rid the system of
Waste—or becanee the skin itself
is unhealthy.
Ointments, Salves and soaps are
useless. Because the trouble is
with the blood.
. owing to defective action of bowels,
kidneys or skin, the blood becomes
laden with impurities. °It is these kaput..
Wed - deposited by the blood- that
Make boils, punples, and painful, clis-
figuring skin diseases. It is because
the trouble is with the bowels, kidneys
or skin, that PRUIT-A-TIVES cure
these diseases
en "ester Linn vesteas"
. .
act ditectly on the elitairetting,organs-e
coriect their irregularities-stretagthen
them-andthus clear the skin arid make
the complexion clear and soft:
If you have any skin trotible-:-or any
fault with constipation, liver trouble,
biliousness, headaches, indigestion,
rheumatism -cure yourself with Pruit-
a-tives. They are made of fruit juices
end tonics -and never fail to cure.
soe. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50.
Sent ort tcceipt of price if your
druggist does not handle them.
I O'rraw.
---0E— • ,
Suggests its abandonment. 1u com-
menting on a recent note to this effect
In a dtrily paper, whichadvocates the
Compulsory use of English Jo prescrip-
tions, the Druggists' Circular and
Chemical Gazette takes occasion to.
make a strong defense of the time
honored practice. Says this paper;
'Suppose the sapient writer quoted,
whose utterauces may sound all rle.;lit
*to those who lfnow no more of his sub-
jects than he does, should fall sick and
Ws physician sheuld decide that the
one thing needful to save his life was
Geraniunfrobertlauum. If there were
a law, preventing the doctor from pre-.
scribing in Latin he would have to
cheek one of the upward of a dozen
English names for this drug. Suppose
he chose 4redshanks' and so wrote the
Word in his prescription.When the
• dreggist went to ,prepare the medicine
he would find that redshanks' was the
English name of at least Tout- entirely,a
different plants -namely, the one al-
ready ' mentioned-, • Pelygonium am,
phibium, Polygonium perstearla and
Rumex acetosa;
"As with redshanks so with hundreds
of other drugs. Aaron' S beard may be
COtinlIS continus, Cyrnbalaria eym-
balaria or Saxifrage sarmentoita. Of
snakeroots there are numberless kinds.
Suppose the English writiug doctor
wanted to be sure of gettlaff the right
kind, so specifica bleek snakeroot.
Then is the druggist to dispense Clmi-
ciftiga racemosa,,Ssatura canadense or• .
Sanicula marflandica?" ,
And General Training for •
Railway Service.
The new method of instruction. adopted! by
this school has proved a great success.
Pupils graduate in the:shortest:posetble tim •
therefore ab the least expense.
• Employment provided at oncealWrite fora.
• free pamphlet which will give full information.
• Sehool room in Gordon Block, opposite Poe
Office, the most desirable location In the city
• Inspection of classes atiwork cordielly invited
Principal and7Instructor, fornierly
District Superintendent G.T. R.
Apri120th 06-07. •
• to Creditors.
BRAITH, an insolvent.
. .
NOTICE is hereby given that Walter L. • Gal-
braith, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of
• Huron, carrying on buctiness as a Merchant in
the said Town of Clinton has made an assign-
- --—ffieritilitidfirlt-S.-0-1897-Cherpter
estate credits and effectsato.Melville J. Overell,
of the City of Hamilton. in the County of Went-
worth for the general benefit of his creditors.
• A meeting of his .creditors will be held at the
office of Mewburn & Ambrose, 28 James -Street: -
South, in the said City of Hamilton, on. Wednes-
day the 19th day of September, 1906, at the hour
of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon to receive a state-
nient of affairs. to appoint inspectors and. for the
orderingof the affairs of the estate generally.
Creditors are requested to file their claims with
the assignee with the proofs and particulars •
thereof required by the said Act on or before the
day of such meeting.
And Notice is further given that after the 1st
day of November, 1906, the Assignee will proceed
to distribute the assets of the debtor amongetthe
Parties entitled thereto having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been•re-
• calved by him and he will not be liable, for the
• assets or any part thereof so distributed to e,n3c
person or persons or to whose claim he shall not
then have had notice.
Dated at Hamilton, September the llth, 1906.
Solicitors for Assignee.
- A ease Witeee Proceedings lit Coast
Were Unnecessary.
Two cir three Chicago lawyers were
'discussieg• the tricks of their trade.
• "A. big; burly fellow <Trout the Michi-
gan pine fOrests came into my office,"
eald 'one of thew "and told a very
Mean, story about, a rfeh man .here in
town who. was tryingto cheat hini out
•of $2,000- 0'03,000 and who. had man-
aged to .get 4 pretty tight,elutch ort
• the money.. The baelewoodethau looked.
and talked like an _honest man, and the.
'old Miser's renutatidn WKS, Menu
enough to match the etorY,' so I felt itaa
Mined :to believe it: . When lentadfin•-
islied• I' looked WM up and. dawn from
heed to foot.' 110.asked•me. whiit I was
lookinglem over for. 'Well.' said I,..
was thinking that If I were over six
.feet.tall and ei•powerfril a man as you
I wouldn't hire a leWyer to•help me. ,get
that. MoneY,', 'Trite Mite's' excited 'Lice
• smoothed ea Into .blank astonishment.,
• 'What' do Yon •ineatiT, he said.'
-..-*e_red.:•••'4...P.49.441.:-..144.,W4:1.t• •
SOL 21, 1,06
ave ANIMALs.
mankind would have to
invent milk. Milk Is Na-
ture's emulsion—butter
put in shape for diges,..
thin; Cod liver oil is ex-
tromely nourishing, but
It 'has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best ,oll
with the valuable hypo -
phosphites so that it Is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oll alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
•the most strengthening,
nourishing food.- med1-:
cine in the world.'"
Send for trio *amyl*.
SCOTT & 130WhiE. Cisemlato
Toronto. Ont.
• 500. and *1.00. All druggists
caosee Where the lbie of Chloroform
X0 Positively Cruel.
"WbY Will 00 many people cling to
the idea. that chloroforming is the most
merciful Means of death -possible for
dumb animals?" asked a veterinarian
recently. • `Only tho other day I 'was
called upon to perform the trying and
almost impossible task of killing an old
horse ia this way.
"The horse, it seems, bad been the
pet of a wealthy woman who left pro-
vision for him in her will and decreed
that if ever the family to whose care
tate Intrusted hire should deem It neces-
sary to end his life this should be done
with chloroform, so that be might be
assured' a painless death, Then the
horse became blind and otherwise dis-
abled, and the family deckled that
death would be a mercy.
"Of course the provision of the will
• bad to be carried out, but no greater
ease of mistaken kindness could have -
been possible. It Is impossible to ad-
minister sufilclent chloroform at one
time to kill an animal the size of a
horse, so dose after close bad te be
given, the poor brute slowly and pain-
fully smothering to death. •
• • •
"Chloroform is all right for eats qr
• dogs, but for larger animals it Is a posi-
tlee cruelty, .whereas a pis,tol,
aimed at the head of any beast, will
send it out of life so quickly that it has
not time to feel the shot or -realize
what has happened.".
Proposed Winchester Pageant.
A proposal has been set on foot to
hold a pageant illustrating Winchester's
history, in aid of the Cathedral fabric:
and the Royal Hants County. Hospital
fonds. The proposal has received a large
measure of support from the mayor; the
Lord Lieutenant of the county (th0
Marquess of Winchester), Sir William,
Portal, the Dean of. 'Winchester, and
many others. The ruins of WolveseY
Castle is the suggested site. No towfl
or city In England could•present stich a
grand spectacle as the ancient capita.'
' of Wincheeter, whose history embranee
most of the Royal events of Saiton and
Norman times.
• ,are, :sure, . are you,- that he has •• that
.19.0i• night,' 'Well,: you . don't need. a
laWyer.' • . ••
"The - man turned on bis.heol and left
. .
awitirouta-attether-werth -41tatealtry-er-
two he Sent. me n ctiock for $;',8 and
' his thanks for my adviee." •
- .
Rare Relic of the Old Sea Pathfinder
loony pOUBLE
Kidney Troubles, no matter of what
kind or what stage of the disease, can
be quickly and permanently cured by the
use of these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph
Leland, Alma, N.W.T., recommends them
• to all kidney trouble sulTerers, when he
says: -I was troubled with dull hea
aches, had frightful dreams, terrible
pains in my legs and a frequent desire to
..uritiate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY
PILLS...recommended for just such a.nney-
tutees as mine, it occurred to me to glee
them a trial, so I .procured a box et
them, and was very much surprised at
the effectual cure they made. I take a
great deal of pleasure in recommending
them to ail kidney trouble sufferers.
Price 50e. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all
dealers or The Doan Kidney. Pill Co.,
Toronto, On.. ' •-
velour, tirre.
N„ewspaper - Bar -gain
We want to increase our subscription list, and tria6
:the following offers to NEW SUBSCRIBERS
• The Minton New Era, frOm now to ist of
• Jan, 1907, for 24c. •
The Niw E•RA and Weekly Globe to ist of Jan,
•1937, for 50c.
The NEW ERA and Toronto Weekly Sun to 1st, of-
. Jan. 1907, for 50c.
The NEW ERA and Montreal Family Herald to 1st
„of Jan„ 1.997, for. 50c.
Subscribe at once, and get the full berfefit of -
:.. 'this liberal offer,, Cash 'mist accompauy each sub-• '
scriptiori. •
- R. HOLMES:, Clintoth,
31elltode of the Grecian AtItletes Iu
Hornet -le
thrOW111g was a refitted form'
of hurling the" stone. In • Horaerle
• Treasured In United •States. . times, and eveti at Olynipla, a. stone or
mass of iron was first nsed • for the.
- • Capt. ' Cooks chest, the One Which
he carried 'with him on his voyage of PurPose. ThIS Ivaa held. by a leathern
discovery over one hundred years ago,. tbong, swung la a circle and hurled as
' oeceples a conspicueus, place . in the • far as possible. A. circular or lentic-
disk of bronze was Psed at. least
home of itev.- it Crosby of this vil-; al"
lage, says a North Branch, lefich, des,-
ectsNnetuaryllY as the begioning Of the fifth
patch. to The Detroit Free Press. -
1 . .
• It 1$ presumed that this' rare old' - .. . ' _
treaeure- incloth
sed the 'chart of e St. A. stanUald weight Musta course,
Lawrence- River when, In .1769, •Capt. 1 be assumed for the great games. A
• Janies Cook, with • the ship Mercury, aliscue now in the -,British museum,
..commendeVa. squadron•which perform- . Which seems to have been used, weighs
•ed the hazardOils : 'service of • taking' 11 pounds 9 ounces, • but whether this
aoundings of that river ander the guile • waS the standard weigitt or not is not
of' the Trench forts. ' • • , : ' . • definitely known..
-The chest wee probablY.with the fa,Tu..:
,e thrower took • his stand anon a
nu -iris navigatorthen he made his voy- slight eleteition• of lithited circumferJ
age of, discovery in the AntarctiC re- ence where 'he' could ha e a secure
,,,,giona. . His. observations, which were '• , . .,. - Y •
published in London, ' in •1777, • were - : foothold and Was prevented from run-
• doubtless presel ved in this* same, old 'fling.: Then, wait' it swleg of 'the arm
box, ' • ' . '• . .. ' .. . • , and! a , correspondiag movement of • the
. ,,e-fter Capt. 'Cook disc9vered ' the whole bo.dy,. he hurled the tliscoa as far.
Sandwich Islands and was killed' there. tie possible.. .•• , ' •:.
- by natives in 1719, •the chest, with.etrier The value Of the body Movement wag ,
property, was: returned to the -family of : -•
recOgnized by the sculptor alyorn In
the , great navigator. Sorne dine pre, • . in '. - • ..,,. .
s lemma statue, :Cue DiscobolUS• ,. '
vious to 1000 'William Cheetam, a gen, .. •• -
and 1$ ender$tood by the modern 'nth-
-tieman and connoisseur of; Southwell, • ' . • • . ..
.Qoak .. leib • when he 's;witigs atm h.:tanner or
England,: received it fr.en the
family. At ' the 'death of Mr. Cheetarn:. even.when he,Mahe$ a. drive at golf.
"iirliillarirls,.NVidow.gave--1 t,,toher.,-sliter,,,A.-,-;.,-...- ......1'... , •.,,,,-
.„, ..„...,- l........„,. ;,.. .„,.
ear, cra.seiee gra.adritether,•• ,• She died •-:• .. .. CAUSE. OF S. , aTSIGH'T. •
_...twerity.ative..,yeare Jage_eged .8k leaving: : ' . , • • • . • ' •
Requiescat In Pace.
At a meeting of the HarroW-on-the-
Hill Urban District Council the death
was announced Of a donkey' that had
'long been I0 the service of the couticil.
. and the members solemnly passed a
motion, of regret at his death.
Probealy the straligest deiail 're-
corged- or the old midsummer. eve.bon-
fires is ono in eonitectioli- with those
that used to be lighted 10 the., Palece
ale Greve in Path. • 'late :emit' cense"( ua"
eitt.of the hottfirewas: a tree, which the
king • wasaccustomed ta • fire with his
own hamle; the 'ashe4. bel ag art:et:ward
earited home by:thepeoplc. for good , " Sontethiatt 'Doing
'luck LOuis XIS waS . the *last :king ikleeker=:We had:'a "nonse warming.,
who dia his part, A.- Mysterious- hem' • 1;1s1 iii;••••,ht. • • • , 7
of earlier times Wita the burning in:the .: Bleekei.-Why, .hnve 3 Oti bo's ed?
bonfire of a barrel, :bag or basket full . afeekeraeNe. but when. I, reachett
• 'of. • mtg. The, registera : of Paris Show.
that a. huedred sons. were, paid to au
olflcaal•.ior• halting provided, during
three . years (157,143). "all the . eats re-
catired, • as usiml,' for thetire," and also
• in Gee year, *lieu the king was pres-
ent, "a. fox,. give• pleashre fa his
raajestY and for hirviala • provided
• great 'bag: of lineit la which the said
• cats were:6-Loutliet
IE. Filzsimons & Son.
•It to her grandson, • • • , 1, Effeef of Writing on the Eyesight of
• When Mr. Crosby came to Aroerica..!
• Yoongsters.
the • faintly was urtwining that the . -•
ssahied ateepailtelatip lee,y,,e,,,Xnglend, • crertain hypee-sensitive- parents have
• y) it was tett trt his mother's care. Her ITTITRir entiiliirtlF11781-es'es hecause-ffir
death haVing 'since 'occurred, it has education committee of the London
just been shipped to America by a, Comity counell. here iemoved from its
fequisition list several series of up-
stater. of .rtev: Mr. Crosby.. ' . ' •
, of Spanish. maim." tight Nettling eopvhoeke • • .
gaas beautti'ulty• a'nd coplotiide bound They . de.claire that this 'ac:tfon n 111
In hammered brass. the ivork evideotly, .endanger the eyesight of the children,
of an exeert. The •rnithogene. Is one and and. they hasp. the statement on a
a half Inches thick, each side being a port that:50 per cent. (,1 the aliments.
Its top •:le inc afflieting"French children .ar. caused
ilea Ow, tleoih 20 iii.o)es. :hY the sloPlOgsysteio of writintt.. ' : •
•But Prof. •Nlitic•dm • MeHardy, •the
fanious oculist. does mi,t, ki&ree With this
opinion. Titt,ditectieniof, the writingis
of ho lthpottanpe as long -as there is
pltnty•Of .ctintrast. •The wribing of a
.slate pencil on: a 'slate is ,very danger- --
.0tis..Blaelt ink on .white paper is gc)ocl,'
white ink on .blitelc• paper •would be beat
home • from the ledge at midnight I a ' .
"It muse be forgotten that -the
found nty.wifes mother there. :
. • Chairmen of. the Odeention cominittee
• - • • is • Sir William Collins. who Is an,
A Proxy That railed. *enlist,. and'..he would sanction nothing
• ".Tiflingbh 'wits Voted out of our golf which Would in anyway be harmful te
--.the sight of the Children...
"What for : "All teachers, should remember that
•0h he got tio lazy that he made hie writing' with fine peas is a source . of
caddie plaY for „hitn while 'he carried -danger. , The thieker the Stroke' the
greater the'•cnntrast. • •• • • •
"Short sight Is not as harmless a,
complaint as' it is.* popularly • believed
to be: It Is eaneedby the stretching
of the coats of yatiffk eyeballs so that
these tend.. to, becotne more and more
lemon -shaped • instead Of apple -shaped,
• as :in the.normal eye, or orange -shaped,
, as in the long-sighted eye Of the earlier
man. Short sight Is often• the begin-
ning of ninny of the mostarremediable:
and blinding foerns of eye degeneration,
. "The 'cause of much. ef the short
eight of :present -clay children is that
they are condeinned to thread irOadS,•
learnline stitching, fold paper, and
Other kindergarten abintanationt.
• • Chief." • a11 tslite"mains6,
wani`rethecifatllilteohnattirgilltg. eau
g: ofvi
She-NOrah is as purale.
• Hea-YeS. I •know three men who
kave given her up. -Chips.
• Not Zainati,
• . Sirtteen -Miles Underground,.
•The most romnarkuble canal iu, thei
world is the one betweeit Worsley
• .and. St.- Helens, la the, north or Eng-
land.- It is sixteen tulles long and un-
derground from eud to .end.. lea-
cashird the • coat 'mines are , very ex-
tensive, half the county • being under:.
M • ' o the
Little Liver Pills.
Sleet Bear Signature et
• Wind. any yearsg .
agers of the Duke or Bridgeport'e es-
tates thought theycould save money .
trensportiag the coal euderground
instead of On the surface; therefore
the canal was construeted • and the .
mines connected sod draiued at the
same time. •
A Wise So,n.
"A. dislike," said the gentle philoso-
pher, "should not lead us to any active
Vemonetration. We should • merely
Seek to avoid its object." •
• ""Maybe my boy Josh has more sense
• than 1 gave him eredit Or," rejoined
Farmer Corntosseh "That's exactly
the wayhe . feels about :Work et all
kinds." ••
We are still in the But-
chering business,. and are
in a position to fill all or.
ders for seasonable rneeti,
ipt:usted •
Our new business sand
is in the Combe Block.
R.Titzsimons &• Son
°' MR 76 Clinton
• We have opened up a choice, fresh
stock of Groceries at Olson's .Old
Standarid noW. ask a share' a t h
patronage of the citizens of Clinton
,.and the surrounding community, •
Good Quality Jz Fair Prices
are our special elves.
. .
. Customers will find our stock the lies; •
value in town. The Red Peather
hands in Tea' and Canned 'Geode
4re-eat-at-I esairathe,nalites, Ave:atm-idle
'We are strangers and jriust
, (Yet acquainted,.
it will pay t hoee who sell farm pro- ,
duce to eee 114. I enrediatiosing2f their
batter, Pgg.. %IA potatoes, -elseviffirie:
We will buy, at a good price, wha
you have tcrsell, and will sell at a fair
hasn't much tact, has he?" price, what you have to buy.
"Tact? 'Why, .that eeilow_Wouldn't
pay a compliment without denAanding BYARID HiLL, Phone -114
a receipt."—Philadeloia Press. •
Ouf stock of high art Pianos of la. t
case designs, and containing finee''
actions purchasable for money. • See
one very latest styles of sweet -
toned organs, at low prices.' Instrtt-
luents rented, tuned or repaired.
Grarnephones,andmusic in variety a
. Anchr .11ere, .
• .
This is the port for High-elasb..
'Confectionery, and Fancy Baking. :
• Have you tried our Oakes. and
Bread, it not 'why. not?
'We carry a choice me u rut s,
and our ' chocolates haveno equal,
we hatidle-OANONG-BRO Si-- of -New- --V
Brunswick, and HARRY NVEBB'S, •
Toronto; we beat. them all in tancy
I box goods.••
Wit) out sIT:olling: don't IOWA
to -visit our Ice Cream Parlor, we
are always pleased to see. and wait on
you. Parlor open frein 7.30 to 11 p.m.
• Ground. Larceny.
the liag."-.-Detrolt Free Press.
"Dld you have any luck on your Bilking trip?" asked 'the. fond wife. , •
"I should say so," said kr. Oldsport
absentmindedly, "I held bigh and low
three thies in succession and turned
twice."-Washingtoni Star.' •'
Heart and STerya
' Pills.
An Expert Statement.
• "Is theta any. sure way of know-
ing when a• man is meaning to pro
• poSe?" asked the bud. ifr
• "You needn't worry about -that,"
said the belle. ,'The knowledge comes
by nature. The most impatant thitig
Is to. know when he Isn't going to."
Bee PieSienlie Wrapper Below..
Very small owe .se eseir
tillarnii mien)
•06--re.r.""1-raTOR gtAtikellt.
j vattrwer741.5:1r,etezR 1111r6E0:44......64COMLL.E.X.1011
neallY a Vegetarian.
"I hope the Bible. T. gave you last
Week," said the missiohary, ,4W111 teach
you something"- •.
• "It has taught me something al-
• ready," replied the eannibal chief. "I
find that I'm really a vegetarian."
•',',Er -how's that?"
"Why, you know,.it says 'all flesh is
.• Penton* of childhood.
"What kind 'Of pie Will you have,
Willie -mince or apple?"
"I'll tek,e two pieces of each, please."
"Two pieces!".
"Yes'm.• Mamma told me not tO
isk twice."
TO do a kindness to a bed lean is Ilk*
sowing seed imi the Sea.--Phocylidee,
Are a specific for all heart and nervw
troubles,. Here are some of the symp-
toms. Any one Of them should be 8
warning for you to attend to it 'lime
tnediately. Don't delay. Serious break-
down of the system may follow., if you -
do Nereotteness, Sleeplessnesis, Dizzi-
ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Silentness
of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Sasothering and Sinking Spells, Paint
and Iiifeak Spella, Spasm or Pain through
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and
Peet. There may be many miner *Imp -
toms of heart and nerve trouble, -but
these are the chief ones.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will
dispel all these syMptotns from the
Price 80 dents per box, or 8 for $1.25.
Mrs. ,Ltiorey, Vemford, N.S., writes
tis al follows aa -"I WAS troubled with
dizziness, weak spells and fluttering of
the heart. I procured a box of Milbure's
Heart and Nerve Pine, and they did inc
so Much good that 1 got two more boxes,
and after finishing them1 was completely
cured. X must say that I cannot recom-4
them too highly.
_Neurakde nil% Neaeoiatiesi send It tie ba
1 A IAA" 1404i4PALE** enttclatitalet
lehearideaviteioe artoositiorseowttiieemenie,.
Takeee~,01000*. AtAteretictere,
Subscriber having • moved
his Restaurarit, tothe store
recently occupied" by F. W.
• Watts, will be glad to "meet
his old CuStOmers,and as mar
new ones as may, favor him
with their patronage. •
Having also bought out the
King Bakery, he will supply
the public With first class
• Bread and Cakes.
• W. W. Nill1C12S,
Phone 42 Clinton.
. •
Nothing adds so much to the decors
tion of a house as good Wall Paper. I
• am in a position to show ybu the very
best and choicestpatterns, as I am
agentfor the - ••
Empire Wail Paper Co.
- of Toronto.'
The samples for 1906 are entirely
new. Prices run from 5c a roll to 35e, •
with borders at same price. Every
oll of paper guaranteed to contain 8
• ards, 'Samples gladly shown. to in-
enclingipurchasers, at any time. .
• Rambling Waggles -I was robbed
last night, and I lost Efty-three artla
cies of furnittne, everything I had in
tie world.••
Policeman -Fifty-three articles?
' nsmhil 'Waggles -Sure; a deck of
• :..smITHts
eard aa •• torkscrevi."70ineinnati • •
• •
Commerelai Tributte. • •
• „ A Costly Collection.
• "What a lovely collection of odd
elver exclaimed a guest, peering Into
the china' cabinet. "Did it take you
long to get ad many?"
"Oh, nor Said the hoetess. "Those
are samples Of the sets we have had In
the last two • years!"
„ xruon vor Reflection Only. .
I am in a hideous pieltle. Here I've
got. nothing to pat, and: the only thing
I've got to pawn are my false teeth, and
if I• pawn them and buysomething
eat, then 1 Caul eat it. I never as in
such an awful fix in all my life. -Bos -
ten Globe. ,
• • Books.
I would prefer to have °lie comfort-
able robin well stoked with books to
all you cap give Inc in the Way 'ire•
decoration whielt the highest art ean
supply. There is no greater blessing
that ean be given to a family than a
love of books. -John Bright,
• (lilac Unnatural.
Ile -I thonglit the author of tide play
was famous for his keen understanding
Of the female charactol Slie-Well, do
'Yon doubt it? lie -Of course. Ito has
just made his heroine say that she "will
tuffer in silence." ' •
Wilekleff faces and white hair are no
lnirden to. the aged Who aro loved and
its:woad by youth.
should take "Bu -Jit” during
• this trying time. • The extra
strain, weight and undue alma.
sure on the delicate (nada often
irritate and inflame the kidneys.
. This not only increases the den*
•ger oilchildbirth, but places the
health of the baby in 'jeopardy.
Are you one of the crowd to the Bus
Store? Everybody is • now talking,
• of the beautiful designs of • •der Twine, we can supply you,
• HoutielDecorator and Paper:Hanger.,
Con' Queen;and:Princess St., Clinton
Now that harvest is ea 1
here you will be needing Bin-
Wall Paper
we have in stock, and prices to suit th
purchaser. We also carry a stock o
Window .Shades, Curtair
• Poles, Cottage Rods,
• Room Mouldings,
Floor and Furniture Var-
••nish, etc.,
of all descriptions, which are sold a
prices never known before to the
Hanging done.
Pa.atWat4eVInfnails3ad !Inajo, work.
tilith's Wall Paper Store
N.13.-sign Painting done. All Pape
• trimmed FRVIE.`
nailed Hay
vhf E •GEN/ L5 Ki D N P 11,1.
keeps• the Mdse's etrong mid
vigorous -Acta as a mild -tonic
on all the fetrutie organs, Mid
prevents cOustipatiten.
" " pill at bedtime is
the best protection against 'Cid-
ney Trouble during pregnaecy.
At all druggists, or, direct on receipt
of price, soc, per box,
'rag cl,Aralte elittaleet. c0. enarre0
WiNetton, ewe
• op A.141
Before pla,ci4 your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get.
our prices. The eery best goods
carried in stock and, sold at the
lowest possible pride..
Orders may be Went Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
AalEleetrle 1,1gilt visa t.
Tire You
on the look -out tor the best
*dog? Then, for it Brea
-Beverage, drink
IT, IS q' I -1,E B S T
Better than the rest, because it is i nade by
the latest and most improved Jmevliods
.known, and sells at Just
(se per package.
Don't forget the name— Gamin 1 Coroal
ebffee—and, having once tried it. Yq.0eitunot
forget the flavor.
• The People'8 Gree r.
Prompt Delivery, 'Ph
ne Ill
kilvertise lo. the lkit ERA