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The Clinton New Era, 1906-09-14, Page 5
t�..r ik -Sept;. 14# $O6 i• TBE OLiLNTON.. IOW aturday, Sept. rgth or 30 pay$ly mcgs Clothing., Mr' •Mont ozner g y' went into business X�t Nov.�+Tav1`�0>�, and. assigned 1st . Marclal�o6, .and we btab.t the stock at •auction, whichpractically moans 10,000 WORTH Or NEW FALL GOODS, that must be turned into cash at once, to make room for our own New 'all.o — Store will be closed. Saturday morning,Sept. 15th, to arrange the stock and will reopen at one o'clock sharp. Gr ods, • E. Montgomery's Stock, of . L,akefiel,d, consisting o# Dry Goad, Ladies' Winter .Coats ,and. AND C4-7117 YOUR SHARE of+the BARC�A�NS Dress Muslins : 5c .a .yd.. Four pieces fancy Dress Muslins, Floral and Dolly Varden designs, regular 12ic value..' Bank- ' C rapt price ..fCi• • Factory Cotton 4c 1000 yards of Factory Cotton one yard wide, good weight and even weave, regular :7c. Bank- 4 lC rupt price 0 Factory .Cotton 8c': 1000 yards extra heavy Factory Cotton, nice sz, round thread, regular 1 2•c. °' Bankrupt' price:... uto Flannelette 4c 500 yards of Flannelette, good width and weights: Bankrupt price:: ,;,C Table : Linen 19c 2 pieces Table Linen, unbleached, good. pattern. Regular 25 and 35c. Bankrupt price l7400 12 a 15c Uingharns • 8c 18 pieces stripe and check Ginghams, regular is 12• and Ise ualues. Bankrupt price v Art Muslins Io pieces Art Muslin,• all good patterns, oneyard wide, regular 8 to I o c value. Bankrupt Sc ,.. c�Cr Smallwa•res: 3 papers, goodPins for ,.. °.,.,,.,,,, 5c 2 doz. Pearl Buttons for .. , se Cortecilli Wash, Silk at ..:... ,,::4c 25c Back Combs . at rgc :. 20c Back Combs at 15c • 25c Side•Combs at ' • Igc Flair Pins, 2 packages for .. ' Ie . 5c and 6c Torchon Laces,per yd: 3c 7c and'foe Torchon Laces, per yd. 5c moo ; yds -Baby Ribbon at per yd. 2C Corsets Regular '5oc Corsets for ,...:3,9c Regular 75c Corsets for,,,; ' .55c Regular 1.00 Corsets .for 75c Dress Ooods. Four pieces Melton Dress Goods,- in black, blue, green and grey, 44 in, 'wide, regular 25c 15c value, .Bankrupt Sale price 1 Eight pieces Lustre Dress Goods, in plaids and Shot effect, regular 25c, 35c and 4oc value, 20c Bankrupt Sale price v Three pieces 42 in wide, in plain Cashmere, in pink,red and blue., regular •5oc.val'ue,'Bank- 35c rupt Sale price 25 pieces fancy wool blue Serges and .Lustre Dress Goods, regular 50c and 60c values, Bank rupt Sale price ,.� : ,..... , .... 35c • Five pieces fancy Tweed Dress' Goods, regu 25C lar 35c and 40c••values, Bankrupt•Sale.price:.:., 15 ends French Flannels, in stripes and checks; ranging from Wgist' lengths • to 25 yard§ in each • piece, regular .Soc' values; Bankrupt Sale price .G4. ,.. .. .. .4... _. 02:.!. Prof.Io'ren*en 4,1 'Itft,iita ' '`. • —will be • Hotel Normandie, Thursday, Sept... 27, • with his celebrated Hair Ckoi+ds 514y1eA, Ladies' Wigs, S{Vltches (wavy or straight) Pompsdores;; Trenssk,rma-' tions, wavy and plain Fronts etc. LADIES—Call and sec how quickly and'cnsily, by means of onetof; his styles, be can transform your appearance. •Beauty, grace and . younger appearance are obtained, to • say nothing of the l:eir flclal.r; effect upon the health. Gentlemen who are Bald • • should not miss seeing his patent WIGS and TOUPEES. world re- nowned for their practical utility and durability; strong, instructure and so natural in appearance that they are beyond detection. The,' • give a younger and more pleasing affect to the face and• heat:1.a IVO Securely fastened, and no danger of their:comingoff. CONSULTATION FREE. . . OCOMEIEARLY..'.. The Dorennend Co., or Toronto, Limited' at— 1,03-105 Yange St. w.; ..: ,...... .l .. :lt ..... Remnants in Poultry Netting. a Bargain,to clear. Remnants Poultry Netting, a •' One 60011. second-hand d .Plat form Scale, cheap. A quantity of second = hand Sash and Doors, at your • own price. Wyandotte " Cleaner and Cleanser IS SCDIIBTIIING NEW--- It VE'W— It is a scientific cleaning and washing powder, specially designed to take the place of greasy soaps and burning Washing Sodas or Lye. It is easy to use and does not injure the hands. Try it. Only 25 cents for a five pound bag. iT F[aiiand Bros., STOVES and TiRR,DWAI2H. 1 1 1 SOW Births, Marriages, Deaths • BORN . PLAWRENCE —In Clinton on Sept.1st; to• and Mrs. S. Lawrence, a gill.; MCKENZIE.--In Winnipeg. on Sept. 8, to Mr,. and Mrs' L. 16. McKenzie (nee• Miss Lillian . An- . drew s , of Clinton,) a son ' • • MOTAVI8E In Turnboiry; oh Aug. 21st the wife of Mi John McTavish, a son.• . L• AIDLAW.—In Morris, on August 99th,,ta Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Laidlaw; a daughter. WAf2D,--1n Varna, on August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ward, a sop 141 l�. MASON—McBRICN,—At tho'residence of the Bride's parents, on Sept: 11, by Rev O. R, Gunne, rector of St,.Paule.church, Miss Vila May Mc- Allen,oldest daughter of Mr. W. MoBrien, to Mr, Tomak Edward Mason, both of the town- ship of Rullett.' LACIfIE,—JOBB. — At the residence of the bride's parents, on Sept, 5111, by Rev. T. S.Iioyle Mr, John Crossby Leckie, of Wingham, to Atiss Emily Bertha Jobb, daughter. of Mr and Mrs. Thomas L, Jobb, of Wingham ' MCGEE.— MENZrE8.,-. At the home 'of the bride's parents, Sept 5tb, by Rev. J.J. Hastie,Air' Root. McGee to Miss Lisaie Alensies,only daugh- ter of Mr and. Airs. John Menzies, both of East. Wawanosh,. „PRICE—GRAY—Mile residenceof. the bride's 0.R parents, 65athUret street, Toronto, on August 2 th s by Rev. E. Crummy, Harold W. Price, B.A. S0.,Sehoolof Practical science ,Toronto,toLilliCu Douglas, daughter of -Mr and Mrs. Wm. M. Orey,• formerly. of Seafosth: BLAOK—S13•EPPARD--At the church of Mary theVirt in, Toronto, on Sept- 1st, by Rev. Arch- deacon ffilI, uncle of the groom, assisted by Rev B.. Flare M.A. rector of the church, Mary Grace, daughter of Saxton T. Sheppard, Esq:,-Toronto,to Redmond Dolanlers Black,of the Dominion Bank Sea forth. LOVE—SHANNON—At Winthrop on Sept. 5th, Mr. George R. Love, to Miss.Martlla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shannon, of Winthrop. IREtiNER—TAYL011—AV the Volae of -the- bride's Parents, Taylor's Grove. on Sopt.5th, A[iss Pearl, daughter of Mr,and Mrs Robb, Taylor, 10 Mr, Morris Brenner,. of Grand•Iiond, TAYLOR. — CARTh;R. - At the -home of the bride's Leonard Taylor,f i ort Blake to Miss Rebecca Line, CartonI3ay., for'nerly teacher. of S. -S. No. 11, SIM tile • DIED GOOK --In Morris, on. Aug. 20th,`John Edward Cook, aged 77 Year» and 5 trronthe • iIi1G IT7l— G Tr1 Blyth, on September 4th, hlttril Clarence Normand; socond'son of Fredand etre. Iiaggitt. aged years. Al a stH8 , Wm I ishei', srt4`fa merry of aged 82 years.,; �. • RIGGINS.''-In hayfield, 00 Sunday, Aug. Eith. Francis Higgins, aged 72 years, HILL Ill Mullett on Sept, 10, the wife of Mr Joshua W. Frill, aged 67 years and 8 months. Clinton .a1arrket Report. ()tweeted every' Thursday afternoon wheat:... , :. 0 68 to 0 70 Oral 030to030 Barley .... , 0 40 to 0 42 Peas . ,0 68 to 0 70 'Eggs ......... 0 17 to 017 Butter 0 16 to 0 18 Roi100 to 6 Wool (washed) ..., ((1 27 to 0 27 Wool (unwashed) .. ,, . 0.18 to 0 18 Wanted. A reliable resident agent for Clinton And vicinity for Fall and Winter months, to sill Pratt Trees, Small Fruit. Bashes, Ornamental Trees, Flowering Shrubs, eta. Ali artpplies furnished • free.- Terms liber. al We c8 'd s ltgenoy one of the berias er.h` t best on our list sad . good money can be made' out of it. Agzntg illi Ihiavd aver 400 *area of ehole11 stook t r draw upoy. Every, th[•ag we ship is guaranteed, Apply for !nil particnlars, in writing or *Jerson, to dbuAVI iooeram BBuilding, Toronto, Ont. • Overcoats Boys'. Six only Boy's double-breasted blue Beaver Over. ,coats, brass buttons, ages 3 te) 7. years, regu- lar $3.25, for $2.50 Six only Boy's sable style and ages, better • $2,75 quality cloth, 'regular $3.56, for Nine.only Boy's .Norfolk style, in. -dark grey Cheviots, ages 3 to e' years, reg. $5.00, for.... '$3, 75'i Boy's Suits Five only' Boy's blue . mixed Tweed -Suits, ages 8 to i 2 yrs, regular $3,0o, 'for ' •Si:c :only . blue Serge' and fancy Worsted. Suits,. regular $5.00, for $3.75 Men's Overalls ' Men's Moleskin, -Duck and, 'heavy, Tweed Pants, all sizes,: reg. $1,00, Bankruptprice.... 75c 3EST• REStli[.TS • are secured by -a course oftialningin our, Well -known' 1bIe reliable institution, which oilers the newest and most -Wee- ' tine courses, and is the most :infineiltia1:. in securing positions: Our location, eduipirreilt and methods are of the best;' Students way enter; with equal advent - age, at any. time. WA -Wier catalogue BritishArncrican Business College 5MC.A]ictild?n ,Yonge iMcGi11 fits. Toronto -. WATSON . Rriucipal. TOROIairO 'AtAR1 l±'llSr. From the Sun, . • Iio.IIsEs —There is an acLive.demand Roy Wanted. SVitnted, good, strong .boy, 17 or 18 years 'of age, to' learn the .1J'leatrie Light 'buai= ness. 'Ap.aIy at ELEOx12I0 LIGHTi - ' Poilltr 3 ? 1V:tit ted. •' WANTED, dLL KINDS. OF ',Lyn. ! Yk POULTRY, tar which the .highest ze irket 1 price will tae pair., 041)at,llloli:OL li'S' U..BNE55 SHOP, Clinton, if Clinton• fv a. ©rator i APPLES WANTID.' 1* • 'file,Clinton l veporator is now oP en•and I' } prepare¢ tc receive any quantity of Apples. ,1ighest prices paid. TOWN. 4 CASE. . 1 particularly in anclasses of working for 'workers roue,* $75 and $80 up to $200 and $215.. In"one exception $250' • was paid far a very fine • .delivery horse, weighing about 1,3+50. The lower prices are fol ordinary work horses. • IGGEI. tVrn. navies Co, report no change in prices during the,. week 'Drovers pare stiil receiving $6.15 on board cars, which is equal to $6 to' the hog producer. Hogs," fed and water& on delivery in Toronto, bring $6.40, and, as .they come . off cars,' $6.63 is being paid. Sinter.—Sheep supplies are plentiful in Toronto,' but the quality is poorer. is , Lam � however,- er w v are good, Export ewes go 110111. $4 to §I.35,, bricks $;3 t $3.50, mixed 'sheep the same, and lambs 5,1-1c to li u. , C'.TTL16.�-'The autumn life at the Toronto Cattle Market is beginning to appear. Light heifers e fcrthe butchers are selling higher than the bigsteers. One.load. of fat heifers sold.for $.t,70, while a loact of fairly, good 1,100 ib. steers event at ',84.15. 'There are too many mixed cattle coining in, that is, loads carrying steers, heifers, and fat cows, so that pleb have to be made in- dividually, evhich takes time. If it buyer or feeder .could take a carload of uniform cattle; much increased val. nes ' would result. Some people are looking for.feeding heifers far the.' Christmas rnarket,, and same very nice ones were in to -day's Inarkat for $3.10. to $3.70, . Feeding steers are purchas- able at about $3,60. The big run has not mmenced as yet, but the• next, feweks will tell. Lindsay district is den ing in some ' good animals, at lower prices than they can be bought for near Toronto Hanning the Gentler. Running the gantlet as a military punishment was, it is said, originated by Gustavus. Adolphus to punish thieves in the army. , It was borrowed by the L+`nglish, frond the Germans, who copied it from • Gustavus, and being employed ill the British regi- ments ill America wasreadily take America n Op by the Indians of this Country. TE•LEGRA.piY. is the brat step towards positions pacing 85000 to 850,000 per annum in railway. "lege ser- vceo.ntho»,u icaynonbectudye a1de. °*NoA. TELEGRAPHYSGHOOL, 3 Gerard St ,11„ Toronto, The finest Sehool in Canada, Write for particulars, W. H. SHAW, . 'T. J:.JOHNSTON .. - j I'1t0sidellt. Principal. ' ° iftwasassammumg 25c Fancy Sateens at 15c 20c •Fancy. Sateens at 12 c 15c FancySateens at 10c Ladies' Slippers at :.. _ pp Cost Child � � � ' re>u s SIS ers: at cost . ply lastAfew season's Rain and • Shower Coats at Cost. orrell r Mites o d L � esbaro.. ****E********* * 9 • Your : Friends Want a Photograph of' t you. that will ll be to their liking; ikin g Our immense we talce'tlie kindyou both 'will �'�'se "'"how Pike.. Theystyle epends upon O ;F your selection; we will see that• you 1 y het lire best, Well posed and well finished. Commencing Sept. 1st,. I will be prepared to go out in the country. to take pictures of • outside groups of Dwellings, Barns, 'etc. Outside views on Post Cards a Specialty. The Gallery will be kept. open by my assistant during my' absence, Advantages of Cswe 1filtvellit*J . 1n the days of the cave titveller the English climate Was Very hot and the 4ve nese a cool retreat. , J. ROBERTS, 'Photo Artist,.. - Clinton. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ON T. A Psrrlouo Schochi This hsouhrcialieolonootbeConucSchsint Ino l Y nCe, Ottr C6 Urso s aro th ro ttp-t0-date, we give a la:laical training and assist ottr graduates to good Posi- tions; ft Is iinpossible for us to satisfy the demand made on us for ofllee holly. Those_ interested in their own Welfare hlrould write for tree eotalOgue. Elliott. McLachlan, Prinsipafs � MILLINERY Friday and. Saturday, Sept. 14th and l th. * To 1'IT1a'LADIES OF I3r Lill AND VICINtTv' : Yif • 1 invite you to the display 'of Milliner: on Friday and Saturday,. ' Sept.- 14th and th. • : Although our time for preparation has been short we have strained our efforts to • eehibit ` the lastest and most fashionable in the Millinery world. I will be.pleased to have you visit ourshow rooni on the above dates. Well»disposed yours, ' MISS E, 'HOOD, Milliner for Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth. On Prlday, Sept.l•lth, we will have an exhibition our Dress Goods and Mantles. lCharanta Dress Fabrics always ag lead. M'lotte:end 1)elescluse, best of French rrlakers. (xretlancl's Unspottable Plain Dress Goods. All our new Mantles, Canadian -and German, will be displayed foryour inspection. OEVEW5. PERSONW E [.COME. a oP T oN� � �rAI�hINI�� Saccossors to McKinnon , Co. , • During Plxhibition' Diiays, make this store your headquarters, • , t cl Leave your parcels, rugs, etc„ in our care. ** *** •