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The Clinton New Era, 1906-09-14, Page 4
owortmovemmomw Mlljli]@Y w . Opening ..............................:,.. Thursday Evening, Sept 20th and following days. ar NURSDAY evening, Sept. loth, and following days, Y , ' •we make our first display • of Fall Hats and cordially invite all the ladies. ° of Clinton and surrounding country to visit our. Ishow room, and inspect the new 'styles for the Fan ,• . and Winter season of 1906 and '(a7.. This season the Hats show a marked ,change. from Anything shown in former years—' Y g y being either very large or... very small. Two styles••. in particular, shown ex-, tensively, is t high 'crown sailor, made longer. at auk.theiback and the Pressed Hat, on the sailor order, -but with the brim curved up1 more on the left side. sale. "� Feathers, 'Wings, Ribbons and Flowers will worn in abundance in fact ► we. do u b ' tlf the Fiats ' be were ever prettier than they are this season, B�;'ll;;, We are trying hard togive o you. better values, than ever before, and, as for variety and style, we are sure out? dls flay will be equal to anything ' +i shown in the larger towns. g El THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH O •sic NEW DRESS GOODS, SILKS, • FALL . and WINTER COATS, RAIN CO'. ATS, SKIRTS, FURS OF ALL KINDS, UNDIE R'W.EAR,' HOSIERY, GLOVES, RJBBONS : t ., will also be on display Thursday ev'g at 8 o'clock Y a: greVriirrn THE CLINTON NEW ERS GRANOTIUNK SYS EM LOW HATE litesientxcursions Sept. 20..21.-22 Detroit .—$4 $5 Columbus. Port r t Haron„S 3v Dpyton .. Chicago .. , .10 65: Saginaw... Indianapolis 12 05 Cincinatti, GrandRaPids7 00 Bay City Cleveland via Buffalo and C. B ” Nickel Plate �� . Detroit aindL Shor D&C Steamers... Tickets valid returning until . r, G. 4411 If those hairline relatives or hien dtine in town or eon awor notify us of the feet a week we would annoanoe 1t in the Nttw tGRA. .$9 8'4 Mrs. 11.Hill is spending a fe v days: .10 4 1 in London this week. 00 42 15 non Farr this week, Boa 7 90 Mrs, Thos, Trick who has been visit. London "Wm. Wheatley is attending the Harvest Excursions t Northwest Sept. 5th. Winnineg and return, 535,00; alduronton turn, 8450,--.0tl;er points is eropolrti Secure tickets at G.T.R. '.crown and avoid delay at depot. F, R• ItoneENs,,;r Tow .Ag The limon e $ 05 ing atExeter, has returned to town, • `7 35 sop, areHvisit garb the homoer off flea Oot.8 Davis. M. Gorge Bas•, of 1lartford, Conn„ is spending a. few days with his sisters here. Miss Roggnrth, of Cronxarty, Was visiting her. aunt, Mrs. Chambers, last and re- week. on. Mr, Lucas, section foreman on this nice, .i part of the G.T.R., left last Friday on 1 e, trip to the west. eat. Gordon p has sna ei f wv,o Toronto. is rslatbeeiansin this vicinity.days w t Miss Viola Jackson, of Arena,' i spending a few weeks at the home o her friend, Mrs. John Rice. Miss Leitch, luno has been employe in Brandon Hospital, is visiting he cotiein, Miss. Petrie, of town, Mr, R.J. Richardson and sister Albi:' Miss na,. • of`StaE.Richardy, Vison,siteclthis weektheir •cousin, ' , Tuesdn�after Medd two wveek''sevisit with friends in Guelph and Toronto, hl vveretturned tocowand afteran Master bsence at Kincardine of several weeks. Miss Laura Ansley,one of the Model- ites,has been engaged as teacher of the Lower %Vingilam School for 1907. ' E. N. Lewis, XX., j'., was in town on Satt rday,calling on his supporters. Re valso•fayored isit. the NEW ERA with a brief Miss Ella McGrire,; graduate Of the 0.13.0,, Stratford, has accepted a posi- tion with the Poole Publishing Co., Toronto. CLINTON,, ONT., SEPT, 14, 1900 • ' The Dominion Golernment, deserves credit for its decision to.allowino liquor to be sold within twenty mileson either side of the Grand Trunk Pacific, while the work of.constrnction is going on. The• demand for Canadian cheese in the old country, and the. con_ 'Sequent high..price.,is said to .be due to Lite exposure of the methods and con- ditions in the United States meat pack-• ing centres. It is said that the bye -elections in North Renfrew and East Elgin will be held on the 4th of October, The Libe- rals think they can win Exist+lgin, but expect that Nox<th Renfrew willremain in opposition,'' as the Liberals are &crapping .among theineeives, The sale of the Penman Woollen Mills, at Paris, is an object lesson that should be taken to heart, Its original capitalization was. $700,000. but its pee: - Sent; one is $4,000,000. And a little While ago protectionists were cryi out that the woollen industry was • such a bed statethat it "required xno protection, . ,. 13e abs _ the All are welcome to come and. inspect:' -our Stock.'!s its r Two smart ' len. rt Apprentices- canted- foe -the --Milliner- - i p . � 3� departnie3itr-=.-i� `bttyd as a News Notes. Moser & Son disposed of their hard. ware business to McPherson Bros., of London, last week. A harvester's. excursion met with an accident•near Sudbury.on Wednesday, whereby 12persons were killed. None were front this locality. •, At the meeting of the West Wawa' nosh Fire Insurance ('q. _.11x1 _Toesday over one hundred applications for poli cies were received, Adjustment was' made on eight claims for loss -,-all caus- ed. by lightning. Reeve Taylor, of Morris, will seek re- election at the corning Municipal elec tion and will probably secure the seat by acclamation after havingfought it outlast January. The proability is the whole Conncil will go in without opposition, •i'tae 'Wadi. tawny... The historic walls of C'adiz,,ttre being pulled down. It bas long been the dream of the people of Cadiz to demol- ish these picturesque but useless walls to make room for factories and modern buildings. This dream is not without interest to the foreign traveler; since 'It s 1 includes the laying out of gardens and fl building of modern hotels. Ft is pi'b- posed to utilize the u,aterial obtained d in lengthening existing piers and re - r claiming )and from fire sea thus en - Dan Prior, of Clinton, finished the brick work of 'the •new ho�ise on Queen street on Tuesday of this• week -Blyth Standard, Mr. and Mrs. John. Rice and Master 'Lloyd returned home this week after. t� deltglrtful visit in Toronto, Bowman- Tllle aIle' Gtalt, - r and .lift John Govet left on Tues- day on a visit to their old home in *Mariposa,' ; they expect to be away a; couple of weeks. Mr..Eph Butt ,• and• his son AIfred left on kriday on a trip west,' taking with them a carload of elm lumber, waggon tongues, etc. In Mrs Jini1, of Clinton,•visited friends. re in A,shfieldlast .week. ' She returned last Monday, accompanied by' Morley, who has been rusticating at T. Blake's, Mr. C.O. Ranee left onTriesdayO,) a trip in the interests ' of .Lion Brand• Clothing and Black Cat Hosiery. He will coventhe territoryfar y as d east as 13 cause : the Customs .revenue has. aft doubled daring the last few years M•aiI-Empire is trying to convince eeciere that the burdeli.of.'tit;xation' doubled. The truth is that th,e le, rn: their prosperity, have been u g. -iia ore.-that;-':sverehef ore, Matter , of ' fact the taxation has reduced.: • H101N11N1111i 114111 Church Chimes s 4111/N11t+,11111N11fNla111 Rev Mr Bowbrick, Baptist rninist of Saskatchewan, oncnptied the pulp on Sunday evening. I -le is a preache of very marked ability.. The annual entertainment of th Modellites tea by the League has been a ringed for next Monday night, an the committees are preparing a ver attractive program. The Epworth League meetings which had been discontinued durin the hot summer months, were r snared this week, a .consecration se vice being held on Monday night Suggestions and plans were receive find discussed, for the hrightenin the meetings and the quickening of in terest and enthusiarn, and it is hope and expected that the next year wil see the society put on new power an energy, with a largely increased ine bership. hr P• WESLEY dropped o down tun . ameng th einci Un ` tat n; It , 5. hast '� n altitude de of 4oL 1 fent National > Th 1\ at r Ona Lpark Thei s a of ♦ s ttare miles --tile largest reservation l world. • Northward is' the ' Cascade mountain, 9,8`25 feet high. On another side is the Sulphur mountain, along the side of er which are the Hot Springs. ;Still sur- it 'rounding it ave the Tunnel and Rulndie An r mountains, the Latter of which is 9,665• 'expen feet high, h and e Rundle, one of our pioneer Indiane fmis- , whie sionarfes. A company . of us had a •I.ssOe dative 'cher u 'and n d around nd' p the face of one nt • of thethese.. . mountains, . 'to a great height, cent y Away up there we were in close prox• imity to neighboring peaks where: lay. torts snugly resting banks of. the beautiful good g snow. We much .enjoyed a visit to their e - been The ..siliest .thing that has appeared in'print for .soiree days, was the state' rnent of the Toronto News that Sir W; M Week Was likely to. become leader of the • Ontario Liberela It carried its absurdity on' ' y its fact' . and dt the wonder was that n a respectable . spectable paper would waste space publishing a patter so ah: soliztely improbable from "any, stand- point,' - exchange scores a point at the se•, of the Farmers' niers . Asso "' " ciattoii h recently metro Toronto. The r ' acro n passed .ar resolution ' tto n that railways, should give a:undform',2 a , mile irate, The exchange're- that the railways might, with a propriety, ask.that farmers sell butter and eggs at a uniform ome-roofed Cave," which is en i' tered by an .artificial tunnel. In con- Pbiee of Inc per. pound, t• ,neetion with .this are two large basins• or reservoirs of hot sulphurous o P argue water f bubbling up, One is over 90 degrees,Cam plaint . has been made by the - and in 'it ware cit number having d grand 'it ware excursion. that Methodists of St, Catharines district I Banff now for the Rockies, Vt a left. . the license la �k was poorly en- m- ff on Wednesday morning, and forced at Niagara Falls. We know of had a most heautifiiJ day, one of the a license inspector (not in Huron who for enjoying t he wonderful ) f1 ONTARIO ST. Miss Lucy Stevens, -one of the nio$t efficient teachers in the Sabbath school entertained her class,which has a niece- . bership of over 50 in the School Rooin,, last(Thursday) evening. Si' PAUL'S • ' Harvest thanksgiving services will be observed on Sept. 23, when Rev, Fr- E. PovvellMr. Gunnegoing to tar ntonof Grantoo, will , The lat- ter also expects to be away on the 7th of October, being booked for Windsor. SALVATION ARMY The Army will hold its annual har- vest festival from Sept. 22nd to 29th. • It is reported that Rev, ',Joseph E1- liott, of Godei•ich, will, re-enter the ac - Live work of the Presbyterian church, also beers reported for some time that he intended to enter the poi - Meal arena. e Lion in prospects Bruce will the be cllelayed for a while owing to the absence of theymay wevnt on rs in the harvest exctir3 ons.' I In ast Elgin and North Bruce the el, ectione will be held early in October. but the writs are not yet issued, finest' us , seen- n not knowing the rasp he .was tatkitig. ery. To pre, thewonder grows as I think of the courage and ' calved the on cars througho rain of • the 5(10 miles of waste and hue mountain trackless leadingfrom n anff to the coast.' On leaving Banff' we follow the Bow river, noticing particularly Pilot mountain, 9,650 feet high, the landmark of moun- tain trappers, and Castle mountain almost a perfect picture of an old castle; The. loftiest and grandest this Whole panorama is the great sun hound Temple mountain, 4.1,1120 f high. At Broadview divisional po eve were required to, move our watch back another hour,' from standard mountain time, and now at Lagf a another hour.'to• Pacific time, so th we are now three hours behind you Clinton. About 8 o'clock we reached the sutn- A Zeit of the Rocky Mountains, salt, 5,321, et. --the great divide -where the stream, divides into two, the waters of the One flowing to .the Paeif the Other to Hudson's Bay, °' and of And now we were Facing down on the other side with. the rushing, rag. ins, dashing Cataract. Creek. For miles. and miles the. line clings close to the nroun.l 'n -side, while we are racing along the very verge of a precipice hundreds of feet below, tvhere the trea,n looks like a mere rill.' I+'er a isrance the are in company with Kick - ,g Horse riyer, on full gallop. A tur- ulentriver, surely, andrightly named. s the coast was reached I felt like a yig that there is no need to leave own Dominion to g(aZe upon the ,oat romantic and charming scenery. X made no stop at Vaneouver, but astened on to V ictoriii, and Seattle, ons where I :am now' Writing), by ,rxt, and ani resting in the home of brother, Will, riulite contented (for e present) to remain intlie domifiions f uncle SAM, , ,i, Git,/tEetIt. Mr, Dane, a well«known res- ent of Howiek,. went tinder a seribns oration heaar' he is recently'. We nicely, y foresight and • p V. boasted that he dict' not those,w - to, ersouall • far•reache 'l insight of th intend to •enforce t idea. of rennin a t he law any in rigidly than he thought to be n more sary, And subsequenteve t • aces ranges, events zndfeated that he elM not think. enforcement of any kind necessary. The Toronto Globe has Shown its sp- in predation of the west and its iin ort- w- anP ante t 0 the east, st a'' by of ` n R tin a, epr `- e tes r g int dent editor at 'Winnipeg, who is to es keep the Globe's readers posted on all to matters of public interest from that at quarter, We have evondered in this has not been done before. It means 'a.heavy outlay that will be ap- preciated by,the.Globe's many readers in all parts of the Dominion. !s Westward Ito ! cl After returning from Edreicnton, 1 b spent a profitable Sunday at lied. Deer i s with my friend Farrell ; took three ' of serviees and was driven. twenty miles. „1 . They have a fine, intelligent•congreg;a. • tion in the town, and are much in love ! *tingle ordaineir d minis .who is still0 a . et: ib' ter, with x3120'0 Of . et: salary. On Monday we visited the Ill- ni dian Industrial Institute, some three-' thy sand a half ,piles out, on the banks of • o the Red Der river. From there I ' went on to the far -fa med'ta i rye r where Ise pp nt a night and a da ; I ryas well ; entertained at the Sanitarium hotel, id Situated in a most romantic and beau- opp tiful4pnt. The village seems to be pie The Local Option canlpai n is being pushed in Grey, Mi rrisland' Turnberry, With a view of sribmission to ratepayers. An operation was performed an DiL- vid Carson, lot i33, con, "t, Grey, for ap- pendicitis recently. ; he is making fav- orable progress, we are pleased to state, Miss Sadie Green of North Augusta, daughter of Mr. (leo. Green,Wingham, met with a heavy' loss last week.On Thursday, while Miss Green'�was in Toronto,the shop adjoining herslc,auglit lire, land the 'building was destroyed, Miss Green lost her entire stook of millinery and shop furniture. On Saturday morning Thos.Xlrydges' barn, near 1.3etgrave station, was total. ly dostroyedby fire when just conitnenc. in!1 to thresh. The cause of the fire is a mystery, as it was a calm morning, The e separator, owned b . Mr. S hoof eb . tom, , also 1 so ' burrleit, The whole seta•' son "s erop Was bunted and a; few imple- menta. Fortunately,. 'them was no Hs bad 8150stables a insurance, poultry., Mr. rArntx, Of Toronto, Who recently met with a serious accident, whereby he,lost anarm, has recovered frointhe 1 effects of his in; ury, and is; visiting' With his aunt,•Mrs; W, S. Harland Mrs.. Lettuce Lrivis, `o£ Goderich; ant Ther two chrldreu ,ai'e stopping ;it. the home of her'. father, .1i'. Thomas Shipley: ' •1VIr Lavas has not yet secured'.g a house, butis en thc'look-out for one. I David D0uier,whi, has been livings 1 at Cobalt, is home for the Winter.` 1 -Ie ' says' that while there iss plenty of min- eral; comparatively, few are making money. The conditions of life are very crude, and the weather • et c of d anon h g when he left to wear ' heavy Y whiter clothing. ..i. big vessels to load..atul r esii'go• alongside of "tglt tit•-rs• irl'iteacl of as, now by. means , of lighters in t1r:• .often rudiied.waters' of the advantage of this to the desired retic:ll all •Papers The assortment is complete, from 5o. a roll, up wards. ALL PAPER ,TRIMMED FREE, coo PER' of trade In Cadiz cannot be ovetcel- . N C I...l N T O " meted.aammiremseemeselet 1905 •tis 1904; s lir 1904;. killed on steam railroadsi 1905, 3,142; injured, 15,904; liked o eleetric acrd elevated' railroads, 4C injured, 2;0`22, •These .statisties, co leeted by the Chicago Tribune, aro In'oliicial, bat perhaps they are none th less trustworthy on that account. 1;1' murder and manslaughter' nine time as many. as the Germans, four tune 1 Some 'Dark Statisttev. ]s Go • umber of hurtzscrirles and <.e;ttli : as 9,x'1; as against h 4t�? glz that Prof. Dorenwend will be at the suicides, ,9,08`,' as.. against t1;',a11 Motel Normandie • on Thursday, Sept. 27th, with his celebrated $alt,' Goode It i styles, in Wigs, Switches of wavy and n straight hair, Pompadours, Tr'ansfor- 4 ; mations, etc, His goods are 'so well l- known that it is: 'hardly necessary to t- say .that they arethe finest produc- r'- free, so call tions in the nd world, e whaCtonsuhe cantt10 to "" wards in:proving your appearance, and making you look younger. The n by violencein the 'United States I nnng n Our lady readers should make note as many as the English, Scotch un . Welsh. America scents to be a 1111 careless, to put' it mildly. -Every body's Magazine, M„ r` Lord I►'elvirr'a Igncerc6nct. Lord kelvin has just celebrated his birthday. '.l'bough one of the must•. eminent .of the world's scientists, •Lori :kelvin .has' a modest view of bis own attainments. He once hacked ineoa•- nito through some electrical•works and asked a workman tbe simple' question, "What is electricity?" • "1 ain sure I don'tknow, sir," the roan replied, "Well, 'I don't tither,"'said Lord .Iie1-• vin. He said the other. day . that,. though be had studied hard. through . fifty years of ;experimental investtga tion, .he could ,not help feeling that lie really knew. no more than he knew, when be.ilrst.beg;an, .:. rte-:; , .Se To out` Farmer Friends V The season of auction sales will soon be on. The NBw ERA has every facil- ity for turning out sale bilis quickly . and neatly, and it is also an excellent medium in which to advertise, as it is a welcome weekly visitor to many homes, both in town and country, • An advertisement-- in .this.. paper brings results.. In the case of auction sales, an advertisement in the paper. is ereater benefit than sale bills. A wider field canthus be covered, and an advertisement' 16 more • Iikely to. be read .in a newspaper than when posted on fences or in .stores. If yon are going to.have a sale this fall, use the . NEw BEA to get a large .crowd of .prospective buyers together. office en a sale announcr printed at will be given under. the heading "Sale Regis- ter."- New Advertisements. s. i'Co5 derieiag 11Ilik. .,... The idea of condensing milk to Make dt keep better occurred first to a French • chemist:'named..A.npert in 182T.- Seven -fears lateirtbi m- etrio7 oflYa-D"b"1;•ii . �. the milk in rarefied 'air; to: prevent it from reaching the boiling ' point was first used.' Commercially the process, vias first exploited in the United States, where there are at present about fifty factories,' which: dispose or 200;00000: pounds of 'condensed milk a year, -val- ued at over '$12,000,000, In Switzer, land e i $ a company Om which P y kee r' 7 s 800'c ows and sells I6,000,000 bot- tles of condensed milk annually, Rev & •1l Ranton, the well known evangelist;: was 'in'. town for a short time .on Saturday, on his way to Londesboro,where he isholding servic• es:for three weeks: He has far more invitations for services than he .cs,n Possl bl fill and y , ihasevery night book- ed up to the New Year, g• loved H.0 han son t. . of , 3(i',H B' .Ch ant arrived home front Lake Abittfbi on Ttesday,' Ile had been •located• there. for the.. past eleven months,, liaving joint charge of a provision cancp in connection with the Grand Trunk Pic- ific survey. He says the land in that. vicinity is splendid for . farmin pos, He is not likely to go back.pur es Mr. J.J. Allen, of Ottaiva,formerlyof the firm of Allen & VYilson, Clinton, paid his old friends here a: visit on Fri - dry. out six years ago he bought a t drug business at the capital. He now has an interest in three or four other drug stores, which' hesecurecl by enter- Prise and push He's an expertae•. dv.r. user•, Mr. James Twitchell returned fra . his, trip to the west Coast . on Friday, He notices.. very great : rmprevetnerjt since he was there: five years ago, but thinks land values in town property very melt inflated. Re admits the west is the place for the progressive young man, but at the same time be- lieves it will never equal Ontario, • Gro_ _ee_lolt. , Ali t& , le L'rliLor" nf. Ilia Nero ,Lia Sm, Allow me to correct a statement in your issue ofa ust 17•' headed "Highly Creditable 'Record," , Iclo not. wish to detract in the least from the honor 'won by Master W. Taylor, who deserves every word of praise you neve him ; but itis hardly fair to theClinton Collegiate Institute to represent it 'as beginning to'take honors so late as .1900. Mr.Taylor was not our first hon- or winner at the Senior Teachers: exam- ination. Mr. J,51.Laird took honorsin both parts in 1902. , A sitnilar mistake with regard to Mt, Taylor was made in the N'kw ERA last yee,r when hetvias spoken -of-as the first who had taken honors here 'at the Junior Teachers' Examination. Alance at an old re, port tells nae that Agnes <;hidtcy and 1+',B,Hooper took honors in 1808 -eight years ago. Unfortuuately,the records Of the school before I became Principal have eat'oateintit n to gehors cannot examinations but I do know that our students have gained honor standing at University or Departtnentid examinations or loth very regularly since 1892, 1 think 1 can safely saythat our record for hon- ors and scholrships is unsurpassed, if net unequalled by that of any similar institute in the.Provifice, y1 . IIottslia T,'5f, ,, The ber•utiful home of Mr. and'Mrs, John Menzies S in East W awanosh was the scene on Wednesday at 'noun of It most interesting event, it beingg the occasion of the marriage of their��gg� ter, Miss Lizzie Menzies to Mr. Rohl. McGee, aprosperous young farmer of the same township, A Moi- and a Red Tie. • A ninth who appeared ppearecl. 'at a Public, school at Leipsie wearing a red tie ; was ordered by his: teachers to take it off. He refused to do s a ant- • la no- lie4man ' was . called, who confiscated 'then ande the youth , wa siindicted ct , ed tin.. der a law of .1840 for wearing republic- an colors, which were "calculated to offend loynai subjects and incite to a• breach of the peace." The judge or- dered.the prisoner's acquittal, bet cite - toned hire against. any .repetition of his. offense, -. Americans x0,000,000, 1Ve'n' panere, A bulletin recently made public at the .census bureau In Washington shows that 1%624;757 copies of daily • newspapers; or one for every fobr. per- sons, are turned .out each week day in the United d Sia fes On • Sund:zys the number printed is 11;539;521. The total amount charged for advertising; 1n 1905 was X145,531,811, The.. capital in-. vested in printing alai • publishing is $384,021;359.-13arprir's Weekly:. Rooms to :Bent:: hies ownetatr a . -thief atteettetir roams to rent, in, the Bones at present occupied by Mrst;,Wartbintor. Aptly to' MISS 'WORTHINGTON, . with Tozer e Bxown; Clinton; ' • 'Notice -lb Debtors..: All aodennts due the 'undersignedmust be settled f the .20th ` bore 2U1hc fSept,Sept 's h a e. ar owes e " 7 avis P town will be placed in Court for collection. f6unte H,' DAVIS, Clinton,: Rouse andLot tor Sale. For sale,. the comfortable frame house on the corner of : 'R ett enb urY a nd •Ra l a nSts,, at present 00 n tedby Mr. Geo. Rios. For particulars a apply Z to .1 W. G: DOHE1RTY, Clinton, Buyers MIIMPIMINMOSIllesne ShoutcJ,. Remember that. our stock of. Engagement �--AND--� Wedding Ring was never : larger or • more complete . than ' at the present • time. Call and' .see•for Yourself. a . , Iitt[YAft Jeweler and 0ptleiia.q. itarEyes Tested Free i Poultry Plant -to Beni. ; Household kffects. A quantity. of Furniture and other house- hold artiolee, including. 2 ' Coal stoves, is I offered for eels by private sale.: May be` seen after Monday17th inst.. - MRS. D. F. 1SIAcPHERSON, 1oseph Street, • Choke Land for sale. Subscriber ofisrs for sale the 20 acres the Bayfield Road,. Goderioh Tp., at pre. sent occupied by him, and known as the PMwe sf arm . Good frame r e h ons e stone ne cellar, barb 36x70, with cement wall 9 feet high;good bearing orchard, plenty of water. JAMBS SMITH, .Clinton. • House for Sale, A comfortable frame house on Min St',, containing 8 bedroome, sitting room, pan- try woodshed, good cellar, hard and eoft water. One-quarter acre lot, Will be sold cheap.. Apply at NEW . ERA. Office, or pll$ iIEVRY IOLLAND, Clinton. !Louse for Sale. Larne frame house on Wellington St., •Clinton, lately occupied icy F. C. Allcock. 7 rooms, and pantries, and woodshed, good stone cellar, Lel aor.e of land, herd and soft water.. A splendid chance for a person, wanting a' good house, Aplity to MISS ALLOOOK, OIfnton, (at. Mee, Mog• griogee) or Mrs. Ohidley's, Iseac St. . The Poultry plant at Holmesviile is offered to rent. House,stable, poultry.. house, feeding pen, incubator house, cola storage and ice house, incubators, brooders,: and feeding crates, alt in.flrst-class coati - tion. •. F. 0, EL I'ORD, Ste, Ann do Bellevue, Quebec, Assignee's • Notice to Creditors. IN.T1E MATTEit OE WALTER L., GAL, BRAITu,. an insolvent, • NOTICE is hereby elven that Walter L. Gal- braith, - 13rcarrying on imof einetestas� in the a 'the said Town•of Clinton hasmade an as,ign- rnent under R. 8, •O, 1807 Chapter 147, of all his estate credits and eifectsato kIolvilge Ja Ovcreii, 'of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wont= Worth for the general benefit of his creditors. OfHmeecreditors will be held at the c of tlltewburning of s84 Ambrose,. 28 James Street, South, in the said City of Hamilton, on Wednes- • • day tbo 14th day of September, 1006. at the hour. of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon to receive a state- ment of affairs, to appoint nt int ins onto orderingof the•aifairs•of the p generaili estat© genera the k gii ei aith the dp'ofs. and claimsat lars .' thereof required by the said Acton or before the day of such meeting. • And Notice is further given that after: the lst to distribute November, of the Assignee ebtor amongst the : • hurtles entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been re- coivod by Nina and be will not be liable for the • assrtgt or any part thereof so distributed to any • •poison or persons onto .shose claiimho shall not then have had natio. • Gated at Hamilton' September the 11th; 1006, MELVILLE J. ov7nun, MEWI11JiIN & AMI312OSE. Assignee. Sbiicitors for Assignee. , • ta. 8. Beaver. • a b N elslort kali FURNITURE We always aimed at makingthis the OH F - SPOT in old Huron Count Minto , y for Furniture, and mean to continue doing so as longin- Our as we are the business, prices will convince you that this is: true of Sterange to say, the lire a number people in the cot ry. wlio. do, not seem to understan, at I am on my own hook, so to en • ince them of the fact, 1 have ahoy • aerted nay photo. My shopis thr: • `doors north of the NVorn,and 1lotol, where there is its choice a stew : of Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Pa �. s, 'Over -coatings and black and blue' orsteds as found any place, Suits is made, toorder rd er,ons'o rt notice. b otttl 1(ind1e` y give us a •call, and inspect for yourself, R. A. DOWNS, Merchant Tailor, . • Clinton, A few Curtain "Garay ' r,. , a in, �Stretchers left. . OOVER ALL, Furniture and .tindertakin< . . r��t g, LJ @ , HONT. r