HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-09-14, Page 1latablfshee isse
actelenT.1101,14ES, enblfalier.
The Clinton New Era .goes into the Homes of the People and is Read by all Classes,
trade Eas
Spending has ever been an
easier raatter than saving -but
less wise. We offer exceptional
inducements .and facilities to
help you to ante,
$1.00 opens an ccount in
our savings department.
Interest paid 4 times a year.
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada
. Pet yeuregopey in a plane,
where you cep. .get, t..,Ichen:,
you watat it,., •
It T. RANCE, ' Manager'
-Jew Aiivoytto1.
Big Savers -W 5 R Holmes., page 1
Good Things -W 5 McConnell 1 -
Three Times -G Spotton ..1
On his own Hook -It A Downs.......4
Millinery Opening -J W Newcombe..4
Should Remember - W H Hellyar....4
4' House for Sale -H. Folland ... 4
, House for sale -Mrs Allcook 4
Notice to Debtors -H Davis '4
Land for sale -Jas Smith, 4
Rooms to rent -Miss Worthington.4
Excursion rates -F R Hocrgens.... ; 4
• House & lot for sale. -W G Doberty4
Assignee's notice -M Overall. .. 4
Poultry plant to rent -F Elford...".
Best results-eB A B 0' 5
Popular school -•C' B College.......,5
Coming- Dorenwend 5
Bankrupt Sale -Tozer & Brown .....,5
Remnants -Harland Bros 5
Immense show,Poplestone & Gardner5
Boys' Watch Club-Hodgens Bres8
Triple Opening-Hodgens Bros.. ..
Pears wanted-Cantelon Bros. , . , , a8
The Nnw ERA has a splendidI
staff of correspondents, to whom
it owes much of the interest that
is taken in the paper; but there
are a few localities in the district
which are not represented by a,
correspondent. --Any-persen--Who
would be willing to act as -cones-
/pondent in any of these unrepre'
sented localities is invited,sto s
write us, and we shall be glad to
ftirnish the fieceeeitryeenppliesi:--
.The Mers aisle hfclhod
" Teacher, Ida G. Holmes.
The Myers' Music Method, for child-
- ren, provides e thorough preparatory
course in the rudiments of music. The
lessons are conducted on Kindergarten
models, and include practical Piano
" teaching, making the study pleasant.
and interesting. •
Miss Holmes will resume her classes
• ss in town on Tuesday. Sept. 4th. For
-terms, etc., apply at residence, High
• Street.
. •
Apples VVarrted
HigheSt price paid.
as many students were enrolled at our
Opening this year as last year. The
cense is, that an our,gradnates receive.
excellent siruations in leading Canad-
ian and American cities..
.(Afetiated with Winqam Business ollege.)
is a live institution. It desthis,.
Catalogue for the asking.
When Seeing
• is Painful
if endv working,
awhile your eyes;
sting and burrs;
'ptimedi ate relief ilo
(obtain...d by out
perfectlY.. ad,ttested
Consultation rs•ett:
jeweler -and Optician.
1PStlq of Marriage LICSeS rt.
•ArnervEnsetre.-The anniversary of
the Methodist church vfill be held this
year on Oct, 14. on which day Rev. IV,
E. Kerr, of Ontario street elmreh,
Clinton, will conduct the services.
There will be noentertainment on
Monday evening, but the expenees of
the church will be met by a freewill
offering which willbe taken= Sunday,
Sooxsx.-On Tuesday evening a, soc-
ial was held at the Base LineBaptist
chosen, under the auspices of the Sun-
day school. The Salvation Army
band of Clinton furnished excellent
Ingiii0, and after the wants of the inner
man were amply aupplied, a splendid.
program was rendered an . the °lawn.
Addresses were delivered by the pas-
tor of the, ,Goderich Baptist church,
Mr. Raithby; a,ncl• the chairman, Rev.
iMr. Magee, Little Miss 'Cole favored
the audience with a couple of solos, as
alsosdid Mrs, Murrill, The receipt's of '
WO rrerlitig Were in the neighborheed
of $30.
None, -Mies May ileadle left for
.Detroit on Tuesday, to reside with her.
aunt, Mr, O. Rogers spent Labor Day
with friends in Clinton. Mips Ida
Naegel entertained a number of her
friends on Fridayeveningof last week.
Chas. Robertson s now attending bus-
iness collegein Goderich. Miss M.
Sclater was in Seaforth' at her home
over last Sunday and Monday. On
Tuesday evening Rev. W. S. Gamble,
of the Lord's Day Alliance, gave a very
interesting and profitable .address on
the champs Re the Sabbath from the
time of Adam) to Christ. The evapor-
• ator will begin operations for this seas-
on Monday of this week. Quite
a number from our village) visited•the
Western Fair at London, among the
nureber being W. T. Riddell and Dr.
Weir, The C. P. R. state that they
will have the rails on the new road as
far as Blyth by the 18th inst. ; that
being the case, we in Auburn should
S0012 hear the whistle of the Worn°.
tiye, as there is yery little grading left
to be Anne between here and Blyth.
Anniversary services were held in the
Donnybrook Methodist church on .Sun -
du,' conducted by a fOrnier neater of
the circuit, Rev, Mr. Swan, at present
in Hohnesville ; consequently. ,serviees
were withdrawn in the Methodist
Weeds here. The pulpit' of the Pres-
byterian church was ably filled on
Sunday evening by Mr. Wm. Raithby,
a brother of Jas. Raithby: Owing to
illness, Miss Maud Ferguson was home
for a few days, but returned to her
position in Clinton -on Monday,
' 'Poreera Hill
INTuTirsriSs- Nellie -McDonald re-
tuned to London on Tuesday, haring
spent a- month "visiting aroong her
friends; Misses Grace Terrance and
Gerileet TireDetigan retherted-wieltherse
to take • in the Fair. Maggie Oeit is
•spendbg at Spetngleank.
Quite a mollies** a7frestittehdingethea-Faire
at London this week, J. R. Elliott left
for Washington State on :Wednesday.
Mowatt apd. Roy McDougall left Lor
the Wept on Monday.
NoTES.-The engagement is an-
nouncedof Miss Laurel Cott quid, eld-
est daughter of the late W. Corboold,
Wingham, and Mr. E. L. Diekenson,
H. J. Lamb, engineer in charge pub -
lie works department, London, has
communicated with the Goderich town
comae% offering to lay and maintain
an electric light cable out along the
break*ates, provided the Municipality
wifl furnish the Power. The proposal
has been approved by the.council.
Rots Bmikea,".-Virhile driving home
from Bayfield Sunday evening, Mana-
ger Jas. Buchanan of Goderich Mining
Mill, and Dan. Harrison collided with
another rig, in a • narrow part of the
road, and were thrown into the steep
ditch. The horse svas killed instantly,
M. Buchanan fractured three .ribs,
and Mr. Harelson shaken up. They
returned to Bayfield, where Mr. Buch-
anan received medical attendance, and
procuring another horse, completed
the journey to Goderich.
Ard, construction superintendent of
the 0. P. R., referring to this new
branch, saea ; "Vire will have the line
completed ready for service as far as
Sanford, just over the siver from God-
erich,before winter sets in. •We are
working aWay• at the Goderich end,
but it has been a big jobgetting over
the river. The contract is let and the
work started on the 1.8nale branch
from Linwood, on the Guelph to God-
erich line, to Listowel. It will be fin-
ished this fall." •
wgeonso,-The wedding took place
in Knox church on Wednesday of Miss
Frances, youngest daughter of -Wris
Cox, Goderich, and Alfred Phillips,
Fergus Falls, Minn. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. A. Ander-
son'at 11.15, and Mr. and Mrs, Phillips
lefton the 2.50 train foe Toronto, Chi-
cago and Minneapolis. Misses Olive
Cox and Alma Sturdy, cousins of the
bride. were flower -girls, and her neph-
ew, Percy 13eatty, was page. Geotge
Lethbridge, St. Thomas, pla3red the
wedding march. The bride wore Brass
sets net, over cream satin, and went
away in natty blue corduroy velvet.
liesitwase Imenevner1eat4.--1VIana-
ger Meguigan, Suet. Brownlee, Train -
master Nixon, and several officials of
the G. T. R. arrived at Goderich on
Tuesday, and made a thorough inspec-
tion or the terminals, with a -.rimy to
Mak ing nunlerous improvements ren-
dered necessary by the growing trade
At this port. Additional sidings will
be put in at the wharf to Aceommodate
the trade of the new' grain elevator,
nesting completion. The present
freight sheds will be repleeed by more
commodious building& New sidings
will be placed in the upper yards, and
a, general system of remodelling car -
sled out.
Iresossorices.-M, A. Pigott & Co.
took attion against the Guelph & God-
erich PI. Co. and the Western Cantide
Flour Mills Co, and got an interim in-
junction from the Itoeal judge at God -
orlon to restrain the perforrnanee of
eertain week at,Goderich by the Flour
Mills Co, on the ground that it inter.
fered with them in the performance of
their +contract, I he matter mite no
before jaetice McMahon at. Toronto on
Fridays when application was made
to continue the injunction, His Lord-
ship Defused to do so, and dismissed
the application with ooets, on the
ground that it was not a fit ease for
an injunction.
The 110W gra gi no the home LOWS,
WOBIEWEI The day sot,
the regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute falls on Thursday,
Sept, 20th, which happens to be the
day after the date set for the 'Sewing
•Oirele of,the W. M.S. The Ladies, of
the Institute have decided. to dispense
with their regular meeting And join
forces with the Sewing! Circle on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 19th, at the home 9f Mrs
Mulholland. A 5p tea will be served
by the ladies of the W. M. S.
Pzerteran ACCIDENT.- Mr. Candp-
bell, who lives on the Huron road a
short distanee east from here, met
with a peculiar and painful accident
on Saturday. He had been takteg
honey from some bees, and angered
then% Shortly afterwards, while he
was working, the bees continued to
bother him, and Wang a dog which
was known to be hostile to the bees,
ho called it. The dog • made a spring
to catch a bee which was close to MA
Claulpheirs head, and happened to
catch Mr. Campbell by the upper Up,
making a painful wound.
Ittraaweer,-We are sorry to hear of •
the serious accident *bids happened
to Mr. Geo, Gould and his sister • on
Tuesd.ay night. As they were driving
home from Clinton, them young horse
took fright at some cows lying on tbe
road side and bolted, upsetting the
buggy, and pitching them both out,
Miss Gould alighting 311 her head and
face, cutting and bruising it badly. As
Geo. wss under the buggy and dregged
some distance,he was the more injured, '
having received many bruises and a
(Trained' ankle. • The narnees and
buggy were badly broken up. Miss
Gould displayed heroic nerve as she
pluckily assisted her. brother to walk
neut. eonsa.boue three miles, after the after.
Now:B.-The recent lawn social held
wider the auspices of the Levee,
netted a little over $60, Whibh was
Very geed. • Jas.; Ross left.on Tuesday
on a trip west ; he will probably go as
far as Edmonton, as he wants to find
out whet the Peace ceuntry is
like ; his wife and son will look after
the Creamery in his absence. Miss
Omaha Id. Levis is nisiting at London
and St., Thomas this week,. Mrs. Agnes
Cole and daughter Claire, cif Wayne;
Mich., are the guests of -IVIrs. William
Jenkins this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jost
Jervis attended the London Fair on
Tuesday and We inesday, Miss Sterl-
ing, of Clinton, is the guest of Iter stes
ter; Mrs, lertl, Rev. 3ones, of
the Auburn Citcult, took the !age-
eerviee in the 'Methodist' Church
last Sunday !flank) g and Mr.ltalohn es
In. the evening. .Doth SernlOils Were
eiug fairly Well pistrotiNset froth this
. • ' •
7----*•-sonslerIelti Township
WEDDXNG.--4Mr. John Bea,eoin and
!-Miea-Matnie.Pserdue,..botteof the Bay-.
field Mee, w ere Marne& on Wirdieeed!ays
last at the parsonage, Bayfield. Rev.
Steadman spoke the words *hien •
made thein mart and wife.
• SETTLE.") ATLAST -The longstanding
dispute between Colborne and Goder-
ich tcfwnships in connection with the-
Hohnesville bridge hill has been settlee.
Goderich township agreed to reduceits
claim against Colborne front ROO to $15
and the Colborne council voted to pay
the smaller amount. The settlement
should be fairly. satisfactory, to the
people ofboth townships, and tbe
dove of peace May again be permitted
to hover over the sister inenteipalitiee,
,Plussartaterioas -- Surprise parties
are generally a success, and ona held
last Friday night proved no exception
to the rule. The object of the party
was the presentation to Miss • Emma
Bitenett. by the congregation of St.
James' church, of a handsome bouquet
composed of flowers and dollar bills,as
a little token of good will and esteem
with which she Is regarded for the
capable and Whole hearted mariner in
which she has finfilled the ditties of
organist of that- church far .abont four
years. The beauty of the night was
fixity appreciated by some sixty people
who were present. !Supperwas served
on the lawn, and Music and games in
which both young aud old took part,
made the time pails so quickly that
when half past twelve cattle, all were
exceedingly . surprised, and returned
trovvieg that they had not opera such
an eiljOyable evening for it hong time.
laciaas.-Mr. Edward Marshall left
for Alberta on Friday. His son James
will look after the.interests of thefairn
in his absence. Miss Clara Cole, of
Wayne, Mich was the guest • of her
cousni, Miss Flossy Cole last week. Mr.
John Cooper had a slight stroke again
the other night, but we are pleased :to,
state be is improving. A large number
Young men have gone to different
points to pack apples,' and with. what
has gone to the West, it leaves this
tciwnship pretty scarce of young mar
for a time : some of the, young ladies
are looking sorb of blue over the•evept.
Mr. 'Will Jarrott and his mother, of
Hillsgieen, was visiting at Me. Peter
Cole's one day last week. • Mr and Mrs
John Green have returned from Mini-'
toba, after having spent a two month's
visit in thee province. Me, George
Cantelon's are enhaticing the appear-
ance of their residence by erecting a
neat verandah. Mr. and Mrs. John
Befieona bave -returned home from
theft honeyinooteand will settle on the
grooms Wen ; Wish this happy
couple many happy retuths of the day.
A. certain young man broke into Mr.
George Steeti's house tee his adjoining
keen ;Whatever his idea was of dobsg
such is very curious, as the house is
entirely Minty. Mrs. James Miller'of
the Bayfleld Linte,has'an atteek of ery-
sipelisi teing confined to her bed.' We
hope, however, it will not proveserious.
EBENIVEIt NOTES. -The following
from this vicinity attended Toronto
Exhibition last week D. Burns, W.
It. Lobb, O. Lowery, TV. Nesbitt, wife
and Miss Emma, Robt. Thompson, jr.,
accompanied by his sisters, Misses Bev
tie and Winnie. Mrs. W. H. Lobb is
visiting in London vicinity this week.
Misses Melee Laithwaite, of Goderich,
/end Sara Nesbitt, of the Hospital staff,
Clinton spent last week the guests of
area 0:Lowery. 1%1re. C. 13e1ts01n and
Mrs, 111, Jordan were celled to Clinton
last weels owing to the severe illness
of their mother, Mess Maiming.
' Ulrich
Fritts -The flee bank barn Of Joe.
Koehler's, one mile south of here, was
Initned to the ground Saturday twin-
ing, with the season's threshed grain,
hay, and straw,.. Implements and
stook cavorts The origin of fire is a
-mystery*, The toes is heavy, but the
property Was insured in the Bay Mut,
g nal CO, \
The New Era from now
till the pst Dec., 1906 ler
Twenty*tive e ents Mr*
quickly, if you want a bargam,
StinecHIPTION 14° imor Year, la isivar ea
t toa weee ace so rale.
NOTES. Mr. Albert Nott has gone
on a two weeks trip to New Cassie,
,Miss May Campbell attended the Lou-
den Fair this week. Mr, James Butler
of Johnstown, New York, is this week
visiting old acquaintances on the line
and Bayfield road ; he is the guest of
Mrs. J.J. thuneron. Mr., Edward Beds
ford visited the Industrial at Toronto
at the end of last week Mr. Alex.
Gilmour, Mr. John Moffat, wife and
family', attended the. Western Fair
this week, 'The filling of Silos is keep-
ing the farmers busy this week,
Smoot REPOR'r.-The following is
the ,Asigust monthly report for S. 8,
No. 14, Stanley, the names being in
order of Illerit : Fifth --Jean Grassi&
Etta. Arnett ; Fouetli-Rene tlfeBeettle
M. M. Fisher, J. IL Jones t Third -Oda
McBeath, J. W. Kehl, Hannali Dins -
dale S Sr. Second -Lola R.athwells Ar-
thur.JonesrWititer MoBeath ; Jr, Sec-
ond -Anna Rood, Ida RathwelI ; Sec-
ond Peet --Wattle goBeath, Allie
Murtrie ; First Part -Gladstone Mc-
Kay, Nelson Hood, The best spellers
in the imonshly spelling matches were:
'Fifth, Etta Jarrott ; Fourth, .A.ggie
Genitriell s, Third, Jett. W. Kehl ; Sr.
Second, Arthur Jones ; 'Jr. Sneed,
Anna Hood.
ACTROR OF NOTE. -- The following
coUipiiihentary notice from the Toron-
to News refers to a former resident of
this township "A new book on
Canada, historical, descriptive, and
with an account of the probable future
deyelopement of the Donainion,iti to be
prepared during the next few months
by armed the most successful present
day 'Canadian writers. Ginn & Com -
party, of New York and Boston, have
made an arrangement with MissAgnes
Lath,' whose historical work is recog.
nizeden both sides of the Atlantic, to
prepare a volume which will answer
the questions so often put by our
Americeteneighbors With regard to the
'origin, the present state and the dos -
tiny of Canada. The be.* is intended
to be adequate in its treatment of the
subject, and will contain in the neigh-
borhood of fonr hundred pages. Miss
Laet hae exceptional qualifications for
the Writing of such a volume. She is
the author of two well written and
widely read historical novels. She has
contributed many descriptive articles.
of a sueeriott quality te etentlard nage..
eines, and her ;York ns tt, newspaper
verlier also well known. Her chief
reDirLation, however, is At an historical writer on Canadian subjects, and in
this respect alone the proposed piece -ant
of Canada promises to he not only
readable, bet accurate and echolerly.
Agee beet 19 11 CanadianabY birth, the
'grand -deo -miter tsf-theeRev.Ilafeettegg,
Lt One time prilietted of Queen's Unv
versity. As an iridieation from one
pint of sieve of Miss Lent's suceess as
a popteeneetrewritete--iteis-iiiterestieg -t9
'mow. that Mrs. Humphry Ward.is the
.attly author on liarpet;'s poblishing
List who receives a higiseissrapr-cifsre-
NoTis.-Rev. Mr. Ratiton came to
_char& with Rev. Mr. Currie last Sun-
day, and took part-Trr the serviee ; he
vvill preach here next Sunday. Our
now teacher, Mie Somerville, is now
settled to his duties in the school. The
',Toronto visitors all report a big time
in the city.. This week a nurniser are
attending London' Fair. James Fair -
service, Miller Adams, • Elliott Spooner
and Riehard Mahone left on Wednes-
day for the Northwest.. Geo. Coates
and Richard Praetor are honk on a,
visit, from their sheep ranch in Idaho ;
they are. looking well, and speak in
high terms of that countrefas a healthy
place to live in ; sheep ranching ie a
money -making business,; Mr. and
Mrs. Hotham entertained A fouriber of
their friends last Wednesday evening.
A,few of the corn fnep have com-
menced filling silos. Campbell Suther-
land is engaged with Adam Scott in
packing apples. Mrs. Wm, Oka Eg-
mondvdle, wits it guest at Mr. McIn-
tosh's on Monday. John Mills' new
residence is nearly conapleted. Blyth
Fair next Wednesday ; nearly every-
one is talking of attending it, as usual.
Mrs. W. B. Cook his returned front
her visit to the Nokebwest. Miss Mag-
gie McDonald has returned home from
a pleasant visit with friends in Brus-
sels. IVIiss Myrtle • McLeod, Walton,
is the g.ueet of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. D.
Ilinchley at present. Mr. and Sark A.
Ethel, were recently. the guests
of 1,fr. and Mts. Thos. Pollard. Mrs:
Wm. Cole has returned home from a
lengthy visit svith . her sons at Ethel.
Mrs. J. D. Hinchley is visiting friends
in St Thomas: Miss McGrorte has re-
turned tta her home in 1Varwick town -
•ship,. accompanied by Miss Alma Jew-
itt, who expects to remain for a time.
1111-s. .11 S. Sutherland And sons, James
and Campbell, attended ,London Fair.
Thos. Adams has been fortunate in se -
ring the services of Levi Rands for a
ease Rcibt. Colclough has vented the
fifty -acre farm, lot 31, con, 6# Hullett,
•frotn AV. J. McBrien,:forgive years, at
Anatuntat vent al of $125,
DIAMOIIWoeWlitnIVDo.6-171ar."‘And Mrs.
Joseph Wilson, con. 7, celebrated the
sixtieth anniversary of theit wedding
on Monday. Sept. 8. The Affair was
held at the home of 'Mrs. Win, McAl-
lister, and was very pleasant. Both
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson are 111 coMpara-
tively good health ; theywere each
presented with a gold ring. They
'have Hired -forty-seven -pare on the
present homestead, having come to
Canada from Dumfrieshire fifty seven
yearS ago. Their family consists of
four sons and two daughters, all liV-
in$ ; theee are also seventeen grand-
ehildren and six great grandchildren,
Seaiorth •
DROPPEO IDEAB.--George WhitelY,
while preparing to sit down to break-
fast on Sunday morning, fell from his
chair, Oohing instantly, death beina.
duet() a spasm of the heart. Deceased
Was it well-known, horseman, and was
about sixtyayears or age He leaves a
widow, two sons and a daughter. •
Lecneesen hate &saltines -The Col-
legiate Institine booed came neat, los-
ing Miss Kirkwood. She was offered
$1,200 to go to Lindsay, int the -boned
hese increased lier Salary to $1,100, and
she will st*#__.ay.
Clinne14.-The Evangelical church
is arranging to have a Harvest Home
and Chltdren's Day program ott Sun.
dav evening', Sept, 23rd. A silver col-
lection will be taken at the door on
behalf of 11115131611$ ; all are invited to
CUoston.-Mr. A. T. Barnard, B.A.,
a third -year divinity student of queen's
University, who is paying11 Welt at
the manse, will preach at Burns and
Rime churches on Sunday. Mr. Bar -
nerd has been totally blind Blum he
WAS it Child.
ItuNs.wax -Wbat might have mov-
ed a very serious Accident, occurred
last week as Mr. Joseph Garrett was
on his way to Blyth to employ the ser-
vices of a veterieery, be having it sick
horse at home. One of the tuge broke,
musing the pony to take fright and be-
came, eeeenanagettble, upsetting the
buggy into tlae ditch,and throwing Mr.
Garrett out nn his head, rendering him
unconscious for some time. but other-
wise escaping with slight injuries. The
buggy and harness were quite badly
broken pp.
NOTES. -Miss Squire, of Engialid, is
on it visit to her brothe_a 114 Sguire,
of the Londeshoro' Mille. • enss
Whitely returned Tuesday evening
from ,Toronto, where she has spent a
couple Of weeks. Mem Maud Garrett
has returned homeafter vending a
few weeks with friends in Clinton.
A large crowd went from here Lo Lou-
don on Tuesday and on Thursday
mornings. Special sertrices are being
held in the Methodist church. John
Nott had the misfortune to have his
hand cut by a circular saw on Tuesdays
two fiegers of the left ' hand beteg
much injured, Thos. Sampson is , in
the Clinton hospital, having under-
gone an operation on Wednesday for
appendicitis. We had a very welcome
shower of .rain on Wednesday, and
would have been more pleased had it
betted as many hours as it did minutes.
Mr. Watson, shipped hogs from here
on Wednesday. Mr. Cantelon is gett-
ing apples to the station,
Looars OPTION.—At_it public meet-
ing held 13'. the Presbyterian church,
! Varna, On Monday evening, the 8rd
inst., at which representatives from
various parts of the township Of Stan-
ley were present, it was deeidnii to
start it vigorous oaertPaifin f04 pur-
pose of securing loct4 (recIOn for Stan-
ley. Cinema were 'then appointed for
the vari011S PQM* sub divisions of the
townthipg WO. Atolls started that
ere ireely signed. Mr. Cooper, Clin-
ton, delivered one of his dear. Coli -
liming addresses. IO is felt that with
gdadeearnest work, Stanley will also
be added to the bong list of zeunicipaa
hies that have adopted local option.
,iJppen •
Noans.-eMr. and Mts. McClymont
..agent &gement..Ye with their daughters
in London this N-v-ee-k7*-10Z-Wirr.- •
son spent a few days with her daugh-
ter in Goderich township _lest week.
Mr. Blake,. Mafeking, returned home
On Tuesday, aftera two weekevisit.
with hie daughter, Mrs, W. Jebh.
stmt.- Geasejek is -attending the
Clinton Model he will make a good
teacher. Jas. McDonald; Peter. Cam-
eron, Jas. Parsons, and, Mrs. Persons
mid da,eghter left for the west on Tues-
day morning. • All Were sorry' to hear
that our genial lumbeethan, Alex..Mc-
Beath, whohas beenstarting his new
rnill near North Bay the past two
menthe, had returned with typhoid
fever ; however, the crisis appears to
be passed, and his loamy friends will
rejoice to hear of his rapid recovery.
The Foresters' picnic in elk. afarrott's
woods on Labor Day was splendid
auceess ; excellent speeches were de-
livered by Mr. Ball, of London, and
Reve. J. Hatt and D. Urquhart'; Piper
McDonald, of Seaforth; gates some ei-
cellent music_ .
TYPI-JOII).-Tbesaw mills owned, by
Henry Monteith and Alex. MeBeath,
in New Ontario, are. now shift down
owing to the prevalence of typhoid
fever. Mr. MeBeath has returned to
his home in Stanley, and is ill with
the fever i Mr. Monteith isalso ill at
las home in New Ontario. A number
of the workmen are also down with
the fever. John , Gibson, who was
watchinan, and Who • also returned
home ill, is•now eble to be out.. It is
thought that impure water was the
cause of the fever. • .
Noaks.-Mr. Scott and wife and Mrs
Douglas returned home on Saturday
from attending Toronto Pair ; they
ittso visited in Hantilton and London.
Jas. Patterson and wife have returned
from a •• pleasant trip down the St.
Lawrence to Montreal. Miss Ida Tay-
lor, of Stanley, spent •Sunday as the
guest of Miss Elsie MeQueen. Mrs.
Rodgers is very ill in London hospital.
Miss Aggie Sewers has returned from
her visit to Scotland.
* Blythe
NOTES. -As usual; a large number of
both farmers and bueiness men took
in the Western Fair tbis week. Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Moser and • child ar-
rived borne on Monday evening from
Trenton, where Mrs,Moser wee visit-
when their little one took sick
with infantile paralysisof the legs ;
we are glad to say the little one is
very bright, and shows signs of itn-
prevenient. The trustees of the Meth-
odist church are having the parsonage
and church Painted, the work being
done by. Wm., Jackson. Mrs. S. Pop -
testate is ettendiog London rah end
visiting friends in Exeter. Banton
Bros. are rushing up their fine resi-
dence on Queen street, and it is a cred-
it to that locality. Mr. and.Mrs, Ater.
McKellar ere visiting friends in Strath.
roy this week,
NOTES. -The St, Peter's church Sun.
day Scheol picnie, Stromerhilt,whlcll
wits to have been held last Wednesday
has been postponed until further no,
DEATH OF Mlle. Ilmts-Universal
regret is felt at the death of Mrs. W.
Hill, which occiltaed on Monday morn-
ing. She had been ailing for some
tine, atid the event was not unex-
pected. She was a loving mother and
A good neighbor. She leavesdiesides
her sorrowing husband, a fatally of
four sons. .The funeral On Wednesday
was very largely attended.
Nogess. Mise Grace Webitert of
Rockford, M., is /tome on a ViSit kid
now. Mr. Wtn, Patterson left for the
West on Tuesday. Several from here
intend taking In the London Exhibi-
tion. Basket Ball is getting, to he
rtilit0 ft fashionable game in Walker,
bUrn cirOleit UtL %WO%
Disertason,-The adjourned caee
a.ga,iost Mr. Bobier, for alleged fraudu-
lent representations to the Davies
Packing 0o., came up before Police
Magistrate Humber in Goderich on
Monday, when judgment was given
completely exonerating Mr. Bottler
from the charge roadeagainst him. .
DEATI1.-Mr. jams Dealing, a forlre.
or resident of Exeter, died atTeeswater
on Tuesday, Sept. 11, front general de,
way, at the age of 70 years. The de-
ceased was born in Scotland, and at an
early age came to Oanada,first settling
hi Simcoe. He afterwarda Went to
Seaforth. and about 85 years ago came
to Exeter, where he followed his trade
as plasterer and lather. The remains
were brought to Exeter, end the funeral'
was held frcirn the residence of G.A.K.
McLeod, Wednesday 'afternoon.
• Hufltt `• ii-scrir.':Z•
s - •
' NOTES. -M; Make has removed all
the timbers of the McCool bridge, and
it is expected that the work of Oiling
in the approaahes will soon be com-
menced. G. Bruce is busy filling silos
this week. Notwithstanding- the dry
season, grim seems to be a good crop
this year. • •
ACOIDENT.,-4A. couple of weeks eines
while Mrs. P. J. Reynolds was stepping
into the buggy, the horse started, and
the buggy step caught her left leg and
grazed it from the ankle to the knee.
She dressed it, thinking it was no
more than it skin injury,but several
days litter it caused her intense pain,
and on consulting a, doctor she found
that the bone had been injured. For
several days she was unable to do any
work, but it is now getting better.
WEDDIrG.-A very pretty wedding
took place at the home of Mr. W. J.
McBriee, on Tuesday, Sept. llth,ithen
his eldest daughter, Miss Ella Mey,was
united irrmarriage to Ni', Thomas E
Mason, a prOSPerOnkt young farmer of
Rullett, ..Tht, event took place at high
noollt Bev. O. R. Gunne, rector of • St.
1-;'Aul'fi Church, Clinton, being the MIL-
ciatihg clergyman. The bride:dressed
In aprettily trimmed eream lustre suit,
and carrying a bouquet of white astors.
and easittleil hair ferP:1%ked eharrnirig
es she entered the noel leaning on the
arm of her father, and took her place
under a pretty evergreen arch beside
the groom. They were unattended,ex-
cept by thrbride's. little sister Amy,.
who. acted as ring bearer: The grooms
preseat to the bride was . it cresent of
pearls. The presents were numerous,
and of it serviceable and valuable na-
ture. After congratulatiOne, over-
guests Wended their Way to the diPing
robin. where they did justice' to an ez-
cee • in ; ly suraptotis dinnenafter which
the f if ar Party arftralesrofthesfrie
drove to Clinton, the happycouple.
leaving on the 4.25 train for Detroit
polnts. -
Noma --Igiii-Miire?"--07ritien RS
been spending the pest two weeks via-
ing friends at Stratford, Toronto and
ether places. Among those who at-
tended the Toronto Industrial last
week were A. Elcoat end family, W.
Nott, Geo: Dale, Mt. and Mrs. W.
coat, H. johns, Mi. • and IAIrs. E. Crich
F. Townsend 'and M. Wiltse, Miss
Ella johns left Monday to attend Tor-
onto Normal. Addison F. Johns Was
in Toronto a few days last week, and
else visited his old friends at alinesing.
Miss Margaret Holmes returned tome
last week, after spending three months
in Ireland, the land of her birth.
. • Baylield
CHURCIL-lt its expected thee Rev. •
Neilly, Of Dover Centre, Ont., will
occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church next Sabbatlemorning. 'In the
evening the. seryice will be taken by
Mrs. Hamilton, of Goderich, under
the auspices of the ,Women's Foreign
Missionary Society. A collection will .
be taken in aid of the •work of Foreign
Vayrus.-Rev. Mr. Davidson; Varna,
preached' in St. Andrew's church laSt
Sabbath. Dr. Stanbuey has just re-
turned 'from the medical convention
recently held at Toronto; he also took
in the Exhibition. A considerable
number from here visited .Toronto
Fair, A couple of young nien from
Goderich who visited here last Sunday
left.a dead horse by the road -side near
here. as it result of fast driving ; it is
said they, colltded with another horse,
proving quite disastrous to themselves,
they both being. thrown from the
buggy, receiving serious Injuries; such.
a pace of driving, in such hot weather,
is enough ,th kill a horse. without any
accident, but • it is very easy to meet
With an accident, when driving at such
a rate after dark. T. J. Marks left for
Toronto on Wednesday. Mado Whid-
cion is attending Gravenhurst Sanitar-
inm, to recover from decline of health,
W. Osmond has moved into his new
house on the south suburbs; S. Moore
and F. Getninhardt will start a brick
and tile yarcl next month. J Whid-
don's evaporator - is now relining day
and night, employing about thirty
'Bast Want:mash
NOTES. --M7. T. Noble, 5th line, pur-
chased two fine cows from John Mar-
wood, of Donnybrook last week. "Sits.
E Noble, Oth line.purehased a new tid-
ing Wove from A. Carter, of Myth, last
week. Robts McDowell and Robt.
Henry, of the Oth line, left for the
West on Tuesday, where they purpose
spending a couple of Months. West -
11014 people intend holding their anni-
versary services on the last Sunclay of
this month, and the following Monday
will hold their tea -meeting, which they
will spare no pains to make the meal
success. Dra,A MeDowell, son of Sohn
McDowell of 1,4stfield, was elated slid-
denly home here by the Illness of his
wife, who hat been visiting his pttrents
for the pest month. They lot for their
borne in Turner. W. States. Monday.
Sits. Attunes* has disposed of the fatal
on which he WAS vomiting, to John .1„
MitgOkl. MS0 his 50 acre farm adjoining
Thos. Bell's, to Me, Walter Scott. Mr.
Armour intends engaging in the egg
and butter business with his brother.
in Wirigharri, A' quiet wedding took
plaee on Wedttesdity itfternoon 01 11119
week at the residence of Mr, ded rlre.
Sas. Walsh, East Wayemosh. when
their youngeatdatighter Miss Mary A,
became the bride ot Mr:W. 3. MeMuts
ray, only son of Mr. Rat. McMurray,
of Morris.
Tho cw lihut siva the home nem.
Good Things
Every women likes to have things
good, end probably a tittle better than
her neighborWell, we can hien you,
by using our Imre Weasel and Sideee
doing uP Your Pickles and •Catsup.
We have everything you need, righkup
to the corking and sealing of the
bottles. •
Our 8akin4 Powder
will also assure you of nice. light Bis-
cuits. AMY rientititY you wish. If you
haven't tried It, will be Pleased to give
You a sample.
Our Baking ALIMLOILIO. and Flatmate
are the strongest and very best that can
be bought, and that Is what the good
gook neede to make her cooking a suc-
cess. No matter laow good the cook,
she requires the best of Materials to do
herself justice.
Try us for youi Baking Powder, Elev-
oring Extraots and Baking Ammonia.
We have the pure•Shell brand Cattle
Soap, at 25e for a large bar.
W. A. McConnell
Plain, B. '
Prescription Druggist,
C.P.R, TetiTgirisjrt Agency
• BIG' •$
can find just what they want
in °supplies, at our store.
.....* 0 -........ .
the kind that makes shaving a pleasure,
$1.90 up to $2.90.
We etaceereata otegetes shavings:op-
seater cake.
All the good kinds of Wenn Powders,
Toilet Waters and Perfumes: A de-
lightful assortment,
Shaving Brushes. Strom •, CdPs, etc, •
We boy the beta for ion.
w S. k flolffieS
s Two rinks of Clinton's creek hoWlers
Went to Hertsall onSaturday after:neou!
for a friendly game. Any one who
drisisitd-the nitmesorsthes-rinkb-s-vell '
see at once that they should beat any .
tvvo rinks in the.county. They thought
Hensall would be easy,' but their glory
has departed for the green players of
that village simply "put it all over
them,"4palding.'s r -ink being beaten
by 3 points and Hoover's by., 2. The
players were : , • '
att ' . Hoeireed
Wiseman Hunter
• Gibbings Dowding '
Spalding skip . Hoover, . skip
It is but just to say that 'the Hensall
lawn is not equal to what %Men has
been accustomed to playing on-sonee
of the boys say it was "Sitnply terriAg",
andHensall players were on to it. .
County Clippings.
Dr. Fowler and wife, of Wingheraa
have gone to California for the winter,
mid may remain there. ,
' Mr. Thoe. Dodds, o MeKiliop, left
last week ona, visit to the cddClounteys
He accompanied Mr. Alex Gardiner.
The father. of Miss 5; J. Williams
evangelist, well known to many New.
Era readers, died at Tottenhani on the
8rd. of September.
Mr. James Cowan, of McKillop, near
Seaforth, was awarded 3rd prize for
his two year old bull calf in thorough -
need Shorthorn class at the Toronto In-
dustriel Fair this week. ,
C,o1.Young' bought the Drysdale farm
on the Huron road, Goderich ton tiship
at the euction sale on Saturday, Sept.
1st, for $5.500. The farm consists of 180
acres. He has since sold it to George
J. Brindley, of Goderich township. •
brought a load of oats to Goderieh on
Tuesday, eoneisting of seventyeight
bags containing 200 bushels. The mar-
ket clerk says this is about the biggest
load he has eyes weighed. .
Anaction brought by Writratton,of
Goderich township, against Alex. Cox,
of the same township, was tried at the
September session of the Divisions -
Court,G. F. Blair appearing for the
plaintiff and Chas. Gaerow for the de.-:
fenda,nt. The action Wasfor damages
sustained to the plaintiff's buggy from
a cow which was grazing on the read
as Mr. Cox drove by:. judgment pies,
sisealeasseresewousee amine
Molsons Bank
' Incorporated 1855 ' •
Capital Paid up $3)000,000
. Reserve ..rund,* $3,000,000
Total Assets $30,000.000
by depositing in eur Savings
Bank. It does not require a large
aliment to begin with. We iSay
3 per eent interest on amounts of
$1 and upwards. Better begin
now-ile posit what you ean spare
• -add to it whenever possible.
We will welcome your aocoUnt,
large or 901:111..
A generiegtlanking husinees
oditt 'ANI) sRrtlS
tonouw. Cantos