HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 7Auguat 31, 1006
orwiro, 'work *T. whit/4 Pifintilfte /too
fetteasVIR He Oltitedneelt
OponsIng with+ salt Water is erten
retetentnee.Pded. ae. a tonic ter delicate
1000110. 4 poloul of goarmealt s die,.
ROIVed Iz tour gallons of water and
.44. body well sponged with the sehr.
Von, After drying brisk friction should
te applied over the whole surface. -
A vapor bath can be v.en by seat4
Ing the person in g cane bottom chair,
pinning a blanket around the neck end
/letting It fall to the groun4 on all sides. -
Under the blanket .place a large pen
two-thirds full of Wittig waterinto
this plunge hot betas, one •at ta time
(two or three will be enougb). Itt 0
short time the patient will be In a per-
spiration. Dry with warm towels nud
put her to bed. This Is effectual treat-
ment for a bad cold if th.e sufferer van
be kept warm the next day.
A. vapor bath can be given In 'bel
with the aid of a teakettle, n spirit
lamp and Iwo. chairs... Substitute...blan-
kets for the cotton sheets, then melte it
tent of the bedclotheseby raising thent
over the chairs, laid skieways• on the
bed, and introduce the spout of the tee- .
kettle under the tent. The kettle can
be kept 'boiling- by Inaeleg, al) e t ori
lamp under:teeth . •.
A bath should not be given inuneill-
ately after a full meal; but, it the
strength is "much reducee, .sciree neat
refreshment before it will belp the in,
valid to bear the fatigue with less. et:-
haustion. Baths are an active' Ilene:dial
agency, and for that reason can eaelly
be misapplied. They should never la
given in serious illness without the
sanction of the doter in charge of the
ease, and his directions shoula be asked
and followed In the ,maiter of teinierh
ature and duration.
A Dreaming Table Conven1enee.111.1314
of Tvro Handkerchiefs. •
From two caney handkerchiefs. about
thirteen iner,es square, a nice little
washable brush bag to lie oi; the (level-
ing table may be constructed. Fold iu
the middle of each a box pleit about
two inches.wide, and at both sides ;m-
other plait, so that the widthis re-
BRIIiiii BAG OE' H1ND5'ERC11112.19.
What is a Backache?
DISeatell 111 %mil ermine Cured awl
Ceseegneet Nu Slopped by Lydia S. Plak.
lum's VegeOle Compound.
"It seems as thou,gh, my back would
oreak." Women titter these words over
and over again, but eontinue to drag
along and suffer with aches in the smail
of the back, pain low down in the side,
"bearing -down" paine nervousness and
AO aralttion for any task.
lihert Mini?
They do not realize that the back ie
the manesprIng of, wontales organism,
ana quickly . indicates by aching a die.
eased condition of the •fetnale organs or
kidneys, and thatthe aches and pains
wiil continue until the. cause is removed.
Lydia E. Mukha:Ws Vegetable Com-
pound has been for newt, -years the one
and only effective retnedy in such cam!.
It speedily eures female orgy* and kid-
tey disorders and restores the female
• organs to athealthy condition.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"I suffered a long time villa...female
trouble, having intense pains in the back
and abdomen and very tack headaches every
monde 1 was tired and nervous all the
time and life looked very tireary to me and
I had no .desire to live,until I began to take
Lydia E. Pinkluiries Vegetable Compound
and toget.some relief. My recovery was
slow but it was sure, and I never regretted
the money spent for the Compoued. as it
brought me back to geed health. • •
"It seems to be. a medicineespecially
adapted to the ills of our sex and I am glad
to say a good word for it." -Mrs, Albert
Mann, .154 (Jere Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont.
No other person can give such.helpfut
advice to women who are -sick as can
Mrs. Pinkitam, daughter-in-law of. Lydia
E. Fudrhamt Her . address is Lynn,
Mass., and her advice free. • :
• . ' .. Ingersoll on.-NaPolieon,
A little while ago I stood by the grate'
of the great Napoleon -.-a magnafteent
•toneleeellailt, antieetee,eld,,ettelite. a te 1.4). tit kd
tit taZire 1.1y the force Ur his- genius.
4 .
I saw hilt upon the frightful field of
Waterloo, when chalice and, fate pont-
•blued to wreck, •the fortunes .of the
former king, and I saw. him . at $t.
Helena with his .hands crossed beninde
bun gaetug out at the sad and soletnet .
sea. .1 thought Of the. 'orplatue ' and.
widows he had Made,of .-t1 tears -that
had• been shed for his gy, and Of the --
only weinati. -Who nett et-er ' loved ltina ,
pushed from his heart by, the creel
hand of . ambition, and I. said I would ,
rather nave been a Peeach peasant'. and.
worn wOoden -shoes.' I ivould rather..
Lave beenebat peer peasant . with • in'
loving wife by iny Side, knitting as:the
dueed to about six inches. If you, pass day died out -in the'sklesi with my el:th-
an iron over the plaits ,they- will stay .. aren upon my knees end:1,110h' arms ,
in till you get the stitching done : t Mesta elle, I .would rather -have., been
Take each handkerchief separately t that man and gone dawn bathe tongue -
and stitch across the box plait only at less sileace of the dreamless dust than"
one end, about an inch from the edge. to beae been that hapartianimpersons
The end where this Is done is for the talon .of 'fcit•ce and murder. knoten ,as •
opening. Now lay the haudkerehiefs Napoleoe the. ettreat -Woman's Home
exactly over each other, right sides put.. Companion. ••• . •
Commence about two inches •from the • • • , , ',- • ••
°Peeing e9d and an inch or so within • enasein.g the 'Wolfe: • .
the edge and sew down the side across Medical experts are Calling the at- .
the plaited end and to a correspondihg "Whiten of the publie to the impurtance
point at the opposite side. Ayrange at perfornling the nose lilowineoperie;
your seam so as not to spoil the em- . tionia a scientific and hygienicmanner.
broldery or printed pattern. For in- :keret 'One .aostill and then the other
stance, it may run almost invisibly sbould be blown without undue .
along a row of hemstitching. 'Turn tlence. De/eters state that the two nasal..
back the top corners with a bow of passages. should neer be dosed et the
ribbon and add another " bow .at the eathe thne. If 'theY ato obeteucted, as
bottom of the bag. The opening spreads in the chse of a cold, the back .of. the
.• a little owing .to the outer plaits being .throat.' is . lilted with comPressed air,
„ left unstitehed.• thjs,.. together .with the disenargb.
and the mictobes white' it containS,
may be driVen' through the enstachial
Time Saving Kitchen utensils.
Among the many useful aud time tette feta. the middle ear and lead to.'
savineltitchen utensils that Cease the salmis remelts. A great authority oti
old fashioned housekeeper to, open her the sebjectused to forbid his Patients
eyes in amazement are olive stoners, to blow their noses .when • suffering
potato and orange peelers, pea shelters,
almond grinders, lee 'shavers and;
crushers, cheese toasters, core serap- "
ers. pineapple snips (for taking otit the- '
eieyes of pineapples, which every house-
keeper knows is a difficult process yeith:
an ordinary knife), flower scissors,
alarm bell egg boilers, salad oil drop-
pers (an arrangeroent for pouring oil
"in dressing drop •latt drop), clothes sprin-
klers, pie and cake lifters,- fruit jar
holders (for holding hot glass jars
when preserving), sapdwich cutters .
(these are for various fancy shapes),
etc. Toetliese• are added odorless stew-
ing pots and frying pans, which are
said to prevent turnips, cabbage _and
other vegetables from giving odors
while cooking; self wringing mops Old
knee rests for use when scrubbing
doors. -New York Post.
1 beard ft little urchin to a comradt
'Minot walking down 41- crowded city
Etreet the other day When the Liver
out of Otder
turn and say:
'ay, Chimmy, lerame youse Fe be
happy as a elam
Xf I Only was de feller dat me muddel
entice I atn,
"Meerinks I am a wonder, an' shc
knows; her Ilttle lad
Could never mix wit' nuttin" dat 'was
ugly, Mean, or bad.
Oh, -lots o' times I sit an t'ink how Wet
Itwould be, gee whiz!
If a feller wuz de feller dat his Initilciel
Vinks he is."
Me friend, be yours a life of toil et
undiluted Jay,
Ton still can learn a lesson from tna
small, anletterea boy.
Don't aim to be an earthly seine wit!.
..eyes axed on a star,
•lust try to be the fellow that yoet
, mother thinks you are.
-"The Brighter Day."
SixHandred Feet High It Was EXplote
• • ' ed by Governor of Its Name, t,
Lorne mountain is one of the gr1rhd-
'eSt of . the- Gatinean .1;TIevezeztiees, It I.
situated on. the Rust bank of the Gail-
neau River, one of the largest tributar-
ies et The Ottawa, and is juateaseeet
the river from the village eteascadei,
Que. The village is fourteen mihite.fnien
Ottawa by the Ottnatlian Pacille Rail-
way, The meunetintis six inmared feet
high, and from the '6rest of it. h Splen-
did view may be obtainee of Ottawa
and the Surrounding country. The 'lite
tle Church at Gatineau Peint is plainlY
seen, 'but the most noticeable object IS
the 'Mackenzie tower of the Parliament
Buildings, that seems to pierce the sit:.
like -a naked sword: The 'view towarci
the 'north is also very line, and on
clear dayrtinge of high hills creesing
the country inan east and west line
may be seen twenty miles away. To-
wards the west is Iiing'e lifenntain, one
of the highest peaks Of a chain extend-
ing .parallel with the Ottawa River as
„far. as • Lake Tema:laming-, • ,
When the Marquis,of Lorne, now the
Duke of Argyll, was Governor-Cteneral
• he and his retinue visited the -district.
His Excellency took a fancy to the
;Mountain, and. one day, with the help.oi
. a guide, they eeplored It. to the top
Hence the name Lorne 'Mountain. • 'ere
the residents of Cascades, who rise ear-
ly enough a, beautiful sight is visitac
every morning ef 'summer. The' mist
from the.river settles to bover the wholc
of, the mountale, and until dispelled he
the sun as a pretty. sight. If the Inlet
flows up stream the•peeple say that the
day will he fair, and 'if down they say
It will he gloomy, with rain. The shies
s. y '
.1s, therefore, as gootl weather
aOid 'robs, himself ,
• .. •
The Coppers Burnedk
.• A Otiuroli et lengland. parson, whr
has recently polite te ;greet?' from tilt
•West, where toppers ttre eak.nOwn, and
the. aye cept. piece Is the smallest otie
lurnents. t.he con -
tea Witth teetita' which he eneetintersli
.the. 'Eaet, .Re , .will sympathize with.
a Western ,.men, who (aecciretrig to The
Int -listen, Province), while visiting ee,,
ef.the FlaStern• cities, purchased a ne WS,
apaper.. • "He gave the
but was amazed .to -gee four eel/poi:et in
change, Not .being used to. •the feel ot
Copper he:4/-4d to dispose •oi , the, hal-
11; lite hie". buying a box of mateamitzement When oniy, one ilea
aitce bylemse, 747-
was. , e •
back. Still feeling perturbed ettecarree
suelt a commen Ming as copper
.around in hiS .pocket, ,the,...„Westerner
turned irt desperation to see what could
be done with the balance Of the matey,
when; to his joy, .he saw -a blind' man,
who was- Only- too glee to yelieve, htm
of: the. isurden.• What a .lot of funa
fellow 'eau have. 'down East for five
from a cold The course is hardly. one
which will cotemend ttself *to those in
the liebit of catching olds. • The best
calomel, cascara, Salts, strOlig liver pill*
and purging mineral 'waters won't do
any permanent good.
When a person is bilious, the
liver is not, giving up enough bile
to move the bowels regnlarly-and
I some of the bile is being absorbed
by the blood. In other words,
the liver is in a weakened, un -
healthy condition. •
Now, purgatives don't act on the live
at all. They merely irritate the bowels,
and afford only temporary relief. But
,FIVUIT-A-TIVES are the one
true LIVER TONIC. •• They apt
directly on the liver -strengthen
and invigorate this vital organ --
and, put it ia.'„a normal, healthy_
condition, - • ' .
. PRIJIT-A-TI'VV,S also stimulate the
glands of the titin-aud regulate the
kidneys and sweeten the sag/tech. When
skin, liver and kidneys are normally
'healthy, there Mu be no biliousness, no
constipation, 110 kidney trouble, no
impure bleed, no.areaaachea.
.• No ether medicine known to Seience-
is So 'reliable. and so effective • in cierinet
Biliousness as these fruit liver tablets. .
- FRUIT-e.-TIVTtS art.- 'fruit jelees
. with tonics .adclede-and are fret& front
•alcohol and 'deugerous (hags.' . •
-see: a box or 6 for teseeo. 'Sent -t •
• on receipt cf prim if your- .
druggist .. does not boodle .
. • Wanton.% Lays. .
• A boyused to crush the flowers to
get their color and painted the white
side or his father's . cottage in- Tyrol
with all sorts. of . pictures, whIch the
mountaineer gazed at as. wonderful.
Ile was the great ;tenet Titian.
An old painter Watched a little fellow
'Whe :amused lanself Making drawings
of his pot and bruihes, easel .and stool,
and said, "That boa will beat 'me
seine. day." So he did,. for he was.
;Welled Angelo.' .•
.• . A (femme boy was reading a blood
• duCt. thuniter navel. Bight in the midst
'of it lie.said toadmselfe . "Now this.,w4i
never . do, I get . too • unieli excited over
it. a:can't Study -so well after. it. So
heresgoes:". eelid he Ming the book out
into ate river. .110 WfiS Ifielito,tbogrent
• '• etas.
motatese; eta.. eo -
ItItis curiotte that mopkeys should be
tritelitaa. 1'5 *be infested with whet
uralisti; call the, Pulex fretted:4' Wed
what ordinorylteeple anew as, the flea..
...v..; every eoologist -aware,. monkeys
have neither fleas neleany other para.
F ti• wItateoever, itt Which • ot eouree
they • .410r vastly .trem
mutterer -le fact, wben inonkeys; b.agin
:•rte. pick each -other abont In the friend-
ly 'ivayhilVO • an observed they
merely detttell .of hardeued Reba-
edons Inntter which has been excreted
by the.glatitls, , and the flea. Idea is cue
• tireiy falmlovle.
• • Distinction' Abroad... •'
- The name ot Stillman Foster Knee- -
'land -ranks' well up le the 11tof Cana-
dians who hate Ni•bp -distinction in . othe
er lands. Mr. Kneeland was born at.
Quebec, May 17, 1845. He was educated
at. mogul University, and. rentoved to
New-Toek in .187e. in the ntv.il war
he served as .bligadler-general. and 'In
:1886 framed amdesectired the passage of •
an act abet -letting pereetnat imprison-
rnent for debt in. New' Yolk State. He
was a memner 9f the State Legislature
.in 1894. As a. ineinber of the law hrtri.
of Kneeland, Le retra and Glaze he fig-
ured as counsel to the IL IL. Clan Co.
and 'Union .Surety lee . Guarantee Co. He
is vice-president of , the department • ,ee
painting, Brooklyn Institute of Arts..atid
• Sciences. His publications • ieciede
Treatise on Commercial Law, Kneeland
aonemeelianics' Liens, Kneelana on Ate
tech -Anent s, and Sever/ • Centuries in the
Kneelatid FamilY. • •
Coughing and riming.
"People' In theaters," says a doctor,
"do not cough because they want to.
They cough because they cannot hen. '
Two nerves connect the tympanutu 12
the ear and the' back of the throat, with
tlipresu1t that If the ears are Vralued
through, say, an actor's faulty
elation it protliteeS irritation la the
throat, wheat sets up cougbleg."
Viva Ames -lent; ''heater.
The first American theater NVOS 011:11-
• eq. In 17.10 in the city of New York.
SatoMoto • ..
.• Soloman was vatted by the Ales of •
els thee the "White King," frxii the
color of the robes lie weed., The aliset,
stun made in the New 'Cie.:tan:cut to 1..ie.+ •
lily of the field, a white iluivet%\iii ven-
neetion :with lee/lemon, is thee =tie
all o'er iselet•delleate blue !lowers.. .
• • these
Stinnett:vs:a tAhreil. tten:n47t•-•
A.rmenittn. gielAhe day of their wale.
. • Tit a !Mreta Cent P;eee. •
pinstiSea , 1 1 3 1,, a' three 1'
pletT Nvils fuentell 0. proper ,equiv-
elent ter the three cent postage fitaUll%
'NOM t1ct gain') Was In 'use for let-
ters, • This vein \MS COinDOSOCI of 75
per eant of :diver and 25' per' tient of.
Copper is more elaelle than any other
metal except steel, more.soitorotat new
any other except stlumlnium, Milismore
(-Weill° and Inalleeble than ally ofhoe
except the pie:elves metals.
The oFrigio”
The "latiglo" collet wet•e struck in
NOW York and were eie •called from the
device employed- et) the reverse el • the..
coin, this ameug the .otlier things being
a' dial with the word "rugio" and lu-
peription "Mind Your Business."
Dngland and Wailer:.
Of fhl 58;324 Square mike; of England
and Wales 20,482 are under 250 -feat
in elevation above elle Hee, 10.365- are.
between' e60 mut 300 feet, 10,470. are
, between -500 awl 1.000 feet, 4,008 are
.betwega 1,00 'and .2;(000, 300 are. be.-
tween.'2,000 and .3,000 feet and 4 are
I more than 3,1300 feet. •
• • • - Iron- Mina..
51z81 for t, 1,
and 4home.
a MI 14
iNone genuine- 'Without thiv Magi.
in Our OPeellisEl. Were been at IC Maii7
Years end goieg to keep on longer. 1' or
duality of work and 'anomie of works ttd#1 •
Disk to lemon* throughout all CAW*
Construction is sample. elostpart. Orel%
with buraeaSefaruseNP tv.ivro*
makes a tine seed .a. Mgr' o "MOS,
No NecE Weight. aold or our 4.seawk
T. E. BISSELL cuonA Owr
[383 'Write ter Booklet. kkg.
ex,K. Koit•C'Ke,?K Kt3,K,-KdKi-c.K&K
ar.11011SANetil of Men are prisonerof dlogaeeve eeeereir
A as though they 'were confined 'behind, the bars. Many
Bare forged their own chatne by the vicee of early youth,
exposure to contagious disease, or the excesSes or leap:100d.
They feeithey are not the men they ought to be or usea to oe•
vin, vigor, and vitality of manhood are lacking. Are
you eereepaand despondent? tired in the it/or/dug? have you
toloce'Yourself through the day's work? have you little am-
bition and energy? are you Irritaltte and excitable? eyee
anutten, depressed and haggard looking? memory poor and
brain fagged? Itave 3•ott week hack with dreams and losses at
night? deposit in orlue? weak sexually 7 -you have
Nervous Debility and Seminal Weakness.
,t,4- Our NEW METHOD TMEATMENT is guaranteed to
# Coro or No Pay.. 45 years In Detroit. Estall
e Security. Beware of quacks-Cousult old estabildised,
" reliable _phySicians. Consultation Pres. nooks
Proc. .Write for Question Blank for noate Treatment.
atts toz=Lwit TREBT. DETROIT. MICE,.
ha %et hetsatetela seei meet'
CAGoing Jell for
g 11.11 UReturn
TED hi Manitoba`
gri95 stations south of, but not including mainline, Toronto to Sarnia,
int:hiding Toronto. .
• • •
SEPT.Main linetToronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of -
• ,Cardlitell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Sectioe.
SEPT. "0 From all points Toronto and east to and including Sliarbot Lake and
Kingston, and north of Toionto•und Cardwell Junction on North Bay
and Midland Divisions.
...no way second OASIS tickets wilt be so/el ' to WINNIPEG only.. '
. .
iteOreSellt .ttivo farmers, nppointed by Manitoba and Saskatehewae GoVernmente, will me4 -
taborer, on ens val at Winnipeg.:
• Free transesetatlen will be furni,hed •WinniPeg to points where laborers tire needed.
41 Writ ticAte hi fur3l1shed when each ticket is purchased,And this certificate, when executed
• by firmer. shoeing that taborer has worUed thirty days or more, will be honored from
thet, point for a wend class ticket back to ttartingeointin Ontario, at S18.00, prior to '
Nov, Tith. TP0a.
Tlee et s will be law led to vramon aswr,11 as to man.bn t not be issued at lialf fare to children.
'rickets are good orilr (It Opecial Farati.a.borerb' trains., •
. For ful Ix/tithe/1 ere see neare1tC1P.R: ticket agent, or
• write 0. B.. Foster. 0.. C . P. ft.„ Turoato.
The lirst Iron nal b I.11 O itt titis CO mom
try were Nunn:oral hsto shape at Cana
• 'holland TI; T. 1111711'••• •
' .
. The Trengab mil Ta,m44ii •
Peingent eud•aeldtastee are perceived
by: the tip of the. tenguefethe nlldldIe
. pottion.tatstee etveets and bitteesewlele
the back Or totterpartial'. concerns it-
self with fatty abstances, SuCli as but-
ter. •
• , • • The n ey ,
. ,
•The turkey 1S anAmericAn bird. Lu-
Ctillus and thit.Epieureans did, net know
.xtbauthlth. Ile Ns -a s found tu • his wiki
• state after Cultimbus' tithe/ About a
• bemired.. yeare after the discovery .ef
Amerreftlikolied xeutig turkeys bevame
• • great delletteles on the Vrencliman's
chints and intelteet. •
It doubtful whether a great chess
plaYer• is often, Sve ere ewe ne.. is ;not
of atecessity, to b,e regarded as a mau
of powerfni intellect. It has never
',Teen shown that the, greatest' masters
of the game were men with big brains
for 'anything. unt • chess.-Loodon, Sat-
urday Iteylew.•
' Eer Plea Vor Delay. .
'Will you no my wife; Sane?"
"Will you ask me:again, John?"
. • • . .
teBecause I'd like to leek round a
tie before 1: glee you. tbe direct answe
-Clevelaed Plain Dealer.
• ' -An rneittimed •
Tears ago the 'French government
offered 300,000 francs ($50,0e0) tO any
oixe WhO.wpilid give* a remedy fertile?.
phylloxera,. but the Prize • has never •
been aWerded, because no retnetly leas .
beeri disceaerect rt is etiey eriongb. to
kill the- pest with lt poh:onOns tipray,
but that .saine spray the grape
stone Blotters:
Atistrians ua se . stone blotting: wad.
that practically ueyer wears out. A
eet littleeactaplug with a knife...cleans.' it
effectually. " •
. " • .
For Hygienic- Rennisms. •
afistresSetWhy have you not swept
this morning? Servant -For hygienic
reaSons. Madame talks the dust suffi-
ciently with the train of her eitirt. 'We
• must give the microbes a little rest.-
Paris Armales: •
1. When. men are friends there' is ito
' need of justice, but when they are.illat .
they still 'need 'friendship.-tArtstotte..
' 1
advice -would seem to be that when it Is
A Difference In Disci l
Some Toronto yachtsmen had an
ject-lesson in the diffeienee between
tice'esSarY to blow the nose the blowing
Leaned be *fume gently.--Loridon
Too Lively- .
He Was a solemn Scotehman, With an
Italia -11Y solemn' and somewhat dowa-
trodden evife. The fact that they Were
'receiving an excellent price for their
"second pair front" from au American'
lodger did not blind thein to hee fail -
lags. „ . -
• "Dear me, •Mr. Maeleod," said the
lodger, one. .Sundity afternoon, when
an errand took her to the Nada where
the family sat, •"1 should think you
and yew' wife would be stifled sitting
indoore this hot ilitr with the whitlows
shut. If you'd just open one and 'get
For Tapering Fingers. some fieeli, air, I'msure it would do
Frenclawomen have ' al -ways .taken Mrs. :Macleod 'good; she looks pale."
,great pride In tapekng finger tips, and Mr. 11111eleoa looked at her With, his
to this Is probably due the invention usual stern and unbending gaZe.
Of little devices for training them In "We can hoe fresh air ony day," be
the way they should go. They are lit- • said calmly. "We've no need ' to hae
tie things,like steel thimbles, and are it rushing ;theca the house .on the Saw -
lined with soft felt. There are different , hath,,k •
are adjusted by pressing tl'iera to the Germany the Modern Rome. •
desired alze. The preeettre should not • Let the German people keep a lesson
be hard enough to cause any diseora- from, antiquity before their eyes. Onee
fort. Of course, Menai; are not at before an Englanu and a OPrinany of
once visible, but by continually Wear- ;to kale different elite:actor have con-
ing these little devices at night and ad fronted each other. They were Car -
often during the day as eonvenient thage and Inane. And old Rome with
even very tbick finger ends Ital be its policy of force and power finally
trained Into a much more tapering et- •conquered the eash polities of Carthage
feet. . ., i and raised itself to the position of the
first power upon earth. We have his-
torical exemple When We etty that the
German people must return from the
the Greed hInglielt llotneetyt Imitation of the nu -German Carthegin-
Tonessead invigorates the whole lan-tritish finance poliey and must7ge
nervouri nystem, 'Makes nevi
Blood in cod Iroinet Curet Nero' baelt to the Roman -German poliey of
4011143 Debtlity, Mental and Breda Worry, 1
pontlenella sexual Fireedowat nntigsions • 8P1 ean a really great Weitpolltik be pro-
and might. In no other way
ntatorreora, and Arcola of .alause or Bream molted in the hope perhaps of making
Pride Si Pet boX. ailrfOr$5. One WM1)160110.6
Will cure. 0 tall_ad„).8-1., dutstptitt ourseiVes Ultimately the loading pee -
Pan Pkt 613 re(Niarriallarejer07 4 tin the World,---Ilerlin Grentbeten.
emeteted ree. ,Tho
{formerly WaiditOr) TOrOttO, Opt,
sizes for the various fingers and these
• 1;
Wootra Phouphodino
' I •••
. caned fan and 'tatted States ideas tit • . •
the behavior 'of a: servant when, a •
yacht from. across, the lake came into • Diarrhoea., 'Dy-setetery,
pert '..the other evening. atavo mem-
bers' ef the Royal Canadian -Yacht Club
went out to- pay a call of Weleome on
the skipper of the visiting yacht, Greet-
ings were .exchanged,,' ;the then the
steward: Was callea to' deliyer some 11-
, quid refresfireents. When. be brought
the wet geode he was boelly thewing
.00 a big eittidaf tobacco. and to the
horror of the rs deliberately, epat
-hut a modtliful of • tobacco .juice upon
. the deck,'
"aolm," protested the Skipper ef the 1
yacht, "hew often- ,...eve I., told you that I
:you must • not do, 01,101 •
"Stiy, boss" , W t 110 MIAS`, "ain't 1
got a epitting iteterest in the beat "
Then the Canadians collapsed'
. • • 'rho Simple Facts.
"Chticlren," Paid the teacher, instroet-
Ing the class' -tleomp sition, "you
ehould not attempt any flightm of fancy,
but eimply . 'be yourselves arid , write
what is lit you. Do nok imitat.• any
otht,r person's writings er draw inspira-
tion front ontsIde sources."
Aft a yesult of this advice Tommy
'Mee OMNI nut the fon swing composa.
non. "Wh should not attempt any flights
ne fancy, but write what is le me In me
there is my stuneuick, lunge; Part, list-.
or, I WO 'PIPS, one piece of pie one
efick lemon candy,' and my dinner:Pe-
(lateen, Herald.
°AVE YOU A NOSS'? or are yeti fade.
sdcntl lf you Are Making moneyfor sonic One
lie, quit alai make money tor yourself. aet out
Isitiveryencibe free. itrite G. Magmata et
W,/,ondon. They will show you the way, They
eve started thousands on the road to freedom,
„.bren donate a day, every day in the year, isbe-
Ina made *gullies usoir goods., Write DOW.
Tittte is inentey.
Stomach Cramps
and all
ti Summer Complaints
• FiNie Ctindle,m. '
. In Alaska is found a kladef fish that
makes. a capital enndle.When It is dried.
The tail of the fish Is stuck into a Crack
ofa wooden 'table to hold it upright
and its nose is lighted. It gives a good,
steady; light of three candlepower and
conelderable heel' and'will bum for
abota three hours.
Are you One. of the crowd to the 1.4os
„ Store.? Everybody is row telking
of the beautiful designs of . •
Dont eXperiment with new and
niatrled remedies, but proem.° that
Whieh has stood the test of time.
Dr. Fowler's has stood the test' for do
years, and has never failed to give satis-
faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual
le its action and does not leave the bowels
constipated. Rtsust ALL Sesstrroptia,
TnEv'ss Dattoratous.
Mas. Intentsese Luse, Ayinite out., wheat at
have used Da Fowleitintotiot of Wild Steamboat,
for Diarthoee fax several yearn past 30,4 1 and 1t ti
thd emir medkid• which brined relief In en shed*
Wail" Paper
we -have in stock, And prices to suit th
purchaser. We also catty a stock o
:Window Shades, Curtair
4. Poles, Cottage Rods,
ROOM Mouldings,
Floor and Furniture,Var-
. • nish, etc.,.
of all deScriptions, which ere sold, at
mites never known before to the
-Paintihg an d Paper Hangfng clone.
Estimates tarnished on Job work.
Salith's Wall Pape! Siore
1.13,-,Sign Painting done. All' Pape
trimmed FREE.
Ender? wane
Now that harvest is nearly
her you will be :needing Bin-
der Twine, we can supply you.
Sailed Hay
C 1 rpe ri. trig
are two systems which you parmot afford to omit from -
your businee: education. In Ooze days, when everything
must be Onne neenrately and rapidly, the system.used
must be the b, et and quickest.
Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, easy to .wriee,and
eaEr 1,0 lead alter it is written. .
• Olir caielogne will tell you all about the system, and
is free for the asking. •
School term:. S'eptember 1.111 June, inclusive.
'Forest City Business College
1. it. Mee, •Y. M. C. A. Building,
Founder Ciego System. LONDON.
Our stook of higlaart .Pliteos if lates
ease degigns, and Containing lines
stetions purchatethlefoe motley, See
our very latest 'Sty lee of sw eet-
toned 'organs,. ttt low ptices. Instrft.
tnentS rented, tuned or repaired.
Uliamophones and music in variety a
(*). ilOARE'S •
USU P4)11 11.;
Steamers leave Hamilton 4.30 eat.
Toronto at 4.30 p In. Tuesdays and
Thursdays, and Saturdays, for Bay
of 'Quante porte, 1000 Inland*,
*entree), aiid Intermediate points.
Toronto and Montreal Line.
Conuneneing ;tune 2, steamers leave
Toronto 3.30 pan. Daily except Sun-
days, front anly lst. Deily for Rocha
eater, 1000 Wends, Rapids!) St)
Lawrence. Montreal and inter,
inedlitte points.
8totz.1-tcli4, applen6s, xor
ivrite tu
Western Passenger Agent. Toronto
Anchor Here.
'this is the liort for Iligli-class
Confectionery, and Fancy Baking.
Hate you tried our Cakes. and
Bread, if not why not?
We carry a, choice line of fruits,, 1.4
and our chocolates have no equal, .
we , handle GANONG BROS' , of New
Brunswick, and HARRY 'WEBB'S, -
Tevonto; we beat them all in fancy
box goods.
While out strolling don't forget •
to visit our Ice Creatn Parlor. we
are always pleased to see and wait on
yon. Parlor open from 7.80 toll tern.
• NV.W. Nirnens,
Phone 42 'Clinton.
Theta:110101M School
And General Training for
Railway Service,
1 thrsisee hone ItultisetphrOdy°edf tan sgtrl'euactast ceatids°.P tea. 1133"
thPerneptiolaregaratiretieetilstthee4schnosretes. t possible ties
itmeloyment provided at one°. Write for a
free pamphlet which. Will give fall information,
Wheal room in Gordon Blorsk, Om:Matte Poe
°Meet -the moetdestrable locatiosi irix the city
InsPectIon pf elassesoet:workteorardtfordiadyi:0vitt
Principal andrItistructoi, formerly
District Simerintendent (.34T. n. .
. Apri120th 06-07.
,Adve!tlse In the IVE.W ERA