HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-09-14, Page 7t. 34, 1906
Wont** 'Wile Takei sititereat
other reosoi, !awe..
The ffeeret of getting along With
tY,!•004.1' anti heading ft pod tune
Wherever you go Is to like peeple ;end
I to take an intereat la their live. It
deco not matter whether it is a Pita-
, Mei Or a aeraing Maid, a Statesman or
a farmer Whein. Veu are throWia With
tier a few neletutes or a few Imams; find
tat the Mate interest Of the life yOtt
lave met, and talk about that, and
YOU wfll interest yourself and your
hearer too.
Tide human uature loVer is a 'Sepa-
rate and distinct indiridual from the
man Wlstr calls bimself a etndent of
Inman nature, This student looks at
hiri neighbors usually throngh a anise
slug glass, and continually takes
ventory of their vices, defects and
Weaknesses. The other pineal' comes
to his or her feilows with love fl *he
:heart, 'and In her mind the one
thought; "We are brothers and sita
ters. What can I do far your She
cares only and looks only for the gs•and
human sentiments in the heart of each
Man or woman elle meets, sari
„ Nonan's We. • •
And somehow She Atlas them. Be
the• quantity great or influitesimally
SMAII, she calls it out. She Ilea friends
everywhere. Peopie love her,, believe
sad confide in hett Why? Decease
she hives, beileves in and takes an
Interest in everybody. ,
1. •
.0* • .• .
Missile Rowe lifethog of Scouring
Safe VgitgAgy jalblel,„„k.00;„,. •
Pastel -faked- milk is that Wilda as
been heated to a temperature of be.
taveen 155 and 170 clegeees and kept at
that temperature froth tea .to thirtY
'minutes before being rapidly cooled
and put on ice,
It may seem staange that a • lower
teroperature than the boiling point
should be the one selected, but bac-
teria which cause milk to sour ere
killed at 135 degrees, and the disease
germs which are likely to be present •
are destroyed at 170 'degrees. •
For the mother who wishes to Pea- • '1
teurize at home, the shnplest and with
care) a safe method , is. to. place: 1
the milk in glass jai's, till a pail with
boiling water and piace the jars in
this. The water should &tine nearly to.
tbe top of the jars and above the 'Milk.
Set the pall in a warm plaee ;led
stir the Milk occasionally. The Milk is
heated to the desired degree. before
the water is osi ered. to tbe pasteuriz-
. • .
ing temperature. Lestly and most tru- •
; portant, cool the nilla by running cold •:t
water into the pail, then steelier, Milek-
ly and 'set iee. .
Remember that pastearizedaamilka,__
• may easily become eontaraiffated
agaio, and only proper care can Inii
I Sure its remaining sterile: — Good I
Hoesekeeping. .
TUMORS COLIQuutrael Mao CiliopiniaeHis Way Upwards,
ova plr Oliver Lodge—Reiman*
For Hi* Conclusion.
lUnqualIfied Success of Lydia E. pinlo. God is one; the universe le an aspect
banes Vegetable ColitiPound ID The
outo ot Mrs.Pannle D. Fox. %struggling upward to a pertecting not
and revelation of God. The universe is
),et attained, writes Sir Oliver Lodge,
One of the greateet triumphe of Lydia who owatinuea: I Atte in the rnikitiY
Pinkhanahs Vegetable CoMpeund is Prneest Of evolution an eternal 'struga
the conquering of woman'salread enemy, e towards .more and more self-percep-
Tumor. iviOn and tuner and more an embracing
The growth of a ft/Mar is BQ sly tbat existence --not only on the Part of what
frequently its preeenc,e is not Aar/Meted ouetomarily spoken of as creating,
Until it is _far advaneed. but in err far as nature is an aspeet
suid revelation or God, and in so aer
time has any ultimate Meaning or sig4
silicone°, we must 'dare to excena the
thought of growth, and prugress aua
development even up ti) the bete Iit uf
all that we can realise of the superoa.
toeing, in some parts of the untvt lee
perhaps already the ideal conetetiou
Outs been attained. And the region of
such attainment, the full blaze of self.
conscions deity, is to bright for men-
tal eyes, utterly is heYond our highest.
thoughts; but in part the attaintmoi, •
as yet imperfect; in what Wu Is.
aS•tfie material pbrt, which ,our p. ••t- •
ent borne, It is uascent, or wily just Li "-
ginning; and our own struggles and ,
/forts and disappointments 41314.1
tions, the felt groaning andatiatialliafa
Oflreation, these are' evideesta ot to ,
effort; indeed, they themseli'vs are
So-called " wandering pains " may of the effort towards fuller and I.: m
come from its early stages, or the pre-. am
leter and ore conselous ^..
settee of danger may be made manifeet this planet inan is the 1ighesto,ut,..144
by profuse monthly periods; accompanied of the forces 'e,;) ear, and be to
by unusual pain, from, ie pabdomen
through tile groin fultklitt,On 110re exists,
If Terribly impet•feet
.you harg' Tit:Remus pains, if there aeeeese menu,. eemeca, p • ..;$, /.0„,
a17-4._Indic,,tions of inflarnination er
.. sae, saaa—
____Jsaert elealaaabeing tahaa
place -molt, 'sectiee LydiE
q . PlaitEalril'i —attained to t e „ , dud. a s ,
e• getable CoMaourtil right away and
is imam. s e e
a being una le 'to be coerced by t'•.
teettiti4tO..aaaeaaaaVealttse *as - whole force f the universe
' Are, Pialthatn, .of Lynn, liactss„ wait will• a spark of th divi ever to b
siva aratilier advice if you Will write her eaten' h d e
e g est representative of asity saa
ttbOnt yo.urself. She is the daughteron- So it must have been elsewhere, an
taWnf Lydia B. Pinkham itia for twenty- _the -depths of 'cosmic space, myriads 1.
five years has been -advising sick. women ,
times over in all the vistas of • the'p42.;
free, of charge, •
and thus may have arisen, legends
Dear;Mrs.Pinkham:— • / •
• the evolutions of what popularly a
"I take the liberty to cOngratifiate you On called angels, some ascendant in
the,alleeeee I have had with your wonderful etruggle; others fallen•by their oivn
inetheine. Eagliteeonthagoinypeo1s , 10
atoppol. Shortly after I felt BO badlY Ana •'
bellion Let it not Ie -supposed tea
sidonitted tO a thorough examination bs,..„,,,Ahese instinctive legends ere besed•o,
iiiiysician and was told that I had a tumor . nothing; they are pie tineal ve4;
zni,41 would'have to undergo an operation. I doubtless, but they are not giatul too
Woo aller•I read one of _your advertise. inventions; • It is doubtful if entiria•
meets and deckled to give Lydii• E.•P' k baseless orpurelygratuitous Invention:
hones Vegetable Compound a trial. _After .
rying five bottle's as directed the ttimor is 'would have any Vitalify; every lit-aig
entirely •gone. I have been exainined by. a . Idea surely must be based' upon aolue-
eon. ,.eseisoesesoloemeseSWeessSielleeeelleelsomemenereser
better for
IN more
t h -a n a
meal of
•Mooney's Perfection
" . Cream $ocins
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balar:ced, wholesome, nourishing
food'ea1ty good for young . and
old..' Made from aii.ada's
what -flour, rich cream and pu,re
butter, Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
the flavor and Strength r
So IttalIs
The page's' daughter was perturbed.
"Papa," slie Baia, knitting ber pretty
brow, "1 am in doubt as to whether I
have kept to the proper form of pro-
eedure. In law one ean err in so many
little techuicaIlties that I ain ever fear-
ful: Now, last evening George"—
The judge looked at her so sharply
over his glasses that she Involuntarily
Ptiettouglit you bad sent him about
his business," Le said.
"I 410. hand down an adverse deci-
sion," she answered, "and he declared
that he would appeal. However, I con-
vineea him that I waS the •court of last
resort in a case like that and. tbat no
appeal WOUld Ile from my' decision."
"Possibly 'the eourt was assuming a
little nuarehpower.-eaaarsaziestpallas he'
a logs,to ,it," sale-ta.
• • fully. '"But /etthat pass; What did
be 00 then?"
• "He filed a petition for a rehearing."'
"The usual course," sal(' tbe judge.
' "But it is usually uothing but a mere
Saar 'Money's 't� your grocer, "So 1 thoitglit," returned the girl,
• t•••—•
•. . "
• Do your saving tit the begiuuing of
the week, you who' live upon allow.
.coaces, or, what is the memo, so far as
• this counts, upon a .salatas . The extra
expenses -• which 'often iiimie upon ycm
unexpeetedly in the latter part cif tea -
week may be easily . met if you've
been husbanding your resources a
tle instead of spending up to the luet
cent.A. geed plan le •AO, allow 'you-
, self so much for little expeliSes' for 41
t given length of time; mai Omit to -14.04-4.4
anct Jieove 1 have no signs of a ng. these correspond te •sotbnethim.,,,
nroor no. 'It has also brought my pe ...innate in the ideas of humenitY emu -I.'
around•ketfils,',—anieonbe. wrxe: and I. em entirely Imbedded in the structure of the nw.-
.' Bradford,;''"' '
'7Olteeput Strata, ' areiee of wifich that humanity is a rata
' .A., question presses on, the opthni ,.
. for answer therefore. Are the rebeilimii:
----- Speak' DiNtio -a -
;within daily bomuls;. SaVIng ttVell 1,,a
from that, If .possible: Then, if it is
tot- called upon by some litt1e. mar,
sgettey, either put it ttway Or Use it to-
. wath ,S01110 definite pirrtMse, anvil tt4
• subscribing to -a good magazitte, get.:
. a good book or seeitip,-n. good play,, •
- of which should- Ife•*eonsidera:titt,„
'inental inveshnente, • • •
• • n s nful not also on the ung.- •
Why ielhe_worlti more women don:1 • Intimately, and: in,the last. resort, will
study the art of laticulation and learn • not they, too, put themselves In alma
to speak so that thesiverage moatal cas with' the harmony of existen 9
hear witbout' beteg eereamed at is Is .to say? • Tinie Is Infinite, eternity' is
question which is agitating one. wool.
befoce us as wen as between us,' an I
the end is not yet: There 1..s ultimate
131'a:club just now to a great extent It io the matter, for there- is no end;
a a subject •Wriich most •woinen•svould there is room for an eternity of iebet-
do well to consider,' Isoth ea aeelled a,madegraclation and misery as well
their own ariek.s speecli and to the as for • 'One °taloa, SanclalroPeaands love.
training of children. As ft:eq.-dent a We ran see "that virtue an ha n se.
ritoitias a shrill voice et one that lacks 'Must he on the ,winning sitIO,P14 its
he soft mocitilatiOnS which, like 'the orinie is a fruit otarrested develop2111;
'10W vole,"' are "eacellent .things,*th or reversion to an ancestral type; we
velum" isale habit ot saying all your
dot peraeiveithe.e vice contains sutoitial
oros_appar4,a113,,, .10, your .thro01; at -elements; while every step in • an
munbling or of htlking rapidik—a ;dlortetehtrinn iinaeirrnsi•veser•sierir -ypeet1:4netati
• LAUNDRY LINES:7—• -''''..-1
i -
.,ign.of "nerves"---aliet it lis difficult .for 13, them is .no porn-Pulsidni- the dui
my one to undertettnil without askine e a 2 . ''-
I.. 0. ,(YP.e .ie not closed; but it niuSt of
or n repetitiona thing every, one dis. free will be entered, and. good and. evi4
. . .
. .•
Colored goods should be ironed on •
tbe wrong side. • I
• A little borax. in the • last rinsing.•
• ./
j *water Neill make handkereblets easier
I to iron and look better when &tie. 0
; Never pin delicate. materials on to al
the clothes line without placing a piece a
of clean paper between tbe fabric and I b
the clothes pin. •
When coarse lawns or other cottoils
a dainty pink color can be .
ea tacui by using the petals of an s
old artificial rose in 'the starch. Water t
wben laundered
iices etc) de.' .• 1,f Mothers and teachers , Will be interntingied• with us for inatV
tlike insiSted upon eal.effil ouunciation seasons yet The law Of ,progress by
obit of speaking distinctly Would be'l„
wards 11(1 s/olta'aces by h
cnarew,the struggle andeffort . is re)t soon to -De'
'abrogated and replaced by Nirvana.
, .".". a
S easily established as its reverse is
The universe isnot a beingbut
ard to break. • . ., . . , ebecoming," an a.ncient but fight bring-
- '•• :
.,., , ing . doctrine when . realized, it . is i ti .
• -change, in 'cleveiopinent; iii- movement,
.• . •Druetteni Wlve44. - - • upward and downward, that ttetl'etty
It is pet always Itte girl w40 has been ' 'coneiata .' . . ' . . , '
bettered at hotne and knows pone0,f,, ., Such Ideas the. idek4S of 'development
he worries that beSet 'it man in buse. ana • nrcigress;- extend even in to God
• .
By putting an ounce of sal ammoniac -is
in tbe last water in Which mastitis or e
cottons are riused or a similar Oen-. r
tity in the starch in which they are •If
stiffened they will be rendered
flammable. • is
- Wben tbe water s too muddy to in
wbiten the clothes it can be cleared
very cpilekly -by stirring in a little- corn
meal. The meal will g•Dto. the bottom at
AS soon as it is thoroughly wet and • hi
will carry the solid particles. with it. : A
ess who maltem the 'best ovile. Rather
it the elle who ha had' some expert -
nee of thci linsin'eSs aVoritt 'which. sur-,•
ounds the .Intsbatid Iloy after 'day. „ She
zideratands.the value of money better,
4 -ring had. to work for it herself, and
' less • likely. to be eivartevagaiit in the
atter of dress after gultivaliug a .
Obit of neatness and care' during 'bee • Yearns; who' sorrel a, who iteenrilamnts'
usiness career. Then ‘again she under- the renettieus and misguided activityof
ands that. lie cannot tilways shuts Mt • the free itg•knits brought Into being •by
s ImOke exiteely •at-' a 'certain minute, • .ihnit.114148tehife rtoiPeatil..tan°d.. c)lohnnt1816elft, avrihrlois'eristuehrs..
tad the five minetee tbat be is delay.ed
ject to eonditions fis the sout of it all;
loses him .fils .Vegular train, and that- condittons not arilficial*and transitory,
• means a Wait or 'mumps tor en flour, but inherent in the process of produc-
di»ner-Waiting bi the meantime. Mutt. •ing free and • eenselous betnr,s and ,es-
• may he said ttgainq the le/eines,: fr'rt,
hut She pioba Illy is the best to help a
haeband.•• •
. • •
himself, . accmclIng to the -Christi/In
coneeption. So we return to that with
which we started., the ahristian Idea
of God is not that of a being outaide •
the. Universe, ab ive its struggles 1411d
advances, looking on and taking rie part
in the prodess, solely exalted, beneficent,
self-determinea, and complete; ne, It is
alse that of a God with loVes who
. Itegyhrr.,klattnir, • " •
• •Many a Itotteekeeper dine!. mit. oat at.
!mon Miles* she has eminent:v.,
imich catinet be said iir favor or seen.
. lar hours for meets. S. lunelmon. eery -
...ed. for 'only one Or 'two. shatIld he Prot
.as daipty as file most torta41 satioen
nankin or dotty spread. on 'the tare.
-1---tabie is Seuttiaiehtslanneatsainamiatetaa_
If lett overs are. te be the hina:le
shoal(' be ser 'ed '11 in i erz't g
• P 1, . 4.11(...
eavory mannee, A glass. of milk and a
• piece of, cake, taken standing- in- the
• ehen .is a _foolish hutcaeon. Whea
one. bas eaten -a •fiettq..hretd,fast"
tight luncheon is all that is neeesSaxy,', •
but. if It very. liftle break fost ha s 'been
..,•pattaken•of a good; •stibstau tint meal at
• noon Should 'be- eaten.
I ;. • •
. •
Home cosmetics.
Home cosmeticare all very web,
but there are sotne preparations that •
tbe amateur casmetie muddler should
• not attempt. Sucb things as hair dyes; °
depilatories and face bleaches are be-'
yond her ken. You eau purchase dee
pilatories that will remove the growth
of hair from the :wins, but, of course„
the removal is only for the tithe:beings
• The chances are that the fuzzers will
return very soon; and Instead' 'of soft,
, downy hair "they -will be ugly. little
bristles. This Is because the •prepara-
stion merely burns the Wretched things
down to the surface of, the skin, Un-
less the growth is most unsightly it is.
hest not to meddle With 'It Othere
Won't notice it as you 'cle.yourself.
Care of !sabre 1331irs.
Few mothers' and fewer nurses no-
svhn they lay a baby down Wheth-
er the soft little ear is erumpled under
er lying close back to the -bead. They
! rarely take the trouble when they hold
a baby to see that Its eel's ar1fx a
, natural position, but Will hold it for
Ube longest time with the bead peeped
against their bosom' and the ear turn-
ed forveard instead, of back. "As the
*wig le bent the tree Is !helloed". sp.
plies with as muck force to the phYs-
Seal as to the moral growth or a child.
For Dry Hair!
Per dry hair try this recipe; Forty-
eight grains of resorein, one-fourth
ounce of glycerin, diluted alcohol to
MI a two ounce bottle. Apply to scalp
every night, rubbing In Well, This la
excellent for dandruff. When theie
are pimples on the goal') apply a solu-
tion of boric acid. Scalp tnassage and
electricity are advisable for hair that
is falling. They stirnutate blood Vale
sels and glands, thus giving trositlIgget
to a fagged "glory crown."
ItheumatiSin iS not incurable. Stith.
born - Yes Rat Dr. altoophs Ithen.
matie Remedy Will if faithfully used
drive it out of' . the systeln. Its the
blood that's at rata Polsonotte ery.
stall; like sand get into the Joints and
ninwelee, Dr. Shoot's Rhenrnittic
flied", prevents this, it drives Rhein
niatiste froth the blood and tbe
nuttiAtin dies. We rerommed and sell
it. Fla by W. S. E. Holmes.
'. • ,
Ascertain its cause and the•cure
hard to find. Look to the stomach
andbowelsa Aren't you constipated,
isa t Your liveza'aluggish,isn't tlie atom- •
itch failing in its mission What you
need is the cleaning tonic influence of
Dr, Hamilton's Pills. • Their .sfreet is
lasting, because they aid all the ailing
organs flush oat all unhealthy matter, .
and tone 01) the stomach, '.With Da. •
•Hattailton's Pills' yew. stomach , gets a:
ehance to •reetiperatea • and does So
quickly. For reel, buoy -net health tate
Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. 25c per
botat alidealer 1.. • . • •
"roof! Men's l'eetn.
A meeting of dentists Was held in
Gueents Hall, • tendon, 1b11, to enn-
sider the question of establishing • pro-
vident dental aid for the lower middle
elasses and the nee.essitotts poor,
•;qr. V. Harrison, who presided,
stated that the meeting. had been enli-
vened by himself,' and Was not a
toeeting of the nritish pental Associa-
tion. He oftered a resoIption 'that eall.
ed for an -.organization . to efteet the
purposes of the meeting, and an,
noun -ed that he Would net allow any
4th1onilme0t . to the •
To the discussion that follotved.
.111103.- abpertis for an amendment were
made, and tiltheltitir at length alinived
wit ich was adopted, The motion
t11,11 read os follows:
the forma tion of otganiztia
' tions bit different parts or the k1rtginn-
provfdent ofteting qualified
, dental attention within the means of
the lower itildelle classes, 1001 provision
for free dental attention for the nee.
silotts.poor, Is urgently needed."
The resolution was adopted;
The Three Musketeers;
Three brothers named Xing, living
In the village of Erotrittion, Witte, have
iron prizes fit army altootidg to the
value of over 41,000. Mr. Thotnas King
alone has won 4400, and lefessre. Mut
Karig aud dames Xing have ,etteh rep•
resented ngland in International
sentlal to the full self-develoainent of •
even deity. "• •
Infinitely patient the universe has
been while man has 'grolaad his way to
this truth; so simple and consoling in
otte or ite'aspeets, so inconceivable and
-incredible in Mt ,thet. •Dimly and par -
daily it has been seen by silt the pro--
phets„ and. doubtless by manY Of the
pagan skint:4; DlInly a,nd partially' we :
•.sse It now; but in the life -blood of
Christianity we see' It's moat vital ele-
ment, •It is not likely to be the attra,
bnte of any -.religion alone, it may be
the easenee of truth in all terrestrial re-
ligions, but it is corispicuonsly Chris -
Red Rose as Rent. • •
A red reee Is the annual 'refit paid
Lor a valuable bit of land in ,SfillthWark,
'the busy central quarter of southerti
London. The 21.10th, payment has just
been made to the governors of St.,
Glave's and St, • Saviour'S Grammar
School, who itre the ground landlords.
The quaint custom 'dates •from 1658,
when a portion of a -field belonging to
'the ,sehool was leased by the parish
authorities for the benefit of the poor,
at the nominal 0011004 rent of One
red rose. The. lease was one of 5^',
years, so that in the natural 'course
of things the annual red rose will be
'paid until A. D. 2106. The value of
the land will go on Increasing, for
• green fields have now receded. miles
from Southwark.
Laywien as "Patrons,"
The Rishop ot Itothester, speaking at
the Dioepean • Conference at Tunbrldfi'e
WellS, on differences between clergy
and congregations, Ltiald that in future
he wood submit to local Patronage
committees of church people any gifts
of living of which he was the patron,
pravided that the committees lundenteok
to -see that the incumbent reeeived WO-
quate remuneration.
. ,
',think of Da lahoopai • entitled) 'Cure
if semi* nose and thitat dischavgge-11"
your. breath is foul or feverish. This
snow white soothing balm contains
Oil of Eucalyptus. Thymol,Menthol,
ote,, incorporated Into an imported,
cretin'lik e, vei•
l ety petrolattini. It
soothes, hal, purifies.. controls. WI
at oar store for free triat box. Sold
brAtr&R, Holmes. 25t Will PAY for tate New Bettor the balene
ef the year, tenor oalsteribers
' Greasy, kiteiten Floors. :.
1. grease i:tarns- on. It kit -hen •tioor. are-
!' difficult fo remere'by ordinary 01044115,-
but they will generally• eonie Out with,
hot solution of potash.' If one appli-
.eation is 1,./4"t 1150 0 seemol or
even e Mad Shnietunee• the eolution
If. the wood Is yery •while. wala leave
f:a yelleSeish stain. 'TO .avoid
I seine' lime with, the• -solution; until a
thlek paste is formed. Lot fbe paste
amide be 1 lt tame.• atleast tweive •
hours. It la- beget to nee 0 wean eolit-
•i flan of sit! eoaa aud 'fiillerat earth on
; very nice Miura' • •
; •
Many have tried to devise 0 corn
cure' equal tO Pninael'e, 'hilt after fifty
, years nothing hag eotne !mon the mar,
ket that, so painlessly testae corns line.1
warts. Don't ex pe ri 'tient, use tbe beet.
and that's "Putnam's."
• . .
sr'n,n01- of the 'Tyranny and Ruth-
• lessness if Modern nUt4filltelikt.
No single subject. In arealteeteee Is
more generally and anximisly alecuss.
ed nowadays titan tae skysernper, No
construction of fron nua annie, is re-
arm:tied with 'eo Much doubt end .pessi-
Mistn -Is 0 necesSiiv, but an evil one.
, •It 18 ,011 •°eel:grown giant -usurping
the diutenalmot of a cathedral, a royal
palace or a imeee of aasenibly—a striae
hire intended to stand alone and tome
hate the Smaller and bumbler things.
about, but- Instead of remaining sol-
itary • and dip;nilled. It shoulders mon-
sters next it like Meanhotises le • a
row, tints streets into canyons, back
yards into 'Wens, rutting Off light and
air from ell loWer structureS anaafrom
•othee tttll buildings, - The stna reansee
• to shine into Its lower .stories, andevon
the winds of heaven rebel against it..
It IS the stark and concrete expresSiOri
of the • tyramlY and ruthieSsness of
modern 1)115 111055.
Yet it le here as 11 aamditlen, not a •
theory. , It risea and multaalea in ev-
staa , city, and litany who read dime
-ivores have their places of businese 131
O skyscreper and saend a goodly por-
tion of' • t heir , leaking* lima liathita so
emiattient Is MA1101.800) a Saving of
-Wearisoule stair ellmbinra
eators. Not one of the nrehitecte 'who
most deplore and despair of its artistic!
prolamin, Mit would jump at the oppor-
tunity of buildings the highest that
(amid he made' to ettind and frown in -
eoliths, down en the roofs below. Not
nee hitt weld°, foe the sake of the fat
coined:Asian lima the giory, do his best
lo get oat the ,eomplete -work i rig dm w-
ings ita stoott as lie pomade eouid to
satisfy his talent's' haste rtud save him
atm the loss of tent not received mid
taxes paid out that would tieerne with
PVery ()Ara &lay. Not one would lu-
sist boon monde/ or years in think over
and digest the problem that auett an
outlay us goes Into one ot these steel
structures ealle for in these days not
only of great buildings, •but of great
bundles.- Craftsman,
, "and I was- prepared to deny it with-
out argatagjaLlaut ,fatets szt testaIn 1I1'jeULjbu ,
Were • sullicient tolnake
me besitate and wonder whether WS
Case had really been properly pre -
seated at the first trial," • •
"Upon what grounds did he inake the
'application?" asked the- judge, seewl-
' she repik,d, blushing a little,
"you' see he .propeeed by letter, and
his contention WIIK tbat the ease Was
of that peculiak charaater tbat cantata,
be properly presented by briefs, . but
demands oral arguments. The faet
that lbe dotter had been omitted,. he
lieliaashoula be held to be an error, Anil
iliapolut was such a novea cam that I •
eoesented to let Wm argue it. • Theo
his arganhent . was • so forceful that I -
granted his petition and consented to
hear the, whole. ease again. Do you
'thinle"-- • • •
"I think," Said the judge "that the
•coort favors " the plaintiff.a—Cbleago
• rrrq9,,,p.roorterwt..
"'nifty'? Oh, yes, • rather; but she
has no mind -of her own.", • '
you say that?" •
"Why, just . see. how long she eau
keep a COOk."—Philadalphia North
Ainerican, • • ' •
. .
Hard to 'Please,
Are preserved by the use of sealed lead packets:
45c. 30ri 49c, 00.e. and WO Per lb, aT ALL, ORftWERS•
HIGHEST AWARD ST, 1.01/14, 1904.
Our stock of high art Pianos of lates
ease 'designs, and containing fines
actions purchasable /Or money. See
our very latest styles of stveet-
tcmed organs, at low price's, anetrths
ments rented, tumid . or repaired.
Gearnophones and music in variety a,
• es, HOARE'S
EiiLo ow
.. • tine.: •
Steanteas leave Hamilton' et.0 aan,' • I
Totonte at.4.30 p. in. • Tilesdays• and '
Thursdays,. and. Saturdays, for Bey •
of Quinte ports 1000 1 /
Montreal, and intermediate' point e: .
Tokonto and Montreal Line •
Before placing yOUr °OEMS for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our pries. The very best goode
earned in stock and sold at the
Ioweet possible price.
Ortlers may be left:ha Davis
Rowland'a Hardware store, or
• Stevenson,
Electric Light Plant.
Wall Paper Store • -
Are yoUnne of the crowd to the Bus
Store? Everybody is sow tallsima
of the beautiful designs of
ilaminon Wall Paper
we have in stock, and prices to suit th
purchaser, • We also earey a stock o,
Window Shades, Curtair
Poles, Cottage Rods,
, Room Mouldings,
Floor and Furniture Var-
, msh, etc.,
of all descriptione, which are sold a
pes never known before to the•
Commencing June 2, steamers leave
"Toronto 8.80 pan,. except Sun.
days, froni J Daily. for Roche
ester, 1000 Islands, Rapids, St.,
Lawrence. Montreal and Inter-
mediate points a . • , •
. For tickets apply to It • R ents
• . g or
Sign P. aintitig done. All PaPe ,
write. to a FOSTER CHAFPEE, •
trimmed FREE. • ' •
'Western Passenger Agent. 'TerontO
public. . •
. .
Painting and 'Paper Hanging dome.
Estimates furnished on job work.
Smith's Wall PaperStore
. • •
• • • • • . . • •••• . • NEW,. GROCERY--STORE7—, ."
Anchor .fiere...H. •. • .• • • • •
• This is the poi t for 'Biala -claps.
Confectionery, :led •Falicy Bilking,. ,
Bread,- if not why not?. • . • --•
' ' ejteee 1.•Trr ES..--- •
Wecarry a" choice line of fruits,
arid eer chocolates.'ha Ve no equal,
1 we. Email° ti ANON (1. I31(OS.' . 4 if New
Brunswick, and BARRY WEBB'S,
Torento; we' beat them all in caeey
'•box gcasts.'',' • . ••, . • . •
- - While' out strolling .dothc 'forget .
- • '.'s • out- • Ice Cream ,Parlor; we
Are always pleased tri'aee And wait on
1.pm. •Parlor Open from 7.130 toll p.t.n.
NIMENS'-eAPE. •• -
• W. '14/'..NiifTlei/S .
C Cr..1
• Ass 4i)
alia. •now 'yeti've eorrie 1,.
.416 hope yon'il.efita to hinhli encl. let •
your Intsbatel call far you: \\1: AN'lett 4104s
helike hest tor inileit?''
Mrs.- irouge:-Anyilliugtha t haven't
got ou la ale. Its general rule.
. • , • • . •.'
, ' • • %Intel" Changes'. .. •
-Pop:" S. •
"Yes, my . • a..
"Whet is a brunette'?' .
"Wby, n hrtinette, my boy'. is it leoni-
ne .1(110, 1Weal11ea tired- or " biller; a
biond."7-Youkera Statesinag.
Thousands of women suffer untold miser -
fel; every (lay witkaohing backs that really
have no business to ache. a A Woman's back
wasn't made to ache. • Under ordinary
conditions it ought to be strong and ready
to help her bear the burdens of life. •
Ib is hard to do housework with an ach-
ing back. House of misery at leisure or
at ivork. If women only knee; the cause.
Backache ebn108 from tuck kidneys, aid
what a lot of trouble sick kidneys caul° in
the world.
I3ut they can't help it. If more work is
put on them than they can Stand it's not
to be wondered that they get out of order.
Baeltache is simply their ery fer help.-
Will help you. They're helping sick, over.
worked kidneys—all over the wold-e
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
Mrs, la Ryan, Douglas, Ont., writes: Tor
over five nionthe I was troubled with lame
back and was unable to move without
help. / tried all kinds of platters and
bniments but they were no Use. Ablaet
heard tell of lacsan's Kidney rille rind
• after 1 had Wed three-quarters of the box
my back was as strong and well as even"
Price SO tents per box or three boxes for
$1,26, ail election or The Doan Kidney Pal
Co,, Toronto, Ont.
The 4r -at AVM* lfriktItztr
otrost • Artte
Prorep0 rem; Debility er wonkticss ronit-
int! front indiscretioes or GIATAq..q.
)1( and StIteSt remedy known for nil discoscs
Mot follow es a Neottetwe (4 riblike, tape cd
"Attiory,Soins ill the Pack, Metros of vision,
rreloatore 0141 Age And Many r..213er dim:uses
that katt 1 rhyswal Weakialig, bmatit,v hs0
Ct rc..rh• Mailed to ot.y r.erilt43, 444 ie.
-caplet price, SO vents, or eve boxes for $2.
TOE DAY MEDICINE CO., Stralford,Ont.
We have opened tm a choice, fresh
stock. of Groceries • at Olson's' Old
Stand and now ask a share of th
•patronage of the citizens of Olinteria
erandsthesaveoundlag-eoraintrnitya---- - -•
ood Quality (16 Fair PrieeS. •
Phone 42 Clinton.
Tire You
:fin the logilt,ont ter the hest SIMI'S
gaieg Then, nor n • nresilanst
heyeratte, 4IrAnk-
• Better tintn the rest, because it i's. made bY
the latest/ Aml tuNt improved ,metbods
kirotyn; and sells at just ,
. . • . . . (Sepet-package; "
D.on't"foreet tint .renta.47- Caramel Cereal'
coffeeteouLhAvina•anee tried it, yon cannot
. forget the flavor, .. • .• . . • .
The People's Grocer.
PrOmpt Delivery, , '1,15hone 111
are our special cares, •
'Cstoniers will find our stock the lies'
val,Itie in' •town. The. fled Peathar
-b:ands in Teas arid •eanned Goods
are samples' of the yobies we handle. •
,We. are strangers and must
• • getacquainted
• Itatvill racy .060e who sell farixi pro --
duce to see us, befsre disposing of their • a •
•buttets.egrO arid petatbes elsewhere,.
•• We will 'my, ata• good price; wha. •
you heve to sell; 'and will sell at a fair' •
price, what on ha.ve to buy. •• r• . -
13YARD HILL, 'Phone ILIA,.
I . •
• •
Subscriber having moved
. his Restaurant to the- store:, '
recently occupied by F. W..
Watts, will be 'glad to rneet ..• .
'his old customers,and as mar .
new ones as may favor himi
with their patronage; , •
1 Haying also bought out the'
I King Bakery, he will Supply
'the. public with first - class
Bread and Cakes. . '
IAdvertise in 'the' Mew' Ei.tli
Newspaper Bargain.
We Ymnt to increase our subscription list, and make
the following offers to NEW SUBSCRIBBRS
The elinton New Era, from now to 1st of
• jan. 1907) for 25c.
The NEW ERA and 'Weekly Globe ,to 1st of Jan.,
1907, for 50c.
The NEW ERA and Toronto Weekly Sun to 1st of
Jan. /007, for Mt.
The NEW ERA and Montreal Family Herald to rst
of Jan./ 1907, for 50c.
Subscribe at once, and get the full benefit of
this liberal offer. Cash must accompauy each sub.
HOLMES,. Clinton.