HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-09-14, Page 8THE ‘11411s1TOINT .01EW ERA •• .03.rand -•- Triple ()Owing Friday and Saturday, .- Sept. ilia and Our entire second floor transformed into a bower of fashion, and entirely given up to an exhibition of correct Fall styles in Millinery,. Tailor-madeCostuifies. on a scale that has never been attempted in,Clinton before. We promise you a treat, for the oppor- tunity to see fashion's favorite styles in wearing ap- parel is .such as we have never been able t, present to our customers. The second, floor is your for these two days. Cotne and 'make yourself at home.: The MILLINERY, First and foremost is the Millinery... Never have we been better pleased with the pre- parations made fora Fall Opening than we are this season.. Miss •Reynolds and her staff spent several weeks in the workrooms of the large wholesale houses, studying the new Fall styles and ,making copies of Paris• and New york models. Since their return they have been busy preparing for the Opening — Friday and Saturday of next week. They will be prepared to show the results these weeks of work and study and give you authorative information on Millinery styles for Fall. . The, new Millinery will be ready in all its autumn beauty and .fresh- ness. It is here for you to inspect and.: ex- amine at your leisure. We promiseyou that 'it is well worth your seeing. The FURS • • The first, showing .of them: A collection such as has not been in town before, Etigh, ----dass-gartrierits tharyo-tr-wiyald ilut—expect--- to see outside the cities.. This season .we were unable to get a vacant store in Gode- rich for our, annual mid-surniner display, and will have the many specialpieces, that ;. were sent us to show there, on exhibition here Friday and. Saturday of next week. There are better garments and. more ex- clusive styles than we, or anyone -else, could keep in stock in a place the size of Clinton.• These, with the •big regular stock contract- ed for months ago, will make such a show- ing of Furs; as will be well worth corning to see. All the season's new.. shapes in small Furs will be represented with a splen- did showing of • • . • - . PIERSIAN•tAMB COATS NEAR SEAL COATS FUR -LINED. -COATS. In all, the finest lot of Furs that has., 'ever been in town. •. • The itotan NOvv Etta Axg62;;;TIlltkrtittitris'Zt' where the son is eraPloyedin the Faun- . FRIDAY. SEPT10.1.13ER 14, 1906 dry.....Conauctor Stratton, late run - lung a freight on the Goderich branch, Local, Notices. tween Stratford and Port Dover; he is has been given a Passenger run be - succeeded by Conductor Wood...."Mrs WANTED.—PEARS, awl DRIED AAPLRE.--• Apply to us for priees.—CANTELON BROS. RETIRED FARMERS and others have nut on their areas. They no doubt heard, and saw, tho soundness of A. R. advertisement, and are buying front hitu lately. Clothing to the font. mew youth's and boy's suits, all sizes. Call and see biro hew down the prices for a few days. Overalls, smocks, odd pants, vests, hats, cp,igi and gent's furnishings. Call and see A. B. SMITH. (Sound bargains that you will mind. • Sow 1:5*Pico, G.M. Kilty has moved into the house lately occupied by Lu Doherty, Vic- toria street . Miss Blanche Moil- veen, of the New Era staff, is helping the staff of the Goderich Signal for a few days......4 granolithm walk is being constructed from the sidewalk on Shipley street to Mrs. Hodgen.' sr., side door.. ... —On Saturday evening some one took a bicycle from the stable of Mr. John Cunninghame, rode it to the station, and left it there, where it was found some time alter by Constable Wheatley..... ,*.A boy seen carrying a live snake to school the °thee day, and being told he should kill it, declined to do so, on the ground that the teacher wanted it for a nature study— . — . His many friends here were sorry to hear of the untimely death of . Mr. Geo. Whitely, of Seaforth ; he was a warm hearted man and his acquaint- ance appreciated.;. , .1t is said that J. E. Bla.cks,11; of Remain, late of Clinton, has bought an interest in an $80,000 hotel at Edmonton." ,..The EYapora- tor started work on Monday with a full supply'of apples and a fair staff of hands • A young man named Arm- strong,.employed in the Foundry, lost a- couple of fingers on -Saturday, by having them taken off with a saw.,..., The insurance companies settled with Mr; Galbraith last week for the loss sustained by fire ' The late train on Monday evening was reported one and a quarter hours late, but was in reality only 15 minutes late, and the- conse- quence was that Mr. Robinson, of the Rattenbury House, had to hire a ACCIDENT.:—While Mr. john Har- land was lifting down a large pane 3f glass, on Monday, it parted, having evidently been cracked. One piece -Aught him on the right wrist, mak- ing a long gash. NORMALITES.—The following per- sons froth this county are attending London Normal School -Miss Dark, Miss Ross,Miss Smith, Miss 'Wilton, Brussels .Miss Durnin, Dungannon; Miss C.M.' Johnston,Carlow ; Miss IX Lane, Brucefleld. • APPLES. —Mr. D. Cantelop says the demand for fruit from the west- is greater than the immediate supply. Dealers are, anitious to have .fruit at once, and he says it is not possible. to fill all the orders, Ile has over 20,000 • barrels bought already, • DIED IN DETROIT.—Mr. and Mrs. James Smith received word a few days . since of the death of their eon -in-law, Sheldon H. Dibble, of Detroit. De- ceased had been an invalid for over two years, and his death was not un- expected. Re leaves a ,wife, butaso family. TRAMPING IT.—On Sunday a boy about fifteen ears of age was met on the railway track the vicinity. of this town. Asked where he was going, adments....,Mrs. Simpson has nought the house of1VIrsClark on Huron street, paying therefor the sum of Mr.'13. D. Grant, formerly of Goderich Collegiate, has been temporarilyitdded to the staff of Clinton Collegiate as Science Master - he has the name of be- ing a paeticularly good teacher hereby wish to • thank the officials for The drouth has been so bad that cattle the prompt manner' in which they have no pasturage, and farmers are paid my claim of $500, arising from compelled to feed them hay The tak- the death of iny brother, Thos. J..Bell. ring low rates to London this week are Trusting that your Order may prosper hundreds of people to the city. in its grand and noble work, is the Mr, George Ballard is laid up with an wish of a friend—Eraza.nEma Lasairaf.. attack of typhoid fever A little of Sept. 14, 1901 COLLEGIATE BOARD. n••••,,a* The Resignation of the Staff I Asked for. rig A. meeting of the Collegiate Board Of Trustees was held on Saturday night. They went into Committee of the Whole., and, after a ,good deal of consideration, the following was sub - witted; That, whereas_, in view ot the dill).- culty that this Board has experienced in securing a specialist in the Science Department, and the prominence this department now occupies in the edu- cational system ot the Province, in our opinion justifies the Board in re- organizing the staff of teachers. There- fore, be it resolved that the present stall be notified, within the terms of our agreement, that the contract be- tween us be terminated on the 8th ot November next, and that the Secretary is hereby authorized to advertise for teachers as follows ; Science Master and Principal,$11800 English and Moderns 1,000 ClasSica, 950 Conutiercial ,800 700 Mathematics Moved by M. Mdraggart, seconded by J. Ransford, that the report of the Committee be adopted, substituting $1.400. for • $1,800 LIS the salary for Science Master and Principal. Moved in . amendment by C. R. Online, seconded by James Scott, that the original resolution, as reported by the Committee, be amended by strik- ing out all after the word departmant and substituting therefor 'that the Board immediately advertise for a Science Master at a salary of $1,150." The amendment was•lost: The motion was then carried on the who had missed the train Mrs. H. Scott Gunne. fag vo',- .1 Yeas — Forrester, Pair, lansford *MeTaggala AAP' 1.n and send two travellers, tti *(a9C1criCtl: Cook, of Goderich township, mother The Board then adjourned. ' of Mr. Josh Cook, is in the Hospital suffering with pneumonia and other While it is to be deeply regretted that a majority •of the Board believe any such step as the foregoing neces- sary, it must be assumed that the Board. as a competent and responsible body, believes that it is acting in the best interests of the school. Their ac- tion means a reorganization of the staff, and it is assumed that if the present members thereof desire to ap- ply for any of the positiona mentioned, they are at liberty to do so. • Perhaps the point upon which the Board is open to criticism is the time at which this step is taken. Some are, of the. opinion that it would have been more suitable had action been taken during he said that he was from London, had been visiting in Goderich,. but hadlost his return ticket, and, having no mon- ey left, was footing it home. CARD OF TIlANICS.—To Clinton Council No. 115, Chosen Friends : -1 curia ECTiON —Last Week we stated that Mr..A.. Robinson, of. the Batten - bury Ranee, had . been convicted of selling. . aftei .houesp. This was incor- 'met, no conviction. having, be "' en re-. •corded.e.gainst him for that, and as we have ne. desire to do an injustice' • to anyone, we gladly Make the correc.. tion. The conviction Was for having hisblinds.down, contrary to the regu- lations of the Act, and the fine im- posed was $10„ not $40, as thereinblindsdown, stated.. A CLOSE • CALL. The twenty- seven. menthe .old son of Mr. W. Y. Tozer'owes its life to. thepromptness of Engineer Irwin 'of the G. T. R. .On eriarverr,stway -fteast a,nd wandered down the track towards The CLOAKS and Tailor-made Costumes We have taken the agency .for the ." Novi Modi " Costume Co, makers of man -tailor- ed Coats and Costumes for Women, This brings within reach of our customers, man - tailored .garments of the very latest styles, — at moderate prices. By their Special. Order system, customers can have Coats or Suits made-to-order, in any of over '5o styles made by the Company, - and have their choice of over 200 distinct materials, of which we w.11 always have samples to show. A well posted .representative of the pany will be in attendance at our , Opening Display, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21st and 22nd. He will have with him a full range of tailored Suits and Coats, to show the various styles made by the Company, ' and will be prepared •to take orders for either separate Skirts,. 'Coats, or full cos- tumes We invite you to visit the store and let us explain the many advantages the " Novi Modi " system has for people who like distinctive style in dress. We want.you to cone to ilsis Great Tripe Exhibition of .Fall styles. Ihere wii be :,7riz1oh here to -.Weep every lady, and you wir not 'Iv sorry if you COMA !Rip' impOraYeita CLIAirom this weather in the month of January or February would be acceptable, but the holidays, or at the end of the term. We are certainly getting more than is It is said, on the other hand, that the desirablejust now... ..... 09t. 18th has Board contemplated action at that been proclahned. Thanksgiving Day.... time, but deferred it in the hope that By mistaking the character "and" for it would not he necessary, but later the word "to" the New Era; was last developmetitspreeipitated action. week led into saying the special to Much as one may and will be disposed 1 London were Supt 11 to 18, which ViTS to find room for sympathy for inch - an error On Friday Morning, while viduals in 'Circumstances of this kind, using a gasoline stove, Mrs. Jacob Mil - lei.; tucl.}her grandchild; Miss Belt were slightly. burnt by a sudden flare S TO NEWS. NO. 20 Ping fact; timely and pertinent to The inonediate ?le els qf the buying.people. SCHOOL BOOKS and general supplies will be wanted by many this and next week, Our store is headquarters for all authoriz- ed Texts, and the new sundries, such, 'pi Slates, Scribblers, Rul- ers, Pens and Pencils, Our • prices and values are as favor- able to you as we know how to make them. Some cheapness you pay too dear for. This is perhaps espec. ially true in the case of Lead Pencils, which you will want for School Opening. We have them at a Ceot each, , but there is econcany in opt 3 -for -5a line, and still More/Tin our 2 -for -5e. Try and see. sat• • There has been considerable advance in the price of. Leather recently, and it has affected our School Bags .just a little. • X ou may depend on it, not any more than we could possibly help, este . WeJlave Scribblers at le, 2c, 3c and Se, with attractive coyer designs, seine more durable than others, and we are confident of good value in all cases, sstt A. Reader, a Grammar, or a sameGeographythe priea willnvwherecost y y0oui biy. The price is a fixed one. ft is in • the other lines of general. sup- plies that we try to give you a little better value or a littl e less price—in keeping with our claim to be " Often the Cheapest and Always the Best." There is no red tape ab out an Express Money Order, Payable everywhere. issued all hours of the day, Cheap as any.' Most convenient and safe. s . he W. D. Fair Co., Ofte.a:the Cheapest.. — Always the Best A..P10,111”Mprepilmommow=wimume.' "4„..., . it m ust be borne in mind that the in- terests of the many are always more. ortant than those of the individual; up of gasoline it could easily have an it is only fair to assume that no been much Worse than it was , Mr sinister motives underlie actions of • Thos. Sampson, section • foremen at this kind, which, ordinarily, are not Londesboro, underwent an opera' taken except .with the greatest 'Tillie - in the hospital hue on Wednesday tance and regret: ap pendlei ,•;.;..lie_is.doinr.,_0• as. wellass" an • - • be expected.•., --The Sanford Co., of the old salt block. The 5.20 train came .fIamilton, have taken over the stock Uhibition Notes 'little tot vas noticed. on the track. cha,rge of it.:.....The farm in Hullett f The Toronto News, in its Exhibition Mr.. Galbraith ; Mr Sweet is in . , .__:.... . . . . • alorig with its usual sPeed; When the of Junin, Brakes were applied, and the eng.n. soffered for sale by auction on Saturday '.notes„ says : "Interest in the exhibit reverseA,..,t1 th P sante' was not sold ; there was'nt a bid made 'of thisfirm (W. Doherty & Co.) is un - i moment jumping and rpnning ahead or some reitems-castitherri-es..=.-Rs--ahated-s—all-theinstrunsents-have-sold-t- of the engine, and snatching the child .Wcirthington returns to his studies at long since. Committees from Many , frorn the track just' as the ponderous' London about the 20th. of the -present churches continue toexamine and con - locomotive stopped quite close to the child. . • NEVER tilEARD OF THE KING. —A story is told in last -week's papers Woman, of a Brooklyn visiting in the Old Country, who had never heard of the King. This is equalled by an ex- perience Mr. Dowding, Manager Mol - son's Bank, had afew clays since, while going down the St t ' Lawrence. On board the boat was an American, who honestly believed that the King lived in Canada, personally .made. the :laws of this country, and that every day the people had to •bow down to his august presence. Mr. Dowding nater - ally Was enlaced at the inan's ignor- ance, and told him so, only lo lie told in return that there were plenty of Americans who were equally as wpm. - ant as he. • . . NOTHING BUT A STAR.—A. good many people' are exercised about the nature of a very bright light which makes its appearance in the western heaven,each evening, and then rapid: ly disappears to the north. Some have got the idea that it is a lighted baloon, anchored over Detroit, or some other Michigan city. This is entirely an e1 - or. If it were a lighted balloon, it wLlld have to be at least fifty miles in the air to be seen at this distance. The curvature of the earth Makes such a difference that, the altitude would nec- essarily be that much:And when it is remembered that the highest point ever reached by a balloon is seven miles,' it will be seen that a • balloon iit fifty miles is an impossibility. It is nothing more or less than thestar Venus. OTH.ER BURGLARIES -0n FriclitY evening last, while Mrs. L. Thrower. was out for a short time, her house was enterect by some one removing a window screen, and a gold watch, the present of her husband an their mar- riage, was stolen. The same night the house of Mi. W. G. Doherty was en- tered, and a dozen ,jars of fruit stolen 'from the cellar. The probabilities are that both thefts were committed by the same person, and the taking of the fruit would indicate that the thief is a householder. • . Last week a. young man went into Smith's clothing store, and it is alleged that he obtained a suit of clothes un- der misrepresentation. On Tuesday the same party stole a vest while in the store, which was aftervvarde re - coveted. The youth'mane is Currie; pit and he has been em with a Gode- rich toignship farmer. warrant was issued for his &meet •lid Constable ,Welsla brought him to,tovvn. lie °was tried on Wednesday night before P.M. Andrews, whoimposed a fine .of $10 and Posits, or 60 days in jail, NOT NEEDED., -.-The hotel at Car. low, lately bought by Jonathan Miller, has undergone considerable improve. Mont, and rumor states that it is to have a license next year, which it has not had for several years. No one doubts the ability of Mr. Miller to run a good hotel, but the people of this lo- cality say that a licensed house is not required there,and they do not want to see a i lieense ssued. The hotel prop- erty at Holmesville has also been con- siderably improved, and rumor states that here also a license will be sought for next year. Holmesville has been Without it licensed hotel for years, and does not appear to have suffered there- from, and public sentiment is decided- 'ly opposed to the granting of a liclinse, 13 to these are cases where the wishes and sentiment of the cominunity should be respected, more especially. as there is no need for the sale of liq- uors at either place. 4 month Mrs. D.F. Macpherson has tract „for purchase of . two -manual *rented half. of the house owned and oc- church organs. "Nothing equal to I copied by Mrs. Whitehead sehe will them, exactly what we are looking have a very comfortable home. Mr. J. for,' all Sas-, and verily this is true. Snell showS12head of sheep at London The church installing it Doherty. Vic - fair, six of which took prizes. .1ye are torian or . Cathedral ' Organ need not sorry to hear of the continued illness fear adverse criticism from city visit - of Mrs. D. Jackson, Huron St., whose ors accustomed to tones albeir pipe condition has not been improved . ' organs costing thousands. Clearly •Doherty Pianos will also become fani- ous, the same determination to excel -having produced a piano faultless in case construction and tone qualities." The following, from the Toronto News,. refers to the invention of a for: mer Clintonian r "The Fisher tube, skates are being talked about, and, in- deed, it is a far cry from the clumsy and heavy skates of other days to these woederfultylight, yet perfectly strong steel wings,.._ upon which the -skater'light-footed, can skim hither and thither at will. The Fisher skate combines extreme lightness with ex- • treme strength. Its users are its best fsiends. There is a convincing display of these skates at the Fair." Mr. Joseph Griffin, the popular jailer at Goderich, accompanied • by • his charming wife, were in town on 1\ion- day. Mr. Griffin gave us a pressing in- vitation to visit him sometime in G•ed- went on the excursion to the West erieh, and while, under ordinary cir- last Tuesdav were Messrs. W. Patter- cumstances, we should like to accept; the hospitality of so big-hearted and whole smiled a man as Joe Griffin, we are afraid we must decline. He just wants to get us in there ;and. lock us up, because there are so many , people who think that Newspaper men ..and politicians are dangerous -to be left at Mrs. Southcombe, of Rattenbury St. happened Ito trip and fall down the frontsteps of [her honae, on Wednesday, brusing her head sever ely, zind cutting her hands Guy Brothers are lacroks ed here for October 20....Soine'one broke a window in Beacom's store on Sunday. ; ..Me. Wasnaan was biltnmon, ed to Mitchell, yesterday, owingto the death ,of his father Willie Man- ning sprained his ankle while playing football the other eveniug, and will be laid up for a AO or so; he will be great- ly missed down town in the evenings, and gets•rorrance of synepathy ....The usual cheap excursions to American cities are announced this week; tickets issued on Sept. 20, 21, M....The Police Magistrate has an assault case for trial. this evening ...Whilequitely walking on Ontario St. 'Wednesday evening. a gentleman received a severe bite on the leg by a dog.... TRAVELLERS. --Among those who son, A. Wallace and T. Anderson, to Edmonton ; H, Plumsteel to Moose - jaw ; all ticketed by W. Jackson, C.P. R. agent. • • Miss McGregor, M. McDougall and brother, &J.. Southcombe and wif . to Calgary; and Mr. and Mrs, C. J Wal lame. If he will fix up the Goderich lis to Edmoiiton ticketed by F. R. fellows first, we might chaoge our liodgens, G. V, agent, ,..• mind. Ivikimvs,41.44,„%vt,",siomi eascniable Footwear Reasonable. Prices —A TIIE 010 RELIABLE Our stoak for the Fall is now complete, and you are cordially invited to call and inspect the same. You will soon -need a pair of Shoes, and it will be to your awn interest to consultus before purchasing. From our long experience at the Shoe business, we know where to buy to the best ad-, vantage. You wilrfind our stock equalled by few and excelled by none, and our prices, quality coh- siclered, lower than any, as we buy in large quanti- ties, for CASH, We, again invite you to see ear stock, and eOmpare-Otir prices. We will not be undersold. WM. TAYLOR & SON voilob's/4**4**/4440***04.6, Boys, .Do You wont Watch? Not a toy ora plaything, but one that will keep :just as good time as your father's. If youdo and would like to .get it Without it costing you a cent, show this advertisement to your father or mother, and get. them to let wyou join. the BOY'S i.VATCH which we are "just organizing. Every boy who joins it can get a good watch, guaran- teed an accurate timekeeper, sometime • be- :tween now and New.Year s day, without it costing him: a cent, •He has just to fulfil the conditions, which we have - made as easy as we possibly can, for our object in organizing :the 'Club is to get the boys and ,their mothers better acquainted with the Boy's Corner of this big new store of ours • • ' • • This is how to get he Watch. • • • 1. Every boy wanting to join must come to the • store and leave his name .and address, when he will receive a ticket entitling him to membership in the Club. 2.: The member, or his parents, must purchase, • between the time of joining- aud January lst, 1907, • 13oy's Clothing and Furnishings to the amount of $10.00.MI-pitrehases-,-will--be entered on the membership ticket, and when the total amounts to $10, we will take .it up and give in exchange a good watch, which we guarantee to keevacctirate time. 3, The club is for boys only, and only purchases • of boy's wearing • apparel will be entered on the membership' ticket, • Purchases of Boy's Suits, Boy's Overcoats,. Boy's Reeferi. Boy's Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Shirts, Stockings, Collars, Sweaters, &c,, will be counted towards the $10 that entitles.a member toa watch. • • . • lioy.ri it ougAt to be easy to get a Watch:. Aist join oUr Boy's Watch Cub, and the rest won't be very hard, ilodgens Bros., Huron's are atest Clothiers and Furnishers, • —LINTON,